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Friends and Enemies

Friends and Enemies


They all come to a meet at a island, It has been 4 years since they saw eachother at FairLil High and they all long gone from being with their 'cliques', Will old enemies become friends? Or will they all continue to hate? Will Romance start?

1,221 readers have visited Friends and Enemies since Elena created it.



They all got invitations to this island as to meet all her old school mates.

Students from FairLil High have all come together at a island to stay for a couple of months from a break off work.
Will romance start?
Enemies become friends?
Or will they all just continue to hate each other.
They have all spilt from their usual 'Cliques'
There different, Popular girls and boys are nicer. Everyone has changed, Maybe just maybe they could start liking each other again?

(NOTE: You choose what job your character does at the moment, You can choose them to be doing no job whats so ever)


Head Popular Girl~ (Taken)
She was the head popular girl at FairLil High, She was bitchy and beautiful, She still is beautiful but is she bitchy?

Head Popular Boy~ (Taken)
He was head popular boy at FairLil High, He dated Head Popular girl, But they spilt at the end of the year and he has not seen her since, He was a player but he was committed to his relationships

Bad Boy~ (Taken)
He was the bad boy at school, Hot and dangerous, All the girls wanted him, He was mysterious and he has the charm. He is a major player. He has always had feelings for Hot'n'Dangerous but even though he had so much confidence with all the other girls that fell head over heels for him, He had no confidence at all around her.

Hot'n'Dangerous~ (Taken)
Sexy but dangerous, She was the sexy chick, All the boys wanted her, But she teased them, With her stunning body and looks. She is a major player as well.
She has always had feelings for Bad Boy but thought she would be humiliated because he would not like her the same way.

Nerd Boy~ (Taken)
He was the classic nerd you know, Smart but he didn't have the looks, But he now has a make over and looks completely different and hot...

Emo/Goth Girl~ (Taken)
She is your usual Goth Girl, Dark clothes black hair, Make up, She really didn't hang out with many people, Just the other emo's.

Outcast Girl~ (Taken)
She had no friends, Usually hanged by herself, Under her tree, Where she would just read, She is very beautiful, But people thought she was weird because she had no friends.

Rocker Boy~ (Taken)
He was your average rocker boy, He loved rock music and rocked on to anything, He was crazy, His band was crazy. There all just crazy.

(NOTE: They can change, They do NOT have to stay emo, bitchy etc)
~Might be adding more characters~

~Character Skelly~
(If you think i'm missing anything, Add it in yourself, By the way, If you have no Job then don't put it in)

Toggle Rules

- Respect your fellow RPer's
- Romance Highly Encouraged
- No killing
- No Mary Sue's
- No GodMod
~ Prefer Real pics, But Anime Allowed

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Character Portrait: Mia Cerny
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#, as written by Elena
Mia turned back around and walked out of the water, She sat down on her beach towel and watched the waves. She liked Dimitri again...But she didn't think he liked her, Why would he anyway? He gets all the girls. But she nearly fainted when they touched, She was in love with him but how could she tell him? He probably is married already to some prettier girl than herself. Mia laid back on her towel and enjoyed the sun beating down on her body.


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She grinned over at Matthew and nodded at his words, she knew exactly what he was talking about. She didnt want to brag but she had to say, they did a pretty damn good job! Her eyes kept slipping over matthews body and she still couldnt believer but the evidence was right there in front of her. "Wow.." She muttered and ran her fingers through her hair and managed to drag her eyes up to his face as she gave a shrug. "Well, since we are going to the pool, mind accompanying me on this mini journey?" She grinned, looking up at him.


After his mini pity party again in his room, he had changed in his swim wear, just deciding to maybe sleep by the pool as he stripped down and pulled on embarassingly rainbow swimtrunks with black trimming and accents. He had others but he had promises Circe he'd wear it when she bought them matching swim gear. He had slapped his forehead and drug it down his face, since when had the loner become like a little sister to him? And since when did she buy clothes for him? Whenever it happened, it happened and now Dimitri was about to go out and embarass himself in front of his highschool--and current-- crush. Needless to say he was freakin out. 

After grabbing a towel and hiding his badge and gun in his luggage, he grabbed his room key and went out to make his way to the pool. He was there in no time since his room was just on the second floor. His eyes squinted at the sun but soon adjusted as he enjoyed the warm sun and the smell of chlorine water as she dumped his things on a table with an umbrella and stood at the edge of the pool wondering if should dive or cannonball.


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Matthew smirked smugly, if it wasn't for his sister's mocking and teasing then the wouldn't of had his change in appearance. She was the actual one who practically stole all his clothes, to make him wear more fashionable attire, and she gave him a haircut, thankfully she did a good job since she was a professional hairdresser. But, he still stayed the same inside, except he was much more confident when dealing with people since he knew he wasn't all geeky looking. A grin crept up over to his face as he heard the idea of all of them going to the swimming pool, so why not?

"It would be my pleasure." he spoke with a cheerful expression plastered on his face, he really did want to swim. But another part of him wanted to know more about Circe, like what happened after high school and why she accepted to come to this reunion. If he remembered correctly, she wasn't very high in the social status when they were back in high school. Although, she would beat Matthew's history any day, with him being a mega nerd and all. Who would know that she wanted to be a photographer? His future was practically thrust upon him, college executives jumped at the chance for Matthew to attend there and handed him a academic scholarship. At first he was glad, but now math equation bored him a bit; he was easily on his way into earning his Masters in Mathematics.

He motioned over to the elevator and pressed the desired button for the ground level, where the swimming pool was currently located. Hopefully, it was large enough to relax without others bothering him much. As soon as the elevator door opened, he glanced over to her and stepped inside so he could hold the door open for her. Yes, he was old-fashioned but he liked to call it manners. Not even if it meant other guys would mock him for actually being friendly, his grandfathers raised him better than that.


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She smiled, following him to the elevator as they waited, then as the doors came open, the sight of seeing Matthew hold the door open for her caused her to squeal excitedly as she dug into her back. "Hold that!" She called to him before finally retrieving her camera and snapping off a few pictures of him, smiling as she stood from the mini positions she had taken to get some good shots before actually entering the elevator with a smile as she examined the photos. "This is great! You were always to photogenic!" She smiled at him, it was true. After discovering her passion for photography, she had taken most of the pictures to be put in the school year book, most were of Matthew but of course, the wonderful pictures she had taken were denied since the subject was deemed 'uncool' among other shots she had taken. But whatever, it wasn't like she still held a grudge for having her amazing pictures being denied after a lot of hard work and time invested into it or anything...

"I can't wait! The pool looked amazing when I walked by!" She said excitedly, unable to contain it before the doors had slid open, revealing the ground floor as she ran to the pool. She giggled like a child, calling back to Matthew to hurry up before he was--and I quote-- a 'Rotten Egg' then upon sight of her fellow high school people. With a mischievous grin, she dropped her things and ran full speed to shove the vulnerable Dimitri into the pool, laughing wildly before her arm was grabbed and she was pulled in along with him.


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Character Portrait: Mia Cerny
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#, as written by Elena
Mia grabbed her towel and ran from the beach to the pool, The pool was where every one else was so she wanted to have fun with them, When she reached the pool she saw the others and Dimitri, She stuck her towel over one of the empty seats and stood by the edge of the pool, She looked at the others...She knew them, they were everyone from high school, Wow..some of them had really changed. Some she didn't even know it was them. Mia dived into the pool and came up next to Dimitri. ''Hey'' Mia said with a grin, she splashed both of them and laughed.


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Matthew held the elevator door open, waiting for Circe to enter it. However, instead of walking inside the elevator he saw her frantically dig through her bag, it was quite odd and he found himself tilt his head as he tried to see what she was grabbing. The sound of her squealing ended as he saw her pull out a interesting looking camera, and point it towards him; taking a few shots. He raised an eyebrow with a smug smile as he heard her say that he worked well with the camera, although he had little knowledge on the matter. True, in high school he allowed people to take photos of him, but he thought it was just because of his academic achievements. Who knows maybe he might ponder in the model industry? He chuckled heartedly at the pure thought, but shook his head at it.

Seeing Circe practically sprint to the pool, he wonders how she had that much energy. Was she always this cheery? Matthew grinned as he ran towards the pool entry, except instead of jumping straight in he neatly folded his towel and placed it onto a beach chair. A thought crossed his mind, he forgot to bring sunscreen with him. And being a nerd as himself, he knew about the dangers of skin cancer, not to mention he was pretty easily sunburned. He stood up and rubbed his neck as he waa in deep thought about the subject; sure he wanted to have fun, but would getting cancer be worth it?

"Ummm... Circe!" he shouted clearly to get her attention, "You wouldn't happen to have any sun block on you, would you?" he was a tad bit embarrassed about asking her for it. It did seem wimpy in a few people's perspectives. Suddenly, a few familiar figures attracted his attention, Dimitri and Mia. Boy, they were a pair back in high school; they were both deemed the 'hottest'. He wasn't sure if reuniting with them was the best idea, people used to taunt him about his looks, but they never had that feeling. Luckily, he had changed. He hoped they changed, well at least the slightest bit.


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After screaming and being pulled under, she broke the surface of the water, pouting over at Dimitiri as she splashed him just as he came up. "You meanie!!" She yelled in her frustration, but couldnt help but crack a smile as she brushed her vibrant hair back out of her face just as another girl popped up along side him. Circe immediantly recognized who it was and kind of slid away from the female, she remembered Mia had been one of her tormentors back in highschool but Circe was unsure on how she was now. She seemed ok, she she said hey before getting into a water war with Dimitri just as she heard her name being called. After realizing where the voice came from--and what it was asking-- She smiled and swam to the edge of the pool, pulling herself up and out with ease as she grabbed her bags and made her way towards Matthew, dripping wet as she dug around in her bag. "Hold on just a second, its here somewhere!"

After a few moments, she pulled out a bottle of sun screen and wiggle it in her fingers. "Found it! Here ya go, you can keep it if you want? I have a bunch of bottles" She smiled, tossing her bag beside his things. "Hurry an get covered but Im thinking a game of Chicken might be in order" She grinned.


Dimitri had chuckled once coming up, returning a few of Circe's splashes before turning to do the same to Mia, his cheeks pink as he laughed along with her. "Oh now your gonna get it!!" He grinned, swimming over as he pulled her close to him, her back against his chest. He held her there for a moment, grinning like crazy before lifting her up and dunking her in the water with him before pulling the two of them up. "Ha now we're even" He said, a bit embaressed at how childish he was being as he gave her a playful nudge of her shoulder with his, swimming back away with huge splashes heading her way. He couldnt help it, pools brought the child in him out.


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Character Portrait: Mia Cerny
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#, as written by Elena
Mia laughed and her cheeks went bright red when he pulled her close to him, She splashed Dimitri many more times until she swam over to him and tackled them both under water, Her on top of him, until they both floated back up in an kind of hugging embrace. Mia's cheeks went bright red again and thought Dimitri must have a girlfriend considering the looks of him, Mia just laughed and her cheeks were bright red again. She loved swimming and swimming with friends was heaps of fun because you get to muck around with them.


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Matthew caught the bottle of sun lotion from Circe, he was really glad she had some spare. It was pretty odd of him to forget about a key item like that, and to a sunny place as this one. With a thick splat, he applied a nice and even coat all over his body, minus the place just underneath his shorts. If he was alone in his room, he would apply it there; yet it was embarassing to do it now. People might think he was a little wimpy or old-schooled for caring about his skin.

As he heard Circe challenge him to a game of chicken, he immediately smirked and let a toothy grin show her his answer. The last time he played chicken was with his college roommate, and boy did he get smashed. His so-called friend made him do a double flip off of the trampoline, then land onto the grassy ground. Guess what it landed him? A broken arm. Luckily, with the cast on he didn't have to do any essays by hand in his classes, all hen had to do was tell this type-writer person who wrote it all for him.

"Oh-Ho-Ho, prepare to beaten by the one... The only... Matthew Barrder!" he stood in a triumphant stance to emphasize what he meant. There was no way he was going to lose, and not to a girl anytime soon. Arrogantly, he past Circe over to the pool and flung himself off the ground to do a forward flip into the icey cold waters. Five good seconds later, he popped his head up and shook his head to get his hair out of his eyes, chuckling deeply.


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"Ohhhh is that right little Matty?" She smirked, marching over to the edge of the pool as she grinned down at him, flipping her drying hair out of her face as she rose her eyebrows. "Impressive! But I think I can do better" She smirked, turning around with her back facing him as she gave a little prep before launching into the air, tucking herself into a tiny ball as she did a back flip, spinning fast for extending her self to meet the water with her in a pretty dive into the water. After a few moments, she had risen from the water with a gasp, flipping her hair back as she chuckled and winked at Matthew. "Gotta do more then that! But it was pretty good" She said jokingly before splashing him and laughing

His cheeks were stain red as Mia seemed to start fighting back, even managing to dunk him underwater as he opened his eyes to stare up at her under water, his cheeks seeming to darken at the sight of her with her hair floating freely around her face. He thought she looked like an angel. Then they came up in this weird embrace but Dimitri didn't mind. Nope. Not. One. Bit. For a moment, he was distracted by their wet bodies being pressed together before snapping out of his trance at the sound of her giggling and before he could actually think, he blurted out what was on his mind. "Damn you boyfriend must be the luckiest guy ever--" He then stopped himself at the outburst and dunked half his face underwater, only his eyes were above as he contemplated drowning himself.


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Matthew raised an eyebrow in curiosity as he heard Circe's retort after he had finished his jump in the pool. He floated in the deep waters, waiting for her 'spectacular' dive; though he doubted she could top him off. Oh, how he was proved wrong in the most dramatic way. To his utter disbelief, she turned around and dived right into the water with so much precision, there wasn't even much of a splash back. Surely she must of done this before, no wonder she wanted to go to the pool so badly; she was a freaking pro. And, where in the world did she learn to do that? Sure, the people on the Olympics and other contests make it seem so easy, but he knew it was tricky to even try to attempt to do a flip. But, he decided not to say it was fantastic because his big ego didn't allow him too. Before she rose up from the water, he doggy paddled over to where she landed; to his dismay he was splashed by Circe.

"Ahahaha, I have to admit it was pretty good... For an amateur!" he mocked with the amusement ridden in his voice, he smacked the water to make it collide with Circe. He dunked his own head under the water, drenching his hair with loads of water. He then gave Circe a playful grin, suddenly he drifted closer to her; his locks of hair still dripping from water. Chuckling, he madly shook his head, causing the water in his hair to spread into all directions and onto Circe. Seeing that she was distracted, he dunk under the water and pulled her down with him; sometimes he feared he was a bit to reckless when he was having fun. But, come on. When you were a nerd like him for so many years, you gotta have some adventure at a point in life.


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Character Portrait: Mia Cerny
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#, as written by Elena
Mia nearly burst out laughing when she heard what Dimitri said ''I don't have a boyfriend'' Mia paused and laughed, her cheeks bright red, ''But may i say, Your girlfriend is very lucky to have you'' Mia said before she could stop herself, She splashed Dimitri and pulled him out from under the water, trying to ignore what she said her cheeks were a bright red as she splashed him again, brushing her long wet blonde hair out of her face as she grinned at Dimitri, Why would he think she had a boyfriend anyway? Mia looked at Dimitri and smiled, thinking over this as she splashed him some more.


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( so sorry! Everyone is probably gone now e_e )


"Ahahaha, I have to admit it was pretty good... For an amateur!" Matthew had called out playfully to her, causing her to squeal out as he splashed her right after. "Oh whatever!" She cried out, splashing back before being dunked under, with him. She had grinned, finding herself on top of him as she winked and poked his nose. In the process she mouthed, 'your it' and with a wave of her turquiose hair, she was swimming away from him, not wanting to be caught as she poked her head out of the water to shout. "Tag! Matthews it!"


He chuckled a bit, fingering his dark wet locks back as he talked to his crush. "Nope, no girlfriend" He then smirked at seeing her cheeks red before returning her splashes back, sending waves to where Mia was dripping wet as he circled around her teasingly. "What? No boyfriend? Guys must be blind where you live!" He commented, and he truly thought that, he was sure she'd probably be taken by now, but she didn't have anyone? That was a shock to him but--secretly-- he was relieved she wasn't. At the sound of Circe calling out that Matthew was it, he grinned a bit. He remembered that name well, he was waiting to see him and a couple others for awhile now, he felt bad that he had bullied him in the past but Dimitri couldn't wait to see the little shrimp now! "I'm in!" Dimitri called, taking Mia's hand and raising it in the air. "She is too!"


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Character Portrait: Mia Cerny
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#, as written by Elena
Mia nearly jumped up in down in joy and relief that her crush, Dimitri, had no girlfriend. Mia rolled her eyes when she heard him say that it was a surprise that she had no boyfriend, ''I guess i haven't found the right guy, you know what i mean?'' Mia replied, her cheeks still a deep red. She laughed when he put her hand up to show that they both we're going to join in, in this game of tips. She hadn't played tips in ages. It was a fun childhood game for everyone and she had loved this game apart from marco pollo. Which she found a whole lot of fun, She grinned at Dimitri and swam away from Matthew who was in.

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Island by Elena


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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Leraline Oomiya
Character Portrait: Matthew McGrath
Character Portrait: Annette Love
Character Portrait: Mia Cerny
Character Portrait: Derek Adams


Character Portrait: Derek Adams
Derek Adams

Rocker boy-"Whatever you say"

Character Portrait: Mia Cerny
Mia Cerny

''Still looking Hot as always''

Character Portrait: Annette Love
Annette Love

"Baby it's fate, not luck."

Character Portrait: Matthew McGrath
Matthew McGrath

The Nerd Boy- "Remember me?... Yeah, I was that Nerdy kid you bullied before!"

Character Portrait: Leraline Oomiya
Leraline Oomiya

The emo/goth girl in high school.


Character Portrait: Annette Love
Annette Love

"Baby it's fate, not luck."

Character Portrait: Matthew McGrath
Matthew McGrath

The Nerd Boy- "Remember me?... Yeah, I was that Nerdy kid you bullied before!"

Character Portrait: Leraline Oomiya
Leraline Oomiya

The emo/goth girl in high school.

Character Portrait: Derek Adams
Derek Adams

Rocker boy-"Whatever you say"

Character Portrait: Mia Cerny
Mia Cerny

''Still looking Hot as always''

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Derek Adams
Derek Adams

Rocker boy-"Whatever you say"

Character Portrait: Matthew McGrath
Matthew McGrath

The Nerd Boy- "Remember me?... Yeah, I was that Nerdy kid you bullied before!"

Character Portrait: Leraline Oomiya
Leraline Oomiya

The emo/goth girl in high school.

Character Portrait: Annette Love
Annette Love

"Baby it's fate, not luck."

Character Portrait: Mia Cerny
Mia Cerny

''Still looking Hot as always''

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Most recent OOC posts in Friends and Enemies

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

Alright, Hope you have fun.
Can't wait till you get back :)

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

Hey guys, I won't be able to post at all Saturday and mostly Sunday due to marching band practice/competition!
Just wanted to give a heads up =3

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

So, we CAN write, RIGHT?!?!?

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

Everyone has arrived and your in your hotel's unpacking.

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

So what's the starting point?

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

Ok Then, Everyone may start now, Its officially starting.

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

Thats it! I really want to start! Im taking the rocker boy!

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

Alright I sent him in =3
Still searching for a picture for him lol
Can't wait for it to officially start!

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

Yes, You can start and Yes If anyone wants to make a new character so we fill our gaps, Well then thank you, If nobody wants to be Rocker Boy then i'll be him :)

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

If needed, I can make another character? o_o
I wouldn't mind being the bad boy since it would be strange to be the rocker lol
(My female character has a crush on him lolz )

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

5 people, enough to start, RIGHT?!?!

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

I sent out the Head Popular Girl! Annette (Ell) Love. Sorry it took me so long to send her out.

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

I shall take outcast girl =3

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

Yeah, too may reservations and not many taken

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

We really need more people to join and complete their Reservations if this RP is gonna start soon.

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

Should we start? I really want to. OwO

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

O-o oh kays its cool =3
and sure if you'd like?

Re: [OOC] Friends and Enemies

Can you reserve me the Nerd Boy, I'll make the skeleton in a hour or so.