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Become a pilot for the Hellward Division, an elite army once shrouded in secrecy, or mankind's newest enemy, the terrifying Exomachina. (Still looking for some players!) : )

2,623 readers have visited Hellward since Last created it.


Intro - October 23rd, 4004 A.D. First contact with the Exomachina. Little is known of mankind's new enemy. Strange, living machines that warp in from another world...or possibly, another dimension. Since they've begun pouring out from the anomalies, they've been attacking humanity's worlds relentlessly, as if it were some sort of purge. The situation was looking grim.
Enter the Hellward Division. An elite unit that had been fighting our enemies in secret, until now. Using prototype equipment and the greatest pilots in the human empire, they will retaliate and send the Exomachina back where they came from. Hellward Division will be leading the charge, rallying mankind's forces behind them.

Neurosuit - A machine linked to the pilot's body and mind. These machines appear very human-like, it has the ability to move every joint that a human body can. The neurosuit is essentially a robotic grand-scale model of the human body. The pilot can feel everything the neurosuit can but it has been transferred to a much smaller level of pain, enough only to irritate the pilot, signalling exactly where they've been hit. The pilot begins to feel as if they are the machine itself, able to react with same reflexes an actual person would. As a result, the neurosuit has all the freedom and natural mobility of a human being, with all the effectiveness of a large-scale armoured combat machine. The appearance of a neurosuit varies, depending on the pilot's preference.

When damaged, the neural network inside the machine emits an intense flash. It looks as though lightning is striking inside the machine.

Exomachina - The outworldly machines pouring in from strange portals all across known space. The Exomachina appear to be living entities and they come in many strange forms. Each one is unique from the other, making them difficult to describe as a group. It is uncertain if an alien race is creating them or if they are the alien race themselves. Each one is sentient, very intelligent, suggesting that the latter theory is true. The scientific name Exomachina, meaning 'Outer Mechanism', is a foreboding one. It brings to mind the old latin phrase, "Deus Ex Machina", referring to God's intervention and an end to all things. Nonetheless, any Exomachina defeated should be salvaged, their technology may bring the key to their downfall.

Arsenal - All weapons that can be used by a human being can be converted for use for a neurosuit. This includes any and all ranged weapons such as firearms or other weapons for close combat, both of which are useful against the unpredictable Exomachina. The neurosuit pilot can only carry as many weapons as an ordinary person can, with the aid of holsters, straps and other carrying methods. However, any additional weapons can be brought to the neurosuit pilot by an external carrier pod or EXCAP. The EXCAP's mission is to bring supplies to the neurosuit, such as weaponry, ammunition and other extra gear that may be required.
The Exomachina has a surprising variety of weapons at their disposal. They are chaos incarnate, bringing every sort of weapon to the table. The Hellward Division pilots respond by deploying themselves with a wide range of weaponry and using tactics that adapt to an ever changing situation.

Playable Characters - You can be a neurosuit pilot, an experimental EXCAP pilot or one of the more powerful Exomachina. Use the following character setups.

Neurosuit Pilot Character Sheet

Name: (The pilot's true name.)
Callsign: (This is the name your division will use during a mission. It may have grown out of a nickname or experience, choose something that suits the pilot.)
Age: (It's the future, so if your character is a bit older they'll still appear youthful. You must be older than 14, I'm a bit tired of that cliché.)
Birthsign: (Include a Western Zodiac sign here. It's a futuristic space game, so I thought this would be nice. Pick one that suits your character.)
Appearance: (Descriptions mandatory but feel free to also throw down a pretty picture if you want to.)
Behaviour: (I feel this shows better through actual roleplay but it's good for everyone to know your character's personality.)
History: (Tell us all your character's dark past, or uneventful past, it doesn't matter.)

Name: (Your neurosuit needs a name, too, y'know.)
Appearance: (What colour are the optic sensors? What colours or patterns are on the body? Camouflage? Decals? Racing Stripes? Does it have a cool visor or something?)
Weaponry: (Describe the weapons your neurosuit is usually equipped with. Bring what you need, EXCAP can fly in any extra heavy weaponry.)
Unique Gear: (Packs, straps, extra body armour, a chainsaw arm, a machine gun for a leg, wings. Go for it.)

External Carrier Pod (EXCAP) Pilot Character Sheet

Name: (The pilot's true name.)
Callsign: (This is the name your division will use during a mission. It may have grown out of a nickname or experience, choose something that suits the pilot.)
Age: (It's the future, so if your character is a bit older they'll still appear youthful. You must be older than 14, I'm a bit tired of that cliché.)
Birthsign: (Include a Western Zodiac sign here. It's a futuristic space game, so I thought this would be nice. Pick one that suits your character.)
Appearance: (Descriptions mandatory but feel free to also throw down a pretty picture if you want to.)
Behaviour: (I feel this shows better through actual roleplay but it's good for everyone to know your character's personality.)
History: (Tell us all your character's dark past, or uneventful past, it doesn't matter.)

{Experimental EXCAP}
Name: (The name of your pod.)
Appearance: (EXCAPs vary in appearance. Their design is often based on their cargo. Since your EXCAP is unique from all others, explain it here.)
Weaponry: (Onboard weaponry, things such as blasters and missiles, railguns and such things.)
Special Cargo: (As pilot of an experimental pod, you'll carry more than ordinary neurosuit supplies, perhaps you have a special weapon, armour or gear they can use.)

Exomachina Character Sheet

Name: (Make it something strange or cool.)
Age: (Any number is fine.)
Birthsign: (Why not?)
Appearance: (Go to town. Base it off of any machine you've ever known, or don't. Give it as many extra arms or heads or legs as you see fit. Maybe it's a liquid orb that changes shape, seriously, go crazy!)
Abilities: (Anything goes. Let's keep it possible to survive the attack, though, OK? I don't care if your robot has ice breath. I don't care if your robot explodes into tiny mechanical bees. Do you have shields? Lots of armour? Cloaking? Think boss monster.)
Behaviour: (You are an advanced Exomachina, you may have learned the human language and can communicate with them. Remember, don't let on to the secret of the Exomachina. Tell the humans nothing of your people.)
History: (Don't be too descriptive here. Be as enigmatic as possible. You're a dark monster from who-knows-where, but maybe you're a lord or general of some kind. Be brief.)

Toggle Rules

1. Some of you like romance. Go ahead and romance. Romance any gender. Bromances are allowed, too. Sex will make everyone giggle childishly, so keep it to yourself or in the PM's please.
2. Be graceful in combat. If you've sustained heavy damage, you have to retreat.
3. There is to be no killing of a character unless that player grants permission.
4. If you are playing as one of the Exomachina, you are powerful enough to fight a group of other players. Make the fights exciting! Just don't be unfair, refer to previous rules 2 and 3. Ganging up isn't fair, either.
5. Everyone is awesome. You cannot be more awesome than someone else. Keep the awesomosity well-balanced, please.
6. ???
7. PROFIT!!!

Final Notes -- I hope everything is in line here. If there's anything else people need to know, please just inform me by OOC thread or PM. I'm still new around here but I think I pretty much got it. Let's shoot some stuff.

Taking place in...

Human Empire our primary setting

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Human Empire

Human Empire by Last

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aster Rei Elionzvie Character Portrait: Magister Letum
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0.00 INK

Aster didn't waste a second. Upon seeing the swarm begin its attack, she placed herself right in its path, firing as fast as she could at the oncoming legion and scattering several of its members like dust on solar winds. Using her bladed shield to batter the enemies that got past her blazing rifle, she did her best to pick off the drones headed for the Cortex. Even though she was firing nigh blindly, the fact that the drones were in compact formation made it easy to score hits almost every time she fired. Still, without support from the fleet's guns and from her fellow Neurosuits, she wouldn't be able to hold them off.

Letum, meanwhile - intercepting the Humans' transmission through a stolen communications system he had left functional where it lay embedded in his back, a tactic he was quite fond of - traced the signal to its desired destination, thereby locating the Humans main base on Zuin. He didn't need to attack there just yet, especially since they were preparing for him. Instead, he navigated away from the civilized sections of the planet, putting him out of range of the Humans' guns. Most colony defense destroyers and gunboats wouldn't have the firepower needed to eliminate him when he had reached this size and density, so he wasn't particularly worried about those. Still, he kept a close eye out for them as they might launch and attack him. There was no telling what aces they might have up their sleeves.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Magister Letum Character Portrait: Malice the Swarmlord/ Eralyn the Betrayer Character Portrait: Rudger Omnii
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0.00 INK

#, as written by zudukai
Aerios dashed unnoticed across the darkness, carefully running passive, the neurosuit tensing as the fierce battle rages, intending on getting a unguarded flank on Magister Letum, Rudger pressed incognito when the large spherical Exomachina started moving to attack, exchanging Letum's pressure for it's own, Aerios started maneuvering toward Malice instead.

From a figurative "up", Aerios's reactor at full burn, Rudger started unleashed a thrashing of gauss mixed with molten storms of arcing positrons preceding a fusillade of missiles raining down upon the shimmering gem on it's frontal lobe in attempt to dislodge the piece from the arm or sever it entirely, all the while peppering an opening streaming with drones with His Autocannon in attempt to stem the tide, giving Cortex a fighting chance. Rudger only started after it's attention had been turned to the hellward fleet hoping they could hold their own giving him an opening to close the distance, as he approached Rudger traded the particle rifle for his arcblade readying it for a direct lancing across his target with haste's precision.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aster Rei Elionzvie Character Portrait: Malice the Swarmlord/ Eralyn the Betrayer Character Portrait: Rudger Omnii
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0.00 INK

Within seconds, the first wave of drones were either obliterated by Hellward's firepower or were damaged beyond repair from indirect attacks. But yet, the drones were still moving towards the fleet. Suddenly, the tightly packed swarm began to spread out, effectively removing the chance to indirectly damage the drones like when they were piled tightly together. A fifth of them broke off from the rest of the swarm, veering off towards the Neurosuits.

Almost instantaneously, Malice was bombarded by gauss fire, mainly from the one named Aerios. Noticing the barrage of missiles coming in, she knew that her Avatar couldn't negate the barrage. Her Arbiter gem was becoming slightly chipped from the gauss weapons, and thus she began to rotate. Sure, it was a bit slow, but by the time the missile barrage would hit, the gem would be safely out of the blast radius.

The peppering of the barrage began, however the damage it had cause against her dense plating was insignificant. It had only scratched the surface, but it had made Malice fire off a mental roar, strong enough for the pilots to hear, loud enough to hopefully make them wince at the mental sounds.

Petty humans. Did you think that your peppering would hurt me? Do you think that those were my only drones? I devour planets! I devour their resources and use them to build my drones! Don't you see that I am just simply toying with you? But seeing that you are now getting annoying, I'm going to send out some more friends for you to play with, you pathetic little ingrates.

During the end of that last sentence, Malice had fired off another swarm of drones, nowhere as compact as the prior wave, with a good 1500 meters between the two waves. But something different was happening with these. This swarm were splitting down the middle, one half going towards the fleet, the other half bee-lining straight towards Aerios.

The drones had one objective in mind: Shutdown the long-range weaponry, at all costs.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aster Rei Elionzvie Character Portrait: Asher Graves Character Portrait: Galen Oora Alex-Zander Character Portrait: Malice the Swarmlord/ Eralyn the Betrayer Character Portrait: Rudger Omnii Character Portrait: Sigrún
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0.00 INK

The Big Bang veered away from the battle to safety,staying away due to it's low energy levels.Now unable to assist in battle,Garen surveyed the battle and resorted to giving out warnings to his teammates.The neurosuits were doing their best to prevent the silver tendril of drones from reaching the fleet.He continued to take notice as the drones began to spread out to decrease the chances of getting hit.Aerios was going all out upon the giant Exomachina,Malice,while Stomp and Venganza were defending the fleet.

Petty humans. Did you think that your peppering would hurt me? Do you think that those were my only drones? I devour planets! I devour their resources and use them to build my drones! Don't you see that I am just simply toying with you? But seeing that you are now getting annoying, I'm going to send out some more friends for you to play with, you pathetic little ingrates.

Galen winced at the force of the mental roar.His heart seemed to drop down into oblivion.This thing devoured PLANETS?And enemy like this was beyond defeat,what more when a foe like Letum was already a large threat?He took a look and saw that Malice had released another wave of drones,half were going straight for the fleet,the other half for the neurosuits.

"DAMMIT!Why do I have to run out of energy at a time like this?!" Galen yelled angrily,slamming the bottom of his fists onto the cockpit seat's armrests.He looked at his energy readings,they had only increased a mere 12%,not even enough for him to fire multiple rounds of his chain-fire beams.

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Human Empire

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Asher Graves
Character Portrait: Aster Rei Elionzvie
Character Portrait: Magister Letum
Character Portrait: Emissary
Character Portrait: Rudger Omnii
Character Portrait: Galen Oora Alex-Zander
Character Portrait: Sigrún
Character Portrait: Malice the Swarmlord/ Eralyn the Betrayer


Character Portrait: Malice the Swarmlord/ Eralyn the Betrayer
Malice the Swarmlord/ Eralyn the Betrayer

"Wait, did that Exmachina eat another of its own kind? Man, we're so screwed."

Character Portrait: Sigrún

This is the age of our legacy, will we ever live to see our goals fulfilled or is the mirage of an ideal future sought out in vain? If we should fail what tales would our enemies tell about us? They will tell tales of horror.

Character Portrait: Galen Oora Alex-Zander
Galen Oora Alex-Zander

"Let's fire this baby up!"

Character Portrait: Rudger Omnii
Rudger Omnii

"Nobody does it like Rudger!"

Character Portrait: Emissary

"Beheld that human Neurosuits were of a highly advanced composition, especially those with the Hellward designation. Negotiation seems possible with enough crushing force."

Character Portrait: Magister Letum
Magister Letum

"Do you think I am afraid of you, tiny giant? No matter how many of your kind the Humans create, they will be nothing more than fodder for my might."

Character Portrait: Aster Rei Elionzvie
Aster Rei Elionzvie

"Why am I alive... Why did I alone survive when thousands died all around me? Why was my life somehow worth more than the lives of those I loved?! Those lives are not something that can just be replaced, damnit...!"

Character Portrait: Asher Graves
Asher Graves

"I can't lead this squad, who thinks they can?"


Character Portrait: Aster Rei Elionzvie
Aster Rei Elionzvie

"Why am I alive... Why did I alone survive when thousands died all around me? Why was my life somehow worth more than the lives of those I loved?! Those lives are not something that can just be replaced, damnit...!"

Character Portrait: Emissary

"Beheld that human Neurosuits were of a highly advanced composition, especially those with the Hellward designation. Negotiation seems possible with enough crushing force."

Character Portrait: Malice the Swarmlord/ Eralyn the Betrayer
Malice the Swarmlord/ Eralyn the Betrayer

"Wait, did that Exmachina eat another of its own kind? Man, we're so screwed."

Character Portrait: Magister Letum
Magister Letum

"Do you think I am afraid of you, tiny giant? No matter how many of your kind the Humans create, they will be nothing more than fodder for my might."

Character Portrait: Rudger Omnii
Rudger Omnii

"Nobody does it like Rudger!"

Character Portrait: Sigrún

This is the age of our legacy, will we ever live to see our goals fulfilled or is the mirage of an ideal future sought out in vain? If we should fail what tales would our enemies tell about us? They will tell tales of horror.

Character Portrait: Asher Graves
Asher Graves

"I can't lead this squad, who thinks they can?"

Character Portrait: Galen Oora Alex-Zander
Galen Oora Alex-Zander

"Let's fire this baby up!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Galen Oora Alex-Zander
Galen Oora Alex-Zander

"Let's fire this baby up!"

Character Portrait: Rudger Omnii
Rudger Omnii

"Nobody does it like Rudger!"

Character Portrait: Magister Letum
Magister Letum

"Do you think I am afraid of you, tiny giant? No matter how many of your kind the Humans create, they will be nothing more than fodder for my might."

Character Portrait: Emissary

"Beheld that human Neurosuits were of a highly advanced composition, especially those with the Hellward designation. Negotiation seems possible with enough crushing force."

Character Portrait: Malice the Swarmlord/ Eralyn the Betrayer
Malice the Swarmlord/ Eralyn the Betrayer

"Wait, did that Exmachina eat another of its own kind? Man, we're so screwed."

Character Portrait: Aster Rei Elionzvie
Aster Rei Elionzvie

"Why am I alive... Why did I alone survive when thousands died all around me? Why was my life somehow worth more than the lives of those I loved?! Those lives are not something that can just be replaced, damnit...!"

Character Portrait: Asher Graves
Asher Graves

"I can't lead this squad, who thinks they can?"

Character Portrait: Sigrún

This is the age of our legacy, will we ever live to see our goals fulfilled or is the mirage of an ideal future sought out in vain? If we should fail what tales would our enemies tell about us? They will tell tales of horror.

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Human Empire

Human Empire by Last

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  • Hellward
    1, 2, 3by Last on Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:02 pm
    45 Replies
    Last post by EX-Burst View the latest post
    on Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:36 am

Most recent OOC posts in Hellward

Re: Hellward

So is it true that this rp is over? I have been looking for a good mecha rp. Please inform me if you plan to start it back up.

Re: Hellward

damn, i was about to post anyways, ok. well, since that is the case i guess i will leave my unpolished post right here then :)


"100 missiles streaked across the stars, their smoke trails marking the flight path for days to come, all with the intention of hitting one target, one giant target, as they flew towards their target it started a turn, the creature protecting it's floating appendage from harm turning it's side to take the brunt of the impact...

"Petty humans. Did you think that your peppering would hurt me? Do you think that those were my only drones? I devour planets! I devour their resources and use them to build my drones! Don't you see that I am just simply toying with you? But seeing that you are now getting annoying, I'm going to send out some more friends for you to play with, you pathetic little ingrates."

The voice bellowed inside Rudgers mind, straining his piloting skills and focus he breaks off his run fearful of slamming into the side of the giant Exomachina and instead rolls over to better attack the swarming drone Exomachina that seem endless in supply, taking better focus Rudger sees the drones scatter..."

yes i go back and forth to different spots to, IMO, make a clearer picture.
cheers folks!

Re: Hellward

My apologies to all. I let the RP die. I had interferences, some of which kept me from using the internet like I used to. The Hellward RP won't be starting up again but I would like to thank you for your interest and participation. Again, I'm very sorry, it was an enjoyable roleplay thanks to you all.

Re: Hellward

Still waiting on Last. X.X

Re: Hellward

I was originally going to call him a ballsack, but then somebody might have gotten offended and report it. >.<

Re: Hellward

I had to laugh when I first read it, that's an awesome way to put it.

Man, Emissary is open to soooo many jokes about balls.

Re: Hellward

Last wrote:Emissary's a swirling orbsack??

That's how Malice views Him. Lol

Re: Hellward

Emissary's a swirling orbsack??

Well, I posted before I saw this. Didn't know Malice was waiting, Asher went ahead and noticed her already and Emissary's still got some fight left in him. So this might turn into a crazed battle royale. We'll see what happens.

Re: Hellward

Thanks. As for the record, malice loves to play with her food. Eralyn, it's not really his cup of tea. Think of Malice being a "fat kid after a cupcake" and Eralyn as a vegetarian.


EDIT: I posted up the duo's introduction. Malice is just being lazy, waiting for you guys take down Emissary, if that's still possible. Sounds like you guys almost got the swirling orbsack taken care out of the picture.

Re: Hellward

I ADORE the Malice and Eralyn duo!Nicely done there R.T.M.X!

Re: Hellward

I want to make it into a shirt then mail one to him. XD

Re: Hellward

Yeah, I've seen all the AVGN episodes so far! I laughed so hard when I saw that. On the site the dude actually left a link to his blog, it's full of crap like that! "live like a windrammer..." heheheh. that SHOULD be a t-shirt.

Re: Hellward

Are you a fan of James Rolfe, the Angry Video Game Nerd?

Check this out. You might die from laughter.

Re: Hellward

*rapid_fire face-to-palm-action*

lol! Oh, man. I don't really know my Benny Hill, the extent of my knowledge in that area is yakety sax, slapstick comedy, sped-up antics, women in lingerie and I swear there was a gorilla. If that happens, dibs on the gorilla suit.

Re: Hellward

On a side note, I just had my daily exposure of Benny Hill. Don't be surprised if I throw in a scene like that. LMAO

Re: Hellward

Sounds like a plan.

Re: Hellward

As for the imprisonment ability, it's unusable for the fact that it had already used it. It's a one shot wonder. just had to throw that out in case you were wondering.

EDIT: Coolbeans, I'll wait until TnevdaNai fires that railgun of theirs before I start throwing in ice from hell.

Re: Hellward

Well, that didn't take me too long. Character approved for roleplay.

I just kinda' froze a bit when I saw the shutdown abilities. However, it's offset well enough. Good to go.

Re: Hellward

I dig it! I'll need a moment to look them over some more, though. I just want to make sure the abilities are fair. Balancing is somewhat tricky. I really like the idea, though.

Re: Hellward

Submitted the character sheet. Actually, it's two in one. Hope you like it.