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In Talia a club known as Odisos helps bands make it big. They become famous if they can make the club jump. The world of music lives and breathes here. Yet; does anyone really want to leave?

2,317 readers have visited Odisos since LozerFanAnah created it.



In a town called Talia there is a club known by the name of Odisos. It's the place where all bands who wish to make it big start; where they are born. There is no one shot and you make it; some have had to live in Talia for maybe a year or more before making it big. Houses are given to the bands who wish to stay and wait it out; most do.

Talia is a city filled with more wonders than a single human being can deal with. There are clubs everywhere, great restaurants, fun places and wonderful job opportunities. It's almost as if everything is being handed to them on a silver platter; nothing can go wrong in a city so perfect. Talia is a city built years ahead of the rest of the world. Cars use reusable sources, electricity is generate with wind and water, waste is all recycled and technology is beyond comprehension. A paradise smack dab on its own perfect island surrounded by crystalline seas. Once people move here they never want to leave.

Odisos on the other hand is much more dark than the city that surrounds it. A large club right in the center of the city it is the hottest of hot spots and hard to get into. Unless one has money or is a band hoping to make it there is no getting in; but once one is in. It's like being in a Wonderland right in the middle of reality. Pulsing lights, dancing bodies, hypnotic music and all the drinks one could hope for. Playing for these people is what makes the band for there are always agents present. Yet; there is something odd about Odisos. Something not quite right.

Many have turned dark after going to Odisos for too long. They either pick up a bad drug habit, drink too much or live the lives of sex addicts. It's a place of humanities ugliest pleasures yet most wanted desires. It's what keeps people on Talia; it's what helps them get away.


In this RP there will be two to three bands made up of about four to five people. So in total there should be a minimum of 8-10 people. I will not name the bands; people will do that themselves as I think it's mean to take away from the imagination. So here are the roles.


Metallic Adrenaline

Singer: Kim Yo Shin "Caleb" ICryForAFamily
Guitarist: Kamuo Tadamasa yonbibuns
Bassist: Anah Jade Monette LozerFanAnah
Drummer: Morrigan Blackwood BleedingCrimson
Keyboardist: Conner Baily Graey NathanNitrogen

Valhalla Overdose

Singer: Masami Fitzgerald jjia101
Guitarist: Andy Graves super_nova
Bassist: Roland Kruegar Zetta
Drummer: Aaron Cathoway XCrossX21
Keyboardist: Amiee Blake echo-of-daybreak

Band Three (If Needed)




No god modding
No controlling other characters unless they allow it
Violence, swearing, romance, drug use and nudity allowed (No Cybering)
Literate posts only, no one liners and at least a paragraph (five sentences)
No speed posting
Post at least every two days
If you are leaving for more than three days say so
Use the OOC for plans and questions

Please have a detailed character skeleton in the areas other than description. I will accept pictures and a little info if the picture isn't a perfect match. I'm not asking for a lot so please; don't whine.

PM me with any questions you may have.

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Browse All » 7 Settings to roleplay in

Rocker's Cafe

Rocker's Cafe by RolePlayGateway

Most Popular Cafe/Restaurant

Protege Mall

Protege Mall by RolePlayGateway

Largest Mall in Talia.

Metallic Adrenaline Apartment

Metallic Adrenaline Apartment by RolePlayGateway

Home of the Band Members of Metallic Adrenaline

Valhalla Overdose Apartment

Valhalla Overdose Apartment by RolePlayGateway

This is the home of the Band Members of Valhalla Overdose.


Odisos by LozerFanAnah

Main Club In Talia


Talia by RolePlayGateway

The City

Crystal Pool

Crystal Pool by RolePlayGateway

The Largest Pool/WaterPark in Talia.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Conner downed his shot and grinned as Caleb failed at questioning Anah's statement; that and the fact that she had again made it known that he was a 'tosser'. Something he would find out the meaning of soon enough but he was too lazy to really want to do it any time soon. Besides, the better part of his energy was on forcing a cigarette out of the bassist because he really did want one but he really did not want to get up. "Don't worry about it Cal; she won't tell you what it means," he muttered while he finally gave up and got out of his seat.

He walked over to the bassist and slowly dipped his hand into her pocket for the pack he knew was hiding there. With that he took the pack and went back to his seat, plopped down and lit up. "Why do you bother with that unicycle anyway? It's a stupid way to transport oneself from one location to another," he mentioned a bit late because his brain was running slow due to the lack of nicotine in his system. Conner took a drag and exhaled with a happy sigh; and slid the pack back over to its original owner. Stealing was wrong after all.

So when Kamuo mentioned that they had band practice he held in a frustrated groan because band practice meant no potty breaks, no complaining, no food and no sitting for at least four hours. Anah rode them like horses when it came to playing and Conner knew he would be whipped the most. The keyboardist never got a break and was never let go when something was wrogn or when he muttered a single thing about needing to empty his bladder. As a 'lazy arse tosser who needs to sod off about 'is dullard bladder' he would always hear some form of negative words towards his person. It never failed and it never would fail. The bassist was God; he was just the lazy follower.

"Damn band practice."


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She chuckled as Caleb tried to imitate her slightly cockney accent behind his own and shook her head. Her eyes turned to her keyboardist and she smiled and nodded as he spoke up the truth of her ways. "Yep. 'M not tellin' none o yea wha' that means," she confirmed while she watched the rest of them down their shots. Anah felt as if her own was calling to her and begging her to drink it; swallow it and ask for more and just shut down all brain function to alcoholic fantasies. Obviously that was something she just couldn't do and so tossing her mask behind her she lifted the glass and tossed it down her throat. The burn was addictive and she instantly wanted more; much more.

When she felt a hand in her pocket she didn't bother do anything because it made her proud that Conner had gotten up anyway; it was a step in the right direction. She dragged one last time and flicked the butt into the trash across the kitchen. Her aim had become amazing due to her constant practice at the art. That and the fact that she was like the keyboardist and was sometimes just too lazy to get up and do anything. As the pack stopped before her she shoved it back into her pocket and watched as Kamuo brought the empty glasses to the sink and dumped them in. Her emerald eyes turned back to the table as her brain started to become hardwired to make her want more of the inebriating substance that she wouldn't touch until she got into Odisos.

"Band practice eh?" she repeated after the guitarist and a smile played with her lips. Her favourite thing ever; even if she was a little harsh about how practice went. Once they started they wouldn't stop until she saw fit; which was when she felt that they were going to be perfect. The bassist's band would be the best thing the world had ever seen; their music would devour souls because they were that great. And that only came with hours and hours of endless practice. Her number one rule; no breaks to use the loo. Conner was famous for that and when she heard him complain she turned on him in an instant.

"'Damn band practice?' Who the fuck do ya think you are you lazy arse? Without the band practices we would neva be where we are. You betta not ask for the loo you dullard or I'll sew the blasted toilet to your arse and you'll neva have to worry about your sodding bladder again!" she said with literal threat. Anah loved Conner but his absolute need to piss was something she would never tolerate.


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A pout grew on the Korean boys face as he handed the empty glass to the guitarist. "Noona is such weirdo." he teased the older girl as he poked the wound in his palm. He always wondered about his Noona. She was an odd Noona, that was for sure. She was caring and motherly, that was a given. But he had always wondered if that was all she was. He couldn't help but stare at her as she tossed the death sick into the garbage. There was something about her--some thing she was hiding-- that made him curious. Maybe the way she was so motherly to them, or the way that she was a slave driver when they were at band practice.

Ah, band practice. It was Caleb's personal hell, at least with Anah it is. No potty breaks, no snack-age time, little chances of a water break for the singer. One of thees days he swore he's going to scream and rip his hair from his skull. But he knew it was for the band's own good. They were one of the great ones in their district all because of Anah's torture like practices. He scrunched his face at the words. "Yeah we might be one of the best here, but couldn't you let us at least use the bathroom once every hour? You slave driver." He said the last three words in his native tongue unsure if anyone understood him.

"I ride it because it's awesome, Hyung." He answered cockily to the raven haired boy when he questioned about his form of transportation. "It's boring to walk or use a normal bike." With a bright grin on is face he reached out trying to flick the older boy's fore head play fully. Of course with his current position it was impossible for him to reach far enough. He sighed giving up, slumping on the chair with a pout.

His gaze turned to the death stick between Conner's fingers. The urge to have one between his lips was far too great for him to ignore. All the will power in the world couldn't hold back the urge for him to say: "Hyung, give me one too please." He knew that the three of them knew that he swore he would quit. If only he could just show the slightest weakness, just one stick, one drag. That's all he needed. He hopped Anah wouldn't stop Connor from taking a stick.


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Even though both of the other boys detested Anah's slave driving attitude when it came band practice, Kamuo didn't mind as much. It wasn't that he enjoyed being pushed all day without breaks, but he really saw the difference from when they first started and he thought it was because of Anah's determined attitude (or frequent curses for them to get their β€œlazy arses” in gear). However, Kamuo also suffered from not being able to go to the bathroom, often being Conner's buddy when it came to their β€œdullard bladder's.” The lack of being able to use the bathroom would often leave him begging the ruthless bassist for a break, which she sometimes gave them if they needed it bad enough; sometimes, he even gave up her own smoking urges so that they could dog on the entire day. The blond truly believed that all their hard work payed off and he was determined to see them up on the big stage one day. He shook his head with a feigned pout, patting Caleb on the back before taking up his spot on top of the kitchen counter. β€œNot unless you get her saucered... err...” Kamuo added brightly, failing at mimicking the bassists accent. β€œSmashed, anyway.”

Kamuo's bright eyes trailed across the handful of shot glasses laying in the sink, before he smirked jovially. β€œI'll pick some more up after band practice.” The guitarist promised, nodding his head as if to confirm it to himself. The promise of booze might have been incentive for his band mates to work extra hard during band practice. Besides, maybe he'd see the cute girl who worked at the liquor store. It wasn't like he fawned over her or anything, he didn't really like anyoneβ€”sometimes, everyone just thought he was too cheerful to fall head over heels over anyone. Conner seemed to be too lazy to deal with anyone, Caleb was a mystery to him in that area but the way he spoke told him very differently and Anah was just Anah (maybe, she was a mystery to him, too. He couldn't quite figure her out). Romantically, all of them seemed pretty much available even though they had a growing fan club whenever they played at Odisos.

The guitarist couldn't help but laugh loudly, holding a hand to his mouth to stifle his laughter. Even when the bassist was trying to be intimidating (not that she wasn't when she was angry), it still made him laugh whenever she turned her sights on the poor keyboardist. And the way she worded things cracked him up, back in Japan, slang was very hard to come by and he'd never seen the likes until he moved down here to make his way in the world. In that manner, Caleb and he weren't that much different. They were both from Asia; just in different places, and they spoke two different languages. He'd adapted quickly to English, so he didn't have very much trouble speaking it, but his accent was evident. He'd often been found singing in the shower in his native tongue. This also meant that he understood more Korean than he let on (going to a school where everyone spoke their own language and dialect: Mandarin, Tagalog, Japanese, Korean), and he didn't doubt that Caleb knew Japanese.

Kamuo grinned when he'd caught the words: slave driver, slip from the vocalists' lips. He wouldn't have been surprised if Anah had finally caught on to some of their Japanese and Korean words; and he wasn't even sure if Caleb was aware that he understood most of what he said when he spoke slow enough. The guitarist seemed at ease with the rising smoke from both Conner and Anah. It didn't bother him that all of them smoked, he'd been around it enough to become accustomed to the smell. At first, he'd coughed and hacked. Now, it was pretty much second nature to see them filling the kitchen up with smoke, and he didn't mind it. Other questioned why he didn't smoke either. He didn't really have an answer.


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Conner rolled his eyes at the bassist's outburst and casually; as if it didn't bother him that she was yelling at him; dragged from his cigarette. He had to hold in a laugh when he heard the words slave driver slip from their singer's lips and covered it with a cough as he exhaled. Slave Driver was an excellent way to describe Anah during their practices. "Be careful Cal; she'll chain you tot he wall and force you to sing until your vocal chords give out. Then she'll blame you for it and force you to get surgery by some shady doctor no one trusts. Then, if the surgery doesn't work she'll blame you again and throw you onto the side of the street and replace you with some other boy who can sing. He'll probably be worse than you but at that point anything will be better then the 'fuckfaced arse singa' who can' sing for shit because 'e fucked up 'is vocal chords.'" As he started the imitation of the bassist's accent one would think he himself was English for how well he had managed to do it. Conner was the only of the band who could really imitate Anah.

Instead of answering the singer he merely got up and went back into Anah's pocket because he knew she wouldn't stop him. Twice today he had gotten up to do his own things and that was a shock; the keyboardist never got up. He sat back down and pulled a stick from the pack and tossed it to Caleb; right behind it was the lighter Conner always kept in his pocket. He slid the pack back towards the God of the band - as she liked to call herself - and leaned back in his seat.

"Kam, I'm with you on getting Anah drunk. I miss those days." His eyes landed on the only female in their band and he smiled. "You remember those days Anah? I do; quite fun really. I really do want to see you let loose again," he stated truthfully as he dragged from his half-finished slow death.

He really did miss the days when it was just him and Anah being stupid teenagers. All they'd ever done was drink and party and hang with the wrong people. Odisos had been like a paradise to them and once the both of them had gotten caught up in some bad shit. Drugs were something that could be slipped into anything and when they had fallen to it, it had taken a solid two weeks of deprivation to cure them. Obviously they went back but when they found Kamuo Anah had been the one to demand it over. Conner never understood why she had let him see that side of her but refused to let others. Not that he could question it. "I really do."


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The bassist nearly burst into hysterical laughter when she heard Conner's explanation for what she would do to Caleb if he continued calling her 'Slave Driver'. Only reason she ever understood the two foreign members of her band was because she had stayed up late every night for months learning their languages. It brought her total up to five; Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish and obviously English. It pleased her to know that they couldn't speak about her in some foreign language without her understanding because she knew them and understood them and would kill them if they were plotting against her. Her band did NOT plan against their God.

"Now look here Conner. You don' 'ave the right to be goin' 'round tellin' people wha' you think I'll do, yea? Fuckfaced arse singa' who can' sing for shit because 'e fucked up 'is vocal chords! Now we all know I'd come up wit somethin' betta than tha'. Sure I can be a lil mean at times buh I don' think I'd eva put Caleb threw tha. It's just inhumane! So, wha' I'm tellin' yea ta do is fuck off out o me business an' don' be pretendin' tha' you know who I am like the back of your 'and. Do ya get that you lil wank?" she threw back after he had riffled through her pockets for another cigarette; for Caleb. Never bothered her that the singer smoked; she'd started long before her fifteenth birthday.

Of course though when the idea of getting her pissed came into question she broke out in an internal sweat. "It's pissed Kam," she muttered. "In England drunk is pissed." They didn't want her drunk, they really didn't. Not even Conner - who'd seen her pretty bad - had never seen her pissed. Maybe tipsy but her tolerance for alcohol was way above that of a normal person. Her tipsy was another person's pissed but when she was tipsy she might as well have been pissed. But no one; no one in her hand; would ever see that. It was a horrible thing that lead to some bad repercussions and some bad choices on her behalf. It made her shudder to think of them seeing the monster she really could be. That was one of the main reasons she had left home; alcohol had ruined her image in her parents and her own eyes.

Yes, she agreed with Conner that she missed the days when they would drink and smoke and forget the world existed but she had always held back. Always. The more she thought about it the more real it became and to shut the shit out she lit up and dragged deeply. More calm she exhaled with a look of near peace on her face and smiled. "You'll neva get me pissed peeps. Neva. The old days are gone now; time to begin anew, yea?" she said around the fag hanging from her lips.


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The blond arched his brow as he tried to imagine what the bassist could do to him. He placed a hand over his throat and looked terrified into his Hryung's eyes. "Noona wouldn't do that!" He said in a scared--but playful of course-- tone. "That's mean! No Beyond mean! That's cruel!" He gave a dramatic sigh and wiped the sweat off his fore head with his hand. He laughed hard hearing Anah's come back. Maybe he laughed a little too hard, somewhere on his rib area started to ache. he sighed calming himself, placing a hand on the pain to calm it down.

His attention was pulled away from t e group when he saw Connor stand up. His eyes winded a bit. Never in his life would he imagine the raven haired boy would get off his butt to do something for Caleb. Normally he would just grunt or ignore his request, he was very surprised to see him walk all the way to the pack in Anah's pocket then back to where he was. He smiled catching the lighter and the stick in one hand.

Caleb stared down at the stick as if it's been years since he held one in his hands. He studied the cigarette like it was something from another universe. He brought it to his nose and allowed himself to take a small sniff of the white covering. Oh how long has he waited and resisted. It's been such a long time since he smoked one. One wouldn't hurt, he promised himself he wouldn't beg for another one. He pulled the lighter from his other hand and it to life, lighting the stick.

He placed it between his lips and took a long good drag. A soft moan of pleasure escaped his lips as he allowed the smoke to escape his mouth. His head leaned back on the chair as he looked up at the ceiling. He watched the smoke fly up and vanish into thin air. A small smirk grew on his face as he looked at the other blond. "Hyung," He called out to him. "I swear this will be the last time I will ever smoke. Never again!" he promised taking another drag. "If I do break that promise, please kick me between the legs."


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Kamuo scratched the back of his neck, wondering when he’d be able to pick up some more booze. It was a constant nagging question in the back of his head, much like his band-mates nicotine urges. Smiling roguishly, he eyed Conner for a moment before his eyes dragged back onto the bassist. It was strange that only Conner seemed to be able to imitate Anah’s voice perfectly; he and Caleb always failed at it, he thought it might have been because Conner knew the bassist the longest. Who knew? They all cared for each other but it didn’t mean they knew each other’s pasts very well, yet. The only one who seemed to stumbled homeβ€”half-nakedβ€”and blab about his past, other peoples secrets, or just random things about himself was Kamuo. Liquor didn’t sit too well with the blond either, although his promiscuousness was much more well hidden, for a guy.

β€œSomeday we’ll get you β€œpissed,” the guitarist promised, flashing a toothy grin before giving Conner the thumbs up. Someday when they were all celebrating a wicked gig, or making it bigβ€”they’d finally see Anah completely wasted. He’d seen both Conner and Caleb drunk, they weren’t exactly shy, and the β€œmother” of the band was weary around alcohol, as if she was afraid to let loose. Fortunately, when Kamuo arrived in Odisos, he hadn’t fallen to drugs or smoking; it was drinking that took hold of him like a claw. He just enjoyed it too much, and whenever he met new people and they offered a beer, he couldn’t reject it. His will power wasn’t his strongest forte. β€œNever say never, Nana.”

The blond sniggered behind his hand once more; Conner was funny even when he didn’t mean to be. It was his sarcastic wit, and even though Anah often rode down his throat about things, he always seemed to be able to disarm her. She’d never been so completely mad over anything serious, not that he could remember anyway, she was just disciplinary. β€œNana would only do that if you tried to quit,” Kamuo added matter-of-factly, raising his index finger as if making a point. He brushed his fingers through his hair as he watched Caleb light the end of his cancer stick. The youngest member was always promising to quit, but he never seemed to be able to do it.

The guitarists bright blue eyes squinted at him before he shook his head, β€œNever again!” He repeated, rubbing his chin before passing over to the back Caleb’s seat. β€œYou always say that, y’know?” He peered closer to the vocalists cigarette before recoiling, sniffing gingerly at the air.

β€œI don’t know why you guys’ smoke, I'm used to it and all, but I don't know why.”


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The keyboardist merely smiled when Anah 'yelled' at him. He always secretly enjoyed it because her accent was just amazing in it's English accent way. Something about it made her words seem more harsh yet toned them down. Her accent was calimg yet degrading and it was a confusing concoction that made him become addicted to it; addicted to her. She was just fascinating and interesting and that was the only reason for why he dealed with the way she treated him at those times; he just couldn't give her up. The bassist was worse than some crack or cigarette addiction. One could kill those and probably never look back, but she was an addiction that couldn't be killed. Conner didn't really want to try.

"Don't doubt Kamuo's charm Anah. One day he'll start slipping stuff into your drinks and you'll be so out of it you'll wake up one day wondering when you'd gone to sleep," he muttered before he flicked the finished butt of his cig into the trash that was across the room. For the first time in a long time he actually got it in and it made him smile. Not many things to smile for these days. "By the way Kam speaking of drinks and alcohol and what not; why don't you got out and grab some seeing as none of us can get any." Obviously that was a lie because before Kamuo had showed up Anah had been the one to supply the booze and cigarettes but since the guitarist had showed up there'd been no reason to bother. He vaguely wondered if she still had the ID she used to get it. Probably did for the day Kamuo dissapeared for some unknown reason.

Conner's eyes followed the older blonde as he started talking about how Caleb always claimed he would quit and what not. Conner knew it'd be a long time till the singer cut the habit; he didn't have the willpower yet. Who wanted will power?

An interesting question came up and the keyboardist smiled. "Ask Anah why. She knows why she smokes and she really knows why I do. It's quite the story and I'm too lazy to tell it," he stated in a tired voice as he pushed himself out of his chair and stretched.

He wasn't lying either; the story of their smoking was quite a fun one and really grabbed attention. He'd started because well; he had but he didn't really like ot think about it unless necessary. It all had started quite roughly and he really didn't want to be the one to tell the story, he'd hurt himself too much. Quite a stupid reason to hurt but Conner was too lazy to hurt over anything else so he might as well hurt over something easy.

"And after that get the booze."

The setting changes from Odisos to Metallic Adrenaline Apartment

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A small, child-like figure in a plush bed stirred ever so slightly before a childish yawn was heard from beneath the dark scarlet covers. Morrigan stretched and felt her hands leave the warmth of the blankets and she was shocked out of her half-asleep state. "Condemn it to fire and brimstone," she muttered biterly at being awake.

Peeking her head out of the covers she glanced at the clock by her bed and prompty died a little inside. "Confound it all, I am so fantastically late I'll be beheaded without a doubt!" Morrigan frantically ran around her room getting ready; her shower was all of five minutes, her makeup took fifteen minutes less than usual, and choosing her clothes and getting dressed ate up only ten minutes. Altogether her routine took thirty minutes opposed to the usual hour.

"I am late, I am late for a very important date!" She cried as she burst from the apartment, running towards the Odisos club, her drumsticks in her hair and violin in hand. She couldn't be late! Imagine what kind of person they would think she was, late like it didn't matter one whit to her. She so wanted to make the cut, Metalic Adrenaline was having try-outs for drummer, and god help her, she would get the spot!

The setting changes from Metallic Adrenaline Apartment to Odisos


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(sorry took forever to post guys, exams to all my time away. but now I can post normally :'D <3)

A moan of satisfaction escaped the youngest's lips. How long has it been since he felt this great? He missed this floating feeling so much, he took another long drag and opened his mouth slightly for the poison to slip out of him. Right now he didn't care much on what the others were saying, his mind had too much toxins in his system. He started to re consider his promise of breaking the habit, but he knew how far he's gone. If he gave up entirely all that effort would just be a waste.

He scrunched his face at the older blond. "This time I swear on my mother's grave," he said as if the woman was really dead. "This will be the very last time I'll ever have another smoke in my life. Ever." He added emphasis to last word as he finished the last of the nicotine enjoying the last high feeling. He aimed carefully for the garbage can behind Annah. After a few practice tosses, he sent the stick flying with a flick of his wrist. A smirk grew on his face as it hit the rim of the can but missed the opening. He shot an apologetic smile at his noona.

"Miane, Noona." He apologized to the bassist with babiest tone he could make.

"You know, we shouldn't be drinking so much Hyung," He said pouting at the raven haired boy. Though he knew he should be the one in the group to drink less. After all too much of alcohol could affect his vocal cords. Or so he's been told by his older sister.

With that thought in mind, he looked over at the mother of the group. "Noona, shouldn't we practice?" He said trying to sound excited for the torture session. He used all his strength to pull himself off the chair using his 'strong leg' more then his 'bubued' leg. "Let's do it now? Why the hell are we just sitting here talking about booze?"


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Kamuo only flashed his trademark grin at Connor's words. It seemed the only one who knew how devious he could be was the laziest member of the band, and perhaps it was only because they enjoyed drinking together and that's when Kamuo was his rowdiest. On more than one occasion, the keyboardist had to guide the guitarist home, arm-in-arm with Kamuo blabbering on about himself or some nonsense or someone's secrets that they'd just told him the other day. He never remembered what he did or said the other night and Connor wasn't the type to remind himβ€”which he was glad of. Even though he wasn't shy about drinking in front of his band mates, Anah never seemed to want to tag along with them and they tried to keep Caleb from liquor as much as they could: usually ending up failing in the end as Caleb gave them his puppy dog just-one-drink face.

Kamuo stooped down, picked up the end of the cancer stick and plopped it in the garbage can. β€œOnly ConTon and Nana have that skill down pat,” the blond stated, shrugging his shoulders and taking his place back on the counter. He scratched the back of his head absent-mindedly, staring up at the ceiling before innocently patting his pocket. β€œYeah, it's getting expensive, we need new pass times.”

When Caleb mentioned practising, Kamuo's bright blue eyes widened and he checked his watch. He'd completely forgotten that the new girl, someone named Morrigan, was trying out to become their new drummer. The last drummer... was better left forgotten. This new girl seemed promising but he hadn't even seen her yet. In spite of being impulsive and impatient, Kamuo (along wit Anah) were the ones that often dealt with the business side of things, and that meant recruiting members. He'd drawn up some farfetched, cute looking sketches that advertised their need for a new, skilled drummer and left his cell number at the bottom. That was when he received a call from a girl who sounded really strange, but he excitedly told his band and they seemed agreeable to hold the tryout at the studio. Today.

β€œCrap!” Kamuo yelled, hopping off the counter. β€œWe gotta get going! The drummer's heading to the studio, I forgot!”


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Conner by this point was nearly brain-dead because he wasn't really doing much with his brain to begin with. All he could really think of doing was either smoking, taking a shower and taking in another drink. But really the only one he could think of that had priority was the shower and so he worked on sitting up properly and alertly for the perfect time to excuse himself from the table so that he could go and do just that.

When Caleb swore he held back a grin and just shrugged his shoulders as if it didn't really matter. "Forget about trying to hold back Cal. Anah and I are sixteen; I started when I was your age. It's nothing to be all ashamed about really. It's just a matter of what your perspective is," he stated. His voice was almost monotone but not exactly because sentimental words like those needed some emotion behind them to back them up. Besides, it wasn't like Conner was an emotionless person because he wasn't and alcohol would agree. Yea he wasn't exactly the most emotional person in the house but he wasn't blank and apathetic; yet anyway.

"Alcohol isn't getting expensive. We're dipping into Anah's bank account to pay for it." He turned his gaze to the bassist with an amused smile on his face. "Which never seems to run out," he added to her with a slight hint of a question.

Then there came some mention about some drummer and Conner took it as his opportunity to stand up and mention in passing that he was going to take a shower and would be at the studio a bit after them. "Anah, you can work me all you want when I get there. Hell even hold me back for however long I'm not there for deal?" But before she could answer he was out of the kitchen and heading towards his room where he would gather his things and get himself in the shower.


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Conner by this point was nearly brain-dead because he wasn't really doing much with his brain to begin with. All he could really think of doing was either smoking, taking a shower and taking in another drink. But really the only one he could think of that had priority was the shower and so he worked on sitting up properly and alertly for the perfect time to excuse himself from the table so that he could go and do just that.

When Caleb swore he held back a grin and just shrugged his shoulders as if it didn't really matter. "Forget about trying to hold back Cal. Anah and I are sixteen; I started when I was your age. It's nothing to be all ashamed about really. It's just a matter of what your perspective is," he stated. His voice was almost monotone but not exactly because sentimental words like those needed some emotion behind them to back them up. Besides, it wasn't like Conner was an emotionless person because he wasn't and alcohol would agree. Yea he wasn't exactly the most emotional person in the house but he wasn't blank and apathetic; yet anyway.

"Alcohol isn't getting expensive. We're dipping into Anah's bank account to pay for it." He turned his gaze to the bassist with an amused smile on his face. "Which never seems to run out," he added to her with a slight hint of a question.

Then there came some mention about some drummer and Conner took it as his opportunity to stand up and mention in passing that he was going to take a shower and would be at the studio a bit after them. "Anah, you can work me all you want when I get there. Hell even hold me back for however long I'm not there for deal?" But before she could answer he was out of the kitchen and heading towards his room where he would gather his things and get himself in the shower.


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"Exac'ly Caleb. Besides; I star'ed a long time ago back when I was still London yea? Is all a matta of wha' ya think is right and wrong really," the bassist stated while she gave a bored shrug and ran a hand through her hair. It never bothered her that her youngest band member/singer smoked; ever. Not when she found out and not when he lied about quitting and she knew he still was. Nothing ever really bothered her about anything her band did because they were all adults and could all take care of themselves. "My bank account is neva endin."

She stood up and made her way over to the fridge which she opened to claim a bottle of water. If anything Anah was a big fan of water; the liquid of life. Well; she'd prefer if alcohol were the liquid of life but it wasn't so she had learned to love the flavourless, scentless and clear substance. Not that she really had a choice because yea alcoholic drinks had water in them but they damaged the liver and would end up taking her life instead of giving her life. She'd been forced down a dark path of boring drinks and sober nights except those special days she threw some of her caution out the window and allowed herself to become tipsy.

Anah watched Conner walk away with a smile on her lips behind the rim of the bottle. Obviously she would take advantage of his offer and force him to work when they got back home because she didn't want to stay late at the studio. "We probably should. I don' want ta leave Morrigan - tha' drummer - sittin in tha studio all by herself no no." She lowered the water bottle from her lips and placed her free hand on her hips as she appraised her band. "I neva thought we needed one really. Kinda thought tha Conner's synthesized drums were fine. Buh 'aving real drums will be great," she mused.

"Well. Let's get a move on. And on tha way 'ome we're buying enough booze to last us two weeks." It was finalized the moment it left her lips because they couldn't argue because they wer her band.


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Morriga burst through the doors to the club, standing as tall as she could to help her catch her breath. She ra as fast as she could in those odd little heels to get here in a fashion resembling on time.

"Oh no, oh no," She mumbled to herself, fixing her clothes as she slowly walked to the others in the room, "I'm late, my head is forfiet for sure!" She stood in front of her, hopefully, new band. Fidgeting only slightly as she tried to stand still, swaying while she stood (or even sat) was a horrid habbit of hers.

"I know I'm late, but I would like to audition for the ope drummer's position if it so pleases the band." She bowed with a flourish and expertly twirled the drumsticks she pulled out of her hair.

((Sorry it's so late, I couldn't login for about a week though I could see the posts and stuff...))


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Caleb pouted as the two older teens spoke about his promise. "Well I promised myself I'll be pure." He said puffing his cheeks. "I just wanna live life to the fullest, ya'know." He said failing at his accent. He looked at Annah and stuck his tongue out at her like the little child he was. Sometimes being the youngest had it's benefits, he could be childish and immature when he wanted. There was no reason or need for him to be the mature one.

He arched his eye brow when somehow the conversion moved to Alcohol and Annah's wallet. Caleb's mind was too high to consntrate on what was happening. His head would bob in agreement to whatever they were saying. Not really caring what he was agreeing to to be honest.

The thouhgt of a new member in their family always made Caleb happy but at the same time nervous. Though it was great that they would have a new face with them, he was always worried that that new face might take his special positon in their group. To him no one else could be the baby but him. If this new member was going to be fifteen or below he would do anything to be sure his chances of getting in would be slim.

Call him selfish, but that's how Caleb actually is. His own selfishness would always get the better of him. He'd allow someone to take what was his, no matter what the results --weather good or bad --- would be.

"Well if were going to get going," A small mischievous smirk grew on his lips as he looked at the other blond and Asian man in the group. "Hyung would have to carry little Caleb. Seeing as he can't walk after all." If it were possible, his grin grew wider as his arms stretched out to him his fingers opened and closed like a baby wanting to be lifted by his mother. "Uppy?" He said in a baby voice.


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The eldest blond watched as Conner scooted away in the direction of the bathroom, promising that she could whip him to the bone later when he arrived at the studio. It seemed a morning ritual to skip out on the beginning of the band practicesβ€”he was always last to shower. Smirking widely, Kamuo shrugged his shoulders and glanced out the window. Who knew when Morrigan would arrive at the studio, but he knew that they were already a few minutes late. They'd have to hurry over to catch her before the drummer grew bored and left, although he doubted that would happen since she seemed pretty determined on the phone. He was excited to see what kind of a person she was and he was already itching to play his guitar.

Tapping his foot impatiently, Kamuo stared outside the window before turning his bright eyes back on the bassist and vocalist. It was true that they all cared and looked out for each other, but they were all old enough to have their own unhealthy habits (except for Caleb, technically, but they tried their best to keep him out of trouble). β€œYou've got a money tree!” Kamuo teased, smiling roguishly as he stretched his arms behind his tree. Truthfully, he wasn't very good with his money but worked hard for it. The only one in the band that seemed to have a fruitless, endless amount of cash was Anah. He always wondered how she saved it so well.

β€œIt'll be nice having some real drums in the band, neh?” the guitarist commented, running his hand through his blond locks before grinning. Conner had always supplied the base drum beats on his synthesizer and they worked fine, but an acoustic drummer would be a great asset to the band. He knew that their popularity would go up from having each position filled. Another girl might be good, too. When the bassist mentioned buying booze that would last them two weeks, he whooped and flashed his thumbs up. The bassist was always supplying them with entertaining and boozeβ€”every night, they usually played games until the boys passed out.

When they finally decided it'd be time to leave, Kamuo stared at Caleb before letting his shoulders lump in defeat. β€œFine, fine! But next time I'm drunk, you'll have to carry me, Cal-kun.” The guitarist retorted, pouting. Truth be told, he was weak to the youngest members wishes, and he wasn't sure why. All the boy would have to do is pout and he'd get his wayβ€”unless he was asking Anah, the bassist was tough when she needed to be and he usually let him get away with whatever he wanted. Moving away from the counter and stooping low enough that Caleb could ease his way on his back.


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Rocker's Cafe

Rocker's Cafe by RolePlayGateway

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Protege Mall

Protege Mall by RolePlayGateway

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Metallic Adrenaline Apartment

Metallic Adrenaline Apartment by RolePlayGateway

Home of the Band Members of Metallic Adrenaline

Valhalla Overdose Apartment

Valhalla Overdose Apartment by RolePlayGateway

This is the home of the Band Members of Valhalla Overdose.


Odisos by LozerFanAnah

Main Club In Talia


Talia by RolePlayGateway

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Crystal Pool by RolePlayGateway

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Character Portrait: Anah Jade Monette
Character Portrait: Kim Yo Shin "Caleb"
Character Portrait: Conner Baily Graey
Character Portrait: Andy Graves


Character Portrait: Kim Yo Shin "Caleb"
Kim Yo Shin "Caleb"

The very young lead

Character Portrait: Anah Jade Monette
Anah Jade Monette

"I Want To Stop Hearts With My Music. I Want To Be The Greatest Next To Him."


Character Portrait: Kim Yo Shin "Caleb"
Kim Yo Shin "Caleb"

The very young lead

Character Portrait: Anah Jade Monette
Anah Jade Monette

"I Want To Stop Hearts With My Music. I Want To Be The Greatest Next To Him."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Anah Jade Monette
Anah Jade Monette

"I Want To Stop Hearts With My Music. I Want To Be The Greatest Next To Him."

Character Portrait: Kim Yo Shin "Caleb"
Kim Yo Shin "Caleb"

The very young lead

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Rocker's Cafe

Rocker's Cafe by RolePlayGateway

Most Popular Cafe/Restaurant

Protege Mall

Protege Mall by RolePlayGateway

Largest Mall in Talia.

Metallic Adrenaline Apartment

Metallic Adrenaline Apartment by RolePlayGateway

Home of the Band Members of Metallic Adrenaline

Valhalla Overdose Apartment

Valhalla Overdose Apartment by RolePlayGateway

This is the home of the Band Members of Valhalla Overdose.


Odisos by LozerFanAnah

Main Club In Talia


Talia by RolePlayGateway

The City

Crystal Pool

Crystal Pool by RolePlayGateway

The Largest Pool/WaterPark in Talia.

Metallic Adrenaline Apartment

Home of the Band Members of Metallic Adrenaline

Valhalla Overdose Apartment

This is the home of the Band Members of Valhalla Overdose.

Protege Mall

Talia Protege Mall Owner: RolePlayGateway

Largest Mall in Talia.

Rocker's Cafe

Talia Rocker's Cafe Owner: RolePlayGateway

Most Popular Cafe/Restaurant

Crystal Pool

Talia Crystal Pool Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Largest Pool/WaterPark in Talia.

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Re: [OOC] Odisos

Hmm, Tallic could've put up flyers for a new drummer, since their incomplete without one, and she could've seen it posted up around Odisos? Any ideas BleedingCrims?

Re: [OOC] Odisos

I know! So how are we going to drag out drummer into this? I mean her first post was good but e need to find a way to bring her into Tallic.

Re: [OOC] Odisos

dadawgdjkad! XD It's been awhile since anyone replied and we've got our DRUMMER.

Re: [OOC] Odisos

Yall can post and skip me this round. I kinda want to react to every one after the mentioning of why the smoking shit happens. (FOR THE RECORD I DO NOT SMOKE IN REAL LIFE AND HATE IT! Plus I have asthma so if I did I'd die two days after starting.)

Re: [OOC] Odisos

BEE R BEE, I'm going to post tomorrow since I was held up at a huge highway collision/with everything on fire; and I'm dead tired.
<3 I'll do it early in the morning, bandies.

Re: [OOC] Odisos

Pleaaase wait for me to post tomorrow morning! (Or continue on, pretending Kamuo has poured some shots and had some of his own, maybe heading off to pick up more vodka)?
I'm dead tired, and I've been taking care of my mum so my brain's not working properly. <3

Sorry guys,

Re: [OOC] Odisos

Unfortunately I can't make a post today x.x I still have a volleyball game to attend in the morning. >.<
Kindly go a head but please drag Caleb along with you guys :'3 I promise I'll post when I get back home

greatest apologies,

Re: [OOC] Odisos

Thanks for the cake Anah. Nathan loves you too. *Doesn'tGiveAnythingBack*

I now go and post because I can't sleep in the mornings anyway and your damn alarm woke me up.

Re: [OOC] Odisos

I was just going to put a post up right now.

By the way, I was wondering if we could kind of come up with a posting order to keep things from getting complicated when all of us are interacting together. When it's seperate there can be two different orders but when we are all together I would like there to be some kind of order unless something has to move quickly or someone is away too long.

(It's LozerFanAnah. I was on Nathan's account and completely forgot. SORRY NATHAN! ANAH LOVES YOU! *SendsCake*)

Re: [OOC] Odisos

DEAL. :) It'll make things easier, are we waiting for the band to fill up to start? Or fer' the band names to be chosen, oh GM.

Re: [OOC] Odisos

Eh, I dunno about Faust too much. I know too many things named Faust and I want the name to be completely unique and unused. Something no one would think when coming up with a band name.

You know what?! I am naming the bands I'm done with this. They won't be retarded ugly ass names I promise. I'm actually going to mix some of the ideas I've seen together so BEWARE MY GAME MASTER POWERS!

Re: [OOC] Odisos

Why don't we named Band number one: Faust? I like it, band mates, whaddya think? I can't wait to get this started. It really doesn't matter to me what the band name is, I'm pretty flexible. Unless it's something like: Atomic Candy Kitty. Ha ha.


Re: [OOC] Odisos

Faust is the name of this wicked song by my fav band Gorillaz. Also coincidentally the middle name of my favourite bassist who is part of that band. FAUST FOR THE WIN!

I hate this process; makes life hard. I feel like I should be like those other RP God people and just choose a name for you and finish this. But I really don't want to take away creative license... it's just mean.

Hmmmm, Candy Overdose is making my head feel pretty funny.

Re: [OOC] Odisos

I wish I had some candy and coke. *is stuck in the boonies* Basilisk is a wicked named; there's always Chimera. Me and my brother made up a band with a couple of his friends and named it: Albatross, thought it was pretty cool.

Here's some other ones that come to mind:

Double Take
Midas Touch

Re: [OOC] Odisos

Well.... I dunno; I'm not really good with band names as one I'm in was already named Basilisk (which I love) and it was like; a seven people effort. I say you all just spit out a random word and combine them or something. It works sometimes.

Re: [OOC] Odisos

I agree with Zetta, something related to mythology would be cool. Eh, how about Valhalla Reborn?
Random? Yeah, I know. xD This is what candy and coke does to me..

Re: [OOC] Odisos

That's OK with me Zetta the name would be quite interesting if it was about mythology or ancient history..

Re: [OOC] Odisos

Darkness Falls feels way too generic. I want to go with something related to mythology or ancient history myself, but I don't know how it'll roll with you guys.

Re: [OOC] Odisos

Metallic Adrenaline; short, MANE. HA HA HA. Oh, I can't abbreviate it with anyone besides Mane, Mean, or Tallic. I'm good with Metallic Adrenaline.


Re: [OOC] Odisos

For band One I was actually playing with Metallic Roses but Sweet Adrenaline is good too.


Metallic Adrenaline.

Anyone who disagrees can shoot themselves in the foot. *Glare* Unless all of band one really hates it than it's all good.