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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy

"Even though I may not win, I certainly will not give up. I cannot be throw out there on my own."

0 · 2,155 views · located in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

a character in “The Cursed Children”, as played by Sunflower



║ F U L L N A M E ║
Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.

║ N I C K N A M E S ║
Scorpius doesn't really like having nicknames. He finds them a little disgusting since people usually give them to you whenever they forget your name. And don't even try to give him one because he will not answer to it.

║ D A T E O F B I R T H ║
December 8, 2005; 12/8/05.

║ A G E ║

║ Z O D I A C S I G N ║

║ N A T I O N A L I T Y ║

║ E T H N I C I T Y ║

║ G E N D E R ║

║ S E X U A L I T Y ║

║ S P E C I E S ║
Human. Wizard.


║ H E I G H T ║
6'1. 185.

║ W E I G H T ║
171. 78.

║ B O D Y B U I L T ║
Tall and lanky.

║ S K I N T O N E ║

║ D I S T I N G U I S H I N G M A R K S ║
Scorpius skin is actually clear from any blemish and scarring. Though he has Slytherin's symbol tattooed on his upper right arm.

║ E Y E C O L O Rr ║
Grey Blue.

║ H A I R C O L O R ║
Platinum Blonde.

║ O V E R A L L A P P E A R A N C E ║
Scorpius looks are to die for and he has a smile that can kill but he does have sort of a resting bitch face, at times. Along with this, he has piercing grey blue eyes that will stare into the pit of your soul. Most people think that Scorpius resembles his father much more than his mother because of the fact that he has haughty good looks and sharp features just like him. He stands about six foot one and weighs about one hundred and seventy-one pounds with a tall and lanky frame. His skin complexion is very pale much like his father's, too. Even though he has remarkable skin that is blemish and scar free, he does have a tattoo upon his upper right arm that is of the Slytherin house symbol.


║ B L O O D S T A T U S ║
Pure Blood.

║ Y E A R A T H O G W A R T S ║

║ O C C U P A T I O N ║

║ H O U S E ║

║ W A N D ║
Scorpius has a wand that almost resembles his father's first wand. His wand is ten inches long, with a unicorn hair core and made from Birch wood.

║ O T H E R E Q U I P M E N T ║
Draco, his father, passed down the time turner to him that was passed down to him by Lucius, Draco's father.

║ Q U I D D I T C H ║
Even though his father played, Scorpius doesn't play the sport. Though, he attends every game and is an avid fan.

║ C L U B S ║
He is a part of the Astronomy and Potions Club.

║ S P E C I A L ║
None though his father wants him to be a head boy.

║ P E T S ║
Eagle Owl named Bubba. Don't ask about the name.

║ P A T R O N U S ║
Scorpius doesn't have a patronus.

║ B O G G A R T ║
Voldemort coming back.

║ O.W.L.'S ║
Hasn't taken them yet.


║ L I K E S ║
Scorpius is an avid reader and loves just about all kinds of books. He likes to make frequent visits to the library and just sit there and read all day long. He absolutely loves Astrology, studying it and being apart of the club. Scorpius likes to look up at the stars at night and babble on and on about certain constellations. Despite his grandparents wishes, Scorpius actually likes Muggle born wizards and is friends with most of them. He also like the person his father has become over the years and his change in persona has made him very happy.

║ D I S L I K E S ║
Scorpius strongly dislikes Care for Magical Creatures because of animals being so unpredictable. He also hates Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts because he cannot fully understand the concepts of those subjects but studies hard enough to get a better grasp on them. Bullies is also one of the things that Scorpius cannot stand. Yes, his father use to be one but he still doesn't like them.

║ F E A R S ║
Even though it might seem ironically silly or stupid, Scorpius has a fear of snakes because of the fact his father got him one for his fourth birthday but wrapped the box up and when he opened it, the snake popped out and frightened him. Failure is something that Scorpius doesn't want to do. He really doesn't want to let down his father. Darkness is also something that Scorpius fears due to something that happened in his life at Hogwarts. Luckily, his mother taught him the ball of light spell.

║ S E C R E T S ║
Growing up, Scorpius wanted to be like his grandfather. He wanted people to fear him because of his money and see his name in the history books. And though his thoughts have changed about his father, he really wanted nothing to do with his father, Draco, after he told him everything that he had done in his life.

║ Q U I R K S & H A B I T S ║
Scorpius likes to constantly lick his lips. He doesn't know why but whenever he is nervous, he'll lick them on instinct. When he is bored, he tap his fingers on hard surfaces that is placed before him. Though he doesn't curse around his parents or any other adults, he has a favorite curse word to use and it is damn. Scorpius has the inability to grow a mustache, too. Even though he hates to be outside during storms, Scorpius loves the sound and smell of rain. Also, he has a strange obsession to strawberry jam.

║ S T R E N G T H S & T A L E N T S & S K I L L S ║
Back when his mother owned her bakery, he frequently visit there and learned how to cook and bake, something he is exceptionally good at. Even though he cannot hit the high notes that well, Scorpius can sing a little bit though hides from most people. He often likes to sing in the shower though. His father taught him how to fly at an early age so he is an exceptional flyer, as well. Scorpius has been taught how to duel by his father and even became so good that he had beat him a few times already. Since his father picked up Alchemy as a hobby and Scorpius loves anything scientific, he picked up on a few things from that, too.

║ F L A W S & W E A K N E S S E S ║
Scorpius has a hard time keeping his emotions contained within himself. He'll show what he is feeling through whatever situation he is going through. He is sort of an impatient person, too. Scorpius isn't spontaneous as most people might think of him to be. He likes to be better prepared when doing certain things.

║ P E R S O N A L I T Y ║
Scorpius has many traits that can be used to describe his dominant personality. Scorpius is a very brave person and will risk whatever consequences he has to face in order to save someone else. He doesn't like to define himself as a hero but just like to do what's right by others especially his friends and those close to him. Scorpius is also an intelligent person but that comes from being locked away at a young age and having his head in the books instead of playing with the other children. He gained much knowledge about every certain aspect upon the wizarding world and people that made a big impact within his father's time at Hogwarts. Gaining this knowledge made Scorpius a very understanding person at a very young age and till this day, he still is understanding. He'll sit there and listen to someone vent and rant about whatever they need to get off of their chest. He is only fifteen and has already did it multiple times, mostly with his father though.

Even though Scorpius is all of those traits, he still feels as if he is lonely at Hogwarts, well in general, honestly. He hates feeling that way but cannot help since he has a slight disorder of depression, as well. His depression causes him to be insecure and sometimes a social outcast. Scorpius strongly dislikes the negative aspect of his personality. He tries his best not to have people worry too much about him and his well-being. But whenever Scorpius wants something, he becomes very persistent and definitely intends to get it by any means necessary. Scorpius is also a little competitive when it comes to certain subjects and among other aspects. He may not come out on top sometimes but he'll make sure that he comes out on top the next time. Overall, many people may describe Scorpius to be a nerd or a geek but he is still a loner, as well.

║ F A M I L Y ║
Draco Malfoy | Biological Father | Alive
Astoria Malfoy nÊe Greengrass | Biological Mother | Deceased
Lucius Malfoy | Grandfather | Alive
Narcissa Malfoy nÊe Black | Grandmother | Alive

║ H I S T O R Y ║
Scorpius was born on December 8, 2005 in Great Britain and is the only child of his father, Draco and his mother, Astoria. He grew up in the Malfoy Manor, of course but was also kept within solitude. Even though Scorpius had almost anything and everything that he wanted, he did want to go outside, play and have a normal childhood but his father prevented that from happening. It caused Scorpius to be a little sad as he was around his parents day and night, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing but he wanted to be around people his age, every once in a while. While being raised within the manor in England, he wasn't raised up on traditional pure blood lifestyle. His father actually taught him to love just about everyone around him including muggles and wizards that aren't pure bloods. Scorpius really tolerates people that are not pure blooded and doesn't necessarily hate them like other people.

When the time came for him to receive his acceptance letter to Hogwarts, Draco and Astoria, his parents, wasted no time to get him his supplies and go with him to board the train. Scorpius was a little nervous about attending Hogwarts as he will be around people his age and older. Once at Hogwarts and after being sorted into the Slytherin house, he became a little bit more social but not because he wanted to but people actually talked to him and got to know him. Scorpius was still sort of a social outcast though.

During his time at Hogwarts, people slowly saw a slight change in him. He became a lot more sociable towards people that he really knew though was shy to talk to other people. But he has enjoyed being around people his age and just children that he can actually socialize with. Scorpius loves being at Hogwarts and wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Scorpius was even asked to play Quidditch and continue the Malfoy legacy on the Slytherin's team but he declined the offer and instead joined a series of clubs that appealed to his interests.

On home from break well within his third year, his father had told him the news about his mother being real sick while he was at Hogwarts. Draco, his father, dragged on and on but finally told him that his mother had passed away, a moment that Scorpius felt even more alone. Scorpius was really close to his mother and her death really made an impression on him. Even his father had taken a toll from her death and that's what brought them closer together as Scorpius didn't know what he would do if he lost both of his parents. Scorpius went back to Hogwarts to complete his third and fourth year of Hogwarts and even created a bond with his father, Draco and many people at Hogwarts though he has a few enemies, too.

Scorpius is now entering his fifth year of Hogwarts and hopes to become something more this year. Scorpius is really ready to take on about any new and exciting challenges that may come his way. He has changed much more over the course and has became very open minded towards just about anything at Hogwarts. He is even determined to be a prefect for the Slytherin house and hopes to even be a head boy whenever he enters into his sixth year.

║ P L A Y E R ║
Sunshine and Whiskey.

║ H E X C O D E ║

║ F A C E C L A I M ║
Lucky Blue Smith.

║ T I M E Z O N E ║
Central Standard Time (CST).

So begins...

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy's Story

#, as written by sappho


Scorpius along with his father had made it to Kings Crossing train station and he smiled once he got out of the vehicle. Not because he was excited to get back to the hollowed halls of Hogwarts, no. It was because he was going to see Albus right before they both go through the infamous platform and board the train. Draco came up beside Scorpius and gave him a small hug. "Guess you do not need me to walk this time." Draco muttered as Scorpius nodded his head. "I assure you that I will be fine. Everyone adores me unlike yourself."

A mere chuckle came from Draco as he patted him on the back and told him to take care and do him proud this semester. That struck him deep within the insides as he let out a soft sigh then grabbed his luggage bags, throwing one over his shoulders and rolling the other one. With his free hand, he pulled his cell phone out from his hoodie pocket and shoot a text towards Albus.

To: â™Ĩâ™Ĩ Albus â™Ĩâ™Ĩ
Hey, love. We still meeting at our spot before we board, right?

Scorpius hit the send button and marched over to their spot, which was a small corner within the train station and a little bit far away from everyone else as possible. Yeah, their relationship was still under wraps because people still think that they are close friends. Indeed they are but they've just became a little bit closer with one another.

Albus hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. He had woken up nearly several times during the night and after the sixth just decided not to go back to bed. Of course his morning however was a bit more lively than usual. Aside from Lily kicking him out of the bathroom to fix her hair and James hiding his toothbrush, yet again. His parent's were always happier when it was time for the kids to board the train and head to school, he wasn't sure whether they were happy about the future education or getting rid of them for a bit. Either made sense. Albus kept quiet in the back of the car while his family chatted about classes and Quidditch, he was too busy thinking about Scorpius. The two were never able to meet directly due to the secrecy of their relationship, and communicated by owl and thanks to muggle technology, text, secretly over the summer. Occasionally their families would run into each other, when the Potter's would take an impromptu trip to Hogsmeade. To Albus, it hadn't been enough, he missed Scorpius dearly.

As the Potters all made their way into the station Albus made sure to stay a bit behind his family. That wasn't a problem seeing as how Lily was fussing to their mother about her outfit, and James was in a particularly heated conversation with their father about his upcoming year in Quidditch. Albus nervously tapped a finger on his luggage, Defiro, his owl peering at him through his cage placed atop. Albus nearly jumped when his phone began to buzz in his pocket. He took the muggle contraption out of his pocket, and couldn't hide the small smile on his face as he saw who it was from, typing a quick message in reply.

To: Scorp
Of course, just have to escape from my parents.

After hitting the send button, he glanced up at his parents and siblings who were still bustling about. "Mum, I'm going to go say hi to a friend", He called out to his mother who was straightening Lily's shirt collar. His mother always seemed surprised when he mentioned his so-called friends, and never questioned his whereabouts because in her eyes she was happy to see that he was trying to fit in. "Of course Darling, just make sure you're not late, I love you!", Albus was already dashing through the crowds of people before she finished. 

Albus still got butterflies no matter how many times he saw Scorpius. Albus's face lit up the moment he saw him patiently sitting in the little waiting area they had found in their third year. He walked over to the blonde-haired boy and smiled. "Ready for another year?" He said. The comment was general enough, but in between the lines it meant so much more to Albus.

Scorpius was strolling through his phone, a little bit aimlessly until he heard a familiar vibrate through his ears, sending a slight tinkle up his spine and he already knew who could give him that feeling, Albus. He jumped up from his seat and gave Albus a tight squeeze, even sneaking a kiss on the lips. Scorpius broke the kiss and blushed as he nodded his head towards Albus' question. "Kind of, sort of. I've missed you though. Those letters and small meetings were not enough for me."  Albus smiled as he watched Scorpius's face become a rosy hue and could only assume his was the same. He couldn't begin to describe the feeling of happiness that he had when he was with Scorpius, and truthfully he was never happy unless he was with him. "I missed you too", Albus slipped his hand into Scorpius's lacing their fingers together in a matter of seconds. Scorpius let out a small gasp once Albus touched his hand. His hands were so cold but he loved the tingling and shivering feeling it sent through his body.

Albus relished the moments of privacy they got before they were at Hogwarts, and had to act like friends again. "I nearly snuck out of my house twice to come see you. If it wasn't for Lily's damned cat. The thing practically sleeps next to the front door" He said with a small laugh. Scorpius chuckled and shook his head at Albus's comment about Lily's cat. But after those movements, he couldn't help but eye Albus up and down then gaze passionately into his eyes. "Are you here with your family?" Of course, Scorpius already knew that he was. He just wanted to tease Albus a little bit.

Albus let out a small groan of annoyance. "More like present, or in the same vicinity. As soon as James started talking about Quidditch I was just as interesting as yesterday's breakfast". Albus loved his family, but things were almost always complicated. Being the middle child was very much a curse. "Well, good thing I am an only child." Scorpius muttered towards his boyfriend. "Speaking of Quidditch, you are playing this year again, right? I have the cutest outfit to wear and it may or may not have your number engraved in it." Scorpius smiled brightly towards Albus, hoping that he was still invested into the sport like last year. "Of course, how could I not when I have the best number one fan out there?" Albus said with a small laugh. He had always enjoyed playing Quidditch since he was young, but knowing Scorpius was in the stands cheering him on made the sport all the more riveting.

"I think we might need to head back soon. Don't want people to worry. Or worse, get left behind." Scorpius mentioned as he hated when him and Albus had to separate for the time being but knew that they were going to sit together on the train anyway. Albus frowned at the comment, he always hated how little time they had to spend with each other. He stared, well admired Scorpius for a moment, "Just one second more", and with that he leaned in and shared one impromptu, small kiss with the boy he was definitely in love with. After a moment he pulled back and cracked a smile, "I don't really mind being left behind, if that means I get to spend more time with you". Of course the idea was impossible, his father would kill him if he didn't show up for school, but at least he could imagine the thought of it. 

Scorpius eyes widened at the sudden kiss but it always felt so right whenever their lips met. Upon hearing his comment, he raised a brow towards Albus then shook his head. "I think you and I both know that our parents wouldn't even think twice about shipping us both to Hogwarts." Scorpius said as he smiled and didn't want this moment to end but within his heart, all of their moments last a lifetime. His free hand raised up and caressed his cheek as his eyes gleamed. "You are so adorable, Albus. Scorpius spoke softly as he peck his lips again. Scorpius was honestly in love with Albus and it definitely showed within his mannerisms towards him.

Albus could be here with Scorpius for hours upon end. The boys were like magnets."If you keep saying things like that, they're going to have to ship us to Hogwarts" Albus said with a small chuckle and a grin. Scorpius help but chuckle at Albus's comment there. "Ooh. Don't tempt me, sweetheart." He couldn't help but counter Albus's words with his own little retort.

At this particular instant however, Albus's owl, Defiro, decided to let out a screech of annoyance from behind him on the cart. "Alright, we get it, we're going to the train" Albus muttered in a tone of utter irritation. The owl had a knack for ruining all moments perfect, and Albus could swear that the big Great Horned Owl enjoyed it. Slightly jumping at the sound of the screech from Albus's owl, Scorpius sighed and looked at Albus. "Well, whose going to take the first step? Not it!" Scorpius shouted as he sat back down rather quickly then laughed as his eyes gazed up at Albus once again. Albus playfully rolled his eyes at Scorpius's comment and raised an eyebrow. "Well if you're not going to move I guess I'm just going to have to carry you to the train." He said lightly with a small smirk before wrapping his arms around the boy's waist and tugging him forward, but Albus used a little to much force and the two ended up collided in a hug of tangled limbs. 

Scorpius let out a small giggle once Albus wrapped his arms around him and tugged him towards his body. Instinctively, his arms raised up and rested upon Albus's shoulders as he smiled. "Oh, like you could actually carry me." Scorpius teased as he knew that Albus could. He might've done once or twice, maybe three or more times before. Albus laughed at the predicament,"How is it that we almost always accidentally end up in each other's arms?". He said releasing Scorpius from the hug, taking his hand again giving it a small squeeze. Scorpius shrugged his shoulders at Albus's question and playfully responded. "Hm, I do not know." He commented then held onto Albus's hand once he gave his a light squeeze.

"Come on, all the good compartments might be taken if we're late, and I'd like to get one just for us."
"One just for us? How romantic." Scorpius said while him and Albus started to walk side by side towards the platform, hopefully everyone was already on the train and couldn't really see them together. Hopefully.

Albus gently let go of Scorpius's hand as the two made their way to the looming Hogwarts Express. It didn't take them long for the two to find a compartment near the back of the train that was empty. Albus placed his and Scorpius's luggage into the compartment, before closed the door and plopped down into the seat next to Scorpius with a small sigh. The exhaustion from his lack of sleep from the night before began to take a toll on him, and he yawned quietly, he knew they had a decent train ride ahead of them. He placed his head on Scorpius's shoulder and closed his eyes eventually letting the sound of the train and the sounds of the obnoxious First Years in the compartment next to him lull his mind into a light sleep.