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Mass Effect: Destiny's Horizon

Mass Effect: Destiny's Horizon


10 years after the battle of Earth, you will join the multi-species crew of the Asari Cruiser Destiny's Horizon as they travel in a united flotilla through the war torn galaxy. With the tables of power completely turned, the challenges will be enormous.

1,224 readers have visited Mass Effect: Destiny's Horizon since Reaper2707 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:




The year is 2196 and ten years have past since the Reapers invaded the galaxy. After choosing to take control of the Reapers, Shepard commanded the mechanical monsters to begin reconstructing the Mass Relay Network. Unfortunately, all present in the Sol system would be stranded therein until after the Reapers had completed the entire network. The species present in Sol used this time to restore a working council that began to rule over system with an iron fist, becoming a twisted and militarized version of its former self.

When the Reapers never returned, some demanded that the new regime send out their fleets through the relay; but they refused. In response, a fleet of ships commanded by those who refused to let their fates be decided by the new and oppressive council destroyed the government blockade around the Charon Relay and escaped the system. This fleet now traverses the war torn galaxy beyond, facing the perils outside their own society while they deal with the internal struggles within. Civilians out for a new home, politicians out for power and order, police and soldiers out for peace and unity and mercenaries out for personal fortune and glory; all of these and more constantly argue and debate what they should do in this new and dangerous galaxy.

Now you, a passenger aboard the Asari Cruiser "Destiny's Horizon", will have to choose your path. Will you choose to simply serve faithfully aboard your ship? Or will feed the fires of debate across the fleet? Or perhaps you will make your own stand and unite the fleet against the tyranny of this new galaxy.

Extended Story

The year is 2196, ten long years since the battle of Earth and the bringing of the Reapers to heel by Commander Shepard. The legendary hero took control of the machines that once threatened the galaxy’s existence, calling them off the hunt of organic life at the cost of the Mass Relays. Without the relays, the might of the galaxy was rendered helpless and stuck in a system that was not their own. Some dared to venture off into the darkness of space without them, but most chose to stay and await a solution.

The answer would come in the form of the now subservient Reapers, who spoke with the will of the pseudo-deceased Commander Shepard. The Reapers agreed to fix the relays for the organics, but warned them that they must await the completion of the entire relay network or else they faced destruction regardless. In the words of Harbinger, who now lead the Reapers as the direct link between the organics and his kind, it would take no longer than two years for completion of the network. Reluctantly, the bulk of the remaining forces agreed to await the completion of all relays.

And so, the Reapers completed the Charon Relay and moved onto the unknown galaxy beyond. Meanwhile, what remained of the military command of each faction present at the final battle came together to form a governing council similar to that of the Citadel Council. This military council (named the Restored Council of Races ) was led by the highest generals and admirals the remaining forces had to offer. At first, the system ran relatively smooth with the military keeping the peace as they awaited for the Reapers. However, things slowly got worse as a year past, then two and three without any word back from beyond the relay.

People began to riot, crime ran rampant and the military was forced to crackdown to keep order. Some humans, who were now the majority in this small world, demanded that the aliens not authority on their homeworld. This led to assassinations of high ranking alien and human personnel and the hate crimes against other species skyrocketed. During this chaos, a small contingent of extremist human political and military figures were able to wrestle power away from Admiral Hackett's regime and establish their own rule. Under this new rule, the council was renamed β€œThe United Alliances of Earth” and the rest of the species leaders forced to sign a new constitution that gave the Human military a heavily implied stance of power over them.

Under this new regime, the mix of species lived for a total of eight more years within the the Sol system. When still no word from the Reapers had surfaced, many claimed that they had been deceived and that they needed to send their fleets through the relay. The Alliance, however, refused to send out their fleets until they had assured their power over those they allowed to leave the system. This stance by the government resulted in the revolt of multiple ships, both civilian and military, who overwhelmed the government forces guarding the relay and disappeared into the unknown.

Unveiled Factions

Factions that we have unveiled in the story will get a spot here!

Fleet sub-factions

These factions are the different political entities that currently inhabit the Revolutionary Fleet that escaped from the Sol system. Your character can be apart of any of these factions that you wish or none at all, the choice is yours!


Citadel Restored is the leading political entity of the fleet. Being comprised of like-minded individuals, Citadel Restored aims to recreate the old Citadel Council in the fleet setting that they are currently forced to work with. Citadel Restored is based out of the fleets flagship, the Turian Dreadnought "Last Doubt" but has representatives and followers on nearly every ship within the fleet. The council of Citadel Restored is compromised of a elected officials that include a Human, Turian and Quarian Admiral as well as a Salarian politician, Asari Matriarch and Geth Prime platform. Based slightly off the Qurian Flotilla, each ship is allowed a representative who makes his wishes known to the council who then delegate their orders down to the captains.

Right now a political debate is raging as to what the next action of the fleet should be; a debate which has already caused several ships to split off from the whole. If it were not for the majority of the dreadnaught ships aligning themselves with this new council, the fleet would have already split entirely. The Citadel Restored Council is trying to push the need for the fleet to find a place to settle and restarted a basic civilization so that the rebuilding process can begin; a plan fought against by those who wish to go back recolonize their home planets or take advantage of the new chaotic galaxy.

Info for play: At the moment, the Citadel Restored has the majority allegiance of ninety-two of the fleets one-hundred and twenty ships. They hold votes on all major decisions and have a diverse range of followers. Those who agree with the Citadel Restored tend to be for the rule of order and democracy, wishing to see the galaxy returned to its former self with the least bloodshed possible.

The current councilors are:

Asari: Martiarch Velsa

Salarian: Holan Kerai

Turian: Neran Volta

Quarian: Ramma'Shafal vas Zaachol

Geth: Representative Platform "Newton"

Human: Yuri Broskova

Goal of Citadel Restored: Restore a working democracy within the fleet and colonize a species neutral world in which to begin to rebuild.


The Homebound Committee is a political sect within the Revolutionary Fleet who believes that, instead of looking for a brand new home, the fleet should check on the status of their homeworlds and begin to rebuild what was already theirs. Their political party is stationed out of the Salarian Dreadnought "Knowledge of War" and they make it a point to constantly travel between ships to protest and spread their message. These protests and speeches, however, have a tendency to break out into massive shouting matches and sometimes full on brawls on the decks of the Fleets ships. Thus, many vessels have completely banned the group from giving public speeches and holding rallies aboard their ships.

In response, the group has instead begun to use the Knowledge of War's communication devices to give a daily podcast out to the people of the fleet, which can be viewed easily on a omni-tool device. The podcast deals with the problems facing the fleet and is generally propaganda all day long for about five to six hours. Speeches are given, people interviewed and theories spread that are all meant to brew fear and spite against the Citadel Restored.

Info for play: The Homebound Committee is currently run by a Salarian known as Marvo Kolari and represented publicly by Jora Tolus.

Goal: To oust the council politically (at the moment) and use the fleets to return to their homeworlds.


Galactic Governments/factions

These factions are either heavily NPCd or are run primarily by veteran writers or chosen dungeon masters. They are also limited as to their entry so if you are thinking of joining one of these factions, please speak to me first as I'd hate to have you do a bunch of work just to get shot down.



The United Alliances of Earth is a militant faction based out of the homeworld of the Humans. After the battle of Earth, the species who were stranded at the final battle chose to elect their highest military officials to power while the causalities sorted and order restored. Admiral Steven Hackett of the Systems Alliance was chosen to head the council and several other military leaders, from all species present in the Sol System, were elected to serve beside him. This Council served for two years before radical members of each respective military plotted to overthrow their councilors, due to their "inability" to control the situation. This led to a short civil war in which human radicals from the Terra Firma movement helped assassinate the Turian councilor and open the gate for separatist forces to oust the old regime. Admiral Hackett was forced to flee with what little loyal forces he had and a new military state was installed. As soon as the old powers had been ousted, the leader of the human separatists moved quickly to stab his allies in the back. Using the human's superior numbers, he threatened the other races to sign a compact that bound the new government to human rule. This new government would be known as the United Alliances of Earth, which would use fear, propaganda and military force to keep peace and order among the populace.

The Alliance thrived on Earth, conscripting forces from all available species to help serve human interest under the ruse of galactic peace. Most fell in line with the new ways out of fear and desire to have a peaceful life, giving away their freedoms for a false security. After the Revolutionary Fleet fled the Sol System, the Alliance overhauled their propaganda machine in preparation for their own campaign back out into the galaxy. Their first goal is to retake the ex-human colonies and expand their dominion before moving onto the homeworlds of the other races. Through this, the Terra Firma supported government hopes to bring the whole known galaxy to heel under a boot of human dominance.

Info for Play: The loyalty of those within the Alliance very from extremist to scared conscript. Government officials are almost always humans who are loyal to the Terra Firma party and the Human cause, but their are alien officials to keep up appearances. These aliens, however, are kept under lock and key and closely watched by the government. As of the moment, the Alliance only controls Earth.

Goal: To restore a Galactic government, this time with humans as the dominate race.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul
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(Aboard the Turian Dreadnaught "Without Doubt")

The room was shaking with the angry debating of the self-proclaimed politicians. Norman couldn't believe that after everything that had happened, from the Geth to the invasion of the Reapers, that these politicians couldn't take five seconds to pull their heads from their asses. Yet, here they all were, throwing insults and slander back and forth across a debating hall like a hateful game of verbal tennis. That was, he supposed, the clearest signal that this so-called "Citadel Restored" was truly on the right path to becoming just like the old Council; after all it wasn't like the old council was the most productive around.

"Order! Order! We must have order!" Boomed the voice of Matriarch Velsa, the councilor of the Asari aboard the Revolutionary Fleet.

"If you want order than you must listen to the people! We did not abandon what little home we had on Earth to become your slaves aboard this fleet!" retorted the strong voice of Jora Tolus, the Salarian representative for the Home Bound Committee; a political sect within the fleet who took it upon themselves to disagree at every turn with the Citadel Restored.

"Representative Jora, this Restored Council has not kept your followers from leaving. If you so wished, you could have left for your respective homeworlds as soon as we escaped the Sol system." Councilor Neran Volta, the Turian Councilor, replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Everything here has been democratic and fair"

"This in an outrage! You expect us to leave with just a single dreadnaught and a "fleet" of of unarmed civilian vessels?" The Salarian shot back, throwing his hand forward like some great leader of the people.

"Christ on a crutch." Norman sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose with a single index finger, "The fuck have I gotten myself into?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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(Aboard the Without Doubt, Deck E, Section 33)

Dato correlated through all the data it had collected while on Earth. Not just of the Reapers, but of human society as a whole. He then brought up this one picture, of a child playing on a beach. It had been near a small town it what was left of California, where people had been trying to rebuild its great cities. His parents, he had told Dato, died during the war, that he was all alone now.

Legion's gift had brought all Geth intelligence, and intelligence has brought them to realize everything else. The Geth had emotions, just like any race. When the Geth were being threatened with Death, they felt fear. Enough to ask the Reapers for help. When they realized the Reapers were controlling them, the Geth felt angry. They striked back.

Now, The Geth see things from a totally new perspective. Before, they were just a collective intelligence. Now, each geth was an individual, making its own choices, feeling things for their own. They have become more like people then ever before. He has become more like a person then ever before.

Dato entered a comm room, where a Salarian was trying to access the few comm buoys that remain. He turned around, pulled out his gun to fire, but Dato disarmed him and punched him in the face. He then proceeded to bind the Salarian's hands and feet. He examined the comm channel. The Salarian was about to report their position. Dato had been monitoring comm channel ever since they left. This Salarian, Ellim Borrvela, had come on board right before they left.

With the imminent threat dealt with, Dato returned to the main hall as the Commotion began. Dato sort of "forgot" standard procedure, and replied openly. "That is inaccurate information. Those ships may be filled with Civilians, but you jumped into the Sol System with purely combat vessels. Those ships out there are all worthy and capable of combat, and it would be probable your crew, with their big Salarian brains, would have already figured out the weapon controls".

"I would also like to report that one of the crew just tried to send information back to the Sol System. This data transfer was halted, and the suspect is now in custody" he mentioned. Dato had been very helpful, and a very unusual contribution to the fleets. Most Geth chose to rebuild the homeworlds of all the species, to show that they are not hostile. There were a few other geth onboard, like one known as "Bosh'tet Slayer", though she prefered Boshy. Various Geth, to fit in, have been trying to establish genders. Dato consindered himself male, why Boshy was female, and used a more feminine voice as a result.

"Also, the cook wants you to know he has run out of dextro eggs".

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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"Only the finest pissing contest this side of the galaxy." A warm voice quietly said to Norman. Aproaching the man was Virchai Gathul a female Turian who had gotten to know the head of security over her time spent on earth. Once the reaper invasion had ended she did not return to the marines but instead took up a better calling of defending those upon the destiny's horizon. However today she was called to go with her friend and boss Norman, dressed in her basic armor she gave the man a crooked smile and a pat on the back to try and comfort him from the stupidity that was the bickering of the politicians in the room.

Taking a look at everyone in the room she was almost disgusted at the way they spoke. Fighting and pointing fingers letting old grudges return in the wake of all the destruction caused by the reapers. Though she could also see something else, fear. The uncertainty of what was to happen now. "Norman." She poke softly whilst taking a seat next to her friend. "These people, their more than just upset. They are scared, fear and anger never mix well. If it were up to me we would be back on the horizon." Letting her rifle rest on her thigh pointed straight to the ceiling Lilly smirked at the situation before. "Let's just hope this doesn't devolve into violence." This was an important step to figuring out what to do and she would be damned if someone tried to keep this from proceeding by firing off a few pop shots aimed at the windy politicians

However secretly she did hope that it did, I mean how often could you be on a room with a bunch of VIPs and a loaded assault rifle on your lap. Answer, not very often. "What now? I mean let's hope the Salarian doesn't croak and the Asari can restrain herself from jumping everyone's bones in the room." With a small joke to try and raise the man's spirits there was a small hope that everything would be ok

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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"I've told you a thousand times, Lilly, don't call me Norman." The man griped, looking over to his Turian counterpart with a raised eyebrow, "You don't see me calling you hateful names, do you?" he joked, glancing away to the far corners of the room to make sure his officers weren't slacking off again.

Virachi must have sensed what Norman did, this arguing was dissolving quicker and quicker by the day. People were scared and they were upset and that always meant that rebellion was quite possibly on the horizons. For all they knew, the Alliance could be out searching for them and God only knew what other dangers lurked in the depths of this battered excuse for a galaxy; so the last thing they needed was to be blowing each others hulls apart.

"What now?" asked the Turian, proper her assault rifle up on her lap "I mean, let's hope the Salarian doesn't croak and the Asari can restrain herself from jumping everyone's bones in the room"

"That is the magical questions, isn't it?" Norman sighed past his friend's joke, "What now. It's always what now with these politicians, none of them can get a goddamn clue." the Security Head took up a lean against the icy cold bulkhead, resting his right elbow on the Razer pistol attached to his hip. His eyes scanned the radiantly lit room, looking for anyone who might have come here to settle a score or take their anger out on a few politicians.

"You'd think we'd be past all of this bitching and moaning. Apparently the Reapers weren't enough to convince the common folk that we are in deep without a paddle." Said he, glimpsing back over at the tall alien beside him "sometimes I think that whole military regime was-

Norman stopped dead sentence when an all too familiar cackle broke his concentration. It was a buzzing cackle from his nightmares, a soul that tormented him night and day with memories forever seared into his skull.

"That is inaccurate information. Those ships may be filled with Civilians, but you jumped into the Sol System with purely combat vessels. Those ships out there are all worthy and capable of combat, and it would be probable your crew, with their big Salarian brains, would have already figured out the weapon controls" The buzzing voice of the Geth called out over the arguments, a nice trick for an AI to start throwing slander at organics. Goddamn robot was going to cause things to get even worse.

Norman never knew a Salarian could get red with anger, but the face of Jora Tolus was an easy lesson. He couldn't have gotten more red if the Geth had just put a pulse round in his puppy. "You listen here you AI abomination! This whole thing is your fault! Your kind helped the Reapers and Saren! You have no business speaking in matters that concern organics!"

"Representative Tolus!" came a flying electronic retort from the suit clad Quarian at the council's podiums"The Geth are allies of not only my people, but all organics. If we can fight beside them after our long history, than so can you."

"This...THING has no right to say anything! If it were so intelligent it would know my ships were stripped down by the Alliance at Earth! But you'd know all about stripping down ships, wouldn't you suit rat!"

Norman spared no time shooting straight up and hitting the transmitter on his omni tool, "Everyone get ready to move the council out of here, this is going south quickly" Norman was just about to turn and tell Lilly to snatch up the Geth, when the robotic fiend had to go and open whatever it called its mouth.

"I would also like to report that one of the crew just tried to send information back to the Sol System. This data transfer was halted, and the suspect is now in custody" That sentence carried the wait of a nuclear weapon. Like a rippling shockwave, the room fell silent row by row as each spectator and debater alike turned to look at the A.I. It was quiet, like the eerie silence that preludes some horrible scare in those cheesy Halloween movies.

"Also, the cook wants you to know he has run out of dextro eggs".

"We're all going to die!" and that's how the cookie crumbles. It was like a bomb had just went off, people were screaming and yelling at one another and Norman could have swore he saw a fist or two get swung.

"Shit, Lilly!" Norman spat, looking to his trusted lady friend and thrusting his finger towards the Geth who had just caused a political riot "Grab that stupid flashlight and bring it back to the Horizon for questioning, i'm going for the Council!"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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Well that went to shit faster than Lilly thought it would. Popping in a fresh magazine into her rifle Lilly lifted her rifle and shoved a spectator out of her way as the room filled will the chaos that was the fallout from the Geth's poor choice of words. Strong arming a civilian from her path the room was filled with dozens of people fighting and fleeing. Hopefully people didn't start shooting otherwise this place would turn from brawl to a bloodbath. "Hey robo cop!" Lilly shouted as she neared the geth.

"Do you have any idea of what you just did!? This was important for our people you idiot! For something as intelligent as an true AI you are really fucking stupid!!" If one couldn't tell Lilly was quite mad at this geth for ruining what could of been a good chance for the people of this galaxy to stay united.

Shouldering her rifle Lilly stood six feet from the geth with her weapon pointed right at the lightbulb that was his face. "Here's what's going to happen! You are going to come with me and the lieutenant back to the Destiny's Horizon so we can talk about the info you uncovered." With a hard metallic cocking of her rifle she was ready to fire if this geth made a move towards her. "Or you can stay here and hope the Salarian sends people to track you down. Make your choice." Giving the geth the option Lilly spoke in a commanding tone hoping the geth would simply go with her out the door and towards the ship.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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"I simply submitted information that I believed to be of relevant importantance. Are you saying it was wrong to inform everyone about an agent trying to report us to our enemies? I wasn't aware we were keeping any information secret" he stated, being entirely honest.

"I thought, maybe, if I told them they might actually make a decision. Tell me, how long have we been sitting here, watching them argue? I simply decided to do something significant, upgrade our comm systems, and then I discovered the unscheduled communication to designated location Sol System that was being done covertly. Are you telling me that the truth that a sentient being tried to report us to the Sol System isn't important information".

"No need to threaten. I will come along. I wasn't aware free speech was no longer applicable to all sentient races" he remarked. "Look at it this way, maybe now they might panic enough to do some actual action instead of sitting here wasting away. Just, allied not pointing firearms at me would be appreciated".

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn
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Jor at this time was on the ship. He managed to enter it undetected, and now was scouting it to scavenge for supplies and maybe sell it. He heard some gunshots."Great. Someone beat me to it. Or I was detected. Either way, i have to keep searching." he said to himself, trying to calm himself down. he was never great under stress, so all the firing made him feel uneasy.

He eventually arrived where the fighting was taking place. He saw the geth and the turian on the other side. He stopped in his tracks. He slowly reached for his gun."Ok Jor, you got this. You faced Vorchas, and even a krogan. I fled from the last, but i sure faced him. I-it's only two." He said, taking aim with his weapon, pointing it at them.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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Norman pushed through the sea of crazed politicians like the hand of God parting the Red Seas back on Earth. With every new tidal wave of people came the man's shoulder to knock them back; all in a days work really. His main concern at that moment was getting to the council and getting them out of the room before someone tried to attack them; or have their way with the Quarian or Asari...god knows there were people of the type on this ship. Of course there was not time to dwell on the vulgarity of the galaxy's inhabitants, there was only time to bash his way through the crowd and towards the council.

Coming to the end of the the chaotic brawl, Norman burst forth victorious from the angry depths of the beast. Running forth, he leaped onto the platform that held the podiums for the councilors who were all dealing with the situation in their own ways. The Turian was practically banging his head on his podium while the human, Salarian and Quarian had a little group therapy circle in the corner. The Geth representative was standing motionless like some sort of statue, no surprise for a emotionless machine of war and labor; then there was Matriarch Vesla who was frantically screaming into her mic as if people were going to stop bashing each others skulls to listen.

"Everyone quiet down! QUIET! This is not how we are going to solve anything!" the blue mistress screamed like a banshee, though Norman could never say that to her face on account of the Reapers making that word a slur among the Asari.

"Councilor, we need to get you all out of here." Norman wasn't making a suggestion, he was telling.

"We can't leave until we get these imbeciles under control!" she shouted that last part into the microphone, though it was doubtful anyone was really paying attention to her.

"Now, Councilor. Right now!" This time he was barking, he didn't have time to wait around for them to vote on which route they should take out of the room.

"How dare you! I am the Restored Councilor for the Asari and you cannot just-

"Velsa, he is right. We have to go, come lets gather the others." Interrupted the Turian, leave it to them to have half a brain. That was one thing he respected about Turians, they tended to be frank, to the point and very much like the military men that served to protect them. Though, that wasn't always the case of course.

Darting his head around quickly, he found that all the exits were currently blocked by the small riot and his officers were tied up getting fights under control. There was no way out at the moment and that'd have to be fixed before he tried getting the council out of there. "Just stay away from the edges of platform, i'll get us a way out of here now."

"Of course, Lieutenant, I trust you" the Turian said, still obviously fuming from the state of things. Norman had to hand it to him though, he knew how to keep cool under pressure.

Spinning on heel, Norman spun his head in every direction. Which way was the best route? He needed to get them to a secure point as soon as possible, just in case the whole ship started breaking into a riot. That meant, the best place to go was the bridge of the ship, so the front entrance was the quickest way. Where was Lilly? He could and her could take the Geth and the council back to the Bridge and start getting some answer out of the damn machine.

"Lilly! Lilly, we need to move!" Norman tried calling out above the deafening noise of the brawl, but it was no use. Where could she be? His eyes scanned the room in a hurry, his eyes catching every spike he could in an attempt to get a bead on her. Finally, he spotted her, her rifle raised high at the Geth who was causing this whole mess. The bot seemed to be cooperating though, that was a good start.

"Lilly! Lilly we need to-

Wait! What was that in the crowd? It was something shining and reflecting light off its surface, reflective was never good. Who was holding it? The arm was white, that wasn't a security color. Damnit, what was it holding! Quickly, Norman drew his weapon down and towards the ground to avoid pointing the business end at the sea of civilians between him and the shining object. Goddamnit, there was a trigger!

"Shit! Drop the gun!" Norman tried screaming over the crowd, but the noise was too great and he could barely even hear himself. He threw his pistol upward and aimed down the sights, he could make out the back of a Quarian suit but there were too many damn civilians, he didn't have a shot yet. He had to shoot though, he wasn't going to lose one of his team to some maniac with a gun.

And so it started, the training kicked in. A shallow inhale, one that seemed to create a vacuum in his lungs. A subtle heartbeat from his own chest, one that thundered like a storm in his ears and blocked all the noise from outside. A slide of his finger, one that moved his skin across the smooth metallic bore of the weapon and down to the bitter cold of the trigger. One last twitch of the eye, one that realized that the last friendly target had moved from the backdrop and foreground that would give him his clear shot. A slow squeeze of the trigger, one that seemed to take an eternity within this timeless dimension he seemed to have entered.

Two divine claps filled the room, breaking the noise of the crowd and hailing the arrival of two metal slugs that had been thrown directly at the center mass of the Quarian. Would they kill him? Maybe, or maybe not. All that mattered was that those slugs would stop him from pulling the trigger....

Plus the gunshots seemed to have cleared the room of civilians as well, so it couldn't have been all that bad.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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"Thank you! Now let's get you back to the horizon! It's not safe here!" Lowering her rifle the Turian was happy to see that the Geth was cooperating and everything would go smoothly. There had been enough stupidity and violence and the only way this could get worse was if someone started shooting. Unaware of the Quarian pointing a gun at them, she stepped forward to greet the geth introduce herself and generally try and get some information out of him. "I'm Lilly, just follow m-" Before the Turian could even finish her sentence a familiar thunder rang out through the room. The sound of gunfire was quite familiar to Lilly by this time and she already knew what angle the shots had come from.

But that didn't matter, she was given a task and that was to get the geth out of the room and onto the horizon. She knew Norman didn't need the help. He was a big boy and could more than handle himself. "SHOTS FIRED SHOTS FIRED!" She screamed out quickly she reached a hand out for the Geth's neck to get both of their heads down in case any more rounds were to come at them.

Tilting her head over Lilly looked to the geth and yelled again, "AFT DOOR MOVE!!" Keeping her head down she began to move towards the nearest door to get herself and the geth to safety. She did not pull him along for she knew that he would cooperate in the face of what was happening. It wouldn't look good on him if he entered the room and suddenly people started shooting. Still unaware of who was firing Lilly got on her comms and quickly hailed Norman. "NORMAN!! ARE YOU OK?! WE ARE MOVING THE REAR BULKHEAD LEFT SIDE AFT DOOR!!" Making sure she was loud enough to hear Lilly looked back to make sure the Geth was hauling ass behind her.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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The shot luckily managed to just scrape his shoulder. But, Jor's panic kicked in. In seconds he was on the ground, trying to find cover. "Keelah! Nedas to go!" He said to himself, looking around panicked. He tried to get to his riffle, the only thing that will calm him down. He felt a slight jolt in his shoulder. Looking better, he realized he was in fact shot, and was bleeding."Bosh'tet! Mom, I have disappointed you." He said, as he was crawling due to the panic attack slowly setting in. Everything was in a blur to him : People shuffling from one place to another, people yelling. He swore he even saw a geth. Too complicated for him, he decided to put his hands, well, hand, up. He yelled."Don't shoot! Keelah!"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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Dato, being a Geth, knew exactly what happened. What he didn't know was why a Quarian decided to take out a gun and aim it at Lily. Still following Lily, Dato kept himself inbetween the gun and Lily since he could repair quicker then she could heal, and his kinetic barriers were likely stronger. However, the Quarian was quickly shot by someone else, on the ground, and talking to someone who didn't appear to be here.

"Creator, who are you, and why did you try to aim a gun at a member of the security?" he mentioned, before turning to face Lily. "Nice to meet you Lily. My name is Dato. Technically, my assigned designation is Delta Alpha Tango Omega, but Dato is quicker and easier to say. Do you have any more questions before we depart?" he asked, staying close to her and following wherever she went and keeping pace.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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"NORMAN!! ARE YOU OK?! WE ARE MOVING THE REAR BULKHEAD LEFT SIDE AFT DOOR!!" The familiar voice of his Turian comrade rang true through the comms, thank God he wasn't too late on the trigger. Knowing that she was alive and unharmed put apart of his mind at ease, but he still needed to find where the gunman had crawled off to.

"I'm fine, trying to get a visual on the gunman!" Norman shouted into his omni-tool, too deep in the situation to complain about the use of his first name again. "Are you okay, Lilly?" double checking never hurt anyone. As he awaited a response, he continued to scan the masses of fleeing civilians for a Quarian in white armor. He looked hard through the blur of running people, spotting an alien hand shoot up from the ground.

"Don't shoot! Keelah!" came the voice of none other than a white armored Quarian with a bleeding arm, looks like Norman had a winner. Pointing his gun down range at the injured Quarian, Norman put his sights on the man's head and took a firm firing stance.

"Get on your face or the next one is going in your head!" The security official cried out, putting his finger back on the trigger. He had a lot of questions for this guy, so he did hope he didn't make him kill him.

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With Dato following her Lilly quickly opened the nearest door to them and sprung out into the hallway like a bat out of hell. "Stick with me Dato!" She commanded from the geth in a very assertive tone. "Cage, we are moving towards the Horizon!" Barking into her Omnitool she had to get to stepping as fast as possible to make sure the ship was primed and ready to go if things got too hairy. Gunshots had already been fired and Lilly was not going to stick around to decide which side she would stand for.

"Cage, we need to go! Now!! This place is going to go tits up and I'm not about to stick around while we kill each other!" By the way she wouldn't shut up it would tell Norman three things. That she was just find physically. And that she was quite mad at the situation that had devolved so fast.

And the last thing. She was scared, Lilly was afraid on what this could mean for the galaxy and the alliance. She didn't want things to revert to war and death again so hopefully when she calmed down things would be better. "Let's move Dato!" She barked again as they pushed down the hallway reaching the door that lead to the connecting bridge of the horizon docked to the massive dreadnought. "Alright we are headed in, then you are going to tell me what happened."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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Dato, not sure of what else to do, moved forward with his goal of "Not getting into more trouble and/or shot", followed Lily. He wondered if he should relinquish the weapons he had, but figured it unless stated, he would settle for just not drawing them.

"I have been among organics for years, helping. I have seen a lot of arguments, a lot of people caught stealing, a lot of people who were accused of being a spy. But not even that debate over four Krogan trying to decide who was stronger ended in this must chaos. And they broke an entire house. Twice".

Dato was also notably recording everything ever said around him in case it was needed later. He continued to follow Lily, and replied to her "Aknowledged. Are you hurt? I have some Medi-Gel if you need some".

He then produced some Medi-Gel, being true to his word. It was even Dextro Medi-Gel too.

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The quarian slowly put his head on the ground. "What have I gotten myself into this time?" He said to himself, pondering if he would either be shot or captured. "I-I am just a scavanger!" He said, trying to make himself heard, but the whole situation was not really in his favor.

"By Keelah, it's a geth." He says in his mind. "So I am not imagining things. Then I am screwed far beyond every double cross I have ever done. Why did I even chose this place?" All those questions he asked himself, preferring silence than violence. He was already knee deep in this. I am kee." (kee= dead person)

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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"I don't care if you are the son of Commander Shepard, you half-wit" Norman growled, sticking his pistol to his hip and swiping up the Quarian's gun; placing in on the opposite side his duty weapon. After all the guns where secure, he grabbed the man's arms and went to work cuffing him up with a pair of restraints he kept hanging from a hard case on his leg.

"Why the hell were you trying to kill my partner, huh? You working for the Alliance?" The official questioned, grabbing the Quarian by one restrained arm and hoisting him to his feet. He was bleeding pretty bad now and if Norman knew anything about Quarians, which he did, that meant this guy needed to see a doctor to get some proper medical treatment before he got a bad sneeze. First, however, he turned to make sure that the council had been secured by the rest of his officers.

Spinning on heel, with the Quarian still in hand, he saw the council members being ushered out of the room and towards the starboard exit. That was good, at least things here were calming down for the time being; not that this little incident was going to be the last. If anything was for certain, it was that the Homebound Committee was going to play this up as hard as they could to try and raise arms against the Citadel Restored and cause an even worse dissolving of political stability. Figures, you could never get a break nowadays. He could dwell on that later though, perhaps over a good glass of scotch. For now, he had to get this dirt bag back to the Horizon so he wouldn't die a horrible blood infection death.

"Lilly, I got the gunman in custody. I'm bringing him down to the hanger now. Make sure the Destiny's Horizon knows we are bringing a Quarian with a gunshot wound to the shoulder and that he will be rushed straight to med-bay once we are on board."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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"I'm fine, just a shook up is all." Responding to the kind Geth Lilly raised her hand and dismissed the medigel. "It's just the council is hanging by a thread now and if we can't get along what's to stop another war breaking ou." With a soft sigh Lilly had calmed herself before looking at Dato. He was only trying to help even if he did royally mess the whole situation up. There had been enough blood today and enough fighting, all Lilly needed to do was her job

A subtle hiss was heard from the door opening in front of them to reveal the translucent bridge in front of them. Extending across the cosmos the path connected to the Horizon where they needed to be. "Let's go." Stepping out she lowered her rifle into a casual stance. Taking her first step out onto the bridge the heavenly beauties of space swallowed the pair. The stars and planets themselves casting their light around them in cold darkness of space. "Hell of a view." She said trying to smile slightly. Moments like this made her think for the better, they made her think that this was heaven and she would see Jur'Al again.

But sadly the feeling wouldn't last, hearing her next batch of orders coming from Norman she quickly responded back. "I'm on it sir!" Quickly running forward she hailed the horizon med bay hoping some of that Quarian Medigel the Geth had would come in handy "Dato follow me! This is Sergeant Lilly we are coming in prep med bay for a Quarian with a gunshot to the shoulder!" Looking back at Dato she knew that dextro medi gel was in short supply on the Horizon and the life of the Quarian may of been in the hands of a Geth.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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Dato simply followed Lily some more. While doing this, he decided to review some of the archives in his head.

Archived File: Earthdate: 2188

Dato was standing in what was New York. Most of the buildings still stood tall, but despite efforts most of the damage was still visible. But apparently the Alliance Military Forces didn't lose Earth initially without a fight. There was a corpse of one of the smaller Reapers. With it totally inactive and unable to indoctrinate anyone thanks to the Crucible, people had been tripping it for parts and using its circuitry to repair basic things like water, power, farms, various robots.

Despite not seeing them around that much, the Alliance used quite a few robots for farming. At first, Dato thought they might be sentient, an asked them if that was what they wanted in life. It was weird question to ask, especially for a Geth, but for some reason he did. He realized after that they were not even VIs really. They just scanned and did an assigned task. No actual intelligence.

There had been a recent collapse of rubble nearby. Dato was helping clear it when he found a small boy trapped under some of it. There were also dangerous live electrical cables around that would kill even him. And if he did get the boy out, would certainly kill the boy eventually. He sent in his drone to siphon some power from the cables, and he quickly went in, risking his own life, and pulled the boy out.

He wasn't sure why he risked his life for the boy at first. Then he realized the reason he was going around traveling and helping people. He cared about life.

End log

Dato contiued to follow her, adding to what she said before. "I would say more like Heavenly. Anyways, Acknowledged".

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn
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This Quarian was heavy for being a the equivalent of a straw in a suit, there didn't seem to be a damn ounce of muscle nor fat on the guy. Though, for all Norman knew, he could look like an alien hulk hogan under that suit of his. "Keep it moving suiter!" Norman growled, throwing the Quarian out in front of his own step as they entered the hanger of the Without Doubt. The hanger, somewhat surprisingly, did not seem to be facing any kind of mad rush from dumb and sacred civilians trying to leave the ship in a hectic frenzy. Maybe things weren't as bad as he thought; or perhaps they were a lot worse than he could imagine. It didn't matter, he could sort it all out on the Horizon after he dumped the trash off in medical bay; he didn't want the suit rat dying before he explain himself.

"Hey, you!" Norman called out, pointing a finger to a nearby pilot, "Spin up the engines on one of these shuttles, I need to get this Quarian back to the Horizon."

The pilot nodded and gave a quick salute, "Aye, aye sir." and then jogged off to a nearby shuttle to start the take-off sequences. Norman followed behind, watching as the door opened with a mechanical hiss and the pilot jumped into the cabin. The security official spent no time standing around outside and immediately pushed the Quarian forward with the barrel of his pistol, "Get your skinny ass in the ship before I drag you"

The Quarian seemed hesitant, but given a choice between gun and ship it was obvious which it would choose. Stepping up onto the ramp, Norman forced the suspect into a seat and then took position across from him and put his weapon back on his hip. "Pilot, are we ready for lift-off?"

"Aye, sir, ready when you are!"

"Then let's punch it, the medical team is waiting for us."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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Once aboard the horizon Lilly placed her finger to her ear tapping into her commlink. "Cage, the med bay has been alerted and is prepped to receive the suspect. The Geth and I are moving to the med bay to assist." Once calm Virchai shrunk down her rifle and placed it behind her back slowly. The geth clearly was not a threat and the Quarian was in custody. Walking through the halls of the horizon, Virchai tried her best not to think about that whole spat with the council and simply move on and embrace whatever came next. "Geth, you said you had medi gel for quarians right?" asking the geth the question the duo rushed down a flight of stairs quickly to get to where they needed to be.

The med bay. Approaching the doors the two aliens proceeded inside the white room where a Salarian doctor stood in a white surgical attire near a operating table. Everything was prepped and ready to go. They just needed to bring in the suspect for surgery and perhaps the geth could help. "What is that thing doing in my OR?!" The Salarian doctor almost croaked when he saw the geth. "Get that metallic abomination out of here!" The doctor cried out again showing obvious hatred for his kind. The geth didn't have the greatest relationship with the galaxy and they had left a lot of dead people on spike over the years. People who had families.

"Stow your shit corpsman! We have a wounded Quarian that needs medical attention, and if you have a problem with the Dato. You have a problem with me!" With a flick of her mandibles and a well placed growl the doctor nodded and continued to work on his surgical tools looking down pretending to move them around as if he had something to do. With a small smirk Lilly looked to Dato and nodded, "Sorry I was rough on you back there. You are a good..." Pausing for a moment Lilly thought "machine?" She said not knowing which gender Dato preferred to be called by.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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"Yes, this medi-gel is good for all dextro-based lifeforms. And apparently Geth, oddly enough. Apparently, all medi-gel can be used for Geth. So we carry all types of medi-gel. Not together though, obviously. Separated from each other, non-contaminated, and secure. It appears to be far less effective when mixed together". Dato told her, running behind her.

"Just to inform you, its rather counter productive to shoot someone and then heal them" Dato said humorously, trying to make a joke. He usually wasn't that good at it.

When the Salarian insulted them as they entered, Dato suddenly became defensive. "Metallic abombination is an inapropriate term, especially one for an individual here to assist in keeping the suspect alive. It is also very insulting. I request you withdraw that comment immediately, or my optical directed energy weapons will disintegrate your skull". He thenimmediately said to Lily before she might react the wrong way, and much lower so the Salarian wouldn't hear but she would. "I don't actually have optical directed energy weapons, or as you would call, 'eye lasers'".

He then looked at lily. "I prefer the term Sentient Being with rights like everyone else. Also known as Geth, as The Reapers will never have any such rights should they decide to return with hostile action. Also, thank you for defending me".

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Trinity Shepard Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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No sooner had the shuttle hit when Norman sent the Quarian practically flying out the door and onto the cold steel of the hanger; at least the security official threw him on his feet and not his face. Jumping onto the deck himself, Norman grabbed the Quarian by the arm and waited as a group of medical personnel jogged over with a stretcher laid out between two the four workers. Cage remembered the days when he could walk onto a military ship and only see military men and woman; those days were obviously gone and that was evident by the un-uniformed medics rushing towards him and the alien suspect. They were all wearing civilian clothing with makeshift patches sown onto the arms to show their status as medical crew aboard the Destiny's Horizon.

"Lieutenant North, sir." came the Asari head of the small response team, no salute of course "what weapon and ammo type was used to create the wound?"

"Standard round from a duty pistol, bastard just has a chunk of metal in his arm and nothing more." Norman notified, watching as the team laid the Quarian down on the stretcher and began to trot him off down the hanger. "I'll be coming with you all to the medical wing, just in case he gets any ideas."

"Of course, Lieutenant." she said with a slight nod, turning on heel to follow her people to the dim corridors of the Asari ship. It had once been strange to Norman to make a life on an Asari Heavy Cruiser, but a good year on the Destiny's Horizon had made the alien slopes and turns much more familiar. It had become so familiar that it was almost strange to him to see human architecture whenever he visited one of the Human origin ships in the fleet.

Then, with the alliances recent turn to a military dictator ship, these sleek halls and slopped walls were even more comfortable than a good ole' fashioned Alliance flag...God how things had changed since the Reapers. Norman never thought he'd see the day that he'd prefer alien ships more than Earth-like luxuries. He let himself slip into these thoughts as he walked down the hall with the medical team, making sure to check back on the groaning Quarian every so often just to be sure he was being a good little boy. Eventually, the group reached the medical wing and the doors into the infirmary slid aside to reveal the team of Asari, Human and Salarian doctors.

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"Hey hurry he's loosing blood!" Trinity called to the Team to work faster. "The longer that wound is open the more bacteria will find its ways into his body"
Trinity had been wearing her lab coat and had her hair let down as she was just reading medic books in her office when she got the call and so she tossed it all side and went to tent to the wounds on this Quarian . She rolled up her sleeves to wash her hands and arms when she noticed the man that had come in with the wounded Quarian.

"Hey you'll have to wait out there we need everything in here even the air to be clean. Trinity said as she pointed to Norman then to the door he had walked into. "Leave now" she said in a cold tone and went back to the wounded Quarian.

Trinity went back to washing her hands and slipping into a sanitary lab coat. She had her hair pulled back as much she could and her face covered with a mask. She looked as though she was going to operate. She had started to work on getting the rounds out of the Alien when he started to twitch and move she she had to put him under so they could work with out any complications. Trinity then went away at stitching him up at the open bullet wholes where she pulled the slugs out. Blood had started to pool on the table so Trinity hooked him up to a blood baggy that matched his blood type. She also made the extra precaution of how his body would react to the air out side of his suit and mask.

"What were they thinking?" Trinity asked "were they even thinking?" she wondered
Trinity had him all fixed up but she gave him some shots to help ease him out side of his suit for he would have be be out side of it for a while as he healed.

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With look mixed between curiosity and horror Lilly raised a finger to retort to the whole laser eye thing the geth had just spouted. But before she could do so Lilly was cut off by Norman, Trinity and their medical cronies bursting into the medical wing of the Asari cruiser. Seeing that Norman was okay, a weight was lifted from her heart that her comrade would live to fight another day. Power walking over to Norman Lilly gave a quick customary salute as she trotted over to help asses the situation. "Cage, you are okay. I thought something might of happened did you get the council out okay?" She asked hoping that the Turian councilor had at least made it out. The patriarch would not be pleased finding out the man that held what little power they had left in the sol system was killed. Pointing over to the geth Lilly spoke once more to vouch for Dato.

"This is Dato, he's with us. I questioned him a bit and he can help wherever he can. Just don't look him in the eye and don't ask why." The six foot tall Quarian backed up to join the medical professionals with Norman and watch them set up the operating table. Looking down at the Quarian being put on the table Lilly looked back over to Norman to say only five words to the man

"Who the hell is that?" She asked curious on who the Quarian was with the bullet in his arm was. By the looks of him he didn't look like a merc, or an assassin. Hell he didn't even look like a wannabe thug. He looked like a kid by the size of him. And that raised a few questions. How did an untrained kid sneak onto a heavily armored dreadnought?

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn Character Portrait: Trinity Shepard Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
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"Again, I must inform you that was a joke" Dato mentioned, before showing the medi-gel. "This Medi-gel is for dextro-based lifeforms. It also works for Geth, which is why I have some. It has been kept separate from all other medi-gels I have in storage to maintain purity".

It then looks at the Quarian. "Is he conscious. I wish to exchange information regarding who he is so that I may pull up the Quarian Family Database I have in storage to determine if he is truly who he is, and possibly who his family is should we fail to save him".

"Lily, there is a slight elevation in worry in your voice. Are you sure you were unharmed by the suspect?" Dato said, with what sounded like serious concern.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul
Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North
Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
Character Portrait: Jor'Tador nar Zeenn
Character Portrait: Arces Centurius
Character Portrait: Trinity Shepard


Character Portrait: Trinity Shepard
Trinity Shepard

Head of Medial Division

Character Portrait: Arces Centurius
Arces Centurius

An Ex-Military, Ex-C-Sec Bartender

Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)

"I am many. But I am not Legion. I just honor his memory".

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North
2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North

Head of Security aboard the "Destiny's Horizon"

Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul
Virchai "Lilly" Gathul

A female Turian and former marine.


Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North
2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North

Head of Security aboard the "Destiny's Horizon"

Character Portrait: Trinity Shepard
Trinity Shepard

Head of Medial Division

Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)

"I am many. But I am not Legion. I just honor his memory".

Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul
Virchai "Lilly" Gathul

A female Turian and former marine.

Character Portrait: Arces Centurius
Arces Centurius

An Ex-Military, Ex-C-Sec Bartender

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)
Delta Alpha Tango Omega (Dato)

"I am many. But I am not Legion. I just honor his memory".

Character Portrait: Arces Centurius
Arces Centurius

An Ex-Military, Ex-C-Sec Bartender

Character Portrait: 2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North
2nd Lieutenant Norman "Cage" North

Head of Security aboard the "Destiny's Horizon"

Character Portrait: Virchai "Lilly" Gathul
Virchai "Lilly" Gathul

A female Turian and former marine.

Character Portrait: Trinity Shepard
Trinity Shepard

Head of Medial Division

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Hi. Im new on this site but am a big ME fan and would like to join if I may.

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