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Intertwined Fates

Intertwined Fates


A private roleplay between me and Amarkov. No one but us two can join, sorry!

1,494 readers have visited Intertwined Fates since Child of the Winged created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


A scientist has to travel to find a cure for a horrid illness and is forced to take someone as a bodyguard, much to his chagrin. He finds one but despises him until he starts opening up and having feelings for him.

His younger sister is just starting to journey, and with their oldest son doing dangerous things, they wish their daughter to stay safe as well. They enlist another parent to send their son with the daughter, only to find out the two hate each other since they were young.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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#, as written by Amarkov
Mar was a little surprised that he'd been right about her writing her own music, though he wasn't sure why this was shocking. For someone who seemed to adore music as much as Sumara did, it wasn't too much of a stretch that she'd have some kind of penchant for creating the stuff herself.

It made him consider what it was he wanted to do with his life, if anything, and what he considered to be his passion. Being a Pokemon trainer was "the thing" to do at their age (or, a little younger, as Sumara and he had gotten a late start on that particular milestone.) He didn't honestly feel he had a natural knack for it, though... not like some people did. He glanced at Sumara, her legs up in the air with her new catch perched happily there, and silently thought to himself that one of those such people was laying there beside him right now. Feeling a bit envious, he vowed to never, ever reveal the fact that he rather admired her natural affinity with Pokemon. He'd never live it down if that happened.

His brooding thoughts were wiped out of his mind as if by dynamite blast at the bit of gymnastics performed by Sumara next. Not realizing he was staring until after she made a comment about the feat, he looked away, glad it was getting dark. He wasn't sure how red his face was, but he was betting it was giving his hair a run for its money.

"You're... ah, flexible," he commented, earning himself a Captain Obvious title. Wanting to make that seem like a smooth transition rather than a random observation, he struggled to make conversation. "So. Music, training for your body-contorting circus act... when do you have time to learn about Pokemon?" It was a weak joke, nowhere near up to his normal teasing standard, but Mar's brain was a bit scrambled.


Brigson's eyebrows rose at the mention of Regirock. He'd assumed the golem was just a myth, right on par with Mewtwo or Santa Claus. The fact that Jace had seen the titan not once, but many times, left him at a loss.

The two lapsed into a silence, no doubt thinking of different things, but at Jace's promise that the one behind the disease would pay, Brigson nodded solemnly.

"I believe you," he said simply, already feeling that this man he'd only known for a few hours could do just about anything with that kind of drive and ambition. He smiled slightly, remembering another person who had refused to give up. No one had ever thought Brigson himself would make it from his life as a juvenile delinquent into any job more respectable than a burger-flipper (if he was lucky.) Now those who actually did know about his past, of which there were few, could barely recognize the tattooed, angry teenager in the quiet, disciplined man they knew today. Simply refusing to give up when something mattered enough was a trait that Brigson figured was probably the most important and admired to him in the world.

Not realizing he'd been staring at Jace for a while, Brigson blinked, pulling himself out of his thoughts and memories, and smiled slightly. "If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. I won't be leaving your side very often, which I realize might be distracting, but if you need errands done I'd be happy to assist."


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Sumara stood and bent her leg towards her head again, to loosen the muscles of course. It wasn't like she enjoyed the cherry red look on Martin's face. "Silly ginger. One does not simply 'learn' about Pokemon. You merely just... Know..." Dropping the first leg and raising the second, she peeked at him from behind her lifted limb. "Honestly, being alone out here as a child helps. I've been around Pokemon more than my parents." She whispered into the clothed leg, wondering why she spilled so much of her life out to a boy she swore hated her with everything he had.

Sighing and dropping the leg, she bent backwards into a one handed handstand. She switched hands before dropping into a roll. She always thought clearer when she was working with her body. Perhaps she had been a bit rash at the time but she didn't know what else to think. She shook her head. When he was asleep, she'd dwell on it more.

"And as for flexibility, brother has me beat." She remarked, tying her hair up into two high pigtails. She faced the other, grinning. "I can teach ya, if you want. Comes in handy in more than one way, little red."

Jace stared at Brigson before his mouth twitched into a smile. His sister said nearly the same thing when the two first met. The siblings were kept apart until Suma could talk, just 2 years old. Her little voice, her chest puffed with pride as she got the words out with no trouble. "I'm Sumara! If you need anything, let me know! I may be a distraction but I'm happy to help!" He gave Brigson a gentle smile.

"Thank you in advance then. Any help is very much appreciated." He looked back over the water and thought to the three words the larger male had said earlier. No one had believed him, minus Suma. He felt that warm feeling creep across his chest again and quickly beat it back down. He could not get attached to having the male around. He was going to leave once the mission was solved and they'd part ways. Gaining... Emotions towards another human being caused pain and heartache anyways. Pokemon were much simpler to understand.

The sun set slowly and he stretched his arms above his head. "Do you know where to hold is? I wish to rest a bit." He leaned back, the joints popping after what little movement they had made. The world was upside down and he merely flipped the rest of the way, landing in a handstand before he stood again. He looked at Brigson with a raised eyebrow.


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#, as written by Amarkov
Mar alternated between watching Sumara stretch and trying to look like he wasn't watching her stretch. What was happening to him? Some kind of deeply critical short-circuit was happening in his brain. Perhaps it was just the close scrape they'd had earlier with those men in the woods. He needed sleep.

He snorted at her offer, trying to catch his stride again. "I'd like to see that," he commented. "Many awesome things I may be, but a gymnast is not one. Unless by 'gym' you mean future Gym Leader." He raised his eyebrows at her and smirked. "Though, I don't know about you, but I'm tired." Mar rolled over so his back was facing Sumara, then let out a slow breath. "Night."


Brigson tilted his head to the side and lifted his eyebrows, impressed with the display. He himself was light enough on his feet for being a tall guy, but there were certain things he just could not do. Fancy flipping like that was definitely one of them.

Contemplating this man’s physical capabilities, he almost missed the question. “Ah, yes. This way." He stood up and nodded to Jace, leading the way down some narrow, cramped stairs into the rows of rooms inside the lower part of the ship. The stairwell was so small Brigson had to turn his broad shoulders sideways to get through, and frowned. On a ship this size it made no sense to skimp on the walkways.

Sanders had apparently crept into the living quarters hallway sometimes while Brigson and Jace had been talking up top, for he intercepted them before they'd gone too far. "Oh, going to turn in for the night? Just to let you know, you two will be sharing quarters. Tons of our rooms are mid-renovation. Figured you wouldn't mind."

Brigson stared at Sanders, nowhere sure why in the world he wouldn't have mentioned this earlier. Annoyed but not willing to make a fuss about something that couldn't be helped now, Brigson just shoved past him to a random room that didn't have a "KEEP OUT" sign on it. He pushed the door open and glanced around the place, spotting that it at least had two beds, thank goodness. This didn't need to get even more awkward.

((Have an idea for something in the middle of the night for Sumara and Mar, so don't fastforward to the morning just yet ^^))


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Sumara giggled and slid herself under part of her sleeping bag. She knew that Martin had been sneaking peeks at her and honestly, didn't mind. She patted the spot beside her and Lorcan quietly bounded over and curled up on the side away from Martin. He snuffled her leg before he too fell asleep. Warden was already out, perched on top of her bag.

She turned away from Martin and curled up around Lorcan. "Hm..." She whispered into the static charged fur of her partner. The little body moved up and down with the deep breathing that came with sleep. She slowly lulled herself into a half sleep.

Jace looked into the room and felt his face heat up. He coughed before it got red however and entered the room behind Brigson. Sitting on one of the beds, he began his nightly stretches. He laid on his stomach and brought one leg up towards his head before he let that one relax and did the same with the other.

He stretched his head backwards, rolling his back. He let out a near silent mewl as his back pulled at an old scar. It didn't hurt, it was just a new feeling. He relaxed his body and sighed. His bones ached with a satisfied burn, one he hadn't felt since he was back in training.

((Bleh, crap post, too tired to type more than this, sorry.... Anyways, it away my friend! The plot is yours to control as well! Plus, I wanna see what you have planned. It's gonna be good, I can just tell...))


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#, as written by Amarkov
Mar's dreams were full of Pokemon that were hiding muffins from him and constantly running down the "up" escalator for the most part. He wasn't sure when the dreamscape and theme changed, but when it did it was with the sudden severity of a swinging guillotine.

He didn't know how he knew, but Sumara was in danger. He'd been walking with her, trading quips like normal--soulless ginger! and vertically-challenged freakazoid! flowing between them like any other day. Then Sumara didn't respond to his insistence that she had more caffeine than blood, and when he turned to see why, she was gone.

Seconds stretched into minutes and minutes stretched into hours as his brain slowly tried to comprehend that she was gone, that this was bad, and it was bad because of the men they had encountered earlier in the night. Then all at once time sped up and with it the frantic pace of his heart.

"Sumara!" he called, frowning. "Not funny, some dudes were just talking about kidnapping you earlier! Come out!" When she didn't his chest filled with ice and it felt like he breathed it out through his lungs. His mind took over there and that exhale brought on winter, harsh, cold, and punishing. The trees turned to frost and a sleeting, pounding downpour ghosted over the land. The approaching storm sounded like raven wings on glass.

"Sumara! Suma!" he shouted, using her nickname like he had only done in the very earliest part of their childhood. "Where are you?!"

He ran through the cold and the wind, shouting until his voice gave out, then still going through the motions, his words lost in the maelstrom. When he sat bolt upright in the waking world, her name was torn from his throat so loud it frightened himself. Still working with the momentum he had he reached over blindly to her in the dark, his hands finding her form and yanking her upright so he could confirm with his eyes that she was real, unharmed, and here.


Brigson was going to say something about heading up to talk to Sanders before turning in for the night, but Jace proved to be entirely distracting. The other man was doing something quite common and simple, just stretching sore muscles. Something about the way he looked, though, the angle of his body and the quiet sounds he made, stopped Brigson dead. He swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry, and all at once it hit him. He swore colorfully in his mind.

This was extremely inopportune and completely counterproductive. It was no shocker to Brigson that he found other men attractive; he'd known that about himself since he was a teenager. What was a shocker to him was that he was blurring the line here between his personal and professional lives.

It was fine and dandy to bond with Jace for the duration of their time together, at least to a degree. Being friendly would make their jobs much easier. But it could not, and would not, go anywhere past that.

"Be back," Brigson said with utmost brevity, closing the door behind him and shoving thoughts of the other man firmly aside.


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Sumara herself was laying in a dream, the horrid part already over. She had been talking to her brother and Martin when she suddenly began to be pulled away, the phantom hands grabbing and tearing at her hair and clothes. She thrashed against their hold, trying to reach out to the others. She managed to free one arm before the dream gave one harsh tug and yanked her into a small room.

She curled into herself, her breath ragged. It was a familiar feeling, the choking darkness, the limited movement. She often had this dream. She sobbed quietly into her arms. "Mar..? Brother..?" She whimpered pitifully, hoping that the nightmare would take a sweeter turn. Instead, the whispers kicked up, telling her things she knew were false. But they still stung, her pride and self-conscious taking the brunt of the torture.

She was violently pulled back to real life by a panicked Martin, who had grabbed her. She looked up at him, her own eyes watery. It seemed that the harmless encounter with the two men was more harmful than they knew. She slid her own sleeping bag closer, filling the gap between them with ease. Her face pink, she tugged them both down onto the larger bed space, her face buried into his shoulder.

"J-just for tonight... I think we need this anyways..." She murmured, peeking at him.Without confirmation, she snuggled him. Her mind taunted her with the thought that this could've been them if she wasn't such a moron. To block those thoughts, she inhaled a smell that was just Martin. One that lulled her to sleep and soothed her mental scars.

Jace looked at the door and blinked. Brigson had left quite quickly. Curling onto his side, he fumbled with his Pokeball, releasing Styx. The Psychic Pokemon looked around the room. Sitting up agaisnt the headboard, he smiled at his ward. "Well, seeing as we're alone, we might as well train your psychic abilities." The Pokemon nodded and sat in front of him. "Alright, so focus on your inner self for now. But listen to my voice." He started, his voice gentle and soft. The Abra began to glow softly.

"Very good. Now imagine floating. Just lifting off the bed, not too high, not too low." The little humanoid lifted, a bit wobbly but he was off the bed. "Nice job, Styx." He praised, watching the aura shift from green to a soft yellow. He opened his notebook and jotted that down as they continued training. The only noise was the scratching of pen against paper and the hum of an aura.


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#, as written by Amarkov
Mar's heart refused to slow down as his dream-blurred eyes slowly comprehended that Sumara was not gone, but was real, solid, warm and alive in his arms. It seemed as if they'd been having a rough night together, and the unshed tears in her eyes seemed to cause him a tangible, physical pain. As she moved closer his pulse, only just starting to return to normal, kicked up again for a different reason. The feeling only lasted for a moment, however, soon overshadowed with a twist of relief that she would be close at hand for the rest of the night. He settled down beside her, arms wrapping around her automatically, and forgot to be awkward or uncomfortable in this situation. Instead he just closed his eyes, his brows furrowing, and allowed her proximity to loosen the knots of tension in his back.

"Night," was all he muttered to her as he lay there, sleep taking a long time to find him but eventually settling down over him, too.


Brigson dealt with his business upstairs, taking much longer than was strictly necessary. Even when he'd grilled Sanders on all he could think of he struggled to find something else to do up top. The other man seemed to understand he was stalling returning to Jace's room, and for once didn't tease him about it. Instead Brigson helped with some manual labor around the ship, but soon he could not avoid heading back down to the room. It was irresponsible to become fatigued or sleep deprived while responsible for protecting someone, at any rate.

Brigson slipped quietly into the room and closed the door behind him silently. For someone his height he was actually remarkably good at sneaking around, and had been known to appear suddenly behind people, scaring them half to death. He got the feeling it would be harder to do such things to this charge, however.

For a time Brigson just watched Jace and Styx. Then he headed over to the pack he'd brought with him, stripped off his shirt, and changed into a white tank top to sleep in. The boots came off next and Brigson glanced down at his bed, contemplating it. It was a little too short for him, a common problem whenever he sailed, so he settled down on it and allowed his feet to hang over the bottom edge.


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Sumara stretched her legs and sighed, her body feeling heavier than usual. She had woken up earlier than Martin and still half-asleep, kissed his cheek, her lips barely brushing against his face. But it was kiss none the less. And thinking about it made her blush and a warm feeling creep through her chest. She huffed and shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Lorcan, who was in her arms, looked up at her, confused.

She looked ahead and noticed Petalburg was close. Nodding, she turned back to the other, who she had passed before. "Hurry up, red! We're soooo close! Come on, come on!" She bounced and hopped, excited to be out of the woods. Plus, Petalburg had a contest, one where she could test her talent as a coordinator. Always nice to have a trial run of everything. She ran even further, coming to the town's edge. She turned and waved at Martin, yelling. "Come on! I wanna get ready for this thing and I know you wanna train more!"

Jace looked up at Brigson right as Styx lifted him off the bed. The Pokemon made great progress with his powers and Jace made many notes on it. He flipped closed the notebook and stretched his arms. Sliding off the bed, he looked at Styx. The Pokemon purred and raised the bedsheet around them, allowing Jace to change into his soft silk shorts that he wore to bed.

Settling himself on the bed, he grinned at Styx, who dropped the sheet on Jace's head. He flailed a bit, startled at the sudden white. Glaring playfully at Styx, he tugged the Pokemon onto the bed with him, smiling as the baby psychic latched onto him like he would with a mother. He purred back at the Pokemon and curled around him.


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#, as written by Amarkov
Mar's eyes fluttered shortly after Sumara started to move to get up, and in a half-awake daze he rolled over onto his stomach in the place where she used to be, arms reaching out in search of the warm body that had once been there. He finally sat up in earnest when she started quickly packing up her things, intent and eager at starting their day. Still fuzzy-headed, Mar was a lot slower at that, but occasionally paused to look up at her as she worked, a brief smile on his face every so often. It felt like things were getting back to normal, which was a relief after the events of the previous day and their midnight scare.

Though, if Mar was honest with himself, and he wasn't sure he was entirely ready to be that honest... he hadn't minded their sleeping arrangement the night before at all. Coughing to himself and standing up at last, he made quick work packing up but still lagged behind a bit. Sumara reminded him of this and he snorted at her, rolling his eyes, but smirking.

"Alright, alright! Jeez... where do you get this much energy without any kind of caffeine?" he wondered, mostly to himself, jogging to keep up with her as they made the last trek to Petalburg at a steady jog.


Brigson watched the man and Pokemon settling in for sleep together out of the corner of his eye, a brief smile quirking up the corner of his mouth at the sight. He felt a little more organized and level-headed now that he had figured out what was bothering him earlier and had told himself firmly to stay professional. Perhaps it wouldn't be easy, but Brigson would do what he always did and put his work first. With that he mumbled a brief, "sleep well," to Jace and let his eyes slide shut while the sea lulled them gently.


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Sumara stuck her tongue out at the boy and ran forward again. "Excuse me for being excited! Jerk!" She huffed and looked at Lorcan, who was walking beside Martin's Bulbasaur. "And you should name him, red! Just Bulbasaur is bland. Though, it fits you." She teased, grinning again.

Entering the town, she spotted a familiar mop of bright green hair walking in front of her. Running over to the person, she gave them a swift kick in the leg, making the person growl and turn. "Mayhem!"

"Gods, Dizcord, that hurt!" The taller female snarled, before she knocked Suma upside the head. The girl grinned and leaned back on her heels

"Hope it did! Anyways, what are you doing here? I thought you were touring in Unova. Ya know, with your band and junk." The other girl shrugged.

"We broke up over a song or something like that. Not my problem. Came here to find you but, as usual, I got lost." The girl opened her shoulder bag and grabbed two Pokeballs from it. "Here, for you. Well, one is, the other is one you can gift or something." Sumara kicked the girl again and took the two balls. "OW! Ugh, I'm out, don't get hurt or somethin'" And like that, Mayhem, interregional superstar was gone.

"Moron... Hey red! You want the other one? I can't take two Pokemon..." She looked over the two, reading the sloppily made labels and tried to understand them.

Jace blinked as his phone rung. He grabbed the offending device and pressed it to his ear. "'ello?" His assistant sounded flustered and worried as he explained that something had happened on the island. He shot up out of the bed and yelled. "What happened, Marcus!?" The male explained that a couple of the sick Pokemon had reached a critical level and the same two from last time had to be put into a coma-like sleep to keep them alive. He sunk to his knees and blinked, trying to wrap his head around what he was told.

"Marcus... I'll have to call you back..." He whispered brokenly before he hit the end call button and looked at his phone. Styx, who was awoke by the yell, crawled over to his trainer and cooed softly, trying to comfort the male. He shook his head, eyes brimming with tears. "No... No..."


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#, as written by Amarkov
Martin was contemplating naming his Bulbasaur or keeping him nickname-less just to spite Sumara when his traveling companion went up and got into a very friendly tussle with the most famous person he'd ever seen up close. Martin hung back, a little starstruck and not wanting to approach the pair, and after the woman had headed off he needed to take a second to comprehend what Sumara had asked him.

"You… what?" he asked, not understanding. "You're giving me one of these?" Even as he said so he held out his hand automatically to accept one of the Pokeballs. A little shocked that she wasn't just keeping both of these for herself, Martin also peered at the writing on the sphere. He thought he recognized the name of the creature within, but just to confirm his suspicions, he hit the button to release it.

The little purple rodent covered in needle-like spines shook itself out and looked up at him, the structure of its face making it look automatically angry. The male Nidoran kicked its legs out behind it as if to charge Martin and made an aggressive sound like "biff!"

"Wow," Martin said, too taken aback at the sudden gift to come up with a sarcastic quip. "Thank you."


Brigson had woken up with the ringing of the phone but remained lying back in bed until Jace shot up out of his. Brigson sat up suddenly as well, facing the other man as he finished up his short conversation.

When Jace sank down to his knees Brigson approached, hesitantly. Styx was cuddling up to Jace as well, but Brigson found a free spot and awkwardly got down on the ground in the limited space between their two beds. Not sure if this would be a welcome display of comfort, he but one of his hands against Jace's back, and rubbed slowly between his shoulder blades.

"Can you tell me what happened?" he asked softly.


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Sumara squealed in delight and released her own, the female Nidoran letting out a soft "kyun~" and bounding over to the male, who she happily headbutted in the side, knocking him over. "Hah... You shouldn't do that..." She crouched down onto her tip toes, tucking her jacket under her legs. The pink Nidoran skipped back over to her new trainer and and rested her front hooves on one of Sumara's knees.

"As cute as you are, you shouldn't hut him. Though, if Mayhem raised you two, I can see why you do that..." She picked up her new Pokemon and looked at Martin. "Ah... W-well, i-it would be u-unfair if I-I took them both! But d-don't think I'm doing t-t-this because we're friends, cause we're not." Yet, the little annoying voice cooed, making her face flame red. She looked off to the side, her mouth twisted into a cute pout. She needed to organize her thoughts soon or else she'd go insane.

Jace sniffed and looked up at the larger male. He slowly curled into Brigson's person, needing to draw comfort from somewhere. When Brigson moved, even a little, he would freeze until he was sure he wasn't being denied. "There was problem at the lab, a machine failure or something, but a couple of the sick Pokemon that we were hooked to them reached a critical level..." His quiet, broken whisper was nearly lost in the other's chest, where he had rested his head.

"Two were sent into a coma by the scientists... One was my partner and my first Pokemon..." Styx whined softly and buried his own head into Jace's chest. He slowly pet his child Pokemon, his hands shaking.


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#, as written by Amarkov
Martin's Nidoran rolled over and scrambled back up, raising its hackles at the female, but a moment later it crouched down in a play stance and barked, wagging its short stubby tail and hindquarters. By this point Sumara had already picked up the other Nidoran, though, so Martin stooped down to pick his up. That resulted in a armful of thrashing, riled-up Nidoran, though, so Martin dropped the Pokemon back to the ground and waved his sore hands in the air.

He grinned at what Sumara said, though. "Of course," he said, but turned away to hide the smirk that bordered more on an actual smile, which was rare for him. He cleared his throat, looking to change the subject, and turned back one he had his composure. "So you... said something about a tournament?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Think you can really handle all the more experienced trainers here?" he asked with a challenging lift of his eyebrow.


Brigson froze up for a second as Jace moved closer, but it didn't take a genius to tell that the other man was distraught. Brigson circled his arms around Jace, providing a steady and strong place for him to lean as he listened to the news.

Brigson let out a soft sigh at that, his brow furrowing. "I'm sorry," he said simply, giving him a small, reassuring squeeze. "Just know that you're on your way, and once you're there no one else will be in a better position to help these Pokemon. It's what you're known for, and for good reason. I've only known you for a day and already I suspect nothing will get in the way of what you really think is important."

It was unusually wordy for Brigson, but in that moment all he wanted was to offer some sort of comfort and morale boost for this hurting person in his arms. Already Jace was a conundrum to him--strong and independent, brilliant and driven, but so at the mercy of how much he cared that it could reduce him to this. It was fascinating, which was another thing Brigson would have to be wary of.


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Sumara huffed and glared at him playfully, though a smile slid onto her lips. "Brat, I can take anyone on, just try me! And it's a Contest not a tournament, though they're similar, in certain ways... Besides I love the beauty and grace of contests... It's not something you can find in a normal battle..." She sighed wistfully, snuggling the curious Nidoran in her arms, who she set down. The female tackled the male to the ground and gave a very Sumara like giggle. Sumara, however caught herself before she started acting too girly and coughed slightly.

"Anyway, I'm gonna train some in the forests on the other side of town, try to power up my Pokemon before I sign up... Wonder if I should sign up as Dizcord..?" She opened the map that she had and zoomed into the town. Her eyes skimmed over the general layout of the town and located the first contest hall. "H-hey... A-are you gonna watch me p-perform on s-stage..?" She muttered, still looking at the map. Her face, which was hidden by her bangs and the map itself, was red and burning. She was sure even the tips of her ears where on fire.

Jace peered up at the surprisingly comforting man, who held him tenderly, so protectively. He'd never been held, not even as a child. He had only held Sumara when she was very young and after she had awoken from a bad dream. He smiled softly and gently tucked his head onto Brigson's shoulder. He enjoyed the warmth that the embrace gave off. More to himself than the other, he murmured, "So this is a hug..."

Sleepy, he began to nod off, his head lolling forward before he blinked himself back awake. Looking back up at the large male, he sighed quietly. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep alone tonight... Sorry in advance..." he whispered, already tucking his legs under himself. Inwardly, he cursed himself at how weak he looked but he had gotten little sleep and he was over stressed. He knew at some point his body would've rebelled, but this was a bit sudden.

Styx looked at the two trainers and he floated back to his Pokeball, somehow returning himself into the device. Jace had already drifted into sleep, a gentle smile on his lips and his hands clutching the tank top that Brigson wore, unwilling to part just yet.


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#, as written by Amarkov
Martin coughed into his hand and shrugged. "Well... I don't have... ah, anything else to do, so, why not?" he said, trying to play it cool. Seeing Sumara nervous was sure a new sensation, but it seemed the pair of them were making each other flustered more often than not. Not sure why she would be nervous about having him watch her perform, he took a jab at a friendly comment. "Not that you need me out there in the crowd to whup everyone's butt. I mean, music's your life and all. Besides Pokemon." He smirked at that and glanced around town. "When and where's this thing taking place, by the way?" he asked, manning up and walking up beside her to look over her shoulder at the map. While they perused the map the Nidorans played around at their feet.


Brigson felt a pang of something like commiseration. Having grown up fending for himself on the streets he was definitely a stranger to displays of physical contact that didn't involve self-defense or apprehending a criminal. He had received his first hug from an over-zealous Sanders after their first successful case, and that had been decidedly uncomfortable for him. This... this was something very different.

Brigson only managed to mutter a, "sure," to Jace before the other man drifted off to sleep. He'd meant to add some sort of joke, perhaps a quip about it coming with the package deal and Brigson's contract, but he couldn't form the words in his head quickly enough. Instead Brigson silently scooped Jace up in his arms and moved them over to one of the small beds, trying to figure out how to do this. Eventually he was able to seat himself on the bed, swing his legs up, and lay back with the other man practically laying on top of him. It was about as flat-out cuddling as two people could get while sharing a space, and Brigson let out a small, soft sigh. This was going to be much, much more difficult than he had previously thought. Hoping Sanders wouldn't burst in on them, Brigson closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

He failed dismally. Letting his eyes slide back open fifteen minutes later, he looked down at the other man and contemplated the sight. Hesitantly, he reached out and brushed some of Jace's black hair away from his face, the motion strangely soothing to him. He continued the motion for a few more moments and didn't even realize when he himself drifted off to sleep as well.


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Sumara pointed to a large building on the map, grinning. "This is the hall and it's in..." She checked her watch, mentally counting hours. "Mm... A little over a day..? Enough time to train if you ask me!" She pointed to a couple other buildings. "Pokemon center, stores... There's even a fortune teller! We need to visit that!" Her Nidoran pawed at her leg and she picked the little bunny-rat up.

"Hm... By the way, I noticed you had a bit of trouble with your Nidoran, Martin... didn't like being picked up... I wonder..." Gently, she handed the red head her own Nidoran, who sniffed Martin's face before making a happy noise and snuggling his arms. "So it's the little male then, not you... Most Pokemon their size love being held, though every one is different... If he hates contact that much..." Her lip twisted into a frown. "I don't wanna believe it though..."

Jace blinked and snuggled the warm moving pillow under his head. He opened one eye and frowned. Pillows don't move unless you use another living thing. He sat up and looked down to see Brigson asleep under him. Blinking, he closely examined the other male, his fingers ghosting over exposed skin, gently tracing scars. He couldn't help himself, the man was too attractive in his mind. Maybe not to others but he secretly enjoyed the fact that Brigson could easily carry him in one hand and was older than himself. It made him seem like he was the Provided, not the Provider, which was his usual job. He laughed out loud at the thought.

Brigson was only there to protect him, not to become his lover. If his mother and boss wanted to find him someone like that. he wouldn't put it past them to pair him with a well bred girl. He snorted into his hand at the thought. Calming down, he laid both of his hands onto Brigson's chest and laid back down on them "Ah, 'tis a shame this will only be professional, business-friendly at the most. I'd love waking up to this." He muttered softly, almost forgetting that the other could be awake.

Getting up, he changed quickly, donned his lab coat and slipped his bag onto his head. He could hear the Pelipper outside. Squinting against the sunlight, he smiled as he could see the brown and green island against the blue ocean. He looked down at the water and noticed all the Kabutos swimming about. Releasing Snipe, his Kabutops, he watched as the elder Pokemon led the younger ones in a frenzied dance. He laughed quietly as the others were passed up by the runt in their "school", who kept up nicely with Snipe.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Braedon Brigson
Character Portrait: Martin (Mar) Appleby
Character Portrait: Jace Zabat
Character Portrait: Sumara Zabat


Character Portrait: Sumara Zabat
Sumara Zabat

"Me!? With that... Thing!? NO! Arceus no!"

Character Portrait: Jace Zabat
Jace Zabat

"Grr! I don't NEED your help and I don't WANT your fricking help!"

Character Portrait: Martin (Mar) Appleby
Martin (Mar) Appleby

A snarky, proud young trainer with seemingly no brain-to-mouth filter and endless amusement at others' frustration.

Character Portrait: Braedon Brigson
Braedon Brigson

A former member of the Saffron Police Department turned impromptu bodyguard. A man of few words.


Character Portrait: Sumara Zabat
Sumara Zabat

"Me!? With that... Thing!? NO! Arceus no!"

Character Portrait: Martin (Mar) Appleby
Martin (Mar) Appleby

A snarky, proud young trainer with seemingly no brain-to-mouth filter and endless amusement at others' frustration.

Character Portrait: Braedon Brigson
Braedon Brigson

A former member of the Saffron Police Department turned impromptu bodyguard. A man of few words.

Character Portrait: Jace Zabat
Jace Zabat

"Grr! I don't NEED your help and I don't WANT your fricking help!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Braedon Brigson
Braedon Brigson

A former member of the Saffron Police Department turned impromptu bodyguard. A man of few words.

Character Portrait: Martin (Mar) Appleby
Martin (Mar) Appleby

A snarky, proud young trainer with seemingly no brain-to-mouth filter and endless amusement at others' frustration.

Character Portrait: Sumara Zabat
Sumara Zabat

"Me!? With that... Thing!? NO! Arceus no!"

Character Portrait: Jace Zabat
Jace Zabat

"Grr! I don't NEED your help and I don't WANT your fricking help!"

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