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Doom Wars

Doom Wars


A battleship of humankind finds a wormhole to a different part of the galaxy where a war of massive proportions is taking place, and the human's first alien friends are losing.[DEAD]

2,513 readers have visited Doom Wars since The Soul one created it.


Humans have achieved great things over the years. In 2034, a practical space propulsion engine was created, allowing colonies on the moon to flourish. In 2036, improved genetics prevented 99% of all illnesses with no ill effects. In the same year, project Genesis succeeded in creating a breathable atmosphere on one of Jupiter's moons, Ganymede, also with no ill effects. In 2050, replication technology entered testing phases, led by TITAN industries, a manufacturing company that was starting to spread to all aspects of society. In 2054, the nations of Earth unite under the name of Terra, making the USC (United Space Core) as their military force. Near the end of the year, space battleships with three classes, colossi, frigate, and fighter, begin to be mass produced. In 2059, Neptune is colonized not as a nation of Terra, but as the Tradesman's Association. It is seen as a rebellion by Terra, and the USC is mobilized. In 2060, conflict. the Tradesman's Association's planetary cannons were obliterated by spacial bombardment. Survivors swear to overthrow the tyrannical Terra, and are henceforth named The Association. The Association disperse into Terran owned planets, attempting to increase their number with little success. In 2067, a massive battleship called Neon began to be constructed. In 2069, attempts to sabotage the massive battleship, lead by The Association, failed, and progress continued. In 2070, at the end of the decade, construction was completed. In 2071, The Association seized control of Pluto, and started construction of their own fleet. The Neon, supplied with the latest in weapons and fighter-craft, was sent to annihilate them. In 2072, the Neon entered Associate space and was hit repeatedly with fighter squadrons. The fighters, too small for the Neon's primary cannons, had to resort to using blaster turrets and fighters to fight off their assailants. When within planetary bombardment range, the Neon was powering its guns to destroy the enemy bases when the Associates suddenly launched a final assault, using stolen frigates and a massive amount of fighters. The numbers were just to great against the Neon, and was destroyed. The ship now orbits Pluto. During the Neon's long trek, TITAN was working on two more Oni class battleships, specializing them toward medium ship combat (Frigates) and smaller ships (fighters). The anti-medium ship was dubbed Archangel and anti-medium ship the Valhalla. The Valhalla was finished first, and, in 2075 was sent on its way to crush the enemy intruders. On the way, a wormhole opens, and sucks the Valhalla in. This is where the Odyssey, your Odyssey, begins...

Welcome aboard the Oni class battleship, Valhalla! This ship has 120 floors, each approximately 3543 feet in length and 887 feet in width. The top 10 floors are reserved for the captain's staff, the rest is for the crew. Every 5 floors, starting from the 5th floor, is a weapons floor. This floor contains the ship's primary weapon, IELfire (Intelligent Engine Lock) missiles. The missiles, as the name suggests, locks on to the enemy ship's engine, at least disabling, if not, destroying, the enemy ship. All other floors are used for all other purposes, including research, maintenance, recreation, power, food production, and leisure. As you might have noticed, the ship has a research department, courtesy of TITAN industries. Researchers there have access to nearly everything a researcher wants and needs to do anything they please, from advancing current technology to making entirely new combat gear. The possibilities are endless! We also have a state of the art combat readiness room, which will usually be reserved for the new specialty unit, Melee Operatives, or MO for short. MO's specialize in surviving a massive barrage of blaster fire through the use of shields, armor, dodging, and maybe a little luck. Picture them as the ninja's on the battlefield MO's weapons are what they choose, so the combat readiness room has many weapons available in it, all short range and melee, but all extremely powerful. We also would like to note that the fighter bays, located every twentieth floor, are off limits except to pilots and maintenance workers. This is because we also received a new series of fighters, called the Olympians. There are three primary types, the Hades class anti-frigate fighter. This ship specializes in dealing a lot of damage while also being able to dish it out, a mini frigate if you will. It is faster than a frigate, but weaker and smaller. But a squadron can be more than a match for any frigate. There are also Zeus class, which hold a supply of IELfire missiles, and Athena class, which specialize in air-to-ground support, including NAPALM strikes and tactical strikes.
The ship has powerful shields and armor plating. On every tenth floor, starting on the tenth, is an over-shield bay. These prototype shields can be used to deflect and brave through the most powerful blasts known to man, for a few seconds. The over-shield works by making the shield's indestructible to energy damage, but is extremely fragile against kinetic energy, specifically projectile weapons. Over-shields can only take a few minor hits from projectile weapons/cannons before breaking, destroying the original shield's themselves in the process. Caution is advised when using them, as an ill-planed use could leave the ship's hull exposed to radiation damage (example: laser, plasma, ect...).
The wormhole seems to be activated through an EMP, but no source of such a pulse can be detected at this time. The wormhole closed behind the Valhalla, and research and development is working on making it so that we can return home when he can. However, this is estimated to take a couple of hours. There is a planet nearby, called Iso 339, that seems to have a war going on the planet's surface. Alien fields are burning, and a couple of cities are under attack by a ruthless force. No one has seemed to notice our presence yet, but the fighting forces have advanced technology similar to our own. One side, big and brutish and cruel, seems to us acid as its primary weapon, while the other, a reptilian species and losing the fight, uses high energy plasma. The reptilian species are fighting valiantly, but are being overwhelmed. Also, we are detecting a spacial disruption near starboard, several kilometers off, that seems to be stationary and stable. This is first indisputable evidence of alien life ever recorded, the first actions are perhaps the most important. Your future actions will influence who our allies and enemies are in this new part of the galaxies.

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Be realistic in both character actions and the characters themselves.
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PM me if you have any questions, I am on most of the time these days...
If we have problems, I reserve the right to change these rules. (please don't make me do it.)

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Iso 339

Iso 339 by The Soul one

Red skies and orange seas greet your eyes as the ship descends.

Iso 339 space

Iso 339 space by The Soul one

The planet Iso 339's space. All spacial fighting and orbital bombardments will take place here.


Valhalla by The Soul one

The heavily armed Oni class battleship. Specializes in destroying smaller warships using IELfire missiles. Also contains several different types of fighter squadrons.


Galaxy by The Soul one

Holds all the fighting and death taking place.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Octavia Sinclaire
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0.00 INK

Octavia peered over a rather dainty shoulder for a Marine, even for a female Marine. But looks could be deceptive, just like her seemingly innocent countenance which was shot to smithereens as soon as she opened her mouth.

That,” She said looking up at the armoured man from her position on the floor. “is exactly what I was looking for. My thanks Sergeant.” Octavia flashed him a smile that disappeared as quickly as it appeared as she slipped her Key Card out of his grasp.

Least that saved her a pretty penny. She was a USC Soldier and they sure as hell didn't pay her enough that she had money to spare for things besides necessities. That's why she economised; O mused with a smirk . . . And speaking of food . . . She was starving.

All USC Spartans, report for dispatch. Repeat, report for dispatch. This is not a drill.

Cracked the sharp voice over her wrist that Octavia recognised now immediately. She cursed John Shepard to the seventh hell of Hades. Wasn't enough for him to think he could order her about but now he was stopping her from eating.

Yet, O knew full well it was completely her own fault. She wasn't able to resist the opportunity this morning to make a little money off Watson – which he still hadn't paid her – instead of getting something to eat.

And she didn't work particularly well on an empty stomach. Octavia cursed herself into the same pit she had only moments ago been cursing Commander Shepard.

“By the way, we are being hailed.” Sergeant Volf broke her frowning thoughts as he exited the armoury bay.

“Yes, thank you Sergeant. I'm not deaf.” O replied cuttingly but unfortunately Volf had already exited the room to have heard her.

Sighing she got back to her feet and stuffed the Key Card without care into her locker as she began suiting up again. By the time she had booted the TIOS back up; the rest of the Marines were pouring back through the doors. All looking eager for the fight ahead.

Catching Barton's icy gaze, Octavia didn't pull her eyes away as she stared him down. There was no way on Earth she was going to let this asshole believe that he had won or that he had her scared.

As Barton turned and broke eye contact with her, a much friendlier face came and stood at her side.

“Already ready to go Sinclaire?” Remirez questioned with a raised brow and his ever present smile. “Thought you were getting a beer?

Octavia laughed.

“My heart is unreliable. I tell it one thing it does another, unfortunately.” She replied casually as she replaced the ear piece back in her ear after the AI completed the system checks; foregoing her helmet till it was necessary putting it on.

O wasn't particularly fond of the HUD; she much preferred the use of her own eyes. However it was an integral part of standard USC Armour and she'd have to wear it before going out.

“I'll have to keep that in mind.” Remirez winked as he began gear up.

“You do that.” Octavia replied with a slight smile.

Her thoughts seeming to meander their way back to their Commander; feeling something Corporal Octavia Sinclaire didn't want to.


Her and John had never before actually been deployed on a real mission together. She wanted to see what the Legendary John Shepard was made of and again to her annoyance Octavia was in no doubt that Commander Shepard would not disappoint.

She had to just try not to shoot him . . . No matter how tempting . . .


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: John Shepard Character Portrait: Octavia Sinclaire Character Portrait: Program Issac
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0.00 INK

"Captain, the shielded ship has positioned itself so that we are between the boarding ships and it." Heather said. Gunther nodded. The bridge was silent after that, even after the enemy got within range. Nothing was heard. The missiles, as predicted, did severe damage, but they took up a formation so that they would not be able to hit two. The boarding ships themselves looked grotesque. They looked like a mosquito's head, except that it has an 'eye' on every corner. They produced a beam that damaged the missiles, but failed to prevent them from hitting the ship. The pulse cannons and IELfire Missiles decimated five of them, but then they collide with the ship. Gunther told Issac beforehand to position the regiments to the locations that would be boarded, to prevent them from getting a foothold.

Spartan Regiment was quiet as they sat in the corridor. Its been a few minutes, but they've been briefed on the situation from the captain himself. They were ready. A massive tube burst from the wall in the next room over, and the air lock sealed immediately. The tube was composed of dark metal, with metal that looked almost green spider-webbed across its surface. There was silence for a few seconds, then a cover popped into place between the alien tube and the ship's hull, and the room filled with air again. The airlock opened, and Spartan Regiment rushed in. They took up positions behind cover, pointing every gun at the tube. There was a quiet rumbling at first, then suddenly there was a loud bang, and a tall creature fell from the hole and landed on its massive feet. It stood 8 feet tall, had arms and legs the width of logs, and wore little armor. Only a mask covered its face, only blurring its glowing yellow eyes. It didn't seem to have hands, simply having five clawed fingers and a gaping hole in place of this. It looked around the room, showing no emotion, then grabbed what appeared to be a small canister at its hip and banged it on the tube, sending a loud ringing across the room. It grabbed a second on its belt and pointed it at the largest group as two more started dropping from the tube.

(Bromander Shepard, I noticed that you failed to abandon your character. If you would be so kind as to do that so that we may continue the RP?)


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

Adion stood still, looking at the massive beast. He had the 'mount anywhere' turret mounted on the cover that he was crouching behind, aimed at the beasts coming out of the tubes. "Don't shoot till they do." Adion ordered to his men.

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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Iso 339

Iso 339 by The Soul one

Red skies and orange seas greet your eyes as the ship descends.

Iso 339 space

Iso 339 space by The Soul one

The planet Iso 339's space. All spacial fighting and orbital bombardments will take place here.


Valhalla by The Soul one

The heavily armed Oni class battleship. Specializes in destroying smaller warships using IELfire missiles. Also contains several different types of fighter squadrons.


Galaxy by The Soul one

Holds all the fighting and death taking place.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Character Portrait: Octavia Sinclaire
Character Portrait: Ophelia Sinclaire
Character Portrait: Program Issac
Character Portrait: John Shepard


Character Portrait: John Shepard
John Shepard

"Let's move Spartans."

Character Portrait: Program Issac
Program Issac

You can take the brain out of the human, but you can't take the human out of the brain.

Character Portrait: Ophelia Sinclaire
Ophelia Sinclaire

"I May Create The Weapons But That Doesn't Mean I Like To See Them Used."

Character Portrait: Octavia Sinclaire
Octavia Sinclaire

"Oh Please! You Call That A Weapon?"

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

Let me do my job.


Character Portrait: Octavia Sinclaire
Octavia Sinclaire

"Oh Please! You Call That A Weapon?"

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

Let me do my job.

Character Portrait: John Shepard
John Shepard

"Let's move Spartans."

Character Portrait: Ophelia Sinclaire
Ophelia Sinclaire

"I May Create The Weapons But That Doesn't Mean I Like To See Them Used."

Character Portrait: Program Issac
Program Issac

You can take the brain out of the human, but you can't take the human out of the brain.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Octavia Sinclaire
Octavia Sinclaire

"Oh Please! You Call That A Weapon?"

Character Portrait: Ophelia Sinclaire
Ophelia Sinclaire

"I May Create The Weapons But That Doesn't Mean I Like To See Them Used."

Character Portrait: Program Issac
Program Issac

You can take the brain out of the human, but you can't take the human out of the brain.

Character Portrait: John Shepard
John Shepard

"Let's move Spartans."

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

Let me do my job.

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Iso 339

Iso 339 by The Soul one

Red skies and orange seas greet your eyes as the ship descends.

Iso 339 space

Iso 339 space by The Soul one

The planet Iso 339's space. All spacial fighting and orbital bombardments will take place here.


Valhalla by The Soul one

The heavily armed Oni class battleship. Specializes in destroying smaller warships using IELfire missiles. Also contains several different types of fighter squadrons.


Galaxy by The Soul one

Holds all the fighting and death taking place.


Holds all the fighting and death taking place.

Iso 339 space

The planet Iso 339's space. All spacial fighting and orbital bombardments will take place here.

Iso 339

Red skies and orange seas greet your eyes as the ship descends.


The heavily armed Oni class battleship. Specializes in destroying smaller warships using IELfire missiles. Also contains several different types of fighter squadrons.

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