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Grail War

Grail War


ate Stay Night-inspired RP: Heroes from myths and legend fight to the death in a secret war for the ultimate prize. Choose a side, and choose it well.

2,873 readers have visited Grail War since tomabird created it.


The Holy Grail. A legendary artifact that surfaces from time to time in various stories and cultures across history. An all-powerful, wish-granting treasure that has the power to create even the most impossible miracles. The hidden world of magicians has recently devised a way to summon the almighty artifact, the form being a secret war to pique the Grail's interest. The players, seven Masters, and the weapons, the mysterious Servants. Unsurpassed glory awaits the winner, and a possibly gruesome end for the defeated. Dare you take the challenge?

For the benefit of those not familiar with the anime, here is a detailed description of some important terminologies:

Master: The participant in the Grail War. In almost every case a magician, as there are rare instances when complete civilians get picked by the Grail to compete. They are known by their Command Seals engraved somewhere on their bodies, that acts as a contract between themselves and their Servant.

Command Seals:
Three seals that defines one as a Master. Other than being the binding contract between the Servant to the Master, it gives the Masters three chances to forcibly order their Servants to do a task, or push them to tasks they are usually unable to do. Be warned that once all three Command Seals are used, the Servant will eventually disappear from the world, and the Master eliminated(no, not necessarily killed) from the war.

Servant: The spirit of a hero or mythical figure(can be a real one based on legend or history, an anime character, or even a character of your creation) that is summoned by the Grail to fight for a Master. As spirits, they are in all aspects vastly more superior than any mortal, making them the main weapons of the Masters in the war. There can be only seven Servants in a given war, and only one hero per each 'Class' of Servant. The Classes are:

  • Saber: The Servant of the sword. As such, heroes known for their amazing swordsmanship or legendary swords fall into this category. In most cases, Servants under this class are the most powerful in the war in terms of combat, and are known to have immense resistances against magic.
  • Lancer: The Servant of the lance. Heroes who gained fame with the use of a polearm fall under this class. They are generally the most agile of the Servants, and are also known to have resistance against magic, although at a considerably weaker quality than those of Sabers.
  • Archer: The Servant of the bow. Despite their title, any hero who gained fame through ranged combat (not necessarily a bow) fit into this class. Due to their nature, Archers can maintain longer distances from their Master than any other class, making them a more tactical class than most Servants. They have a minimal amount of resistance against magic.
  • Rider: The Mounted Servant. As their name suggests, heroes with legendary mounts, or gained fame with combat on mounts fall under this class. They are the fastest of the Servants. They also tend to have the most destructive Noble Phantasms in a given war.
  • Berserker: The Mad Servant. Heroes who are known to have been driven mad, or to fly into rages fall into this class. Berserkers are known for their monstrous abilites in combat, in exchange for their sanity. Unfortunately, many a Master have been unable to control his/her Berserker and end up being killed by his/her own Servant.
  • Caster: The Magus Servant. Wizards, sorcerers, and other magic users of repute fall under this class. Usually the weakest in direct combat, these Servants more than make up for it in devastating magical spells. All Casters have the ability to create "workshops", or territories that further augment their already terrifying magical powers.
  • Assassin: The Servant of the Shadows. The only class that allows unknown entities to become Servants, obviously because of the very nature of the class. Assassins are also somewhat sub-par combat-wise, but are able to hide their magical presence completely, making them invaluable in killing Masters rather than Servants.

The Servant Class slots are first-come-first-serve, btw so choose quickly and choose wisely.

Noble Phantasm: The artifact or skill that the Servant was immortalized with. These take many forms, from a passive abilities, to weapons with amazing destructive powers.

Everyone is encouraged to be very creative with their Noble Phantasms, as these WILL mostly likely be your deciding factor in finishing fights.

As for the rules, it is plain and simple: finish off every Servant until only your pair remains, and do it at places where nobody can witness your fight(as the battleground willbe in the midst of a city). But as a side note, Masters are mere mortals and the Servant disappears with their death, so you can pretty much add one and one there. Up to you if you want to compete the easy way, or the hard way.

Character sheet is as follows(you'll need two chars):
Short Bio:
Ability:(if any;put in equipment)

Servant Name:
Class:(put in with name)
Bio:(put in background)
Noble Phantasm/s:(Equipment)
Stats:(optional, for DnD junkies out there, ranking is from E-EX, put in background)

Toggle Rules

1. This RP needs mature and active players. Mature because there will only be one winner in this RP, and the others should show sportsmanship by at least giving their characters closure before withdrawing from the RP. Active as its a Battle RP, and a slow moving RP of that nature tends to die early.

2. No Godmoding. The classic.

3. Social activities (teaming up, backstabbing, romance) is allowed. Recommended even, as it'll make the game somewhat interesting.

4.Repect for one another please, Let's make this RP civilized. In the RP itself however, cursing is allowed.

5. Have fun :D.

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in

Commercial District

Commercial District by RolePlayGateway

Left side of the city

Residential District

Residential District by RolePlayGateway

Right side of the city


River by RolePlayGateway

Central part of the city


Mountains by RolePlayGateway

Northern edge of the city


Seaside by RolePlayGateway

Southern edge of the city

Earth;Magic exists

Earth;Magic exists by tomabird

In an unnamed city. It is encircled with forested mountains on the north side, and a the sea at the south side. A river from the mountains cuts the city into two at the middle, its mouth flowing towards the sea.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

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The freezing winter wind gave its harsh greeting to Voir as he stepped off the last plane of the night. The city's air traffic was usually low to begin with, but with the winter season coming in, flights became as less as one or two times a day. Despite it being a city of reputable size, there weren't really any landmarks of great interest in the city, so tourists were rare sights. People coming into the city were either residents coming home for the holidays, or passers-by en route to bigger cities up north.

"Passport, please," the airport staff asked Voir as he came up in front of the line for international flights. A quick glance and he saw the following: Age: 25; Nationality: French; Occupation: Businessman; other stamps indicating the other trips this Mr. Umbra has been into in the past. The staff approved the passport without incident, and Voir made his way to the short line of taxis outside the arrival area after picking up a couple of suitcases on the conveyor belt.

He quickly got on the cab at the front, and simply gave a slip of paper to the driver beside him. Without a word, the car sped off into the city proper.

Several minutes later, Voir was gazing out into the quiet city from the balcony of his hotel room, a small wooden case on the table beside him. With a click, he propped the boxes open, revealing a thin stack of cards amidst the velvet lining of the container. The cards gave off a weak, but tangible force, as if holding some sort of power within them. He took them out, and spread them out like a fan in his hand. There were seven cards, with different images of what seemed to be warriors and strange figures. All of them were tingling slightly, reacting to his touch.

Voir's eyes narrowed into slits as he observed the cards, as if reading some sort of meaning from the images. His lips curled into a sly smile.

"All seven are in play," he whispered to the deep night, "All the contracts are made. Then this is the first night of the holiest of wars, may the victor reap the spoils."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Voir Umbra
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0.00 INK

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Voir Umbra
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0.00 INK

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0.00 INK

Fuka Narado stepped into the posh black luxury sedan that met her when she arrived at the airport. One of her bodyguards opened the back passenger-side door for her, and she demurely seated herself, making sure to tuck the back of her business suit's skirt forwards lest it get wrinkled.

"Lady Narado, I hope the flight was to your liking," her driver told her as he started the car and began to pull away from the airport curbside. Her other bodyguards all hopped into another black car which followed closely behind hers.

"It was fair," Fuka told the man, though she thought otherwise. The half Japanese, half British woman absolutely hated flying. She despised the cramped seats, the noise, the people. Yet she knew that she had to make the sacrifice of coming to this city so that she would be able to save the one thing left that truly mattered to her.

Her clan's future.

As the sedan and its escort pulled into the highway, Fuka turned her attention to the view out of her window. Outside, the city lay: a sprawling modern edifice, much like innumerable other human habitations littering the planet. It was neither different from nor similar to Tokyo, as all cities tended to be nowadays. It was a concrete jungle, with various species of human wildlife living in it.

"Archer," the Yakuza boss spoke up.

There was a slight shimmering in the air above the seat next to her. Within a few moments, that shimmer solidified into the solid form of a tall, black haired man in a brown duster and wide-brimmed hat. Although his face was young, his eyes betrayed his true age and that of the soul within. The dark blue orbs looked old; they were the eyes of a man who've seen too much bad in his time, and mayhaps had participated in many of those bad things himself. The driver saw his appearance from the rear-view mirror, but as he and the other members of the Narado Yakuza had met the Servant before, he gave him no mind.

"Yes, master?" Archer asked the woman whom he had signed a pact with.

"How does the city look?" Fuka continued to watch said city roll past her from the side window, trying not to let the slight tinge of nervousness she was feeling show on her voice. "And what of the others? Have they arrived as well?"

"The city's as to be expected," the tall man shrugged. "It's a place with lots of people. Gonna make our jobs a lot harder, trying not to get noticed while fighting to the death. But, whatever. I've been through tougher things. As for the other Servants and their Masters... well, I have found no sign. Yet."

Fuka nodded, hopeful that this meant that she was the first of the Magi participating in the Grail War to arrive in the city. It would buy her and her forces time to prepare. The more time she had, the better the odds that she and Archer would be the ones to win this conflict.

"Very good," she dryly told him. "Continue to keep watch for any sign of the other Magi or their Servants. If we can take one or two of them out before they are prepared, then it just makes our task easier to accomplish."

Archer nodded before vanishing.

Fuka continued to stare out at the city, her eyes distant and not truly seeing the impressive view. Her thoughts, as always, had drifted to her father and what he had entrusted to her in his last, dying days.

"Don't worry, father," she thought to herself. "The Narado Clan will once more be powerful. Our days of hiding and kow towing to our enemies shall soon be at an end. Once the Holy Grail is mine, I will see to it that your dreams are realized. I promise you, father. Your faith in me shall be rewarded."

And thus, the first player in the next Holy Grail War entered the fray.

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Commercial District

Commercial District by RolePlayGateway

Left side of the city

Residential District

Residential District by RolePlayGateway

Right side of the city


River by RolePlayGateway

Central part of the city


Mountains by RolePlayGateway

Northern edge of the city


Seaside by RolePlayGateway

Southern edge of the city

Earth;Magic exists

Earth;Magic exists by tomabird

In an unnamed city. It is encircled with forested mountains on the north side, and a the sea at the south side. A river from the mountains cuts the city into two at the middle, its mouth flowing towards the sea.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Voir Umbra
Character Portrait: Fuka Narado / Archer
Character Portrait: Makoto Ketsune / assassin


Character Portrait: Makoto Ketsune / assassin
Makoto Ketsune / assassin

Shadow Hall studdent and his deadly servent

Character Portrait: Fuka Narado / Archer
Fuka Narado / Archer

Head of the Narado Yakuza Clan and her loyal Servant.

Character Portrait: Voir Umbra
Voir Umbra

The Supervisor of the War. He's more than just an observer, however....


Character Portrait: Makoto Ketsune / assassin
Makoto Ketsune / assassin

Shadow Hall studdent and his deadly servent

Character Portrait: Voir Umbra
Voir Umbra

The Supervisor of the War. He's more than just an observer, however....

Character Portrait: Fuka Narado / Archer
Fuka Narado / Archer

Head of the Narado Yakuza Clan and her loyal Servant.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Fuka Narado / Archer
Fuka Narado / Archer

Head of the Narado Yakuza Clan and her loyal Servant.

Character Portrait: Makoto Ketsune / assassin
Makoto Ketsune / assassin

Shadow Hall studdent and his deadly servent

Character Portrait: Voir Umbra
Voir Umbra

The Supervisor of the War. He's more than just an observer, however....

View All » Places

Commercial District

Commercial District by RolePlayGateway

Left side of the city

Residential District

Residential District by RolePlayGateway

Right side of the city


River by RolePlayGateway

Central part of the city


Mountains by RolePlayGateway

Northern edge of the city


Seaside by RolePlayGateway

Southern edge of the city

Earth;Magic exists

Earth;Magic exists by tomabird

In an unnamed city. It is encircled with forested mountains on the north side, and a the sea at the south side. A river from the mountains cuts the city into two at the middle, its mouth flowing towards the sea.

Earth;Magic exists

In an unnamed city. It is encircled with forested mountains on the north side, and a the sea at the south side. A river from the mountains cuts the city into two at the middle, its mouth flowing towards the sea.


Earth;Magic exists Seaside Owner: RolePlayGateway

Southern edge of the city


Earth;Magic exists Mountains Owner: RolePlayGateway

Northern edge of the city


Earth;Magic exists River Owner: RolePlayGateway

Central part of the city

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Grail War: Out of Character


  • Topics
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  • Grail War
    1, 2by tomabird on Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:44 am
    29 Replies
    Last post by Jake_o View the latest post
    on Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:28 pm

Most recent OOC posts in Grail War

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

oh O_O ok I'll re-do an applications again later tonight or tomorrow depending on homework

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

Erm, actually Jake_o I haven't seen your application anywhere, it hasn't been showing up on my roleplays screen and I don't think I've received any private messages from you.

So it's not that I don't like your character, I just can't find him anywhere.

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

Hey Jake_o why dont you make a character for roleplay/fateheaven-and-earth/? We could use the players.

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

but you have to be more magical then assassin * the evil grin grows bigger*

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

If this roleplay actually happens, Jake_o will be my first target. And don't forget, I'm a magical assassin. *an even more evil grin*

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

ha i am assassin *evil grin* ^^ that was one this i wanted right away. i love assassins

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

@Xylaph: My character can be summoned as one of these: Caster, Assassin, Berserker, and maybe Saber though that isn't really his focus. I wouldn't want to change him into a Berserker as that implies a loss of sanity... besides, he'll be really broken that way. And Assassin is taken. Long story short, yes, I'm still interested.

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

Alright, I tried to start up a Grail War RPG in the past but it didn't work, but I can easily start up a new one, just look for Fate/Domremy Tower coming soon near you.

Edit: Alright, you may find my new Fate/stay night Roleplay here: roleplay/fateheaven-and-earth/

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

Hey there. I posted before, but things have been getting in the way the past weeks and I wasn't able to find time for this RP, but now I'm back. Anyways, like Jake I also think this won't be getting started, but it seems we have enough people to make it work and if anyone here wants to start up another grail rp I can join. I have a servant and master all set and ready in that case.

Are you still interested in taking caster? Reason I ask is the servant I have on hand is a caster, but she can easily fit into the lancer archetype as well, so it's no problem if you are.

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

i don't think this role play is going to happen as tomabird hasn't been doing anything

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

Sorry it took so long, but i just sent my character application in for saber.

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

Hello, I should've just applied for Rider. I tried to reverse things in a way that the Master will be the main fighter will the Servant will be doing most of the planning, though I hope you won't mind my alternate-universe reworking of Sakura though.

Also, I was thinking of creating my own Holy Grail war RP on this site as well (assuming there's any interest), I'm just warning everyone beforehand as I don't want the GM here to think I'm trying to compete against him/her (as RPG creators of course, there'll still plenty enough competition between my Rider and the Servants here).

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

Hello, it is a pleasure to meet all of you. I am a very big fan of Fate/Stay Night, i was actually google searching it when i came across a link for an online Fate/Stay Night game and i had to check it out. I have just created an account on this site and i hope to be able to join the fight for the holly grail soon.

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

I registered just to get into this. I'm taking Caster.
Oh, and is it OK if the Caster is actually more of a fighter than a magus? Assassin's already taken, and Caster has that hefty Item Creation skill which is basically my character's specialty...

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

Oh my. I'm a pretty big F/SN fan. I'll gladly join this, and probably stick with either a Berserker or Lancer-class servant.

Re: [OOC] Grail War RP (Fate Stay Night-inspired RP)

I'll join. I have an idea for a saber servant already, but don't want to commit to anything just yet. As for the master, I just need to smooth out a few details and I'll probably have a character sheet ready tomorrow.