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Goddess and the Demon

Goddess and the Demon


“Their story has been told throughout time and space. It transcends the planetary and dimensional limits."

15,638 readers have visited Goddess and the Demon since minimeg1718 created it.


original image by sandara deviantart

The Goddess and the Demon

“Their story has been told throughout time and space. It transcends the planetary and dimensional limits. Here on earth they have been known as Isis and Osiris, Nut and Geb, Endymion and Selene, Hades and Persephone, Adam and Eve, Michael and Lucifer. They existed before all else, before the galaxies burst from the heavens and life was created. They are light and dark, good and evil, pure and tainted, the goddess and the demon.”

Before the Universe
Tenebrae, a bleak, empty space, a cage, meant to hold the two most powerful creatures in existence. In this time they were mere balls of energy, chaos split in two forms. One was light, its energy illuminating the cage as it tried its best not to be consumed by the darkness surrounding it. The other was a large hole in the center of the universe, a dark energy that thrived on the emptiness that surrounded it. It is hard to ascertain the exact moment the two creatures made contact, but when they did, the cage was split open and the entire universe was born. When they made contact, the two creatures began to form an identity, no longer just balls of energy. They were then known as Lux (light) and Nox (dark). Their former identities manifested themselves into two artifacts. Lux’s former identity manifested itself into a golden sun that had resembled her original form. Nox’s former identity manifested itself into a dark crystal which had resembled his original form as well.
As the universe grew larger, the two beings of light and dark grew smaller and smaller, their existence becoming less and less important. The cosmos, their child, turned on them and began to engulf them. The two beings, Lux and Nox decided to split themselves across the universe, each adopting a new identity for each planet their spirits landed on. Sometimes, like with our planet, they were reborn time and time again in different forms. However, Lux and Nox contained their original beings in a realm hidden from Cosmos so that they would not lose sight of their own existence. This realm was known to Nox and Lux as Tellus.
Lux and Nox found that they had developed identities outside of their original purpose. Nox began to take the form of a demon and his original being began to accept chaos as his true form. He began to consume the world they had created together, changing it and creating evil and darkness where light and good had once reigned. The effects of their original forms changing began to ripple into their split forms. At first their split spirits were known as lovers but, as time elapsed, the two beings began to turn on themselves, just as the cosmos turned on them. Lux could not allow Nox to turn their world into chaos, but the only way she could think to stop him was to leave their world to search for help against him. Knowing that it was a dangerous mission, Lux fled from their world to search the cosmos for beings who would be able to assist her.
She found the beings not far from our planet, earth. They were thought to be constellations, stars clustered together and named by humans. But in reality, they were beings of unimaginable power hidden together away from Cosmos just like Lux and Nox. Lux asked the constellations to split themselves away from their original posts, leaving shadows of themselves, and to come join her against Nox. The twelve beings agreed and left their copies to guard the sun and its planets against Cosmos.

Millions of Years later
Nox and Lux’s battle lasted millions of years in their world. The twelve constellations constantly switched sides between Nox and Lux as they fought for or against chaos. Both Nox and Lux’s bodies began to decompose along with the twelve constellations. The constant war that ravaged the world that Nox and Lux created began to wear on them as well. As a last ditch effort to fight against Nox’s demon army, Lux created humans based primarily off the humans she had seen through one of her shadow selves. The new creatures very similar to the humans on planet earth. With the creation of humans, Lux was able to hold off Nox’s attacks at least a little longer.
Unfortunately, Lux’s humans couldn’t hold back the demons completely. She knew she had to get rid of Nox herself and the only way she knew how was to destroy his original form. Lux gathered the six constellations that had been loyal to her and attacked Nox for the last time. The greatest battle Tellus had ever seen. Lux, with her last ounce of energy, broke Nox’s crystal, sending the shards across the land in all directions. But before Nox was completely destroyed, he too broke Lux’s golden sun and sent the shards flying all across Tellus. But the two beings were not killed. Just before Lux broke Nox’s crystal, she cast a spell upon her golden sun that would imprison the two beings on planet Earth so that they could do no more harm to Tellus or its people.
The twelve constellations were locked away, their souls preserved to be reincarnated incase Lux or Nox ever found their way back to Tellus. The humans and the demons still exist on Tellus despite Lux’s efforts to keep them at bay. The war has ceased momentarily but peace does not last forever. One day Lux and Nox will be reborn on planet Earth and their souls will once more find Tellus. When that happens, the war will once more consume Tellus, and good and evil will fight once more.


Tellus Map
Life of Tellus
Tellus was not always such a prosperous land that it is today. Demon’s were the first creatures to walk the land other than Lux, Nox, and the astrological constellations. When Lux created the humans to fight the demons the world was in chaos. However, they received great help from the astrological constellations (now known as the astrological warriors). The humans have followed the basic developmental path that the humans on our world went through. But, with the help of Lux and the astrological warriors loyal to her, they were able to develop at a faster rate. They are now currently in a version of our Medieval history. Though there are some major influences throughout our timeline that don’t exactly fit in with our Medieval history. There are major influences from ancient china in Gellus as well as influences from ancient Greece in both Lacus and Caritus. Their weaponry is a vast collection of what Lux had seen through her shadow selves on our planet. Though, the most modern of weaponry being from the Renaissance period.

Gellus –
Modeled after the astrological warriors of Earth. A human castle built by the goddess Lux to bring peace to the Northern corner of Tellus.
One notable city near Gellus is Saxum Keep. It is known as the trade city for all paths lead to or from Saxum Keep.
image by NikYeliseyev deviantart

Lacus –
Modeled after the astrological warriors of Air. It is a human castle, built by the goddess Lux to protect the eastern seas against invaders.
Most of the cities surrounding Lacus are trade cities. Tueor trades goods from the eastern sea and exports them inland. Gravor Hold and Flumen City are both stationed along the Flumen river so that they may trade to the smaller villages who don’t have access to the ocean.
image by xiauyinn deviantart

Caritus –
Modeled after the astrological warriors of Water. It is a human castle built by the goddess so that it may export water throughout the human land of Tellus.
Caritus is stationed in the center of the three major lakes of Tellus. The water astrological warriors and the earth astrological warriors created water ways to and from the great lakes so that the entire country may have fresh water.
image by aaronsimscompany deviantart

Moene –
Modeled after the astrological warriors of fire. Originally it had been created by Lux for the humans, so that they may protect the southern corner of Tellus. But when Nox and his demon army split Tellus in two halves, the demon’s took Moene as their own castle.
image by Geistig deviantart

Astrological Warriors

The original Constellations
Lux had found the original constellations as they were being discovered by the human’s on Earth. They were first known to her by their names in the Sanskirt language. But, as the human’s developed, their names changed as well.

Mesa – Aries – Fire
Vrsabha – Taurus – Earth
Mithuna – Gemini – Air
Karkata – Cancer – Water
Simha – Leo – Fire
Kanya – Virgo – Earth
Tula – Libra – Air
Vrscika – Scorpio – Water
Dhanus – Sagittarius – Fire
Makara – Capricorn – Earth
Kumbha – Aquarius – Air
Mina – Pisces – Water

Coming to Tellus
When the constellations were brought to Tellus, they developed with the humans. Their first forms were that of their elements, they had no real shape or figure. However, when the humans were introduced they began taking the human form as well. Instead of their bodies consisting of their elements, the constellations were able to manifest their original forms into powers that they could call upon on any given moment. Even though they could not use powers outside of their elements, they were able to develop their powers in any way they wanted.
After Lux had managed to destroy Nox’s artifact and her own, the astrological warriors disappeared from the land. They were later reborn in new bodies with new identities so that it would be harder for the demon’s to find them. Their reincarnations could not use their elemental abilities and did not remember who their former selves were. The reincarnations continued to cycle throughout Tellus until Lux and Nox’s reincarnations returned to Tellus. Only then was their magic awakened.


Nox and Lux
The goddess Lux and the demon Nox were reborn into our world as twins, a boy and a girl. Neither of them remember their past lives or anything about Tellus. The rp will start in their point of view in our world. They’ll go to a museum where there will be a mirror in one of the exhibits. This mirror is a gateway between our world and Tellus. One of Nox’s demon’s had found the gateway and was sent through it, but he was badly weakened. The demon hid himself in the museum to wait until he found out more about Nox and Lux. When the twins enter the exhibit the demon senses that they are who he had been looking for. He grab’s the male twin, knowing it’s Nox, and drags him into the mirror. The female twin jumps in through the mirror after the demon and her brother, disappearing into the world of Tellus. Lux’s reincarnate will land on the human side of Tellus while Nox’s reincarnate will land, with the demon, on the demon side of Tellus.

The Astrological Warriors
When the twins were born, the elemental powers were awakened in the reincarnates already born. When the other reincarnates were born, they too discovered their powers after time. Some accepted who they were, others were shunned because of it. Some of them believe that the goddess Lux and the demon Nox will return, and have already allied themselves with either side. A few others, probably more than half, haven’t sided and are resentful of the goddess and the demon. However, in order to finally end the war, all astrological warriors must choose to fight for Lux or to fight for Nox.

The Shattered Artifacts
When the artifacts were destroyed, both of Lux’s and Nox’s artifacts were split into twelve sections and scattered across the world of Tellus. In order to finally gain an upper hand on the war, either side must fully gather all twelve pieces of the artifacts and join them together. This is the ultimate goal other than gaining as many astrological warriors as they can.


First rule: Character Reservations
You may reserve a character but the reservation will last only twenty-four hours. They only way your reservation is secured, and you get the character, is if you give me your completed character sheet in time and it fits my qualifications for the character. Just because you reserve a character and send in a completed character sheet, does not mean you get the character. I will let you know if you do. I do not want any images used to describe your character. You may add one after I aprove your character.

Second Rule: Character Sheet
Give your best work in your character sheet. Don’t cut corners, this is the first bit of writing I will see from you. If it’s not up to standard, you will not be in the role play. I’m sorry for being so harsh, but I want this to be a successful role play with competent players who will keep up with the group. I will be looking for quality, detailed descriptions for everything in your character sheet.

Third Rule: Post Length
Posts should be at no less than two to three full paragraphs. Dialogue does not count as a paragraph. I also don’t want novel length posts. I am very very guilty of over posting so this applies to me as well. I want this role play to flow smoothly and for people to not take ages to send in their replies.

Fourth Rule: Consistency
I understand that people have lives. If you can’t post for a while please let me, or one of the other members know. If you’re leaving the role play please tell me or one of the other members know so that we can kill off and or replace your character.


You may reserve one Main Character but as many side characters as you think you can handle. The main characters will be judged the harshest because they will be what will make up the majority of the role play. Please state in the character sheet if you want your main character to already be allied with either Lux or Nox or if they are rogue.
Main Character Roles
| Nox Reincarnation | Evans Bradley | Male | 17 | Human-Demon | Powers: Darkness | Taken by: Quelle |
| Lux Reincarnation | Aryana Bradley| Female | 17 | Human-Goddess | Powers: Light | Taken by: minimeg1718 |
| Aries Reincarnation | Dimitri Nantres | Male | 19 | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Fire | Taken by: psyduck |
| Taurus Reincarnation | Gender | Age | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Earth | Reserved by: Magus1108 |
| Gemini Reincarnation | Gender | Age | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Air | Reserved by: aesir |
| Cancer Reincarnation | Gender | Age | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Water | Reserved by: umademeink96 |
| Leo Reincarnation | Gender | Age | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Fire | Reserved by: |
| Virgo Reincarnation | Gender | Age | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Earth | Taken by: |
| Libra Reincarnation | Gender | Age | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Air | Taken by: hystericalmirth |
| Scorpio Reincarnation | Salacia Sparrow| Female | 24 | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Water | Taken by: Falron |
| Sagittarius Reincarnation | Carac Rolfe | Male | 19 | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Fire | Taken by: sweetiebatch |
| Capricorn Reincarnation | Gender | Age | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Earth | Taken by: |
| Aquarius Reincarnation | Gender | Age | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Air | Taken by: |
| Pisces Reincarnation | Gender | Age | Celestial Warrior | Powers: Water | Taken by: |

Side Characters
| Human King | Gellus | Age | Taken by |
| Human Queen | Gellus | Age | Taken by |
| Human King | Caritus | Age | Taken by |
| Human Queen | Caritus | Age | Taken by |
| Human King | Lacus | Age | Taken by |
| Human Queen | Lacus | Age | Taken by |
|Other human| Age | Taken by |
|Lesser demon| Age | Powers | Taken by |

Character Sheet
Code: Select all
[center][font=Blackadder ITC][size=400]NAME[/size][/font][/center]

[center][font=Book Antiqua][size=200][b][i]The Basics[/i][/b][/size][/font][/center]
Nickname: |
|Age: |
| Gender: |
|Race: |[/font]

[center][font=Book Antiqua][size=200][b][i]Dig A Little Deeper [/i][/b][/size][/font][/center]
[font=Constantia]| Height: |
| Weight: |
| Eye Color: |
| Hair Color: |
| Skin Tone: |
|Distinct Markings: (Applicable only for celestial warriors and demons) |
| Physical Description: (Two paragraph minimum only applicable for main characters)|[/font]

[center][font=Book Antiqua][size=200][b][i]Personality[/i][/b][/size][/font][/center]
| Likes: |
| Dislikes: |
| Personality description: (Two paragraph minimum only applicable for main characters) |[/font]

[center][font=Book Antiqua][size=200][b][i]Abilities[/i][/b][/size][/font][/center]
[font=Constantia](only applicable for main characters)
| Elemental Ability: (Do not just list. Describe how they are able to use these powers. Please use for all in this category)|
| Specialized Element: (ex. Water -> Ice) |
| Weapon of Choice: |[/font]

[center][font=Book Antiqua][size=200][b][i]History[/i][/b][/size][/font][/center]
[font=Constantia]| Past: (300 word minimum only applicable for main characters)|
| Location: (Where they are in Tellus)|
| Allied with: (Nox, Lux, Rogue only applicable for main characters) |[/font]

[center][font=Book Antiqua][size=200][b][i]Other Notable Attributes[/i][/b][/size][/font][/center]

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 68 Settings to roleplay in

Eurus City

Eurus City by minimeg1718

Eurus City

Tempus Desert

Tempus Desert by minimeg1718

A large desert that spans across the center of Tellus. The terrain is very similar to the Mojave Desert.


Gellus by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of Earth. A human castle built by the goddess Lux to bring peace to the Northern corner of Tellus. One notable city near Gellus is Saxum Keep. It is known as the trade city for all paths lead to or from Saxum Keep.

Gellus Market District

Gellus Market District by minimeg1718

Where everyone goes to do their shopping.

Gellus Barracks District

Gellus Barracks District by minimeg1718

Along the same road as the main Keep, the Barracks District is where the Kings Guard is housed.

Gellus Crafters District

Gellus Crafters District by minimeg1718

Where the citizen's go for their specific needs.

Gellus Guilds' District

Gellus Guilds' District by minimeg1718

Where the guilds are located throughout the city of Gellus

Gellus Merchant's District

Gellus Merchant's District by minimeg1718

Caters mostly to entertainment while shopping.

Gellus Palace District

Gellus Palace District by minimeg1718

Closest to the Palace, these are where the most important people of Gellus are housed.

Gellus Slum District

Gellus Slum District by minimeg1718

Between the inner wall and the outer wall. This is where most of the crime in Gellus is located.

Gellus Government District

Gellus Government District by minimeg1718

Where all of the government officials are housed.


Lacus by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of Air. It is a human castle, built by the goddess Lux to protect the eastern seas against invaders.

Lacus Academic District

Lacus Academic District by minimeg1718

People come from all over Tellus to attend the Academy.

Theater District

Theater District by minimeg1718

Run by the students of the Academy, it is the most renowned Theater establishment in all of Tellus.

Lacus Residential District

Lacus Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the majority of the residents of Lacus live as well as the shopping center of the city.

Lacus Government District

Lacus Government District by minimeg1718

Where the major government officials reside and do their business.

Lacus Nobles District

Lacus Nobles District by minimeg1718

Where the main Palace and the nobility reside.

Lapideus City

Lapideus City by minimeg1718

Lapideus City


Caritus by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of Water. It is a human castle built by the goddess so that it may export water throughout the human land of Tellus. Caritus is stationed in the center of the three major lakes of Tellus.

Caritus Residential District

Caritus Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the residents of Caritus Live

Caritus Warehouse District

Caritus Warehouse District by minimeg1718

Where the major trade items come through.

Caritus Temple District

Caritus Temple District by minimeg1718

Temples dedicated to the two gods and the astrological warriors.

Caritus Barracks District

Caritus Barracks District by minimeg1718

Where Caritus' Military is housed.

Caritus Guilds' District

Caritus Guilds' District by minimeg1718

Where the Guilds are located in Caritus.

Caritus Lower District

Caritus Lower District by minimeg1718

The slums of Caritus

Caritus Harbor District

Caritus Harbor District by minimeg1718

Where the boats from the three major lakes come to dock and trade with Caritus.

Caritus Palace District

Caritus Palace District by minimeg1718

Where the royalty and the nobility reside.

Caritus Theater District

Caritus Theater District by minimeg1718

Second most renowned theater district in Tellus.

Caritus Merchant's District

Caritus Merchant's District by minimeg1718

Where all the major shopping in Caritus is done.


Moene by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of fire. Originally it had been created by Lux for the humans, so that they may protect the southern corner of Tellus. But when Nox and his demon army split Tellus in two halves, the demon’s took Moene as their own.

Moene Warehouse District

Moene Warehouse District by minimeg1718

Where the imports from other parts of the country are stored.

Moene Palace District

Moene Palace District by minimeg1718

Where the royalty and the nobility of the Demon society live.

Moene Military District

Moene Military District by minimeg1718

Where the demon military is trained and housed.

Moene Merchant's District

Moene Merchant's District by minimeg1718

The major shopping capitol of Moene.

Moene Residential District

Moene Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the common folk of Moene reside.

Moene Temple District

Moene Temple District by minimeg1718

Mostly ruins now, all except for the temple dedicated to the demon god, Nox.

Moene Crafter's District

Moene Crafter's District by minimeg1718

Run by the human slaves to create specialty merchandise.

Moene Slum District

Moene Slum District by minimeg1718

Where the human's are allowed to live.

Moene Pleasure District

Moene Pleasure District by minimeg1718

Mostly brothels that use human girls to please demon men.

Amo City

Amo City by minimeg1718

Amo City

Amo City Temple District

Amo City Temple District by minimeg1718

Temples and shrines

Amo City High District

Amo City High District by minimeg1718

Where the nobility and the government officials live.

Amo City Residential District

Amo City Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the common folk live.

Saxum Keep

Saxum Keep by minimeg1718

Saxum Keep

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Myles Nero Mint Character Portrait: Aryana Bradley Character Portrait: Carac Rolfe
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Aryana Bradley

Aryana felt like she was being dragged on a wild goose chase. None of the turns they took made sense to her, and it seemed like Myles was just guessing as well. Finally, they arrived at what looked to be an abandoned warehouse. Aryana stared up at the large building and cocked her head to the side. This one seemed almost familiar...but she couldn't figure out how. Puzzled, she pushed her fingers through her hair but quickly had to pull them out. The blood and brain matter that was stuck in her hair had now hardened, creating a crusty mess in her auburn hair. She pulled her hand back in disgust and a shiver went down her spine. She needed a shower, fast.

"Aryana, please take this." Myles said as he handed her his cloak. She took it gratefully and slipped it over her shoulders.

"Do I have it on right? I've never worn anything like this before," she said as she flipped the hood up over her head. She quickly tucked her hair beneath the cloak and made sure it covered most of her blood stained clothing. She was taller than the boy by more than a few inches so the cloak barely covered her pants, but it did it's job well enough.

Aryana walked toward the building and checked the doors. Luckily for the three of them, the doors to the warehouse were unlocked and Aryana pulled them open with little struggle. The guards weren't in sight but they still had to stay quiet. Aryana stepped into the warehouse and waited for the other two to step through before she shut the doors. The warehouse floor was covered in dust and soot, obviously it hadn't been used in months, if not years. Their footprints were visible on the floor. If anyone else came it, it would be obvious that they were hiding out there.

"Help me pull something in front of the doors," Aryana whispered as she indicated to the stacks of crates near her. "But make sure we leave ourselves an escape route..."

The setting changes from Caritus Harbor District to Amo City


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salacia Sparrow
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0.00 INK

Faramond Donar

Faramond slowed his gelding down to a trot as well. Fair patted the young horse's blood bay withers as the gelding stretched his head down and chewed at the bit. He swung his leg over the side of his saddle and adjusted his seat so that he was comfortable. He stared at the woman before him and cracked his best smile. "You're very welcome my lady," he said charmingly, "I can't let a beautiful creature such as your mare tire herself. Especially since her driver has such an important task at hand."

"Are you heading towards Caritus to investigate the sounds as well?" the woman asked. Fair nodded, his smile increasing.

"Yes, I am. And I assume you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be rushing off." Fair turned his attention away from Salacia and looked out across the horizon. Caritus was barely a speck in the distance. Four hours away. That was an eternity in adventure time. He felt his horse itching beneath him. The blood bay wanted to run just as much as he did. He lightly patted his gelding's flank once more before he turned his attention back to Salacia.

"My name is Faramond Donar, but most people call me Fair," he told her with a grin. "I am an adventurer and an investigator. Now my lady, what makes a sound quite like that...but gives off no smoke?"


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salacia Sparrow
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#, as written by Falron
Salacia Sparrow

Salacia couldn't help but smile as the man talked, his charm was infectious. He seemed like a respectable and kind man, despite the fact that his saddle bags appeared to have been packed in a rush. Most likely in his eagerness to get on the and discover the source of the sound in Caritus. Just like she had, throwing her merchandise haphazardly into the back in her haste to leave.

He answered her question, confirming her suspicion before she spoke, "That's very true. Why else would I have left in such a hurry?" She chuckled to herself before shrugging. She turned her attention to the road. Four hours. She smiled, personally she enjoyed traveling over long distances. Just to take in the scenery, yet it seemed that this man and his gelding thought differently. The horse seemed jittery under its rider, wanting to race forth towards this destination, sharing its rider's eagerness to reach Caritus.

"My name is Faramond Donar, but most people call me Fair. I am an adventurer and an investigator. Now my lady, what makes a sound quite like that...but gives off no smoke?"

Safia shrugged, a slight frown wrinkling her features before relaxing, "And I'm Salacia Sparrow. Traveling merchant. And no, I have no idea, it's the reason why I'm traveling." She turned towards him, cocking her head, "Do you know?"


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salacia Sparrow
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Faramond Donar

Fair, excited to share his musings with someone other than his horse, broke out into a full description of what he thought the sound was. "Well, it sounded like the crack of a whip didn't it? Apparently, the sound of a whip cracking is the tip breaking the sound barrier. Isn't that fascinating?" he asked her with excitement in his eyes. "Usually I would be wary of such claims, but, I found this out first hand. There was a demon I knew a few years ago when I was touring the demon side of Tellus. It's terrible by the way, never go there.

"Anyways, he could, literally, pop in and out of space. He'd be in one place and then all of the sudden, POP, he'd be ten feet behind you. Now, every time he did that, it would create the sound of a whip cracking. That was the sound barrier breaking." He had let go of his horses reins long ago and was using his hands to act out what he was saying. His horse had it's head down, lazily lipping at the ground as Fair guided him with his legs.

"This sound, the one we heard earlier today, was on a much larger scale. Either this is an extremely powerful demon...or...something entering our world through a different dimension. I believe, and this is a stretch, that the prophecy of the Goddess and the Demon is coming true. Not more than a week ago, the barrier the goddess Lux created disappeared. The demons are now able to cross over into our side. I remember hearing a tale long ago that if the barrier ever fell, it was a sign that the prophecy was coming true." A shiver went down Fair's spine as he thought about this new adventure he was heading on. How exciting, how wonderful. Things were happening and he was alive to experience it.

"I hope I get to meet one of the astrological warriors...or even the goddess...How wonderful would that be?"


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salacia Sparrow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Falron
Salacia Sparrow

Salacia watched as Fair explained his theory, obviously excited to share his musings with someone. His hands moved to illustrate his speech, not pausing for longer after his question before diving right back in. She listened with fascination, eyes nearly bugging out of their sockets as he mentioned the demon side of Tellus. Had this man really been to that side of Tellus? She couldn't imagine anyone who would willingly travel to that side. Yet this man had, advising her never to step foot there. She couldn't help the light chuckle that left her at this, as if she would ever go near that place.

She frowned though as he continued, thinking over the prophecy. She reached up subconsciously to rub the mark on her neck before she rolled her shoulders back, dropping the hand back to the reigns. Was that the reason she was drawn to this place? Was the prophecy truly coming to fruit? She frowned slightly, hands tightening on the reigns. There had to be another reason... her curiosity getting the better of her? More customers?

Yes. That had to be it.

She blinked as his speech came to a close. She shrugged, a weak smile stretching her lips as she answered, "That would be amazing! Meeting living legends..."

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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 68 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Eurus City

Eurus City by minimeg1718

Eurus City

Tempus Desert

Tempus Desert by minimeg1718

A large desert that spans across the center of Tellus. The terrain is very similar to the Mojave Desert.


Gellus by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of Earth. A human castle built by the goddess Lux to bring peace to the Northern corner of Tellus. One notable city near Gellus is Saxum Keep. It is known as the trade city for all paths lead to or from Saxum Keep.

Gellus Market District

Gellus Market District by minimeg1718

Where everyone goes to do their shopping.

Gellus Barracks District

Gellus Barracks District by minimeg1718

Along the same road as the main Keep, the Barracks District is where the Kings Guard is housed.

Gellus Crafters District

Gellus Crafters District by minimeg1718

Where the citizen's go for their specific needs.

Gellus Guilds' District

Gellus Guilds' District by minimeg1718

Where the guilds are located throughout the city of Gellus

Gellus Merchant's District

Gellus Merchant's District by minimeg1718

Caters mostly to entertainment while shopping.

Gellus Palace District

Gellus Palace District by minimeg1718

Closest to the Palace, these are where the most important people of Gellus are housed.

Gellus Slum District

Gellus Slum District by minimeg1718

Between the inner wall and the outer wall. This is where most of the crime in Gellus is located.

Gellus Government District

Gellus Government District by minimeg1718

Where all of the government officials are housed.


Lacus by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of Air. It is a human castle, built by the goddess Lux to protect the eastern seas against invaders.

Lacus Academic District

Lacus Academic District by minimeg1718

People come from all over Tellus to attend the Academy.

Theater District

Theater District by minimeg1718

Run by the students of the Academy, it is the most renowned Theater establishment in all of Tellus.

Lacus Residential District

Lacus Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the majority of the residents of Lacus live as well as the shopping center of the city.

Lacus Government District

Lacus Government District by minimeg1718

Where the major government officials reside and do their business.

Lacus Nobles District

Lacus Nobles District by minimeg1718

Where the main Palace and the nobility reside.

Lapideus City

Lapideus City by minimeg1718

Lapideus City


Caritus by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of Water. It is a human castle built by the goddess so that it may export water throughout the human land of Tellus. Caritus is stationed in the center of the three major lakes of Tellus.

Caritus Residential District

Caritus Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the residents of Caritus Live

Caritus Warehouse District

Caritus Warehouse District by minimeg1718

Where the major trade items come through.

Caritus Temple District

Caritus Temple District by minimeg1718

Temples dedicated to the two gods and the astrological warriors.

Caritus Barracks District

Caritus Barracks District by minimeg1718

Where Caritus' Military is housed.

Caritus Guilds' District

Caritus Guilds' District by minimeg1718

Where the Guilds are located in Caritus.

Caritus Lower District

Caritus Lower District by minimeg1718

The slums of Caritus

Caritus Harbor District

Caritus Harbor District by minimeg1718

Where the boats from the three major lakes come to dock and trade with Caritus.

Caritus Palace District

Caritus Palace District by minimeg1718

Where the royalty and the nobility reside.

Caritus Theater District

Caritus Theater District by minimeg1718

Second most renowned theater district in Tellus.

Caritus Merchant's District

Caritus Merchant's District by minimeg1718

Where all the major shopping in Caritus is done.


Moene by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of fire. Originally it had been created by Lux for the humans, so that they may protect the southern corner of Tellus. But when Nox and his demon army split Tellus in two halves, the demon’s took Moene as their own.

Moene Warehouse District

Moene Warehouse District by minimeg1718

Where the imports from other parts of the country are stored.

Moene Palace District

Moene Palace District by minimeg1718

Where the royalty and the nobility of the Demon society live.

Moene Military District

Moene Military District by minimeg1718

Where the demon military is trained and housed.

Moene Merchant's District

Moene Merchant's District by minimeg1718

The major shopping capitol of Moene.

Moene Residential District

Moene Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the common folk of Moene reside.

Moene Temple District

Moene Temple District by minimeg1718

Mostly ruins now, all except for the temple dedicated to the demon god, Nox.

Moene Crafter's District

Moene Crafter's District by minimeg1718

Run by the human slaves to create specialty merchandise.

Moene Slum District

Moene Slum District by minimeg1718

Where the human's are allowed to live.

Moene Pleasure District

Moene Pleasure District by minimeg1718

Mostly brothels that use human girls to please demon men.

Amo City

Amo City by minimeg1718

Amo City

Amo City Temple District

Amo City Temple District by minimeg1718

Temples and shrines

Amo City High District

Amo City High District by minimeg1718

Where the nobility and the government officials live.

Amo City Residential District

Amo City Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the common folk live.

Saxum Keep

Saxum Keep by minimeg1718

Saxum Keep

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


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The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Goddess and the Demon. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

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Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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Eurus City

Eurus City by minimeg1718

Eurus City

Tempus Desert

Tempus Desert by minimeg1718

A large desert that spans across the center of Tellus. The terrain is very similar to the Mojave Desert.


Gellus by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of Earth. A human castle built by the goddess Lux to bring peace to the Northern corner of Tellus. One notable city near Gellus is Saxum Keep. It is known as the trade city for all paths lead to or from Saxum Keep.

Gellus Market District

Gellus Market District by minimeg1718

Where everyone goes to do their shopping.

Gellus Barracks District

Gellus Barracks District by minimeg1718

Along the same road as the main Keep, the Barracks District is where the Kings Guard is housed.

Gellus Crafters District

Gellus Crafters District by minimeg1718

Where the citizen's go for their specific needs.

Gellus Guilds' District

Gellus Guilds' District by minimeg1718

Where the guilds are located throughout the city of Gellus

Gellus Merchant's District

Gellus Merchant's District by minimeg1718

Caters mostly to entertainment while shopping.

Gellus Palace District

Gellus Palace District by minimeg1718

Closest to the Palace, these are where the most important people of Gellus are housed.

Gellus Slum District

Gellus Slum District by minimeg1718

Between the inner wall and the outer wall. This is where most of the crime in Gellus is located.

Gellus Government District

Gellus Government District by minimeg1718

Where all of the government officials are housed.


Lacus by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of Air. It is a human castle, built by the goddess Lux to protect the eastern seas against invaders.

Lacus Academic District

Lacus Academic District by minimeg1718

People come from all over Tellus to attend the Academy.

Theater District

Theater District by minimeg1718

Run by the students of the Academy, it is the most renowned Theater establishment in all of Tellus.

Lacus Residential District

Lacus Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the majority of the residents of Lacus live as well as the shopping center of the city.

Lacus Government District

Lacus Government District by minimeg1718

Where the major government officials reside and do their business.

Lacus Nobles District

Lacus Nobles District by minimeg1718

Where the main Palace and the nobility reside.

Lapideus City

Lapideus City by minimeg1718

Lapideus City


Caritus by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of Water. It is a human castle built by the goddess so that it may export water throughout the human land of Tellus. Caritus is stationed in the center of the three major lakes of Tellus.

Caritus Residential District

Caritus Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the residents of Caritus Live

Caritus Warehouse District

Caritus Warehouse District by minimeg1718

Where the major trade items come through.

Caritus Temple District

Caritus Temple District by minimeg1718

Temples dedicated to the two gods and the astrological warriors.

Caritus Barracks District

Caritus Barracks District by minimeg1718

Where Caritus' Military is housed.

Caritus Guilds' District

Caritus Guilds' District by minimeg1718

Where the Guilds are located in Caritus.

Caritus Lower District

Caritus Lower District by minimeg1718

The slums of Caritus

Caritus Harbor District

Caritus Harbor District by minimeg1718

Where the boats from the three major lakes come to dock and trade with Caritus.

Caritus Palace District

Caritus Palace District by minimeg1718

Where the royalty and the nobility reside.

Caritus Theater District

Caritus Theater District by minimeg1718

Second most renowned theater district in Tellus.

Caritus Merchant's District

Caritus Merchant's District by minimeg1718

Where all the major shopping in Caritus is done.


Moene by minimeg1718

Modeled after the astrological warriors of fire. Originally it had been created by Lux for the humans, so that they may protect the southern corner of Tellus. But when Nox and his demon army split Tellus in two halves, the demon’s took Moene as their own.

Moene Warehouse District

Moene Warehouse District by minimeg1718

Where the imports from other parts of the country are stored.

Moene Palace District

Moene Palace District by minimeg1718

Where the royalty and the nobility of the Demon society live.

Moene Military District

Moene Military District by minimeg1718

Where the demon military is trained and housed.

Moene Merchant's District

Moene Merchant's District by minimeg1718

The major shopping capitol of Moene.

Moene Residential District

Moene Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the common folk of Moene reside.

Moene Temple District

Moene Temple District by minimeg1718

Mostly ruins now, all except for the temple dedicated to the demon god, Nox.

Moene Crafter's District

Moene Crafter's District by minimeg1718

Run by the human slaves to create specialty merchandise.

Moene Slum District

Moene Slum District by minimeg1718

Where the human's are allowed to live.

Moene Pleasure District

Moene Pleasure District by minimeg1718

Mostly brothels that use human girls to please demon men.

Amo City

Amo City by minimeg1718

Amo City

Amo City Temple District

Amo City Temple District by minimeg1718

Temples and shrines

Amo City High District

Amo City High District by minimeg1718

Where the nobility and the government officials live.

Amo City Residential District

Amo City Residential District by minimeg1718

Where the common folk live.

Saxum Keep

Saxum Keep by minimeg1718

Saxum Keep

Caritus Harbor District

Where the boats from the three major lakes come to dock and trade with Caritus.

Amo City High District

Where the nobility and the government officials live.

Moene Temple District

Mostly ruins now, all except for the temple dedicated to the demon god, Nox.

Moene Crafter's District

Run by the human slaves to create specialty merchandise.

Moene Military District

Where the demon military is trained and housed.


Modeled after the astrological warriors of fire. Originally it had been created by Lux for the humans, so that they may protect the southern corner of Tellus. But when Nox and his demon army split Tellus in two halves, the demon’s took Moene as their own.

Moene Warehouse District

Where the imports from other parts of the country are stored.

Moene Palace District

Where the royalty and the nobility of the Demon society live.

Moene Pleasure District

Mostly brothels that use human girls to please demon men.


Modeled after the astrological warriors of Earth. A human castle built by the goddess Lux to bring peace to the Northern corner of Tellus. One notable city near Gellus is Saxum Keep. It is known as the trade city for all paths lead to or from Saxum Keep.

Caritus Theater District

Second most renowned theater district in Tellus.

Gellus Government District

Where all of the government officials are housed.


Modeled after the astrological warriors of Air. It is a human castle, built by the goddess Lux to protect the eastern seas against invaders.

Lacus Academic District

People come from all over Tellus to attend the Academy.

Theater District

Run by the students of the Academy, it is the most renowned Theater establishment in all of Tellus.

Gellus Slum District

Between the inner wall and the outer wall. This is where most of the crime in Gellus is located.

Gellus Palace District

Closest to the Palace, these are where the most important people of Gellus are housed.

Gellus Barracks District

Along the same road as the main Keep, the Barracks District is where the Kings Guard is housed.

Gellus Crafters District

Where the citizen's go for their specific needs.

Gellus Guilds' District

Where the guilds are located throughout the city of Gellus

Lacus Residential District

Where the majority of the residents of Lacus live as well as the shopping center of the city.

Lacus Government District

Where the major government officials reside and do their business.

Caritus Temple District

Temples dedicated to the two gods and the astrological warriors.

Lacus Nobles District

Where the main Palace and the nobility reside.


Modeled after the astrological warriors of Water. It is a human castle built by the goddess so that it may export water throughout the human land of Tellus. Caritus is stationed in the center of the three major lakes of Tellus.

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