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Purgatory's Role

Purgatory's Role


A Renaissance Age Style RP.

339 readers have visited Purgatory's Role since Zyta created it.


Introduction to the History of the World

In the beginning there was the One. Some call him God, others call him the Maker, the Creator. Throughout the long history of the world the One has been given many names that have mostly been forgotten as empires rise and fall with the seasons. With the One he had with him his servants called Watchers, powerful, angelic beings of purity and goodness. The Watchers were created out of the One strength and wisdom for he foresaw a time in the future when they will be needed. The Watchers were like mini gods born from the One, they had strength, they had power over arcane arts, and they were majestic in their fighting. In essence the Watchers were highly gifted soldiers, and when the One created the Planet and Man, they watched over Man and guided their race away from sin and into the loving arms of the One.

In opposition to the One there was Zero, his evil counterpart who was steeped deeply in the sin that he gave birth to, to balance out the universal laws. Zero also had his servants of equal strength, number, and status of the Watchers known as the Behemoths. The Behemoths were responsible in the early decades of Man for natural catastrophes, plague, death, and the sin in Man. The Watchers worked tirelessly in constant opposition of the Behemoths, sometimes they were successful in stopping the Behemoths and sometimes the Behemoths were successful to cause more destruction.

In the middle of this ongoing war the race of Man, innocent, lived unaware and in fear in their daily lives. They saw snatches of the Behemoths and the Watches as flashes of light and darkness across the sky of cackling energy rippling throughout the land.

The One created the Planet and created Man to live there. Man was not initially given free will, they were meant to be another class of servant to watch over the animals and to take care of the planet. Zero opened their eyes to the world and it was he that gave them their free will so that he could corrupt their hearts and enslave their souls and make an army out of Man to oppose the One once and for all. The One foresaw this turn of events and planned for it. He sent his Watchers to protect and to guide Man down a righteous path. Zero did likewise with his Behemoths.

The race of Man was the prize in the war.

As time continued as it always does Man flourished and spread across the Planet. The Watchers who constantly kept guidance over Man from the shadows took exception to the beautiful women that was born from Man and took from them wives. Not to be outdone, the Behemoths took sex slaves for their lust. Both contracts were blessed by the One or Zero on their side. The children of the Watchers and Man were to be known as angels while the combination of the Behemoths and Man were to be known as demons.

Angels were the heroes of old while the demons were the villains of legend. Both races were always male. Angels were tall and handsome and were generally the envy of the world, but were also looked upon with reverence and grace. Angels had an unwavering sense of justice and what was right and wrong. They were close to the One and close to the race of Man and could guide them better than the Watchers ever could. Angels were sometimes not seen only on the battlefield; some were great philosophers and thinkers, scientists of the highest caliber.

Demons are most times deceptively handsome, though other times they are pale and sickly and deformed. These are warmongers, evil villains that hide in the shadows and kill small infants in the cribs. They spout fear and spread injustice. As rulers of nations they bring the Planet to the brink of disaster.

If our world was this RP, we would know one demon called Adolph Hitler.

It was not long before the One banished all supernatural beings from interfering with Man, his Creation. Watchers and Behemoths were banished from the realm by the full power of the One, even Zero had to concede defeat there, but he didn’t give up. The seed of sin was already planted and had taken root. It was and always shall be easier to commit a sin than it is to do righteousness. He knew that given the time, he had won the war.

Angels and Demons were not banished. They remained because of the blood of Man that courses their veins. Over time that blood grew corrupted and distilled as the blood of Man grew in each new generation. It was more apparent in the Angels as their grace and beauty waned and they began to lose their sense of righteousness. While Demons remained mostly the same, but only weaker and more mischievous and the race of Man learned time and time again new ways in which to do evil to Man and other things on the Planet.

Present Time

Man – Man has covered the world over and now dominates, unhindered by supernatural forces, the whole face of the Planet. Alone they have slowly made progress in science (medical, warfare, technology ect). Guns are being invented, while their bigger counterparts (canons) are the main weaponry on the battlefield in times of siege. Male and Female are married young (in the midst of their teens and at latest by 17) because of the low age at time of death rate. Living to be fifty is a miracle. The king of Alexandria is fifty-two and on his deathbed.

Angels and Demons– The strength of these two once powerful factions have almost been wiped from the face of the Planet due to a lack of dominate blood from coming generations. Every now and then the receptive gene for either race will pop up somewhere down the line, and the individual will be as a lesser version of the heroes and villains of legend. Not all persons who attain the receptive gene are male, there are now notable female heroes that have cropped up in the last century or two. Sometimes the blood of Angels and Demons have intermingled down the line in cases where the gene hasn’t shown and after the new generation is born they would have the Angel and Demon genes dominating their human genes and they are the most dangerous for with their Angel blood gain a huge following and with their Demon blood cause massive devastation. This case is rare and almost impossible, however.

Giants and Monsters – Giants and monsters are the new threat to the world. These abominations were formed as a byproduct of corrupt Angels and Demons when the humanity is lost and they lose themselves to power lust. These abominations, regardless of ancestry, have only the purpose to kill Man on their minds. It is unknown how exactly they came to be and how there are so many of them to this day. Scientists question if they breed with one another or if they are asexual, or if they are being continuously created from unknown human beings that have lost themselves to something outside of their control.

Alexandria – Alexandria is the name of the Kingdom and capital city that the RP will mostly take place in as the epicenter of the story. It is a great and glorious city that is based on its real life counterpart. It, too, is built on the edge of a sea and has a fantastic lighthouse. The kingdom itself is wealthy and has prospered since before the current king’s rule. In essence the kingdom of Alexandria is much like the U.S.A. of the RP world in that its message to the world is that it will always be on the side of good; it is a kingdom that will not shy away from those who do wrong against other humans and in times of strife will give aid to other countries. They take a lot of heat for their actions from neighboring countries, but they will not back down from giving basic human needs and rights as far as their reach will allow. If the world were a movie, Alexandria would be the protagonist.

The kingdom of Alexandria is ruled by a monarchy with Dukes and Lords ruling over smaller pieces of land in the kingdom in the name of the King and Queen, much like old time England. Alexandria city is a thriving place to live with almost one million citizens living in the capital; it is a hub for traffic of goods and information from lands across the sea as the only place in the kingdom to actually touch a body of water. The citizens also take advantage of the security fitted for the royal family, as well as festivals held in his name.

Religions – There are many religions but only two worth noting. The two religions worship either the One or Zero. There are churches to the two supreme deities all across the Planet. The two share the same history and tell the same stories, but from differing perspectives pertaining to their God. Both acknowledge the other as something that cannot be changed.

The One and Zero – The two ultimate beings live upon a higher plane than Man does and so cannot interfere without causing some world ending catastrophe to befall the Planet. Instead both deities have opted to influence the ways in which Man does their daily lives in the form of Prophets. The One’s prophets are called “The Sons of Light” while Zero’s are called “The Sons of Darkness.” There are, of course, false prophets on both sides.

The Beginning of the RP – The RP’s beginning will follow the lives of those characters I have below and some others that you may have created. They will know nothing about the invisible war for their souls. All that will matter for a while is their pursuits of their daily lives. The story, as already said, will take place in Alexandria. I do not have a defined path that the story will follow, I have only laid out guidelines for these characters to take and will allow the story to develop from how the RP’ers perceive the world and their actions. Anyone can take the throne by any means as long is it is reasonable within the rules of the story, or no one can take the throne. The Princess can run away with her lover, marry herself away, or go into a monastery. There is an infinite different paths to take, it is up to you, the RP’ers, to decide how things go.

Characters and Profile Sheet

Here are some characters that I would like to be taken by the RP’ers. The provided characters will only have essential bits on their profiles given, the rest can be freely added to them by the RP’ers.

Princess: Headstrong girl. She feels responsible for the future of the kingdom. She is the only child of the King and therefore heir to the throne. She is a well learned girl. She is in love with her Champion, whom she chose for herself. She feels torn between true love and duty to the kingdom as her father looks for suitors. It is against the law for her to marry anyone that is not a prince and shall be put to death if she does. Her other choice is to enter a covenant and swear away earthly desires forever. She is young. Remember that people married in their mid-teens in this world so she is somewhere from 14 to 16. The Princess loves her kingdom and its people as much as she loves her Champion.

Champion to the Princess: Best (known) fighter in the whole Kingdom. Of the race of Angels, but naturally hides it. He is madly in love with the Princess and attempts to attract her to run away with him, but is always rebuffed due to their fame, they wouldn’t be able to slip away and get away with it for long. He has no special aspirations for the throne himself. He sees the Duke’s lust in his eye for the Princess and wishes to kill the duke, and will should he come to harm the Princess.

Prince: Prince from a neighboring kingdom who hopes to attract and gain the Princess as his wife. He is wealthy, not a bad guy, but not a good guy. He cares for himself and places the future of the kingdom before the lives of the people. He is very realistic and is called cold-hearted, but if you can break his emotional armor, you’ll find that he does care inside.

Duke: First in line to the throne after the Princess, being her cousin. The Duke is a member of the Demon race. He wants nothing more than to take the throne and killing (without tipping his hand) is always on his mind. He has ordered the deaths of previous men, other Dukes, whom were ahead of him in the line to the throne. He makes scheme upon schemes. He is a very meticulous character who plans everything out. He is not strong physically, his strength comes from his mind and powers of manipulation. There is no limit to what he will do to gain the throne and rule the kingdom. He has no real physical or emotional attraction to the Princess, but he does want to bed her and make her his wife (and then plan to kill her) so that he will be the sole ruler of the Kingdom. He will also use whatever may come to further his political career, he’ll take advantage from everything from a natural disaster to all out war to instill himself on the throne. The Duke has many ‘friends’ among the underworld (assassins, thieves, ect).

Hunter: A heroic type figure who hunts Giants and other Monsters for a living. He is one of the king’s finest men that is not actually under his control. The Hunter is a free spirited character. He does good, he does bad, he likes to drink and sleep with women. He’s a very centralized character who doesn’t care much for the future of the kingdom as long as he lives the way he likes. He owns a massive beast (it can be anything reasonable) that he rides upon on the hunt.

Advisor: An elderly fellow who is advises the King on many subjects. He is trusted and liked. He is smart and sees the trouble of the Duke for what it is worth, but keeps it to himself.

Jester: A court clown. The Jester is female but she hides her true identity from everyone, knowing if her identity is known she will die. She is a performer and loves to get a crowd going. She works both sides as a double agent for the Duke and Adviser. She is a rare breed that shares both Demon and angel blood. She is always in conflict with herself over her two bloody sides.

These characters are on a basis of first come first serve. Or you can always create your own character that fits with the story somehow.

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The Planet by Zyta


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The Planet

The Planet by Zyta


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Re: [OOC] Purgatory's Role

I'm interested in this, will make up a character tomorrow ^^

Re: [OOC] Purgatory's Role

I will probably make an original character for this one, probably a gossip or someone who works in the palace, and unforunately gets herself involved... Or something like that. If you happen to have any preferences or plot ideas that require an outside character or two, I'll be glad to oblige. Just let me know.

Re: [OOC] Purgatory's Role

ill make the Duke, and also an 'underground' assassin that works for him with demon and angel blood if thats cool?

or would a character with only demon/human blood 'have' to be inherently evil? if not then ill just make the assassin demon

Re: [OOC] Purgatory's Role

I would like to play the jester please,by the way nice rp!

Re: [OOC] Purgatory's Role

I would like to make the princess.

Re: [OOC] Purgatory's Role

I'll make the hunter character. If its all right that is.

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