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Roxie Garrett

"Some people get mad when the rhythm changes, but life is changing all the time."

0 · 1,053 views · located in Pacific Coast Academy

a character in “PCA Boarding school”, originally authored by KonamiCode, as played by RolePlayGateway



"I don't try to be better than anyone but myself."

Name: Roxanne Mae Garrett.

Nickname: Roxie, Rox, Gee, Rockstar (mostly a family nickname).

Age: 16.

Sexuality: Bi-Curious.

Clique: Jocks.

Hair Color: Dirty blonde with darker brown undertones.
Eye Color: Brown, almost black in some lighting.
Height/Weight: 5’0”, 109 lbs.

Likes: Dancing, basketball, sushi, smoothies, rabbits, Summer, b-movies, rap music, bubblegum, bright colors, playing piano (a hobby she keeps secret from most).
Dislikes: Arguing, absolute silence, big dogs, garlic, tight/restricting clothes, sour foods, some socialites/rebels, arrogance, waking up late, algebra.
Fears: Being alone, getting kicked out of school, lightning.
Theme: Strong As An Oak by Watsky.
Personality: Roxie, in most encounters, immediately comes off as a bit of an airhead. The way she speaks, with lots of ‘um’s, pauses, and extraneous hand gestures makes her seem very ditzy, as if she’s saying words as they pop into her head and she doesn’t quite know what she’s talking about. She’s kind to everyone, though if others from her social circle are around she holds back and it’s more like she’s just not being mean. She also has trouble telling people no, especially upperclassmen, so if asked to do something she’ll often agree, even if a little bit of persuasion is needed. When started on certain topics of conversation, she could go on and on for hours if you let her, segueing into other subjects until she’s worn herself out or stopped by someone else. If you get to know her better or just listen to her a little more closely, you’ll see that Roxie isn’t as dopey as she first seems—she’s actually extremely bright, which is why she got her scholarship to PCA. Her airiness is only a trait that applies to how she speaks and conveys that brilliance.

History: Editing.

So begins...

Roxie Garrett's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Scarlett Ann Rey Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers
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0.00 INK

7:00 A.M. PCA Campus

Its been a week since school began. Some students have fully unpacked and decorated their dorms, others still have boxes littering their dorms. The first two weeks of school is supposed to be spent getting orientated with the school before classes start the following week. The first week was spent with students being dropped off throughout the week, students signing up for clubs and getting their sport gear, and roommates getting acquainted. Now its the second week. Students will be going to their clubs and sports. For now most students are either waking up and getting ready for the day, in the lounges, or eating breakfast in the quad, picnic tables, or the caf.


Donna had awoken early that morning, she yawned careful not not to wake up Arielle before slipping into their bathroom. She slipped into the shower going through her morning ritual of her body was, body scrub, facial cleanser, facial scrub, and facial moisturizer. She usually washed her hair every other day since it was so thick and she didn't want it to break off but she used her luxury vanilla scented conditioner every day. She came out thoroughly refreshed before beginning to brush out her luscious, thick, glossy brown hair. She then straightened it until it was pin straight and ended just above her back dimples. She came out the bathroom in her lacy under garments before spraying her signature custom made scent of honey suckle, which she made at a perfumery in Paris, into the air and stepping into letting it gently cover her whole body without it being over bearing. She then walked over to her mirror and applied a bit of light makeup that only made her seem a little dewy.

She glanced around the room. She added a bit of things. She up a collage of mirrors on one small wall of the room as well as a collage of her friends. She also hung up a big photo of her and Arielle that took up half a width of wall space and was placed in the middle of the wall. The picture was from the top of the wall to the bottom. She also had pictures of herself on her trips. hung up on the wall.

She walked over to the closet and picked out an outfit. Since she and Arielle practically wore the same size tops and shoes they out their clothes all together in the closet, wardrobe, and dresser.. Plus it was easy to tell their bottoms apart with Donna's shapely toned legs and Arielle's petite size. She picked out a classy yet sexy
outfit and put it on. She walked over to one of the dozens of mirrors in their room, this one a full length and checked herself out. The simple silk tank hugged her nicely sized chest well, the blazer fit snug and accentuated her tanned skin, and the lace shorts showed off her shapely toned legs; Everything was perfect.

She sneakily leaned over Arielle and purred "Wake up doll," Before skipping out of the room slamming the door on her way out. She walked over to the quad where the coffee stand where the coffee stand was was and Brazilian roast back coffee, that she begged her dad to stock the school up with as a surprise for Lucas when he mentioned it once, for Lucas. She headed to the cafeteria then and bought A diet coke for Arielle and a regular coke for Ashton. She also bought herself a strawberry smoothie. She also bought one of each of the twelve pastries. She quickly went back in the room and set the diet coke and a pastry on the nightstandalong with a note that said "Love you doll, going to the boy's room. Meet me there.-Bee" before heading to Ashton and Lucas's room. She had her own key and was about to open the door when she was interrupted.

A girl came out of her room, a girl clad in a pink blazer and a pink and brown plaid skirt who had bleached blonde hair and dark tanned skin. A girl Donna knew as Crystal, daughter of a widowed gold digger who married a millionaire when she was twenty one and he was seventy. "O.M.G Donna, hey!" She squealed prancing up to Donna in the summer Jimmy Choo's. She glanced at Donna's which were the early release Winter Jimmy Choo line "How.Did. You. Get. Those?!" She girl screeched. Donna resisted the urge to cover her gold hoop clad ears with her french manicured hand. "Oh I have my ways," Donna said coyly. The girl covered her hear, well more like her implant filled chest with her own crystal and plastic rose manicured hand. "I so envy you," The girl said pouting her baby pink lips. She blew Donna a kiss before retreating in her dorm making Donna roll her eyes.

Donna opened the door to Ashton and Lucas's room and set the drinks and pastries on a table. She walked over to their window and opened the curtains and blinds before commanding "Wake up!" She said sitting down in one of the chairs and crossing her legs " I brought breakfast." She said in a sing-song voice sweetly. She pulled out her phone and texted Jennifer.
To: Jenny
Morning biatch!Get your ass to Lucas and Ashton's room if you want a pastry.

She focused back on the boys and pointed her finger across the hall "What's up with barbie girl over there. This is a exclusive dorm for a reason. There's nothing classy about.." She rolled her eyes "That. She should be in Persephone." She tilted her head "No worries,I'll fix that later." She said with a coy smile. Donna's sophomore year, when Donna wasn't Queen and was dating a rebel who graduated her Junior year, Crystal decided to sleep with him. Information she found out over the summer when one of Crystals ex friends told her at a party. She was thinking of the right way to punish her and here it was. She bit into a chocolate pastry as she plotted in her head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Roxie Garrett
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0.00 INK


A beep sounded from the treadmill signifying the end of her workout. She wasn't really sure how long she had been in the school's workout room but she estimated it had been at least a couple of hours. The last night she hadn't been able to get much the sleep because she was to overwhelmed by her anticipation of today. Not being the type of person who could just lie in bed for hours on end she had rolled out of bed and came to gym.

Stepping down from the treadmill she walked over to her small duffel bag and took the bottle of water out of it. She felt exhausted and dehydrated and that made her happy because that meant that she had just put herself through a really good workout. Unscrewing the cap she threw her head back and gulped down the still cold water letting it cool her dried throat. Her phone alarm started beeping which told her it was exactly 6 am which meant she had been in the gym for close to three hours. Which wasn't bad for a early morning workout.

Screwing the top back on the water she tossed it back into her bag and then shuffled through it until she found her phone. Shutting off the alarm she rested her head back against the full length mirror her body was leaning against. Everything ached and was throbbing but it was a sensation she didn't mind and was use to. She was about to get up and start heading to her dorm when her phone started vibrating in her hand. "Right on cue." Brianna said thinking out loud as the word Mommy showed up on her cellphone screen displayed over a photo of Brianna and her mother.

While Brianna was anticipating the start of the new year her mother was dreading it and had been all summer. Although her freshman year hadn't been as bad as her four years of junior hell transitioning into boarding school had been an adjustment for Brianna. The stress of it all had overwhelmed her and all the good-looking students at PCA only intensified her insecurities and she went through a momentary relapse. She had managed to get everything under control before people really started to take notice and she had kept it a secret from a family during the school year but once back at home she cracked. Now her mother was more worried than ever about Brianna being back and was checking in as well as making Brianna check in everyday. Answering the call she placed the phone to her ear and spoke first, "Buena madre por la mañana!"

"Estoy bien mamá."

"No, no he desayunado."

"Mamá es como las seis de la mañana! Me acabo de despertar."

"Sí voy a desayunar."

"No, no estoy mintiendo."

"Mamá me tengo que ir. Tengo que empezar a prepararse."

"Sí, lo haré texto que más tarde."

"No voy a olvidar."

"Mommy .. mami .. mamá! Lo haré texto que más tarde. Tengo que ir. Te quiero. Adiós."

Pressing the end call button she hung up the phone and let out an exasperated sigh. She loved her mother to pieces but sometimes the woman could be a bit overbearing which made Brianna feel suffocated and greatly annoyed. Pulling herself up off the ground she grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulder and left the workout room. It took her about ten minutes to walk across campus to the Persephone dorm building. Brianna looked like a hot mess and she knew it. She was all sweaty and her hair looked unkempt and horrible and on top of that her muscles were still aching.

Unlocking her dorm room door she quietly and slowed opened it and noticed that Roxie was still asleep. Shutting the door she tip-toed over to her bed and dropped her bag down on it before continuing her tip-toe over to her dresser. Shuffling through her drawers until she found an outfit she wanted to wear. Placing her clothes on her bed she grabbed all her necessities and exited the shared bedroom and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

While in the bathroom Brianna went through her morning routine. Stepping into the shower she let the hot water soothe her muscles as she showered and washed her hair with her coconut milk shampoo and conditioner. Getting out of the shower when she was done with all of that she waisted her towel around her waist and started her morning skincare regimen. Once her skin was properly cared she thought for a moment about wearing makeup but decided against it going for a natural look today. She went about handling her dental work before finally exiting the bathroom. Walking over to her bed she quickly dressed in her day's attire. Going back into the bathroom she dried her hair with the blow dryer and not really feeling up to doing anything with she swept it over to the side. With herself all dressed and ready for the day the only thing left to do was get Roxie up.

Running out of the bathroom she leaped into the air and landed right on top of Roxie. "ROX! WAKE UP!", she screamed into the dirty blonde girl's ear. Not waiting for Roxie to react she rolled off the girl and grabbed the comforter yanking it up. "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Brianna was ready to start the day and she wouldn't be doing it alone. As a roommate and a friend Roxie was obligated to wake up because sophomores had to stick together.


Buena madre por la mañana! ~ Good morning mother!
Estoy bien mamá. ~ I'm doing fine mom.
No, no he desayunado. ~ No I haven't had breakfast yet.
Mamá es como las seis de la mañana! Me acabo de despertar. ~ Mom its like six in the morning! I just woke up.
Sí voy a desayunar. ~ Yes am going to eat breakfast.
No, no estoy mintiendo. ~ No I am not lying to you.
Mamá me tengo que ir. Tengo que empezar a prepararse. ~ Mom I have to go. I need to start getting ready.
Sí, lo haré texto que más tarde. ~ Yes I will text you later.
No voy a olvidar. ~ I wont forget.
Mommy .. mami .. mamá! Lo haré texto que más tarde. Tengo que ir. Te quiero. Adiós. ~ Mommy .. mommy .. mom! I will text you later. Gotta go. I love you. Goodbye.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Roxie Garrett
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0.00 INK


Taking hold of Roxie's wrist Brianna felt for pulse trying to see if her roommate was even alive, because after everything the girl had tried the sleeping blonde had yet to stir. She had done everything she could think of to wake up the girl but nothing had worked. She had screamed, hit her with pillows, jumped up and down on her bed and tried playing loud music which in the end only got her a yell through the wall by some girl's who sleep she had interrupted. Placing her middle and index finger on the underside of Roxie's wrist she felt for a pulse and after a moment or two she felt small pulsing beats. "Well your not dead." Brianna said letting the girl's limp arm fall from her grasp.

Looking down at her still slumbering friend Brianna was profoundly annoyed and yet somewhat impressed by the girl's sleep power. She considered going to retrieve some ice water and just dumping it on the girl but Brianna was saving that for when classes started. All out of ideas Brianna took this as a lost as she finally retreated leaving Roxie to sleep in peace. The thought of eating alone was far from appealing as no one ever wanted to be that loser girl sitting at a table all alone with everyone's eyes watching you. Brianna already knew first hand how that felt having experienced it all through junior high. Unfortunately for her she had already promised her mother that she would eat something so she decided she would go to the quad and do the simple grab and go method.

Racing around the room she grabbed a couples of things like her key and phone as well as several other items before leaving Roxie alone in their dorm. Walking through the doors she made her exited from her dorm building as she made her way to the cafe. The rays of light from the sun felt amazing on her olive skin and made the gold in her outfit gleam. When she arrived at the cafeteria she examined the choices they had available. When it came to what she ate it she always had a mental breakdown go on in her mind in which she calculated the calorie intake along with fat, sugar and other values. After that she would take in nutritional values thinking about which foods provide her body with what and from all that she got breakfast.

Today she got a strawberry Dannon Light and Fit yogurt for the calcium along with scrambled eggs for the iron and protein and a carton of Tropicana orange juice for the vitamin c. She could take the juice and yogurt to go but for the eggs she would have to actually seat down to eat. Moving through the crowded cafe she found a random table and sat down as she ate as quickly as she could without causing herself to get a stomach ache as a result.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Scarlett Ann Rey Character Portrait: Jennifer Anthony Character Portrait: Blake Everett Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Ashton Chambers
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0.00 INK

9:00 Thursday, PCA Campus
The students are enjoying their morning breakfast and fellowship as a voice crackles through the intercom, travelling through the many speakers around the campus. "Welcome students to your second week at Pacific Coast Academy I hope you are enjoying yourselves. Today students will be reporting to the following clubs: Cheerleading with Coach Moralla on the football practice field, Girls Lacrosse with Coach Kain on the left lacrosse field, Boys lacrosse with Coach Henry on the right field and Soccer with Coach Mathews, " There's a brief pause before he continues " Now for our clubs: Students in the Art club please report to room 215 in the Art wing with Miss Miyuki, that's by the viewing room. Students in the Debate Team report to room 105 in the English wing with Mr. Mathews, All of our E-Magaziners report to the Fashion design and Journalism room in room 210 in the Art wing." The principal chuckles to himself "And your in for a treat because my darling wife is the teacher," He clears his throat before continuing again " Our Musically gifted students report to the Music Theater where our newest teacher and retired grande pianist Mr. Ford is waiting. For all the sophomores and Juniors not in any of these clubs or sports please report to study hall with Mr. Cokamamy. All of our Seniors not in these activities you have a free period please remember to sign out if you choose to go off campus. Now we have Miss Craig, our resident event planner" A couple of students cheer. Miss Craig is big deal at PCA since she's actually a party planner for celebrities but since she's a close friend of the principal she also does elaborate dances and events envied by school's all over the country.

"Students guess what is happening tomorrow!" She pauses "Homecoming Dance!" Her peppy voice resonates "Anyway as you know last week you all got to vote for a theme and the winner is...Drum Roll please" She pauses and you can vaguely hear her banging on the table "Oooh I like this Old Hollywood glam. That means bring your dapper suits with your ascots for the boys and your fit tight just right glam cocktail dresses. Oooh I love it! Anyway I also have your homecoming court, how exciting!" You hear her ruffle through some papers "For the Boys we have Blake Everett, Ashton Chambers, Nate Hoffman and Lucas Azevedo Yay! For the girls we have Belladonna Ricci, Kathrine Locke, Arielle Lui, and Marley Livingston. Ok guys that's it for now!" She says as the intercom goes dead. Student start to go to their clubs and sports with homecoming ideas and dates filling their heads.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Carter Grey Character Portrait: Kathrine Locke Character Portrait: Roxie Garrett
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Image Carter was finishing up the last of a muffin when she heard the announcements. She looked in the direction of the field when she heard where she would be. Due to her incredible competitive streak she loved anything that had to do with winning, so naturally she made her way onto every team she could. Sports was her way of getting out her anger and frustration out, and she had a lot.

She got up and grabbed her bag, swinging it over her shoulder. She debated on going back to her dorm to change, but decided against it, in fear of being late. So she took another bite of her muffin and made her way to where she was supposed to be. She started to wonder what was going to be planned for the homecoming, something big, she was sure. She slightly smiled to herself at all the possibilities and then tossed her now empty muffin wrapper into the trashcan and sped up her walking speed just a tad.

Once she finally arrived, she glanced around, then made her way into the locker room to change. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail, as she often did when she was in something sport centered. She set down her bag by her locker and made her way out onto the field, waving at a few girls. Grinning, She placed her hands on her hips and breathed a sigh of relief, as the feeling had disappeared. She let her eyes drift over to where the guys were meeting and flashed a smile at them as well, although she doubted they saw it.