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Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up


What happened? Where am i? Later i would personally call this place Hell... (Full, feel free to look though)

1,085 readers have visited Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up since Cazuki created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


What happened?

This was the only thought inside my head as I awoke. My vision was blurred for a short time and I felt waves of nausea wash over me. I almost gagged but kept it in just barely.

Where am i? What happened?

More thoughts none of which I knew the answer for at that time, I don’t think any of us did back then. I stood and looked around me,

I was in a building it was familiar somehow but for the life of me I could not put my finger on it. That was when I originally saw them.
Just one, running into me and knocking me out of the building, which I had discovered was a sky-scraper. I fell and fell, somewhere between hysteria and calmness, I was going to die, I thought. I didn’t die. I awoke on the ground, having dropped down 10 stories to the floor below, I found I could get up with ease and that my back was not broken.
That was when the curiosity started. I had fallen 10 stories and not been killed, I was probably bleeding internally but I did not choke or feel any pain.

That thing hadn’t killed me, only knocked me away and sent me down a long drop. But maybe if it had killed me then maybe I wouldn’t be like this, maybe I wouldn’t have suffered all of this. Though there is no reason to blame the past… I still want something to blame.
I walked around the streets and saw many buildings, everywhere was desolate and rotting, but there were no bodies and no blood, nothing. I saw signs which gave street names and then a large sign, bent awkwardly to the left saying β€˜Welcome to Chicago’. This raised my curiosity further and I started looking inside buildings, I found the rooms to be in the same condition as the outside of the buildings but noticed something. All the clocks were set at one time.

1PM – December 21st – 2012

When I saw that date I tried to think where I remembered it from, though that was when I found I could remember nothing. The only thoughts that came to my mind were that of a blue sky with white fluffy- what were they called… ah yes – clouds, my name, age and then nothing, blackness. I didn’t think too deeply into it though, that thing I had seen earlier intrigued me and my curiosity was what started me on this adventure, this adventure into hell itself.
This is Life Vs. Death, and my name is Gregorio Smith.

Where are we?
This place is called Earth, but you don’t know that yet. All your memories of your former life save a very isolated few have been erased. At the time we called this place β€˜Chicago’ because that is what we saw on the signs as we either walked into the city or when we woke up.

Where is everybody?
All the Changed remember people inhabiting Chicago, whether through their few memories or by simple logic. Back then there was no-one, only us. Though that was when they arrived…

Changed? They? What are you talking about?
The Changed are us, you and me and the rest of us. We are the only β€˜people’ left in Chicago and as we would later find out the world. β€˜They’ are the only other things that are here anymore.

Ok, so there is no-one alive here anymore except a few of us, I get that. I also get that no-one can remember anything, including me… anything else you wish to tell me?
Yeah, grab a weapon… they are attacking us, though not yet but soon they will. Be ready and be prepared for the unexpected. And don’t die.


Changed 1: TAKEN Gregorio Smith - Cazuki
Changed 2: TAKEN Noriko Abibos - ScarletBullets
Changed 3: TAKEN Tavern Weiss Freemixer25
Changed 4: TAKEN Mark Anderson Firewind
(These are all the roles for now, though I may add if needed, β€˜They’ are NPC’s and controllable except on certain occasions)

Note: If you havn't noticed in the intro or were too lazy to read it all of the characters can't die by regulaur means, things such as wounds, long falls and drowning. They will bleed forever, only get slightly hurt or pass out and awaken somewhere moderatly safe.
The only thing that can kill your char right now are 'They'. This will be changed in chapter 2. This is also not an excuse for a poorly written character.

Character Skelly
Code: Select all

Age: (Somewhere within the 18-24 range)


Appearance: (Can be anime or realistic, anime is preferred though)

Personality: (Can be revealed in the RP but please give at least a sentence or two)


Weapon: (At the start no-one will have weapons, or if they do they are small, knives or other small objects. Bigger weapons such as guns, swords and other items come later when your char awakens and starts moving around. When you get your main weapon don’t make it a powerhouse please and make it believable how you found it, no β€˜oh look a flamethrower is randomly on the floor’ crap. PM me if you are unsure if your weapon is ok or not)

Your memories: (these are the few memories you have, you must have one, though you can have two at maximum, these memories can either be terrible, happy or just random but they must have something to do with your char’s original life)


Toggle Rules

No Mary or Gary Sue bullcrap, your char has faults whether mentally or physically.
No god-modding
No killing each other unless approved by me and both parties involved
Put β€˜They’ in your profile at the bottom so I know you read this.
At least a good well-written paragraph each post, I understand writer’s block but if it becomes really bad and very constant your role may be in jeopardy.
Post once every two days and tell me if you are leaving for a short time, if I get no message and no response from you after I have sent a pm then I will take your role away and either kill your char or open it up to another person.
I reserve the right to change rules if need be and add them as well as take them away.
PM me if you need something clarified or just want to discuss story elements. I know it’s slow right now but it will get better on chapter 2, trust me.
Each char starts at a different area in Chicago, when you are accepted you will be told via Pm where you are on the map. You can meet with the others as soon as possible, about after two posts, or later on, though they all must have met by the time this chapter ends, which I will say when it does.

Regards to:
The series β€˜A.E Chronics’ which this is based off of and is made by WHOOKOS. Here is a link to their site, I do recommend you watch their vids to understand the setting a bit more, the monsters are also similar in both stories but I will describe them in my intro post to make them slightly different.
If the videos do not work for you there you can also check out WOOKOS vids on their, now down, youtube account, though the videos for A.E Chronics are there.
WOOKOS Youtube account

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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I must of ran for half a mile before i heard someone running at me from in front of me. Then I hear it, as loud as day "Humans! A human has finnaly come here!". An An actual voice! An actual human voice! I think as the sounds of his foot steps get closer. I am beyond tired, be it the inhumanly amount of blood I lost or the fact that i have been running since i woke up in this hell.

After about a moment or two i could see him, it was actually a real human and I cheered and yelled as loud as I could. "HEEEEY!" At last another human. I ran towards him, my blade of glass in one hand, my other covered in blood from pressing on my wound but I have figured out that im not going to die anytime soon even if I don't stop bleeding. I stop right in front of him and begin to ask him questions. "Do you know how we got here?" I already knew the answer but it was worth asking anyway. "Are you the one that killed that... thing back there? Is there anybody else with you?" The blood is still dripping from my shoulder. "So this isn't my own personal hell after all. Were you heading for those lights that came from the south?"


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#, as written by Cazuki
Soon i saw the human, it was a man. I gave a slight scowl but this lifted, what did it matter if it was guy or not, what was i expecting? As soon as i got o him he asked questions in a hurry. I caught most of them like how had we got here and about 'It'.
"Calm down, i can't make sense of what you're saying if you go too quickly... no, i don't know how we got here... yes, i am the one that killed 'It' and apart from you there is no-one else".

I looked at the blood dripping from the man's shoulder "You're bleeding really bad... why aren't you dead?" i kind of knew the answer but still i waited for a few seconds before giving up and telling the man what i thought "so you didn't die either?..." i paused and then decided to introduce myself "the name's Gregorio Smith... and you?..." when i heard the comment about a light in the South i tilted my head in an effort to show confusion.

"A light? I didn't see any kind of light and i doubt i ever will here, the sky is blacked out if you haven't noticed already..."
Wait!... was it that light? I thought as i remembered the slight flash before i had passed out. "oh... damn, why do i always have to pass out when some kind of clue comes up?" i paused again, not really searching for an answer as again i had no other memories to base that assumtion off of.

"Well, anyway... i didn't really know where i was going... i was just walking here when i heard you... but if there is something to the South i must be heading the right way"
Or not... but hey what have you got to lose? I thought.


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I nodded to him when he said we should look for anything useful. So as I watched him look though the shelves, I began to think where there would be anything useful in a shop like this. It was small, and it sold mostly food, though there was some odd things as well. They seemed to sell decorative plates, and other fragile things, nothing helpful. I get the idea to go into the back of the store where storage would be. That would be where the most of things would be after all.

"I'm gonna check out the back."

I kept my head up, perfect posture, and walked off into the back, showing no sway, nor any kind of confident body posture. This way, there is no distraction, with Mark worried about me. If he is, I mean, I's still feeling odd ever sense he chuckled at me. It was nice, though, even though I can't remember anything of my past, I never felt that kind of warm, happy, feel, with anyone before. To think I'm stuck with Mark till we die... Well, so far, I'm fine with it. No lines had to be drawn yet, he is a bit squirmy but other than that he seems to be a nice guy. He must know what he is doing if he manege to stay alive.

Once I went though a few boxes, I found some simple things we may need. Three bottles of water, four cans of food, mostly carrots, and who ever owned this shop had a funny collection of tools. One of them, which I found the most useful for Mark, was a one-handed crowbar. So I take the box of food and water, put the crowbar and a wrench I found as well inside it, and brought it out to see if he head any progress.

"I found some things we might need, how about you?"


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I rummaged through a few shelves and noticed the stuff Noriko found. "Well I found at least a few cans of something called 'tomato soup', a couple of random pieces of rubble, and a can opener." I said as I sigh. "It may not be much but at least its something nice." I look at the crowbar and the Wrench.

"We could use these two things to defend ourselves with if they get too close to us. You take whichever one you think is best and I'll take the tool you don't pick." I simply said. I look at the crowbar and wrench waiting for her to pick her melee weapon. I would then go and grab whichever one she picked. I hoped it was the crowbar that I get. It seemed a bit more pointy for some reason in my mind. I felt I always wanted to use something pointy on they to see if they could get back up from that. I smirk at that thought. I snap out of it to watch Miss Noriko choose when I bring up a question. "Do you think we're the only ones left? I mean are we alone?"


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I simply sighed putting the wrench in the back of my pocket and giving him the crowbar. He looked like he could handle it better anyways. I looked around once more wondering where we could store the food we found if we are going to keep on moving. A backpack would be nice, or a bag, but a box, carrying it all day? Goodness that would suck. I phase out of my thoughts by his question. Once again, I put thought into this... I was not sure, but, if we were... Would I be okay with being with Mark forever? I mean, I know it's going to be ten times harder than without him. I don't have have much of a choice unless I want to die faster...

"I'm... No sure... Maybe we are... Maybe we are not... Either way, what if we are? Can you deal with me forever?" I ask him.

I looked at him for an honest answer, not one of my questions where I glare at someone to influence what to say, I didn't know what I wanted from Mark other than a companion, and to live... Though what I wanted from him in general speaking... I had no clue... Though, he had made me feel unconformable once or twice, I'm not sure if I can trust him... Though, I can't just live off doubt... So... I hope he thinks the same way...

"Honestly... I'm fine if were just the last people... You are nice Mark, you seem like a very kind man and well you pretty much saved my life so I might as well just enjoy you while I got you. Though... I mean it... Be honest... Do you think we can do this till we die? Just us, surviving?"


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I listen to her questions whilst trying to find some form of backpack or anything else to carry the food supplies. I smile gently and put my hand on her shoulder. "I've been alone since I woke up Miss Noriko. I can deal with you forever. As for us surviving until we die, who knows? As long as we stick together, it'll be fine." I turn to keep looking for a bag of some form. "Besides I don't think I would make it any farther then where we met if I haven't found you. So I think we can say we work pretty well together."

I turn to show her I'm still smiling. "I know I look like I'm easily scared and afraid of my own shadow at times but I'm glad someone like you is around to tell me how to survive in situations like this. So thank you again for being another survivor and grouping with me." I walk to her and give her a gentle hug. "We'll make it through somehow. You'll see."


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"We'll make it through somehow. You'll see."

The words I heard really got to me. For my one moment of worry and insecurity was built up and fixed thanks to my partner, Mark. I smile happily, then get my words of thank you and... Other more affectionate things to myself... My smile is all I feel should be shown at this point, after all, as much as this happy moment makes me feel on top of clouds, it can shatter at any moment... Time to go back into survival mode. My smile faded, my focus clicked back on and I searched with Mark till we found a backpack, weathered down a bit but still usable. I quickly got are food and water into the bag and but Snow, my Flare gun back in my pocket, the other pocket filled with the last of my flares. Now I but the backpack on me, I gripped the wrench and looked at Mark, nodded to him, for now, there was no more time to talk about 'feelings' for they will only hurt you if you let them free.

I looked outside, nothing but the torn road, and the sunrise, giving us very little light, if any, but is still noticeable that the sky had brightened just a little. It must be like three, four O'clock. Though, I'm not so sure being that every clock I've seen say the same time, day, month, and year. I look back at Mark to see if he is ready to go, feeling a small urge to look after him now.

"You ready?" I say sternly, showing that the conversation is over, and it's time to move.


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I put the crowbar in my pocket. "Ready when you are. " I said. I felt slightly more confident now that we had that initial conversation. I think it made her a bit more comfortable. But I never really knew if I did or not. "Let's get moving." I said very quickly and quietly. I start to follow her wherever she might be taking us. I smile at how she can take charge at times.

"I'll go wherever you say Noriko. Count on it." I think in my head as I follow her.


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"Lets get walking then." I saw to the man before me. "We wouldnt want them to move from their position or we will never find them." I walk past him as i say this. "Please still be near the flare so we can find you. I think to myself.


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#, as written by Cazuki
"Right..." Gregorio said as he started to follow behind the other man, who had still not given his name, probably having ignored his question.
Or does he even remember his name? Gregorio thought to himself. Gregorio had remembered his name as soon as he had woken up but maybe this man and the others, if there were others, had not been so lucky.
"So where did you wake up?... i ended up waking up in a skyscraper not that far from here... also i think you've already noticed that you should be dead by now... call me crazy" Gregorio paused, trying to think of the right words "but i think we can't die by normal means... i mean i fell from the top of a ten stor skyscraper and i didn't even get a broken bone. I'm probably internally bleeding right now but i can't feel pain..."

He paused again and then asked the question which he knew the man probabloy ha no answer to, though he just had to ask, just in-case.
"What the hell are we?"


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"I woke pretty far to the north in a place named... Stewards park? Sewards Park? I cant remember the name, it just seemed to be a minor detail to me." I say to Gregorio. "
Oh by the way my name is Taven Weiss, if only the pleasure of meeting you were under better circumstances. As for not being able to die, i agree. I'm pretty sure this shard of glass cut an artery because when i pulled it out it was a geyser of blood. I was sure i would die within an hour."

"We look like humans, we walk like humans, we talk like humans there for we must be human. As for how we aren't dead.... maybe its this world?" I say looking over my shoulder. "But lets not dwell on that now, we just need to find those other people."


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I nod and leave the shop with Mark close by, looking down the street, left, right, middle, all of that... Wonder where to go, we had no map, just the sights of destroyed buildings, everywhere, it reminds me that we are effected by they no matter where I choose to hide. Now, that I have someone else, it's a game changer. I was only able to take down two, with the help of Snow, my flare gun. To that idea, when I have no more shells, then she is useless, leaving me with the melee weapons. They look like they are nothing but close fighters, being that some had limbs of blade and claws, to be attack by they again, it seemed to be a heart pounding thought that will eventually come true.

I finally made my idea to begin looking for more people, sure using a flare was great to get one person. But for every human there are ten they waiting too. I don't know about you but I like to avoid them if I could. So, we walked out on the road for a good time till another cross road came. The street name said State. So might as well just travel down this road for a little while. Little did I realize my sense of direction would be slowly leading me toward the lake. I look back a Mark once again, to make sure everything was okay. He seemed fine, we had not talked for a little while and things have been dead silent other than are foot steps on gravel. I sigh, looking around at the tall buildings, knowing that we could being watched.

"You still okay?" I ask.


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#, as written by Cazuki
"Right" i said, continuing to walk with, the now newly introduced, Taven. I could see how he didn't want to dwell on it but for me it was a very big mystery and one that i had to solve. It was really the only that stopped me from going insane i mean i had been attacked by whatever 'They' were, fallen out of a building and survived, seen another human but bleeding profusely and still slightly bleeding even now.
For many normal people this would have turned them insane long ago and to some extent i was already as such... but for now my senses all worked towards survival and as long as i had to struggle to survive then i could not think about everything else that, at worst, might send me into running directly into a 'They' with no weapon and the hope to die.
By now the end of the motorway was starting to come into view as it seemed to lead into a shopping distrit.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Noriko Abibos
Character Portrait: Mark Anderson


Character Portrait: Mark Anderson
Mark Anderson

"They are coming....."

Character Portrait: Noriko Abibos
Noriko Abibos

"What a sad existence for us... At least have each other right cutie?"


Character Portrait: Noriko Abibos
Noriko Abibos

"What a sad existence for us... At least have each other right cutie?"

Character Portrait: Mark Anderson
Mark Anderson

"They are coming....."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Noriko Abibos
Noriko Abibos

"What a sad existence for us... At least have each other right cutie?"

Character Portrait: Mark Anderson
Mark Anderson

"They are coming....."

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Most recent OOC posts in Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Ok, guys since we are near the end of this chapter i am going to say how it will end, though your chars can do whatever when it ends. When the chars all meet up there can be an excahnge of infomation and when that is done a large surge of they will come up and surround the changed. This is how the chapter ends, so people can run towards the 'They' to start a fight or stay still.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

I dont know what to post so it will be pretty short.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Hey i'll get my post up tomorrow, sorry i vanished i have been busy.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Not really but you can start chaniging it into day now so like it gets slightly warmer or something.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Ok, so two of the chars have met up, good. We are also doing good for how many posts we have, with 17 including the one i just did. I say we try and breach the 30 mark or maybe 20 before i tell you how we end off and how the next chapter starts.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

oh, oops, my mind always call it the sea. Wait i'll change it. Though my char shall just call it the sea until he knows it's a lake.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Hey Cazuki? The salty smell your char keeps mentioning.... is he referring to Lake Michigan? If so Lake Michigan doesnt have a salty smell because its fresh water. If your talking about something different then ignore me.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Wow. This is the first rp that I have done in first person and I tell ya. I just write and write and write... So I hope were all having fun so far... Um... If you got any suggestions throw them in this little box.


And I'll make sure I get back to you.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

This can be explored by you since i didn't think about it, though i would say it does change from day to night but the sky remains the same. Let's say it's night at the moment, you can describe as cold to say so. Also you can write in whatever person you wish, just be consistent, but first is prefered.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Is it permanent night time like in AE Chronicles or is it day time? Also does it have to be in first person or can i write in the format of third person?

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up


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Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Thanks alot Fire, and thanks to the little birdie too, heh.

Anywho we are now ready to begin, i will make the first post soon and sort out the final details then you guys can post whenever.

Let's make this RP a great one!

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Made a char cause a Little Birdie told me you needed one more person to fill the cast. Hope it's to your liking.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Thanks, and i have now accepted him. Now we only need one more.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Great so Scarlet has aplied and Free is hopefully appling, though i will still have sent a PM to him so he doesn't forget.
So now we need one more person and we can start.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

I would like to join but i have a few questions. by role in the character sheet what do you mean?

::EDIT:: I figured it out no need to reply, i will take any open slot, this sounds really interesting.

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

Ok Scarlet, if you are reading this you have either come back to check or i have sent you a pm confirming your reservation.
Your reserve lasts 2 days and nights and if you have not put your char up by then i will make the spot open again. Spread the word!

Re: [OOC] Life Vs. Death : Chapter 1 : Waking up

I love to reserve a place for changed two please.