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Life is perfect for those living in the castle Home, every species and race living in perfect harmony. Blind to the corruption of their king. Who will discover it, and at what cost? is it worth it to throw away perfection for freedom?

2,896 readers have visited Home since Onuwa created it.




Nestled away in green rolling hills of forest filled pines and lakes is a kingdom. Most call it the Hidden Valley as none have ever found it and those who have, well they never returned. Then there are those lucky enough to live there, they call it Home. They call it that as they haven't quite decided a name for it yet, there are too many disputes. Some would prefer to name it after their first king Raoul but others thought it well… lame. They thought of calling it paradise but that was considered far to cheesy. And so since no name could ever be achieved for the residents of this kingdom they decided to be quite literal and call it Home. As it was.

Home is a sanctuary, the dark ages had descended upon the world and magic was considered evil. All magical folk alike found themselves hunted and killed. They were to blame for this calamity the non magical folk had reasoned. It was a sad state of affairs over all. Lots of death really. Best not to dwell on such sad things. Rather lets focus on the magical folk who built themselves a home far away from any hurtful magic haters. They called it Home.

Home is a beautiful marble castle that shines with the sunset and rise. It was a beacon of their freedom and safety. They had built a wall around themselves as well. It was a massive stone wall to high to climb and to strong to tear down with out a lot of effort. But that was not all the magical folk built to protect themselves, they used their magic. Protective spells surrounded the area, the castle was difficult to see even up close to those who were under a protective spell. Other spells would make people forget why they had come this far and turn them around. They were never terrible spells that harmed or killed, the magical folk thought themselves above the regular humans and too good for their savage ways. They thought only to protect themselves and their way of life. All they wanted was peace.


They wanted so much to have peace and prosperity they regulated the lives of their own people to the point that if one had a different opinion it was the dungeon for you. Home was corrupt. Alas it was the current King to blame, Cain was as ruthless as a Drake. (Here meaning destroyer) He had the people slaving away under his rule, he had a fascination for gold and had miners dig deep under the castle searching for hidden veins of gold. While they were down there Cain had them build dungeons and chambers for those who displeased him. There were whispers of a cache of Cain's most prized possessions hidden among the tunnels and vaults of the underground. Anyone who went down there with out a map surely was lost.

The outside of the castle looked just as beautiful as everywhere else, farmland was fertile and Home was able to sustain itself. This was also a commandment, everything must be beautiful and there must be plenty. If a crop showed any sign of decay or pestilence the entire harvest would be thrown away in fear of contamination and the farmer would have to start over. The farmers have gotten good at hiding the imperfections how ever and there hasn't been a purge of a crop for a few years.

There are a number of fountains and ponds through out the buildings that are placed around the castle. The buildings are beautiful old fashioned buildings with brass knockers and brown trim. Its a quaint sort of living style, the houses normally have a large kitchen with a wood burning fire and a few bedrooms. The ponds and fountains that can be found among these houses are the clearest of blue, they are very deep however and are deep enough to hold a few caves.

The castle is where only those in high standing with the king get to live. They enjoy a large bedroom with all of the finest luxuries. Dinner in the great hall around a giant table. The finest library is in Home, right in the kings courtyard. Only a few privileged may enter the library as the knowledge there isn't one might share lightly. Secrets of past kings and deeds lay hidden in the library.

From a unawares standpoint Home is beautiful, one might even go so far as to say heaven. The people seem happy, there isn't any crime and music can be heard at all times. What's not to like?

Well the fact that you can move a toe with out Cain's permission. Things have a certain order and if you disobey these orders then you may never see the light of day again. One little trip and its farewell, but the citizens have learned to live with the rules and regulations, though some plan to change it.

There are a number of species in Home which can no longer be found in the rest of the world. One might call them endangered but they prefer to think of it at protected.




Mermaid's normally resemble women but there have been a few that resemble more so a man. They are however genderless. They have no need to reproduce as they are born of a certain flower named the Aqui touching the surface of the water. They are happy creatures that enjoy splashing passer by's. They are generally harmless but if you get on the wrong side of one they can easily drag you down to the depths of their little lakes. Mermaid's can go on land but it requires a lot of flapping about to get anywhere, they do eventually dry out and die of lack of water if they are left away from it for too long, but that takes days normally.



These are both male and female, they generally are a lot older than they look, (20 is 1000 years give or take a few) Mage's are not as powerful as Warlocks or Wizards in anyway but they do have the touch of magic in them. They can never do anything elemental as that is too powerful, but rather they can do quite a few things to do with humans, for example take their life force or heal them. Mage's are often healers but there's been the odd one that decided his powers are better used for taking rather than giving. Mage's use runes as a part of their magic and can only preform weak little tidbits with out them.



Shades are creatures of the night and often won't be seen out and about during the day time. Shades however are not bad creatures at all. Their magic is more towards the dark arts and they preform rituals at every new moon. Shade's a quiet creates as when they speak it sounds a bit like hissing, but a trained ear can understand them. They are quiet creatures that ave made most of the protective spells on Home. They are manipulators of the mind, they can make you have your worst nightmare or your favourite dream come true. They enjoy flirting in and out of heads collecting dreams. Each Shade has a little sack of dreams they keep close to them and treasure.



Soldiers are often seen around Home even though their isn't any crime. These men and women are violent, but only on Cain's command. They do all the dirty work for him and send people to the dungeons down below. While out and about they pretend to be peacekeepers rather than peacemakers. They are friendly with most people but if given the chance they will more than happily cut off your hand. They don't have magic in the sense that they can use it, rather they have been enhanced by magic. They are stronger, faster and often more cunning that all of the creatures living in home. The problem is that they don't realize their power to change how ever, they are so powerful because of Cain and they don't realize they can change things, thats something that will never change.



Fay are small creatures who love to flutter about causing all kinds of nice shiny things to disappear. Fay are about the size of a regular human hand. They are beautiful creatures and know it, they take pride in their appearances. They live in the trees above the mermaids and often the two are good friends. Fay enjoy gossiping and spying on other people, their size and stealthiness makes it no problem at all. Cain has a dislike for Fay as the dust they leave from flying often makes him sneeze and so there has not been a Fay in the castle since his rein.



Familiars are able to connect with a certain species of animal and bond with them. The animal and human become true friends and they often call on one another for help. Familiars magic is the weakest of them all as they have no magic themselves except for the tiny spark that attracts animals to them. They often said said they let animals into their homes and live in harmony with them.



Dryads are elemental sprits who often dwell in the element they own. They have complete control over the element given to them and so if you make a water spirit angry expect a 100% chance of thunder showers. There are a number of different elemental types and they often have their own nicknames for one another but a basic generalization of them is Dryad. The elements are as such: Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Metal and Tree. They often take the form of women but a rare man is said to have been seen floating around. He is only a legend though and no real proof of him has been unearthed.



Summoners are often seen as the Hybrid of Familiars. They don't have the ability to communicate with already placed animals upon the land, but rather they call forth minions of their own. They can take the shape of any animal or demon depending on the Summoner and how they are feeling at the moment. Most are limited to only one sort of animal summoned but some talented summoners can summon more than one. There is a catch however, since the animals are called from the Summoner, if one of the animals is hurt of killed a part of the Summoners life force will fade away and they grow even closer to their death date.



Adepts are humans who have been blessed by the magical. They often gain an incredible talent from a wish. If the wish is deemed acceptable by the magic folk they will bless the human and their wish is granted. For example incredible beauty or the ability to run very fast. There were even those that wished to be an Adept in music so they could make incredible music for all to enjoy. Adepts are a dying breed as no human has been blessed for many many years. When the human is blessed their life expectancy does grow but eventually they too grow old and die.



Sirens by far are considered the most beautiful creatures upon the planet. They have the power to drown any being in lust. They are very sexual creatures naturally and enjoy a romp here and there. They do however have other priorities as well such as sewing. Sirens love their clothes and they are quite materialistic with other things as well. Sirens often have large collections of items that strike their fancy.



Wizards are the most powerful of the lot, they can create and take away. Compared to Wizards the rest of the magical folk are weak. So this is probably the reason Cain is the king, he is a Wizard and a powerful man. Like all wizards he has an extensive library of spells and potions he has concocted during his life. Normally Wizards like to have a niche in which they like to settle into. Cain has settled into the botanical niche allowing him to control plants and other things of an organic nature to his each and every will. With each spell a wizards power is drained and they must go through a resting process to gain their power back. As long as they have the power for it Wizards can do what ever they imagine.



Elves can be a few different species. They can be dark, wood or light elves. They stand taller and are very elegant creatures naturally. They often have hidden troves of knowledge hidden in their noggins and will only share it at a price. Elves never do anything for free as that is not their way. For every action there must be something of interest gained. Perhaps a feather or a shell you find might suffice, or maybe a lock of your hair. What about your soul?



High Elves are a completely different species all together from Elves. They are considered royalty even to Cain himself as there are so few in the world and those that do exist are beautiful creatures that they command authority. ofter their opinions are regarded as law and it is a privilege to speak to one. This of course has gone to their heads and most High Elves are quite the snobs refusing to deal with anyone other than their own kind and royalty.



The market is by far the busiest place in Home, here vendors of all kinds come to sell their wears to make a living. There are many professions in Home, for example farmers, jewellers, tailors, artisans, cooks, leatherworkers etc. Anything and everyone stops by the market at least once a week if not everyday to sell and buy.


The giant Library belonging to Cain is nestled in the very heart of the marble castle. He built it in the middle of a courtyard and let the trees in to protect his books. It is his sanctuary and he lets very few people in. He has too many secrets, too many things that could be used against him here. Its almost impossible to get to with out his permission and so far only his faithful companions have seen it.


These are the homes of the lower class people, every family is permitted a house and if you live alone well lucky you, you get a house all to your self. All homes a two story and laid out to the users preferences. It was a gift from the first king Raoul that ever citizen was entitled their own home, how they like it for free. The houses look the same on the outside save for the few personal touches here and there but every house is different on the inside.


This is the Great Hall where Cain takes most of his guests and holds his finest events. Every month or so he holds and elaborate masquerade ball to which everyone is invited. Its one of the few events that lets people up to the castle to see it in all its gloriousness. Unless of course if you live at the castle then you get to see it everyday.


Nestled into an underground cavern near the entrance of the castle is the hall of dead kings where citizens can come and pay their respects to past rulers. The place is overgrown as Cain has ignored it but that does not stop new flowers from appearing on the graves everyday.


And finally the dungeon. Pray you don't end up here.


Well thank you for taking the time to read all that. So first! two rules!
1) Post at least three times a week (More is wonderful)
2)Be creative, take time with your posts, add description, thoughts and etc.

This is meant to be a fun roleplay and I would love to see thought and effort put into your characters. so for your character I would like to see the following but feel free to add more!

4)Gender (If not a gender then put none)
5)Brief History
7) Flaws
9) Does your character know of the corruption of Cain? if not no worries they can find out about it later in the story. So bot scenarios are good!

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alladel Bridges Character Portrait: Alys Bennett
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0.00 INK

"I'd be happy to share a dance with you." He told her as they walked, feeling a little awkward about this. He didn't let it show, but he was a little torn by her question. He'd said yes because he really would like to dance, especially with her, but he was also terrified that she'd roast him alive (or something equally painful) if he'd rejected her offer. He chose to look at it as a positive situation. At the very least, he was to spend a short moment in time that he did not understand, or even knew, yet still admired.

The hallways were as wonderful as the gardens outside. It was dimmer inside, as one might expect. A bird chirped nearby, and the sound made the palace seem less dead inside. While the place was filled with people, everybody always seemed to exist in their own tiny worlds, passing each other by. "Thank you," he said to Alys as they reached the library. He peeked in, and saw the king, and by his feet ashes and burnt leaves. Alladel for a second wondered who in the world would be careless enough to burn things in a library, but quickly pushed the thought aside again. He wasn't sure exactly how far the king could see.

"My lord, king." He said, voice slowly raised, as if to announce himself. He took a single step forward. "I was wondering if you had written down all the songs you wish us to play at the ball, and if so, if I could have the list? The orchestra wants to be sure that we only offer you perfection." He bowed deeply, one might think that he was in danger of falling over, but he managed to stay on his feet.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalista Raven Character Portrait: Yanos Odron
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0.00 INK

~Yanos Odron~

Yanos stared on at the young woman before him, the morning sun was beginning to shine of the arch of her locks and cascade through the wavering motions of her hair as she stood there motionless. She had this look on her face as if she were puzzling out the answer to a question, of course her reaction to him announcing who he was still lingered in her eyes.
It was obvious that she was slowly coming to terms with the weight of her situation. Raven's lips absentmindedly mouthed separate words as her hand intercepted his and raced too her throat before his and it was then that his mind caught on to what he was doing. Decades doing what he could, when he could kind of built an effort to prioritize need in his mind and it was this mindset that made him act instead of thinking most of the time.

It was also apparent to him that she was feeling awkward for some reason, just being able to pick up on that just by looking at her. As if she wanted to act but the action she would take seemed to bother her. But that was when it hit him.."I can speak through minds, though I don't usually like doing it. It invades privacy, and people tend to get angry" The back edges of his teeth clenched as she made a more formal intrusion then he was used to. He had up to that point only had the pleasure off dealing with several entities that could speak using telepathy, but he himself had his own withdrawals about using ones mind to talk and probe the thoughts of another. A being like himself found that is wasn't so much bad for him, but instead harmful for those that got past his wall and got to the objects on the other side.

"I have a question though... If you're part of the court, and you serve Cain, why did you help me?"

At this point he already acclimated himself to her form of conversation, though he was aware that her's was still somewhat unrefined. The fey that could speak with the mind directly had a whole other method that seemed overly delicate compared to Raven's. Strangely at this point Raven was beginning to feel a sensation that many who did the same too Yanos had felt.

She could feel that as she spoke to him, the act felt akin to that of pressing ones hand on a massive overinflated bubble. The form and mass of which was straining to maintain what it held, or at the very least to withhold from her own grasp. It was apparent though that something valuable was sitting behind this thin veil encased within this bubble and that Yanos himself was used to guarding it from psychics like herself and every time she spoke to him. Her mind received an impression of an overwhelming intensity, that kept manifesting itself as a soft pressure behind her right eye.

Yanos relaxed his mouth as he drew back on his tongue, she was polite enough to at least hold back till now in request of her question and she did wait to speak too him unless it was necessary. "Well.. that is nice.." He had a rather slant look in his eyes as he cut them back towards her and her question was sure in the right place. Which he shifted his head a bit before answering clasped his hands lightly together. "For the most part I know what happens down in those dungeons.. and such a place is no home for a young girl like yourself. Besides my taste for what the King does is rather less then that of his own."
Yanos looks around them for a moment, the morning wind was still blowing softly as his gaze searched the grounds. He was rather spry about the thought that guards may walk up on them any moment or that one of the other castle residents would happen upon them as well.

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Home by Onuwa


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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Yanos Odron
Character Portrait: Kalista Raven
Character Portrait: Skyleigh Bones
Character Portrait: Alladel Bridges
Character Portrait: Amia Hananae
Character Portrait: Asher Lucian
Character Portrait: Flora Silvana
Character Portrait: Glenda Periwinkle


Character Portrait: Flora Silvana
Flora Silvana

"All things in nature have a light within them, some are just larger than others."

Character Portrait: Asher Lucian
Asher Lucian

"Long ago... this Home was made for peace and freedom... As of now, we are only given illusions of them.

Character Portrait: Amia Hananae
Amia Hananae

Cain's Acquaintance and Lady of the Court

Character Portrait: Alladel Bridges
Alladel Bridges

An adept person, incredibly skilled as a flutist and a prominent member of the social elite.

Character Portrait: Skyleigh Bones
Skyleigh Bones

"Have you ever heard the term, Sly as a Fox?"

Character Portrait: Kalista Raven
Kalista Raven

"Watch your step around me, if you so much as walk in a way I don't like, you'll be dead before you ever see me."

Character Portrait: Yanos Odron
Yanos Odron

Court Magician


Character Portrait: Yanos Odron
Yanos Odron

Court Magician

Character Portrait: Alladel Bridges
Alladel Bridges

An adept person, incredibly skilled as a flutist and a prominent member of the social elite.

Character Portrait: Skyleigh Bones
Skyleigh Bones

"Have you ever heard the term, Sly as a Fox?"

Character Portrait: Amia Hananae
Amia Hananae

Cain's Acquaintance and Lady of the Court

Character Portrait: Asher Lucian
Asher Lucian

"Long ago... this Home was made for peace and freedom... As of now, we are only given illusions of them.

Character Portrait: Kalista Raven
Kalista Raven

"Watch your step around me, if you so much as walk in a way I don't like, you'll be dead before you ever see me."

Character Portrait: Flora Silvana
Flora Silvana

"All things in nature have a light within them, some are just larger than others."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kalista Raven
Kalista Raven

"Watch your step around me, if you so much as walk in a way I don't like, you'll be dead before you ever see me."

Character Portrait: Asher Lucian
Asher Lucian

"Long ago... this Home was made for peace and freedom... As of now, we are only given illusions of them.

Character Portrait: Skyleigh Bones
Skyleigh Bones

"Have you ever heard the term, Sly as a Fox?"

Character Portrait: Amia Hananae
Amia Hananae

Cain's Acquaintance and Lady of the Court

Character Portrait: Flora Silvana
Flora Silvana

"All things in nature have a light within them, some are just larger than others."

Character Portrait: Alladel Bridges
Alladel Bridges

An adept person, incredibly skilled as a flutist and a prominent member of the social elite.

Character Portrait: Yanos Odron
Yanos Odron

Court Magician

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    1, 2by Onuwa on Thu May 23, 2013 11:46 am
    25 Replies
    Last post by desire99600 View the latest post
    on Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:12 pm

Most recent OOC posts in Home

Re: Home

Sorry, I've been busy these last few days, I will post later tonight.

Re: Home

I am rather worried that no one else has posted in such a while and for a game this new it should not be like that. Rather in fact i hope that things can pick up for everyone so they can return.

Re: Home

If I don't get a response after tomorrow I guess i can move on with Yanos, do something that would free him up from Kalista.. I was kinda liking the whole conversation though.

Re: Home

Its good to see that the post have started, I do like the use of pictures for once in the Rp. Many of my past experience's have proven ill on the receiving end with no real inspiration at all. I for one don't really use them but I have had the idea to put some in later on, especially with this ball coming up.

Re: Home

No worries. My posts do that sometimes too. I've never really needed the bartender... now that I think about it.

Re: Home

So sometimes, my post randomly tags an NPC bartender.. Not to confuse everyone.. hahah, I don't know why it does that.

Re: Home

AAAANNNNNND It's a long first post! But There you guys are! :)


Let's get this started!


Re: Home

I will put up the first post tonight! :)

Re: Home

I am ready to play when everyone else is and that will be he start of it.

Re: Home

Alright, my second character, Kalista is finished! Hope you like her!

Re: Home

Such amazing characters you guys! I really hope we can keep this going! :) The start date is monday but still feel free to submit a character after that! :) We will always be accepting characters.

Re: Home

It's always good to try new things, I always say.

Not generally my style of RP, but this looks pretty interesting. I think I'll make a character or two, if you'll have me ^^

I was thinking ... well, I'll keep it a secret for now ;) Let's just say: a Wizard and a Shade.

Re: Home

Hey there, I submitted a character yesterday, and I just wanted to say that it still needs some work. I haven't been able to find a picture that fits yet, so until I do, would it be allright to just add a written description?

Hope I get accepted, this rp looks really promising. :)

Re: Home

Alright, my first character, Skyleigh is finished, I hope you like her & she gets accepted. If there's anything wrong, let me know. I'm going to start working on my second character now(:

Re: Home

This game does have much promise, I like the fact that the featured Rp for this week has been inactive for nearly a month. So you can see how elated I was to find a fresh roleplay that was the genre I liked.

Re: Home

I submitted my character. I hope you like it. :)

Re: Home

Sure thing. A rebellion always needs strong people :)

Re: Home

Ooh! Count me in! You don't mind if I make sort of a Wizard in training (nowhere near as strong as Cain but a bit stronger compared to other wizards) do you?

Re: Home

Awesome everyone! Oborosen I love your character!

Re: Home

This looks so cool! I'll probably submit a male and a female! (: