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Forgotten Memories, Forgotten Forms

Forgotten Memories, Forgotten Forms


A group of scientists are trying to make a serum to help humans at the expense of pokemon. What happens when some legendaries try to stop them? (Private RP between me and proudltd)

989 readers have visited Forgotten Memories, Forgotten Forms since Furry Dragon created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


The lunchroom was full of people, a buzz of conversation coming from almost every person. Needless to say it was quite loud. Today’s meal was a mixture of various berries and greens. Healthy employees made a healthy organization, or so the saying went. The amiable chatter was mostly focused on one subject: the Project.

The Project was what they had been working on for years. It was a scientific breakthrough that would change the world. Everyone had been told that the medication they were working on would solve many problems. What exactly was it they were aiming towards? Simply put it was an extraction from pokemon.

The theory was that pokemon lived longer or at least aged slower. If an extraction of pokemon fluids and DNA was made and injected into a human they could live healthier lives and spend more time in a youthful body. There were other perks, too. Say you were training a bunch of mareep but there were some that were unruly and kept shocking you. With the electric pokemon injection you would become resistant to their attacks.

Most of the employees didn’t know the darker side to the operation, though. They thought it had no bad effects on the pokemon that the fluids were extracted from. Maybe some did, but they ignored the ugliness of their job. They are just pokemon after all, the knowledgeable ones reasoned. Humans are worth more than them. What happened to the pokemon they extracted from? These pokemon lost power and strength as well as the ability to breed. Some went crazy from their cells not having the right coding. What was even worse is that the undeveloped cells of pokemon still inside their eggs were taken. These were said to be accepted more easily by human bodies. Normally this would be more accepted than it was; but with the experiments causing pokemon to go barren the few people who knew about this were worried about pokemon going extinct.

Nonetheless the bright, happy chatting went on. The Project would soon reach fruition and humans would live longer, better lives. At least in theory.


The sun was setting, giving the snow-capped mountains a fiery bronze glow. A wind blew, ricocheting off the crags of the stone and swirling in the crevices. It was a loud, gusty wind, perfect for blocking unwanted ears. It was in one of the enormous caves that the Council of Legendary Pokemon was held. Every one of them, from the tiny Celebi to the gigantic Rayquaza, was in the cave. There was an important subject to discuss.

Arceus, perhaps the oldest of them all, began to speak. “We all know of the problems the Poke Mediject Company has been creating. Pokemon species are dwindling because the pokemon are becoming barren due to their experiments. We cannot let this continue. We must stop them.”

With its deep voice Mewto spoke up. “I know the viciousness humans can display from firsthand experience. I agree something must be done.”

“I suggest we send two scouts to check the Poke Mediject Company out first,” piped Shaymin. The little pokemon was recently in its sky form, but now was back to normal. “I wouldn’t be very good for such a mission. I doubt there are Gracidea flowers blooming in their building and I am most useful in my sky form.”

“That is a good idea. We shall send some scouts to check out the headquarters.” Arceus said.


The basis of this role play is that two legendary pokemon get sent to investigate the Poke Mediject Company, who has been using pokemon to their own unethical ends. The Poke Mediject Co. captures them. The Co. is excited to have legendary pokemon under their control for now they can make even stronger serums. They put the legendaries in vats of some sort of strange substance that is supposed to dull the strength of the pokemon’s powers. However the two legendaries break the containers holding them and get out. As they travel farther away they get weaker and weaker before laying down to rest. When they wake up they are humans and have forgotten who they are. They still have minor bits of their pokemon power but they don’t know this at first. This is the story of these two legendaries.

Character Sheet outline (Note: delete the [] brackets and the things in them):

Name: [Human one, please. They make up names for themselves upon waking up]
Gender: [Yes, most legendaries are genderless but as a human they will have to have a gender.]
What Pokemon they really are: [What legendary are they?]
What powers they still possess: [Remember, keep it minor]
Personality: [What are they like? How do they act?]
Appearance: [What do they look like as a human? You can use pictures, but whether you do or not please use words, too.]
What kind of pokemon they have: [When they become trainers put the pokemon they have here and the moves the pokemon knows.]


1. No godmodding or overpowered characters.
2. Please post frequently. I will make an effort to do the same.
3. If there is a reason that you cannot post for a while, please tell me. I will do the same for you.
4. Please make your posts at least one hundred words in length. This isn't hard.
5. If you have an idea for the plot, tell me and we will discuss it. I am always open to ideas on how to make a story better.
6. Use proper spelling and grammar.
7. More rules will be added if necessary.
8. Have fun!

-The region this takes place in will have every kind of pokemon in it (excluding legendaries).
-I will make different character sheets if needed.
-In fights against gym leaders both your character and the gym leader can use up to three pokemon (to make the battles a little simpler).
-If one legendary-turned-human gets an egg the player of the other legendary-turned-human decides what is in the egg and when it hatches.
-Both of the players can make pokemon appear in the wild. However that doesn't mean you can go around giving yourself the opportunity to catch any pokemon you like. Maybe you can make a pokemon that your fellow player wants appear sometimes.
-The legendaries-turned-human can still understand pokemon.
-The other legendaries are trying to find the legendaries-turned human and so are the Poke Mediject Company. However, neither group knows the missing legendaries have become humans.

Ok, I hope that covers everything. If you have any questions please PM me.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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As the sun slowly dipped behind the snow capped mountain tops, it took its radiant warmth with it. The sky was quickly turning from a warm glow into a dense twilight. Deep within one of the caves, all the legendary Pokemon were being called to gather to discuss a rising problem. It had been known for quite some time now that the Poke Mediject Company was creating a serum that would prolong a humans life at the expense of a Pokemons. Many people were not aware of the effect this medication was having on the Pokemon population, and those who did seemed to just turn the other cheek. After noticing that the humans were clearing going to keep on ignoring this problem, the Council of Legendary Pokemon finally decided to take matters into their own hands...or paws.

Several minutes into the meeting, the group decided to send two Pokemon over to the Poke Mediject Company to investigate and put a stop to their operation if the opportunity presented itself. Suicune sat and listened attentively as several Pokemon discussed who to send in for the job. Not many Pokemon were stepping up to volunteer to go, probably for fear of being captured or noticed, and the ones that did volunteer were simply useless for the job. Tilting her head to gaze around the room at the other Pokemon, she finally stood up and approached Arceus.
"I'm going. Someone needs to teach these humans a lesson or two." She snarled, the white ribbons on her back twirling in a small breeze. Her gaze narrowed as she surveyed the Council and waited for someone to accompany her.


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Character Portrait: Derrin Palas Character Portrait: Aura
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The mountains were definitely beautiful. They were a great location for the meeting of the Council of Legendary Pokemon. The reason why they had all come to the mountains was not beautiful, though. It was rather ugly. Humans were putting their own kind over that of Pokemon. Simply disgusting, Deoxys thought. Who are they to think they are that much better than us? The psychic type legendary was aware that the majority of the people didn't know about it. But it wasn't as concerned about them as the ones who knew the negatives. The ones who turned a blind eye to the problems were the ones who needed to be punished. Of course the ignorant ones would have to be shown what was really happening, too.

But actions had to be taken one step at a time. The total break down of the Poke Mediject Company had to be broken up into segments. The first segment, as the Council agreed upon, was to investigate the Company. Suicune volunteered, showing the fierceness necessary to take on the vile organization.

"You will be a valuable asset to the mission, Suicune. The headquarters of the company are by the ocean, perfect for you." Arceus said in acceptance. Arceus looked around the room, obviously waiting for someone else to volunteer.

"I, too, am going," said Deoxys. "We have to shut the evil humans down before some Pokemon think all humans are bad. I know from experience they aren't."

Deoxys turned to Suicune. "Are you ready to partner up?"


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Suicune nodded at Arceus. "Thank you."
Aside from being near the northern borealis, or aurora, the ocean is Suicune's second home. Although she is an aurora pokemon, water has always been second nature to her. Her abilities allow her to purify any body of water, no matter how murky and fowl it has become. With that in mind, an idea started to form. If the serum that the Poke Mediject Company has created is almost all water-based than maybe she would be able to purify it and solve this issue. It was very unlikely, though at this point, every option needed to be considered.

Her head tilted as Deoxys stepped forward to join in on the investigation. Deoxys had never really made an impression on Suicune in the past, though that was probably because they had never really conversed or even been in the same area long enough to acknowledge each other. In fact, if anything, Deoxys intrigued her. The whole idea of coming to Earth from a meteor and being turned into such a powerful pokemon was rather interesting. Having such a partner seemed to be a good idea, since one of them would have some familiarity with the layout and interior of a laboratory.

"I'm ready whenever you are," Suicune replied, small claws showing through her paws and scrapping against the cave ground, signifying that she was ready for their mission.

She approached the opening the cave and turned slightly to address the entire Council, "If you don't hear back from us soon, send back up."


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Character Portrait: Derrin Palas Character Portrait: Aura
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"All right, let's be off." Deoxys said. It changed to its speed form and zoomed off through the air. It occasionally looked back to check on the earthbound Suicune to make sure she was keeping up. That was the thing Deoxys liked about the Council of Legendary Pokemon. Once they made up their mind they acted right away without dithering. Their mentality was refreshing compared to some other pokemon it knew.

Deoxys studied Suicune for a moment. The quadruped pokemon was definitely a majestic sight to behold with her purple mane and rippling white ribbons. Her step was light and graceful like the touch of the sun on the skin. There was a fierceness to her that was as cold as a glacier but also a calmness like that of a peaceful, steady river. She was going to make a good partner, Deoxys was sure of it.

The pair reached the ocean. The salty spray misted Deoxys as it floated above the waves for a moment, resting. The water was dark without the sun to illuminate it, sending a shiver of unease through Deoxys. It thought of the dark, endless space it had come from and being trapped in a meteor. It didn't want to be trapped that way again. Shrugging, it continued on. At times it would soar high above the waves and at odd intervals it would dive under the water. When Deoxys went under the water it didn't stay in the liquid long. It preferred to stay in the air where it could see the light of the moon and stars.

They reached the place of the Poke Mediject Company. The building was up on a hill above a rocky shore. Deoxys changed to its normal form and silently drifted towards the building after affirming Suicune was with it. One of its legs bruched against a tussock of grass, making a rustling noise. Shoot! I need to be more careful!

"Is someone there?" a voice called out. A flashlight roved the area. Deoxys ducked down behind the grass. "Mightyena, go check that out," the voice commanded. With a yip the dog-like dark type pokemon bounded up to the grassand poked his nose through. Deoxys wrapped an arm around it and whispered, "Don't you dare tell your trainer I am here. Do not raise an alarm." Mightyena nodded and Deoxys released its grip. The furry pokemon walked back to its trainer with much less confidence than it went out with. "What was in there?" the voice- Deoxys could see the speaking human was a man- pulled out a radio and said, "It's Rob here. We found something-"

The transmission abruptly ended as Deoxys blasted the radio to bits with a shock. Bur it was too late. Tens of people and pokemon were streaming out of the nearest building. A spotlight lit up and fell on Deoxys and another found Suicune. It didn't think they would of been so prepared at night. Humans were supposed to be diurnal. What were so many of them doing this late at night?

A whirring sounded over head. Deoxys looked up just in time for a net to be dropped on it. All of the darn people on the ground were a distraction! Of all the stupid tricks to fall for. It tried to break the net with both physical and psychic power but it was resistant to both. It slowly leeched Deoxys's strength until it was knocked out. As it fainted it heard shouts of victory. "We got both of them!" a human voice shouted.


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And they were off. They knew what needed to be done and set off to do it right away. There was no time for further discussion or planning; no more time could be wasted when enough of it had already slipped through their hands. The Pokemon race was already starting to dwindle, and the time to act upon saving it was now or never.

Leaping from the mouth of the cave onto smaller mountains, Suicune made her way out of chain and onto the open ground. The North wind blew around her as she went, concealing her in its breeze. The sun was setting behind the ocean, illuminating it for a few more minutes, sending iridescent colors across the sparkling water. Suicune's paws pattered against the damp sand and occasionally she would weave through the high tide, sprinkling her fur in a cool mist.

Deoxys would frequently glance back at her, she guessed, as a reassurance that she was still by its side. It bothered her slightly to think about how it might have thought that she couldn't keep up, though under these circumstances it was also a bit comforting to know it didn't just take off to eventually meet up at the Poke Mediject Company. Deoxys obviously thought of her as a partner, and she the same for him.

The sun was gone but the moon was shining brightly, giving some light to their nearby surroundings. High-up on a pile of rocks sat the Poke Mediject Company. The moon reflected off the steel walls, giving it an eerie glow. The outside looked abandoned, which was strange for a building that was operating such experiments. Suicune moved several yards around the building trying to get a better look. Stealthily, she climbed up a few rocks and rested in a small nook right below the top of the hill. She pressed her ears to the low ceiling and listened for any footsteps or the padder of paws.

Hearing the sound of rustled grass, her head shot over in Deoxys' direction. What is going on over there? She thought. Almost instantly, she heard the sound of a man giving orders to its Pokemon, a Mightyena. She dared not to move from her small alcove, though she spotted the dark type bound towards the shore to where she had left Deoxys. There seemed to be an agreement between the two pokemon, though somehow, someone else must have spotted them because people swarmed the ledge with their flashlights and weapons. Where were they all hiding, and what were all of them doing here at this time of the time?

A net engulfed Deoxys, and without thinking, Suicune leapt from her nook and pounced onto the human near by who had released it. Knocking him to the ground, she clawed at his face.
"Look! There's also a Suicune!" She heard someone yell in the distance. It was enough of a distraction for a split second to allow the man underneath her to throw her off and for another net to drop down on her from a different direction. She squirmed and clawed and even tried to use water moves, but nothing seemed to work. Quickly, she could feel her life draining from her. Letting out one last yelp, Suicune fainting, her body hitting the cold ground.


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The sky was bright with stars. Swathes of them filled the heavens, their lights brightly burning many different colors. The void of space filled the universe. Outer space was not empty, however. It was filled with gravitational pulls of the stars, clouds of multi-hued dust, the giant balls of gas themselves, asteroids, meteors, and billions of planets. Life was not supported by space but the planets that allowed life to happen were. Without the simple laws of physics that kept them in place they could be too far or too close from their suns to support life. It was truly amazing how the laws of the universe worked together.

One meteor held a type of life known as a virus. Some could argue that a virus wasn't alive because it couldn't produce on its own, one of the qualities that defined life. But this virus defied what was normal as it mutated into something that became known as a Pokemon. It even came up with a name for itself: Deoxys.

Deoxys slowly, lethargically, woke from its slumber. A dream of its beginning had come to it, one that made ever more grateful to be truly alive and on a planet of living creatures. While pretty, the vast, lifeless space was somewhat dull compared to the company of living beings. Deoxys stretched and found it was inside a vat of some clear viscous substance. It was a little like Jello. Somehow it was still getting the oxygen it needed. Deoxys looked around. It was in a glass cylinder in a dimly lit room. Looking around it located Suicune in another tube. With its telepathy Deoxys said to Suicune, Are you alright? We need to get out as soon as possible. I am sure you agree. Deoxys tested the glass wall. It seemed like it might be weak enough to break. I think they expected us to be unconcious longer than we were and as a result placed us in a weaker cage. It told its companion.


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The image of needles penetrating fur and skin, either drawing blood or infusing strange fluids, made Suicune's muscles twitch in pain. Even while unconscious, the excruciating feeling was very much still there. Her body send signals to her brain telling her to move, or yelp, or something, but she couldn't. Then, she was dumped into a vat of clear jell-like fluids. Suicune's body lay motionless for what seemed like days, though it had only been several hours.

Suicune's eyelids slowly opened at the sound of Deoxys' voice inside her head. She took in the words but did not respond right away. Moving her head slightly to the side, she looked around. Even such minimal effort made her body ache. Just the thought of breaking free and jumping into a pure body of water almost hurt to think about. Continuing to survey the lab area, Suicune got to her feet in the glass container. She noticed that they were several steps lower than the leveling of the main building, probably for experimental purposes and a window up high on the south wall and figured that they would be able to escape from it. There also seemed to be no one around, which was rather odd. Perhaps Deoxys was right; the humans had perdicted them to be unconscious for much longer and probably went on a break or to do other experiments, not wanting to waste any time watching over lifeless pokemon. What a naive move on their part,she thought to herself.

Looking over in Deoxy's direction, she nodded, assuring it that she was alright and that they would have to make their move now. Sliding her paw on the glass, she noticed that her claws scratched it up rather nicely, though it wasn't going to do the trick. Backing up all the way onto the glass, Suicune lowered her head and let out a small hyper beam, shattering the glass. The liquid spilled out and even though the move wasn't very powerful, she was sure that someone nearby would have heard it.

"Let's go!" She said to Deoxys before sprinting off up a few small steps and to the main landing in order to get closer to the window. This time, she let out a move power hyper beam to shatter the glass and continued to sprint towards it until jumping up onto it and leaping out.


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Deoxys watched Suicune with some concern for she responded slowly to its question. Despite her initial slowness she seemed to be raring to go, though, as she blasted her cage apart. Deoxys unleashed its own burst of power out at its own container and shards of glass flew out as it broke. The liquid it was encased in spattered all over, glinting in the dim light.

Suicune was already one step ahead. Deoxys quickly followed her. Did the humans really think that could hold us? They completely underestimated our power. They went into the main hallway and Suicune shattered a window and jumped out. Right after she did so a human rounded the corner and stopped, staring at Deoxys.

"They esca-" he yelled into a radio, not able to finish his words before Deoxys promptly hit him with a psychic blast, knocking him unconcious. But it was too late. The damage was done. Hopefully the humans wouldn't be able to figure out what the man said. It was likely that they would, though.

Deoxys shook its head, dispelling its thoughts, and launched itself out the window. Alarms were going off now, their shrill screams piercing the cool night air. Deoxys didn't pay attention to them and focused on one thing: escape. It changed to its speed form and zoomed off through the air low to the ground. It risked a glance over its shoulder to check on the progress of the humans. The whole building was lit up by now and Deoxys could hear the sound of motors starting. It seemed like they were going to be persued.

Deoxys shivered as a strange feeling passed through it. The feeling was one that made it strangely queasy and dizzy. It ignored the sensation and pressed on. The feelings persisted, and Deoxys continued to try to ignore them. But they were getting worse. What is happening? Those blasted humans made me sick! I hope the same hasn't happened for Suicune. It suspected its companion was having the same problems, though. Eventually Deoxys felt it needed to rest. It sent a telepathic message to Suicune saying, Are you feeling sick too? Whether you are or not, I need to rest. I'm going to lay down under that clump of bushes. Deoxys floated wobbly over a large clump of shrubby bushes, big enough to house Suicune too if need be, and positioned itself beneath them. It promptly passed out.


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The flashing of lights from the building illuminated a pathway for Suicune as she dashed off into the forest. Silencing the ringing from the sirens and start of motor vehicles, she focused on getting as far away as possible. She kept her eyes focused in front of her and her mind focused on the pitter padder of her own paws against the cold dirt, allowing them to take her as far as they could manage. Not even daring to glance around her to see if Deoxys were near in fear of what she might see approaching; though, she could sense that he was near.

After what seemed like an eternity of running, Suicune happened upon a small pond nestled deep within the forest. A strange force seemed to overcome her body as she weakly dragged her paws over to the pond and she dipped her paws in and drank from it, expecting to feel rejuvenated from its purity. Instead, immediate dizziness fell over Suicune. She stood stunned for a moment, trying to grasp what was happening to her and make some sense of it. Her muscles and bones started to shake and give in, forcing her to shakily move from her current spot. Her head shot around in thought of Deoxys. Was the same thing happening with Deoxys or was this just an effect of the strange liquid that had been encasing her? Her mind started to blur as well as her surroundings. Stumbling in several direction, the pokemon eventually landed with a hard thud under a small stone alcove. Her muscles twitched as she struggled to stay conscience.

What the hell.. did they do... to me...? She wondered. Deoxys' voice made its way into her subconscious, but before she had time to process what was happening to them both, everything went black.


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Pain. Horrible, excruciating pain. The chemicals didn't care what discomfort they cause, all they knew was that they had a job to do. Not that they had minds or anything, rather they reacted in certain ways to the power of a legendary Pokemon. Normally they absorbed the essence of Pokemon and converted it into something a human could use. They couldn't do that to these targets because of their superior durability, but they did other things still. Instead of extracting the essence from the Legendary Pokemon they inserted the essence of human in them, something the inert forms' bodies didn't expect at all.

The human essence changed the appearance of the two Pokemon and then subdued their powers. The chemicals made them as close to human as they could before they burned out, which was pretty close. The figures, now mostly human, stopped writhing in pain from the restructuring of their bodies as the chemicals dissapated. They rested, finally free of their torment and, unfortunately, their memories.


The boy opened his eyes. The leaves above him were blurred for a moment before coming into focus. How did I get here? Why am I here? Where am I? Who am I? he wondered. He slowly sat up, his body unfettered by anything except leaves. That seemed wrong, though, so he wrapped himself in a filmy black substance that lay beneath him (he didn't know it, but some chemicals had gone out of him and became the slightly sticky sheet that he now wrapped around him).

"H... Hello?" he queried, trying out his voice. A sudden thought hit him. If he did meet someone out where ever he was what was he going to call himself? He couldn't say something like, "I'm Me." That would be silly. He rolled some sounds around in his head and tried speaking some out loud. He eventually settled with calling himself Derrin Palas. "I'm Derrin Palas," he said out loud.

He crawled out from beneath the bush he was under and stood up. His stomach rumbled, the sound accopanied by an unpleseant sensation. It seemed like he was going to answer his stomach before his other questions. He reached up and picked a pale pink berry from a nearby tree and began to eat it. It was sweet! He munched on berries, content for the time being.


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Everything was black. Pain, horrendous pain, flew through the pokemon's body like an electric shock. Muscles tensed as they desperately clung onto breaking and repairing bones. This wasn't normal. Pokemon did not change form at random, and when they did so when evolving and such, the process was much different. Then, the body was ready to undergo physical changes that it had been preparing for since they were first born. And the very few that could change form had no problem because it was in their genetic make up to be able to do so. But this was different. The genes and chromosomes that made up these Legendaries were rapidly morphing by force. Force from the medical injections and liquids the humans had given them. After going though such an intense procedure, they would be lucky to be alive.


Sunlight streamed into the cave through small openings in the rock formation. Although the day was surprising warm, the forest was oddly quiet. The pokemon, that inhabited the area, were usually bustling through the foliage. On this day, however, all eyes were turned to two humans. Two humans that were once Legendary Pokemon.

Ocean blue eyes peered through a mop of lavender hair. The female stayed laying on the floor, staring off into the forest with a look of horror in her eyes. Her breathing was heavy and her mind was in a haze. Her gaze slowly shifted from the outside back into the cave and onto her town skin. She wiggled her fingers and slowly moved other body parts until eventually coming to a sitting position. She rapped the strange black material that was under her over her body like a towel before eventually standing up as well.

Leaning against the edge of the alcove, she peered around the outside more intently. "Where am I?" She whispered to herself, taking a few steps onto the grass. Morning dew had coated the vivid greens in a white mist that tickled the soles of her feet. Stretching her toes between the blades of grass, she noticed something gleaming in the sunlight. Picking it up, she had a small necklace similar to that of a dog tag with the word Aura branded into it. Softly closing her hand around it, she choked out, "Who am I?"


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Derrin's hunger became sated as he ate the berries. There were plenty left over when he was finished. He absentmindedly picked a twig out of his thick orange hair. Why wasn't there any other signs of life? It seemed awfully quiet in the forest. A breeze picked up and the leaves in various bushes and trees rustled. At least the wind was around.

"Who am I?" am feminine voice asked.

Derrin's head whipped around to the sound of the voice. A girl, wrapped in the same material he was in, was standing in the grass. She had eyes as blue and deep as the ocean and a head of purple hair. Something itched in the back of his mind, reacting to the purple hair, but it was eventually smothered. He shifted his feet, a little nervous about encountering a person for the first time he could remember.

"Hello!" he said, making his voice cheerful. He was happy to no longer be alone, after all. "I just asked myself the same question. So I decided to call myself Derrin Palas. Want a berry?" he asked, picking some of the sweet, firm berries and holding out a fistful to the girl.


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Aura jumped at the sound of another voice so close to her. Clutching the necklace in her fist and pulling the towel material closer around her body, she looked in the direction of the voice. Her eyes scanned the male that was striding towards her. He was tall and had a messy assortment of orange hair placed on his head. She raised an eyebrow at him for a moment, ignoring everything he was saying while she examined him. The aura that radiated off of him had a familiar vide. Judging by the large grin on his face, maybe they had been friends before her memory was jarred. However, she was not quick to trust him.

As he held out his berry filled hand to her, she stayed silent and slowly popped one in her mouth. It exploded with flavor over her taste buds and she realized just how hungry she was. She had no idea how much time had passed when she first passed out, but from the sound of her stomach, it could have been days.

She opened her mouth to speak, though nothing came out and her gaze quickly dropped. A million different questions ran through her head but she finally managed to get one out.
"What happened to us?" Aura asked, her voice hoarse from not spoken in such a long time. Her eyes bore into his while worry was splashed all across her face. Judging by the similar material that was wrapped around him as well, she figured that they were probably together before the event happened that caused them to lose their memory.

"Maybe we should try to find a city nearby," she added, turning her gaze to their surroundings.


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Derrin watched the girl as he approached her and gave her the berries. She seemed rather cautious and jumpy. That made sense, for it seemed like she had lost her memories, too. He thought she should be a bit more opoen to her surroundings. If you jump at everything and are too busy being startled it wasn't as if you were going to learn about who you were.

"What happened to us?" the girl asked, voice rough.

"I don't know," he replied.

"Maybe we should try to find a city nearby," the girl said as she looked around.

Yes, that was something he could agree with. "I think that's a good idea. Another thing that I think's a good idea is for you to loosen up a bit. You might feel better," he said. Derrin could understand cautiousness, but this girl seemed to be taking it to the extreme. Maybe that was a good thing, but it hardly seemed appropriate for this situation.

Bending over, he picked a rock off the ground. "I'm going to throw this in the air and whatever side of me it lands on we'll go that direction, okay?" he said. He tossed the stone straight up. He watched its path as it flew in the air... and yelped a quick, "Ouch!" when it fell on his nose. The stone bounced off his face to his left. He grinned at the girl, hoping to elicit a laugh or even just a smile from her with his clumsiness.

"Well, let's go this way," he said, picking up the smooth stone and walking in the direction it fell. He quickly dropped the rock, for he discovered it was more convenient to use his hands for keeping the blanket of questionable material wrapped around him. The fresh air and bright light of the sun was revitalizing, lifting Derrin's spirits. He hummed a little before abruptly stopping. He didn't want to annoy the girl who was walking with him. Thinking of which, what was her name? If she had one, that was.

"What is your name?" he asked her.


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Aura's eyes slowly lifted to look at the young man in front of her. She cocked an eyebrow at his comment with an expression that read, 'Are you kidding me? It was clear that something drastic had happened to them leaving them alone in the woods for an unknown amount of time. Who caused it? Were people hurt? Why were they the only ones alone in the woods? So many questions run rapid through her mind. The worst part was that they both had no memory, thus leaving them empty handed on just about everything. How was she going to be able to "loosen up"? And to top it all off, he was suggesting that they choose their direction of travel based on where a rock landed.

Inhaling deeply, she watched as the pebble hit him square in the face. She let out a light laugh in response to his past comment, "I suppose I can manage that."

As they continued on, her steps stays even with his, never a step ahead and never a step behind. For a while there was some silence, even through his humming, which gave her time to clear her head and settle her nerves. The sunlight streaming down upon them was a brilliant gold that made her eyes sparkle. When the silence seemed to have overstayed it's welcome, the man took the words right from her mouth with a question.

Her name? What was it? She wondered. She didn't want to ponder the question too long, for a name would seem like a childish thing to forget. Subconsciously, her hand made its way to the necklace in her hand that she had found beside her in the wood. Part of it was chipped off, but from what she could made out of it, she figured was her name.

"Aura," she said finally, meeting his gaze. "And who might you be?"

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View All » Add Character » 2 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aura
Character Portrait: Derrin Palas


Character Portrait: Derrin Palas
Derrin Palas

"Well, my memory my not be the best, but I'm sure my personality is stunning!"

Character Portrait: Aura

Once a Suicune - dashes away with the north wind


Character Portrait: Aura

Once a Suicune - dashes away with the north wind

Character Portrait: Derrin Palas
Derrin Palas

"Well, my memory my not be the best, but I'm sure my personality is stunning!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Aura

Once a Suicune - dashes away with the north wind

Character Portrait: Derrin Palas
Derrin Palas

"Well, my memory my not be the best, but I'm sure my personality is stunning!"

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