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When the Elements are confronted by Darkness, the forces of Light must try to regain balance.

1,323 readers have visited Clash since ShinobiKezmond created it.

Duchess-Zombie, and AndieAnderson are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


The elements are in spirit form, constantly moving, pushing and pulling, in balance. They are born within children, two at a time and represent Yin and Yang. One born in light, one born in darkness. But when Darkness masses and pulls his forces to stage a coup, the Light crumbles. Now, being hunted by Darkness and his minions, the spirit elements of Light must fight to restore balance.

Like Ying and Yang every force must have an opposite and it is the same with the elements. The light elements strive for harmony and peace on Earth whilst the dark elements want only chaos. That doesn't mean that they only oppose each other though. The dark elements are known to fight whoever and whenever they want with no consideration for the mortals who surround them.

Light Elements:
Earth: Jenson Gebb -ShinobiKezmond
Air: Harmony Breeze - AdmireAtStuff
Electricity: Whisper Bolt -ItzReesieCup

Dark Elements
Fire: Mariana - AndieAnderson
Water: Sofia Nerine - Duchess-Zombie
Electricity: Jason Bolt - ITzReesieCup

Toggle Rules

No mindless, 2D characters. Let's see some decent thoughts being put into this!

No killing off other players, (Unless they don't post for like 6 months.)

Feel free to kill random enemies / people.

Have fun.

Also, not really a rule, but be careful around Miriana. She's brutal. Plus she's also kind of become the big antagonist of the plot at the moment. She can't kill you off just yet, but well, I wouldn't get too close....

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Character Portrait: Jenson Geb
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Jenson sighed as he clocked off his afternoon shift. It was a Friday evening and the sun was slowly setting, the warm summer breeze sent early Autumn leaves tumbling down the street. London pedestrians were shuffling around, no doubt preparing for a night out with friends, others rushing home to relax after a long week's work. Jenson unlocked his bike from the rack behind the 'Pet's Surplus Shop' and groggily clambered on. His stomach was rumbling, he needed food.

Cycling home, Jenson decided to stop by a local newsagents to pick up a bar of chocolate. That'll keep me going for a bit I guess... he thought. Pedalling home, he thinks back to the letter stuffed under his mattress back at the apartment. A summons to New York City, to meet an old family member on his deathbed. A total waste of effort was the first thought that ran through Jenson's head, but then he realised the costs were being covered. A flight, first class, and accomodation at reasonable hotel in the City. Much better than the dirty, unkepmpt apartment Jenson was currently sleeping in.

Dumping his bike in the small tools shed behind the decaying, graffiti smeared walls of the building Jenson called home, he walked into the lobby, chomping on the bar of chocolate and anxiously rubbing his stomach.

"Damn, I'm hungry... " he mumbled to no one in particular. He glowered at the 'Out of Order' sign on the lift doors and began his arduous three flight of stairs hike. Fumbling for his door key, he sighs again. Fatigue from hauling large sacks of pet food around all day no doubt. He kicks open his door and walks straight into the bedroom, ignoring the dusty sofa and the four excited dogs. Grabbing a tatty weekend bag, he stuffs them with clothes and grabs the letter from underneath the yellow stained mattress.

Jenson then turned and smiled a little sadly at the dogs.

" Sorry guys, I'll be back soon."

He leaves his apartment, making sure to call in on his elderly neighbour Mrs Crigg and deliver her his key. She had previously agreed to look after his dogs for the trip and Jenson felt alot better about leaving them now, knowing they'd be in good hands. He smiles at Mrs Crigg, her twinkling eyes lighting up at some form of coversation in her lonely life, and then he leaves, wakling back down the stairs and into the back of a shiny limousine that had been arranged to drive him to the Airport.


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'Have a lovely day.'
Sofia pulled the headset off her head and slammed it down onto the desk in front of her. The constant stream of idiots today had caused her to lose her patience very early on but she had persevered. She had made a bet with Winston that she could make it through this week without breaking something, that included her self, her relationship with her boss or losing her job. Sofia was acutely aware that she wouldn't gain anything from this little bet as her cat was sorely incapable of buying her the alcoholic drink she craved. She would just have to buy it for him, she had done before it wouldn't hurt to do it again. Rubbing her temples Sofia pushed the chair she had been sat on for the last five hours away from the desk and stood. Her legs screamed in protest but the release was well needed. Without a word she walked out of the office, down the stairs and through the door to the street. She never said goodbye to any of her co workers. She didn't feel she needed too when she could kill them at the drop of a hat. Small, pathetic creatures that humans were she still had to fit in with their everyday crawl and she hated it. It wouldn't be much longer though, something was coming, the tension in the air was building. Her sister had told her it was what she was meant for but not divulged more information than that. Sofia was used to her sister cryptic messages. Something about being dead meant you knew things that you couldn't possibly know when you were alive but you felt the need to speak in riddles. Sofia would never understand and she didn't much care either way. She stalked off down the street in search of the nearest bar. Today was Friday after all and she had made it to the end of the week without hurting anyone. A double vodka and lemonade, hold the lemonade might be just what the doctor ordered. As she turned the next corner, closing in on the bar that would house her for the rest of the evening, her phone starting ringing. Sofia fished the offending object from the pocket of her jacket and winced as the piercing tone cut through the air around her. Quickly she pressed the green button and held the phone to her ear.
'Hi, Sofia, It's Luke.'

The monotone voice of the her boss came through the ear piece and Sofia swore a little part of her brain died just then.
'Hey, Luke.'
'You left the office before I could say anything but I've been asked to send one of my employees to New York this weekend and you seem to be the best choice. The flight is tonight. I've emailed the details to you along with the plane tickets.'
'Do you have anymore questions?'
'The email should cover it all, right?'

God how dense was this man.
'Yes. Alright Sofia, see you in a few weeks.'
The line went dead. Sofia tucked the phone back into her pocket with a sigh. It looked like she would have to grab a drink on the go.

Winston sat on Sofia's newly packed suitcase making the same mewling sounds of a new born baby. He knew she was going away and he was hating her for it. Sofia glared at the fat ginger cat.
'I have to go.'
He continued to whine at her and showed no sign of moving. Thoroughly pissed off Sofia picked up the cat round the middle and dumped him on the floor where he promptly turned around and walked away waving his tail in annoyance. Whenever he acted up Sofia remembered why she picked him, they had the same bad attitude. This made her smile slightly. She hated leaving him. She didn't know who fed him when she was gone but he never lost any weight, in fact he was usually fatter when she got home. Sofia sighed and swigged another mouthful of vodka from the bottle by her bedside. She had been doing this since she started packing...One item for the suitcase, one mouthful of vodka for Sofia...She was on her way to being well and truly drunk. At least it meant she would sleep through the entire flight. Her phone vibrated on her bed letting her know that her taxi was standing outside ready. With another sigh she heaved the suitcase off the bed and through the front door of her flat.
'Bye Winston.'
She shouted back at the cat before she locked the door and pulled her suitcase down the stairs.


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Character Portrait: Sofia Nerine Character Portrait: Whisper Bolt Character Portrait: Jason Bolt
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Whisper sat at the airport, reading a magazine. She was waiting for her plane to arrive. She was getting lots of stares at her attire, not that she minded. She never really cared what people thought, after all she was pretty different. She liked it though.

She reached into the cage she held on her lap, her small grey kitty inside of it. She stroked the cats soft fur. The cat was mute aswell, so there wasn't any purring nor meowing, but she knew the cat loved her, she felt it.

Jason was waiting outside in the taxi. He knew Sofia pretty well and loved pulling pranks on people. He planned to drive her to the airport without her seeing him and then surprise her last moment. Then again, it had been awhile. He doubted she even knew he still lived here. Of course, he didn't care, he knew she would remember him.


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Character Portrait: Miriana
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It was around this time of evening that what little patience remained within her disappeared completely. As the drunkards began falling out of the pub doors and into the dark streets she began to feel her temper rising. She didn't understand the need to drink yourself into oblivion. As if it actually helped solve anything, measly excuses for men spending their evenings flirting with any women that happened to catch their eyes and then later returning home to their doting wives that would happily ignore the fact that they were often unfaithful. Men. One thing above all others in the world that truly made her want to vomit. She didn't understand the lovey dovey crap that couples often portrayed but she understood it even less when people were unfaithful. Perhaps she should divulge in a drink or two? Perhaps not, the thought of sitting with company for more than five seconds made her desire to kill increase.

"Oi, Love." Miriana stopped dead, infuriated by the person that dared call out to her. No one ever even attempted a conversation with her and that was exactly the way she liked it. Turning round to face the man that had piqued her interest, she watched as he stumbled off of the step that he'd been stood on and prowled towards her. Miriana dared not breathe, her posture quickly changing in defense.

"Come on love, give us a kiss!" Searching around her she spotted an alley way. Instantly a million thoughts ran through her mind, calculating the distance and accessibility of the alleyway itself. Snapping her attention back to the man before her she took in his disheveled appearance. He was young, younger than she had first anticipated, having instantly assumed him to be middle aged. His thick black leather jacket was torn in places, ripped and worn over time. His trousers were stained with what she believed to be either beer or urine and it also appeared to have dripped down onto his scruffy brown shoes. He wore upon his head a brown flat cap, filthy from a hard days work. Stubble coated his chin and gave her the impression that this man was definitly drowning his sorrows. However the most infuriating thing was his eyes, as he stared at her as if she was a piece of meat; Tender and ready to be bitten into.

Stepping back slowly away from him, she could see the flicker of courage that flashed across his face. So quickly that she barely saw him move, his hand wrapped itself around her arm. Brave He was strong but she was quick, twisting his own arm up behind him she pushed him into the alley, her eyes burning and her blood pounding through her veins. Throwing him to the floor she pulled her whip from seemingly nowhere and used it to tie him to the drainpipes behind him. She pulled a cigarette from the packet in her pocket, pushed it into her mouth and lit it with her favorite lighter. She took a puff and smirked as she straddled the man before her, his fearful eyes pleading with her. "Now what did you say to me?" She whispered menacingly.


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Character Portrait: Jenson Geb
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" Who are you?" Jenson asked the driver of the limousine. He did not get a response.

This is really weird...

The Limo seemed to be darting in and out of the late rush hour traffic with ease and before he knew it, Jenson was at the airport. People in suits were pacing back and forth on phones and rich looking couples paid stewards to unload their baggage. Jenson had only ever been to the airport once, and it was full of families with too many children, and groups of teenagers going abroad for the first time. There was a stink of stale booze and the noise. Jenson shuddered at the thought. This part of the airport seemed much nicer, and as he stood looking around, the driver of the limo came out and handed him his weekend bag and plane ticket.

"Oh. Thank you." Jenson said with a small hint of suspicion in his voice. This was still really odd. If only he could shake this weird feeling he had. The Limo driver politely nods his head and returns to the car, started the engine and swiftly pulled away.

Well, it's too late to head back now. Jenson thought, chuckling to himself as he realised he had enough money for food at the airport, let alone a taxi ride back home. He picked up his bag and headed into the throng of rigid people, all looking quite snobby as Jenson walked past them in just a brown t shirt and ripped black jeans. He smiled and nodded an apology when occasionally his bag nudged other passengers, trying not to make too much of a bad first impression.

Jenson looked down at the tickets the driver had handed him. Flight No. 122. Jenson glanced around and saw no screen that displayed his number. A bit strange. Still, he didn't give up. A free trip to New York was at stake here! Ohhhh, steak.... Jenson quickly realised his train of thought had led him to thinking of his favourite food. Steak. He resolved to find his way onto the boarding gate for Flight 122 as soon as possible so he could get food. The rumbling sounds echoing frmo his stomach were already proving too much. Jenson decided he was going to ask one of the many members of staff that walked around the first part of the airport, wearing bright neon yellow jackets.

" Excuse me?" Jenson asks a slightly shrivelled old man in a jacket way too big for him. "Where can I find flight 122?" The old man doesn't say anything but smiles at Jenson in a rather curious manner. Then he points to a doorway about 20 metres away.

"In there?" Jenson asks. The old man nods and walks away. Jenson picks up his bag and slings the strap over his shoulder and walks towards the doorway. It seemed abandoned, until a rather impatient looking girl stormed through the door, a bottle of vodka clutched in hand.

This was definitely something out of the ordinary.


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Character Portrait: Sofia Nerine Character Portrait: Jason Bolt
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Sofia flung her heavy suitcase into the boot of the taxi and slammed the lid down on top of it. What the hell was in there? It wasn't like she'd packed all that much stuff. Moving round to the side of the car she pulled open the door, slipped into the seat and fastened the belt as she closed the door behind her.
She slurred and gestured wildly to the driver. If she'd been paying attention she might have noticed that the drive was a lot more quiet than usual. The man in the front kept his head down and both hands on the wheel instead of the loud obnoxious chatter that they usually spouted but Sofia's attention was solely on her rapidly emptying bottle of vodka. She took another swig and watched the city fly past the window, a monochrome blur. She didn't like big cities. There was never enough water. She had been born in an area where there was water all around. The sea was in walking distance from her house but here in the city the sea was miles and miles away. Sometimes she wondered why she'd even moved here to a world of concrete and shadows but deep down she knew the answer. The people. There was a bigger sense of despair as men and women failed on a daily basis. The hurt, anger, fear and desperation tainted the air in the city and to Sofia it was addictive. Of course she preferred to be the bringer of suffering so every once in a while she had to hurt someone herself. It gave her a little sense of satisfaction knowing that she could.

The minutes ticked past and finally the taxi arrived at the airport. Sofia freed herself from the car and retrieved her case from the boot before stopping by the drivers window. The window was open so she leaned down and glared at the man inside.
'How much...?'
Her words trailed off as he looked at her. A flash of recognition crossed her face.


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"I didnt mean no 'arm love, me mates they dared me to talk to ya" Miriana let out a dark chuckle, before taking another puff on her cigarette. This time as she blew out the smoke she blew it into his face. "Please dont kill me miss! I have a wife who's waitin at home" His begging only spurred her on. As a woman who now lacked in morals she could be as nasty as she liked, her conscience no longer existed. Buried under years worth of damaging information and evil deeds.

Making her decision, she leant in closer to him and undid his restraints. Taking back her whip and storing it back into where she kept it. The man smiled thankfully at her, clearly thrilled at her supposed sudden change of heart. He said nothing as he stumbled to his feet, the alcohol still coursing strongly through his system. SHe smirked at him as he remained staring at her face. "You have ten seconds" she hissed as she stubbed her cigarette out. Instantly his look of adoration changed to confusion.

"Ten seconds?" He began to walk backwards away from her, his legs barely keeping him upright.

"Yes ten seconds, although now its more along the lines of 5 seconds" She looked up at him from beneath her eyelashes. A final warning. Picking uo on the int he began to run, well stumble along the alley way into the darkness. Mirian didnt move, allowing there to be some distance between the two as she counted down in her head. Finlly, he was out of time and she sprinted after him as quickly as she could. Already able to see him up ahead. he'd slowed down clearly satisfied that she wasnt coming after him. He was wrong. He'd underestimated her and he as about to pay. Hearing her footfalls, he turned his face draining of colour as she pounced like a cat after pray. Her body collided with his as she knocked him to the floor. sat on top of him she threw punch after punch at his face and hissed in anger as his fist swung and collided with her right eye. They began to wrestle with each other, though no match for her he was putting up a fight none the less and she wondered idily if he was part of perhaps a fight club.

Having had enough of this now, she wrapped her hand around his throat. Her long nails, claw like and painted black dug into the skin there and a trickle of blood ran down towards his chest. With her other hand she ripped open his shirt and then slowly licked the trail of blood clean. Her eyes met his and he watched as they turned black. She could feel his temperature rising beneath his skin. His blood literally boiling in his veins. His face changed to pure agony as he let out an agonising scream. Quickly his cheeks became enflamed, the veins in his eyes bulging with the hot liquid. Blood began bubbling out of his mouth as he drew his last breath. His skin baking to the touch.

Satisfied with her work she climbed off of him and licked her nails clean. Lighting up a new cigarette, she quickly rummaged through his pockets and found some change. She pocketed it and smirked before stalking off down the alley way and back on the path she was taking earlier. Now she was going to be late.


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Jason burst into laughter at her remark.

"Hmmm well that's not exactly my name, but good start." He smiled at her. "And don't worry, the trip to the airport didn't take long, it's free." He eyed the vodka bottle she held and then studied her pupils.

"I think you've had enough there, love. Save some for later." He swiftly took the vodka bottle the cap, closing it before keeping it out of her reach.

"So what brings you to the airport darling?"


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"Hmmm well that's not exactly my name, but good start." And don't worry, the trip to the airport didn't take long, it's free."

Sofia narrowed her eyes and glared at the man with venom. What was he doing here? She hadn't seen him for over two years, not since the last time they clashed. Him being here was an open challenge. Did he want her to attack him?

Calm down she told herself sternly you're too drunk to fight anyway.

Sofia forced herself to smile at Jason even after he pulled the vodka bottle from her hand.

That's got nothing to do with you 'darling' She spat Thanks for the free ride.

With that Sofia swung on her heel and stalked away from the taxi, swaying slightly and pulling her case behind her, she joined the throng of people hurrying through the airport doors. The fact that Jason had been her driver had pissed her off more than usual and now she was seething. She pushed through a group of kids who were screaming about their first holiday without parents and got a smart remark from one of the girls. Resisting the urge to turn and punch the girl in the face proved difficult but somehow Sofia managed. A duty free on the far side of the check in desk caught her eye and she waited impatiently for the man behind the desk to finish processing her tickets and send her through. After buying herself a fresh bottle of vodka she pushed back out through the doors and stalked off down the halls occasionally stopping to ask directions. She was directed through a door where there were no people. It seemed kind of strange that she was getting on a private plane. What was going on here? A man stood close to the entrance of the doors. Judging by his bags he was going to be on the flight too. Sofia didn't spare him much of a glance and carried on with her pissed off walking. She took a seat in the waiting area and unscrewed the cap from the bottle and took a swig of the fresh alcohol. The strength made her shudder. Airports always sold the best when it came to vodka.


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Jason chuckled from that. She remembered him better than he thought. That was perfect. He ditched the taxi in the middle of the airport and walked into the airport. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she realized they were going on the same flight. Did he know why? Not really. He just knew she would be joining him on that lovely flight.

He walked into the doors without any bags. He could buy his things at the destination. He waited for a couple minutes before walking into the same gate. He saw her sitting and dirinking yet again. He would have to do something. Cockily, he simply walked over and took a seat next to her. He leaned back and turned his face to her and gave her a flirty smile.

"Come on, love. You know that stuff will kill your liver." He took the bottle from her again, getting a little too close for comfort. "Now, why don't you tell me the reason you haven't bothered to talk to me lately. Don't you miss your old friend?"


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Miriana stepped into the 24 hour corner shop, her mind set on one thing. Usually she hated these types of places but the blood of the man before still left a beautiful taste in her throat and she needed a drink. She sighed at the over enthusiastic music playing throughout the store. What ever happened to the sound of silence? Snatching up a bottle of bleach, she turned and began to walk out of the shop.

"You have to pay for that!" She hadn't noticed the shop keeper until now, he stood behind the counter, his fear of her evident on his face. Continuing to walk out of the establishment, she didn't pay any attention to him as he began shouting at her. How dare he? Didn't he know who she was? She had just reached the dark street when she heard the click. Turning around she glared at the small man stood in the shop doorway, shotgun in had, aimed at her. She let out a low malicious chuckle.

"I'm warning you!". His voice trembled as he spoke, the gun wavered in his trembling hands. Once more she turned away and continued forwards, the bottle of bleach still tightly held in her left hand. The world seemed to slow down as she heard him pull the trigger, the loud bang and the whoosh as the bullet flew towards her. Snapping around to face the bullet, that travelled towards her slowly she concentrated her thoughts on heating up the powder inside. The bullet exploded with a little flame and she smiled in satisfaction. The shop keeper looked at her, shock and mind blowing fear caused him to take a step backwards. He threw the gun down, obviously realising it was of no use, before disappearing inside and slamming shut the door.

Slipping the lid off of the bottle, Miriana took a long swig of the bleach. The chemical burning her throat as it quenched her thirst. Screwing the cap back on she continued up the street, stopping briefly to concentrate intently on the little store behind her. She didn't turn when the explosion sounded, nor when pieces of debris flew past her. No she didn't have time to stop and glance back at the damage she had caused. Her instincts were telling her to get to the airport.

She had a plane to catch.


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Jenson watched as the short woman with the bottle of Vodka stormed through the doors to the private jet gate. He felt some kind of energy from her. Could she also be a... He shook the thought from his head, a little bit worried. If he'd sensed her, surely she'd sensed him. Straightening up, he grabbed his bag and made to walk through the doorway, to follow her to the gate. He was interrupted however, by a man with a sinister feel to him. He was walking with a cocky determination. Jenson reluctantly followed and watched as he sat next to the Vodka girl and plucked the bottle from her hands.

Both of them! They're Dark... Jenson was panicking now. He was obvious, standing rigid, staring at the unnatural duo. Trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible, he walked, head hung, to the side of the room, trying to find a seat as far away from them as possible.

Surely there'll be more people on this flight. he began in his head, thinking rapidly of a strategy if it came to a fight. I can't fight here. People will get hurt.
He sat down and peeked at the two of them. Deciding to focus on what was happening, he pulled up the hood of his dark grey jacket and closed his eyes.

Jenson gasped. He wasn't alone. There was another warm presence, somewhere in the airport. He could feel it. He would have to find this person, but how? And then it struck him. Underneath that close warmth, resonating from the spiritual energy of the mysterious person in the airport, was a horrible, cold Darkness. Evil. A malice so angry, so unspeakably horrendous, terrifying. It was heading for the airport.

Jenson only hoped they'd be up in the skies before this thing arrived.


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The time was drawing closer as was the energy, She could feel it even from this distance. Good or evil it needed to be destroyed. It was playtime today and though she didnt know why, she knew what had to be done. Time was running out and she realised frustratingly that she wasnt going to catch this flight if she didnt get a move on. Slowing to a stop on the pavement she glanced around at the deserted streets.

A black mercedes was parked not far from her, in front of a pub. A woman stumbled down the steps towards it. Miriana made up her mind. Producing a water bottle, she poured out the liquid before pulling out the bleach she carried with her and refilling it. Screwing the cap back on, she glided over to the woman trying to fit the key in the lock. The woman startled when she saw her, a fearful look in her eyes. She was swaying on the spot now, abandoning her attempts to unlock her car she stepped away from Miriana. Miriana held out the water bottle to her, managing to communicate the dare without actually talking.

"I think I've had enough" The woman slurred and Miriana resisted the urge to shout at her. She guestured again with the bottle and the lady finally took it from her and even risked a step closer. Unscrewing the cap she began to drink, instantly realising something was wrong. Snapping her hands in position, Miriana held the bottle to her mouth, her other hand holding the womans head in place.

Muffled screams echoed along the street as the burning liquid made its way down her throat, Miriana didnt care who heard, this woman didnt matter. No one would approach her anyway. Boredom began poking at Miriana, dropping the bottle she ignored the womans screams and instead grasp her neck and twisted hard.

The snapping almost brought a smile to her face. Snatching up the womans keys she unlocked the mercedes and slid in. The leather seats were not necessarily comortable but were adaquate and as she started the engine, the soft pur made me realise that this had been a good idea. Now she'd make it in time.


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Character Portrait: Sofia Nerine Character Portrait: Jason Bolt Character Portrait: Jenson Geb Character Portrait: Harmony Breeze
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Slight breeze was caressing Harmony's face as she was waking up from her sleep. She slowly opened her gray eyes. The girl didn't see any ceiling. Nor did she see any walls. A waltz between clouds and light beams on the sky scene filled her sight. The young woman got up in a sitting position and stretched. "I fell asleep on the airport's ground." she thought. Harmony got up, took her small amount of baggage and started walking. Later she got in the private jet gate.

"Which seat will I take?" she thought. Carelessly Harmony walked pass Sophia and Jason without noticing their darkness and sat next to Jenson. She took out a package of biscuits. A loud opening noice cut the silence away, followed by a carefree crunching. "Biscuit?" the girl offered to Jenson with her mouth full.


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Character Portrait: Sofia Nerine Character Portrait: Jason Bolt Character Portrait: Jenson Geb Character Portrait: Harmony Breeze
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Jenson smiled at this girl with the biscuits. She wasn't the warm presence he'd detected earlier. Seems like she'd hidden herself rather well. Still, not wanting to be rude, Jenson politely accepted the biscuit. It wasn't a steak...but it'd do for now. He thanked the stranger next to him and kept his head focused on the ground. Still braced. There were now three Light here, and two Dark, plus that evil essence heading towards them now, even faster than before. If only that other Light could find their way here, then Jenson would feel a lot better.

A pleasant female voice rang out through the tannoy system, announcing that the plane was ready to board. So, avoiding eye contact, Jenson stood up and yanked his bag from between his legs. He braved a glance back to the two Darks and then looked down at the girl with the biscuits. He could tell she was a Light. But why of all places were they all at an airport? It seemed like fate itself was playing a cruel game with them all.

"You coming?" Jenson asked the girl next to him, who was still seated. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name...."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miriana Character Portrait: Jenson Geb Character Portrait: Harmony Breeze
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"Because I didn't tell it to you yet." Harmony chuckled. "My name is Harmony, nice to meet you! What is your name?" She asked after standing up.

Right in that second a strangling feeling shoved into her vens, causing her to choke furiously. When Hamony calmed down, she told Jenson that she was allright. What was that? It was a sudden, cold and painful feeling telling her that something horrible would happen in a few minutes... and it would be caused by one person... Whatever it was, Harmony quickly forgot about it. "Let the trip begin!" She started skipping happily like a child. "I still didn't hear your name!" she told Jenson.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jenson Geb Character Portrait: Harmony Breeze
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0.00 INK

"Jenson." he replied. He looked at her and smiled, she definitely had a bounce in her step. He walked alongside this quirky young woman along the boarding tunnel and onto the private Jet. It was small with only a few seats. Leg room definitely wouldn't be an issue here, not that Jenson cared about the trip. He very much doubted the plane would take off at all. That malicious presence was close now, no more than a few miles. Come on! he thought desperately. There was no sign of the two Darks from the gate and not even a whisper of the third Light presence somewhere in the airport.

Thinking back to his abilities, should it come to a fight (whether in the skies or the runway, he didn't know) he tried working on a plan. He could make a run for it without finding out who had paid for his trip to wherever the jet was going (it wasn't on the ticket), but where would that leave him? He could grab Harmony and they both leave together, and think of where to go from there. That could work... Or there was the third option, which Jenson wanted wholeheartedly to avoid but had the feeling he wouldnt be able to, was to stay and fight.

He turned to Harmony, who had chosen a seat next to him. "Listen, we have to get ready." he whispered urgently.

But then the two Dark came aboard the jet.


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0.00 INK

"Ready for what?" Harmony asked with her mouth full of biscuits again. Finally she glanced at the two Dark people and noticed something special about them. Come to think of it, she noticed it in Jenson either. Could it be? She also noticed a bit more distant light energy. That would explain the frozen feeling she had earlier. Almost everything was clear to Harmony now...
"What do you have in mind?" she whispered to him. (Sorry for the short post)

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jenson Geb
Character Portrait: Miriana
Character Portrait: Sofia Nerine
Character Portrait: Jason Bolt
Character Portrait: Whisper Bolt
Character Portrait: Alex Crow
Character Portrait: Evan Deleroso


Character Portrait: Evan Deleroso
Evan Deleroso

I'm not gonna let some kid stop me... Not after all that I went through up until now.

Character Portrait: Alex Crow
Alex Crow

Mess with me... i dare you.

Character Portrait: Whisper Bolt
Whisper Bolt

Hush little baby...

Character Portrait: Jason Bolt
Jason Bolt

I think you'll find my personality quite... Shocking -dark chuckle-

Character Portrait: Sofia Nerine
Sofia Nerine

The deepest and darkest waters are the most dangerous

Character Portrait: Miriana

[b]Age: 23 [/b] [b]Gender: Female [/b] [b]Birth Date: 13-12-1989 [/b] [b]Se'xu'al Preference: Men [/b] [b]Race: Human [/b] [b] Element: Fire [/b]

Character Portrait: Jenson Geb
Jenson Geb

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice I'll crush you with a boulder.


Character Portrait: Sofia Nerine
Sofia Nerine

The deepest and darkest waters are the most dangerous

Character Portrait: Jason Bolt
Jason Bolt

I think you'll find my personality quite... Shocking -dark chuckle-

Character Portrait: Evan Deleroso
Evan Deleroso

I'm not gonna let some kid stop me... Not after all that I went through up until now.

Character Portrait: Alex Crow
Alex Crow

Mess with me... i dare you.

Character Portrait: Whisper Bolt
Whisper Bolt

Hush little baby...

Character Portrait: Jenson Geb
Jenson Geb

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice I'll crush you with a boulder.

Character Portrait: Miriana

[b]Age: 23 [/b] [b]Gender: Female [/b] [b]Birth Date: 13-12-1989 [/b] [b]Se'xu'al Preference: Men [/b] [b]Race: Human [/b] [b] Element: Fire [/b]

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Miriana

[b]Age: 23 [/b] [b]Gender: Female [/b] [b]Birth Date: 13-12-1989 [/b] [b]Se'xu'al Preference: Men [/b] [b]Race: Human [/b] [b] Element: Fire [/b]

Character Portrait: Jenson Geb
Jenson Geb

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice I'll crush you with a boulder.

Character Portrait: Whisper Bolt
Whisper Bolt

Hush little baby...

Character Portrait: Sofia Nerine
Sofia Nerine

The deepest and darkest waters are the most dangerous

Character Portrait: Evan Deleroso
Evan Deleroso

I'm not gonna let some kid stop me... Not after all that I went through up until now.

Character Portrait: Alex Crow
Alex Crow

Mess with me... i dare you.

Character Portrait: Jason Bolt
Jason Bolt

I think you'll find my personality quite... Shocking -dark chuckle-

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Re: Clash

Like Ying and Yang every force must have an opposite and it is the same with the elements. The light elements strive for harmony and peace on Earth whilst the dark elements want only chaos. That doesn't mean that they only oppose each other though. The dark elements are known to fight whoever and whenever they want with no consideration for the mortals who surround them.

Light Elements:
Earth: Jenson Gebb -ShinobiKezmond

Dark Elements
Fire: Mariana - AndieAnderson
Water: Sofia Nerine - Duchess-Zombie


This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Clash"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.