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Pirates of Taerniam

Pirates of Taerniam


Become a swashbuckler and join the one of the crew of two rival pirate captains as they race against each other in order to find the legendary Chalice of Dominus Eripuerit, a mythical cup that is said grant whomever drinks from it immortality.

2,732 readers have visited Pirates of Taerniam since CutUp created it.


In the sea of Taerniam lies several islands all governed by a single, greedy king, Gregory LaRoche. The seas are a very dangerous place chalk full of many perils, from murderous mermaids, ferocious sea monsters, and bloodthirsty pirates all roam the seas.
While there are dozens of pirates, and pirate vassals, only two raise above the rest. The roguish crew of the Star Chaser, captained by the young Cutler Pierce, and the treacherous crew of Death's Edge, captained by Cutler's mortal enemy, the fierce Martian McAllister.
Throughout the seas there is a well known legend of the Chalice of Dominus Eripuerit, a legendary cup much like the Holy Grail. Many wayward souls have gone searching for the treasure, and all have wasted their lives for the chance of immortality. But hope still remains, as recently the crews of the Star Chaser, and Death's Edge have found proof of it's existence, and clues on where to find it.
So now the crews race against each other to be the first to gain the treasure and cement their names in history as the greatest treasure hunters. But they face more danger then any realize.......

The kingdom of Taerniam covers an entire ocean. While it is made of dozens islands, and people are found on almost each of these islands, these are the main points of interest:
The Isle of Santé LaRoche- Santé LaRoche is the crown jewel of Taeriam, and the capital of the kingdom. It is home to the Golden Palace of LaRoche, the king's home. Built by Santé LaRoche the Fair many generations ago when he first developed his kingdom. It is home to the upper class, and the bulk of the king's army.
Ta'Christa- Easily the most lawless town in the entire seas. It is a haven for any sort of scoundrel and thug. Full of taverns, and black market merchants, it is mostly used as a port for pirates. There is rule that no pirate dare to brake, no pirate may do battle here, and even he most ruthless pirate respects the law.
Blood Bath Cove- Originally known as Francesca Cove, it was a small port used by the royal navy. But it is now known as a nesting ground for Mermaids and no one dares enter those Siren's waters.
Demon's Heart- A large area of water that is known to contain the spawning ground for many terrible sea monsters.
Fort Caprica- A large military base that is used to imprison the most ruthless criminals, and the crown's enemies. No one has ever escaped this island alive.
The Mystic Island- Simply known as The Mystic Island, is a mysterious island that is the source of all voodoo power in the kingdom. It is said that if you lose yourself in it's forest you will find your hearts deepest desires.


The Star Chaser's crew are more like gentlemen thieves than ruthless pirates. It is captained by the young Cutler Pierce, who is much beloved by his crew, and commands loyalty through mutual respect from each of his crewmates. The Star Chaser is recognized by it's dark grey hull, rose red sails, and mermaid figurehead that has a sword in it's right hand and a shield in the other.
Name: Cutler Pierce|| Age: 25|| Gender: Male|| Role: Captain of the Star Chaser|| FC: Colin O'Donoghue|| Status: Taken by GM

The young captain of the Star Chaser. He has had a long, and violent history with Martian McAllister, in fact during one of their more brutal encounters Martian took Cutler's left hand, but Martian didn't leave that battle unscathed, because Cutler took Martian's right leg. He wields a hanger cutlass, a flintlock pistol, and his hook hand as weapons.

Name: Gabriel DeSoto|| Age: 23-28|| Gender: Male|| Role: Star Chaser's First Mate|| FC: Santiago Cabrera|| Status: Taken by Kinghink

The First Mate of the Star Chaser is a childhood friend of Cutlers and is fiercely loyal to him due to him saving their life when they were younger, and feels they owe a debt to him, even though he doesn't feel the same. The First Mate has been apart of the crew the longest.

Name: || Age: 25-28|| Gender: || Role: Star Chaser's Arms Master|| FC: || Status: Open

The Star Chaser's resident weapons master. They are in charge of all weapons aboard the ship, mostly just guns, and cannons. They are experts in explosives and are rarely seen without guns or bombs. They are horrible at sword fighting.

Name: Anne Bonney|| Age: 21|| Gender: Female|| Role: The Royal Bastard|| FC: Kat Graham|| Status: Taken by Two_Hearts_One_Box

They are one of the newest members of the crew. They are the bastard child of King Gregory, and are ashamed of that fact. No one knows their true heritage, because don't want any sort of special treatment. They are good friends with the other new recruit, the Runaway.

Name: Samantha Hiden|| Age: 16|| Gender: Female|| Role: The Runaway|| FC: Serebii42|| Status: Taken by afreerobin

The second new recruit to join the crew, and the youngest. They ran away from home for whatever reason, and stow away aboard the Star Chaser. Once found, Cutler took a liking to the young swashbuckler and decided to allow them to join the crew. Cutler has also took them under his wing.

Name: || Age: 26-29|| Gender: || Role: The Voodooist|| FC: ||Status: Open

Star Chaser's mystic. They are well versed in all manner of magic, voodoo as it's known in this world. They were trained by The Voodoo Master for several years but had a falling out before they joined their respected crews. Due to their affinity to everything unnatural, and their history with The Voodoo Master they are treated with suspicion by their crewmates, especially by The Mermaid, all except for Cutler, and they generally spend their time alone.

Name: Craig Soleil Rowell|| Age: 25|| Gender: Female: || Role: The Mermaid|| FC: Stephanie Lomeli|| Status: Taken by toajojo

Once a murderous mermaid that, like the rest of her kind, lured unfortunate sailors to their death. She eventually grew tired of that life and wished to be human. So she made a deal with The Voodoo Master. The Voodoo Master gave her a magical necklace that allows her to change between human and mermaid form. The price was a favor that the Voodoo Master could cash in at anytime, but now that they work for Martian he now controls the favor. No one knows of her true race, and she harbors a crush on Cutler.

The crew of Death's Edge is easily the most greedy bloodthirsty, ruthless, cutthroat band of pirates that ever lived. Captained by Martian McAllister, the most violent, and feared pirate that ever lived. He commands loyalty through fear and violence, and none of his crew dare cross him. Death's Edge is easily recognized by being as black as the night's sky with sails to match, it's hull being covered in human bones from his enemies and traitorous crewmembers, and it's figurehead, a skeleton with octopus tentacles for legs.
Name: Martian McAllister|| Age: 48|| Gender: Male|| Role: Death's Edge Captain|| FC: Charlton Heston|| Status: Taken by GM

The ruthless captain of Death's Edge. He has a peg leg on his right leg from the knee down, due to a battle with Cutler. He wields a broadsword and dual flintlock pistols. Cutler was his former first mate for several years. Cutler and Martian's second child, a daughter named Desiree fell madly in love. But Desiree died several years ago and blames Cutler.

Name: Mary Anne McAllister|| Age: 27|| Gender: Female|| Role: Death's Edge First Mate and Martian's Oldest Child|| FC: Penelope Cruz|| Status: Taken by KingHink

The First Mate of Death's Edge, and Martian's eldest child. They blame Cutler for their sister's death but doesn't hold nearly the same hatred for him as their father. They both admire their father's strength, and fear it as well. But despite their fear of their father they would never abandon him.

Name: Dred Hooper|| Age: 27|| Gender: Female|| Role: Death's Edge Weapons Master|| FC: Claire Paget|| Status: Taken by WildSky214

Death's Edge weapons master has the same duties as Star Chaser's. They have a rivalry with Death's Edge First Mate. They are also terrible at sword fighting so the mostly use guns as their main weapons.

Name: || Age: 25-29|| Gender: || Role: The Disgraced Officer|| FC: || Status: Open

They were once a highly respected officer in the king's service. But were disgraced for whatever reason, and decided to try their hand at piracy. They are fairly skilled at sword fighting but terrible shots. They are the only ones that know of The Royal Bastard's true identity.

Name: Cole Nathan Smitten|| Age: 24|| Gender: Male|| Role: The Psycho|| FC: David Tennant|| Status: Taken by Two_Hearts_One_Box

While every member of Death's Edge are guilty of some form of murder, The Psycho is the only one who truly revels in killing another human being. Something which gives even the veteran members of the crew some discomfort. Except for Martian who is impressed with their killing prowess.

Name: || Age: 28-36|| Gender: || Role: The Voodoo Master|| Status: Open

Death Edge's resident mystic, and one of the most powerful voodoo wielders in the world. They are the closest thing Martian has in a friend and have been a adviser to him for years before joining his crew. They taught The Voodooist everything their former student knows, but not everything they know. They have a bit of a history with the Mermaid.

Name: || Age: 23-26|| Gender: Female|| Role: The Siren|| FC: || Status: Open

Much like The Mermaid, The Siren also made a deal with The Voodoo Master to gain the ability to walk on land. But she made the deal while The Voodoo Master was serving Martian. So her price is to be apart of Martian's crew.


Once the king learned that clues to the location of the Chalice, found by pirates no less, he ordered the flagship of his military, T.M.S Paladin, to track down these pirates and the Chalice. His highness hand picked the highly decorated Captain Jakob Starling to command the Paladin during it's expedition. The Paladin is recognized by it's navy blue hull, gold trim, and sails. It has a figurehead of a dolphin.


Name: Jakob Starling|| Age: 35|| Gender: Male|| Role: Captain of The Paladin|| FC: Karl Urban|| Status: Taken by GM

Captain Jakob Starling is a highly decorated officer, and is seen somewhat as a living legend to people of the military, due to his record of capturing pirates. In fact he is so adapt at capturing pirates only two have ever escaped his custody, Cutler and Martian. He has clashed with the pirate captains on multiple occasions. He and Cutler share a mutual respect between each other. Him and Martian on the other hand don't. During one of Starling's encounters with Martian, the veteran pirate sliced off his left ear. He wields two sabers, and a flintlock pistol.

Name: || Age: 24-28|| Gender: || Role: The Lieutenant|| FC: || Status: Open

The Lieutenant is Starling's second-in-command. They were hand picked personally by Starling due to their distinguishing service record. They are also the sibling of The Disgraced Officer, and they have no clue that their sibling is a pirate now.

Name: || Age: 28-38|| Gender: || Role: The Adviser|| FC: || Status: Open

The king's personal adviser, and secretly a highly skilled voodooist. They were assigned to the Paladin by king for not only their mystic ability, but also to be the king's eyes and ears. They are generally secretive to the crew and not trusted.

Name: || Age: 18-24|| Gender: || Role: The Ensign|| FC: || Status: Open

A young up and coming solider who just recently joined the military. The Paladin is their first posting, and they couldn't be more excited to be serving under the great Captain Starling. They are fairly naïve to the world of piracy.

Name: Jonas Whiteman|| Age: 27|| Gender: Male|| Role: The Privateer|| FC: Ray Hopper|| Status: Taken by WildSky214

The Privateer was, up until recently a pirate that served under Cutler aboard the Star Chaser. The two had a falling out and they left the Star Chaser. But soon they were captured by the military. They were given a choice, be hanged, or serve the Paladin during it's quest. But little do they know this quest will bring them at odds with their former captain and crew.

Character Sheet

Code: Select all
[img] Image or gif of your character [/img]

[b]Ship:[/b] (Star Chaser or Death's Edge or Paladin.)
[b]Face Claim:[/b]
[b]Wardrobe:[/b] (What do they wear? If your FC is in pirate cloths then you don't need to fill this out unless you want to.)
[b]Weapons:[/b] (Up to three weapons. They MUST be something a pirate would use.)
[b]Distinguishing Features:[/b] (What makes them stand out? Be it an accent, scar, piercing, or whatever.)
[b]Personality:[/b] (What is this character like? What do they like or dislike?)
[b]Other:[/b] (Anything else?)

Toggle Rules

1. Follow our RolePlayGateway overlord's rules.
2. This is a MATURE rp. Swearing and romance is allowed, in fact it's encouraged. But that doesn't mean you are allowed to post steamy sex posts. Does anyone want to read those? Ok probably but still don't do it!
3. This is set in an age of piracy, so don't be referencing anything that wouldn't be in said age.
4. You DON'T need to have your character talk like a pirate or anything like that. It's appreciated, but not necessary.
5. If you have any questions, or suggestions feel free to ask me. I don't bite. Well not unless you're into that.
6. For reading these rules here is your prize:

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cutler Pierce Character Portrait: Jakob Starling Character Portrait: Martian McAllister
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#, as written by CutUp
"Ugh...Morning already? Where does the time go?" Cutler groaned as he woke up. Cutler took him a large swig of a bottle of rum that sat next to his bed. He looked down at his stump for a left hand. The weird thing is that he still feels his left hand, and it itches like a bitch. Cutler then attached his hook prostatic onto his left forearm. Cutler took out a golden hilt to a long sword with several jewels embedded on it. Also emblazoned on it was the name 'Dominus'.
After taking a good five minutes to get fully dressed, the Captain took his hook and plunged it into a green apple that was sitting on a table in his cabin. He exited his cabin and went up to the ship's deck. The sun was just starting to come up. The Star Chaser was anchored right outside from Ta'Christa.
"And how did you sleep love?" Cutler asked his ship as he took a large bite of his apple. He walked up the stairs right next to his cabin's door that lead to the ship's steering wheel. Cutler looked out at the sunrise and took a deep breath of the salty sea air. "Aw, this is the life." Cutler said to himself.
Cutler then went to the large bell that sat directly behind the wheel. He rang the bell loudly to wake up his crew. "Alright that's enough beauty sleep lads!" Cutler yelled at his crew. "It's another wonderful day to be a pirate mates!"


Martian stared intently at a small corner of what would appear to be a piece of a large golden kite shield. The piece had what would appear to be a small chunk of a mountain emblazoned on it, but without the rest of the shield you couldn't tell for sure. Martian rubbed his sleep deprived eyes as his parrot, Maguire then perched itself on his shoulder.
Martian was already fully dressed and had been that way to for hours. As the sun started to come up Martian pulled himself up from the table he was sitting at and limped outside onto Death's Edge's deck. The ship was anchored in the middle of the ocean.
"Maguire, wake my swine of a crew up." Martian ordered the bird. Maguire flew over to a bell that much like the Star Chaser was located behind the ship's steering wheel. Maguire then used it's beak to ring the bell. Martian's parrot was a smart, and well trained bird, well it ought to be since it was enhanced by voodoo to be capable to carry out complex orders. Pretty handy for someone with only one leg.
"Enough sleeping you sniveling swine! We have work to do!" Martian yelled at his crew.


Captain Starling woke up, sitting at his desk aboard the Paladin which wasn't abnormal for him. The ship was decked at Santé LaRoche. Starling let out a loud, lion like yawn as he got up.
Starling then went out of his cabin. His crew was still being put together and haven't even set sail yet. Starling went over to the stairway that leads below deck that holds the crew. "Time to get up men!" Starling yelled down to his crew.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha 'Sam' Hiden Character Portrait: Cutler Pierce
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Sam was never one to change the order of her day. In every way she was a creature of habbit. She was one of that last to sleep as most nights she was up and with only a candle as her light she began to tinker. Her bunk was a mess. The sheets were never made and there always seemed to be some half build metal thing laying haphazardly by her pillow. She hardly ever actually finished these projects but it wad a good way to show claim for the bunk.

Yet despite all this she was a very light sleeper. The smallest of things woke her up and being on a ship there happened to be a lot. She was curled into a ball under the sheets when the Captain decided it was time to wake them up. The bell rang loudly and Sam sat up with a yawn. She was never slow to get up. After all old habits die hard.

Sam's chest was already binded as it always was. All she had to do was put on her hat and eye patch and she'd be good. Once both things were snug on her head Sam trudged up the stairs to see Cutler with an apple in hand...or hook. 'Captain!' She waved in greeting and made her way up to him. 'Did you sleep well?'


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Nathan Smitten Character Portrait: Jonas Whiteman Character Portrait: Jakob Starling Character Portrait: Dred Hooper Character Portrait: Martian McAllister
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Dred always slept above deck. Even on the coldest of nights she preferred the wide open sky to the cramped underbelly of the ship. She was already awake cleaning her rifle in the center of the ship, so the ringing of the bell didn't disturb her. She watched as the crew slowly trickled onto the deck, Their gait slow and unsteady from just waking up. As one slogged closer to her, she stretched her foot out, blocking his path and causing him to trip. That really woke him up, and turned to her, red-faced. She said nothing to him, just calmly went back to cleaning Albert. The crew-member decided that a little embarrassment was preferable to incurring the Captain's wraith over goofing off, so her just got up and walked away.

Dred finished up her cleaning, strapped Albert to her back, and slowly made her way over to the Captain. She received several dirty looks from the men, even after all these years they still didn't like a woman on board, but ignored them. She wasn't at all bothered by the negative attention. She preferred to keep to herself anyway, and none of them would dare lay a finger on her, lest they get their head blown off, or worse, get chewed out by the Captain for breaking his weapon's master.

She neared the ship's steering wheel, and looked around for Smitten. She didn't see him and briefly wondered where the psychopath was. It didn't linger in her thoughts long, and she walked up to Captain Martian. “What're yer orders, Captain?” she asked.


Jonas woke up to Sarah's face. Or, rather, her face in the locket. He had it propped up on the table beside his bed, and had fallen asleep looking it. He sighed and put it back around his neck, and sat up. He yawned, stretched his arms, then slowly made his way above deck, dragging his feet the whole time. He saw Starling at the top of the stairway. “If you keep falling asleep at your desk, you'll get a stiff neck,” he said to him. “Then you won't be able to see an enemy coming at you from behind.”

He walked up the steps and pushed past him, into the open air. The salty smell of the ocean and the crying of gulls brought back memories, both good and bad. He inhaled deeply, taking everything in, then walked the side of the ship and leaned over, watching the city. It was alive with people working to start their busy day, and he felt a pang in his chest. He missed his days living in Santé LaRoche, and sometimes wished he could get them back. Then thought about Sarah and his life in Asgerbourne, and remembered his resolve to do anything Starling told him to do so he could back to it.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel DeSoto Character Portrait: Samantha 'Sam' Hiden Character Portrait: Cutler Pierce
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DeSoto was already awake, taking it upon himself to wake up early so he could run a quick inspection before the captain woke up. This was not to difficult as DeSoto didn't often fall asleep with a bottle of rum in his hand. Fully dressed, he was seen walking about the port side of the ship towards Cutler once the captain had announced his awakening. His hand resting on the pommel of his black bladed sword as he swept his eyes over the deck in one last check. As good as ever.

"All is in order, Captain, as always. She slept well." He said as he walked up the stairs, talking about the ship. "We planning on setting sail today?" He asked.

And of course he would not ignore little Sam. "Your seeming quite perky today, Sam. You are making me feel old." He chuckled as he patted the young one on the shoulder and stood beside him. "


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel DeSoto Character Portrait: Samantha 'Sam' Hiden Character Portrait: Cutler Pierce Character Portrait: Craig Soleil Rowell
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#, as written by toajojo
.::Craig Soleil Rowell::.

Craig was sleeping soundly. She was quite the deep sleeper, well, not as deep of a sleeper that she used to be. In her previous life. Under the constant yet random waves of the sea. When she had no cares or qualms. When she could rise whenever she felt the need to and then laze the rest of the day away. Now, she was expected to get up at a moments notice and be ready for everything. It. . .Took some getting used to, and she was still working on it.
When the large bell was rung above her on the deck, Craig forced herself to peel open her eyes. She really did not feel like getting up yet. She doubted that the sun had even fully kissed the east horizon. She grumbled to herself incoherently, not wanting to admit that it was her own fault she was so, completely tired that morning.
It is not. She told herself in her mind. She was following a tradition. A young one, but one nonetheless!Traditions were created to be followed. She had begun the night of her new life. Her life on solid land. Craig slipped out of bed and began to tidy up her small personal area. It was only the nights during the peak of the lunar cycle. The moon was at it's fullest. The next night it would begin it's phases of waning. It was then that she would stay up most of the night. Only giving in and going to bed when she felt she was going to drop where she stood. Craig splashed her face with water and swiftly changed into her clothes for the day. Wiggling into her pants and pulling on her blouse. The girl no one knew was fully human would sit on the edge on the boat and think. Contemplate. About what? Everything. And nothing. About her life now, her life then. Fiddling with the necklace that was a permanent fixture on her slender neck. A simple, but beautiful piece of jewelry. A single large white opal entwined in a thin golden chain. Opal. Slipping her feet into her boots one at a time, she wiggled her toes like a child. Bending backwards, she stretched and yawned a wide-mouthed yawn. Reaching over, she grabbed her dark corset and began to lace it tightly. The gem of the moon. In turn, one of the sea. It was a blatant reminder. One that hung over her every second of everyday. She made the right choice, she was sure, but at what cost?
Craig tugged her red headband into place to push back her inky hair and bounded up the stairs like a doe. With light and graceful steps, she made her way to where the crew was gathering around the captain. Slyly, she made her way behind Cutler and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. "I am still tired Cutler." She jokingly complained, though if one really looked at her they would be able to see that she was not lying. Before he could react, she slipped under his arms and snatched his apple. Taking a large bite next to the one he already made, she chewed slowly, savoring the flavor. Delicious. "Mornin' you two." She greeted DeSoto and Sam with a cheeky smile.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel DeSoto Character Portrait: Samantha 'Sam' Hiden Character Portrait: Cutler Pierce Character Portrait: Craig Soleil Rowell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp

"Morning Sammy." Cutler greeted to the first one of his crew up, not a surprise to him it was Sam. The girl just seems to want to please her captain, it was annoying at first but he's gotten used to it. "I slept fairly well. But the prospect of what our latest treasure may lead to has gotten me a bit restless."

His first mate DeSoto was the next one on deck. "The best cure to old age my friend is a nice and perky bar-wench." He smirked at his old friend. "Good to hear my baby slept well." Cutler then started caressing his ship. His attachment to his ship can be a little weird at times, especially since he stole her in the first place.

"We'll be heading int-" Cutler started to say but was interrupted by Craig. The woman flowed underneath his arms and took the apple right off his hook. "My apple..." Cutler pouted. "Yes, well I'm terribly sorry for cutting into your beauty sleep my dear." Cutler said as he moved slowly closer towards her. "You know what they say.." Cutler leaned in closer, now being a couple inches away from her face. "There's no rest for the wicked."

Cutler then took his apple back from out of her hand. "And you my dear Miss Rowell are most certainly wicked." He brought his apple up to his mouth, and it filled what little space was between the two. [color=800000]"Stealing a man's apple. For shame."[/color] Cutler said with a smirk as he took a large bite of his apple, with the juices rolling down the sides of his mouth.

He wiped away the juices with his left sleeve and turned back to DeSoto. "As I was saying, we'll be heading into Ta'Christa today. I have a friend who can help us." Cutler then took out the sword hilt from his coat pocket. "Well I hope she's still a friend. Our last encounter wasn't the most pleasant one. I won't bore you with the details, especially, with a lady present, but let's say it involved her sister, lot's of yelling, and lot's and lot's of knives. I'm just glad I got out of there before she could place a hex on me. Let's just say it would have taken away something no man should lose. Ever."

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Cutler Pierce
Character Portrait: Martian McAllister
Character Portrait: Samantha 'Sam' Hiden
Character Portrait: Anne Bonney
Character Portrait: Gabriel DeSoto
Character Portrait: Jakob Starling
Character Portrait: Cole Nathan Smitten
Character Portrait: Mary Anne McAllister


Character Portrait: Cole Nathan Smitten
Cole Nathan Smitten

"The problem with some people is that when they aren't drunk, they're sober."

Character Portrait: Jakob Starling
Jakob Starling

"Honor sperates us from monsters."

Character Portrait: Gabriel DeSoto
Gabriel DeSoto

"You do know that having women on board is considered bad luck, right? Ah hell, why not... It will keep things interesting."

Character Portrait: Anne Bonney
Anne Bonney

"Life can be funny and serious. We either laugh over it or cry over it. But Life itself doesn't care about such reactions. It goes on."

Character Portrait: Samantha 'Sam' Hiden
Samantha 'Sam' Hiden

'Follow the Captian's orders, that's the rule.'

Character Portrait: Martian McAllister
Martian McAllister

"My pain is my strength. My anger is my weapon. And your fear is my ally."

Character Portrait: Cutler Pierce
Cutler Pierce

"One dashing pirate captain at your service."


Character Portrait: Martian McAllister
Martian McAllister

"My pain is my strength. My anger is my weapon. And your fear is my ally."

Character Portrait: Gabriel DeSoto
Gabriel DeSoto

"You do know that having women on board is considered bad luck, right? Ah hell, why not... It will keep things interesting."

Character Portrait: Cole Nathan Smitten
Cole Nathan Smitten

"The problem with some people is that when they aren't drunk, they're sober."

Character Portrait: Cutler Pierce
Cutler Pierce

"One dashing pirate captain at your service."

Character Portrait: Samantha 'Sam' Hiden
Samantha 'Sam' Hiden

'Follow the Captian's orders, that's the rule.'

Character Portrait: Anne Bonney
Anne Bonney

"Life can be funny and serious. We either laugh over it or cry over it. But Life itself doesn't care about such reactions. It goes on."

Character Portrait: Jakob Starling
Jakob Starling

"Honor sperates us from monsters."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Samantha 'Sam' Hiden
Samantha 'Sam' Hiden

'Follow the Captian's orders, that's the rule.'

Character Portrait: Anne Bonney
Anne Bonney

"Life can be funny and serious. We either laugh over it or cry over it. But Life itself doesn't care about such reactions. It goes on."

Character Portrait: Martian McAllister
Martian McAllister

"My pain is my strength. My anger is my weapon. And your fear is my ally."

Character Portrait: Jakob Starling
Jakob Starling

"Honor sperates us from monsters."

Character Portrait: Cole Nathan Smitten
Cole Nathan Smitten

"The problem with some people is that when they aren't drunk, they're sober."

Character Portrait: Gabriel DeSoto
Gabriel DeSoto

"You do know that having women on board is considered bad luck, right? Ah hell, why not... It will keep things interesting."

Character Portrait: Cutler Pierce
Cutler Pierce

"One dashing pirate captain at your service."

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Most recent OOC posts in Pirates of Taerniam

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Gah! I did not even realize that this began. Sorry! My first post will be up ASAP!

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Sorry about the lack of length. I will get into the swing of it soon. Anyhow, yay!

And I will try to submit the app for Martian's first mate soon.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

No that's perfectly fine. I'm in the same timezone as New York so no worries.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

I can't post until after 9PM (New York time) for the next week or so. I'm hope that's not an inconvenience. ):

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Yessss. I am so ready for this!

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Alright Ladies and Gents, we'll be getting this show on the road, or sea in this case, this afternoon. For those of you with reservation, I think it's only WildSky and KingHink, please try to get at least a WIP up ASAP.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

All righty then, I'll switch ya over to the privateer.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

I'm sorry, can I change rom the advisor to the privateer? I started the advisor and realized I wouldn't be able roleplay it very well.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Sure thing! Already approved the weapons master.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Oops, double post!

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Since there are so many roles available, I am expressing interest in the weapons master on The Death's Edge (female), and the Advisor on the Paladin (male)

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Ok I added the Naval characters!

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

You know I thought about putting a third naval ship but didn't because I honestly didn't think that this many people would be interested in joining. But yeah, give a little while and I'll set up the characters.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Is a honorable third party possible, e.g naval officer.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Go for it! But make sure to have their last name McAllister.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

I too can take someone. I'll reserve the first mate for the Deaths Edge too if it is okay.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

I can take someone frim Death's Edge if needed.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Probably Saturday. I want to give it a bit more time incase somebody's going to take one of Death's Edge. If nobody takes them I'll probably take a couple of them. Only a few of them are necessary for the story.

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

Alright then, my character sheet is up and ready. When do you intend on beginning, CutUp?

Re: Pirates of Taerniam

That's ok I completely understand. Well goodbye then.