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Cold As Ice

Cold As Ice


A serious blood addicted vampire picks up a human in the hopes of draining her dry, to feed his hunger. But when the human fights against him wanting to help him slow down his cravings.

1,653 readers have visited Cold As Ice since TheSpaceInBetween created it.


A blood addicted vampire and a well meaning human, a match made in heaven or a match made in hell?. When the vampire picks up the human in the plan for draining all of the blood from her, he doesn't expect her to offer to help him.

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This is a private roleplay between The SpaceInBetween and MaliceInWonderland. Feel free to look aroundand join our journey.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Tristan Blair Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
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"Why?" She asked him, avoiding his eyes. "What do you want from me? It makes no sense, why do you care if I enjoyed it or not, You don't know me, aren't I just a meal?"

Tristan smirked lightly and began to walk taking Roni with him, he stayed silent for a few moments before they were clear of anybody who could hear there conversation. " I'm over 300 years old, I have fought in wars, seen villages turn into cities and had many relationships with members of royalty. I need someone who can supply me with fresh blood when I need it as well as company. Sure I could just kill you now but where is the fun in that?"

He pushed open an iron gate revealing a large house walking up the drive he opened the door pulling Roni inside. The inside was decorated with a mix of modern and old style with the house structural decorations still in tact it was warm. Locking the door he smirked mainly to himself. " no one is going to believe you about what I am. You can yell and scream all you like about it, hell you can even beat me if it makes you feel better. You may leave to go to university but try to run from me and I will find you and kill you. You can go anywhere in the house except for the room with the red door, choose what room you like. Welcome home."

Tristan took off his jacket tossing it on the chair in the hall,walking down the corridor her turned into the room with the red door, which conjoined onto his bedroom. Sinking his teeth into his latest kill.


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Character Portrait: Tristan Blair Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
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" I'm over 300 years old, I have fought in wars, seen villages turn into cities and had many relationships with members of royalty. I need someone who can supply me with fresh blood when I need it as well as company. Sure I could just kill you now but where is the fun in that?"
He said as he lead Roni toward a large estate, she tried to find a way to escape but there was none. She'd have to wait this out.
" no one is going to believe you about what I am. You can yell and scream all you like about it, hell you can even beat me if it makes you feel better. You may leave to go to university but try to run from me and I will find you and kill you. You can go anywhere in the house except for the room with the red door, choose what room you like. Welcome home." He said and disappeaered out of the room.
Roni ran her fingers through her hair in frustation.

She knew better then this, She knew! She was raised better then this. She let herself be kidnapped. Granted, her father probably never accounted for a vampire but still, she should not have let him get this close. Her instincts were correct, he was dangerous, she was smart enough to ignore his advances the first night, why not the second.

Roni dropped to her knees and wept in her hands.

"I need someone who can supply me with fresh blood when I need it as well as company..."

Company? He wanted someone to talk to....?

...The fuck?

Roni stood herself up, wiped her tears when she realized what this really was.

It was still very much a kidnapping but He could have killed her. Hell, she had a stake to his back, with the full intention on using it, He had every reason to kill her but no, instead, he told her everything, and was letting her attend classes...

She took a deep breath and relaxed herself, she looked around and decided, she'd see how far this rabbit hole went.

When he entered the room, Roni was standing rearragning the room. " Needs a little Feng Sui." She said, as she shoved the couch over. " Since I'm gonna be stuck I here, I figure I might as well make it my own." She said with the fakest smile she could muster. " and I need clothes, and stuff from my apartment. Be a Doll and get them for me?" She said, bitterly.

Oh she knew it was a dangerous game she was playing but she was never one to be a victim, and even if he killed her, she figured she'd make his life a living hell before she went.


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Character Portrait: Tristan Blair Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
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Tristan removed his contacts from his eyes, his deeply reddened eyes felt release. Wearing contacts not only dampened his eyesight but they also stung his eyes terribly. He had checked the red room to see how his blood bank was getting on he would still feed from other humans as well as feed from Roni. But he would take his time from Roni he didn't want to cause her any pain from him, Roni would be a top up rather than a meal.

Filling a glass with blood he walked in watching as she rearranged the room, she could see what he was trying to do he may have an addiction to blood but he had a good enough temper when his thirst was quenched.

Sitting down he watched her carefully and she asked him to go and get her things from her appartment, he nodded as he took a drink from his glass. " whatever you like, you can put your art stuff in your room or the study, I have a library you can use for your studying " Tristan explained downing the glass placing it by the side.

Standing up suddenly he walked up to Roni grabbing her arm so she would look at him. " now you will find that I will bring people home, you are not to help them no matter what they do, or say. I rather enjoy the pleading and screaming once they realize what's going on. Go to bed. It's late" Tristan growled lightly grabbing his jacket and leaving the house locking the door with a loud clunk.


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"Whatever you like, you can put your art stuff in your room or the study, I have a library you can use for your studying." He said and she cursed his nonchalance as she adjusted the couch. Suddenly, he grabbed her arm, turning her to look at him. "Now you will find that I will bring people home. You are not to help them, no matter what they do or say. I rather enjoy the pleading and the screaming once they realize what's going on. Go to bed. it's late." He said and with a grunt he released her and disappeared out the door, with a decidedly loud clack of the lock.

Roni sat on the couch. Sleep yea, right?

How in the hell was she supposed to sleep?

She looked at the glass on the table, and frowned in disgust. A few drops of blood still lingered and collected at the bottom of the glass.

She didn't even want to go into the red room, she had an idea of what was in there and she didn't want to see it.

She didn't want to move, she didn't even a choose a room and she didn't want one. She didn't want to get used to this place.

So she curled up on the couch, shoes, jacket and all, wrapped her arms around herself and lay there, eventually silent tears rolled down her cheeks as she drifted off to sleep.


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Character Portrait: Tristan Blair Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
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Tristan returned a few hours later with Roni's stuff in his arms, he saw Roni asleep on the sofa shaking his head he carried Roni's art stuff up to the study setting up her easel and paints opposite his desk where he did most of his writing. He selected one of the rooms in the house and hung up her clothes, leaving her underwear in the box he had carried he was still a gentleman at heart even if he was a vampire.

Checking the time he would have to get some sleep soon, but he had to take care of Roni first, heading downstairs he picked her up and carried her carefully to her room laying her down on the bed he covered her up with the duvet kissing her forehead softly. Walking out he headed into his study to continue on his writting work, until the early hours of the morning.

Tristan cooked a breakfast after feeding on his own to set him up for a rest, leaving it in the oven for Roni when she woke up. Picking up a piece of paper he wrote a note and stuck it on Roni's door when she woke up.

Breakfast is in the oven, I'll see you tonight when you get back make sure you do because I will know. Tristan.


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Roni woke up bright and early, having a school sleep/wake clock.

She sat up finding herself in a soft bed, under a comforter, and her shoes removed but the rest of her clothes still on.

she stood up slowly, looking for signs of misuse on her person but there was none, he hadn't touch her for otherwise moving her to the bed.

She sighed.

He can't be that bad...granred he still kidnapped her and was keeping her here against her will but he was otherwise nice, even though she was being a total bitch.

She was conflicted...and it only grew worse when she saw her clothes neatly hung in the closet, her underwear in a box, for her to go through later it seemed as well as a note on the door.

She sighed. He was both sweet and a damm jawbreaker.

She looked around for her art supplies, for class but couldn't find them in the room.

She slinked downstairs and stumbled upon the study. She found her easel there and something struck her when she noticed work on the desk.

He put her things where he spent most of his they could spend that time together, possibly.

He was telling the truth, but he didn't just want company...He wanted a friend.

Roni grabbed a few of her things, breakfast which was nice and left for class.

Later that evening, Roni found herself walking back to her 'new home.'

she didn't even try to get help, but she didn't feel like she was in any immediate danger anymore. She was still mad but not really afraid.

She enteted the house. "I'm back." She said less then enthusiastically. "But you probably figured that..." She added to herself.


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Character Portrait: Tristan Blair Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
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Tristan had woken up a few hours earlier when the sun had just started to dim, of course he could go out in sunlight but it would make him very I'll and weak afterwards so he pretty much avoided it. That's why he enjoyed the shorter days because they made longer nights, and that meant more blood.

He had worked on his writing for an hour or two, put another entry in his diary he hid it from view. Tristan had started keeping diaries when his blood addiction started, when he was around 175 years old a ayers after his parents died or were rather killed. He had amassed 235 diaries each for one of his years he his the diaries behind a bookcase behind his desk. He then busied himself with exercising until Roni got home, he had to keep up an attractive appearance by keeping fit and having a good enough body that made the girl more keen to approach him.

Having a quick shower he dressed quickly and met Roni downstairs, his thirst for her blood growing he would have to feed soon, pushing it back he could wait a few minutes longer. " good evening, there's stuffed tomatoes in the oven or a steak if you fancy it. I'm off to get my dinner won't be long"

He returned soon after with a young girl screaming and crying fighting as best she could.


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Tristan came downstairs, seemingly in a rush. Roni frowned curiously. "Good Evening, there's stuffed tomatoes in the oven or a steak if you fancy it. I'm off to get my dinner, won't be long'" He said and left. Roni stood there, mouth agape.

So he didn't want her blood?

She sighed and went into the Kitchen, she opened the oven to see a lovely steak with roasted tomatos. It smelled delicious.

She had just finished heating it up when she heard a bloodcurdling scream from the great room. Roni ran out to see a thrashing girl in Tristan's grip.

Her mind formed an idea quickly'

"What's this?!" She shouted. "Here I thought, All you wanted was my blood, so whose she?!" she said, acting like a cheated girlfriend to confuse the girl.

Hopefully she could piss Tristan off enough so he attention would be on her and the girl could get away.

She prayed.

"Why did you bring me here! If you were just gonna get some other chick's blood." She said and shoved him with all her might. "Am I not good enough for you?!" She said with another shove. "Don't like 0-neg?!" she added shoving him, again and again. "Or are you scared?! Scared I'll bit back?!" She said and this time slammed her fist into his jaw, breaking a bone in her own hand but she's broken bones before. "Come on." She baited. "Come and get me." She said waving him to her. He had to hungry and her bone had broken through her skin and now her blood was running down her hand as she gestured with it as if to say 'C'mon'


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Character Portrait: Tristan Blair Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
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Tristan's face was both confused and furious as Roni walked out of the kitchen confronting him with his meal, making up excuses as a ruse to let him release the girl something he wasn't planning to do.

He growled lightly as she began to push him as best she could. "Why did you bring me here! If you were just gonna get some other chick's blood." She said and shoved him with all her might, yet Tristan wasn't going anywhere . "Am I not good enough for you?!" She said with another shove. "Don't like 0-neg?!Or are you scared?! Scared I'll bit back?!"

Tristan was even more surprised when Roni hit him on his jaw, he kept his gaze on the floor as his teeth elongated into fangs as the smell of her blood hung at the back of his throat "Come on." She baited. "Come and get me."

Looking up again Tristan hissed loudly the sound reverberating off the walls, pulling the young girl sharply towards him he bit into her neck hard breaking the bones in her neck causing her to choke on her own blood, he fed slowly his eyes on Roni the whole time so she could see what she had caused.

Pulling away Tristan carried the body to the red room, to finish off as he chose too. Approaching Roni he grabbed her by the throat pushing her againsts the wall growling loudly he pressed his face close to hers as he spoke. " what did I say about not helping the people I bring home? Bear in mind that I can kill you quickly in under a minute, kill you slowly in 10 minutes and have you writhing in agony for 30 minutes. Think of that next time you want to play hero" he paused to give time for his words to sink in. " I'll fix your hand if you want me too, or you can go to hospital " Droping Roni Tristan retracted his fangs slowly backing away to gauge her reaction.


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Roni watched in horror as Tristan sat his teeth into the girl's neck, the girl's eyes widened in pain, her body writhing as she let out her last breath.

Roni cried out, as he dragged the body out of the room.
"You didn't have to do that!" She screamed horribly. Trista n came back in, his hand at her throat, shoving her violently against the wall, hissing at her.

"What did I say about not helping the people I bring home? Bear in mind that I can kill you quickly, under a minute, kill you slowly in 10 minutes and have you writhing in agony for 30 minutes. Think of that next time you want to play hero." He said, Roni just cried pitifully. There was nothing she could do, all she did was quicken that girl's death.

"I'll fix your hand if you want me too or you can go to the hospital." He said and backed away.

Roni was quiet for a long while, the fear in that girl's eyes replaying in her mind.

"You didn't have to kill her!" She shouted at him, tears falling fast. "You can have my blood, Break is coming up, I won't have to go to classes, so you can drink from me, I won't fight you, I mean if you want or something, I won't fight you, Just don't kill anyone anymore, I can't just sit back and watch people call for help and not do anything"She said all in one breath. "Please, I'm begging you." She said, sobbing, holding her injured hand.


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Character Portrait: Tristan Blair Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
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Tristan watched as Roni began to sob obviously shocked at what she had seen, of course she hadn't seen what Tristan was like if he didn't have any blood in his system. She also hadn't seen him feed properly anyway, this was just a shock tactic. He wanted her to get a glimpse of his life and right now she was stuck in the middle of his everlasting life and his addiction.

"You didn't have to kill her!" She shouted at him, tears falling fast. "You can have my blood, Break is coming up, I won't have to go to classes, so you can drink from me, I won't fight you, I mean if you want or something, I won't fight you, Just don't kill anyone anymore, I can't just sit back and watch people call for help and not do anything" She said all in one breath. "Please, I'm begging you." She said, sobbing, holding her injured hand.

Tristan sighed softly pinching the bridge of his nose he spoke " I can't just not kill anyone, it doesn't work like that with me. Once you start on blood it's difficult to stop, it's like being on drugs for all of your life. You become dependant on it that you need it all the time or you will lose control. I've already lost control. If I fed from you I might not be able to stop. I'm not going to force sex on you either. I'm not that kind of person" he sat down as if he was tired and spoke " now come sit over here give me your hand and look into my eyes I'll fix your hand" he held his hand out to her " I won't hurt you "


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"I can't just not kill anyone, it doesn't work like that with me. Once you start on blood, it's difficult to stop, it like being on drugs for all of your life. You become dependent on it that you need it all that time or you lose control. I've already lost control. If I fed from you I might not be able to stop. I'm not going to force sex on you either. I'm not that kind of person." He said and sat down, "Now come sit over here, give me your hand and look into my eyes, I'll fix your hand." He said and held out his hand. Roni looked at her hand, the bone pertruding out of her hand. "I won't hurt you." He said and she sniffed before sitting beside him on the couch, and timidly giving her his hand. "It's an addiction, Isn't it." She said after a moment. "My uncle was addicted to painkillers after the Iraq...My dad weened him off of it slowly." She said softly. "You need blood but you don't need it as often as you think." She said softly. "Maybe We can find away that you don't have to kill when you feed." She said.

"Like how about, You drink just a little from me before you leave, then you'll be good enough to drink from other people without draining them?"She suggested. She really had no idea how this worked but she had to try.

"I mean, You brought me here for a reason. You wanted company, but I think you needed someone to help you and you just didn't realize it."


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Tristan took Roni's hand and examined it carefully, it was a simple break and it could easily be reset. He took a deep breath, and quickly pushed the bone back into her hand to cause no pain. He liked the wound and it began to heal quickly. He looked away from her when she mentioned his addiction. "It's an addiction, Isn't it. My uncle was addicted to painkillers after the Iraq...My dad weened him off of it slowly." She said softly.

"You need blood but you don't need it as often as you think." She said softly. "Maybe We can find away that you don't have to kill when you feed. Like how about, You drink just a little from me before you leave, then you'll be good enough to drink from other people without draining them?"She suggested.

"I mean, You brought me here for a reason. You wanted company, but I think you needed someone to help you and you just didn't realize it."

He released her hand quickly and stood up walking around the room and running his hands through his hair. " I wish it was as easy as all that I really do. But it's not, it a hunger. a thirst imagine a baking lay hot day and you have no water not even your own saliva to swallow. It starts to hurt, you get headaches your stomach starts to hurt and you slowly feel the need to kill. I've been alone and like this for over 200 years, I don't need someone to help me I just..." He paused to sink down into the chair his head in his hands " need someone" he added in a whisper.


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Roni winced a little as he slid the bone back into her hand and her lips parted some as he rose said hand to his lips and licked the wound, causing it to heal. It was so hard to hate him and just as hard to want to love him.

He stood up as after she spoke, frustratedly running his hand through his hair.

"I wish it was as easy as all that, I really do.But it's not, it's a hunger. a thirst, imagine a baking lay hot day and you have no water, not even your own saliva to swallow. It starts to hurt, you get headaches, your stomach starts to hurt and you slowly feel the need to kill. I've been alone and like this for over 200 years, I don't need someone to help me I just need..." He dropped into a chair and Roni frowned slightly "...need someone." He said softly.

Roni sighes and approached him.

"You didn't have to kidnap me, If you needed someone, you coulc have just asked." She said softly and touched his hand. "Here." She said. "Maybe your right and there isn't anything we can do but you have to at least try." She said, looking in his eyes. "So as a friend, I'm going to try to help you. Even if you think tnere isn't any hope." She said. "If I'm wrong well...We'll try something else, a better way then killing innocent people." She said and smiled. "You wanted someone, well you got one, You just happen to pick a very stubborn one." She said and kissed his temple, she probably would have kissed his lips had he not murdered that girl.

"Here, You're obviously still hungry," She said and moved her hair away from her neck. "Hurry up, I've got a shitload of homework."


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Character Portrait: Tristan Blair Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
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Tristan didn't look up until Roni spoke approaching him.

"You didn't have to kidnap me, If you needed someone, you could have just asked." She said softly and touched his hand. "Maybe your right and there isn't anything we can do but you have to at least try." She said, looking in his eyes as Tristan gazed into her eyes. "So as a friend, I'm going to try to help you. Even if you think there isn't any hope. If I'm wrong well...We'll try something else, a better way then killing innocent people." She said and smiled. "You wanted someone, well you got one, You just happen to pick a very stubborn one." She said and kissed his temple, Tristan's eyes closed briefly at the tenderness.

"Here, You're obviously still hungry, Hurry up, I've got a shitload of homework." Roni then moved her hair back from her neck, although he didn't want to feed from Roni he couldn't help it he had to feed off her. He wrapped his arms around her brining her close to him, he kissed her neck tenderly not wanting to cause her any pain. His fangs elongated and he bit down slowly, her warm blood filling his mouth and running down his throat, he growled deeply as he feed his grip on Roni tightening. Then he remembered what he was doing. Pulling away he let go of Roni standing up he pinched the bridge of his nose again, wiping his mouth he headed for his study " you need to eat something, if you need help with homework feel free to ask" he took off his bloodstained shirt as he left tossing it into the laundry basket.

Sitting down at his desk he busied himself with his writting trying to divert his mind.


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Roni flinched as little as his arm snaked around her waist, pulling her closer but relaxed when he kissed her neck softly. Her eyes fluttered as there was a soft pressurized pinch in her neck, and slowly her heart rate increased, her temperature rose her face flushed. This time, it felt amazing, damn near euphoric. Her lips parted in a soft pleasure filled whimper.

But soon it was gone, Tristan moved away leaving Roni feeling...empty.

Her thoughts cloudy and disoriented. She looked at him, with a somewhat of a lost expression. "You need to eat somethig, if you need help with homewor, feel free to ask."
He said and was gone.

Roni stood there, for a moment, unable to move, frozen in dissatisfaction. Why'd he leave? Why didn't he kiss her like before?

She wanted more...She wanted him,she wanted more of him, maybe it was the blood loss talking but she couldn't help herself.

She got to her feet, somehow, and followed after him into the study. "Tristan..." She said leaning against the doorframe, a
weak from blood loss, she was never good with giving blood.

"Why'd you leave?" She asked him, implying more then those words.


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Character Portrait: Tristan Blair Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
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He didn't look up when Roni appeared at the door frame, he was working on his writing he had taken it up in the late 90's when stories of fantasy creatures where suddenly all the rage. He had written a series of books that had become very popular among teenagers. He still liked to write, twisting his own memories into exciting tales that teens could read about.

"Tristan..Why'd you leave?" He looked up then, seeing Roni slumped against the doorway. Closing his notebook Tristan stood up slowly walking up to Roni he picked her up and carried her over to an armchair setting her down. He walked back to his desk sitting down he began to write again.

" I had to stop myself, I don't want you to become dependant on my biting you because of the adrenaline rush that it gives you. If I leave you alone it gives you a chance to recover quicker rather than wanting more. Like I said before you need to eat, if your tired I can do your work for you" Tristan explained looking up quickly.


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Roni was glad when Tristan lifted her up and carried her over to the armchair, yet felt disappointed when he went back over to his chair.

"I had to stop myself. I don't want you to become dependent on my biting you because of the adrenaline rush that it gives you. If I leave you alone, it gives you a chance to recovet quicker rather than wanting more. Like I said before you need to eat, if you're tired, I can do your work for you."

Roni closed her eyes. "I'll eat later." She said slowly. "It's not the bite I want. Before you were sweet enough to kiss me before and after." She said, her mind swimming from the endorphens. "Maybe" She said looking at him."Just maybe..." She bit her lip some, "I want someone too." She said and despite the fact that she ws high off of his bite, she did speak truth, all that did was give her the courage to say.


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Tristan crossed out some of the words in his writting again looking up when she spoke.

Roni closed her eyes. "I'll eat later. It's not the bite I want. Before you were sweet enough to kiss me before and after."

Tristan sighed and ran his hands through his hair again, leaning on the desk he stood up and walked around his desk leaning against it he folded his arms his muscles tensing tightly as he thought of an appropriate way to explain himself. He knew he was probably distracting Roni with him being shirtless and everything but clothing was not on his top priority list at the moment.

"Maybe" She said looking at him."Just maybe..." .She bit her lip some, "I want someone too."

Huffing out a short breath Tristan left the room again, grabbing Roni's warm dinner he brought it back to his study. Placing it on the table next to Roni he spoke. " I'm the wrong person to fall for Roni..most of the girls that I flirt with I usually bring back here to kill. I...I" he sighed again walking around the room " I have a short temper due to my condition, I'm a very dangerous person to be around and I don't want to hurt you even if you think you are doing the best for me."


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Roni watched as Tristan stood, shirtless. Sober or not, that would have distracted her, and right now, it was making her want for him worse.

Soon though, as Tristan left and reentered, her daze had cleared. It didn't make her want him anyless though.

"I'm the wrong person to fall for Roni...Most of the girls that I flirt with I usually bring back here to kill. I...I" Roni watched him pace back and forth. She sat up properly in her chair, her amber eyes less dull now.

"I have a short temper due to my condition, I'm a very dangerous person to be around and I don't want to hurt you even if you think you are doing the best for me."

Roni's jaw set.

"Heh." She chuckled humorlessly. "Friendzoned by a Vampire. Welcome to my life." She mumbled and stood up, still a little weak. "You brought me here, you told me you wanted someone, I'm trying to be that someone only for you to in the same damn breath push me away. What the hell, Tristan?!" She shouted in exasperation.

"You think I wanted to fall for you! I didn't, I still don't but Here we are! Its breathtakingly stupid but I can't help it." She said with a huff. "You made me care for you, you made me want to help you so now you have to deal with the consequences!" She said and reached up, grabbed either side of his face and pressed her lips against his. She figured he'd push her off, but she had to kiss him atleast once, maybe just to get it out of her system.


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Character Portrait: Tristan Blair Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
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"Friendzoned by a Vampire. Welcome to my life." She mumbled and stood up, still a little weak. "You brought me here, you told me you wanted someone, I'm trying to be that someone only for you to in the same damn breath push me away. What the hell, Tristan?!" She shouted in exasperation. Tristan looked over to her briefly but found himself looking down as well as she continued.

"You think I wanted to fall for you! I didn't, I still don't but Here we are! Its breathtakingly stupid but I can't help it." She said with a huff. "You made me care for you, you made me want to help you so now you have to deal with the consequences!" She said and reached up, grabbed either side of his face and pressed her lips against his catching him by surprise.

Every inch of his body wanted to push her away but his mind wanted this soon his body began to act too. Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her closer to him, his hands reaching up and playing with her hair as they kissed deeply. He swivelled her around laying her down gently on the desk, running his hands down her body Tristan lightly kissed along her shoulder and neck. He was trying to make her think that she was going to be bit again, but Tristan wouldn't he had already taken enough from her already but there was still the excitement and anticipation.

His mouth returned to her lips growling softly as he pulled her closer to him.


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Roni half expected to be shoved away, she felt him tense a little but it all faded away when his arm wrapped around her. Her eyes remained closed as he played in her hair, and a soft moan escaped her throat as he lay her down on the desk, his hands roaming her body.

Her eyes fluttered as his kisses trailed lightly down her neck and shoulder, her back arched some more in anticipation. She didn't necessarily want him to bite her, especially with his addiction but she knew what a bite did to her and it was rather exciting.

He didn't though and she was somewhat grateful as his lips found herself again, she could taste her blood on his lips and realize it may have changed the outcome of this moment.
His soft growls gave her chills as he pulled her closer, after she tugged off her jacket and wrapped her arms around him.

After a while, she lay with her head on his chest, a light sheen of sweat on her brow as she wrapped an arm around him. Her hair a mess from his fingers. It had been a good while since she'd been with anyone like this but with him it felt different, Good, but different. It wasn't just something they were doing it was as if they both had been alone for so long, and now they weren't anymore.

"You know, " She said, looking up at him, "You've gone and sealed your fate, You're stuck with me." She said playfully with a kiss to his chest.

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View All » Add Character » 3 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix


Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
Veronica De La Croix

"What the hell have I gotten myself into this time...?"

Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
Tristan Blair

Give me your blood...Now!


Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
Tristan Blair

Give me your blood...Now!

Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
Veronica De La Croix

"What the hell have I gotten myself into this time...?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
Tristan Blair

Give me your blood...Now!

Character Portrait: Veronica De La Croix
Veronica De La Croix

"What the hell have I gotten myself into this time...?"

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Re: Cold As Ice

Loving the look of Tristan

Re: Cold As Ice

Ah I have high hopes for this.

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