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Jason Lexx

*Middle finger*

0 · 1,293 views · located in Pacific Coast Academy

a character in “PCA Boarding school”, as played by Mashotu


Jason Lexx


Name: Jason Anderson Lexx

Nickname: Jay

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Clique Rebel


  • A good smoke
  • Violence
  • Dogs. Not the tiny ones. He thinks those are rats.
  • Music
  • Dancing

  • Cats
  • Small dogs
  • Most people
  • When people interrupt
  • Children

  • Planes/flying
  • Puppets
  • Outer space

Personality: Jay is more of a quite person. He seems to be always grumpy and it's rare to even see him smile. He has more more of a kick your ass now talk later type of aura around him. Also add the fact that he's more anti social than most people. He feels like, if he doesn't speak, people will leave him alone. But things never actually work out that way. It's rare for him to open up to anybody.

Along with his " kick your ass now talk later" aura, he also leaves a mysterious aura with it. This comes from him never giving out any details about himself. Be it his likes or family. But he will openly speak his dislikes. If he hates something, he'll show it by either breaking it or destroying it. There is the occasion where he'll just scoff at it though.

Though he wont show it. He respects a person who fights for himself or herself and fights for other people. He's a rebel, not a bully. Though he does seem like he would kick your ass, he wouldn't actually do it. Well... He would if you gave him a reason.


History: Jay grew up the middle child of seven siblings. Because of this, he could leave for hour without either of his parents knowing. Ever. He lived in a terrible neighborhood on top of that. Someone was killed at least every other week. And the sounds of screams and sirens became normal. It was weird if those sounds weren't there.

When he would leave he'd either go out to look for some sort of fight or he'd go hand out on the train tracks. Hanging around the train tracks was always a hobby of his. He found it fun. And when a train would come he found it fun to play chicken with it. He'd broken about five bones doing so, but it was still fun. At around the are of thirteen he ran into a man spray painting graffiti on the side of a train. He's wasn't worried that this guy could be a potential killer. No, he was curious about what the guys was doing.

He spend a good few years with this guy. He taught him the ways of being a rebel and is one of the only people he's ever opened up to in his entire life. He was depressed when that guy got busted for drugs and murder, having to go to jail. His still in to this day.

Anything else:

So begins...

Jason Lexx's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Scarlett Ann Rey Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers
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0.00 INK

7:00 A.M. PCA Campus

Its been a week since school began. Some students have fully unpacked and decorated their dorms, others still have boxes littering their dorms. The first two weeks of school is supposed to be spent getting orientated with the school before classes start the following week. The first week was spent with students being dropped off throughout the week, students signing up for clubs and getting their sport gear, and roommates getting acquainted. Now its the second week. Students will be going to their clubs and sports. For now most students are either waking up and getting ready for the day, in the lounges, or eating breakfast in the quad, picnic tables, or the caf.


Donna had awoken early that morning, she yawned careful not not to wake up Arielle before slipping into their bathroom. She slipped into the shower going through her morning ritual of her body was, body scrub, facial cleanser, facial scrub, and facial moisturizer. She usually washed her hair every other day since it was so thick and she didn't want it to break off but she used her luxury vanilla scented conditioner every day. She came out thoroughly refreshed before beginning to brush out her luscious, thick, glossy brown hair. She then straightened it until it was pin straight and ended just above her back dimples. She came out the bathroom in her lacy under garments before spraying her signature custom made scent of honey suckle, which she made at a perfumery in Paris, into the air and stepping into letting it gently cover her whole body without it being over bearing. She then walked over to her mirror and applied a bit of light makeup that only made her seem a little dewy.

She glanced around the room. She added a bit of things. She up a collage of mirrors on one small wall of the room as well as a collage of her friends. She also hung up a big photo of her and Arielle that took up half a width of wall space and was placed in the middle of the wall. The picture was from the top of the wall to the bottom. She also had pictures of herself on her trips. hung up on the wall.

She walked over to the closet and picked out an outfit. Since she and Arielle practically wore the same size tops and shoes they out their clothes all together in the closet, wardrobe, and dresser.. Plus it was easy to tell their bottoms apart with Donna's shapely toned legs and Arielle's petite size. She picked out a classy yet sexy
outfit and put it on. She walked over to one of the dozens of mirrors in their room, this one a full length and checked herself out. The simple silk tank hugged her nicely sized chest well, the blazer fit snug and accentuated her tanned skin, and the lace shorts showed off her shapely toned legs; Everything was perfect.

She sneakily leaned over Arielle and purred "Wake up doll," Before skipping out of the room slamming the door on her way out. She walked over to the quad where the coffee stand where the coffee stand was was and Brazilian roast back coffee, that she begged her dad to stock the school up with as a surprise for Lucas when he mentioned it once, for Lucas. She headed to the cafeteria then and bought A diet coke for Arielle and a regular coke for Ashton. She also bought herself a strawberry smoothie. She also bought one of each of the twelve pastries. She quickly went back in the room and set the diet coke and a pastry on the nightstandalong with a note that said "Love you doll, going to the boy's room. Meet me there.-Bee" before heading to Ashton and Lucas's room. She had her own key and was about to open the door when she was interrupted.

A girl came out of her room, a girl clad in a pink blazer and a pink and brown plaid skirt who had bleached blonde hair and dark tanned skin. A girl Donna knew as Crystal, daughter of a widowed gold digger who married a millionaire when she was twenty one and he was seventy. "O.M.G Donna, hey!" She squealed prancing up to Donna in the summer Jimmy Choo's. She glanced at Donna's which were the early release Winter Jimmy Choo line "How.Did. You. Get. Those?!" She girl screeched. Donna resisted the urge to cover her gold hoop clad ears with her french manicured hand. "Oh I have my ways," Donna said coyly. The girl covered her hear, well more like her implant filled chest with her own crystal and plastic rose manicured hand. "I so envy you," The girl said pouting her baby pink lips. She blew Donna a kiss before retreating in her dorm making Donna roll her eyes.

Donna opened the door to Ashton and Lucas's room and set the drinks and pastries on a table. She walked over to their window and opened the curtains and blinds before commanding "Wake up!" She said sitting down in one of the chairs and crossing her legs " I brought breakfast." She said in a sing-song voice sweetly. She pulled out her phone and texted Jennifer.
To: Jenny
Morning biatch!Get your ass to Lucas and Ashton's room if you want a pastry.

She focused back on the boys and pointed her finger across the hall "What's up with barbie girl over there. This is a exclusive dorm for a reason. There's nothing classy about.." She rolled her eyes "That. She should be in Persephone." She tilted her head "No worries,I'll fix that later." She said with a coy smile. Donna's sophomore year, when Donna wasn't Queen and was dating a rebel who graduated her Junior year, Crystal decided to sleep with him. Information she found out over the summer when one of Crystals ex friends told her at a party. She was thinking of the right way to punish her and here it was. She bit into a chocolate pastry as she plotted in her head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonardo Till Character Portrait: Jason Lexx Character Portrait: Sebastian Dawson Character Portrait: Nate Hoffmann
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Leonardo Till

Ardo woke up to the sound of his phone alarm going off. For some reason he never could wake up to the annoying sound of an alarm clock, but if it was a nice melodic tune it seemed easier. Once he got up he quietly shuffled around the room to change into his clothes for the day.

He had quite a while before breakfast... An hour actually. So picked up his violin and flute and placed them on top of his newly made bed. He was trying to decided which one he's use today. He use the his flute yesterday, but the violin had just gotten repairs done and he didn't want to accidentally damage it so soon. He glanced over at Sebastian intending on asking him for help but realized he was still sleeping.

He walked over to the bed an sat on the edge. "Sebastian... It's time to get up." Ardo said, slightly shaking him. "Please~"

Jason Lexx

When Jay heard the annoying beeping of his alarm clock and angrily ripped it out of the wall. He hated mornings. And he hated annoying things in the morning even more. Hey, at least he didn't break it like he wished to do. He pretty much fell outof bed as he grabbed a favorite shirt of his and his chained up pants. He did this mainly to piss his room mate, Nate, off. He was rooming with someone completely to polar opposite of him and it bugged the shit out of him to no end. First day he met him he learned he didn't really like the color black, so voila! Here he was in all black.

Not really wanting to socialize with people yet, he flopped back down onto his bed. 'I hope the day in total gets cancelled', Jay thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Lexx Character Portrait: Kathrine Locke Character Portrait: Nate Hoffmann
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0.00 INK

Nate Hoffmann

Nate was in a deep sleep and barely even stirred when his roommate flopped out of bed. They'd met the day before, and nothing about the kid made Nate want to talk to him much more than that. From what he could tell, the kid was kind of arrogant. He was quiet though, and didn't talk much. Nate couldn't tell if he just wasn't very friendly, he didn't like him, or he was always like that. So instead of making an effort with someone who probably didn't care at all, considering he was a "rebel", Nate somewhat ignored him. Basically he let the boy do what he wanted and stayed out of his way. He could tell when he woke up the next morning with his roommate wearing all black, one of his least favorite colors, that the guy either didn't like him or Nate had offended someone who always wears black by saying he didn't like it very much. Either way, when he did notice, he didn't acknowledge it.
He was either dreaming of something nice, or maybe it was just the sound of Kate's sweet familiar voice that made him smile.
"Oh, Nate! Wake up." she cooed, gently shaking him to wake him up. She did see him smile a bit, but she could tell he was still asleep. "Nate!" she exclaimed, which did wake him.
He opened his eyes, seeing one of his best friends. They had a bit of a history, and it was true that he still had feelings for her, but they'd decided it was for the best if they stopped dating. Sometimes he wonders if they shouldn't have broken up, or that they should start again, but he never told that to her. He muffled out a greeting, which was more of a 'mmph' sound as he stretched a bit. He relaxed again, and slowly sat up. His voice was slightly raspy since he'd just woken up.
" 'Morning, Katie." he said, with his signature goofy grin. Almost everyone called her Kate, even Nate. Occasionally he called her Katie, in a cute joking way. He looked over toward the table then, "You even got me a drink." He slunk out of bed, and threw on a tee shirt and some shorts over his boxers. He assumed she wouldn't really mind considering she'd just come in their room. He leaned against the table and took the drink, opening it and taking a sip. He'd noticed that Jason had been up, but he didn't bother introducing the two or wonder if they already knew each other. He assumed Jason didn't really care to meet her. "So how about I take you out for lunch?" he offered, "off campus?" Seniors were allowed to take their cars, and as long as they went to class it didn't matter if they went out to eat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Scarlett Ann Rey Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers
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0.00 INK

9:00 Thursday, PCA Campus
The students are enjoying their morning breakfast and fellowship as a voice crackles through the intercom, travelling through the many speakers around the campus. "Welcome students to your second week at Pacific Coast Academy I hope you are enjoying yourselves. Today students will be reporting to the following clubs: Cheerleading with Coach Moralla on the football practice field, Girls Lacrosse with Coach Kain on the left lacrosse field, Boys lacrosse with Coach Henry on the right field and Soccer with Coach Mathews, " There's a brief pause before he continues " Now for our clubs: Students in the Art club please report to room 215 in the Art wing with Miss Miyuki, that's by the viewing room. Students in the Debate Team report to room 105 in the English wing with Mr. Mathews, All of our E-Magaziners report to the Fashion design and Journalism room in room 210 in the Art wing." The principal chuckles to himself "And your in for a treat because my darling wife is the teacher," He clears his throat before continuing again " Our Musically gifted students report to the Music Theater where our newest teacher and retired grande pianist Mr. Ford is waiting. For all the sophomores and Juniors not in any of these clubs or sports please report to study hall with Mr. Cokamamy. All of our Seniors not in these activities you have a free period please remember to sign out if you choose to go off campus. Now we have Miss Craig, our resident event planner" A couple of students cheer. Miss Craig is big deal at PCA since she's actually a party planner for celebrities but since she's a close friend of the principal she also does elaborate dances and events envied by school's all over the country.

"Students guess what is happening tomorrow!" She pauses "Homecoming Dance!" Her peppy voice resonates "Anyway as you know last week you all got to vote for a theme and the winner is...Drum Roll please" She pauses and you can vaguely hear her banging on the table "Oooh I like this Old Hollywood glam. That means bring your dapper suits with your ascots for the boys and your fit tight just right glam cocktail dresses. Oooh I love it! Anyway I also have your homecoming court, how exciting!" You hear her ruffle through some papers "For the Boys we have Blake Everett, Ashton Chambers, Nate Hoffman and Lucas Azevedo Yay! For the girls we have Belladonna Ricci, Kathrine Locke, Arielle Lui, and Marley Livingston. Ok guys that's it for now!" She says as the intercom goes dead. Student start to go to their clubs and sports with homecoming ideas and dates filling their heads.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonardo Till Character Portrait: Jason Lexx Character Portrait: Sebastian Dawson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Leonardo Till

Leonardo was overjoyed that Sebastian said he'd play his songs. But right when Sebastian pointed out that clubs should start soon, and announcement popped up. He kinda wanted to spend a bit more time with Sebastian, but knew it was best to go to his club for a bit.

Ardo listened to the announcements, trying to figure out where he would go. Once he'd heard it, he actually expected the person to stop talking. But then there was a mentions or a dance and mentions of him having to wear a suit with an ascot.

He placed a finger to his lips. "I wonder if I brought one of those with me..." He said out loud. It was a known fact that Leonardo was rich, and he so it should come as a surprise he had at least one of every suit for when he was forced to go to social meetings with his parents. He actually never minded dressing nice, but he didn't like the actual parties. "I should really ask Ester if he could check."

He popped back out of thoughts and looked at Sebastian, figuring he should ask first, "Oh yes. Do you... Want to go... With me?"
He knew that it'd probably most likely be a yes, but Sebastian still could say no. And it was best to ask now instead of focusing on it all day.

Jason Lexx