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Ashton Chambers

0 · 1,505 views · located in Pacific Coast Academy

a character in “PCA Boarding school”, originally authored by By Starlight, as played by RolePlayGateway


Ashton Chambers

Name: Ashton Carter Chambers

Nickname: Ash

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Clique: Socialites (King of)


+Nice clothing
+His friends
+Being king
+Dressing nice
+School colors/pride
+Confident people

-People who think they're better than him
-Feeling dumb
-Being cold
-Rude people
-Poor people
-Not getting his way
-Boring parties
-Vertical stripes
-Girly things (wearing them)
-Rap or pop music
-Crazy people
-Oddly colored hair
-The circus

Losing his social status.
Bad parties.

Personality: Ashton is the all american preppy boy. If you ask any underclassman they'll tell you of Ashton's perfection. He's a classy gentleman, to say the least. He's incredibly charming and witty, and always manages to talk himself in and out of every situation. His politeness is always noted, good manners from being raised by a nice classy family like himself. He often displays his humbleness, his prudence, his calm, his patience and his principles. He's many girl's dream guy, animal loving and kind. Anyone who talks to him would say he's a nice guy, dashing gentleman. A smile and a wink from him will send most blushing, and it's possibly he'd be called a flirt. Easily girls fawn over him, and he's sweet and kind to them all.
He saves face, so to say. He's extremely sheltered by any means, and hasn't ever been an outcast of any of the sort. He's always trying to improve his image, so he socializes with the other populars. He's a bit insecure though he never shows it, and he's not stupid to the idea of the social ladder. He's a born leader, and is known to throw raging parties. Though he is friendly to everyone he meets, you'd never see him really hanging out with anyone other than his other socialites. He's somewhat shallow in that fact, but in his eyes it's just the way things work. He tries not to stray from the unwritten laws.
When it comes to girls, he flirts occasionally but not too much. He sometimes has flings or hookups, but it's somewhat understood it wasn't going to be more. He's also had serious girlfriends, which becomes the talk of the school. The two are basically celebrities then, and many follow the whole relationship. Every girl wishing she were his girlfriend. The break up is basically the talk of the school for a month.
He's pretty well rounded, and participates in various preppy things. He goes sailing or boating with his family, and vacations often. He plays lacrosse for the school team, but you wouldn't say he was as involved in it as a jock. It's sort of a boost to his popularity, because he's a decent starter for the team. Other than that he's extremely spoiled, and works for almost nothing. He's the youngest of three, and the baby of the family. His older brother and sister often spend time with him, and are extremely similar to how he is. They're a seemingly picture perfect family, and very rich at that.
When it comes to being the king of the socialites, he does his job. He keeps the other boys in line, while keeping a neutral agreement between them. Being boys, they have less drama than the girls, but not much. They do have an image to uphold, just like the girls. He's serious when it comes to any serious issues, but besides that he's more focused on scheduling the next kegger. His older brother will easily buy him one, so alcohol is never a problem.
Being a socialite means that you have friends and bonds to withhold, as well as hatreds. It isn't odd for Ashton to go along in the fun of pulling pranks on the nerds or anyone else they decide. He's always looking for a good time, even at other's expense.
He'd never really come off as a dick to women, but he will laugh behind any friend who does. Standing up for someone other than your main friends is suicide, and Ashton isn't willing to risk anything. He decides there isn't a right and wrong, only a grey area. Looking into it is pointless because nothing will change unless you mess with the flow. And honestly, things are going wonderfully for him as it is. He has everything he could want really, other than a girl. For right now.
He is extremely confident, and does place himself above everyone else. He's Ashton Chambers. Why should he lower himself? He respects others generally, and has his gentlemanliness, but like mentioned he doesn't mind being cruel for a few laughs. In his own perfect world everyone is there to entertain him and his friends.

History: Ashton's family would seem like a picture perfect type, though it's not far from it, it has some major gaps. But, in front of the camera gaps are easy to hide. Ashton is the baby of the family, having two older siblings. A brother and sister, who are actually twins. Though by looking and talking to them you'd never guess it. Even though the two seem like they'd hate each other, they manage to get along anyway.
Growing up was easy for the Chambers, their father owning a huge producing company for music. Their father never really pushed any of the kids to do anything musical, but go for business. He knows the music industry is tough, and he'd rather his kids work for him someday than the other way around. Ashton's mother is a lovely woman, with a ladylike attitude. She's friendly and kind, but after marrying his father she quit her job. There isn't really a problem with his parents though, they are very much in love and spend their time at country clubs golfing, playing tennis, and sitting beside the pool.
The twins were 4 almost 5 when Ashton was born. Both of the twins seemed to fight over who's he was, until he got to be a pesky annoying brother. As they got older, the tree were always playing together. Ashton seemed to be a voice of reason, even as young as he was. The older two would fight because they were indeed very different, but that comes in later. It wasn't until they were in high school when things really branched. The twins were never with Ashton in school.
Or each other, for that matter. His older brother was a socialite, king of the parties. His sister though, was a nerd. At school the two didn't really talk or speak of each other very much, merely pretended the other didn't exist. The two were always friendly at home though. When they both graduated high school, his sister was accepted into a great school, and everyone around her knew she was going somewhere wonderful. His brother went to Berkley, also wonderful of course. But, his brother seemed to have an alcohol problem, and eventually moved back home. The family is slightly embarrassed about him, and instead made up an excuse for why they pulled him out. He continues to have a drinking problem, and they can't really change it that well. Ashton doesn't mind as much though, and for now thinks his brother is the coolest for getting him kegs and other things for parties they throw.
Ashton went to PCA the first year he could, and he did love it. Though he couldn't really hang out with his siblings, they'd both stop to talk to him when they saw him. At the time he didn't really care about the cliques they were in, so he wasn't afraid to talk to either of them. Honestly, he didn't know about the cliques until he was going into his freshman year. His brother quickly explained everything, and told him he'd be a king of the socialites one day.
Ashton had always been a good kid, and he didn't even know if that's what he wanted to do. But, he listened to his role model, and when he was a Senior he did become king.
But, back to the before years. When Ashton was a sophomore, he was invited to tons of parties. Just hearing his last name made him popular. Art freaks always seemed to hand him CDs for his father to listen to, and other socialites and jocks always said hi to him anywhere he went. It did get to his head a little, and he had tons of fun with it. At parties and at school he was always fawned over by girls, and sometimes he took advantage of that. But he always remained the gentlemanly nice boy he started out to be.
His junior year was a bit more relaxed, because he knew he'd have to focus a bit more on grades. The first half of the year was more low key, though he did go to dances and parties. It wasn't until the middle of the year that he met his first love, Jen. Jen was a quiet sophomore, also a socialite. It started out as just flirting, as he did with any girl it seemed. Harmless, and no attachments. No one even seemed to notice he gave her extra attention. Something about her made him drawn to her, and he found that she was easy to talk to.
He asked her to prom, and from then on they'd been inseparable. They became an it couple, but he barely worried about anything other than her. He'd never felt like this with anyone, and didn't want to with anyone else. They dated for a long time, but it felt like he'd been with her for years. There was a comfort and familiarness about her that made her feel like they'd always been together. By the time they broke up all he felt was that they only got to be together for a short amount of time.
But that's how she was, when you have her. Maybe it was the way she smiled, or tucked her hair behind her ear, or said his name that made him so crazy for her. Or the way when he looked at her with his goofy grin she'd sort of blush and look away, and his smile would fade. He couldn't help but stare then, not knowing if he'd ever see anything as gorgeous as her in that moment. He'd then pull her into his chest and just hug her. A second later she'd wrap her arms around him too, and they could be standing there for what felt like forever. Until one pulled away, usually her. Then he felt as if it hadn't lasted long enough.
That was there relationship, for a long time at least. He'd never felt closer to anyone. His family loved her as well, and his sister even got along with her which was surprising. But, all good things come to an end. The summer just after that year there were three fights. Maybe Ashton was a bit jealous that he didn't get to see Jen as much, and a bit hurt that she didn't want to go to the hamptons with him. She wanted to stay back with all her friends, and she had cheerleading camps anyway. The next fight was a week before he left. This one was a bit random, something small that snowballed. It ended with her crying and him feeling like a jerk. They did make up, but not for long.
The next and final fight was only a couple days before he left, and everything he said to her he can honestly say he regretted it. But that was it, she was done with him. She never even spoke to him after that day, and still hasn't. Though he called and texted her often over the next month, no reply. He was heartbroken. The hamptons didn't exactly lighten his spirits that well, he did try extremely hard to seem alright.
His family and the Ricci's were pretty close, and the families met up during their stay. They socialized together often, and he found that he and Belladonna talked sometimes. As the summer progressed they became closer, but he didn't really get Jen off of his mind. Donna did make everything hurt less. A lot less.
It was on one day that she mentioned some gossip that she'd been texted, that Jen was dating Nate. This was like a stab to Ashton, but instead he smiled, and said who cares.
Within the next few weeks, Donna and Ashton got together, it being a political move and they were both attractive, why not? The two both being the king in queen makes it pretty predictable, yes?

Theme Songs:

Between You and I Lyrics - Every AvenueSnow Patrol - You Could Be Happy

So begins...

Ashton Chambers's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Scarlett Ann Rey Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers
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7:00 A.M. PCA Campus

Its been a week since school began. Some students have fully unpacked and decorated their dorms, others still have boxes littering their dorms. The first two weeks of school is supposed to be spent getting orientated with the school before classes start the following week. The first week was spent with students being dropped off throughout the week, students signing up for clubs and getting their sport gear, and roommates getting acquainted. Now its the second week. Students will be going to their clubs and sports. For now most students are either waking up and getting ready for the day, in the lounges, or eating breakfast in the quad, picnic tables, or the caf.


Donna had awoken early that morning, she yawned careful not not to wake up Arielle before slipping into their bathroom. She slipped into the shower going through her morning ritual of her body was, body scrub, facial cleanser, facial scrub, and facial moisturizer. She usually washed her hair every other day since it was so thick and she didn't want it to break off but she used her luxury vanilla scented conditioner every day. She came out thoroughly refreshed before beginning to brush out her luscious, thick, glossy brown hair. She then straightened it until it was pin straight and ended just above her back dimples. She came out the bathroom in her lacy under garments before spraying her signature custom made scent of honey suckle, which she made at a perfumery in Paris, into the air and stepping into letting it gently cover her whole body without it being over bearing. She then walked over to her mirror and applied a bit of light makeup that only made her seem a little dewy.

She glanced around the room. She added a bit of things. She up a collage of mirrors on one small wall of the room as well as a collage of her friends. She also hung up a big photo of her and Arielle that took up half a width of wall space and was placed in the middle of the wall. The picture was from the top of the wall to the bottom. She also had pictures of herself on her trips. hung up on the wall.

She walked over to the closet and picked out an outfit. Since she and Arielle practically wore the same size tops and shoes they out their clothes all together in the closet, wardrobe, and dresser.. Plus it was easy to tell their bottoms apart with Donna's shapely toned legs and Arielle's petite size. She picked out a classy yet sexy
outfit and put it on. She walked over to one of the dozens of mirrors in their room, this one a full length and checked herself out. The simple silk tank hugged her nicely sized chest well, the blazer fit snug and accentuated her tanned skin, and the lace shorts showed off her shapely toned legs; Everything was perfect.

She sneakily leaned over Arielle and purred "Wake up doll," Before skipping out of the room slamming the door on her way out. She walked over to the quad where the coffee stand where the coffee stand was was and Brazilian roast back coffee, that she begged her dad to stock the school up with as a surprise for Lucas when he mentioned it once, for Lucas. She headed to the cafeteria then and bought A diet coke for Arielle and a regular coke for Ashton. She also bought herself a strawberry smoothie. She also bought one of each of the twelve pastries. She quickly went back in the room and set the diet coke and a pastry on the nightstandalong with a note that said "Love you doll, going to the boy's room. Meet me there.-Bee" before heading to Ashton and Lucas's room. She had her own key and was about to open the door when she was interrupted.

A girl came out of her room, a girl clad in a pink blazer and a pink and brown plaid skirt who had bleached blonde hair and dark tanned skin. A girl Donna knew as Crystal, daughter of a widowed gold digger who married a millionaire when she was twenty one and he was seventy. "O.M.G Donna, hey!" She squealed prancing up to Donna in the summer Jimmy Choo's. She glanced at Donna's which were the early release Winter Jimmy Choo line "How.Did. You. Get. Those?!" She girl screeched. Donna resisted the urge to cover her gold hoop clad ears with her french manicured hand. "Oh I have my ways," Donna said coyly. The girl covered her hear, well more like her implant filled chest with her own crystal and plastic rose manicured hand. "I so envy you," The girl said pouting her baby pink lips. She blew Donna a kiss before retreating in her dorm making Donna roll her eyes.

Donna opened the door to Ashton and Lucas's room and set the drinks and pastries on a table. She walked over to their window and opened the curtains and blinds before commanding "Wake up!" She said sitting down in one of the chairs and crossing her legs " I brought breakfast." She said in a sing-song voice sweetly. She pulled out her phone and texted Jennifer.
To: Jenny
Morning biatch!Get your ass to Lucas and Ashton's room if you want a pastry.

She focused back on the boys and pointed her finger across the hall "What's up with barbie girl over there. This is a exclusive dorm for a reason. There's nothing classy about.." She rolled her eyes "That. She should be in Persephone." She tilted her head "No worries,I'll fix that later." She said with a coy smile. Donna's sophomore year, when Donna wasn't Queen and was dating a rebel who graduated her Junior year, Crystal decided to sleep with him. Information she found out over the summer when one of Crystals ex friends told her at a party. She was thinking of the right way to punish her and here it was. She bit into a chocolate pastry as she plotted in her head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo Character Portrait: Marley Livingston Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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Arielle was sound asleep in her bedroom right before having her phone go off with a text. She groaned loudly before opening her eyes and rolling them. Who was dumb enough to wake up the ice queen? What kind of person was that big idiot to interrupt her sleep? Looking at who is was from, she shrugged her shoulder. It was from her close friend, Lucus. And, for him and the other socialites' rules were different. He was like her Brazilian kid brother (even though he was older) that she never thought she needed. But, now she was happy she had him. He was the one person in this entire school that she literally couldn't make a rumor about even if she wanted to. He was just too kind, being mean to him was like being mean to a... puppy dog. She looked at the text message asking-- well, telling her and Bella to meet him and Ashton in their dorm like they always did. She rolled her eyes and set her phone on her nightstand,not even responding before laying back in bed and falling back to sleep for maybe another minute or so until she heard her roommate and best friend, Belladonna beginning to get ready for the day as well. But, she knew Bella and she took the longest time getting ready. So, she decided that she might as well get more beauty sleep. Turning her back to the bathroom door, she let out a sigh and began to drift back into sleep. She didn't know how much later it was until she heard her roommate's voice in her ear.

"Wake up, doll."
She groaned before turning the other way just to see Bella scurry out of the room. She rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face before getting up and stretching her skinny arms over her head with a loud yawn following not long after. "I hate them both so much right now." She said to herself with her accent coming out, like it did most mornings. And after a while of just trying to wake herself up, the small Asian girl slipped out of her bed and slipped on her slippers so her feet wouldn't hit the cold floor. "Now to get beautiful." She said to herself as she let her hair out of the high ponytail it was in for the night before. She walked over to her large wardrobe and grabbed a pair of her favorite shorts, a black undershirt and an orange one to go over. After doing so, she grabbed a pair of her brown heels and held them in her right hand as she walked gently to the bathroom.

When she walked into the bathroom, she closed and locked it behind her before turning the cold water on. She tossed her clothes in the hamper by the door before hopping into the rather freezing water. Arielle hated warm water and just loved the cold water even since her birth. She washed her long black hair lastly and then turned the water off. She slipped her soft pink towel around her body and began to dry her body before wrapping it around her hair and began to slip her clothes on along with her heels, adding three inches to her overall height. She then walked out with her heels clacking along the wooden floor. She noticed a Diet Coke and a pastry on her nightstand with a note from Bella. She chuckled and out the note down before taking a sip of the cold drink. She walked over to her vanity, with the drink and pastry in hand, and sat down to do her hair and makeup. She looked at the photos around her mirror of her and her friends. She grinned at the photographs before beginning her makeup. And for the next thirty five minutes, Arielle was getting herself ready for the day. With getting two more text from two of her "friends" saying good morning. She just shrugged, rolled her eyes and finished. She then looked at her reflection and her outfit. With a smirk on her baby doll face, she gave a twirl before speaking again. "On a scale from one to ten: fifteenth." She then grabbed her purse and walked out with her phone in hand getting ready to text her best friends Belladonna and Lucus. One of the newest people that she actually liked.

To: Belladonna and Lucus
You two woke me up. That is not okay...

She then slipped her phone into her small bag and began her walk to the cafe. She smiled and waved at her friends and then gave smug looks to a few of her targets. Some looked away and at the ground while others gave her the stink eye. Either way, it didn't matter to her, she still got a reaction out of her which is what she always wanted from people. She flipped her hair over her shoulder before walking out of the dorm rooms and walking towards the quad only to see Marley having her nose in that little notebook of hers. I mean, Arielle knew everything inside of it from cover to cover only because she was sneaky. She knew how to get a hold of stuff without people knowing and then put them back before her victim even noticed it was gone. Arielle would have said something but it wasn't worth her time. At the end of the day, Marley was still going to hate the small Asian girl, Arielle was still going to hate the little art freak, and that's all the mattered... Besides, she was too easy to mess with and she was near the bottom of her list of people to mess with. At the moment that is. Lucky for her but her day will come sooner than later. Ari just rolled her eyes before watching the girl keep drawing, not even noticing a paper flying away near the short girl. When it landed right near her feet, she picked it up, folded it, and slipped in her her back pocket. She didn't even need to read it. She knew that it was probably something she could use against the girl one day. She walked past her with a sarcastic wink and walked to the coffee stand to pick up these chocolate covered coffee beans she had gotten addicted to when she went back home. She paid and made her way towards the guys' dorm where Donna said to meet up for the day. She didn't even knock as she walked in and sat on the desk next to her best friend who was sitting in a chair. "Hey, Luke. Where's Jenny?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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Belladonna looked up as Arielle sat on the desk next to her, "Hey gorgeous," She said with a delicate wave. Arielle looked around before saying "Hey, Luke. Where's Jenny?" Belladonna raised an eyebrow "I told her to come," She said flipping her hair over her shoulder "I mean I'm not mad though because it's not her fault she's not in this dorm. I mean it sucks but there's nothing any of us can do about it." She said with a sympathetic shrug, and though it wasn't totally true it wasn't a lie either. "But we can't wait all day for her." She noticed Ashton peek up with interest. She glanced at Arielle and pursed her lips before plastering her gorgeous white smile.

She was about to mention Crystal as Ashton kissed her cheek. "Thanks babe," He said with a smile. She blew him a kiss before saying "No problem babe," She glanced at him taking in his shirtless body and licking her lips. She glanced at his pants "Your not going to wear those right?" She asked gently biting her lips. She mentally scolded herself for messing up her lip gloss before applying a more durable red lip stick. She twirled her hair in her fingers as Ashton began to talk.

"So, I was thinking we should throw a back to school type of rager. At my beachside house. My parents live in San francisco at the moment, so we won't have to worry about them, and my brother can hook us up with any anything else we need. I mean, if we want we could even wait and have it be an 'after homecoming' party?"
he said adding the last part.
Donna pondered this for a moment "Hmmm," She said tapping her long manicured nail against her plump lips "I like it," She said widening her eyes and smiling. She stood up and walked over to the window "Ok so I know this is crazy and something we never do but let's open it for everyone." She said raising an eyebrow.

She perched herself on Ashton's lap "I know its crazy but what better way do we assert ourselves as the best than to let them see us at our best." She glanced around the room at her friends "We are the best, why not show it?" She ran her hands through Ashton's hair as she said "Plus hazel and her friends would be pretty awesome to party with." She then thought of Carter, Jenny's roommate and scowled. "We'll even let Jenny's new best friend come," She said narrowing her eyes before smiling again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo Character Portrait: Marcus Winters
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Blake laughed at the scene in front of him, watching Marcus swing Carter around like a sack of potatoes. Placing students gave them funny looks at their goofing around and when Carter looked at him with big silver puppy eyes he could help himself. He grabbed her from off Marcus's shoulder and put her on him own. Then he gave her a hard slap on her behind making her squeak. As they placed Ashton's room Blake wondered if he should invite to come along for breakfast, he was on Blake's lacrosse team and wasn't a bad guy. Blake knocked on Ashton's door which wasn't closed all the way so it opened on its on relieving Donna and her friends. Blake adjusted Carter on his shoulder as she muttered quite protests.
"Hey Ashton, Lucas i was just wondering if you wanted to go get some breakfast but i can now see you have company, good morning Donna, Arielle i'm guessing you had a pleasant sleep last night cause you both look gorgeous this morning like always" Blake winked playfully at the girls. He had no romantic interest int hem and they knew it, everyone did. Blake was just a flirty, playful guy who liked to tease.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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Lucas JoÃŖo Azevedo

"Wake up!" Was the first thing the Brazilian had heard in the morning. The voice belonging to the "queen" of the socialites, Belladonna and also girlfriend of his roommate, Ashton. He shrugged her off until she opened their windows, almost blind both of the guys because of the sunlight that had began to stream into their large dorm room. He let out a groan before rubbing his hazel eyes and looking towards Bella who was now seating in a seat. "What's up with barbie girl over there. This is a exclusive dorm for a reason. There's nothing classy about... That. She should be in Persephone. No worries, I'll fix that later." He put his hands up and pointed towards Ashton. "Don't look at me. That's Ashton's little... How you say, 'stalker'. Besides, Crystal's a nice girl but trust me Jen's better than that." He said as he received a text from Arielle, the school's "baddest bitch" who wasn't afraid of stabbing people in the back in order to get things in life. As much as Luke didn't agree with it, she wasn't so bad after one got to know her. Besides, it's better to have her as a friend than an enemy. He didn't even answer the text, only to see the 5'2 Asian girl walk into the boys' dorm, again without knocking. These girls really didn't like knocking did they? Lucas smiled towards Arielle, hoping to sway the frown off her face. "Hey Luke, where's Jenny?" He shrugged before texting her.

To: Jenny. <3
Good morning beautiful. Meet us in our dorm.
Love, Luke.

He put his phone back under his pillow before listening to Ashton as he spoke about a party. "So, I was thinking we should throw a back to school type of rager. At my beachside house. My parents live in San francisco at the moment, so we won't have to worry about them, and my brother can hook us up with any anything else we need. I mean, if we want we could even wait and have it be an 'after homecoming' party?" He smiled as he got up to slip on a gray v-neck from his closet along with a new pair of jeans that his father had gotten his son over the summer. He streched his arms and let out a loud yawn before sitting back on his bed as Bella said she liked the idea. "Me too."
He said with his accent as he agreed with Donna. But the next thing she said made him raise one of his eyebrows, "Ok so I know this is crazy and something we never do but let's open it for everyone." He looked at her as if she was going crazy but, what was he going to do? Decline it, saying that they couldn't do that? He may have been the oldest but he was the newest of the socialites. And it was a miracle just for him to be one of the most popular socialites. He didn't need to push his luck.

"I know its crazy but what better way do we assert ourselves as the best than to let them see us at our best. We are the best, why not show it? Plus hazel and her friends would be pretty awesome to party with." He couldn't argue with that, even if Lucas was a sweet guy he did love to show how popular he had gotten so quickly but in a unknown way. "I think that is a great idea Bella. And what better way to start the year off than with a party, no? Besides this is going to be my first whole year here, we should celebrate." He said with his perfect smile on his face. He watched as a someone else enter Ashton and the Brazilian's room. When he saw who it was, he nodded towards him with a smile on his face. Blake and Lucas weren't best friends but, Luke really enjoyed playing sports with him and just hang out with the boy. "Hey Ashton, Lucas i was just wondering if you wanted to go get some breakfast but i can now see you have company, good morning Donna, Arielle i'm guessing you had a pleasant sleep last night cause you both look gorgeous this morning like always." He chuckled before answering. "Oh, Blake the flirt as always. But, I am actually waiting for Jenny but after that I don't mind going to breakfast."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo
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Jennifer Anthony

Jen liked to sleep in as much as she could, and she made a mental note that her roommate was careful not to wake her. The girl had already left before she'd woken up, so Jen got ready by herself and took her time. She was in the shower when Belladonna had first texted, so she didn't know she was supposed to be heading to the boy's room yet. She blow dried her hair, did her makeup, and got dressed at a relatively average pace. She doesn't rush perfection, is what she likes to say. She put on something casual, but still nice with a hint of girly. She had a lace top, with high waisted white shorts and a brown belt. Her naturally wavy hair fell just before her ribs. She stood before a full length mirror, checking herself out before she left. She liked her outfit, and thought it looked nice on her.
As for her roommate, she decided Carter wasn't so bad. At first she was weary of meeting her, mostly because Belladonna had a distaste for the girl. Jen was cautious in meeting her, but decided for herself that she seemed nice enough. She was sad to find the athletic girl didn't like many girly things as Jenny did, but found they got along anyway. She didn't see them being best friends anytime soon, but she was glad she'd gotten her over a lot of girls she could've roomed with. Already Carter had won points for not interrupting Jen's beauty sleep.
It was then that Jenny's phone buzzed, and she realized she had four text messages. One from her mom, that read something like have fun at school, love mom and dad. She responded something back along the lines of thanks love you too.
Her next text was from Belladonna. "Morning biatch!Get your ass to Lucas and Ashton's room if you want a pastry."
She had a mini panicking feeling, and she quickly grabbed her shoulder bag and sunglasses, heading out the door. She slipped the shades on and began to walk towards Benner Hall. Basically Jen was a puppy to Donna, following her around and craving for some sort of attention. She wanted the queen to like her and to be pleased, and she basically did whatever she was told. That wasn't to say Jennifer was afraid of Belladonna, she just worshiped her in a small sense. Jen was her own person, she just knew how to kiss up where it'd get her far. Donna was the key to becoming queen.
She texted Donna back then, "On my way over, see you soon! Save me a pastry.(:"
She continued walking as she opened the next text, which was from Lucas. "Good morning beautiful. Meet us in our dorm. Love, Luke."
She read it and couldn't help but feel herself smile like an idiot. Any text from Luke usually gave her butterflies in her stomach. She quickly responded back, "Morning to you too handsome. I'll see you soon. <3 Love, Jen."
The last text though, gave her a sinking feeling as she read the name. Ashton had texted her. He hadn't tried talking to her in over a month, and she thought maybe things would go as if they were strangers. But to her dismay, he'd asked her how her summer had been. Instead of replying she slipped her phone into her bag and entered the dorm. She walked down the hall to their room, where Blake already stood in the doorway with Carter on his shoulder. She smiled slightly confused at Carter, as she overheard Blake and Luke talking.
Blake offered, "Hey Ashton, Lucas i was just wondering if you wanted to go get some breakfast but i can now see you have company, good morning Donna, Arielle i'm guessing you had a pleasant sleep last night cause you both look gorgeous this morning like always." he then flirted.
She then heard Luke's voice from inside the room, with his light laughter, "Oh, Blake the flirt as always. But, I am actually waiting for Jenny but after that I don't mind going to breakfast."
She took this as a queue to enter, brushing past Carter and Blake. "Wait no longer." she said, breezing over to his side. She wrapped her arms around his waist, giving him a small hug, and smiled up at him.
She could feel the eyes of Ashton shift over to them, and then move away again. She didn't bother to really acknowledge him yet. "Morning, girls." she said playfully to Belladonna and Arielle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo
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~Ignore this~

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Scarlett Ann Rey Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers
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9:00 Thursday, PCA Campus
The students are enjoying their morning breakfast and fellowship as a voice crackles through the intercom, travelling through the many speakers around the campus. "Welcome students to your second week at Pacific Coast Academy I hope you are enjoying yourselves. Today students will be reporting to the following clubs: Cheerleading with Coach Moralla on the football practice field, Girls Lacrosse with Coach Kain on the left lacrosse field, Boys lacrosse with Coach Henry on the right field and Soccer with Coach Mathews, " There's a brief pause before he continues " Now for our clubs: Students in the Art club please report to room 215 in the Art wing with Miss Miyuki, that's by the viewing room. Students in the Debate Team report to room 105 in the English wing with Mr. Mathews, All of our E-Magaziners report to the Fashion design and Journalism room in room 210 in the Art wing." The principal chuckles to himself "And your in for a treat because my darling wife is the teacher," He clears his throat before continuing again " Our Musically gifted students report to the Music Theater where our newest teacher and retired grande pianist Mr. Ford is waiting. For all the sophomores and Juniors not in any of these clubs or sports please report to study hall with Mr. Cokamamy. All of our Seniors not in these activities you have a free period please remember to sign out if you choose to go off campus. Now we have Miss Craig, our resident event planner" A couple of students cheer. Miss Craig is big deal at PCA since she's actually a party planner for celebrities but since she's a close friend of the principal she also does elaborate dances and events envied by school's all over the country.

"Students guess what is happening tomorrow!" She pauses "Homecoming Dance!" Her peppy voice resonates "Anyway as you know last week you all got to vote for a theme and the winner is...Drum Roll please" She pauses and you can vaguely hear her banging on the table "Oooh I like this Old Hollywood glam. That means bring your dapper suits with your ascots for the boys and your fit tight just right glam cocktail dresses. Oooh I love it! Anyway I also have your homecoming court, how exciting!" You hear her ruffle through some papers "For the Boys we have Blake Everett, Ashton Chambers, Nate Hoffman and Lucas Azevedo Yay! For the girls we have Belladonna Ricci, Kathrine Locke, Arielle Lui, and Marley Livingston. Ok guys that's it for now!" She says as the intercom goes dead. Student start to go to their clubs and sports with homecoming ideas and dates filling their heads.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo
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Ashton Chambers

ImageAshton was pleased to find that everyone liked the idea of the party. He was surprised however when Donna wanted to invite... everyone. Honestly he didn't even think nerds went to parties. The rebels? yeah definitely. He had some history partying with rebels. A good time, though it can get crazy. He only had a small pang of worry that his house would be trashed, but before they started it he'd hide all the breakable things. A maid service would be needed afterward too.
"I know its crazy but what better way do we assert ourselves as the best than to let them see us at our best. We are the best, why not show it? Plus hazel and her friends would be pretty awesome to party with." Belladonna mentioned.
Hazel. He and Hazel had an interesting history, at a party of course. The two both got drunk and hooked up before, and they casually talk when passing but it can be a bit awkward. No one really knows about it besides them and Jenny, and Ashton knew Jenny was slightly jealous by it even though it'd happened before they dated. Lucas interrupted his thoughts, agreeing.
"I think that is a great idea Bella. And what better way to start the year off than with a party, no? Besides this is going to be my first whole year here, we should celebrate."
Since Luke had agreed, Ashton gave in too, not seeing any real harm in it. "Yeah, why not right?"
Suddenly the door opened, Blake, the captain of Ashton's lacrosse team was there. A girl was held over his shoulder in a firefighter carrying position, and he spoke to them. Ashton couldn't help but smile in confusion at the situation, but beside that acted completely casually as Blake spoke.
"Hey Ashton, Lucas i was just wondering if you wanted to go get some breakfast but i can now see you have company, good morning Donna, Arielle i'm guessing you had a pleasant sleep last night cause you both look gorgeous this morning like always."
"Oh, Blake the flirt as always. But, I am actually waiting for Jenny but after that I don't mind going to breakfast."
Ashton was about to respond, considering he didn't have to wait for anyone and Donna would either come along or find something else to do he was going to accept, but Jenny floated in before he could answer. She was always so light and graceful wherever she went, to Ashton it seemed the whole room became airy and sweet. He didn't know if anyone else saw it, but he couldn't help but stare a bit at her. She hugged Luke, and said good morning to Donna and Arielle. She didn't even turn to him.
He spoke then, to Blake. "Yeah man, we should all go!" he said, looking to everyone else in the room. "I gotta throw something on to actually wear though.."He felt a bit bad since Donna had gotten them breakfast but he liked hanging out with a bunch of people.
The whole group went to breakfast, and had a pretty good time. Well, sort of. Ashton and Belladonna sat across from Lucas and Jenny, and maybe it was the fact that Jenny seemed so happy beside him that made Ashton jealous, but either way he was. At first his method of going about it was showing off he knew Jenny pretty well. They all ordered drinks, and after Jenny ordered hers and the waitress was about to turn to leave, Ashton spoke up. "Don't put ice in that, she doesn't like it." he said casually. The waitress nodded and smiled, and walked away. He could see the weird looks he got from the others, including Jenny. He looked at her, "What? you don't.." he laughed, and leaned back against the booth. He put his arm around Bella, and could see her raising her eyebrow at him. Which meant she was annoyed, and he shouldn't have said that. He brushed it off, and things went back to normal again. They discussed the party idea some more, and filled Jenny in. There was a point where Ashton brought up music, because he and Jenny had a similar taste. He felt like they were talking and laughing and things were getting good, until she mentioned they should play a few slow songs, for her and Luke to dance to.
She went on and on about how he was such a great dancer and what not, and the two were being like the adorable couple they were. Ashton took this chance to brag about his significant other, Donna. He made an obvious point about how they spent the summer in the hamptons together, which he could see visibly upset Jenny. Her smile fell and she sat listening. Luke didn't really seem to notice, Ashton was busy distracting him with stories of how much fun they had. It ended up with Ashton and Donna basically making out, and Jenny mentioned she had to go back to her dorm for something, and asked if Lucas would walk her there. The two left, and shortly after the rest did the same. Ashton mentioned to Bella about seeing her later that day, but Bella thought nothing of it.
After the announcement to go to clubs, Ashton stood in his room getting ready for Lacrosse practice. He knew he'd be coming a bit late, but that was to ask Belladonna to homecoming. He had about fifteen minutes to get over there before they showed up, and he'd already filled the magazine club's room with pink balloons. He started heading over to the room, with a box of her favorite chocolates and a pink rose. So, he liked to make things elaborate. And yeah, maybe he did know that Jenny would also be there to see it. But either way he knew it would please Belladonna, and that was his main goal. He let himself into the room, and looked around. It was filled with pink balloons everywhere randomly, with a large banner that read 'Homecoming?' on the wall. He smiled, pleased everything looked so well. He sat on one of the tables in the middle of the room, waiting for her to show up with the rest of the club.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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Belladonna was not happy. She smiled and put on a good show but she wasn't happy. If anybody thought Ashton still had feelings for Jenny now they knew. And on top of that she spent her breakfast with Carter. Since when do they hang out with unlady-like mud slinging, paint balling chicks like Carter? Then Ashton decided to show her off like a fucking show dog for Jenny. She stopped by her dad's office to meet up with her mom before class "Mo-ther!" She said over annunciation her words, a habit of hers when she was annoyed. She walked into her mom perched on her fathers lap as he typed at his desk, they looked like they belonged in a magazine "Mo-ther, what. the. hell?" She said her cat like eyes on them. Her mom walked up to her and smiled sympathetically. Her eyes were the same piercing shades of green however her eyes were round and angelic. Looking at the two you could tell they were related but they were distinctly different. Her mom had a heart shaped face with small features and plump small round lips like a china doll. While Donna has cat like features with high cheekbones, a diamond shaped face and plump heart shaped lips.

Donna rolled her eyes before waving at her father "Bye Daddy," To which he responded "Have a good day bumble bee." Donna groaned in embarrassment. She could hear her mom trailing after her in her stilettos "Why don't you call me mommy?" She whined pouting her lips. Donna rolled her eyes at her mom's immaturity.

Her mom finally matched her pace and walked beside her. "So how's my favorite future son in law?" She asked. Donna rolled her eyes and clutched her binder closer to her chest "Fine" She said with a fake smile, she noticed her mom raise a perfectly arched eyebrow and tilt her head making luscious dark curls, the same shade as Donna's glossy waves, topple over her shoulder. "Fine he's not over his ex." Mrs. Ricci chuckled "Little Jenny? He'll get over her. You have so much more to offer." She mused. "I know right?" Donna agreed " I just need like a sign," She added with a huff. Her mom walked into the room first, she beamed at her daughter "I found your sign!" She exclaimed.

Donna walked into the room decorated in pink balloons to see her boyfriend sitting in the middle of the room with pink flowers and her favorite chocolate. "Ashton?!" She gasped as she saw the banner "All this for homecoming?" She walked up to him, slowly taking it all in. "I see a pink and white wedding in your future," He mom said winking at Aston "Mother your ruining my moment!" Donna whined turning to glare at her nosy mom. Her mom held both hands up in protest before settling in the front of the room in her desk.
"Baby you did all this?" She asked sitting on his lap. She giggled "For homecoming?" She smiled, one of her rare true genuine Belladonna Ricci smile. She pulled him into a passionate kiss. As she heard students come in and her mom clear her throat. She pecked a kiss on his lips one last time before finally stopping.

As they stood up she walked him to the door pulled pulled his collar down and kissed him passionately one more time, right in front of Jenny as she was walking into the room. "I can't wait to see what you do for prom." She said blowing him a kiss as he left. She turned to Jenny, who was still standing there "Hey Jenny didn't see you there, what's up?" She asked she turned to Ashton who was walking away and winked at Jenny playfully "I think I might love him." She said as she turned. But once Jenny couldn't see her anymore a devious smile played on her lips. She picked up her chocolate and roses and sat in a table made for three people. She popped a chocolate in her mouth as she sat down and looked up at Jenny "Well? sit down." She commanded. She turned her head toward the door waiting for Arielle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers Character Portrait: Belladona Ricci Character Portrait: Lucas Azevedo Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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Jennifer Anthony

At first Jenny had ignored all of Ashton's pokes at getting a reaction from her, and breakfast was more awkward than she'd hoped. She knew it wasn't going to be easy, or great, or anything close to that, but she didn't think it'd be that tense. She wondered if Lucas had noticed her unease, and Ashton's obvious antics for attention. She only felt a little hurt when Ashton bragged about the hamptons, it would've been worse if Luke hadn't been there. Sitting beside him put her at a relaxed level that even the king and queen couldn't affect. So she was visibly uncomfortable, but she let it melt away slowly with every touch she got from Luke. She listened to his stories, even commented and asked questions to the two. She played along like everything was fine, and remained to flirt with Luke. She didn't mean to dangle their relationship in front of her ex, but that's what had happened. She hoped Lucas wouldn't think she was toying with him, because the last thing she wanted to do right now was admit she still had feelings for Ashton. She only let her smile fall once, and that's when he brought up them meeting and spending time in the hamptons together. Yes, she was supposed to have gone with him, and she had a pang of hurt that they'd gotten together since she wasn't there. But, she tried to put on her nicest smile. After a while though, when the couple was sucking face before Jen, she politely excused herself and asked Luke to escort her to her room to get something before she had to go to the magazine club. He went with her, and eventually they parted ways after the announcement to go to sports and clubs.
She walked at a slightly slow pace. She always took her time, walking gracefully and poised. Her delicate figure glided by everyone she passed, almost silent and light, but very noticeable at the same time. She was only a few minutes late, but she was in time to see what she wished she hadn't. As she walked down the hall to the classroom, she could see Belladonna and Ashton standing in the doorway. Great. She thought, and continued in that direction. It seemed once her presence was made, the two were again passionately making out. Gross?? Get a room.. She began to edge past them without any word hoping to be unnoticed, but to her luck Belladonna and Ashton had planned the rendezvous just for her audience.

Image"Hey Jenny didn't see you there, what's up?" Donna cooed to her. Ashton left to go to lacrosse practice, but not without a glance at Jen. She felt a bit sick. The pink balloons everywhere didn't help. The banner that read homecoming made her realize what the situation was, and she didn't feel any better about it. He'd never really done any romantic gestures to her, but then again she wasn't one to love surprises. Though a cute ask to a dance would never hurt.. She pushed the thought of that out of her head, it wasn't good to dwell on problems of the past. She smiled shortly, and nodded, acknowledging what had happened. "I should really be asking you.." she muttered in response, wondering if Donna could hear the discomfort it her voice. The wink Donna sent her back gave Jenny a lump in her throat, and a sinking feeling in her stomach as she marveled her next words to Jenny. "I think I might love him." Belladonna had turned before she was able to see Jenny's look of disdain, and it quickly faded back the the cold pretentious looking expression Jenny was usually found with. Her grey eyes studied Belladonna as she popped an expensive looking chocolate into her mouth. She could imagine the chocolate melting easily, to whatever gooey center it held.
"Well? sit down." the queen ordered. Jenny reluctantly did as she was told, and sunk into a chair quietly. She tried clearing her head, and just thinking of Lucas to calm her, but it was hard. Why was Bella toying with her? Had she done something to upset her? She wondered. Was it really just Ashton's fault? She sighed under her breath, so small that Donna would either not notice or ignore. Belladonna starred in the direction of the door, probably waiting for Arielle. Jenny thought of something to say to her, debating whether she should fight back or play dumb. Maybe neither and just stay quiet? Or schmooze and make small talk of the dance, what Bella would be wearing and what not.
She spoke somewhat softly, trying to be casual. "Have you two said you loved each other yet?" she asked, trying to seem uninterested as she began to page through a magazine laying open on the table. "I mean, you said you think you do, but I just thought, maybe.." she trailed off, leaving room for Belladonna to answer. If this backfired she'd quickly go for the dance conversation instead, maybe ask if they'd all be arriving together or separately. She also wondered what they were going to do about a homecoming campaign, if Donna thought she needed on or not. Jenny continued to look through the magazine, though she was almost fully focused on Donna's next answer.
