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Into the Wild

Into the Wild


Private roleplay between shatari19 & divinedarkness

2,092 readers have visited Into the Wild since shatari19 created it.


Apple Blossom Farm


In the back hills of Montana, a quite large horse farm was located. It was rather secluded and the owners liked it that way. There was the farmhouse right in the center of the property. The barn was located off to the side which made room for all of the rings and meadows that were needed for the horses. At the back of the property was the large apple orchard where all of the farm's apples were grown. It was a very beautiful place but it had not always been there. Rick Spicer and his wife Mary moved to the states from England right after they were married. Though they did not have much, they got by. However, it did not take them long to begin gaining money.

After a few years had passed, Mary and her husband began breeding and training horses for show. It was then that they decided that they needed a larger place. They bought the property that would soon be known as Apple Blossom Farm. They fixed it up and built only the nicest of things. Even their amenities that were installed for the horses were top notch. As their names became more well known in the horse world, the two decided that it was time to try for a family. It did not take long for Mary to find out that she was with child..a boy. They were so very happy.

{Present Day}

Apple Blossom Farm is a very well known farm that produces winners. They specialize in Friesians and Gypsy Vanners that are good for dressage, driving, and trail riding. The farm now houses many borders as well as the Spicers' own horses. There is always something going on at the farm. It is currently summer time at the farm. The Spicers' son is now eighteen and is almost always at the farm. He also shows his families horses quite often. There is a new border at the farm. A young woman between the age of 18 and 20. The young Spicer has never dated anyone at the farm. His parents have always been very strict about this. However, what if the new girl was to catch his eye? Could she convince him that they are worth it? Could they handle competing against one another? Only time will tell.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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"You think so? And here I was half expecting you to tell me how terrible it was." he asked with a joking undertow and she could tell he was nervous, making her smirk. She just nodded taking a drink of keeping her eyes on him over the rim of her glass. "So, where's your boyfriend?" he asked and she suddenly remembered she was there with Danny.

She watched as his phone lit up and she rolled her eyes, Hanna was worse than Danny in a way. Sure Danny hit her around and cheated, but at least he didn’t bug the shit out of her. Hanna on the other hand just couldn’t let thing go, she knew that by going to school with her.

“Probably fucking some girl in the bathroom.” She shrugged like it was no big deal, because to her it wasn’t. If she was being completely honest she was just as unfaithful as Danny only she was more secretive about it.

It fell silent between them and Eve let her eyes wonder to the stage where the other band was playing. She knew them, they were actually really good friends with Danny’s band. Of course they weren’t nearly as popular as Danny or Alec’s band but they were still really good.

"I couldn't help but notice that you weren't at the farm most of the week." His voice brought her eyes back to his and she merely shrugged as a response to why she hadn’t been at the ranch. Her mother had her summer all planned out. She was only allowed to go to the ranch once a week for lessons. She had a feeling that was the real reason her mother had moved the horses, because if she hadn’t Eve would never come out of the barn and her mother couldn’t force her into other things.

"Hannah didn't want me coming down here tonight, you know. She wouldn't give me a reason…just said that she'd be pissed if I did.” she knit her brows confused. "I can't say that I regret it, though. I've been doing this since before I got with her and I'm not about to stop now just because she's being crazy."

“Fuck Her.” Vanna said simply. “She’s just pissed off because your talented and girls want you.” She smirk “You can’t help it.” She winked. “She just doesn’t want to lose you.”

Eve knew that Hanna was insecure and the only reason she’d been acting the way she was lately is because she probably felt like she was going to lose Alec. It was the same way Danny acted whenever he felt like he was losing Eve. She let it fall silent between them for a moment, glancing back up to the band and then back to Alec with a smirk.

“You wanna dance?” she asked, though like always she didn’t wait for his answer she simply stood up as if he’d already said yes.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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“Fuck Her. She’s just pissed off because your talented and girls want you.” Eve smirked, “You can’t help it.” She winked. “She just doesn’t want to lose you.” Alec smiled at the young woman that was near him. "Maybe. It's just annoying as hell." Silence engulfed them for a moment and Alec eyed Eve. She looked up to the band and then back to him, smirking. “You wanna dance?” However, Eve was already standing as if he'd agreed to dance with her. Alec merely shook his head at Eve before slowly following her lead. He got up out of the booth, not even glancing at the bar to where his friends were now heading back over. The look Nick had on his face would have been priceless if he'd seen it.

Alec gently took hold of one of Eve's hands, gently leading her out into the throng of people that were dancing wildly to the song that had just started. Alec turned around once he'd lead them to a spot that was open for the time being. His blue eyes were glued to Eve, taking in everything about her. "I hope that you can keep up." he said, smirking at the young woman before him. Alec was quite good at dancing, having taken lessons when he'd been younger. He'd also learned from spending so much time at parties and the bar.

He gently pulled Eve closer to his body, though left some space in between them. He then allowed himself to get lost to the music, allowing his body to react as it wished. Alec was actually rather glad that Eve had wanted to dance. It was just what he needed in order to forget. Although he'd been up on stage, dancing for three hours, he was actually dancing with Eve..with more energy than he'd had earlier. He wasn't quite sure what it was about her..but he just felt alive when he was with her. It was something completely new for him.

As they danced together, Alec suddenly felt the urge to have her even closer. His slim hands found her waist and pulled her even closer. This time, he kept his hands on her hips, preventing her from getting away from him. He had a serious look about his face though he was happy and having fun with her. If he thought about it, Alec couldn't remember the last time he'd had this much fun. He would have to find some way to thank her later. It was almost as if Eve had known that he'd needed this. As he was there, dancing with Eve, Alec realized that he..wanted her. It was a feeling that he quickly began trying to push down or out of his mind. It had been some time since he and Hannah had slept together and he was suddenly feeling it. He tried to think about something else..anything else. "You're good." he said suddenly to Eve. He could only imagine how obvious it was that something was bothering him. "Have you taken lessons?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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She let Alec led her out to the dance floor and let out a small scoff when he said he hoped she could keep up, because the truth of it was, guys normally couldn’t keep up with her, aside from Jay J. She was usually the one having to teach the guys how to dance or getting extremely bored, very quickly.

Alec’s hands on her felt amazing and she knew it wasn’t the alcohol in her, because it took more than just a few drinks to get her drunk and she’d only smoked a few joints, so everything that she felt when his skin touched hers was because of him and a part of her hated it, because she couldn’t be with him. She’d end up hurting him, that was just what she did and of all people he didn’t deserve her head games.

After a while Alec’s hips found her hips and he pulled her closer, holding her there and she didn’t try and pull away, she was to lost in the music and the drug like way his hands felt against her skin to even want to pull away. He kept up with her, better than anyone she’d ever danced with and that was a huge plus. A mix of the alcohol, the music, and his touch made her want him so bad it physically hurt, but Eve knew better and she was trying to protect him, for herself. She’d only pull him down into her dark world.

"You're good. Have you taken lessons?" his voice brought her from her neurotic state of mind and forced her to focus on him. She smirked, nodding to answer his question.

“Your pretty damn good yourself.” She said wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself close to him, closing the remaining space. She was having a hard time fighting the fact that she wanted to kiss him again because that was all she wanted to do at this point as she held his eyes with her dark blue ones.

The song changed, but Eveanna’s eye’s never left his even as everyone started to dance around them. She didn’t know what it was about him that gave

“Evie!” the voice forced her eyes to move from Alec’s to Danny’s who was now standing at her side. She rolled her eyes, before she glanced to the person standing next to him.

“Shit.” She whispered immediately, dropping her hands from around Alec’s neck. Hanna was standing next to Danny looking furious which meant Hanna had come here looking for Alec and found a Eve-less Danny and her suspicions that Eve was with Alec had just been proven right.

Before Eve had a chance to say anything sarcastic and piss off either Danny or Hanna, Danny grabbed her roughly pulling her close and she rolled her eyes irritated, but she didn’t fight back, because she’d rather deal with Danny’s violent aggression, then Hanna’s school girl revenge. But to her surprise, Danny didn’t start yelling at her instead her placed his hands on her hips, tightly causing her to wince as he forced her to start dancing with her like there was nothing wrong and so she silently agreed as she moved her body to the beat following his lead.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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As they continued dancing, Eve replied to his earlier statement. “Your pretty damn good yourself.” Alec felt her soft arms going around his neck, pulling their bodies even closer together. It was all that he could do not to kiss her then and there. It was a odd feeling for Alec. He'd never cheated on Hanna..never even had the thought to. Now, though, all he wanted was to forget about the girl that he had been dating for so long and to concentrate on the young woman that currently was so intently focused on him. As they danced and stared into each others eyes, Alec couldn't help but feel better than he had earlier. It was almost as if Eve had known exactly what to do to help him forget the things that had been troubling him.

Suddenly, Alec was brought out of thought as someone yelled at Eve. Alec looked to see who had yelled when Eve looked and saw not only her boyfriend..but his girlfriend. When Eve realized that Hanna was there, she cursed and immediately dropped her hands from around his neck. As Alec looked at his girlfriend he could easily see just how angry she was. He should have known that by not answering any of her texts that she would come down to the bar looking for him. Alec watched as Eve and her boyfriend began dancing.

Hanna approached him, stopping very close to him. She looked into his eyes..almost as if she was searching for something. "You fucking asshole." she said, trying to speak over the loud music. "Is this why you couldn't answer any of my texts? Because you were too busy grinding all over that fucking slut?" It was then that she shoved him..and he allowed it. He had about a thousand different things going through his mind. Alec was forced back a few steps, nearly bumping into a couple of people that were dancing behind him. He turned his eyes to Hanna, looking at her as if he couldn't believe that she'd just done that.

Alec could merely listen..looking more and more brokenhearted as Hanna continued to yell terrible things at him. He did love her but..she was driving him away. He hated being treated like shit..and lately..that was all that he felt like. He could understand that she felt as if she was going to lose him..but it would be her own fault. As Hanna stood there, yelling and pointing..Alec realized that he'd had enough. He was at his breaking point.

Nick and the rest of his band had seen the commotion and had made their way to their friend. Nick stood close to Alec now, trying to figure out what was going on. He'd seen that look in Alec's eyes before. "You know what, Hanna..fuck you. I'm done with this." he said, motioning between them. He then proceeded to grab Nick, pulling him into a deep kiss. The color in Hanna's face seemed to drain as both men continued to kiss. She realized that Alec was trying to break up with her..NO ONE broke up with her.

Alec released his friend and walked away from the crowd. He needed some fresh air. He exited the building and made his way to his car. He leaned against the vehicle and as he stood there, he removed all of the small gems that he'd fixed around his eyes earlier that night. Once he'd done that he tried to calm himself. He was upset and angry, both at the same time. He only wanted to go home and go to bed. He wanted to be angry with Eve..but..really she'd done nothing. It had all been him that night.

He suddenly thought back to when he'd kissed Nick. The place had almost seemed to go quiet. He'd never come out to anyone besides his family, his band, and Eve. They lived in a very small town and it would only be a matter of time until everyone knew. That didn't bother him. What did..was the fact that his father would hear it..and most likely lay into him for flaunting himself about the town. Slowly, Alec placed his hands in his hair and slid down to the ground. He gently placed his head on his knees, trying to hold back the tears that were now threatening to fall. It was almost as if everything was collapsing around him and he didn't know what to do. Slowly, Alec removed his hands from his hair, then circling his knees. He couldn't seem to calm down. His breathing had gotten heavier and honestly he felt like he wasn't getting enough air. He was nearly certain that he was starting to get a panic attack. He closed his eyes, attempting to regulate his breathing.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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Eveanna watched the whole entire thing happen, she could hear anything over the music but she’d seen it all, from Alec yelling at Hanna to him kissing Nick and she sighed. She somehow managed to ruin everything she touched even when she wasn’t trying to she still managed to rip Hanna and Alec apart and drive Alec to the point where he’d just come out in front of everyone.

She tried pulling away from Danny but his grip tighten causing her to wince, the band finished and a normal DJ took the stage. Eve watched Alec until he disappeared outside and she couldn’t help but blame herself for what had just happened. She should have just ignored Alec, the way she ignored everyone else and he’d still be blissfully ignorant with Hanna. Eve could literally have any guy she wanted, she didn’t deserve that kind of power because she took advantage of it.

The DJ started playing a song. Eve was pulled from her thoughts when Danny grabbed her wrist roughly pulling her towards the exit roughly, but she didn’t fight him, she just followed until they were outside the club and he finally released her.

“What the fuck is wrong with you Evie?” he spat harshly and she sighed running her fingers through her hair. “You can’t just fuck up everyone else’s lives because your so damn unhappy!” she closed her eyes, biting her lips, she hated the fact that Danny was lecturing her, despite the fact he was no better.

“Yeah because you’re so perfect. You’re just jealous of him because you might actually have competition!” she said raising her voice.

He scoffed rolling his eyes. “Oh please.” He smirked “You really think that fag wants you. He’s too gay for his own good. He doesn’t want you and neither does your family. That’s why you keep coming back to me…because you know I’m the only one who gives a shit.” He hated the fact that he was right and she didn’t want to hear it.

She stepped forward shoving him as hard as she could “Fuck off Danny!” she yelled fighting back tears, she couldn’t remember the last time she cried. She started off towards the road passing a few cars.

“Yeah, whatever Eve, you’ll be back.” he called after her before disappearing back inside.

She cursed herself for letting him see her so weak and strung out. He knew his words had gotten to her and he’d use that against her later. She paused closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarette’s lighting one and taking a long drag off of it, before finally opening her eyes and turning her head to the side to see Alec sitting on the ground lend against the car, sighing knowing he’d probably heard everything Danny had just said.

“You didn’t by chance hear any of that did you?” she asked hoping by the off chance he hadn’t.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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After a few long moments, Alec was able to calm himself down. He gently sat up straight once again, still against his car. For how long he sat there, he did not know. He stared off into the distance, trying to will himself to get go home. It was a matter of time before he'd get a call from his mother asking him to come home because they needed to talk. Suddenly, Alec was forced out of his thoughts as he heard Eve's raised voice. “Yeah because you’re so perfect. You’re just jealous of him because you might actually have competition!” Alec remained seated, hoping that he was at least hidden from the couple. He immediately began listening in on their conversation as he thought that perhaps they were arguing about how Eve and he had been dancing so close when Danny and Hanna had found them. But then..why would Eve be telling her boyfriend that he might have competition? Sure, he felt an unnatural pull towards Eve but..did she feel it as well?

Alec's thoughts stopped once again as he heard Danny talking now. “Oh please. You really think that fag wants you. He’s too gay for his own good. He doesn’t want you and neither does your family. That’s why you keep coming back to me…because you know I’m the only one who gives a shit.” So they were definitely talking about him. Danny's words did not bother him too terribly bad. He honestly didn't care what the other man thought of him. The cutting words that the man said to Eve did bother him though. Who was he to say such things to Eve? He doubted that Danny could say that his family wanted him..that he was loved by any.

He could hear their argument coming to a close but he remained where he was only now he was staring at his knees. He heard someone coming his way but still he did not move. The person stopped and then shortly began smoking. It was then that he heard Eve sigh. “You didn’t by chance hear any of that did you?”

Though he did not reply at first, Alec wondered briefly if he should lie. She didn't need to know that he'd heard the entire conversation. No..he couldn't lie to her. He stood from his spot on the ground and then slowly moved to lean against his car..though he was a bit closer to Eve now. He then turned his gaze to the young woman that was near him. "I did.." he said, the sad look still about his face. He looked away from her, looking out across the parking lot once again. "It was sorta hard not to." He fell silent, merely happy for the moment to just have someone close.

As they stood there together, Alec realized that he wasn't sure exactly what else to say. It was..almost awkward, standing there with her. As he thought about what had been said..once again, he could only imagine how the words that the other man had said to Eve had hurt her. "You shouldn't listen to him, you know." he said at last, turning his blue eyes over to Eve. "He's wrong. About you..about me. I do care about know. You deserve so much better than him."

Alec felt his phone going doubt either Hanna or his mother. He chose not to check it, instead continuing to focus on Eve. His blue eyes found hers and he held them for a long moment. "You know..I think that Danny doesn't realize what a catch that you are. His loss. You are beautiful and so very talented. He'll just keep you down." He smiled then at Eve, his gaze softening a bit. There was that pull again. How badly he wanted to just simply take her into his arms and kiss her. He held back, however. He though that perhaps this was best considering even if Eve felt the same way about him..his parents would never allow him to actually pursue a relationship with her since she boarded at his family's farm..and he couldn't imagine not listening to his parents.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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"I did.." he said and she hated the look on his face so she let her eyes fall to the ground as she placed the cigarette to her lips and took another long drag. "It was sorta hard not to." he continued and she felt awful, he didn’t deserve the things Danny had just said.

It fell silent for a really long time and she almost wanted to walk away. Because she could say sorry but that wouldn’t fix anything and if she walked away she’d have to leave because she wasn’t going back to Danny, not right now, she couldn’t give him that satisfaction.

"You shouldn't listen to him, you know." His voice brought her from her thoughts and she finally looked up at him and, though she didn’t look him in the eyes as she continued to smoke her cigarette. "He's wrong. About you..about me. I do care about know. You deserve so much better than him." she rolled her eyes at his words, he didn’t know her, how could her care about her. "You know..I think that Danny doesn't realize what a catch that you are. His loss. You are beautiful and so very talented. He'll just keep you down." He smiled and she finally forced herself to hold his eyes.

There was something warm about them, something so honest that it made her like him that much more. Just the way he looked at her made her want to be a better person and that scared her. She’d never been good enough, her whole life she was always trying to prove herself to everyone, that she wasn’t stupid and she was more than just a pretty face, yet with him, she didn’t have to prove anything.

“You don’t even know me.” She whispered as if she didn’t want to believe his words, she couldn’t believe his words. She wasn’t even sure he’d heard what she’d said over the music because her voice was so quite. “You’re wasting your time.” She said louder this time so he could hear her.

It was the honest truth, he was wasting his time caring about her, because eventually she’d hurt him, she’d let him down like she let everyone else down. If he got to close she’d run, because she was scared of letting people in. She was scared of being let down herself, because everyone she’d ever brought into her life aside from her best friends Jay J had always let her down and hurt her.

“Danny’s not wrong. Nobody cares about, that’s the honest truth.” She shrugged like it was no big deal. “You think you care…but I’m only playing you.” She lied, because the truth was, her feelings for him were real and she hated that she was starting to fall for him, but she couldn’t hurt him and so lying was the only way to protect him. “You deserve so much better then Hanna or me or even Nick.” She said holding his eyes and there was a rare truth in her eyes.

For the first time she was being honest with someone. She wasn’t bull shitting him or trying to play him. She was being honest with him, he was way too good for any of them. He’d go all the way to the top and she’d always be the girl that went back to Danny, because she was worthless.

“Your great guy Alec and I’m bad for you.” She sighed running her fingers through her hair, finally looking away and fighting back tears. “You were great tonight, don’t let Hanna ruin that for you.” She finally said.

Without another word she turned and headed towards the road to start walking home. She need something to get her mind off everything and more than anything she wanted to drink until she passed out or lock herself in her room and cry herself to sleep, because she hated who she’d become.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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“You’re wasting your time.” Eve said loud enough for him to be able to hear her. Alec eyed her for a moment as they fell into silence. He could easily see that the young woman near him did not think much of herself. It saddened him as he thought about it. Before he was able to say anything, Eve spot again. “Danny’s not wrong. Nobody cares about, that’s the honest truth. You think you care…but I’m only playing you. You deserve so much better then Hanna or me or even Nick.” As their eyes held each other, Alec could see the truth in her eyes. It threw him off. It was a look that he wasn't used to seeing from her. His eyes softened as he watched her.

“Your great guy Alec and I’m bad for you.” She ran her fingers through her hair and then looked away from him.
“You were great tonight, don’t let Hanna ruin that for you.” And then suddenly, she was walking back towards the road. For a short moment, Alec didn't know what to do. He could either let her go..or follow her. She'd seemed..different than before and he just couldn't place it. It was almost like she was a different person in those few moments. He couldn't understand it. What had made her act like that.

Acting quickly, Alec got into his car and slowly followed Eve. She'd not gotten very far by the time he got close to her. He slowed his car down, putting down the window so that he could talk to her. He slowed his car down to almost a crawl, moving slowly with her as she walked. "Are you seriously planning on walking the entire way back to your house?" he asked, a kind smile on his face. His eyes watched her closely, trying to stay near her. "Why don't you get in and I'll take you? If you don't I'm just going to follow you. It would be alot easier if you just got in."

He finally stopped the car, unlocking the doors. He watched Eve..waiting for her to make her decision. Once she'd decided, he started moving the car once again. He was silent for a short time before he looked to her once again. "Look, I know that it sounds crazy to think that someone could possibly care about you..but I do. It doesn't matter if you feel the same about me. I'm not going anywhere, regardless. Maybe, if you didn't try to keep people at arms' length you'd find that not everyone is the same. It only takes that one person to make all of the past heartaches worth it. It's what prepares us for that one person that will understand us completely."

Alec drove slowly. He didn't expect Eve to speak to him,especially after what he'd said to her. He realized that they'd not known each other for very long but there was just something about her. He didn't want to see her upset or hurt. He wanted to make her smile..even if it was only for a few short moments. He looked at her, trying to convey how much he did care for her. "You still wanting to head home?" he asked, turning his gaze back to the road. He couldn't imagine feeling like there was no one in the world that truly cared for him. He just didn't get it. No matter what Eve said, he wouldn't give up. He was determined to show her that he did care for her..whether she liked it or not.

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Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix


Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix
Eve Delacroix

"Perfection is an Illusion."

Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
Alec Spicer

"I'm me..and you can't change that."


Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
Alec Spicer

"I'm me..and you can't change that."

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix
Eve Delacroix

"Perfection is an Illusion."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
Alec Spicer

"I'm me..and you can't change that."

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix
Eve Delacroix

"Perfection is an Illusion."

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Into the Wild

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