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Nasir Keavaris

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a character in “Veritas Isle”, as played by Sambea





Nasir Keavaris




Nasir stands at six feet and seven inches. His hair is long and blond, falling almost down to his butt. He likes to wear it in low ponytail. His eyes are a pale green and his skin is fair. In the picture is work clothes and when he is going to the mainland he has a brown suit with a green scarf, so not much different than his work clothes.

Nasir is much like his father in that he is more quiet than talkative and he likes to talk with his facial expressions. He is a very stubborn man like his mother and likes to do things a certain way. He is intelligent and disciplined. He is focused and serious most of the time, but can work up to a smirk, smile, or laugh.

  • Father- Filarion Keavaris
  • Mother- Penelo Keavaris
  • Sibling 1- Ameria Keavaris
  • Sibling 2- Haera Keavaris
  • Sibling 3- Elwin Keavaris
  • Sibling 4- Roshia Keavaris
  • Sibling 5- Beluar Keavaris
  • Sibling 6- Lorelei Keavaris
  • Sibling 7- Agis Keavaris

Nasir Keavaris was the first born child to Filarion and Penelo, but wasn't born alone. He was the first born, not to just the family, but in a pair of twins. His twin being his sister, Ameria. They are fraternal twins. His parents say that even at birth, Nasir had a serious look on his face.

As a kid, Nasir always had to have something to fiddle with, whether it was a bug, stick, or a part if machinery. As he got a bit older his father gave him a set of toys that he could build himself. In a mere few hours Nasir had finished, not only making them, but making them in a way that was different that what it was originally suppose to be. Nasir and Ameria were close, like most twins are. They always played together, even when the others started to be born, he always stuck by Ameria. Though when they started to get older, Ameria started to court guys, which threw Nasir into being more closed off. In a way he felt betrayed, who was he going to talk to now? He loves his family, even if he loved Ameria more. Though now somehow Roshia has wormed her way passed his wall.

Nasir works as a blacksmith and carpenter on his family land. He makes the family's hunting gear and weapons, though he also sells his creations on the mainland. Many people far and wide come just for his craftsmanship. On each of his creations is some artwork he has carved into them to give them an extra flare.

So begins...

Nasir Keavaris's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Keavaris Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Haera Keavaris Character Portrait: Beluar Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
The sun doesn’t get the chance to wake up first when it comes to Filarion and his daughter Roshia. Both are up a good bit before it does and have a special routine they like to do. Each like to stretch, look over the house, and make breakfast. Though for Filarion he likes to check on the rest of the children that live there and makes a bigger breakfast. Roshia makes enough for herself and maybe her two brothers, Nasir and Elwin, though Nasir only comes when Ameria is home by the time Nasir decides to leave his home early enough.

The next to wake up is Penelo and Ameria. Both ladies have a quick meal before they are out the door. They go down to the dock and mediate, something they have been doing since America was a child. Next is everyone else, though Nasir usually is up, but just lays in bed staring at the ceiling wondering what the hell he is doing with his life and if he will be remembered if he left this world. Dark thoughts for such a solitude man.

Now all the family is up and it is time for them to begin the day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Keavaris Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Haera Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
(We are going to be doing a short time skip as bizarre 1 is no longer active and I can not reach them)

Ofelia waited until river had finished up with the foreign man's needs and then reserved her customers a room for the requested dates. She said thank you and bowed to both river and the man she had just met and bid them farewell. She then began her rather long walk back to he dragon ranch to tend to the small dragons and hatchlings​.

When Ofelia arrived in the dragon nursery she found that one of the young dragons had completely destroyed her table and chairs. She sighed deeply and scooped the culprit up. " I guess it's time for you to join the adolescents..You little trouble maker!" Ofelia chuckled slightly at the goat sized dragon she was carrying. She took him out to the pasture he kept the adolescent dragons in, and after checking for aggressive behavior from any of them, she shut the gate and began walking the property line between her farm and the neighboring families land. " I suppose I will have to order a new set of chairs and a table soon.." she shook her head.

Ofelia continued to walk the property line, looking for any dragons that might have crossed into her neighbor's land, as it had happened before and was not a pleasant deal.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Beluar Keavaris Character Portrait: Ameria Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

It looked like Roshia would be eating alone, which she guessed she didn’t mind. She could collect her thoughts now. Wrapping her hands against the warm cup of tea she brought it up to her lips and closed her eyes. The house was silent of people, but not of what was outside. She could hear the animals and the rustle of the trees as the wind made their branches sway. She heard the rustle of her pet dragon as he made his way through the rooms before dropping down next to her. Roshia smiled, opening one eye, and peeking at him.

She remembered the day she got him, like it was yesterday. Her father had brought her to go hunting, like usual, but they started to head towards the Taryn’s property. She had looked at her father rather confused and he just laughed. He started to talk about how having a pet dragon could come handy in a hunt. How a protective dragon was a good dragon. It clicked then, she was finally going to get her own pet dragon. In the end, he picked her. She had been standing next to her father when out of the blue he came and nuzzled her hand and sat down next to her. Like she was HIS pet and he was so proud to have picked a humble human. Roshia knew exactly what to call him, Cosantóir.

He went everywhere with her, except the mainland. She didn’t want someone to freak out or her have a fine for bringing him there. He hated it, but it is what it is. She took a deep breath and jumped out of her seat, causing Cosantóir to jump as well. She laughed while he stared at her like she was a damn fool before walking away. “Aw, no, Cossie. I am sorry.” She laughed as her arm reached out to him dramatically. He gave a huff and disappeared in her room.

Elwin walked through the door just in time to see his sister standing in her pose towards her room. “What in the world are you doing, Ros?” He asked, walking behind her and trying to see who she was standing like that for, but no one was there. He didn’t even see Cossie. “Seriously, Ros, sometimes I wonder if it is okay for you to live alone. Maybe it is getting to you.” He walked over to her table and sat down, finishing off her breakfast and tea.

She turned towards him on her heels and smiled, "Morning to you too, El. You are late..." She said as she watched him lap up her meal.

Elwin looked up and smiled, "Morning! Ah, about that. Sorry, I didn't sleep well last night. Trying to finalized the colors for this dress a woman wants. Her complexion goes well with many colors and I want to at least get a couple in that dress to enhance her features and skin." He sighed before stuffing the last bite into his mouth and downing the last of her tea.

"I am sure that whatever you do will be amazing, like always." Roshia patted him on the shoulder and collected the plates before washing them. She looked outside the window in front of her and smiled. She saw Nasir walking into the woods. Must be going get supplies. She thought. Elwin made his way behind her again to see what she was looking at.

"Did he come this morning?" He asked.

"Nope, I guess he went to hang with Ameria." She said finishing off the rest of the dishes.

"Ameria isn't here. She has been gone for a couple of days." He said, shocked she hadn't notice their sister gone.

She looked up again, but Nasir was gone. "Oh, it must have slipped my mind."


Nasir decided not to get breakfast at Roshia's house today. He had to resupply his shop with wood. The last project took nearly all of his. He was annoyed, but work was work. I wonder if Roshia is mad at me that I didn't come. She probably knows Ameria is gone. Ugh, I will make it up to her. Carve her a nice pendant. She should like that. He rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't know why he got attached to Roshia. She was nothing like his twin, Ameria. Ameria was elegant and resembled mother nature, whereas Roshia was rough and odd. He blinked, "No not odd, just different." He corrected himself.

He had entered the woods by the side of Roshia's house. Nasir was tempted to turn around and see if she was staring at him from the windows, but he knew if he did he wouldn't get any work done. So he stomped forwards and got close to the property line. On the other side was the Taryn's property. He hadn't seen the blonde daughter for some time. Their family usually did business together, but after that dragon incident the ties were a bit tight, at least for their fathers. No one really cared other than that.

He had just got to a good spot when he heard some rustling. He knew the difference between animal and human footsteps and they definitely weren't animals. He kept his axe in his hand, positioning it in a fighting stance as her snuck around the trees. It was coming up by the property lines. He was just about there when he say the short girl and her blonde hair. Nasir checked everything out before sneaking away again and chopping a nearby tree. He wasn't going to say anything to her since they never really talked. It would have been weird to just start up a conversation. She looks well. Wonder how she is doing since her father's passing. Such a good man gone too soon. He nodded to himself. Wonder if she hired some helping hands or if she is doing it all by herself. Maybe she could get one of my brothers to help her. By high heavens, Belaur could learn a thing or two from her. It is a good job to start out with, good discipline." Thought to himself as he continued to chop down the tree. Damn thing is so big.

The setting changes from Keavaris Village to Ofelia's Dragon Ranch

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Keavaris Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Haera Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia walked along singing to herself an old elvish song her father had taught her. Few people had heard Ofelia sing, but she had a sweet calming tone. Ofelia's mother was known for her beautiful singing, and her voice was one of the few things Ofelia had inherited from her.

She walked along until she heard some rustling, and then, the sound of someone chopping wood. Ofelia peeked around some trees to find a man from the neighboring family, cutting down a thick tree. She paused for a moment and looked him over. 'Must be Nasir? I had heard he makes beautiful furniture..I haven't seen him since we were both small. He looks well.' She thought to herself. She hesitated to call out to him at first. Their fathers had not been on great terms since the dragon disaster that had happened when they were young. But, Ofelia thought it might be time to forget that and work together once again.

She stepped forward, into plain view, careful not to cross the property line. "Hello? You're Nasir, right? Do you remember me? I'm Ofelia Taryn..." She spoke out stepping further into the sunlight as she did. The sun glimmered off of her pale blonde hair as she bowed slightly to the man. "It's nice to see you again...Would you be interested in building something for me? I have heard wonderful things about your work." She stated as she stood up straight, her face slightly flushed. She wasn't used to talking to men alone, let alone asking anyone for anything. She found herself a tad nervous as she waited for a reply.

The setting changes from Ofelia's Dragon Ranch to Keavaris Village

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

"Hello? You're Nasir, right? Do you remember me? I'm Ofelia Taryn..." Was all he heard when he saw the tree start to fall. Shit! He ran as fast as he could before hooking her into the corner of his arm and flinging her to the side before dashing to the side just in time to move out of the main tree's way, but not without getting hit with the main branches.

"Gah, what the hell, Ofelia. Can you not see that I am chopping a tree? It is dangerous! You could have gotten yourself killed." He huffed, bending down and resting his hands on his knees. He didn't remember this girl being so damn naive. It took him a moment to fully process everything. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap. It is just... you know. It wasn't a smart move." He tried to sound nicer, if that was possible right now. Standing straight up he looked her up and down, "Are you okay?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia was waiting for an answer when she heard the loud crack of a falling tree, she looked up and saw the tree falling towards her. She froze, her eyes wide with terror. She slammed her eyes shut as we mind screamed at her to move, but her body wouldn't listen. But then, just before the tree made contact, Nasir grabbed her and flung her out of the way. Ofelia stumbled back and tripped over her boot, falling backwards into a thorn bush. Once she came to her senses she said. "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to be so careless...I will be fine. I apologise for putting you in such a dangerous situation." She said as she got up. She winced and grabbed her arm. It was bleeding due to a cut from the thorn bush, and her left shoulder was covered in thorns.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Nasir winched at the girl. She was covered in thorns and he could see blood. "Uhm, I don't think your are okay... in such a sense." He looked around. He still had to cut the tree and haul it to his shop. Sighing he turned back to her. "Look, uhm....turn around and I will take the thorns out. Then I can wrap the cut with my scarf." He took off his gloves and placed them on the fallen tree. Next he took off his vest, placing them next to his gloves, then he unpinned his scarf and let it loose around his neck before looking back at her. "Turn around please." He said softly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia looked the man up and down and then did as he asked and turned around. "This isn't a big deal, I've gotten worse from the dragons..." She said quietly. She turned her head and looked at the fallen tree. Nasir must have been cutting it down for supplies. She felt bad for delaying his work. " I'm sorry for messing up your schedule...If it's alright with your family and you, I can have one of my dragons haul it back for you, that should make up for the time lost..." She said as she turned her head towards Nasir, but kept the rest of her body turned. "It would be the least I could do..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

He appreciated her complying without any complaint. Gently he picked out the thorns, listening to her talk. He didn't saying anything. He was focus on taking the thorns out as gently as possible. Poor girl, she is going to be sore. I wonder if Lorelei has any of that ointment still. It would take the pain away, somewhat, and help the wounds from infection. His hands reached up and slide his scarf off, wrapping around her shoulder and down her arm where the bleeding was.

"There, you should be good for now. A mere scratch can get an infection. I might not raise dragons, but I think it would be better if you had two arms to use. He said, turning around and putting on his vest and gloves. It would be helpful if I could get hauled back over. Thanks. When we get back to my shop I will have Lorelei give you some of her ointment. It helps the pain and prevents infection. He looked down at her, his face never changing expression. It was stern yet soft. He hated smiling, made him feel weird.

Once I get this wood back home I can start on getting Roshia's pendant started.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia got up and dusted her pants off. Ok. I'll bring the dragon and the halter and ropes and I'll have it moved to your workshop as soon as I get home...And I will get your scarf cleaned and returned as soon as possible!...Uhm...which house is your's?" She asked. " You might want to alert the family of the dragon coming...he's rather...large...and I wouldn't want to alarm anyone...Oh! Don't worry though! This one's fully trained so there won't be any messes like what happened years ago..." She blurted out. Her father never really talked about what exactly happened, but he always warned her of the dangers of using an partially trained dragon."I'll be there in...roughly 10 minutes ok?" She said, then she flashed a shy smile at Nasir and took off back to the ranch to ready her dragon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

"I will meet you at the entrance of the of the village and take you there." He said before watching the girl run off. She talks a lot, like Roshia. He smirked and walked off towards his home. He highly doubt that his family would go into an uproar over it, especially if she was carrying something, but for the sake of not wasting anymore time, he was going to warn them. He watched as the sun played peek-a-boo between the leaves. It seemed like a long time since he actually payed attention to the nature around him. He always went into the forest for supplies, but never stopped to just take it in.

He had just entered the village when he saw Roshia play fighting with Agis. She hadn't seen him yet, which he didn't know how to feel about that. His heart raced. Agis was the one to notice him and stopped smiling. He hid behind Roshia. Roshia stood up straight and turned around. Her face going for angry to happy. I have no idea why the kid is scared of me. I haven't done him a damn thing. Roshia patted Agis' head and shooed him away. He went willingly and ran as fast as his legs could. As Nasir got closer to her, her face changed.

"What happened to your scarf?" She asked.

"I may have accidently thrown Ofelia into a thorn bush." He said, looking away.

Roshia laughed, "That poor girl! Why on Veritas would you do such a thing? She is so much tinier than you. Well, the last time I seen her she was."

He glared at her for a second, "I was cutting down a tree for supplies and she popped up out of nowhere when the tree began to fall. I saved her by flinging her out of the way. She got scratched up, but she is getting one of her dragons and hauling the tree here. Can you go and tell everyone so they won't freak out, especially father."

Roshia's face changed, but he couldn't figure out what it meant. She left without saying a word, jogging so she would get there faster.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia practically ran back to her ranch and into her dragon Fleurdon's keep. She saddled him up and put his harness on and then rode him out to the woods. Once there she used chains and ropes attached to Fleurdon's saddle to haul the log. Once the log was secured properly, Ofelia climbed back onto Fleurdon's back and strapped into the saddle. "Yip-ho" she called out and the dragon slowly rose into the air, lifting the three with him. She set out towards keavaris village flying slowly as her nerves were getting to her. She didn't want to risk another incident. Soon she arrived at the entrance on keavaris village, she hovered for a moment and then landed softly, careful not to damage the tree in any way. She climbed off of Fleurdon's saddle and stood in front of him. "I'm counting on you today... I won't let anything happen to you, these are good people, do not be afraid. Just be your sweet self" She whispered to Fleurdon. She smiled and nuzzled his large head, and he in turn huffed gently at her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Nasir watched as the girl on the dragon flew overhead. Magnificent He was amazed by the sight. She seemed to be a professional at it, though why wouldn't she bee since she has been doing it all her life. Nasir let the girl get settled before approaching her slowly. "Sorry for making you get it chained up on him. Should have stayed and help, you know, with your arm and all. Either way though, thanks. I appreciate it." His voice was a bit softer. "Uhm, we can unload it here and I can chop it up and get my family to help bring it over to the shop." He stood a bit far from the dragon, just in case. He didn't make any sudden movements and stayed where he was until she gave the go ahead.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia looked over at Nasir. ". It's okay, really. I've run the ranch by myself with one arm before." She said as she patted Fleurdon's nose. He huffed at her. She unhooked the chains from his saddle and had him step away from the tree. He obeyed her hand signals flawlessly, not needing any vocal cues. " You can come closer, he won't hurt you, he actually loves people. " She stated. " He'll even let you pet him, if you're brave enough" She said with a slight teasing tone. It wasn't often she met anyone who wasn't afraid to touch the dragons, especially one this big. Fleurdon's mouth was big enough to gobble Ofelia up in one bite. Though he wouldn't hurt even a fly on purpose.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn Character Portrait: Agis Keavaris Character Portrait: Filarion Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Nasir watched the big beast, he seemed gently and obedient. "I see, you did good. Ofelia, thanks. My sister, Roshia, she has a pet dragon she got from your farm. She and him are always together. Roshia loved him to death and vis versa. The story is Cossie, the nickname she gave him, chose her instead of her choosing him. He obeys her like this one obeys you. Funny how she can bond with such an animal. Same with Ameria, both can bond with animals so easily." He spoke as he dragged the log away from the dragon and closer to Roshia's house. I wonder how father is taking it? Did Roshia get to him yet? She is a fast runner, her long legs look delicate but are tough and strong.

Just as he dropped the log near the closets tree next to Roshia's house he saw a flash of curly hair run by him. It was Agis, Guess the kid didn't see me, usually he would stop frozen in place. Still don't know what the hell I did to the kid.

"Oh my gosh, it is a big dragon!" Agis screamed in excitement as he stopped right in front of it. "Can I pet him? My sisters let me pet theirs. Is he nice? He looks nice. Oh boy, I wonder if father would get me one big like this! Can he do any tricks? Agis rambled off questions as fast as he could think them. His curly red hair flopped around as he hopped from one foot to the next. He really wanted to pet the dragon.

"Agis, step away from that dragon." A deep voice that shook even Nasir came from the side house. Nasir turned to see his father walking over. "You have no idea what the temperament of that beast is. At least make sure he likes kids." His father walked past Nasir, paying him no mind, and towards Ofelia and Agis. Roshia walked behind him, staying by her house as she watched their father. She didn't even look at him. "Long time since I have seen you, Ofelia. You have grown well. Look just like you mother. I want to thank you for your service. I also heard you got hurt by one of my sons." His father looked back at him. "Lorelei will see to your wounds." His father smiled, something Nasir had yet to manage to make look right.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn Character Portrait: Agis Keavaris Character Portrait: Filarion Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
" Well I'm glad to hear they bonded so we'll!" Ofelia managed to say before a flash of curly red hair zoomed into view, bouncing around at hyper speed. " He is friend ly, and he loves kids. You can pet him." She said to the young boy. He motioned the dragon to lay down, and he did so immediately. Fleurdon gave a friendly chuff at the small child. " Im sure he'll do some tricks for you if you ask nicely, just keep clear of the tail"

Ofelia's attention snapped to Filarion, she remembered him from her childhood, as he was friendly with her father. She listened to him speak then said " Thank you sir. I'm afraid it was my own lapse in common knowledge that lead to my injury, if anything Nasir saved me from death via getting squished by a tree!. And for that I am truly thankful. " She spoke softly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn Character Portrait: Agis Keavaris Character Portrait: Filarion Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

"Either way, I would feel better if you went see her." With that he did a small bow, "it was nice seeing you. Hope to see you around." His father said before leaving them. He passed Roshia and Nasir, glancing their way, and made his way towards the fields. Agis patted the dragon and laughed while everyone watched his father go. Nasir shifted, looking at Roshia, but she started to walk off the opposite way.

"Sorry about that, you think your dragon would okay to stay here? Agis could watch over him, right?" He asked. Agis froze a little bit before nodding.

"Yeah, s-sure." Agis spoke lowly while petting the dragon.


Roshia watched as her father walked up to the girl. She had no idea what was going to happen, so she stood on edge. She could feel Nasir watching her, but she paid no mind to him. She didn't feel like talking to him right now. When her father treated Ofelia with kindness she got a tad bit bored, but understood that there was no need for roughness. If anything the girl had gone through enough today with being thrown into a thorn bush.

She left when her father did, but went into her house. She wasn't needed so she didn't feel like staying, though she did watch from the window. Is she the reason he didn't come for breakfast today? Are they courting? It is about time he gets a wife and start on a family. Father has been a little concern that he would end up alone, but he has his family so how is he alone? She thought as she watched her little brother, Agis, freeze. Agis was scared of Nasir because he was always quiet and had a stern face on for most of the time. They never did get to spend time together, so Agis doesn't know how to approach him. "Poor, kid." She laughed before moving from the window. She had things to do, watching over Nasir wasn't going to help her any.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn Character Portrait: Agis Keavaris Character Portrait: Filarion Keavaris
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#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia smiled as Agis played with her dragon. "Sorry about that, you think your dragon would okay to stay here? Agis could watch over him, right?" She listened as Nasir spoke to his younger brother. "Yes, he will be fine here." Ofelia said and then wandered back over to the large dragon. "You hear that Fleurdon? You're gonna stay here with your new buddy, ok? You be a good boy and listen to him." She said then turned to Agis, kneeling down to his level. "If he gives you any grief just tell him to 'stand down' He will listen to that." She said as she gave the young boy a smile. "Oh by the way, he loooooves when you pet his chin fur! Puts him right to sleep!" She told Agis with a giggle. She stood back up and turned back to Nasir, who seemed to be staring off watching what seemed to be one of his sisters. But she paid it no mind. "Alright, lets get going shall we? I'd like to get this over with as I have business to discuss with you anyways" Ofelia said as she walked back over to Nasirs side, she paused to look back at the dragon, giving him a stern look as if saying 'you better behave' then turned and smiled warmly at Nasir as she waited for him to show her the way to his sisters home.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn Character Portrait: Ameria Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea

Nasir watched her from the corner of his eye as they walked in silence for a while. He didn't know what to say to her. He hadn't seen her in a good number of years and he didn't particularly talk to people unless it was his family or clients. "So what was this business you want to speak to me about?" He asked. He knew conversation was suppose to happen, it was what Ameria and Roshia always do when they are walking. Now it was mostly just him and Roshia that would have walks around the property or out to the lake. He thought over Roshia's reaction to Ofelia being here. Why would Roshia act like that? Does she know something I don't? His brain raced around trying to figure this out.

When Ameria announced that she would be away for a few months his heart broke. She also wanted him to let his family into the prison he made for himself. Nasir had no idea what she was talking about, but he ended up connecting to Roshia the first week after Ameria left. He hadn't been seen by the family for a few days and she busted through the door, red in the face. She looked angry and had yelled at him for being so selfish and not checking in with the family. Nasir and her had butted heads, but after feeling alone for so long he ended up sneaking into her house and waking her up. She almost stabbed him, but he thought that was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn Character Portrait: Ameria Keavaris
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#, as written by Fauna
"Welll.....My furniture in the hatchery...It...Broke...Unexpectedly....And I was wondering if i could pay you to build me a new set of chairs and table? Ive heard lovely things from people about your work." Ofelia said as she walked next to Nasir. "Baby dragons arent very smart or co-ordinated, and one completely destroyed the table and chairs while i was away." She said with a sigh. This kind of thing happened all the time and she usually bought new furniture in town and had to haul it all the way home.

As Ofelia walked she pulled the ribbon out of her hair and it gracefully fell onto her shoulders and back, shining in the light as she walked. She took the ribbon and began tying her hair into a tighter bun, knowing she would be recieving medical treatment, she wanted to get her hair well out of the way of any healing salves or balms. She looked around once her hair was fully tied, the bright red ribbon tied neatly at the top of the bun. "I'ts nice here, though its changed a lot since I was a child. Feels kind of weird being back...With all that had happened." She stated quietly, keeping her eyes focused in front of her, a troubled look adorned her face. Something she had read earlier had finally made sense to her, and she wasnt sure how to feel about it quite yet.