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My Full Moon Saviour

My Full Moon Saviour


A Werewolf rescues a Vampire from death and insists that she stays for a few days, but when it is time for her to leave the pair would rather remain together.

1,206 readers have visited My Full Moon Saviour since TheSpaceInBetween created it.


A Vampire finds her saviour when she is left for dead one night, when a werewolf comes across her he decides to nurse her back to health and keep her safe from harm.

this is a private roleplay between. Nami L'Chi and TheSpaceInBetween. Please do not post without permission you will ignored.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Ashlyn Roe
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It had been like any other normal day in Ashlyn's life. Though something seemed to draw her into the woods that afternoon. Normally she wouldn't have gone in there, being wood is a weakness of hers, she just couldn't resist. Leaving the shelter of her home, she walked. The woods were gorgeous, the sun shining through, the various animals and creatures hidden in there. Ashlyn stared in wonder and awe, almost regretting she never entered here before out of fear. She hummed a soft tune as she wandered through, until she fell into a hole. She shreiked while she fell until she landed on hard ground. She looked around out of fear. Where was she? Ashlyn's blonde hair fell into her face, a she tried looking up. She was in a trap. It was usually set for animals, and she found it. Just her luck. As she moved trying to find a way out, she gasped out of pain. Placing her hand on her abdomen, she removed it. Her hand was covered in blood. Looking down she saw there was a large gash that had not healed like it should've. Placing her fingers around the skin, she pulled away splinters of wood. No wonder it wasn't healing like it should... she hit something while falling down.

She heard a dark laugh from above. "Well, looks like I've caught a bloodsucker after all." Ashlyn's head snapped up from her own medical examination. She saw a man with dark hair and bright silver eyes. He seemed well built and clean shaven. Around his wrist, there were a string of teeth. Vampire teeth. "I'll wait until you die of bloodloss before I come down there and rip those teeth out of your face." He gave a cruel laugh, as Ashlyn gasped, her bright blue eyes wide with fear. She never really feared death, to her it was more of a friend than a foe, though it seemed as if it has switched sides on her. Now she was the one standing at death's door. The hunter walked off just as she muttered a string of curses after him.

She could already feel the affects of the loss of blood. Closing her eyes she'd lay down and sing to herself. If she was going to die, she might as well go out with a tune... right?


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Character Portrait: Ashlyn Roe Character Portrait: Arturo DeGari
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The day had been one in the same really, Arturo had started of work and had a visit from the local school to learn about business ownership. Even though really the kids just wanted hot chocolates and a place to chill out for a wile. He had been up early and the day had ended up being very busy so he didn't have time for a run around the woods like usual.

After locking up the store he set off running, feeling nothing but the warm air on his skin and the sun on his back. He liked te woods, he and his family had lived on the borders for a long while until they moved into the city. Some of Arturo's family still lived in some of the cottages hidden deep in the woods free from hunters.

Arturo stopped suddenly as a sound caught his ears, a soft melodic sound that was like a whine or a whistle. Being ever curious he followed the sound by a path that he rarely used for running but was aware of. Arturo noticed a large hole in the middle of the path, the noise was coming from there. He hoopedthat he wouldn't find an animal dying, but what he found was much worse.

" Oh god!" he stammered almost in disbelief, it was a vampire, an actual vampire lying crumpled in a heap. he sniffed a few times to see if this was a trap for him rather than a final resting place for her. Arturo slid down the hole being careful not to land on the girl, he crouched down next to her assessing her injuries. It looked like it was just the gash in her abdomen but there could have been worse, why wasn't she healing?

"Everythings okay..i'm going to help you...just don't bite me.." he trailed off giving a small laugh. he slowly scooped his arms under the vampires body " I'm going to move you as slowly as I can so I don't cause you pain." he instructed as he lifted her up and held her against his chest so he could did his feet into the slight incline of the hole, obviously so the hunter could collect his kill.

He kept sharp lookout for anyone in the area as he started to walk back to his home. " My name's Arturo. Care to tell me yours?" he asked wanting to keep her awake and aware.


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Ashlyn felt weak, and miserable. How could she have missed this trap? Slowly her music died off, as she weakened even more. Then she heard a voice. Her half lidded eyes looked over at this person who entered the hole. She couldn't move like she wanted, or else she would've gone to the corner and hissed at him. Instead she laid there and moaned miserableand in agony. As he spoke to her she grimaced trying to find her voice. "" Her voice trailed off as she was picked up by the man. She couldn't gather his scent to realize that she was around a werewolf, he just smelled like dogs. A whimper slipped from her lips as he moved to get out of the hole.

"" She said her voice barley above a whisper. She owed this man for getting her out of the trap...that was if she didn't die first. Her mind was all fuzzy, as her bleeding didn't slow.
"Bleeding....stop..." She groaned her eyes closing once more.


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Character Portrait: Ashlyn Roe Character Portrait: Arturo DeGari
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Arturo listened carefully as the vampire spoke, her voice barely there. He adjusted his hold on her so he could apply pressure to the wound " It's allright Ashlyn, I don't live that far..." h commented as he broke into a run down an unused path so it wouldn't look suspicious with him carrying a girl covered in blood the blame would be directly on him.

Arturo slowed down as he fumbled to get his keys out of his pocket, he half fell through the door the girl still weak in his arm. He could hear her breath escaping her lips.

He laid the girl down on the countertop in the kitchen, he ran some water into a bowl and got a clean rag from under the sink. Searching through the cupboards he found his first aid kit, it was barely used but he kept injust in case. " Okay Ashlyn, ive got you to a safe place. i'm going to clean your wound and hopefully stop the bleeding. Im assuming since you haven't healed yourself theres something stuck. So its just like 'Operation' you ever play that game. I didn't understood why you had to pull out a spanner from a guys leg." He rambled on as a way to keep Ashlyn awake " If im talking to much let me know,, i'd like to hear your voice" he added.

He dabbed at the wound as gently as he could, there were still fragments of wood in the wound, tiny splinters and a large chunk. He pulled out the wood as quickly and painlessly as possible. cleaning the wound as he did so. He covered the wound with a bandage and lifted Ashlyn up as gently as he could and carried her to a spare bedroom. he closed the curtains sealing the ends with duct tape so no sunlight could get in making her more weak. He covered her up in a blanket and pulled out a few blood bags from a small fridge in the kitchen. Arturo didn't drink blood unless he needed to heal a little more rapidly than usual, he rarely got hurt.

He could do nothing but wait now, he hoped he had done enough.


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Character Portrait: Ashlyn Roe Character Portrait: Arturo DeGari
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Ashlyn heard his voice, but couldn't comprehend what he said. Her breathing was shallow, and labored, as if she couldn't catch her breath. She did realize that she was no longer in his arms, the warmnth of him leaving her cold. "" She asked weakly, the scent of dog strong in her nose.

As he pulled the wood out, she groaned, and stiffened up. Though she did feel better, the blood loss was just too much. She had fought to keep consciousness as much as possible, but now she succumbed to the shadows of unconsciousness. Unaware of all the hard work that Arturo was putting into her. She did pick up the scent of blood as did her body respond rapidly to it since there was no more wood stopping her from healing. As her body healed, she dreamed.

"Ashlyn Rose... you are committing a mortal sin in the Vampire World." A voice boomed out. Ashlyn looked around, her eyes wide. She hadn't heard that voice in eon's! It was the sound of her maker. "I don't understand, what do you mean?" She asked running in the fog. What had she done wrong? She'd followed all the laws of the Vampires. She never killed when she drank. She never turned someone without permission...she never fell in love with a werewolf. "Oh, you don't know yet...but you will soon." The voice chuckled and trailed off. Ashlyn kept running until she stopped at a shore. There she saw a handsome man with dark brown hair, and ice blue eyes. With only a pair of jeans on, it showed of his tanned, well muscular chest. He smiled at her and her heart fluttered. She walked up to him, slowly and hesitated. "My name's Ashlyn..." She whispered entranced by this mysterious man. He gave her such a wide smile, her own faltered. "Nice to meet you Ashlyn." This man replied, his eyes slowly changing from blue to yellow. "I love you." She said giving him a kiss on his cheek. Ignoring his eye color changing, and the scent of dogs. Why was that scent so familiar? Where had she smelled it before? That was when she realized the mans eyes were changing. He was a werewolf. She backed away slowly, and ran. It was a Cardinal Sin to fall in love with one, and yet she had told this man she loved him. "Ashlyn Rose, you have now chosen your doom and your death." A hand extended from the sky and lifted her up. Ashlyn shreiked not wanting to die, "I don't... I didn't!" She cried out.

She awoke with a jump. Looking around she saw the empty blood bags, and the curtains sealed with duct tape. Someone knew what she was, and had taken good care of her. Last she remembered was falling down into a hole, and a hunter waiting to collect his kill. Crinkling her nose she looked down at her wound that was bandaged up. She unwound the bandages to see that it was perfectly healed. She pulled out the blood IV and walked out of the room, wanting to thank her saviour.


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Character Portrait: Ashlyn Roe Character Portrait: Arturo DeGari
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Arturo had slept briefly on and off through the night, he had got up frequently to check on Ashlyn in case the IV had slipped out as well as changing the bags so Ashlyn would feel the benefit when she finally woke up. He had kept himself busy cooking a simple meal for the pair of them when they felt like eating, he wasn't sure if Ashlyn ate human food or not. Some vampires did, some vampires didn't.

He was cutting up some fruit for his little friends one of which was sitting on his shoulder, squawking loudly Arturo smiled gently he gave the Sugar Glider a piece of grape. " There you go Pepsi. Where is your brother?" he looked around the kitchen as he saw a quick flash off brown stripped fur landed on his head. " Thank you Buzz. That's really helpful.." he chuckled picking up the small creature and put him on his other shoulder.

Arturo's had turned as he heard movement behind him he turned slowly the small bowl of cut up fruit in his hands. " Good..." he trailed off looking at his watch "...afternoon-ish. you've been asleep almost a day" He gave another smile and walked over to her. He reached down and lifted Ashlyn's hand to check the IV needle in case it was lodged into her. " Excuse me, I was just checking that the IV was out properly. If they get stuck its a bitch to get out. I have made some food, i'm not sure if you eat food. if not there's some blood bags in the second fridge. We're going to watch TV if you want to join us?" He gestured to the couch he could feel it before it happened Buzz had leapt of his shoulder and landed right on Ashlyn's shoulder. Arturo gasped " Oh so sorry. I hope you don't mind. I can put them away if you want me to they wont hurt you. Buzz just likes to jump and Pepsi would rather sit somewhere. mainly on me" he chuckled softly and flicked on the tv taking a seat on the couch. He clicked his tounge to Buzz who jumped from Ashlyn to the couch for a piece of fruit.


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ImageAshlyn looked straight at the man and froze. It was the one from her dream... the one she had cared for. As he checked around the IV, she'd snatch her arm back, her eyes widening. "Eh...thank you...." She said rather stiffly. "I can eat human food, and I thank you for finding me and rescuing me... I would've been dead in a matter of hours...there's a hunter in these woods, didja know that?" She asked trying to be civil with this man. As the sugar glider landed on her shoulder, she melted instantly, a smile broke across her face as she took her finger and petted it on its head. "So that is Buzz, and that is Pepsi?" She giggled as she watched the small creature jumped around. "I guess, it wouldn't hurt to join you for a little while...she furrowed her brows, "You're a werewolf...aren't you?" She asked sitting across from him, her motions unsure and tense. "


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Character Portrait: Ashlyn Roe Character Portrait: Arturo DeGari
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Arturo was a little surprised by the vampire sharpness as she spoke, perhaps she wasn't comfortable around him. it wasn't everyday that a werewolf rescued a vampire with intent to save her life, most werewolf would slaughter a vampire prolong the death.

As she asked him a few questions he nodded " There's a few hunters, but only one who targets vampires and werewolves, his name is Crosse. He never actually kills the target himself he would rather prolong the death then claim the rewards." He explained having dealt with the aftermath of Crosse's action for many years. He broke into a smile as she mention Buzz and Pepsi, Buzz was crawling down Arturo's leg and making his way to Aslyn squawking at her to pick him up. " He wants you to pick him up. And yes I am a werewolf." He nodded looking at her.

" Arturo DeGari at your service, I haven't seen you around these parts before. I certainly would have remembered you"

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Character Portrait: Ashlyn Roe
Character Portrait: Arturo DeGari


Character Portrait: Ashlyn Roe
Ashlyn Roe

"Is this real or is it pretend?"

Character Portrait: Arturo DeGari
Arturo DeGari

"Let me help you.."


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