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Blake Everett

"Lets get this game started!"

0 · 1,943 views · located in Pacific Coast Academy

a character in “PCA Boarding school”, as played by HadenRivers




Blake, James, Everett

Blake, Captain



Jocks (King)

Sports, going to sports games, eating, working out, hang out with friends, being Captain, reading, watching movies, being himself

Fake people, snobs, sluts, players, girly shit, bullies, ass-holes, people who think they are better then everyone else

Not getting into the University Of Notre Dame. His older sister's cancer will get worse. The death of a family member.

Eye Color:
Dark navy blue

Hair Color:
Dark Brown


Blake is far from a jerk or player. He is playful and flirty and all and all a nice guy, a good best friend and a strong Captain and leader. He is what is known at PCA as King Jock though he doesnt really like the name, it makes him sound like an ass-hole. His heavy southern accent always seems to get him attention from girls. Being from Texas Blake was born as a natural cowboy kinda guy but doesnt show that off to much at school though when pranks are being pulled you will see that wild free spirit come out and have a little fun. Thats right he's a prankster but not a mean one, usually its a funny joke on newbies on the football team or a prank on his friends but he never acts alone. If this ever got out of hand Blake would be apologizing right away because he never wants to hurt anyone. He has had a total of two girlfriends in his life and the only reason for them breaking it up was girl one and him thought they didnt feel like they were meant to date and one moved away. Blake's an awesome guy and that is why he is liked over most of the campus. But ther are a few moments in life were he has been cruel but he usually feel's bad afterwards.

Blake was born in Dallas, Texas on October 30. His family is well off when it comes to money his father being the agent of Peyton Manning, quarterback of the Denver Broncos and his mother being a famous journalist. They live in a penthouse apartment in Dallas. Blake's all time dream is to make it in the big league's of football, ever since he went to his first game at the age of five he knew thats what he wanted to be. Blake transferred to PCA because of there advanced football team which Blake easily dominated, and was giving the Captain title right away. Blake has three younger siblings and an older sister, who has moved out and going to culinary school in France, but also has cancer. Though he didnt need it Blake was given several football scholarships that allowed him to go to PCA. Though he may not be a genius Blake is quite smart, a straight B+ student.

Anything else:
-His Truck
-His baby aka his dirt bike

So begins...

Blake Everett's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Scarlett Ann Rey Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers
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7:00 A.M. PCA Campus

Its been a week since school began. Some students have fully unpacked and decorated their dorms, others still have boxes littering their dorms. The first two weeks of school is supposed to be spent getting orientated with the school before classes start the following week. The first week was spent with students being dropped off throughout the week, students signing up for clubs and getting their sport gear, and roommates getting acquainted. Now its the second week. Students will be going to their clubs and sports. For now most students are either waking up and getting ready for the day, in the lounges, or eating breakfast in the quad, picnic tables, or the caf.


Donna had awoken early that morning, she yawned careful not not to wake up Arielle before slipping into their bathroom. She slipped into the shower going through her morning ritual of her body was, body scrub, facial cleanser, facial scrub, and facial moisturizer. She usually washed her hair every other day since it was so thick and she didn't want it to break off but she used her luxury vanilla scented conditioner every day. She came out thoroughly refreshed before beginning to brush out her luscious, thick, glossy brown hair. She then straightened it until it was pin straight and ended just above her back dimples. She came out the bathroom in her lacy under garments before spraying her signature custom made scent of honey suckle, which she made at a perfumery in Paris, into the air and stepping into letting it gently cover her whole body without it being over bearing. She then walked over to her mirror and applied a bit of light makeup that only made her seem a little dewy.

She glanced around the room. She added a bit of things. She up a collage of mirrors on one small wall of the room as well as a collage of her friends. She also hung up a big photo of her and Arielle that took up half a width of wall space and was placed in the middle of the wall. The picture was from the top of the wall to the bottom. She also had pictures of herself on her trips. hung up on the wall.

She walked over to the closet and picked out an outfit. Since she and Arielle practically wore the same size tops and shoes they out their clothes all together in the closet, wardrobe, and dresser.. Plus it was easy to tell their bottoms apart with Donna's shapely toned legs and Arielle's petite size. She picked out a classy yet sexy
outfit and put it on. She walked over to one of the dozens of mirrors in their room, this one a full length and checked herself out. The simple silk tank hugged her nicely sized chest well, the blazer fit snug and accentuated her tanned skin, and the lace shorts showed off her shapely toned legs; Everything was perfect.

She sneakily leaned over Arielle and purred "Wake up doll," Before skipping out of the room slamming the door on her way out. She walked over to the quad where the coffee stand where the coffee stand was was and Brazilian roast back coffee, that she begged her dad to stock the school up with as a surprise for Lucas when he mentioned it once, for Lucas. She headed to the cafeteria then and bought A diet coke for Arielle and a regular coke for Ashton. She also bought herself a strawberry smoothie. She also bought one of each of the twelve pastries. She quickly went back in the room and set the diet coke and a pastry on the nightstandalong with a note that said "Love you doll, going to the boy's room. Meet me there.-Bee" before heading to Ashton and Lucas's room. She had her own key and was about to open the door when she was interrupted.

A girl came out of her room, a girl clad in a pink blazer and a pink and brown plaid skirt who had bleached blonde hair and dark tanned skin. A girl Donna knew as Crystal, daughter of a widowed gold digger who married a millionaire when she was twenty one and he was seventy. "O.M.G Donna, hey!" She squealed prancing up to Donna in the summer Jimmy Choo's. She glanced at Donna's which were the early release Winter Jimmy Choo line "How.Did. You. Get. Those?!" She girl screeched. Donna resisted the urge to cover her gold hoop clad ears with her french manicured hand. "Oh I have my ways," Donna said coyly. The girl covered her hear, well more like her implant filled chest with her own crystal and plastic rose manicured hand. "I so envy you," The girl said pouting her baby pink lips. She blew Donna a kiss before retreating in her dorm making Donna roll her eyes.

Donna opened the door to Ashton and Lucas's room and set the drinks and pastries on a table. She walked over to their window and opened the curtains and blinds before commanding "Wake up!" She said sitting down in one of the chairs and crossing her legs " I brought breakfast." She said in a sing-song voice sweetly. She pulled out her phone and texted Jennifer.
To: Jenny
Morning biatch!Get your ass to Lucas and Ashton's room if you want a pastry.

She focused back on the boys and pointed her finger across the hall "What's up with barbie girl over there. This is a exclusive dorm for a reason. There's nothing classy about.." She rolled her eyes "That. She should be in Persephone." She tilted her head "No worries,I'll fix that later." She said with a coy smile. Donna's sophomore year, when Donna wasn't Queen and was dating a rebel who graduated her Junior year, Crystal decided to sleep with him. Information she found out over the summer when one of Crystals ex friends told her at a party. She was thinking of the right way to punish her and here it was. She bit into a chocolate pastry as she plotted in her head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Marcus Winters
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0.00 INK


Carter's grey orbs popped open as a stray sun-ray pinpointed her face. Groaning she sat up, her dark green comforter falling around her waist revealing the baggy t-shirt and pajama shorts she had slept in. She glanced over to see her roommate still peacefully asleep so as quietly as she could not to wake the girl Carter moved swiftly to her dresser grabbing a quick outfit and tip toeing to their bathroom . Quietly she closed the door and switched on the shower hoping in and the hot water instantly soothed her skin. Not wanting to use all the hot water Carter made quick work washing her hair with a berry scented shampoo and conditioner and washing her tanned skin with vanilla body wash. She sighed as she turned off the water, not wanting to leave the little piece of heaven she partook in every morning. Hopping out of the shower Carter quickly dried off and changed in the attire then proceeded to daily routine. Brush, floss, apply. Carter didn't wear alot of make-up, she just applies a little eye make-up not liking the gross feeling of concealer and other face make-up that makes it feel like she had another layer of skin she didn't want. She blow dried her glossy blonde hair until the natural curl took over, making her mane wild and unkempt until she restrained it in a bun. She cleaned up the bathroom, making sure to put everything in its spot and silently she walked out, almost jumping when she heard the ping of a text that didn't belong to her. She checked the time on her alarm clock and saw she had plenty of time so she grabbed some cash from her wallet and walked down to the cafeteria buying a strawberry banana smoothie for herself and four blueberry muffins then walked back to the dorm and grabbed her phone.

Hey waky waky sunshine :) meet me @ Blake's room i got muffins :P

With that done she put her phone in her pocket and went down to the Brenner dorms, already having a spare key given to her by Blake. She quietly opened the door and saw he was still asleep. She placed down the muffins and her smoothie and in one quick leap landed on Blake's back, silently giggling.

"Good morning" Carter chirped happily.


Marcus groaned at the sound of his phone buzzing, knowing who it was instantly without even looking at the screen.
"Geez Carter you never let me sleep in" Marcus mumbled to himself as he grabbed his phone and looked at Carter's text. Sighing he knew he had to get up before Carter came and hunted him down so he reluctantly slumped put of bed and staggered over to his dresser, pulling out a random outfit and quickly getting dressed. He didn't give to shits if his roommate saw him in his boxer or not. Marcus dressed quickly then through on some ray ban's and a gray beanie and was out the door heading towards Blake's room. When he opened the door a loud laugh erupted from his mouth at the sight of Carter casually sitting on Blake.

"Hey" he waved trying to stop laughing. Carter noticed and just stuck her tongue at him.
"Foods right there help yourself" Carter grumbled and pointed to the chair where the food was sitting. He grabbed a blueberry muffin and took a sip of Carter's smoothie earning him a warning glare from Carter that was more playful then serious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Marcus Winters
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0.00 INK


Blake groaned as the weight of an extra body pressed against his muscular back, his body sinking into the mattress. He could smell of muffins and his stomach growled in hunger as he grabbed Carter and stood up, easily throwing her onto his shoulder. Blake was clad in navy pajama pants and a bare chest, not liking sleeping with a shirt cause he gets really hot at night. Blake then flipped Carter off his shoulder and made her land on the bed, smirking down at her.

"Don't you know how to wake up people like a normal person?" he questioned as he waved at Marcus and took a muffin. Blake looked at what Marcus was laughing at to see Carter with her tongue stuck up at them, glaring playfully at them making Blake laugh to. He finished his muffin quickly then went to his dresser drawers and through on a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans. He didnt care if Carter saw he was only in boxer's. Guys just dont really care.

"Alright i dont know about you guys but a muffin isnt going to fill me up so lets go get some proper food huh?" Blake asked as he pocketed his phone, wallet and keys.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Marcus Winters
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"Sure" Carter chirped at Blake's question as he got dressed. She really didn't care about him just wearing boxer's she's seen Marcus in his enough times cause he doesn't care neither.
"Ya what were you thinking Carter what is a little muffin going to do?" Marcus asked. He had always been a big eater and he guessed Blake was to. Carter smiled brightly and grabbed her smoothie before leaving Blake's room, the two boys following behind her as they made their way to the cafeteria. Carter hummed as the three walked down the hall, the voices of other students seemed to echo through the halls through closed doors. Carter didn't mind her dorm, sure she had to de-girl her side of the room but she didnt mind. And her roommate seemed pretty cool though she hadn't talk to her alot but Jen's best friend Donna didn't really like Carter alot. And she had no clue why. Was it the money? But Donna was rich to, the looks? No Donna was very pretty, the friends? Nope she had more then Carter but Carter doesn't care. Was it the fact that Carter didn't mind being herself not matter how boyish she was? Its possible or is it the fact that Carter doesn't flaunt her money? again it could be. But no matter as long as Carter had Marcus and Blake she didnt really care what others thought because they didn't know the real her. Carter's track of mind was interrupted when Marcus caught her zoning out and grabbed her around the waist, lifting her up and over his shoulder making Carter squeak.
"Put me down you bum!" Carter giggled
"No" Marcus laughed. His response made Carter grumble as she looked at Blake with pleading silver eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo Character Portrait: Marcus Winters
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Blake laughed at the scene in front of him, watching Marcus swing Carter around like a sack of potatoes. Placing students gave them funny looks at their goofing around and when Carter looked at him with big silver puppy eyes he could help himself. He grabbed her from off Marcus's shoulder and put her on him own. Then he gave her a hard slap on her behind making her squeak. As they placed Ashton's room Blake wondered if he should invite to come along for breakfast, he was on Blake's lacrosse team and wasn't a bad guy. Blake knocked on Ashton's door which wasn't closed all the way so it opened on its on relieving Donna and her friends. Blake adjusted Carter on his shoulder as she muttered quite protests.
"Hey Ashton, Lucas i was just wondering if you wanted to go get some breakfast but i can now see you have company, good morning Donna, Arielle i'm guessing you had a pleasant sleep last night cause you both look gorgeous this morning like always" Blake winked playfully at the girls. He had no romantic interest int hem and they knew it, everyone did. Blake was just a flirty, playful guy who liked to tease.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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0.00 INK

Lucas João Azevedo

"Wake up!" Was the first thing the Brazilian had heard in the morning. The voice belonging to the "queen" of the socialites, Belladonna and also girlfriend of his roommate, Ashton. He shrugged her off until she opened their windows, almost blind both of the guys because of the sunlight that had began to stream into their large dorm room. He let out a groan before rubbing his hazel eyes and looking towards Bella who was now seating in a seat. "What's up with barbie girl over there. This is a exclusive dorm for a reason. There's nothing classy about... That. She should be in Persephone. No worries, I'll fix that later." He put his hands up and pointed towards Ashton. "Don't look at me. That's Ashton's little... How you say, 'stalker'. Besides, Crystal's a nice girl but trust me Jen's better than that." He said as he received a text from Arielle, the school's "baddest bitch" who wasn't afraid of stabbing people in the back in order to get things in life. As much as Luke didn't agree with it, she wasn't so bad after one got to know her. Besides, it's better to have her as a friend than an enemy. He didn't even answer the text, only to see the 5'2 Asian girl walk into the boys' dorm, again without knocking. These girls really didn't like knocking did they? Lucas smiled towards Arielle, hoping to sway the frown off her face. "Hey Luke, where's Jenny?" He shrugged before texting her.

To: Jenny. <3
Good morning beautiful. Meet us in our dorm.
Love, Luke.

He put his phone back under his pillow before listening to Ashton as he spoke about a party. "So, I was thinking we should throw a back to school type of rager. At my beachside house. My parents live in San francisco at the moment, so we won't have to worry about them, and my brother can hook us up with any anything else we need. I mean, if we want we could even wait and have it be an 'after homecoming' party?" He smiled as he got up to slip on a gray v-neck from his closet along with a new pair of jeans that his father had gotten his son over the summer. He streched his arms and let out a loud yawn before sitting back on his bed as Bella said she liked the idea. "Me too."
He said with his accent as he agreed with Donna. But the next thing she said made him raise one of his eyebrows, "Ok so I know this is crazy and something we never do but let's open it for everyone." He looked at her as if she was going crazy but, what was he going to do? Decline it, saying that they couldn't do that? He may have been the oldest but he was the newest of the socialites. And it was a miracle just for him to be one of the most popular socialites. He didn't need to push his luck.

"I know its crazy but what better way do we assert ourselves as the best than to let them see us at our best. We are the best, why not show it? Plus hazel and her friends would be pretty awesome to party with." He couldn't argue with that, even if Lucas was a sweet guy he did love to show how popular he had gotten so quickly but in a unknown way. "I think that is a great idea Bella. And what better way to start the year off than with a party, no? Besides this is going to be my first whole year here, we should celebrate." He said with his perfect smile on his face. He watched as a someone else enter Ashton and the Brazilian's room. When he saw who it was, he nodded towards him with a smile on his face. Blake and Lucas weren't best friends but, Luke really enjoyed playing sports with him and just hang out with the boy. "Hey Ashton, Lucas i was just wondering if you wanted to go get some breakfast but i can now see you have company, good morning Donna, Arielle i'm guessing you had a pleasant sleep last night cause you both look gorgeous this morning like always." He chuckled before answering. "Oh, Blake the flirt as always. But, I am actually waiting for Jenny but after that I don't mind going to breakfast."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo
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0.00 INK

Jennifer Anthony

Jen liked to sleep in as much as she could, and she made a mental note that her roommate was careful not to wake her. The girl had already left before she'd woken up, so Jen got ready by herself and took her time. She was in the shower when Belladonna had first texted, so she didn't know she was supposed to be heading to the boy's room yet. She blow dried her hair, did her makeup, and got dressed at a relatively average pace. She doesn't rush perfection, is what she likes to say. She put on something casual, but still nice with a hint of girly. She had a lace top, with high waisted white shorts and a brown belt. Her naturally wavy hair fell just before her ribs. She stood before a full length mirror, checking herself out before she left. She liked her outfit, and thought it looked nice on her.
As for her roommate, she decided Carter wasn't so bad. At first she was weary of meeting her, mostly because Belladonna had a distaste for the girl. Jen was cautious in meeting her, but decided for herself that she seemed nice enough. She was sad to find the athletic girl didn't like many girly things as Jenny did, but found they got along anyway. She didn't see them being best friends anytime soon, but she was glad she'd gotten her over a lot of girls she could've roomed with. Already Carter had won points for not interrupting Jen's beauty sleep.
It was then that Jenny's phone buzzed, and she realized she had four text messages. One from her mom, that read something like have fun at school, love mom and dad. She responded something back along the lines of thanks love you too.
Her next text was from Belladonna. "Morning biatch!Get your ass to Lucas and Ashton's room if you want a pastry."
She had a mini panicking feeling, and she quickly grabbed her shoulder bag and sunglasses, heading out the door. She slipped the shades on and began to walk towards Benner Hall. Basically Jen was a puppy to Donna, following her around and craving for some sort of attention. She wanted the queen to like her and to be pleased, and she basically did whatever she was told. That wasn't to say Jennifer was afraid of Belladonna, she just worshiped her in a small sense. Jen was her own person, she just knew how to kiss up where it'd get her far. Donna was the key to becoming queen.
She texted Donna back then, "On my way over, see you soon! Save me a pastry.(:"
She continued walking as she opened the next text, which was from Lucas. "Good morning beautiful. Meet us in our dorm. Love, Luke."
She read it and couldn't help but feel herself smile like an idiot. Any text from Luke usually gave her butterflies in her stomach. She quickly responded back, "Morning to you too handsome. I'll see you soon. <3 Love, Jen."
The last text though, gave her a sinking feeling as she read the name. Ashton had texted her. He hadn't tried talking to her in over a month, and she thought maybe things would go as if they were strangers. But to her dismay, he'd asked her how her summer had been. Instead of replying she slipped her phone into her bag and entered the dorm. She walked down the hall to their room, where Blake already stood in the doorway with Carter on his shoulder. She smiled slightly confused at Carter, as she overheard Blake and Luke talking.
Blake offered, "Hey Ashton, Lucas i was just wondering if you wanted to go get some breakfast but i can now see you have company, good morning Donna, Arielle i'm guessing you had a pleasant sleep last night cause you both look gorgeous this morning like always." he then flirted.
She then heard Luke's voice from inside the room, with his light laughter, "Oh, Blake the flirt as always. But, I am actually waiting for Jenny but after that I don't mind going to breakfast."
She took this as a queue to enter, brushing past Carter and Blake. "Wait no longer." she said, breezing over to his side. She wrapped her arms around his waist, giving him a small hug, and smiled up at him.
She could feel the eyes of Ashton shift over to them, and then move away again. She didn't bother to really acknowledge him yet. "Morning, girls." she said playfully to Belladonna and Arielle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo
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0.00 INK

~Ignore this~

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Scarlett Ann Rey Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers
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0.00 INK

9:00 Thursday, PCA Campus
The students are enjoying their morning breakfast and fellowship as a voice crackles through the intercom, travelling through the many speakers around the campus. "Welcome students to your second week at Pacific Coast Academy I hope you are enjoying yourselves. Today students will be reporting to the following clubs: Cheerleading with Coach Moralla on the football practice field, Girls Lacrosse with Coach Kain on the left lacrosse field, Boys lacrosse with Coach Henry on the right field and Soccer with Coach Mathews, " There's a brief pause before he continues " Now for our clubs: Students in the Art club please report to room 215 in the Art wing with Miss Miyuki, that's by the viewing room. Students in the Debate Team report to room 105 in the English wing with Mr. Mathews, All of our E-Magaziners report to the Fashion design and Journalism room in room 210 in the Art wing." The principal chuckles to himself "And your in for a treat because my darling wife is the teacher," He clears his throat before continuing again " Our Musically gifted students report to the Music Theater where our newest teacher and retired grande pianist Mr. Ford is waiting. For all the sophomores and Juniors not in any of these clubs or sports please report to study hall with Mr. Cokamamy. All of our Seniors not in these activities you have a free period please remember to sign out if you choose to go off campus. Now we have Miss Craig, our resident event planner" A couple of students cheer. Miss Craig is big deal at PCA since she's actually a party planner for celebrities but since she's a close friend of the principal she also does elaborate dances and events envied by school's all over the country.

"Students guess what is happening tomorrow!" She pauses "Homecoming Dance!" Her peppy voice resonates "Anyway as you know last week you all got to vote for a theme and the winner is...Drum Roll please" She pauses and you can vaguely hear her banging on the table "Oooh I like this Old Hollywood glam. That means bring your dapper suits with your ascots for the boys and your fit tight just right glam cocktail dresses. Oooh I love it! Anyway I also have your homecoming court, how exciting!" You hear her ruffle through some papers "For the Boys we have Blake Everett, Ashton Chambers, Nate Hoffman and Lucas Azevedo Yay! For the girls we have Belladonna Ricci, Kathrine Locke, Arielle Lui, and Marley Livingston. Ok guys that's it for now!" She says as the intercom goes dead. Student start to go to their clubs and sports with homecoming ideas and dates filling their heads.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo
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Ashton Chambers

ImageAshton was pleased to find that everyone liked the idea of the party. He was surprised however when Donna wanted to invite... everyone. Honestly he didn't even think nerds went to parties. The rebels? yeah definitely. He had some history partying with rebels. A good time, though it can get crazy. He only had a small pang of worry that his house would be trashed, but before they started it he'd hide all the breakable things. A maid service would be needed afterward too.
"I know its crazy but what better way do we assert ourselves as the best than to let them see us at our best. We are the best, why not show it? Plus hazel and her friends would be pretty awesome to party with." Belladonna mentioned.
Hazel. He and Hazel had an interesting history, at a party of course. The two both got drunk and hooked up before, and they casually talk when passing but it can be a bit awkward. No one really knows about it besides them and Jenny, and Ashton knew Jenny was slightly jealous by it even though it'd happened before they dated. Lucas interrupted his thoughts, agreeing.
"I think that is a great idea Bella. And what better way to start the year off than with a party, no? Besides this is going to be my first whole year here, we should celebrate."
Since Luke had agreed, Ashton gave in too, not seeing any real harm in it. "Yeah, why not right?"
Suddenly the door opened, Blake, the captain of Ashton's lacrosse team was there. A girl was held over his shoulder in a firefighter carrying position, and he spoke to them. Ashton couldn't help but smile in confusion at the situation, but beside that acted completely casually as Blake spoke.
"Hey Ashton, Lucas i was just wondering if you wanted to go get some breakfast but i can now see you have company, good morning Donna, Arielle i'm guessing you had a pleasant sleep last night cause you both look gorgeous this morning like always."
"Oh, Blake the flirt as always. But, I am actually waiting for Jenny but after that I don't mind going to breakfast."
Ashton was about to respond, considering he didn't have to wait for anyone and Donna would either come along or find something else to do he was going to accept, but Jenny floated in before he could answer. She was always so light and graceful wherever she went, to Ashton it seemed the whole room became airy and sweet. He didn't know if anyone else saw it, but he couldn't help but stare a bit at her. She hugged Luke, and said good morning to Donna and Arielle. She didn't even turn to him.
He spoke then, to Blake. "Yeah man, we should all go!" he said, looking to everyone else in the room. "I gotta throw something on to actually wear though.."He felt a bit bad since Donna had gotten them breakfast but he liked hanging out with a bunch of people.
The whole group went to breakfast, and had a pretty good time. Well, sort of. Ashton and Belladonna sat across from Lucas and Jenny, and maybe it was the fact that Jenny seemed so happy beside him that made Ashton jealous, but either way he was. At first his method of going about it was showing off he knew Jenny pretty well. They all ordered drinks, and after Jenny ordered hers and the waitress was about to turn to leave, Ashton spoke up. "Don't put ice in that, she doesn't like it." he said casually. The waitress nodded and smiled, and walked away. He could see the weird looks he got from the others, including Jenny. He looked at her, "What? you don't.." he laughed, and leaned back against the booth. He put his arm around Bella, and could see her raising her eyebrow at him. Which meant she was annoyed, and he shouldn't have said that. He brushed it off, and things went back to normal again. They discussed the party idea some more, and filled Jenny in. There was a point where Ashton brought up music, because he and Jenny had a similar taste. He felt like they were talking and laughing and things were getting good, until she mentioned they should play a few slow songs, for her and Luke to dance to.
She went on and on about how he was such a great dancer and what not, and the two were being like the adorable couple they were. Ashton took this chance to brag about his significant other, Donna. He made an obvious point about how they spent the summer in the hamptons together, which he could see visibly upset Jenny. Her smile fell and she sat listening. Luke didn't really seem to notice, Ashton was busy distracting him with stories of how much fun they had. It ended up with Ashton and Donna basically making out, and Jenny mentioned she had to go back to her dorm for something, and asked if Lucas would walk her there. The two left, and shortly after the rest did the same. Ashton mentioned to Bella about seeing her later that day, but Bella thought nothing of it.
After the announcement to go to clubs, Ashton stood in his room getting ready for Lacrosse practice. He knew he'd be coming a bit late, but that was to ask Belladonna to homecoming. He had about fifteen minutes to get over there before they showed up, and he'd already filled the magazine club's room with pink balloons. He started heading over to the room, with a box of her favorite chocolates and a pink rose. So, he liked to make things elaborate. And yeah, maybe he did know that Jenny would also be there to see it. But either way he knew it would please Belladonna, and that was his main goal. He let himself into the room, and looked around. It was filled with pink balloons everywhere randomly, with a large banner that read 'Homecoming?' on the wall. He smiled, pleased everything looked so well. He sat on one of the tables in the middle of the room, waiting for her to show up with the rest of the club.