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Blood Prisoners

Blood Prisoners


What happens when the humans become their prisoners...

2,032 readers have visited Blood Prisoners since BlackBeauty created it.


In this roleplay the underworld has grown low on blood. The king of the underworld wants to keep as many humans as possible safe from them. So he has ordered everybody one blood supply. They must be able to maintain there humans blood. If they don’t not only will there human die but they will too. With this said the king of the underworld has locked away the five most deadliest vampires away to there own castle. They are four brothers and one sister. The king has a feeling that they will die within a week for they don’t know how to control their feeling to kill. Will the vampires be able to control themselves or will their life soon come to an end, Or will they learn to control the hunger and learn the meaning of true love.

Keep in mind that if you play a vampire you are ruthless and could care less about how the humans feel at least in the beginning of the roleplay.

Vampire brothers
1. Taken by Nikkan
2. Taken by greywarden17
3. Taken by HiddenNymph
4. Taken by Kai_Hibiki
Vampire sister
1. Taken by Cienpher

Human girls
1. Taken by me
2. Taken by drampire
3. Taken by lifebird
4. Taken by whitney080
Human boy
1. Taken by JustQuit

Character sheet
Appearance (anime picture)
Gifts (if vampire)
Try to be detailed with your character

If there are any questions please ask them in the OOC. Hope you like the roleplay

Toggle Rules

- Please be respectful to everyone in the roleplay
- Keep romance at a pg-13 level
- Check OOC often
- Read all the post
- Try to post at least twice a week

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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Anna looked at Aoi and she watched him as his expession changed , he seemed to be sniffing the air. He must have smelled blood , she wondered if someone got hurt or if they were just feeding , Anna really hoped they were just feeding. Anna heard Aoi cry out then groan a few times , when Ann saw that his eyes scarlet she got up and stood up. She stayed a few feet back from Aoi. "Aoi , are you okay?"


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Wabishii nodded as she moves her hair to one side of her neck so she can braid her hair as she goes upstairs. She knocked on doors as she went, not hesitating as she opened them. The first door she went to she gasped loudly seeing a man forcfully feeding off of a girl hearing Im really going to die now. Not really thinking she yelled "Master Kieran!!!" as she pushed open the door more. She knew it wouldnt really help but she pulled struggled to get them apart and ended up squeezing between them, using her body to separate them a little bit at least. "Stop stop stop! Master Kieran!"


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In the middle of flipping a page, Ava noticed the sweet fragrance of blood in the air. She knew it could mean one of two things - injury or feeding, but either one wasn't really a reason for distress so she dismissed the notion. The latter was more plausible anyway... However, the aroma was a bit too strong and too thick to be a normal feeding. No, the air was quickly becoming intoxicating with the smell of it. If Ava hadn't fed just a while ago, she most likely would have been driven mad by the fragrance and killed her human in mere seconds.

... Kill?

"Darn it!" she shouted, throwing down her book. Of course such an amount of blood meant someone was going to die! It most likely meant one vampire would have an empty human in his arms. Ava panicked at the thought of one of her brothers losing their blood supply already. Which one of them was it? Aoi was too kind to go so far, but she couldn't quite account for the others. She glanced back at her own human, oblivious and continuing with his little training regimen - it didn't matter. Her family took priority. He could do whatever he wanted for all she cared.

Choosing to follow the smell in the air, Ava began to run down the corridors of the castle. It was weaker towards the bathroom, so it wasn't there. The library only smelled of dust and old paper. Hastily, she tracked the scent until she found the source of it, by then, breathing rather heavily and dizzy from the sweet aroma of blood. Her eyes widened when she took in the sight of Aziel - it just had to be him. She wanted to cry out and stop him, but in her fear of losing him, her voice caught in her throat.


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Kieran could hear his named being yelled by Wabishii at the same time he could smell the blood filling the room in an instant. He quickly jumped off his feet and headed to the sound of the noise. When he got to the room he noticed Aziel practically draining the life out of his life source. With quick thinking he ran up to Aziel tackiling him with all the force he had, knocking him off of the girl. Everything was a daze to him all he could do was smell blood making it uneasy for him to focus. The more he took in a breath the worse everything got. Quickly he glanced at Wabishii baring his teeth and hissing.

Julia was quickly snapped out of her daze when she heard yelling across the hall. She turned her head to Viraj. "What was that?" Before he could give her an answer she was already at the door which for once was unlocked. Without thinking she headed for the room the noise was coming from dashing through the door. When she got there she stopped in her tracks gasping at what she saw.


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#, as written by Nikkan
His form burst from the bedroom, almost stumbling in such surprise. It took a lot of lack of nerve to make a vampire lose his footing. There it was, the blood flowing. He had to stop his brother before he completely drained his meal ticket. A swift kick was delivered toward his stomach. Without hesitation when it concocted he jumped at Audrey, tackling her to the ground and without thought began lapping at the spilling blood. Knowing he wouldn't be able to stop easily he tore the soaked fabric andnforced it into his mouth. The bit of her dress soaked in blood would be able to move his mind from the fresh source.


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Aziels blood red eyes slowly beginning to fade back to the murky hazel they were opened wide when a human girl snuggled her way inbetween himself and Audrey. Where she had come from he had no clue he was sure his brothers were supposed to keep a lock down on their humans much like he had with his.

Her feeble attempts to push him and Audrey apart were dreadful as his strength gripping Audrey closer to himself only squished the human girl more stuck in the middle of them. Audrey's blood must have dripped onto her shoulder and matted in with her hair somewhat as she still pushed hard against his chest shouting"Stop stop stop! Master Kieran!" rather loudly for a human.

So she was kieran's responsibility?
No wonder she was lose.

Ava caught his eyes as she stood at the doorway speechless, her face was enough to tell Aziel all he needed. He had to stop, he was taking too much, the thirst inside of him had been taunted by Audrey and he fell for it. He should know better than that, he had to stop.
Trying to pry his teeth from her neck Aziel winced at the mental pain and restraint that it caused as his attempt seemed feeble at this stage. Her blood was just too much, his chin was coated in it just as Audrey's neck and collar bone was not to mention it was now on Kieran's human.

Fighting with himself Aziel didn't have time to notice his brother Kieran speedily appear in the room. Suddenly a force like a crane with a wrecking ball tackled into him so unexpected and strong that Aziel's teeth for a second time ripped out of Audreys neck as he was then struck with a hard kick from Viraj causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.
Kieran promptly standing near as the tackler before he too became affected by the amount of blood with his hissing.

Lying there Aziel breathed heavily without glancing to see how Audrey was fairing at the moment or whether she had collapsed or not it was most likely she had. His sane mind was coming back to him, his eyes faded completely of their blood lust, he had surely taken enough fill to last him a day and a half, near the same as would last him had he killed a human.
Viraj had sure made an entrance aswell as Kieran, but Audrey, was she in danger now from their no doubt blood lust at the smell of her sweet scented blood, sweet scented to Aziel more so anyway.


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Wabishii stared hard at the scene in front of her, ready to do something the thing where water falls out and they scream? Yes that she remembered that is was a way of panicking which isnt good. Her throat twitched as she made up her mind to help the girl who was bleeding, she was already covered in her blood from earlier. So after closing her eyes a couple seconds and letting out a deep breath she pulled off her top and pushed it against the girls neck. She didnt know if the thing would heal on its one or not because she didnt know what they could do, so saying as loud as she could she looked over at the obvious girl vampire. "I-I need hot water, towels and a needle with thread as quick as possible.. Please?" She could hear how panicked the others were with the blood and how Kieran hissed at her made her skin crawl but she wouldnt look at them and just kept her back to them.


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Audrey had completely went limp right before someone(s) burst into the room. She had slipped into a deep unconsciousness that she was sure to not wake up from. Blurry pictures clouded her mind, a few of people she knew and loved dearly. Her grandmother's image danced back behind her eyelids, the woman's beady black eyes embedded into a withered face starring straight ahead. "Dear Audrey, one day you will learn stubborn girl, you can not control everything." A previous conversation she had two years ago with the old woman before she died replayed itself within her hazed mind. She got to see her actual grandmother, her mother's mom time-to-time, whenever her adoptive parents would allow it.
"But I can, grandmother, no one can tell me what to do, especially not a man." Audrey had replied bluntly, starring down at her hands nervously. Her grandmother sighed wearily as she ran a trembling hand through her grayed hair. "Has something happened to you, Auddy? Had Richard hurt you?" the wise woman asked, Richard being Audrey's step-dad. She froze up. "No...What makes you think that?" she asked carefully, keeping her nervous gaze on her hands.
"You are not the Audrey I knew only two months ago," her grandmother began softly, "You have lost that gleam in those special eyes of your's." she added.

Audrey was yanked out of unconsciousness painfully, every part of her body aching with protest as she was slammed to the ground, her eyes having yet opened. Her whole slim frame was jerking uncontrollably and she couldn't move her head at all, that being how weak she was. Her skin had a sickly grey tint to it , the color someone turned before actually dying. A groan past her pale lips as her eyes fluttered open just barely.

Blood was practically gushing from the wound at her neck which seemed to be burning like she was on fire. There was two long gashes from the puncture wounds. What exactly had happened while she was out? She noticed another vampire which she assumed had brought her to the ground with a piece of her shirt in his mouth. What the Hell?! Audrey tried to say something, yet only another groan passed her lips, head rolling to the other side. She couldn't make out figures, her vision pretty much coming and going. She felt completely disgusting, her red, now tattered shirt was coated in thick, crimson blood to her right side, it seeping down into the waistline of her denim jeans. Way too much blood had been lost.. This was it.

'Grandmaalll..' Aud thought, her thoughts extremely distorted. "Please help meee.." she murmured, it mixed with an almost painful cry, shielded blue/green eyes opening more as a female figure was found crouched beside her with some cloth pressed against her neck. Audrey squirmed a bit, as if trying to escape the pressure, but she couldn't find the strength to move much, plus this person was trying to help her, she figured. It must have been another human...

"I-I need hot water, towels and a needle with thread as quick as possible.. Please?" The voice rung in her ears, but she only heard one thing... Needle. "Noooo.." she groaned, her neck stiff from the blood drying across it, down along her collarbone. Did she really deserve this? 'Am I that bad of a person?' she wondered, head rolling to the opposite side once more to face the wall, being consumed by thick blackness yet again.


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Kieran watched as Viraj gave Aziel a clean kick to the stomach sending him even further across the room. He started at both his brothers for a long moment before hearing what Wabishii was saying in the background. Slowly he got up and gathered the supplies she asked for when he handed them to er the smell of blood hit his nose once more and he dashed out the room down the hallway back to his room. The smell was overwhelming and he didn't want to put two humans lives at risked. Slowly he started to calm down breathing becoming more even. With a sigh he sat quietly in a chaiir as he listened to what was going on in the other room.

Julia watched in utter terror so much was going on all at once. One girl was bleeding to death, one vampire was fleeing the room. Slowly her eyes went back to normal and she went over to the girl who was trying to help. "Is there anything I could do to help..." It really didn't help the fact that she knew no one hear, and the one person she did know was sucking blood from a floor as if he would never have another dinner again.


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Aoi sprinted upstairs and ran past his Sister, and seeing all of his Siblings. Then he noticed the blood, the girl and thw fact he was there. "What.. Happened? Did Aziel just drain her.. Or was it Keiran.. Maybe Viraj?" Aoi muttered, looking back at Ava. "Care to explain what happened? I'd hate to find out one of them was dying."

Aoi shuffled over to Aziel, and stomped on his gut. Taking note of the blood on him, he had hit his target. He moved his foot upward, and stomped harder onto Aziels Ribs. "You're an idiot, you know that. You could've killed her. Meaning your death." He groaned through clenched teeth. He stomped even harder on his chest. Hoping to crack a rib. He hated violence, but it was needed.


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Anna followed after Aoi as he ran up the stairs and into a room. She stopped short when she saw the girl on the floor with the blood everywhere. She backed out abit into the hall and stood and stared. Her eyes shifted to Aoi who stomped Angery on a boys ribs , she winced as she saw him stomp on him again. Anna's eyes kepted shifting from the girl on the floor to Aoi , she suddenly began to get scared.


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Aziel could hear the sounds of the other humans rushing to help Audrey, something about getting a needle and towels; Aziel didn't really understand what use they could be. He had never had a need for such healing help nor had his companions namely his siblings so the whole concept of human healings aids was foreign to him.
He had barely understood the use of the gauze he had Audrey earlier, it was probably only because of his logical thinking that he even managed to use the damn thing.

He should help them; Audrey was his responsibility now if not anything else.
However before he could do anything more the blasting weight and force of a hammer came down on his gut harder than machine could manage. "Oof" the noise that escaped his lips was appropriate as Aoi stomped down on him again following words of scolding. "You're an idiot, you know that. You could've killed her. Meaning your death."

Aziel winced taking in the pain willingly, if he wanted too he could have grabbed Aoi's foot and pulled him onto the ground with him and he was sure Aoi his younger brother knew that. "She taunted me into biting her when it was clear I was under the thirst!" he retorted at him. He knew his brother was only being like this with him because he didn't want him to die; the obviousness was in his words and the anger that followed.

"You know how difficult it is to control the thirst when a human pushes themselves at you!" he was right, but he wasn't going to mention that she didn't exactly push herself at him because she wanted him to feed from her, no, she did it because she had wanted to taunt him with the silly idea of desiring to be in charge of the situation. In reality she had brought what happened on her, but he couldn't say he wasn't to blame either. Aziel should have kept a tighter restriction on his emotions; he shouldn't have let her make him crack like she had for her own good.

"Do you mind now?" he sighed nodding at the foot still on his chest. "I should get her out of here; Viraj looks like he's going to pounce if we don't get him away somewhere safely. I've fed now so I should be alright with the smell unlike him, Kieran seems to have already left because of it and Ava's trying to stay clear but she may crack any minute. You I'm worried about you too Aoi, can you handle it?" meaning had he fed before coming as the smell of the blood was growing harder to resist, moving his hand Aziel wiped his chin on the back of his arm, dry blood flaked off the remnants of his feed making him sigh.

Audrey, how was she, would she live? His mind plagued with the thought.


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Wabishii took the things from Kieran without really looking away from the girl who was on the floor pretty much dying. She handed the needle in thread to the girl who asked to help so she could get it in there for her and tye it off. Running her hand through the other girls hair and cleaning her neck softly with the water and towel. She kept her close to get everything, covering herself with her blood in the process, and whispering to her softly that she'd be alright and to calm down, to try not to move.


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Aoi dropped to his knees, and pulled Aziel up so he was level with him. He wrapped his arms around his brother. "I'm only angry because i care. Had you died, i'd make sure i did you proud by staying alive." He whispered, pullng Aziel closer.

"I hate saying this, but you're my brother, and i love you. Even if you're moody sometimes." He grinned, still hugging his brother.


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Julia quickly tied the thread into a knot watching the girl intently. It took her a minute to figure out what the girl was trying to do. "Are you going to stitch her? Your not a doctor." She glanced at Viraj. "We need to take her to a doctor or something, her life is at stake which means his is to." She said pointing to his brother.


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Aziel grunted as Aoi helped him up, he really had done some damage to his ribs with that pounding not too few moments ago. He should take it easy for a while untill it healed up alright, which was going to take longer than the norm with the limited amount of blood supply available.

Aziel's strength still wasn't at its full due to the blood limit despite how much he had already taken today, taking a humans full supply of blood really did have its benefits for being a vampire despite the outcome of the human's life.
If his healing rate was really going to suffer due to this Aziel was going to have to become far more careful around the dangers that he may later face. A serious injury could prove fatal to him or Audrey at this rate.

Speaking of Audrey, was she even going to survive the next few hours?

Aoi's arms englufed around Aziels chest then as he was pulled into a brotherly hug with some sentimental whispered words. They instantly made Aziel blush at bit at how open Aoi was, making him feel just a tad awkard not used to such out right affection "Alright, alright I get it" he said hastily patting Aoi's back for reasurrance that he was still alive. " I-" he paused almost wincing at the thought of actually saying such soppy words "I love you too, but I'm not dead.... at least not yet anyway" he sighed releasing the hug rubbing his head as he looked to the floor where Audrey and two other humans gathered.

The blood had stained on the brown carpet, its smell was delictable to say the least. Viraj was concerning him however to the point that his eyebrows furrowed as Aziel took in the situation at hand. "Aoi, could you take Viraj somewhere away from the smell? Kieran would probably know how to handle him" he instantly switched his mind into action.
Aziel had to save Audrey now, there was no way around it.

He had to do the utmost unthinkable for a vampire.
And he would rather not let his siblings witness it though he knew one of them would, probably Ava since she didn't appear to be moving anywhere.

Sighing Aziel began to pull up the sleeve of his black satin shirt bending down to Audrey "I'll take it from here. You two go ...." he tried to think of something "Take care of yourselves or something, change and make sure that one doesn't scream" he nodded his head at Anna who seemed to be shaking at the shock outside of the doorway.
Aziel couldn't handle it if she screamed, he was under enough pressure as it was.
"Aoi get him out of here!" he said his nerves for Audrey's life starting to take affect on him as his voice rose in agitation "And I'm not moody!" he suddenly said in reply to Aoi's earlier comment as though it had only just registered.


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Wabishii looked up at the girl her eyebrows raised before running the thread through the clean water. Having read it somewhere she bent over and licked the wound softly to get what she hadnt with the towel before stitching the girls neck. It took her a few minutes so she had a perfect stitch to close it, grimacing at the taste of the blood spitting the rest out. Shooing off the the vampires so they'd go away from the blood her eyebrows frowning a little. "I dont know what you guys have to make the blood pump more... But its done."


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Audrey had been yanked from a dark dream by a gently tugging at her neck, or at least that's what she thought it was. It pulled her back into a painful, weak reality. She could barely move at all. The muscles in her arms and stomach kept tightening then relaxing uncontrollably, her chest moving in quick abrupt movements. She was laying in a good-sized sticky, red puddle. It had began staining her milky white hair, matting in together terribly towards the back. 'Why can't I just die now?' she thought, a low groan passing her parted, pale lips. Her skin, a usual light tan color, had turned a sickly pale/grey, colder than it usually was also. Aud convulsed upward, her back arching up from the carpet, expression twisting into something awful, something her complete discomfort. Her back then hit against the carpet once more, a weird sound heard from the blood that had seeped into the brown material on Aziel's floor, a soft sigh escaping her mouth.

"I dont know what you guys have to make the blood pump more... But its done."

The voice, muffled by the ringing sound in her ears, finally reached her. Make the blood pump more? What was done?? She blinked her eyes open, peering through the small spaces in her thick hair. Her vision had become worse, now she only saw large, lumpy blurs as peoples' figures. A deep hate had embedded itself within Audrey's gut for all vampires, and the brick wall she had up only got bigger.


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Anna watched as a girl sewed up the girl on the floor. she couldn't help but stay back in the distance and watch , she was afraid she would do something that might cause someone or something to get hurt even worse. So she waited quietly outside of the room and watched.


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Aziel made a strange face as he saw the wire stiching through Audrey's flesh, it was strange and looked ugly in his eyes. Human medical technology really puzzled him greatly. Nodding to the the girl that had done the sticthing he laced his hands under Audreys body lifting her up gently, at least he hoped gently it was hard to apply the right pressure when it came to humans.

"alright, as I said, I'll take it from here, you can all go back to your rooms, I think my siblings" he looked at Viraj "may need some downtime inorder to cope with themselves. Aoi could you seriously get him out of here already before he starts licking my damn carpet? I don't want more unwanted crap on there" he shook his head turning around with Audrey in his arms as he began to step over the blood stained patch of his carpet near Viraj and up the small three steps in his room, then swinging open the rather heavy red cutain he carried Audrey into a section of his room he swore he would never let her enter.

Kicked aside a few piles of books on the floor along with stacks of papers to make way he managed to get around the mess of this section and to the large double bed that sat comfortably in the middle of the room. Placing Audrey down on the soft covers he releaxed plopping on the edge brushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes, the stress of everthing had caused him to become tireder than he had imagined.

Looking over at Audrey he watched her half dazzed and aware of the world around her, it was no or never, he should get it over with, the most unthinkable action for a vampire. Standing up he walked over to her lifting his wrist to his mouth, he hated for his siblings to know what he was doing, but what choice did he have in the matter? Audrey was clearly going to die without it by the sound of her slowing heartbeat.
Opening his mouth his fangs grew longer on command instead of bloodlust, then, closing his eyes Aziel bit down on his wrist breaking the skin and jugular vein so the moment he released it blood ran out of his wound so fast it was almost like running water. Quickly he tucked his right hand under Audreys head lifting her and held his bleeding left thrist to her mouth dripping the blood in making sure she drank it before pressing his thrist firmly against her lips.

His blood would heal her, it would fasten up the process by weeks not days, and it would revitalise her blood supply making her bone marrow produce more blood cells inorder to compensate for the loss so that she didn't die. It shouldn't be too difficult for her, the sudden change may be shocking he wasn't sure about pain, the only thing he knew about the taste was that apparantly a vampires blood was slightly addicting.


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Aoi stood up, grumpily ignoring the blood, and he wrapped an arm around Viraj's throat. He was planning on choke-pulling him. It was easier than tugging his shirt. Though he was acting like a fool, it'd be fitting. He shrugged, and struggled to pull his older sibling out.


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Anna watched as Aoi tried to pull one of the boys out of the room , get him away from the blood. Anna sidestepped to make room so they could get pass her and out into the hall.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Viraj Saiji
Character Portrait: Julia Wright
Character Portrait: Jin Kazalim
Character Portrait: Wabishii Itsu
Character Portrait: Kieran Sutton
Character Portrait: Aziel Sutton
Character Portrait: Aoi Sutton


Character Portrait: Aoi Sutton
Aoi Sutton

"Whoah, i was just joking. Trying to make the best of a bad situation."

Character Portrait: Aziel Sutton
Aziel Sutton

You call that a success? Please.... even a monkey could do better

Character Portrait: Kieran Sutton
Kieran Sutton

"The blood of humans will keep me going, therefore I will kill them."

Character Portrait: Jin Kazalim
Jin Kazalim

"Hi, I'm Paul"

Character Portrait: Julia Wright
Julia Wright

I just want to go home

Character Portrait: Viraj Saiji
Viraj Saiji

"There will always be humans. We need only find them."


Character Portrait: Aziel Sutton
Aziel Sutton

You call that a success? Please.... even a monkey could do better

Character Portrait: Kieran Sutton
Kieran Sutton

"The blood of humans will keep me going, therefore I will kill them."

Character Portrait: Julia Wright
Julia Wright

I just want to go home

Character Portrait: Aoi Sutton
Aoi Sutton

"Whoah, i was just joking. Trying to make the best of a bad situation."

Character Portrait: Viraj Saiji
Viraj Saiji

"There will always be humans. We need only find them."

Character Portrait: Jin Kazalim
Jin Kazalim

"Hi, I'm Paul"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kieran Sutton
Kieran Sutton

"The blood of humans will keep me going, therefore I will kill them."

Character Portrait: Aziel Sutton
Aziel Sutton

You call that a success? Please.... even a monkey could do better

Character Portrait: Viraj Saiji
Viraj Saiji

"There will always be humans. We need only find them."

Character Portrait: Aoi Sutton
Aoi Sutton

"Whoah, i was just joking. Trying to make the best of a bad situation."

Character Portrait: Jin Kazalim
Jin Kazalim

"Hi, I'm Paul"

Character Portrait: Julia Wright
Julia Wright

I just want to go home

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