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Ludark's forgotten heroes

Ludark's forgotten heroes


When an ancient evil is awakened, who will rise up to stop it? Be warned, it will not be for the feint of heart, or those with a lack of conviction.

660 readers have visited Ludark's forgotten heroes since TakeoKatsumoto created it.


The world of Merth is a great expanse, with two major landmasses, and a few dozen small island sets. Creatures of legend inhabit this world, from Dragons to Goblins and Orcs. The gods play heavily in the realms of man and humanoid, pulling the strings to secretly wage war on each other. No one race holds large sway over any other, for the time of the Great War is drawing close. Good-aligned peoples find themselves pitted against the most unholy of evils, led by the demon-lich Khadim. The undead hordes have ravaged the far western continent, and have set their eyes upon Ludark, to enslave all who live there. Former enemies now find themselves allies, Drow working with High Elves, Orcs with Humans. The tidal wave of bone, blood and evil is about to splash over onto shores as yet untouched. There is a light of hope, a spec of brilliance, from the western lands of Ludark. If they could be reached, contacted, it could be possible to turn the tide, and restore order between good and evil. But is there time?
The lore for Merth is ancient. Sages believe Khadim to be the living revival of a long-lost evil deity, who spread death and famine over all lands. His true nature is a secret, shrouded in mystery and lost to the mists of time. It is well-known he rose on the continent of Orleans, quickly amassing an army of the living dead to strike at the living. With each victory, his armies grew in size and number, and fear spread rapidly throughout Orleans. The undead hordes spread like a plague, infesting nearly every reach of Orleans, save one port city, heavily fortified by Elven Dragoons and Human Knights. Drow Assassins and Wizards provided assistance to the human/elf alliance, allowing as many people as possible to escape to Ludark. With them, they brought tales of evil, death and creatures risen from the grave. Orleans was overrun, the last ship departing from the shores a mere day before the first zombie burst into the city.
The peoples of Ludark were alarmed, but felt the ocean was wide enough to spare them the same fate as Orleans. However, it wasn't long before Khadim began landing raiding parties on Ludark's western reaches. Too late to react, the dead set themselves up a powerful forward base, and began to assault the living races on Ludark. Former enemies became allies overnight, and began to fight back. The battles were long, bloody and vicious. It wasn't long before the peoples of Ludark realized they were in trouble. A child was born, under the Eastern Star, named Benon Ludark. He was destined to become the first Paladin, a holy knight of the god WinRiech. It was he who spoke of a great light in the west, in the heart of evil. He knew not what was there, but knew they had to reach it. The war has been raging for nearly two decades on Ludark, with most of the western and northern lands under the control of the dead. Will the heroes be able to reach the light, and will they overcome tribulation, when all seems lost?

Races Allowed

Human - The most populous people on Ludark. They zeal for learning new trades, and experimenting with forbidden sciences places them in the forefront. Their armies are often massive, with many units that are specialized in certain types of warfare. When the humans go to war, it's a grand spectacle. Humans are capable of every alignment, from Lawful Good to Lawful Evil.

Elves - The High Elves of Ludark are gifted in the arts of magic, sword play and the bow. Their long lives allows them to take great lengths of time to conduct themselves, and hardly carry on with the hustle and bustle of human fare. Their poetry and song are highly refined, and loved by many. While Elves are often aloof, they are dedicated fighters, with iron wills and graceful movements.

Dwarves - The Dwarven clans are stout, rigid fighters. They have a hearty appetite for battle, and equally for strong ales and beers. Dwarves are not quick to jest, and do not make friends easily, but once made, they are staunch companions. A Dwarf's fury in combat is nearly unrivaled by any creature. Their mentality is often swayed by greed however, as they are very fond of coin and gems.

Orcs - Orcs are brutish, barbaric humanoids, that often are marked by their swine-heritage. They are far physically stronger than most races, but their intellect suffers greatly. These creatures are often illiterate, but strangely cunning in battle, choosing to wade right into a fight, and prove themselves the ultimate victor. Crossing an Orc is often a fatal mistake.

Drow - Dark Elves of Ludark. They abhor sunlight and bright lights, preferring the darkness of the underground. They are sworn enemies of the High Elves, but given the dangerous times, they find themselves on common ground with the surface-dwellers. Drow are naturally evil, sinister, and conniving. They are adept magic-users, and stealthy assassins.

Catia - Cat-like humanoids, who vary from very cat like to nearly flawless humans with cat ears and tails. They are extremely graceful, agile and quick. However, they are prone to temptation, and often find themselves stealing shiny objects just because they can. They make poor fighters, but fantastic rogues.

Halflings - Short, humanoid people. They are joyful and pleasant to be around. They join in the fight as scouts, messengers and occasionally as arcane spellcasters. Halflings barely top 3'05" in height, but their personality makes them appear to be well over 6'00" They love song, dance, and jokes. Their uplifting spirits are welcome to any peoples in Ludark.

Lizard-Men - The Lizard people of Ludark are hulking brutes, with a strangely savage intelligence. While they will never win awards as poets, they are even more feared on the battlefield than Orcs. Lizards are physically powerful creatures, and barbaric fighters. They are not above eating their fallen foes, or even fallen allies, if the situation merits.

"The most unlikely of heroes are said to rise when evil is at it's strongest. To those heroes, we salute them, giving our hearts and souls to the cause of all people." ~Benon Ludark, Lord Paladin of the Human People.

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No god-moding please.
Be creative in your character creation!
Please do not alter the storyline without consulting me first.
This is a horror RPG!
Please use the races allowed. If you have a new idea, submit it! Be creative and unique!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Argile was pleased the group seemed to function together, at least in the majority aspect. While there may be personal issues that arise between anyone, considering there were four races present, he truly hoped they would meld together into something formidable. After a short while, he would mention that there were rounds to be made, and the journey itself was still calling. Having Teryvyl accompany him wasn't a bother, and it was interesting to see how curious the elf was over the status of the people. The general consensus was that the people felt safe in Hampton, but they all knew what loomed just over the horizon. Argile's duties seemed largely ceremonial, but at every turn, people waved and spoke to him about seemingly trivial things. How this aged human was able to keep up with so much at once was a wonder unto itself.
Once he had fulfilled his duty to the people, his ultimate goal was the main gate itself. A sense of lingering dread hung over the valley just outside town. Farmers had refused to go out this day, citing a bad feeling, and calling upon local lore and supersticions. Patiently he waited, then saw it down the road. It moved at a very slow pace, with buzzards circling over it slowly. Argile looked to the guardsmen, and nodded for them to ready their spears. Something certainly wasn't right. No advanced rider to bear news. The guard with the caravan seemed to be absent too.

"Steady yourselves, and sound the general alarm. I fear death walks towards us, brooding and certain in it's method."

The guards blared a trumpet, summoning forth archers to man the walls. A dozen soldiers piled out behind Argile. They stood ready, waiting for the wagons. They slowed as the approached the group. The teamsters on the wagons were bloodied, and missing large chunks of their flesh. Carrion seemed to have fed upon the corpses. With a low rumble, the wagon began to rattle, with the sound of bones snapping, and flesh tearing rising up. The archers upon the walls wasted little time in firing their first volley directly into the wagons. The unearthly howl that echoed out would chill even the most hardened soldier's heart, and it caused many of them to back up. Within moments, the first wagon of three blew apart, sending shards of wood and fabric in all directions. Laying on the earth, was a putrid heap of flesh and bone, a creature that even the most stout individual would be revolted by. Bodies had meshed together, flesh upon flesh, bone into bone. It was a blob of the most horrific kind, blood and pus oozing out of all of it's orafices. Even Argile took a few steps backwards at this creature, as it groaned and wailed in deathly tones.


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Ria was sad that they had to leave, she seldom had a chance to read. She put the book in a satchel that she carried with her, not caring if Ludark saw or not. When they reached the gate she was uneasy about the coming caravan. She had spotted the buzzards way before she had noticed the missing crew. When the sound of snapping bones started, she drew her daggers, ready to fight if she needed to. When she saw the thing that came out of the wagon, she stepped back, disgust filling her very soul.


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Shrilara had waited silently at the gate while Argile had done his rounds but as she waited she hadn't been able to shake a cold feeling of dread and when she had sighted the buzzards it grew stronger. Then the thing appeared and she stepped back, drawing her sword in one smooth motion feeling slightly sick but she gritted her teeth, ready to face this evil. Her people may have been seen as dark or even evil but even in necromancy she hadn't seem something so grotesque as this. She kept alert waiting to see what would happen next. Her pose was one similar to a bolt and string of a crossbow being held tightly before being flung into motion. Tense and alert.


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#, as written by Kaysan
The wizened old Argile proved a worthy specimen for Teryvyl to apply social deconstruction in this city. He knew everyone! And beyond that, they came to him with their simplicities and complexities! It wasn't long before the mage had a head full of information and idiosyncrasies to digest. The pleasure it gave him to more fully understand Argile and the society came out as joyous laughs and the clapping of his hands as he had time to think between these chance meetings. After his meeting Shrilara, he decided it would be best to keep those moments tucked away in privacy so as not to offend his new acquaintances.

Approaching the gates, Teryvyl becomes increasingly aware of a looming shadow. He slows his pace to a few feet behind Argile and watches the faces of the troops standing guard, reading the ominous countenance worn by all, burdened with the struggle to summon their courage. It isn't long before the overt mood causes Teryvyl to stop and close his eyes, whispering quietly his prayers, "Jireh of fate and providence, turn this darkness into glory as the morning sun. Give us cause to rejoice. May we be that cause. We shall be that cause, Jireh. We shall be that cause."

Finally, the caravan arrived and along with it the stench of death and foul magic. Some hacking and coughing could be heard from the guardsmen choking from its power. Teryvyl bends his knees into a horse stance and straightens them again, drawing a wide circle with both hands. He draws his left hand towards him with his gloved hand outstretched before him and bringing it back close to his chest he quickly pushes forward again. A warm breeze begins to blow, putting them upwind from the approaching caravans and drying the sweaty hands of the archers and spearmen. "Argile, the Light shall be victorio..." and before his statement was through, the explosion rattles the young elf's resolve. Teryvyl ducks his head and views the mass of corpses with awful disgust, but shakes off his surprise and drops into a fighting stance.

The mage's cloak dims from its' usual white to the bright orange of glowing embers and those standing around him begin to feel an intense heat emanating from him. With two outstretched fingers on his right hand, he taps four points of a square and draws a line from corner to corner summoning five fiery stones that bob and float in front of him. With his sight on an extended appendage, Teryvyl lets fly two of the stones at a comet's pace toward the mound of writhing flesh and bone.


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The mass of flesh and bone would emit howls and moans of torture and death. It would appear the very souls of the lost were still trapped within the creature, trying and yearning to be freed from their torment. Argile could not believe such a creature could get this close to Hampton without being seen or noticed. A powerful magic was at work within that creature.

"Teryvyl, fire magic will only anger it! These creatures are made of the foulest black magics, and thrive on violence! If you know any arts of the white light, use them, they are most effective!"

The soldiers were apparently unwilling to step forth to challenge the thing. When it began to move, loud cracking and slushing of flesh and blood could be heard, the screams of the tormented louder and louder with each movement. Not only was it seeming to cause physical pain, but spiritual pain as well. A few soldiers mustered up courage, and charged the beast, their swords and spears readied for a strike. In one fluid motion, a large section of the beast grew out, smashing down onto a soldier, causing his body to literally explode, showering the immediate surrounding with blood and flesh. The other soldiers quickly retreated, after seeing that one attack.

"Archers fire into it!!" Argile screamed.

Even they too seemed locked with fear at the giant creature before them. Within moments, Argile's staff was raised, and be began to whisper softly, in ancient Draconic. Spellcasters could recognize he was summoning forth a strong magic, as the aura in the air seemed to grow heavy as the power soaked into him and his staff.


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With fell magic such as this it was best to try ranged attacks first so she readied her crossbow not sure how much damage it would do or if the poison she used on the bolts would have any effect but she had to try this before she attempted a head on attack. She aimed and fired at the largest portion of the mass hoping that it would cause some damage. Even before it was barely gone she had another locked and loaded in case she needed it.


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Ria took her fellow rogues cue, and switched from her hand held daggers, to her throwing daggers. She didn't have a lot of them, so she hoped she wouldn't have to use very many. She threw two at a time, aiming at what she thought was the thing's face. She had two more at the ready within seconds, hoping that they were working.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Argile Maraphat Ludark
Character Portrait: Teryvyl Lunarkin
Character Portrait: Shrilara Do'Ana


Character Portrait: Shrilara Do'Ana
Shrilara Do'Ana

Silant stalker deadly and effitient and beautiful.

Character Portrait: Teryvyl Lunarkin
Teryvyl Lunarkin

Unknowingly prepared by High Elven seers, Teryvyl Lunarkin feels his destiny approaching as he hears the rumors of Benon Ludark and his quest against the undead hordes.

Character Portrait: Argile Maraphat Ludark
Argile Maraphat Ludark

Uncle to Benon Ludark, and a revered sage with a storied past. He looks far too old to adventure, but holds the key to the prophecy by Benon.


Character Portrait: Argile Maraphat Ludark
Argile Maraphat Ludark

Uncle to Benon Ludark, and a revered sage with a storied past. He looks far too old to adventure, but holds the key to the prophecy by Benon.

Character Portrait: Shrilara Do'Ana
Shrilara Do'Ana

Silant stalker deadly and effitient and beautiful.

Character Portrait: Teryvyl Lunarkin
Teryvyl Lunarkin

Unknowingly prepared by High Elven seers, Teryvyl Lunarkin feels his destiny approaching as he hears the rumors of Benon Ludark and his quest against the undead hordes.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Teryvyl Lunarkin
Teryvyl Lunarkin

Unknowingly prepared by High Elven seers, Teryvyl Lunarkin feels his destiny approaching as he hears the rumors of Benon Ludark and his quest against the undead hordes.

Character Portrait: Shrilara Do'Ana
Shrilara Do'Ana

Silant stalker deadly and effitient and beautiful.

Character Portrait: Argile Maraphat Ludark
Argile Maraphat Ludark

Uncle to Benon Ludark, and a revered sage with a storied past. He looks far too old to adventure, but holds the key to the prophecy by Benon.

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Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

Hey Takeo where are you? We kind of need the creatures next move before we continue. Plus in the Darkstar chronicles you missed a whole fight.

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

The sooner we get to the adventure the better in my opinion.

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

I'm not sure if I did or not. I'll check later.
Essentially, yes and no Ash. The point is that we were going to get there, but it's actually all right, unless there were things you wanted your characters to do in town.

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

Hey, did you make a "Roleplayers wanted" thread. It really helps to get more players and you can bump it once a month. Because of mine I just got another interested player. I am up to almost eight or so. Not bragging just saying that the forum really helps to bring in players.

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

Oh, well its not a bother(you being gone that is). The player controlling the high elf has pretty much moved the whole story forward to where the caravan comes to the gate, and I was wondering if that counts as godmodding?

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

Sorry I have been away, I had to move over this weekend. I will make a new post tomorrow evening, thanks for everyone's patience.

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

Um isn't the last post godmodding?

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

No prob. We'll see how this runs along here very soon. I have big plans.

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

Thank you for excepting my character <3

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

nope. Oh for my character she is heading to the "headquarters" but I don't know who is in charge and where it is and all that so I kept it vague.

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

I'm hoping for one or two more characters to join up, but if not, we are more than able to run with what we have. That is, unless anyone has any objections!

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

ok I will do the drow and just say she has a long sword instead of specifying a katana. I will create her as soon as I can.

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

Well, fairy/demon mixes aren't logical in my gaming world. Just like angel/demons, stuff like that. Fae are generally good, protectors of nature, and incompatible with demonic forces. In any sense. Drow would world, and a mercenary Drow is right up their alley. However, the technology to create Katanas is not. Drow are ardent users of poison in almost everything they have. Poison-tipped darts, their hand crossbows, and even some blades are tipped with the vile stuff.

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

Wouldn't they still exist or are they just not in the area in that time period.

The unique race I was thinking of is a Fae/Yokai. She is essentially part fairy creature and part demon/imp. I was going to use this character in another rp someone else was going to start but they have as yet not started. I am impatient so want to play her soon. She looks human but her ears are similar to an elf's but longer and wider. She also has a jewel in the middle of her forehead in the shape of an ovul. She also has a long thin tail with a tuft of hair on the end. She is very fast and agile and her race is gifted in elemental magic. So if something like this is possible I could do her.

If I did a drow I think she would be a mercenary/assassin. She does whatever for money. If you pay her enough she will do whatever you ask. She would probably have a katana like sword, throwing knives, poison darts, and a small crossbow with poison darts.

So if the fae/yokai is out I can do the drow. It is up to you but I wanted to make sure before I finalized it.

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

Reason being, is the time period of the particular events. These times occur thousands of years before the "current" timeline you're in offline.

Re: [OOC] Ludark's forgotten heroes

Hey there I was wondering why you didn't include foxes as the possible characters. Cause I would either choose them, drow, or a character race unique

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