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For centuries, the gods have been banished. However, as Mankind rises to dominance and new kingdoms arise, powers dark and chaotic rise from the depths of the earth, while a barbaric race gone for centuries sail from the Dark Continent.

2,310 readers have visited Imperium since Caesar_Lanceum created it.



absolute power.



Oh, it seems you have brought your friends to this part of town, young child. I don't have enough cocoa to make for all of you, I wasn't expecting any company. No, I can't buy more from the market. It's nighttime. You know what dangers lurk in the knight. Stray shots, Daemons, enemy soldiers, bandits. Alright, what story would you like me to tell you tonight? The history of the war? You wish to know of the time when the entirety of the earth burned and scorched its inhabitants? When the world quaked, and the waters flooded our glorious cities? When millions of boys armed themselves and fought against one another? When the skies rained ashes instead of rain?

Gods. Mighty beings, glorious and powerful. Their influence burns across all over the world of Mor, with great temples erected in praise of their glory. The world of Mor was the perfect world, able to sustain the lives of many races. Man was native to Mor, but they were in their primitive stage when the first of the gods came to claim it. She was the goddess of life and serenity: Hadi. She brought with her the perfect creations: Elves, who live long lives and create wondrous works. They dominated the world, rising over Humans, who they believe were inferior as Man slowly progressed and became smarter. After an age of bronze, Mankind discovered iron in the first mines, and turned them into weapons. With iron, Man pushed the Elves back, and soon, the Elves were taught that Man, with their resolve, cunning, and strength, could easily dominate the world and make the forces of nature heel and bow to them. So, the Elves weaponised nature with their magic, and the first monstrous creatures came into being to protect the Elves. Man built cultures, and so, it was separated as Man began to traverse the world, creating the first proper civilisations. To keep the world in balance, Hadi opened the Gates to other worlds and realms, bringing in peaceful creatures like the Dwarves to live in the world. However, this balance was not to last, when the Dragon Lord tore open a Gate. The Dragon Lord, a mere Human blessed by the Dragon King, descended upon the world armoured with red iron, and behind him, a legion of iron-scaled fire-breathing Dragons. They dominated the world, burning down and enslaving those who were not Dragons. For the second time, Man lived in fear. They prayed to their deities for salvation from the Dragons, and hid in their caves like they did in their infancy. Alas, more Gates opened. Kyvernitis, the god of order, blinded the Dragons and showered Man with courage. He bore a great burning sword, and all the civilised races stood behind him and Hadi against the Dragons, who were brought down. The Dragon Lord, however, still lived, and his empire was not yet entirely destroyed. Some Humans joined his cause, and established a kingdom in the North. However, when this happened, more gods started to pour in–some civilised, some barbaric, some warlike, bringing races that were like them. Gods like Razmakan of War, who brought the Goblins and Orcs; Sanzard, the god of freedom and excess, who brought about the half-bird Avians; Brandus, god of fire, who brought the Burning Ones; and so many more. Their desire to take the world for their own, however, lead to a Great War.

However, a travelling god of great knowledge and power looked upon Mor. He had lived for millions of years, and surveyed the worlds that his masters had created. He could only think that these young creatures were unfit to rule themselves, and so, he brought it upon himself to go to the one place no other god had visited: Pnema, a realm so vastly different from any other, something only he could access. So, he defeated the rebellious Infernals of the South, gathering 36,000 Infernal soldiers and six Chthonic dukes to command them. His victory made him favourable to the orderly Caelesti Regnum, also known as the Ouranios, so they donated ten legions of six thousand Ouranios each, each commanded by a legatus. With 96,000 divine soldiers, he marched on Mor. He made himself known when he entered the Dragon Lord's territory and killed off the great Dragon Knight and his infamous dragon. The Dragon Lord was the first to yield, giving up his territory to become a legatus to command and auxiliary force. He crushed the armies of hundreds of inferior gods, and killing five of the major gods himself, leaving them to be completely forgotten. He had established the Imperium on the East with 96,000 Legionnaires, and a hundred thousand auxiliary forces made completely out of Humans and a cavalry force made of Dragons and Dragon-riders. He spread his dominion far and wide, creating the very first and last global superpower. He had named himself the Great Imperator. His inventors, scientists, and mages invented great machines of war. One particularly impressive invention was a mechanical golem, which was a large Humanoid in the shape of a massive knight.

At the height of his power, he built a machine that would expel the other gods. However, he was betrayed by a young and rebellious Infernal Daemon Duke named Proditor who had ascended, and became the Imperator's most skilled legatus. The Chthonic Infernals despised him for being one of the more barbaric Daemon Infernals, so the Daemon killed his Chthonic overlords, and rallied the other Daemons to his cause. All in all, a third of the Legions rebelled, with all 36,000 Daemons rallying to his cause while the Chthonic Infernals were all murdered. This young Daemon Duke, seeking to bring absolute freedom to the world, sided with Sanzard and the remnants of the near-extinct Avians, who held a grudge against the god who had slain their people. He had also sided with various other angered gods. Though Kyvernitis held a grudge against the Great Imperator, he had respected the god's orderly nature, and fought against the Daemons and the Avians. Despite their efforts and victories in the battlefield, the Great Imperator was soon assassinated when the Daemon Duke finally struck the Great Imperator with a great weapon lost to time. The Duke ascended to godhood, and the Great Imperator, though still alive, disappeared from Mor. The wars raged on, and the Imperium was partitioned between the victors, with the capital burned and the palace sacked and buried deep. The gods, however, were finally banished, and, ironically, it was the Dragon Lord who did it, activating the machine which the Great Imperator worked on and saved the mortal world from destruction. The gods lost all their power, and their spirits were forcibly torn out of their corporeal shells, which soon hardened into stone statues still worshipped to this day.

The Dragon Lord, with his last dragons, rebuilt his old kingdom, and handed down his crown to his dismounted but loyal Human Dragon Knight before fleeing the continent to search for new lands to settle in. As time went on, the mortals rebuilt their kingdoms and cities without gods to guide them. The Dwarves stayed in the mountains, looking for gold and iron. The Elves attempted to retain their dominance over the world, but Mankind did not allow that to happen. Without shedding blood, the Elves simply retreated to their paradise of a crystal city. The Goblins, Orcs, and Ogres, however, attempted to turn Mor theirs. For one last time, the civilised world banded together to push out the remnants of the horde to the Dark Continent beyond. They contained the Daemons and banished them to the coldest north to be safeguarded by a dungeon, while some were banished to the deepest burning pits of the world, unable to escape. Then, the civilised races cut contacts from one another to tend to their own needs. This was the case for hundreds of years. The Dwarves built fortifications in their mountains overlooking the north, building great machines. Humans split into nations based on their cultures under the gods, and discovered gunpowder and, subsequently, cannons. As time progressed, Mankind began to develop greater technologies and began to forget about their gods and give in to their vices, while some hid in the shadows of forests, remaining uncivilised and barbaric.

However, the mages of the god of nature claim that the balance is shifting. The walls protecting the world break apart. Daemonic activity becomes more and more frequent as the days pass. Human spies in the Dark Continent, however, confirmed the one thing that scholars feared: the gods were returning. In the Dark Continent, the spies watched as a fire engulfed a small forest, and from the massive flames that licked the skies emerged a warlike god: Razmakan. The god of the Avians returns for vengeance for his race's mass-genocide in the hands of the Humans under the Great Imperator. The god of fire, Brandus, awakens when a meteorite fell upon the earth, crashing in the middle of an active volcano in a remote jungle island. When he emerged from the stone, he burned the entire jungle and scorched the earth, killing off every inhabitant and raising his army of the Burning Ones. In the deep forests of Brambridge, a dark disease emerges, infecting animals and turning them hostile while the plants turn into transmitters; much akin to the plague spread by the god of disease, Akhgl. From deep in the northern forests, beyond the Dwarfish mountains, a great column of fire rises. Theologians have begun to theorise. These were the same major gods that fought against the Imperator in the Great War, something the recorders of that time called 'the Tetrarchy of Chaos.' However, despite these signs, the civilised choose to ignore them, for they have forgotten that the gods existed.

Well, now that the little history of our world has been covered, allow me to begin the real story. It starts in the Battle of Garmanum Forest, fought between the anarchistic Senate of the Republic of Terramar, and Legatus Ioannes, former Consul of the Republic, which began when the senate was taken over by the anarchist, Katilus, forcing Ioannes to cross the Vitae River with his XII Legion to save Terramar from the clutches of Proditor.

Good day! You obviously have figured out that this RP is, well, a fantasy roleplay set in a traditional fantasy world with a dash of sci-fi. Now, you may be asking, what's so science fantasy about something about gods? Let's just say that magic doesn't really exist in this world. It's been said that science could be so advanced that it would be like magic. Technically, that's the case. Imagine as if the gods were just like technologically superior aliens who were made near-immortal. And you read earlier that 'Mankind began to develop greater technologies.' Ahem, airships, ahem, biplanes, ahem, 'mechanical golems,' ahem, guns. But still, there are common fantasy tropes like Elves, Dwarves, Daemons, etc.

Now, who are you? What is your goal? Are you a follower of the Tetrarchy, vying for god-granted freedom? A follower of the Godless, vying for the absolute domination of the mortal races? A follower of the other gods, wishing to make their god dominate over all others? Or a simple supremacist wishing for his race's domination? Well, you have your chance now. Whoever wins gets Imperium–absolute power.


Spoiler: show
HUMANS– The dominant race in Mor. They are a great, innovative race, but easily corruptible. They have technology on their side, having weaponised gunpowder. They also have created massive airships, as well as biplanes. Humans are quick to adapt thanks to their new technologies, and can easily bring down any other army with enough willpower. Though not as wise in life as the Elves, Humans are wiser in terms of science and technology, as well as military matters and statecraft.

ELVES– Once a dominant race, they are perfect mortals who live very long lives. However, they do not have the power of innovation, and were forced to isolate themselves from the rest of the world, though they have bought several airships from the Humans to help them adapt. They are graceful and fast, but not fast enough to dodge the bullets and cannonballs. However, they are not incorruptible; the corrupted hedonistic Elves became the exiled Dark Elves.

DWARVES– An innovative race of smiths, soldiers, and miners. They are stout and strong, well-muscled. They are the shields of the great mountains across the world. However, they are the very iron wall protecting the mortal world from the masses of Daemons imprisoned in their dungeons on the very north of the planet. They are very much technologically superior to the Humans, as well, and are more united than the fractured Humans.

DISEASED– Any race from the planet corrupted by the disease or under the allegiance of Akhgl the Plaguemaster. Using his plague, he infects his subjects and kills those who are insubordinate, and makes the loyal ones immortal, feeling ecstatic with the pain of their disease. They are nigh unstoppable, and despite their appearance of being mindless, underestimate not their intelligence.

AVIANS– Half-bird half-Human hybrids. They are very much capable of flight, with bird heads and claws for feet. They are gracious in movement, and very fast, making planes unnecessary for them. They are very free-spirited individuals, but they choose to spend their freedom on excesses and pleasure; in other words, they are very lustful. It was for this reason that they were ordered to be placed in extermination camps to be dealt with.

DAEMONICS– Any type of Daemon under the command of the Tetrarchs, given by the Daemon Duke, Proditor. They are similar to Daemons, but much weaker and oriented specifically with their god. (i.e. the Daemon of Akhgl)

DAEMONS– Dark entities from Gehenna. They are the warrior-class slaves of the Chthonian Infernals, and betrayed them. They are partially intelligent creatures, just not as intelligent as the Chthonic Infernals or the Ouranios. They are the regular Daemons, the greatest warriors of Proditor.

MAIOREM DAEMONES– Ascended Daemons who are in the highest rings of power. They are not as physically capable as the regular Daemons, but they are more intelligent, and more powerful.

OURANIOS/CHTHONIC– Great beings of light and dark, representing north and south. They are enemies, but they are similar in appearance: they are Human-like, usually winged, but fairer and much more intelligent. Where they differ in is in belief: both advocate order, but the rebellious Chthonic advocate slavery of the Daemons and lesser beings. They are not too technologically advanced, but they can easily adapt.

ORCS– Savage orcs, the only intelligence in the barbaric hordes. They are very strong, some green-skinned, some grey-skinned. They are very muscular and much taller than any Human.

BURNING ONES– Intelligent fire elementals born from the will of Sanzard, the god of fire and destruction.


Spoiler: show
THE TERRAMAR REPUBLIC– A republic in the east, presumably built atop the city built by the Imperator, along a great river on fertile land. It retains many of the Imperator's teachings and philosophy of order and power. It has a great culture, with buildings made of marble, as well as an army made completely out of professionals. They are technologically superior over the other Human nations. The current ruler is Katilus the anarchist.

THE AKHIDD KINGDOM– A kingdom in the badlands ruled by the Imperator's philosophies, but with a slightly different tradition. Like Terramar, they have a professional army, but instead of being a republic of consuls and a senate, it is ruled by a Sultan. The great mathematicians can be found here, along with the great cannons. The current ruler is Sultan Ahmed II.

HET'ANOS– A great empire in the southern subcontinent. They are ancient, and were established by the gods of the Pantheon. They are slave-traders, employing slaves to build their great and massive structures in the sand. They are very much technologically inferior, but their slave trade has kept them rich enough to sustain a stable country. The current king is King Acenath, and he is a conqueror, starting to push against the Akkhid deserts.

KINGDOM OF GALLUM– An old conglomerate of states in the west under the influence of Kyvernitis' church. They are technologically inferior to Terramar, and are quite medieval when compared to other nations, but they are much superior to Het'anos in many ways. The current ruler is Emperor Charles the Strong, the man who united the states in the first place.

TERRAMAR OF THE WEST– A kingdom in the northwest of Terramar, one a province of the Imperium, now an independent kingdom wishing to annex with the republic to finally be one. The difference is, their church is more mystical and mysterious than the republic's. It is ruled by Empirio Tyrwall.

BARBARIC AND NOMADIC TRIBES– These barbaric tribes come from the south and west of Het'anos, the northern forests, and the western forests just north of Gallum. The nomadic tribes, however, live in the centre of the main continent, with some living on the cold deserts north of Terramar.

TYLWYTHEIM– This nation-state is a massive island across a channel by Gallum. The city at the centre is made of crystals, and is surrounded by green, pleasant, rolling hills. It is inhabited by Elves. The current ruler is Tylwth Archimed.

THE DWARFISH KINGDOMS– A conglomerate of all the kingdoms under the command of the Dwarf Emperor. They are miners, soldiers, and inventors, and defend against any sort of Daemon incursion into the world. It is ruled by Arden Ironhammer.

HEDON– A flying kingdom, hovering over the Great Ocean. It is inhabited by the exiled Dark Elves, as well as the Avians. There is no absolute ruler, however.


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[b][size=200][center]GENERAL INFORMATION[/center][/size][/b]

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  • Try to post a minimum of a paragraph per... well, post.
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  • Post at least thrice a week. If you can't do that, tell me, but let's keep this RP active.
  • Since this is literate, I would require proper punctuation, grammar, spelling, and, of course, capitalisation. I can understand if your first language isn't English (mine isn't either), but at least do your best to keep everything literate.
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Well, have fun!

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East Terramar

East Terramar by Caesar_Lanceum

The Republic of Terramar, a great and majestic nation with a dream to become the next global superpower. It's gotten bigger over the past few decades after it swallowed up its rival neighbour.

West Terramar

West Terramar by Caesar_Lanceum

A former state of the Imperium, now separated from East Terramar by the barbaric forests and the cold deserts north of East Terramar.

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East Terramar

East Terramar by Caesar_Lanceum

The Republic of Terramar, a great and majestic nation with a dream to become the next global superpower. It's gotten bigger over the past few decades after it swallowed up its rival neighbour.

West Terramar

West Terramar by Caesar_Lanceum

A former state of the Imperium, now separated from East Terramar by the barbaric forests and the cold deserts north of East Terramar.

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Character Portrait: Ioannes Iaous Bellator


Character Portrait: Ioannes Iaous Bellator
Ioannes Iaous Bellator

"I shall return glory to Terramar–with or without your help!"


Character Portrait: Ioannes Iaous Bellator
Ioannes Iaous Bellator

"I shall return glory to Terramar–with or without your help!"

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Character Portrait: Ioannes Iaous Bellator
Ioannes Iaous Bellator

"I shall return glory to Terramar–with or without your help!"

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East Terramar

East Terramar by Caesar_Lanceum

The Republic of Terramar, a great and majestic nation with a dream to become the next global superpower. It's gotten bigger over the past few decades after it swallowed up its rival neighbour.

West Terramar

West Terramar by Caesar_Lanceum

A former state of the Imperium, now separated from East Terramar by the barbaric forests and the cold deserts north of East Terramar.

West Terramar

A former state of the Imperium, now separated from East Terramar by the barbaric forests and the cold deserts north of East Terramar.

East Terramar

The Republic of Terramar, a great and majestic nation with a dream to become the next global superpower. It's gotten bigger over the past few decades after it swallowed up its rival neighbour.

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