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Haunted Whispers

Haunted Whispers


A team of ghost hunters are up for the scariest job ever. three ghosts are trying to get their attention, but one sneaky demon is messing up their call of help. ((three spots left))

2,115 readers have visited Haunted Whispers since Sonohra created it.

gabster18 are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


The Haunted House

This house is an old country house. No person lives in the house currently, but the neighbors would always spend time cleaning the house. Up until the house started to haunt them. The house has not been touched for three weeks. Everyone is afraid of the house. The neighborhood is so desperate that they called on a few young adults to figure out the cause of this haunting.

The Haunted

These kids have been friends for years. They have done everything together and have gone through their ups and downs. They come together to delve into the world of the paranormal, something they all enjoy. But can their friendship withstand such a demonic force?

Andrew Taylor-Remington>> 21 >> The "Leader" >> FC: Chirstopher Drew >> Taken
The self proclaimed leader. He is energetic and fun, always prepared for anything and everything. He is the organized kid that gets everything together. He has a crush on The Skeptic, but tends to keep it under cover.

Name >> 18-22 >> The Skeptic >> FC: Selena Gomez >> Reserved
She is skeptic about the whole paranormal activity. Though she does believe in it, she thinks that half the time that there is some logical explanation for it. She is overall, a very calm person. Sometimes even a little bit intimidating. She seems to have a beef with the Fearless, thinking he's too cocky.

Name >> 20-25 >> The Know-It-All >> FC: Emma Watson >> Reserved
She's incredibly friendly and kind. She loves to read and is very smart. She is the one in the group who knows everything about the paranormal and the history surrounding it. She can be very prtective of her younger brother, The Open-Minded, when the ghosts get violent. She is dating The Fearless, and has been for 6 months.

Name >> 16-18 >> The Open-Minded >> FC: Logan Lerman >> Open
Always making up explanations for the things around him, he sometimes happens to be right. He is an artist, and pretty good for his age. He will visualize the paranormal creatures, and draw them out for others to see. He is the one who connects with the paranormal the best. He will try to shove his sister away (thinking she is too clingy) but most of the times, she is right.

Cameron Emerson >> 22 >> The Fearless >> FC: Diddy Simmons >> Taken
This kid would do anything to prove his bravery. He is always throwing himself into scary situations, risking his own life on more than one occasion. Sometimes though, he is actually afraid of some of the paranormal activity. He is really protective of The Know-It-All and her brother. He has been dating her for 6 months.


Code: Select all
[b]Face Claim:[/b]
[img]gif or img url here[img]
[b]Physical Description:[/b]
[img]gif or img url here[img]
[b]How You Started:[/b] What was it that got you into the whole paranormal stuff?
[b]What is Your Specialty:[/b] What is it that makes you special when it comes to the paranormal?
[b]Feelings Towards Current Job:[/b] Does it scare you? Are you excited? Do you wants to pee yourself.... >.< (I hope not)
[b]Theme/Favorite Song:[/b] OPT.

The Haunting

These three don't mean to scare anyone. They only want to be freed from the house they are trapped in. They finally got the attention of some who could actually understand them, but one sneaky little demon has been interrupting their attempt at communication.

Ghost 101:
cannot be seen completely/clearly
cannot possess people
can move objects
can create noises and maybe cut up speech
can touch persons in times of distress

ROsa Terrosova >> 22>> Died 1959 >> The Bitch >> FC: Nina Dobrev >> Open
Bitch isn't really the right word, but that is the only way to describe her. She doesn't care what anyone thinks. She does what she needs to do and what the others would never do. She really likes The Demon, but thinks he's a hugs ass. She only wants him to drop the whole 'demon' act.

Name >> 13-15 >> Died 1882 >> The Innocent >> FC: Mackenzie Foy >> Open
The daughter of a rich family, this kid is very happy-go-lucky. She takes everything in a joyful manner and tries to cheer up others. Sometimes she can be a little shy. Since the loss of her parents, she seems to be very solemn, and tends to cling to the Muscle.

Isaac James >> 26 >> The Muscle >> Died 1635 >> FC: Chris Hemsworth >> Taken
Quiet and intimidating, but very very kind. He thinks of others before himself and always tries to make others smile. He is very lovable and friendly, when you get to know him. He was once a soldier, very noble and high in rank. He died in war, protecting the king.

Name >> Age >> Died 1572 >> The Demon >> FC: Ian Somerhalder >> Open
Not much is known about this man, but he is very much a demon. He is devilish and sneaky, always doing whatever pleases him. He has no regard for what other people think or feel; he likes to feel powerful and on top. No one can stop him from being king.

Code: Select all
[b]Face Claim:[/b]
[img]gif or img url here[img]
[b]Time of Death:[/b]
[b]Physical Description:[/b]
[img]gif or img url here[img]
[b]Ghostly Abilities:[/b] No more than 2
[b]History:[/b] During time alive.
[b]Artifact:[/b] What real life object are you tethered to?
[img]image of artifact[/img]
[b]Theme/Favorite Song:[/b] OPT.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosa Tarasova Character Portrait: Andrew Taylor-Remington Character Portrait: Cameron Emerson Character Portrait: Victoria Woe Character Portrait: Arissa Sinar Character Portrait: Isaac James
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra
The dark was on the horizon. The sun left the view of the little house that hosted three ghosts and a demon. So far, all was peaceful. Isaac was in the kitchen, just cleaning it up. The neighbors didn't come anymore to do it for him, and so he felt that he should kept it clean. It gave him something to do anyways. He was stuck in this house with two others. The demon was not chained to this house, so he was free to leave anytime he wanted. He was not here at the moment, probably busy scaring some other humans. The tall ghost finished cleaning the kitchen and moved out into the living room. He touched the piano in the room softly. Though there was no such thing as a piano in his time, he had learned to play the instrument over the years. Some of the people who lived in this house would play and by watching them, Isaac had learned. He sat himself down and began to play one song he really enjoyed to play- Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. He played gracefully as the music swallowed him whole. For him, piano was the only thing that he really enjoyed to do. And he played often. He was great at it. He would forget the world around him, and allow the piano's medley to detach him from the house that he was stuck in. He had no idea that there would be ghost hunters on their way into the house. Infact, he did not hear them as they entered the house at the very moment he was playing music.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Taylor-Remington Character Portrait: Cameron Emerson Character Portrait: Arissa Sinar
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0.00 INK

It was a surprise even to Andrew that he was still functioning with such speed and attention after more than twenty-four hours of being awake. His mind was spinning with thoughts of all sorts, some not making sense, and at any moment he felt as if he could burst. Not to mention his diet of Monster and skittles for the past two days probably didn't help with the jumpiness he was feeling. A new case always made him excited, though, and from what the rumors said about this one, it was guranteed to be a success.

And so, after countless hours of planning and re-checking to make sure that all of the equipment was ready to go, hours of driving and taking directions from an annoying GPS; they were here, ready to make the few steps inside and get to work on debunking, or perhaps proving, the claims. Things were quiet here, the kind of quiet that would make one question if they truly are alone.

Cracking his knuckles to himself as he stepped up the pathway and to the door, Andrew pulled it open with a creak, then cursed at the stale air inside of the house. Just opening the door moved around way more dust particles than he would have liked. Yet again, things were too quiet, and Andrew watched as the dust settled itself again. Though distant, the musical tune of a piano reached his ears before he could even say a word to any of the other behind him. Come on, we just got here and you're telling me something is ALREADY happening? No fuckin' way. Scrunching up his nose, he listened closer, but it was gone.

"Was I the only one who just heard that?" he asked, more to himself than anything.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Taylor-Remington Character Portrait: Cameron Emerson Character Portrait: Victoria Woe Character Portrait: Arissa Sinar Character Portrait: Isaac James
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0.00 INK

Victoria danced around the house, giggling and smiling as if completely unaware to the fact that she was dead. That was it though, she had long since decided that she wasn't going to think about that. Heck, she even told all the other ghosties that too, because she didn't want to think that they might be sad too. As she always said, it would be much funner around here if they were always sulking around and knocking things over. She preferred to act as human as she could, which meant even trying to sleep. This had so far been unsuccessful, but she had recently made progress. After lying still for long enough, and finally clearing her mind, she was able to drift into a blank state. That is, until someone came and knocked something else over, jolting her out of it. Since then she hadn't been able to get back into such a state, but everyone in the house knew that she was working on it. Often times you would just find her lying somewhere completely random, eerily still and if you tried to talk, she would shush you.

The sound of a piano playing reached her ears, and she ceased dancing almost immediately before dashing into the living room. She watched in awe as her friend played, and she danced around for a moment more before running over and sitting next to him. "Isaac!", she exclaimed, smiling brightly. "You are brilliant!" Her eyes widened though, as she heard a terribly familiar noise come from the front room. "Isaac!" Tori repeated, this time in a hushed whisper. "The demon is back!", oh, if she only knew who had really just arrived.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Taylor-Remington Character Portrait: Cameron Emerson Character Portrait: Arissa Sinar
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0.00 INK

Cameron wasn't one for sitting still. He was practically bouncing in his seat as they arrived to the new haunted house. He hopped out of the gang's vehicle and made a beeline for the mysterious location. He spun pass Andrew with a large grin on his face. "This is it, man," he said enthusiastically with his arms in the air as he backpedaled to Andrew's side, slinging his arm over the man's shoulder. "I have a good feeling about this one." He inhaled dramatically then sighed. "I smell adventure!" He patted Andrew's back then jetted into the house without hesitation. He entered the main entrance and stared at his surroundings. His eyes were bright with excitement.

"Arissa, come on," he called from where he stood. "You have to see this. It's bigger than the last one and with much better decorum, trust me. It was ridiculous how the previous owners had a collect of skulls." He shivered visibly. "That was sick stuff." He did a little silly tap dance then finally relaxed. He was always hyper when they were beginning a new case, so this shouldn't have been a surprise to any of his companions.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Taylor-Remington Character Portrait: Cameron Emerson Character Portrait: Arissa Sinar
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Djiin
"Alright, alright," Arissa groaned, forcing herself out of the car. Another day, another 'haunted' house. Honestly, what was the point? There was never anything interesting or actually haunted. They'd been through, what, three houses in the past week? Either way, she readied herself for another day of the boys convincing themselves that every little thing was something supernatural waiting to be discovered.
She stretched her legs as she exited the car, reaching up on the balls of her feet. She shivered as the cold air caressed her bare arms and made a quick decision to grab her jacket, reaching quickly back into the car to grab it.
"Let's go," she sighed, ready to walk into the new house. She had to admit though, it was rather impressive. Cameron was right, the decorum was super nice. There were a lot of odd statues, her favorite part of their explorations. She stopped as soon as she stepped foot in the door, though, listening to the piano music all the others had heard. She shrugged, letting the oddness of it roll over her head. "It was probably some wind chime they have hung up somewhere. Not a big deal."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Taylor-Remington Character Portrait: Cameron Emerson Character Portrait: Arissa Sinar
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0.00 INK

Although Andrew was on alert, he couldn't help but smirk at Cameron's reaction to seeing the house. He was very used to his attitude, but it took him a while to adjust to the energy that Cameron provided to the team. It was safe to say that him and Andrew were close, Andrew always came to him when he had an issue with something. So far, Cameron hasn't let him down.

"It was probably some wind chime they have hung up somewhere. Not a big deal." Andrew heard Arissa say, then his attention was immediately brought back to what he heard previously upon entering the house.

"I highly doubt wind chimes sound like that," he responded. And with that being said, Andrew left Arissa and Cameron in the main hall and began searching through the rooms for the sound of the piano. Was he over-reacting? Maybe. Was it his imagination? Not likely. Whatever the case was, he had to look, for he couldn't live with himself if he left something like this just slipped through his fingertips.

After a minute or so of searching and almost tripping over one of the rugs, he found the grand piano. A beautiful thing, probably worth more than Andrews apartment and the belongings in it. This had to be what he heard. "Guys, come in here," he called, turning his head slightly in the direction of the main hall, then he cautiously walked over to the piano, as if it would all of a sudden wake up and maul him. Once he got within touching range, he ran his fingertips over the polished wood of the piano as gently as possible.

As a musician, seeing an instrument was always a pleasure to the eye, even if he couldn't necessarily play it. I know I heard it. And I guess this is a room in which we are going to have to set up a lot of EVPs and cameras. I will catch that sound again.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Taylor-Remington Character Portrait: Cameron Emerson Character Portrait: Victoria Woe Character Portrait: Arissa Sinar Character Portrait: Isaac James
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra
Isaac smiled at the young Victoria as he continued to play. But he grew worried when Victoria grew panicked. He listened carefully and heard the sounds of footsteps and talking. Isaac listened to them quietly, holding tightly onto the girl. He glared fiercely at the doorway, waiting for them to enter. As one of them entered the room, he walked straight to the piano, and for a second, Isaac believe the boy could see him. Isaac was mistaken as he noticed the boy turn to the piano and grazed his hand on the wood. He seemed to have some longing in his eyes, as if he wanted to hear the piano again. Isaac would play again later, maybe... if he deemed these kids no threat to them, then maybe he would please them with his music. Only if they were not a threat to his, Victoria's, and Rosa's beings.

Isaac picked up Victoria gently and slipped away from the piano, being careful not to touch the boy at all. Even if they were ghosts, they would still emit some cold waves. Isaac left the room to see the others. The girl seemed a bit more like most humans, in the way that most of them would dismiss any ideas of paranormal activity. The other boy was excited to be here. He looked around the house in awe. Isaac only hoped he wouldn't start touching things. Especially not his sword. If anyone touched his sword, Isaac would know.

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Victoria had the ability to touch. Of course all ghosts could touch objects- how else would Isaac be playing the piano? -, but most couldn't actually connect with human skin. Tori could, but she still was like other ghosts in the aspect of being able to feel anything herself. They had only recently found this out too, and it had certainly been a mistake. Another group of the living had come to investigate, but after they had stayed for more than a week, Tori had grown restless. So one day, completely disobeying orders, she snuck off to the living room and was dancing. When one of the living had come in, she accidentally bumped into them. Usually this would have given a human a chill or something, since she had made sure to make herself invisible, but instead she literally collided with him. It had actually been quite excited for her, learning that she would touch. Others weren't so happy.

Needless to say, they left the next day.

Suddenly she was in the air, but she didn't panic. Turning slightly proved it was just Isaac- like always -and she wrapped her arms around his neck to make sure he wouldn't drop her. Not that he would- he never did -, or that it would actually hurt if he did- the only thing that seemed to hurt was if someone touched her bracelet -, she just didn't like being dropped. After he brought her out of the room, she looked around at the other humans. It seemed that there was three of them, which was pretty normal for 'paranormal hunters'. They traveled in packs of three to five. "Isaac?", she whispered, pulling herself up so her lips were directly at his ear. "Do you think they're going to stay long?" Real humans made her nervous.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Andrew Taylor-Remington
Character Portrait: Rosa Tarasova
Character Portrait: Victoria Woe


Character Portrait: Andrew Taylor-Remington
Andrew Taylor-Remington

"Yes, I know I look young, sing a new song, would you?"


Character Portrait: Andrew Taylor-Remington
Andrew Taylor-Remington

"Yes, I know I look young, sing a new song, would you?"

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Character Portrait: Andrew Taylor-Remington
Andrew Taylor-Remington

"Yes, I know I look young, sing a new song, would you?"

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Re: Haunted Whispers

Yep. Just start posting.

Re: Haunted Whispers

So can we start posting whenever? .. and what do we say? Anything? im confuzzled

Re: Haunted Whispers

yup. u can hqve her. i will post first thing tomorrow.

Re: Haunted Whispers

Hey, uh, is Mackenzie Foy open?

Re: Haunted Whispers

Go right ahead if you'd like.

Re: Haunted Whispers

Gosh, I'm super sorry about the lateness! I was caught up with a cold and heavy schoolwork :c I'll have her up by tomorrow! And about the face claim, I didn't have anyone in particular in mind, I just wanted to be sure if I could or couldn't xD I'm fine with the current face claim though c:

Re: Haunted Whispers

once people send in their girls, we can start.

Re: Haunted Whispers

It's perfectly alright. Thanks for joining.

Re: Haunted Whispers

I finally submitted (: Yet again, I apologize for the delay.

Re: Haunted Whispers

Can I reserve the know-it-all? I should have the application done by tonight.

Re: Haunted Whispers

I will have my charrie up tomorrow, as soon as Photobucket stops being a tard. That's the reason for my delay. -.-''

Re: Haunted Whispers

Who would you like to change it too?

Re: Haunted Whispers

Quick question, is it alright for us to change our face claims? If not, that's totally alright!

Re: Haunted Whispers

Yes yes and yes. I am going to make a character sheet right now. I didn't have time to finish the whole roleplay.

Re: Haunted Whispers

I would love to reserve The Leader, if that is okay with you? (: I'm just wondering if there is a character sheet? I don't want to miss any important points.

Re: Haunted Whispers

I would like to reserve the Fearless please and if no one reserves the Innocent, may I take her too?

Re: Haunted Whispers

If I could, I'd like to reserve the Skeptic c: I should be able to have the character up by tonight c:

Haunted Whispers

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Haunted Whispers"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.