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Blood Prisoners

Blood Prisoners


What happens when the humans become their prisoners...

2,033 readers have visited Blood Prisoners since BlackBeauty created it.


In this roleplay the underworld has grown low on blood. The king of the underworld wants to keep as many humans as possible safe from them. So he has ordered everybody one blood supply. They must be able to maintain there humans blood. If they don’t not only will there human die but they will too. With this said the king of the underworld has locked away the five most deadliest vampires away to there own castle. They are four brothers and one sister. The king has a feeling that they will die within a week for they don’t know how to control their feeling to kill. Will the vampires be able to control themselves or will their life soon come to an end, Or will they learn to control the hunger and learn the meaning of true love.

Keep in mind that if you play a vampire you are ruthless and could care less about how the humans feel at least in the beginning of the roleplay.

Vampire brothers
1. Taken by Nikkan
2. Taken by greywarden17
3. Taken by HiddenNymph
4. Taken by Kai_Hibiki
Vampire sister
1. Taken by Cienpher

Human girls
1. Taken by me
2. Taken by drampire
3. Taken by lifebird
4. Taken by whitney080
Human boy
1. Taken by JustQuit

Character sheet
Appearance (anime picture)
Gifts (if vampire)
Try to be detailed with your character

If there are any questions please ask them in the OOC. Hope you like the roleplay

Toggle Rules

- Please be respectful to everyone in the roleplay
- Keep romance at a pg-13 level
- Check OOC often
- Read all the post
- Try to post at least twice a week

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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Everything else seemed to happened so fast from that point. One minute she was holding a knife up to her throat and the next she was in Viraj's arms. Surprised by yet another kiss he placed on her. She could feat the heat from her back as the blood ran down her back. The stinging that was running through her body. Just when she was about to pull away from her kiss she felt the pressure on her tonuge. Viraj had bitten it. The feeling of losing blood from a vein under your tongue was the most funniest yet painful feeling she had felt. Soon enough she felt her body go limp only this time she didnt pass out. Everything became super blurry and was turning white. When was he going to pull away the smell of all the fresh blood only made her situation worse.


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Audrey's hidden gaze was on her hands which were now in her lap as he spoke, crunching her nose as she nodded slowly. "Fruit will have to.." she agreed, raising her eyes to the purple colored bruise on his neck which was already healing, seeming to turn a green-ish color. Weren't vampires suppose to heal fast? "You don't taste good anyways," she informed him sarcastically, to possibly anger him once more as he spoke again, telling her to stay here and not touch anything.. Because she would break it? A puzzled look crossed her features. Did he think all humans were clumsy just because a few were? Aud rolled her blue/green eyes, just nodding, eyes following him to the red curtain which he disappeared behind.

Once he was out of view she wiped at her mouth gently, lips twitching. She had bit him.. Wow. Did that mean she won? Or did he? She pulled away... But did leave a pretty big mark. It would bug her until she found out for sure. Her other foot slid from the soft chair as she stood, stretching up towards the ceiling with her lanky arms. In the process her red, long-sleeved shirt came up a bit to expose her toned, cream colored stomach yet she snagged the material down quickly, walking over to the crumbled chess board on the floor a little ways away from the chairs. Audrey grimaced at the many broken pieces, kneeling down and picking up a piece, turning it in her slim hands. It was.. Or at least use to be a nice set. She wondered if she should pick the pieces up, but decided it wasn't in her "job description" and stood fluently.
Her footsteps were padded to a soft 'thud' as she made her way towards a large bookcase which caught her eye, one of the chess pieces still in her left hand. Once she got there she ran a hand along the spines of a few books, eyes sparking with curiosity. Who knew how old these things were! Audrey knew she was told not to touch anything, but that rule had been broken two minutes after he left from eyesight. Sitting the tiny, horse-shaped chess piece on a side table between two bookshelves she walked back over and picked up a book. It was a bit worn, the golden colored scripture on the front cover long faded. She ran the tips of two fingers across the ridges where the words were, in a language she could not understand.

Biting her lower lip absentmindedly she flipped the cover open to the first page, a skeptical brows raised at all the crazy words. Her back was to the red curtain across the room, and she had truthfully forgot about Aziel for the moment.


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#, as written by Nikkan
He catches her and holds her upright until she has recovered. When she isnt woozy,or at least can keep herself up. He takes her to the middle of the lsrge bathrrom and sets up his easel at the door. "I want you to dance." With all sorts of skintones and reds and yellows and blues he begins painting the layout of the background and leaves a large white blotch where he will paint in the human. Viraj waits expectently for her to dance. "I want you to really let lose, miss. Feel the passion and emotion in your art nd dance the best you have ever known.


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Julia was still slighty dizzy when she heard his words from a distance. She looked at hime and his paintings with burning curiousity. He was 100% serious she felt so weak and dizzy though. She looked at the broken glass on the floor and quickly began to clean it up, placing it in a mini trash can next to counter. Once more she looked up him and then back to the floor biting her lip. She swung her hair around to make sure it was loose and began to stretch. With a few deep breaths she began to dance forgetting he was even there.
^^^this is what the top looked like when she cut it except with sleeves^^^
She danced for what she thought was an hour until she couldnt dance anymore. Her hair was down in her face as she took in deep breaths. She got up not realizing how weak she was and fell back to the floor.


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#, as written by Nikkan
He dropped the brush to catch her before the girl could hit her head. He imagined her skull crashing against the floor and shattering into tiny shards. The blood pooling around the floor while he lapped up the last meal of his life off the cold tile. That certainly would not bode well for him. He threw her over his shoukder and tissed her clear across the bedroom from the doorway where she would flop neatly onto the matress. The painting was beautiful. She was in the air, one toe pointed forward and the other back with her hands above her in some strange mannsr, he did not know what they called the move but this is what he captured. He painted it with her on a stage. The floor was a shiny black and there was a rainbow of lights illuminating her.


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Julia waited a couple of minutes before she sat up. The room was spinning. "I dont think all the loss of blood and dancing mixed very well." She looked at the door she was so tired of being cramped up in this room, she needed air. "Is there a balcony? The cool air might do me some justice." She asked Viraj. She took her time getting up this time when she felt more sturdy she tied her in hair in a bun and waited for Viraj's reply. Waiting something she seemed to be doing a lot lately.


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#, as written by Nikkan
He was irritated at her question. He opened some urtains revealing a balcony surrounded entirely by a sturdy cage of iron bars. Judging by the way they shined the cage must have been put in very recently. "Yes, but it is a little locked down." Viraj appears behind her and sets a hand on her shoulder. He runs it down her arm and feels the veins coursing with precious blood. "Get some fresh air. It will be good for my meals."


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Aoi took Anna's hand, and led her to the Kitchen yet again. "What would you like? Sandwich? Chicken? Venison?" Aoi muttered. Smiling at her. He was trying to be nice as possible to his meal, after all.


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Julia shook her head. Whta would be the point of going on the balcony if you couldnt see anything. Instead she got of the bed and head to the door. Biting her lip she turned to Viraj. "Can we just go downstairs please. I mean if im going to be here for so long at least want to know what the place looks like." She hesitated for a long moment before she finally added...Please.


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#, as written by Nikkan
He sighed and opened the door with a small key that had been up his sleeve the entire time. "Come bloodbag, explore but stay by my side." He grabs her wrist snd takes a strong pace down the hall with her in toe. The girl was beginning to interrupt his plans, going somewhere when he did not want to. This was a deep irritation.


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She followed without a choice as he led them through the house. The house was really a mansion the inside big and the decore so deep and beautiful. She glanced to pictures, statues, to the grand stair case. Pearing over it she could see a beautiful marble floor. There were some windows were the curtains were cracked others remained closed. "Do you not like the sun?" She asked pointing towards the door. She noticed all the doors on the top floor. "Are there others hear that you not tell me about?" She quickly said stopping in the middle of her tracks. She didnt want to irritate him, but everytime she thought about he really deaserved anything she wanted to dish out.


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#, as written by Nikkan
The sun comment was a step too far. She lashed out at her and struck his hand toward her, but stopped justin time before it could damage her frail body. He would grab her and throw her ragdoll of a body over his shoulder and then jump the length of the staircase to he marble floor. He much prefferednit the efficient way. When he was on the bottom he set her down and tugged again at her wrist to lead her into the commons area.


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"That's it!!!" Julia thought to herself. Enough is enough. So she stopped in her tracks not really doing much when the person puliing her was a vampire. Irritated she sat down where she was at crossing her legs and arms, and she wasn't about to move anytime soon. "I understand that your a vampire and the place you came from was a hell hole but that doesn't give you the right to treat me how you are. YOU need Me to live not the other way around so if you think im afraid to try and kill myself im not!!! You may think I am but I promise you I am not." She said standing up inches from his face. She was telling the truth she really wasn't afraid to die. Stepping as close as she could to him she moved her hair from her neck. "Do it!! Do it I dare you." She reached behind to scrape the blood that hadn't dried from her back. There wasn't much but she knew it would be enough. "You smell that go ahead and finish the job. You know you want to!!!"


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#, as written by Nikkan
The sweet scent flowed up from her body into his waiting nostrils. He wanted it, badly, but knew it was too soon already. He would instead grab her and lap at the blood on her back. His tongue rubbed the dried blood from her skin and he sucked away until she was clean of the stuff. He then grabbed her and carried her into the next room over his shoulder. He could carry her and she wouldnt be able o do anything about it. He sets her on the couch on one side and joins her, his body ressed up against hers. He suddemly felt the urge to kiss her, deeply and forcefully out of sheer lust, and so he grabbed her and did so.


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Julia felt awkward as he licked the blood from her back. She remained quiet as he carried her to another room. When he kissed her she was once again taken by surprise. This time she dug her fingers into his hair. Gripping his hair she pulled him away from her. She could feel tears forming in her eyes. "Stop please." She said turning away from him. She stared at some paintings while her mind went racing one hundred miles per hour. "How many days have i been here?" She was sleeping so much she didnt even know.


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Jin turned and rolled his eyes at the ignorant Vampire."No, then again I'm not hungry" He kept his shirt off and continued to train. He wasn"t a push over. He wouldn't be ordered to do anything. Only asked. He usually respectivly did what the person had asked him. Ava did not. JIn quickly thought of the pros and up to her. She could kill him, and she could let him starve. Either way they both died. So ultimitly they would have to depend and rely on one another. Having himself ordered around wouldn't be the way to go about it. He already had zero respect for her because of her lack of respect for him. Further more he really didn't care how his no effected her.


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Anna smiled at Aoi. 'Ill just eat a sandwich."She said and looked around the kitchen till she found all the things to make one , when she was done she took a bite and thought about somethings before she swallowed. Anna looked up at Aoi , "So do you have any powers?" She asked and took another bite.


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Aoi stared at his nails and muttered quietly to Anna in a reply. "Yeah, i suppose. I can make animal noises - And i can heard stuff in other rooms. Oh, and i can do this.."

Aoi focused, and backflipped up onto the ceiling, his feet hooking onto a pole. "So, would you consider that a power?"


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Anna looked at Aoi on the ceiling and smiled. "Well i can't do that so it must be a power." She said looking at Aoi , wondering if he's ever fallen. "I can make a few animal noises but there a bit lame. i can hear people in other rooms... as long as there yelling i can hear them." Anna said with a hint of humor in her vioce.


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#, as written by Nikkan
When he was pulled away he only smirked, then as softly as he could slapped her across the cheek. It was still with considerable force. "See now, if im locked up in here I cant get out of here to socialize much." He crosses his legs on the couch and pins her back in against the armrest. "So when i need a little relief, how about you just participate ok?"


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Aoi pulled himself up and sat like a bird. He then made pigeon noises. "Ca Caw Ca Caw Ca Caw!" He cried. Laughing through most of it. He slipped, and resumed hanging upside down. Now face to face with Anna.


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Anna smiled at Aoi and laughed when he made bird sounds. "Please tell , what kind of animal was that? Im stuck between a pigeon and some other type of bird." She said and laughed again.


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Julia felt the force from his slap and felt him closing in on her. When she heard what she had to say she only looked away. "How can I do anything with a monster like you. You cold inside and out. You have never had a heart so its like your oblivious how much you hurt people. Yet you want me to able to kiss you." Slowly she got up moving to a different side of the castle. She was wondering if he had followed her but wasnt going to look back and find out.


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Aziel pottered about in the room behind the curtain trying to figure out where he had put the bowl of fruit, unlike the other side of the curtain this side was just a huge mess of papers with notes scribbled down on them. Aziel often liked to keep record of his life, so in other words a journal, not to mention he had collected over the years important documents from human history affecting his own race’s such as treason against kings and queens not to mention personal letters.

Aziel always had an interest in history.

Passing a mirror he stopped for a second to see the fading bruise on his neck, the sight of it for some reason made him smile “she really did give it her all didn’t she?” she chuckled to himself just as something caught his eye. On the small table beside his large double bed softer than even the most prized was the bowl of fruit.

Picking up the red mosaic bowl from the roman era filled with bananas, one apple and a vine of grapes he moved the curtain separating the rooms aside with the thick of his arm; the material really was rather heavy.
However the first thing he saw instantly made him lose his previous smile. Not making a sound he left the exquisite bowl of fruit on the small table they had been sat around before stalking towards the girl looming over her shoulder to see what it was she had in her hands. When he saw the ancient book he grinded his teeth leaping his arms over her to grab the book delicately opening it as he flipped through it nervously worried she may have harmed it. The look of concern of his face was hard to hide before it changed to a scowl his eyes flicking back to her as he closed the book and moved to stand beside her replacing it within the bookshelf.

“A guest never touches things without permission; even amongst humans that rule is solid in politeness. So you of all people have no right to be touching my things without asking” he shot her a cold snarl as his upper lip showed his fangs “Especially objects older than you or even your grandmother, not to mention in a language you could never understand!” his voice began to raise a bit before he realised that his temper was daring him again.
Closing his eyes to look away from her he breathed deeply before returning his gaze “I would make you apologise but then I would have to make some effort and I really do not have the will or even care for your apologies.” It was about time the cold, uncaring lazy side of Aziel’s personality began to kick in as he reformed his usual composure instead of having his temper.

“Eat your fruit if you don’t want to die, I will be hungry again shortly so build up your... strength” he was unsure whether to say health or not but figured this girl liked to think she was strong from the way she threatened him when she first saw him.
Moving before her he grabbed the only apple slouching back into the chair taking a large bite as he raised an eyebrow his expression saying ‘well what are you waiting for’.


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Julia felt the force from his slap and felt him closing in on her. When she heard what she had to say she only looked away. "How can I do anything with a monster like you. You cold inside and out. You have never had a heart so its like your oblivious how much you hurt people. Yet you want me to able to kiss you." Slowly she got up moving to a different side of the castle. She was wondering if he had followed her but wasnt going to look back and find out.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Viraj Saiji
Character Portrait: Julia Wright
Character Portrait: Jin Kazalim
Character Portrait: Wabishii Itsu
Character Portrait: Kieran Sutton
Character Portrait: Aziel Sutton
Character Portrait: Aoi Sutton


Character Portrait: Aoi Sutton
Aoi Sutton

"Whoah, i was just joking. Trying to make the best of a bad situation."

Character Portrait: Aziel Sutton
Aziel Sutton

You call that a success? Please.... even a monkey could do better

Character Portrait: Kieran Sutton
Kieran Sutton

"The blood of humans will keep me going, therefore I will kill them."

Character Portrait: Jin Kazalim
Jin Kazalim

"Hi, I'm Paul"

Character Portrait: Julia Wright
Julia Wright

I just want to go home

Character Portrait: Viraj Saiji
Viraj Saiji

"There will always be humans. We need only find them."


Character Portrait: Viraj Saiji
Viraj Saiji

"There will always be humans. We need only find them."

Character Portrait: Jin Kazalim
Jin Kazalim

"Hi, I'm Paul"

Character Portrait: Kieran Sutton
Kieran Sutton

"The blood of humans will keep me going, therefore I will kill them."

Character Portrait: Julia Wright
Julia Wright

I just want to go home

Character Portrait: Aoi Sutton
Aoi Sutton

"Whoah, i was just joking. Trying to make the best of a bad situation."

Character Portrait: Aziel Sutton
Aziel Sutton

You call that a success? Please.... even a monkey could do better

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jin Kazalim
Jin Kazalim

"Hi, I'm Paul"

Character Portrait: Aoi Sutton
Aoi Sutton

"Whoah, i was just joking. Trying to make the best of a bad situation."

Character Portrait: Viraj Saiji
Viraj Saiji

"There will always be humans. We need only find them."

Character Portrait: Kieran Sutton
Kieran Sutton

"The blood of humans will keep me going, therefore I will kill them."

Character Portrait: Julia Wright
Julia Wright

I just want to go home

Character Portrait: Aziel Sutton
Aziel Sutton

You call that a success? Please.... even a monkey could do better

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