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An EMP corrupts humanity, and a small group travels the mess left behind.

1,003 readers have visited Pulseland since Orhanuva created it.


The Sino-American War was inevitable.
But we never saw the next part.
Bogged down in South Asia, the President had a weapon built.
When finished in September 2044, it launched an EMP over China.
But it was too much for the Earth's magnetic field.

Lights went out across China.
Electricity failed across Asia.
Machines turned off across the world.

Internet down. Food production stopped. Factories stayed silent. Heating systems failed.
And humanity went feral.
Food riots began. Stockpiling became key. Food was more important than money.
Then the planet took revenge.
Without human impact, climates changed for the worse.
And humanity fell from it's throne.

But that was then...

It is now April 2045, and the climates are close to what they once were.
Like always, Humanity survived.
But it's not the same humanity, as you'll soon find out.
Oh yes, you...

You were lucky enough to find a military storage area early into the event.
Food, limited machinery, medicine, weapons. You were safe here.
But when the raiders struck a week ago, you were unconscious due to a virus.
They took all the food, all the medicine, all the people.
You can't stay here now.
Others missed the raid too. Together, you can enter this land, try and help society, find what you lost to the raiders, or just live out your life.

The Pulselands are waiting.

Static follows a group of people into a post-apocalyptic land caused by a massive EMP. They begin by searching for the group of raiders that attacked their home since the event, but will soon meet remnants of humanity that test what the human race has fallen to. They can either help rebuild society, or try to control the new world...

I would prefer a group ~5 people, but we'll see...
1) Fortune Walking
2) Maci-Care
3) Poeticjustic8012
4) Ponta2244
5) Reserved (

Character Skeleton (Also, see notes below)
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b][right][img](Link to image here)[/img][/right]
   Before the EMP:
   How they found the complex:
   Since the Raid:

Image: Anime/Digital preferable, but I don't mind either way.
Age: Around 14+, but would prefer a range of ages.
Weapons: Be rational. A rake, a pistol, a crossbow; fine. Grenade launchers, RPGs; not so likely.

Toggle Rules

Right, we know these, but just to be sure:

1- Try and post... er, let's say every other day, minimum.
2- Reasonable sized posts. Y'know, 5 word discriptions/5 paragraphs for a conversation reply.
3- OOC in the OOC, amazingly.
4- Write proper. Get me?
5- Cursing is allowed, but don't go overboard.
6- Romance? Er... *Steal* Romance allowed, but keep it PG-15 (totally)--any more and take it to the PMs.
7- I give up with rules! You should know this stuff. Ask if you don't.
8- Oh, Eight! I love this number!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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It’s a crazy ol’ world all right.

Y’know, ever since the machines went crazy, I’ve spent a lot of time in this village. I’ve seen people come and go, bringing ideas, wonders and even war. Some things I’d like to forget. Others leave their mark on your mind forever. But there was this one...

They turned up a few months ago, lookin’ for shelter. They’d been through the worst of this new world and were trying to settle somewhere. Turns out, they jumped ship a few weeks ago. But while they were here, I lis’ened to their story. Wrote down some o’ the hard bits. You heard of them bards from years ago, before the media? I’m gonna be one o’ them, and I’m gonna tell this story. Who knows, it may help someone someday.

Oh, look. You don’t want to hear me rattle on. Let me see, how did they start it?

It began shortly after the event. When the sky crackled and machines fell, they kept their little ol’ head and made it to one o’ them military compounds in the forests. By this point, command had broken down and many forces were out lootin’. But these were the good folks, the ones who hid off the beaten track. Four other civvies made it there too. They stuck round; lasted the winter doing stock and things. *Sigh*... that winter. Folks lucky like them were few and far between. But, then, not like there was much we could do.

Life went on for the compound. Inventories, charts, data, theories... they didn’t talk much about this time, mainly ‘cause o’ what happened next. You throw a stone now you’ll be lucky not to hit a bandit, or a raider, whatever you call ‘em. It was April the next year. Three jeeps turned up in the morning, when the guards were most tired. Overrun, they took anything they could. Mainly food, some medicine and weapons, women and children, whoever was useful. Trashin’ the place as they went. But them five, they all made it... right place, right time I guess. A quick look round confirmed what the lot of ‘em feared. They were gonna have to leave.

On their last day, they gathered round the main gate, the five-stories o’ concrete empty behind them. One o’ the first times they had all been alone together. I remember, they told me they had a few last words before they left...


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Abigail was sitting against the concrete wall that held the gate in place of this old town or whatever you want to call it. It was home to her for awhile, until the bandits came, luckily for Abigail she was actually in a coma but others thought she was dead so she was in a coffin the night the bandits came, a couple days later Abigail woke up and had to kick the coffin apart to get it open, luckily it was made out of wood so it wasn’t too hard for her to do. But it did freak her out at first, thinking she was six feet under when she first opened up her eyes.

Abigail now was freshly healthy as ever, it was as if that coma actually made her better. Abigail had her sword/shotgun on her lap, which she had before she was in the coma, and was going to be buried with it. Hell, that’s the only thing the bandits ever done that’s actually helped Abigail, if they didn’t come, she would probably be screaming for help while underground. But she did miss the others that were killed and taken that night, luckily some of them actually lived, especially a pretty cute young woman with silver hair, and those red eyes that made her even more beautiful. And then there was the girl with the brown hair and brown eyes, and her pale skin give her that pretty look.

Abigail was getting a little tired of sitting on the ground so she got up and jumped into the back of an old truck that was rusted up, but could barely run, hell they might even take it if they wanted too. The back had some soft stuff in the back, so luckily it was better than the ground. She laid down to just relax, she was right under the little biff it had against the side, so she actually couldn’t be seen unless you looked for her. Aby accidently fell asleep while laying down, hopefully no one would just throw their stuff in the back, and not see her.


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Rikki sighed as she walked over to the gate, swinging her bag casually on her bag. Her sword bounced on her leg as she walked, giving her comfort in the seeming ghost town. Everything was so strange, all empty. She was used to the noise and the sound of people moving and living. I wonder if I'll ever see it again, she thought. Or hear it, I suppose. And just when things were starting to get normal, too, Rikki added. She sighed as she spotted the gate, seemingly void of anyone else. I wonder when the others are going to be there, she thought. Walking over, she took a quick look around. No one's here, she thought sadly. I suppose I should sit down to wait.... She spotted a rusty truck that probably wouldn't run anymore, and had been left there by the bandits. Deciding that was as good a place as any other, she walked over casually.

Dropping her stuff in the front, Rikki moved to sit down in the back, not looking for anyone since she figured she was the only one there. She yelped as she realized she had sat down on someone, but didn't recognize them as she jumped to her feet. "I'm sorry! I didn't see you, honestly! I didn't mean anything! Ah, don't kill me, please!" Rikki said, seeing the woman's weapon. Or was it weapons? It was a shotgun tied (or otherwise connected) to a sword, something Rikki hadn't seen before. Really interesting, she thought, before remembering she had just sat on the young woman. "I'm very, very sorry. Please accept my apology," Rikki said, wondering if she was going to be shot or stabbed. I hope not... Usually Rikki wouldn't be so frightened, but she only had short-range weapons. Besides, she didn't want to fight anyone, especially someone she had just met...


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Brandon sat in the cab of the rusted truck that no one had taken any liking for. It was cozy, protection from the wind, and no one could see you if you laid on the seat. He couldn't remember much, all that he knew was that he was by the river when they came. He stayed put, there was nothing he could do any way. So now he sat in the cab of a truck, his machetes and hatchet lying on the dash. His favorite knive he spun in his hands. It was sharp, that was all he could testify for it; it was just a kitchen knife after all.

Someone was coming, he slid down father in the seat, no need for them to find his hiding place. The bed rocked, someone climbed in the back and settled down. He waited a few minutes, and finally poked his head over the back. It was that girl... He thought he had seen her before, he didn't remember. He slid back down into the seat, grabbed his weapons, and readjusted the scarf he wore over his nose and mouth.

Another girl was coming. What was it that attracted so many people to a rusting truck? She dropped her bag at the front, moving to the bed. She sat down as well. He sat up, he was done caring. The new girl started yelling.

He opened the door, the hinges squealing, he slid to the ground, his bare feet crunching on the loose gravel. He slammed the door shut, walked to the bed of the truck, and looked in.


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A week earlier:

Everyone was sitting around enjoying themselves. Safe from the cold that was outside in the night air. John was playing cards with a few of his buddies. Then someone ran in yelling about some bandits that were coming to attack. John wasn't really worrying too much, they'd been able to fight off bandits before, why would it change? He stood up and grabbed a shotgun he had laid next to him earlier in the night. John and other guys who were suppose to be the guards of this place ran outside and on the horizon they could see more raider trucks than anyone could count, though no one would have even had enough time to try. Someone said "Christ theirs a whole army of them. John cocked his shotgun and said "It's still our duty to prote-" John heard a pop in the distance then his chest exploded with pain. He fell over backwards into the sand. He touched his chest and raised his hand to his eyes, his hand was completely red. He heard someone call a doctor. The last thing that happened before he blacked out was him being lifted onto a stretcher.

Present Day:

John woke up to an alarm clock in his bed like he had been every morning. Something felt oddly different today though. He carried on about his usual morning routine, eating breakfast, and showering. Then it hit him what changed. He had no idea where his girlfriend was. John quickly finished his shower and got dressed. He ran out of the bathroom yelling "Hey Jane are you home?" He started running down the stairs and saw Jane by the front door, suitcase by her feet. "Jane where are you going?" He asked, he had a confused tone in his voice and look on his face. She just turned her head to him and said "You gotta wake up John." John stood there and looked at her. "Wake up? But... I am awake. Where are you going?" "John wake up, everyone is leaving." Then everything started to crumble, the house was collapsing right on top of them. Right before the ceiling hit John there was a bright flash.

The first thing John felt when he woke was the pain in his chest. He quickly opened his eyes and sat up quickly "Ah hell!" He yelled out, his chest seared with pain and forced John to fall back down into the cot hard. He was sitting in a room painted a really pale green, though the paint had all but faded. There were a few lights around the room, the one above him was flickering. Everything started flooding back. "The bandits... Did they get stopped? And where was I just a minute ago? In a dream? Have I been living the past week in a dream?" John was frantically asking aloud.

He sat up as slowly as he could and then stood up. The pain was almost enough to knock him back down. There was a can of pills next to the cot, labeled Pain Killers. John picked up the can, took two out, and swallowed them, hoping the effects would kick in fast. He poured out the few of the remaining pills and stuck them in his pocket. He was still wearing the black jacket and jeans he had been when he was shot, white bandages were wrapped around his chest. He started to walk forward then noticed his backpack at the head of the cot, his revolver and machete laying next to it. He threw on his backpack, sheathed his machete, and holstered his revolver.

John walked over to a door and tried to open it, it didn't budge. He pushed on it again and nothing happened. He then looked down at the handle and noticed a pretty big lock hanging off. "Did someone lock me in here?" John said, questioning the emptiness again. He slid out his revolver, pulled back the hammer, and shot the lock off the door. He opened it up and walked out into the hallway. Everything was as empty as the inside of the room. He followed the halls to the main room, the doors were wide open. John walked into the doorway and looked out into the night, the air felt just like the air on the night of the attack. He spotted a truck not to far away and it looked like a few people were by it. John shrugged and started to walk towards them, he didn't really have much to lose at this point if they were bandits that were still hanging around.

As John got closer he holstered his revolver. A girl was in the bed of the truck yelling about something and a guy got out of the cab holding a knife. John placed his left hand on the handle of the machete, just in case this guy had some bad intentions. "Hey, were either of you staying inside that military place back there? If so can you tell me what happened to everyone?"


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Ahmi fell asleep propped up in a corner. She was picturing her old life. Every day was the same and uninteresting. She can remember wishing for a change any change. Well, she got her wish. She wasn't even sure what happened to her family. They all just seem like distant memories to her now. But, she figured they were distant memories before all this started.

Her memories began fading away as she opened her eyes and awakened. She yawned and stretched out her arms infront of her. She placed a hand on her hip and traced the edges of her dagger. Everytime she woke up she made sure it was still there after each check she relaxed. Ahmi stood up and readgusted her clothes. She was wearing shorts and a black tank top. She yawned and stretched again.

After completeing her morning routine, the others voices reached her. She walked towards them, finding that they were all by a trunk. She shrugged and walked towards the little group and joined them.


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Abigail was at a studio, signing with Atlantic Records, she was now a rising star. ”Just sign here Aby, and then you will be officially famous baby.” The producer said, handing Abigail a contract and a pen. “Wow, thank you very much, and don’t worry, this is not a waste of your money, I will be better than any artist or band that you have signed.” Abigail said with a smile, then looking back at the contract, to make sure there wasn’t any tiny print that would trick her, she felt a little pressure on her back for a split second but ignored it and went to sign.

A yelp woke Abigail up from her dream, it had to be a girl from the sound of the voice. Abigail slowly opened her eyes and sat up, only hearing some of the stuff the girl was saying, but she was beautiful. Wait, it’s the girl with silver hair... Aby thought to herself, listening now. "I'm very, very sorry. Please accept my apology," Figuring out that she must of sat on her, Aby smiled bushing her hair out of her face. “Now, with a beautiful face like yours, I would be your pillow any day.” Aby said with a wink, then jumping out of the back, seeing others coming. She then whispered to the girl with white hair. “We’ll talk later.” Aby said, smacking her ass gently.

“So I'm guessing you guys are all that survived, right? I'm Abigail, Abigail Montgomery.” Aby said, leaning against the truck and grabbing her shotgun/sword, and putting it in her homemade shotgun holster on her back that could also hold her sword. “I want to know how you guys survived the bandit raid. I, was in a coffin believe it or not, because I was in a coma, people thought I was dead.” Abigail said, looking at the others, waiting to hear their stories on how they survived, she probably should have asked names first, but she’ll learn them pretty soon.


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“Now, with a beautiful face like yours, I would be your pillow any day.” Rikki let out a squeak when the woman hit her butt, but didn't say anything because she continued to talk. Face now bright red, Rikki looked to see some others behind her. “So I'm guessing you guys are all that survived, right? I'm Abigail, Abigail Montgomery.” Abigail... It was a nice name. Rikki wondered if she was all right being called Aby. “I want to know how you guys survived the bandit raid. I, was in a coffin believe it or not, because I was in a coma, people thought I was dead.” Well. That was an interesting way to survive the raid. Rikki looked around and supposed she should speak up.

"I'm Rikki. I survived because I was hiding.... I've always been good at that, actually," Rikki admitted with a small smile. She wondered if there were any other survivors, besides the people there. Hopefully they're all nice, she thought. I could use someone nice around, ever since the raid. "I guess they didn't see me..." Rikki muttered, leaning against the truck a little. She had hidden in one of the attics in a home she had broken into. She found an old wardrobe that was on its side, slightly open. It had been a tight fit, but, luckily, none of the bandits had thought to open it up. She still remembered how her heart pounded when she heard the bandits come into the attic, terrified they'd find her.


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Brandon looked at the people that were gathering around. It seems that they were the only ones that survived. He tucked his knife in his belt and tightened his scarf. Whatever happened next, it would be between them.

"I was away, no chance in hell would I have stayed anyway." He sounded like a coward, he was a coward in his opinion. He scratched his toes in the gravel, the thick callouses leaving tracks in the soft dirt underneath. "So what do we do now?"


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Ahmi looked at and listened to the little group. 'Guess these are the only survivors,' she thought. "I'm Ahmi, I guess I just got lucky." She wasn't even sure how she survived. She stood in a corner and waited until she was approached, then she took care of the problem. Ahmi just looked at the group she looked like she had no idea what they should do. But, she really was formulating a plan.


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John looked around at the people around him. His hand was still on the handle of the machete. "I'm John. I don't really know how I survived, I was knocked out during the whole thing." He turned his head back towards the military building. And to think, I had just found paradise. John thought bitter-sweetly to himself.

He turned his head back to the group of people around him. "I think we should try to start moving soon. If the bandits came here before, there'll probably be a few that will take whatever was left behind."


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Abigail listened to the others, getting how they survived and all their names, except one, some guy with a scarf. “Hmm, so we got Rikki the hottie, Ahmi the cutie, John, and guy with a scarf which i didn’t get his name. Also, you can call me Aby if you guys want.” Abigail said with a smile. "I think we should try to start moving soon. If the bandits came here before, there'll probably be a few that will take whatever was left behind." Aby nodded. “Yeah, good idea, does this truck run, anyone know?” Abigail said, sitting back down on the tail gate. Looking around the place she use to call home for awhile.

Abigail leaned back, leaving her legs to dangle off the side of the truck. “So there’s five seats right?” She said holding up five fingers. “Two in the front, three in the back, right? I call middle seat!” Aby shouted, knowing the others would defiantly hear her, then giggling after words. Hmm, I wonder if I'm scaring the other girls, eh, we’ll see. Abigail thought as she sat back up and leaned into Rikki's ear to whisper. "Hey, am I scaring you off? If you havn't figured by now, I'm lesbian. If you dont like me flirting with a beautiful thing like you, tell me, ok?" Abigail said leaning back and laying back down,


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Rikki nodded and then felt her face heat up at Aby's words. “Hmm, so we got Rikki the hottie, Ahmi the cutie, John, and guy with a scarf which i didn’t get his name. Also, you can call me Aby if you guys want.” Aby was... Very straightforward, Rikkki thought. She was an open person, sure, but she wasn't used to this... This is going to take some getting used to, Rikki thought. “So there’s five seats right? Two in the front, three in the back, right? I call middle seat!” Aby shouted. Rikki nodded and sighed, figuring she might as well sit next to Aby. Despite the fact that she was a little frightening, she was at least honest... "Hey, am I scaring you off? If you haven't figured by now, I'm lesbian. If you don't like me flirting with a beautiful thing like you, tell me, ok?" Painfully so, Rikki thought. She sat next to Aby and gave her a hesitant smile.

"Um, it's ok, I suppose..." She trailed off, not really sure how she could reply. Sure, Aby was nice-looking, but Rikki hadn't really thought about whether she liked girls or not. She supposed she could. After all, there wasn't really that much of a difference, right? Well, besides the obvious... "Does anyone know where we should go?" She asked, not taking her eyes off of Aby. She has nice hair, Rikki thought. Not realizing what she was going, Rikki reached over and took a few strands in her hands and started playing with them. They were really soft to the touch, and smooth like silk... Suddenly Rikki turned away and blushed, looking at anything and anyone other than Aby.


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Hearing all of the talk about leaving was making Brandon angry. He couldn't stand it; they were worse than he was. "What!? You all want to leave!? You all want to leave everyone who was lost!? You don't care whether they live or die!? You cowards! Those are your friends that were taken, your family!" He couldn't help himself, he shouted it all. He stood there panting with anger, sweat making fresh lines through the grime on his face. He was holding the handle of his knife, knuckles white, he willed himself to let go, letting his hand fall limply to the side.

"I'm going to save them. Who cares if they come back, all we need is one of the damn raiders alive. I'm going to find that one. With or without you." He was shaking, his voice wavering.


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Ahmi the cutie? Really?, she thought. Ahmi looked at the two girls. 'Oh dear' she thought. Oh well she shrugged a bit she didn't mind. She looked at the others. She wasn't sure if they should be so hasty to leave she wanted to make sure there were no other options here. Before she could say anything the other guy burst out, "What!? You all want to leave!? You all want to leave everyone who was lost!? You don't care whether they live or die!? You cowards! Those are your friends that were taken, your family!" Her eyes widened a bit. She hadn't thought about the others. It made her a bit sad to think of letting people die. "I'm going to save them. Who cares if they come back, all we need is one of the damn raiders alive. I'm going to find that one. With or without you." She looked at him, he is awfully brave, she thought. "He has a point you guys, we can't let the others die...." She thought it was a good idea.


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Abigail felt her hair being played with by Rikki, but even before she could look at her and smile, she looked away. Must be scaring her, need to calm down on the flirting Aby. Abigail thought to herself and sighing. She was startled when the boy that didn’t say his name starting shouting. "What!? You all want to leave!? You all want to leave everyone who was lost!? You don't care whether they live or die!? You cowards! Those are your friends that were taken, your family!" This made Aby mad and he stood up from the truck and walked up to him, her shotgun in her hand.

“Guys like you, are the reason I’m a lesbian!” Aby said, poking the guy in the chest with her empty hand. “You don’t have to yell you know. And i do care about them, but you really think we can just go and attack just like that? We have no idea where they are, and what if someone is still trying to get over what happened? Think of the well being of others, that we know 100% are alive.” Abigail was pissed off at this guy, noticing his hand gripping a knife fiercely. "I'm going to save them. Who cares if they come back, all we need is one of the damn raiders alive. I'm going to find that one. With or without you." Abigail narrowed her eyes at this guy.

“If you’re going to be holding a knife like you are going to use it, use it...” Abigail said, just waiting for what he had to say, she wasn’t scared of this guy. Aby starred into the guys eyes with a cold look, and then speaking again. “Go if you want to, but it would just be smart if we thought of a plan and stuck together. But if you want to go be a hero and wonder what’s left of the earth for raiders by yourself, go then, I’m not stopping you.” Abigail then turned around, her back to Brandon and was about to walk back to the truck.


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Rikki frowned as everyone started to argue about whether they should save the people or not. I want to save them, she wanted to say, but what can we do? Rikki was all right with her weapons, sure, but the bandits... There had to be more of them then they could handle, and she wasn't sure she would even be of much use. Still, it sounded like the guy was going to go, whether or not they helped them. "He has a point you guys, we can't let the others die...." Ahmi said. Rikki glanced over to her, then back at Aby as the girl stood up and started shouting at the man who had spoken earlier. “Go if you want to, but it would just be smart if we thought of a plan and stuck together. But if you want to go be a hero and wonder what’s left of the earth for raiders by yourself, go then, I’m not stopping you.” She marched back to the truck, obviously angered.

"... What if we go and see if they are alive, first?" Rikki said, speaking up. "There's no point in getting hurt for dead people, but the bandits may have kept them alive... And we need to think, because there are going to be more bandits then us," she added. She thought quickly. It was always possible that they could run into other friendly groups to help fight the bandits, but, then again, it was possible the bandits had killed everyone as soon as they captured them. So that would make it pointless to get hurt saving dead people, like she said... It was a thin line, certainly. One Rikki didn't really like.

"First we need supplies for ourselves," she said, thinking aloud. "And shelter. I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather not spend the night here." She looked around. They all seemed to have weapons, ranging from Aby's shotgun/sword to the guy's dagger. "So food, water, and a shelter. Can we all agree on that?" She asked. I'm always the peacekeeper, I suppose, she thought. It just comes naturally...


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John stood there and listened to the scarf dude and Aby yell at each other. When Rikki stepped in John thought to himself She's the only one here who's really thinking about the situation. "Rikki is right. While it might be worth it if we can save a few people from the bandits we gotta take care of ourselves first. We might be able to stay in the military building one more night, but were going to have to take shifts so people can sleep. As for food and water I have no idea whats left inside that place." John turned his head out towards the horizon then turned back. "Does anyone know what else is around here?"

He let his arm relax and took it off of the machete. He thought about the bandages wrapped around his chest. For a minute he almost forgot he had been shot in the chest, he wondered how long it would have to stay wrapped up for. Deep down he knew he wanted revenge on the bandits for what they had done, but it he didn't want to risk getting anyone killed that had survived the raid.


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Brandon ignored Aby shouting at him and turned to John. "There is a river about half a mile that way." He flicked his hand in the general direction of east. "No food, no fresh water, a small town that way." He again swept his hand towards west.

"We're going to have to have a little more than just shift watches, you can see how that turned out last time." Everyone had been relying on shift watches before the raiders came, lot of good that did them. "We should stay close, but we need a more defensible place. Any ideas?" His mind was whirling, he had something to do, and he was gonna do it.


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Ahmi sighed and thought for a moment. "Well what if we spend one more night here, gather supplies and then head out. One night to sort out anything we need to do or get. How does that sound?" She really just didn't want everyone spending the entire time fighting. It was rather irritating to her. "And then in the morning we can be a team, stick together and what not." There everyone should be satisfied now. She thought proudly to herself.


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John listened to Ahmi and said "I think that's a good plan for tonight. It'll probably be easier to think about a plan in them morning. If need be I can go over to the river and bring back some water. Otherwise if we can just stick it out for one more night we should be able to find something tomorrow." John sat down on the ground. His legs were killing him for some reason, and so was his chest. He didn't know how long the pain pills lasted or how long he had to wait to take another.

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Character Portrait: Brandon Tucker
0 sightings Brandon Tucker played by Fortune Walking
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Character Portrait: The Narrator
Character Portrait: Ahmi Harris


Character Portrait: Ahmi Harris
Ahmi Harris

What should we do now?

Character Portrait: The Narrator
The Narrator

"Well... this is a mighty fine story."


Character Portrait: Ahmi Harris
Ahmi Harris

What should we do now?

Character Portrait: The Narrator
The Narrator

"Well... this is a mighty fine story."

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Character Portrait: Ahmi Harris
Ahmi Harris

What should we do now?

Character Portrait: The Narrator
The Narrator

"Well... this is a mighty fine story."

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