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Rhema Soul

Rhema Soul


How corrupted would you allow your soul to become...if it meant protecting the people you love?

1,666 readers have visited Rhema Soul since Leej10100 created it.



Centuries ago during the rise of edo Japan, a group of Humans were looking through some old ruins located deep in a abandoned forest. What they were doing there or what they were searching for isn't known, but what was found has changed history for the worst. These foolish humans with their simple minds had stumbled upon a small box covered with red chains. A message was engraved on the top of this box, and it read, "The evil in ones heart is greater than the goodness in ones soul. Whoever opens this box, shall bring ruin to the world and bring out Human's corrupted souls." Ruin, in such a small box? Of course, who would ever listen to something like that? The box was just too tiny, for them to believe in such words was unbelievable.

The Eldest Human, Kiyoshi Hatta, held the box in his hands, looking it over carefully. A small laugh escaped his lips, and without a single thought or moment’s hesitation he broke the chains that bounded the small box. Once opened all of them peered inside, and saw nothing put darkness. It was empty. They all let out a large laugh, looking at each other skeptically. Kiyoshi let the box drop to the ground, dismissing the ludicrous idea of the warning. Signaling the others they all began to move forward.

The youngest of the group, Yata, heard a loud rumbling noise. Freezing in his spot, he looked around the room for the noise. Slowly he turned around and stared at the box. Without a second to think the darkness engulfed and suffocated the poor Humans. It wasn't long until one by one it sucked up their souls, leaving only empty rotting bodies. But how did this happen? What had been inside that box, which possessed the power to reduce these Humans into empty shells?

That day the world changed, and an evil darkness had been born into the world. It's name was Haku, a dark and corrupted soul with unspeakable power. Betrayed and hurt, he wished to fill the world with the same pain, which he experienced from his beloved brother years ago. Once released from his prison Haku began his reign. Terrorizing the earth, causing the humans to be in fear of the dark. He was madness itself as he infected the earth, mostly Japan, with diseases and unimaginable pain. Feeding off the emotions, souls, and flesh of Human Beings. Along with his minions: Nier, Puppeteers, Alsted and Parasitic Butterflies. Years and years went by and he only became stronger as the darkness overtook the hearts of the humans.


Dark years hunted the people of Japan. Haku spread despair and ruin everywhere he went, just as the warning had said. The pain the Human's experienced on a daily basis was to much, no words could be sweet enough for the humans to believe that their lives could get any better. Hope was scares and began to disappear along with their souls.

Consist horror was the people of Japan's everyday life. Soon some decided it would be best to join Haku, praising him as a god and following his every command. It came to the point that many started to murder their own wives, husbands, and children. Soon a large portion of people succumbed to the madness of Haku, and no one could deny the darkness they felt in their hearts. Morals were thrown out the window, and immoral acts became something that was worshiped.

The Humans became pitiful and a disgrace to watch, ones who still had their sanity took their own lives, because of the display they had to endure. Watching their families become corrupted and twisted, it was too much, even for the strongest of hearts. What could be done? Were they all doomed to live in fear for all eternity?

In a last attempt to survive, a group of humans banded together, and went to the same ruins which the previous group had gone. There they found the box, which Haku had been locked inside. Knowing the answer to defeating Haku had to be somewhere, the group went deeper into the ruins hoping that their determination would be rewarded.

Deep inside they found two large black doors, engraved with the same language as the box. But this one read, "What would you sacrifice for peace." Nothing more and nothing less could be found. Together they all faced each other, and choose who would enter, and who would stay outside. Finally six humans were chosen from the group to enter. The six pushed open the doors, and with one last glance backwards stepped inside the darkness.

Not one could see anything, it was complete darkness all around them. But... instead of them feeling scared, they Disrupting their thoughts, were six bright glowing orbs in front of them, all different colors. The humans felt a strong force pulling them toward the orbs, and before they knew it, everything had changed before their eyes. It was warm all around them, as everything flashed different colors. They could feel a strange sensation as their bodies began to change.

The others who were still outside began to worry for their friends. They were taking so long. When they all were about to run for help, the six stepped out of the room. Overjoyed by their return, the group still felt something off. The six had changed greatly, their skin, hair, height, eyes, everything. It was if they were different people. Were they even human? That day was when the first Rhema souls were born.

Without rest the six went into battle against Haku. In this war many died and not one could escape the chaos of the powerful beings. But after a great fight Haku was sealed, and scattered across all of Japan. But not without consequences toward the six. He cursed them, part of that curse was turning them into smaller versions of themselves, telling them that for the rest of their lives, generations to come, and all who bared the blood of a Rhema. There the Humans watched as the Rhemas were cursed and Haku scattered across Japan promising to return.


As Peace was evident in Japan, years went by and there was no longer a need for the Rhema souls. So the Rhema souls started to disappear. It is unknown where they went, but it has been said that some started to mingle in with the humans, creating Half-lings. And now no one even remembered the name of Rhema Souls or the tragedy their ancestors had to experience. Everything was back to normal and the world was once again safe, or so they thought.

Now being modern Japan, weird occurrences have been happening, and Haku is the cause of them. He is back to reek havoc once again on the people of Japan. Using two Human children to do his bidding and his minions, he is on a search to be resurrected from his prison. Wishing to rule the Humans once again and spread madness to the people of Japan.

It is time for the rise of new souls, Rhema souls, but there is a problem. The Rhema Souls can't fight. Why you my ask. Because of the curse Haku had put onto them before being defeated. They are unable to use their powers, without someone unlocking them. That means the Souls are on a search for partners, but that isn't the hard part. The hard part is getting them all to work together, before it is to late for everyone...simple right. Is that all?


NOTE: If all positions are filled you can ask for me to make another one and I will consider.

Note: The only way your character knows they are a Half-ling is if they have combined with their Partner, if they haven't combined they don't know that they are a half-ling. That means they can't use their Half-ling abilities and etc. But I still want you to fill out the character sheet as if they were, so you don't have to worry about it later that goes for the people who can't combine either, still fill out the sheet like you do, just make sure you tell use that you aren't able to yet.

Note: The roles for the possessed are different from the Rhema Souls for a reason. In their Human form they can have any kind of personality you want, just make sure your character's mentality, Other self and personality surrounds that one word. If you need help just ask or just look at my character's sheet.

(Role || Character Name || Gender || Rhema Soul & What Both Holder and Rhema look like when combined || Power || Description || -Taken/Reserved By: Blank)

Rhema Soul Holder No. 1 || Character Name || Male || Ginjiro & Combined || Control over Air || This person has a well-established relationship with their Rhema soul, meaning the two tend to butt heads but have great respect for each other. They have two completely different personalities: The Holder being very humble yet assertive whenever the situation requires him to be a natural born leader, and The Soul being extremely sly and arrogant when it comes to admitting their mistakes or asking for help. The Holder has yet to accept the fact that they harbor a Rhema soul, and is very reluctant to go along with helping the souls accomplish their goal. Still him and his Rhema Soul are probably the best team out there, because of their great communication and linked movements. The Holder already has the ability to combine with their Rhema Soul. Best friends with Rhema Soul Holder No. 3 and is seen hanging out with Holder No. 3 more than anyone else.|| Taken/Reserved By:

Rhema Soul Holder No. 2 || Character Name || Female || Amarante & Combined || Control over Lighting || The Holder is the logical one of the group and always has a statement or three about how impossible this whole situation sounds, still they go along with the Souls despite their words of dispute. The Holder isn’t a bad person, but they tend to lean toward the cold side a little, but in truth they are very kind. They just don’t know how to express themselves, so they come off as rude and unsociable to everyone. Their Rhema soul has the same personality, but instead of trying to be kind they just stay rude and aloof from others. It isn't like the Soul doesn't care about others, they just enjoy going at their own pace and comes off as being rude. These two get along well with each other, but despite their good relationship the Holder has yet to fully combine with their Rhema Soul. || Taken/Reserved By: FuyuHana

Rhema Soul Holder No. 3 || Character Name || Male || Homra & Combined || Control over Fire || The Holder is very harsh with his words. He doesn't know how to hold his tongue, and tells people like it is, later regretting his choices. The Holder is far from a bad guy, despite his label as a delinquent. He's quick to help others and volunteer when needed, being very helpful whenever he sees someone in need, though hating to admit it. He gets flustered when you make fun of his height, and won't hesitate to kick your butt to prove a point. He is the definition of a volcano waiting to burst. He is quick to react, which is his greatest weakness, unlike his Rhema Soul, who is typically calm and a thinker. He is the reason behind the Holder, well...more like the cause of his outbursts. Homra is level headed, sarcastic, and annoyingly right. These two on the outside look like they have no partnership, but they are able to combine with great ease. Unlike his words he really does want to help the Rhema Souls. He is friends with Holder No. 1, and he has discovered that he is a Half-ling. || Taken/Reserved By: Leej10100

Rhema Soul Holder No. 4 || Character Name || Female || Aero & Combined || Control over Light || The Holder is the definition of a proper and pure hearted lady. She will never raise her voice, and is always far. She is soft spoken and quiet, causing others to become irritated since they can barely hear hear. Her face is usually emotionless, occasionally showing gently smiles or tears, but nothing more. Unlike her Rhema Soul who is the definition of cheerfulness. Aero is always on the move, not understanding the meaning of rest. She keeps a stupid grin on her face and is very active. The two have a relationship, the same way a older sister would have with her younger sister. They are the best of friends, and Holder No. 4, is one of the ones who actually want to help. She is able to combine with her Rhema Soul, and is a Half-ling. || Taken/Reserved By: dreammuffin

Rhema Soul Holder No. 5 || Character Name || Male || Kolro & Combined || Control over Water || The Holder is the most friendly person you will ever meet. He likes to look on the bright side of things even if it is the worst case scenario. He is extremely hardworking, which can be his downfall as he doesn't know the meaning of enough is enough. So maybe that is why he was chosen by Kolro, who is the exact opposite. Kolro is lazy, quiet, and tends not to talk unless it is required. He enjoys conversing energy and thinks it is a waste of time to do anything but sleep. Despite their opposite personalities, the Holder seems to find him enjoyable, but always gets upset when he sees Kolro sleeping usually waking him up all the time. Though all in all they are a good team, but they aren't able to combine yet. || Taken/Reserved By:

Rhema Soul Holder No. 6 || Character Name || Female || Adira & Combined || Control over Earth || The Holder is one you would call a loud mouth and a complete tsundre girl. She will never admit that she needs help from others, and is the nosiest person you will ever meet. She is tough and doesn't like it when others pick on the weak. Hyperactive and a secret lover of cute things, she is probably the strongest girl you will ever meet, but don't be fooled she is extremely vulnerable. And that is where Adira comes in, her lovely protector. A high and mighty soul, who doesn't do well to taking orders. She will hurt you if you cause anyone she cares about to cry. Adira and the Holder are a tight duo who will not take no for an answer, so watch out, sadly they are still unable to combine. || Taken/Reserved By:Ever

Possessed No. 2 || Character Name || Male || Other-self || Control over Emotions || Corrupted & Bloodthirsty. Commands all Parasitic Butterflies and Alsteds|| || Taken/Reserved By: FuyuHana

Possessed No. 3 || Character Name || Female || Other-self || Control over Illusions || Insane & Heartless. Commands all Puppeteers and Niers || Taken/Reserved By: Leej10100


*'s Are optional and don't have to be filled in if you don't want to.

Note || Ones who are possessed if you need help filling out your character sheet pm me.

Code: Select all


[font=Constantia][size=100][color=choice of color]❝Quote.❞[/color][/size]

[size=90]Normal | Regular ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url]
Fighting | Transformation ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url]
Emotional | Death ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url]
Possessed | Out of Control ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url][/center][/size][/font]

[center][size=160][font=occidental][color=choice of color]❝Qoute❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]

[right][img]Anime%20Picture[/img][/right][font=Constantia][b][size=95]∞ Full name ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Nickname ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Alias ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {This is for the Holders who are able to transform with their partners || If you are unable to transform with your partner still put one down for future reference}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Race ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Half-ling | Human}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Age ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {15 +}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Gender ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Sexuality ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Role ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Rhema Soul Color ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {What is the color of your Partner and your soul combined. The Holder and Rhema Soul have the same color. If you are a Half-ling put the color of your soul also.}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Combine ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Can you combine with your partner or not. If yes show what you look like, and if no still show what you would look like, just tell us that you still aren't able yet.}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Rhema ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Yes a Rhema is different than a Rhema Soul. A Rhema is a word or words that allows you to combine with your Rhema Soul. Until you find your Rhema you can't combine with your Soul. If you need help with this come to me. Even if you haven't combined or know that you are a Half-ling put down your Rhema anyway just make sure to tell tat you don't know it yet,}[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Occupation ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Any Job is allowed, but please be realistic and sensible}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Face Claim ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size][/font]

[center][size=160][font=occidental][color=choice of color]❝Quote❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]

[left][img]Picture[/img][/left][font=Constantia][b][size=95]∞ Side ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Tell whether your character accepts their fate as a Holder or not, and the reasons for that. If a Half-ling make sure to tell how they feel about that too}[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Height & Weight ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || When combined with Partner}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Hair color/Length/Quality ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || When combined with Partner}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Eye color/Shape/Quality ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || When combined with Partner} {contacts, glasses, etc}[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Distinguishable Facial Features ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || When combined with Partner} (Beauty mark, mole, etc)[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Birthmarks/Scars/Tattoos/Piercings ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || When combined with Partner. Note, every Holder possess a markings which connect the Holder to their Rhema Soul}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Rhema Soul ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Who is your partner ? Give small description}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Physical Description ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || When combined with Partner}[/size][/font]

[center][size=160][font=occidental][color=choice of color]❝Quote❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]

*[right][img]Picture[/img][/right][font=Constantia][b][size=95]∞ Habits/Quirks ∞[/b][/size]


[b][size=95]∞ Likes ∞[/b][/size]

♥ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Dislikes ∞[/b][/size]

✖ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Talents ∞[/b][/size]

✔ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Hobbies ∞[/b][/size]

✔ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Fears ∞[/b][/size]

✘ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Flaws ∞[/b][/size]

✘ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Secrets ∞[/b][/size]

⌛ [/size][/font]

[center][size=160][font=occidental][color=choice of color]❝Quote❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]

[left][img]Picture[/img][/left][font=Constantia][b][size=95]∞ Weapon ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Weapons are tools that have spiritual powers that give you the ability to see Neirs, Puppeteers, and parasitic butterflies, and grant you the strength and power to destroy them. Those who can't combine with their Rhema are able to use there weapons, but not as effectively as the ones who can combine. Weapons can look like everyday itemsor weapons. Ex: A gun, bat, knife, sword, arrow, ect. Only two.}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞Powers ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {When the Holder acquires a Rhema Soul, that Soul has the ability to grant the Holder their powers even if they aren't combined, which is only one, if you haven't combined yet you can't use it. Name the ability you posses and what are the limitations of that power. If you're a Half-ling you have one original power, but it isn't anything fancy, just an enchantment in one of your regular everyday abilities. Ex: You have supernatural strength or supernatural speed, etc. All in all, Half-lings have two abilities or zero if you haven't combined with Partner, and Humans have One, or zero if they haven't combined yet.}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Rhema Personality ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {What is your Partner's personality like? Doesn't have to be long.}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Personality ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || When combined with your Rhema}[/size][/font]

[center][size=160][font=occidental][color=color choice]❝Quote❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]

[right][img]Picture[/img][/right][font=Constantia]*[b][size=95]∞ Romantic Interest ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Most Precious Person ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {This could be the same person as your Romantic Interest or it can be different. But every Half-ling or Human must have one.[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Family ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ History ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Include how you met your Rhema Soul}[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Other ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size][/font]

Possessed Roles Character Sheet

Code: Select all


[font=Constantia][size=100][color=choice of color]❝Quote.❞[/color][/size]

[size=90]Normal | Regular ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url]
Fighting | Other-self ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url]
Emotional | Death ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url]
Out of Control | Angered ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url][/center][/size][/font]

[center][size=160][font=occidental][color=choice of color]❝Qoute❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]

[right][img]Anime%20Picture[/img][/right][font=Constantia][b][size=95]∞ Full name ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Nickname ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Alias ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {This is your name for your Other-self.}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Race ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Age ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {15 +}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Gender ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Sexuality ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Role ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Other-self Soul Color ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Other-self ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Can you transform into your other-self. If yes show what you look like.}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Rhema ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {You still need a Rhema to transform into your Other-self.  A Rhema is a word or words that allows you to combine with your Other-self. Until you find your Rhema you can't transform. If you need help with this come to me. Even if you haven't transformed or know that you are chosen by Haku put down your Rhema anyway just make sure to tell that you don't know it yet}[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Occupation ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Your still Human, just a possessed one, so you can have a job. Any Job is allowed, but please be realistic and sensible}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Face Claim ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size][/font]

[center][size=160][font=occidental][color=choice of color]❝Quote❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]

[left][img]Picture[/img][/left][font=Constantia][b][size=95]∞ Price ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Here I want you to tell me what Haku offered you in exchange for joining him. No more than Three things.}[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Height & Weight ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || Other-self}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Hair color/Length/Quality ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || Other-self}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Eye color/Shape/Quality ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || Other-self} {contacts, glasses, etc}[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Distinguishable Facial Features ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || Other-self} (Beauty mark, mole, etc)[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Birthmarks/Scars/Tattoos/Piercings ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || Other-self. Note, every one of you possess a marking which connect you to Haku}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Other-self Description ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Physical Description ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {When not Transformed. Your normal appearance}[/size][/font]

[center][size=160][font=occidental][color=choice of color]❝Quote❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]

*[right][img]Picture[/img][/right][font=Constantia][b][size=95]∞ Habits/Quirks ∞[/b][/size]


[b][size=95]∞ Likes ∞[/b][/size]

♥ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Dislikes ∞[/b][/size]

✖ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Talents ∞[/b][/size]

✔ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Hobbies ∞[/b][/size]

✔ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Fears ∞[/b][/size]

✘ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Flaws ∞[/b][/size]

✘ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Secrets ∞[/b][/size]

⌛ [/size][/font]

[center][size=160][font=occidental][color=choice of color]❝Quote❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]

[left][img]Picture[/img][/left][font=Constantia][b][size=95]∞ Weapon ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Weapons are tools that have spiritual powers that give you the ability to fight the Holders, and grant you the strength and power to destroy them. Those who can't transform don't have one yet, since they don't even know that they are going to be possessed. Weapons can look like everyday items or weapons. Ex: A gun, bat, knife, sword, arrow, ect. Only two.}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞Powers ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {When you make a deal with Haku, he grants you with one ability,which you can use even when not transformed, just on a smaller scale. Name the ability you posses and what are the limitations of that power. Also include the minion which you command and what they can do.}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Other-self Personality ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {What is your Other-self's personality like? Doesn't have to be long.}[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Personality ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Original || When not your other-self}[/size][/font]

[center][size=160][font=occidental][color=color choice]❝Quote❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]

[right][img]Picture[/img][/right][font=Constantia]*[b][size=95]∞ Romantic Interest ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Most Precious Person ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {This could be the same person as your Romantic Interest or it can be different. But you must have one, though that doesn't mean you wouldn't harm them....[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Family ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ History ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {Include how you met Haku.}[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Other ∞[/b][/size] [size=80][color=choice of color][i]"Character Thought"[/i][/color][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size][/font]


1 Reservation || Please Reserve Characters in OOC or PM me. I won't accept random submission, no matter how awesome they are. So please reserve.

2 Two Days || You only have two days to submit your characters, and four to complete it. If not complete by day four I will give your position away, unless you contact me beforehand with a good excuse for not being finished.

3 Writing Content || I'm not very picky about how you right your post. But I would like to read something that had effort put into it. So please at least try to type more than a paragraph. Put a lot of creativity! Please, I don't want to read lame posts.

4 Explicit Content & Etc. || Of course Romance is encouraged it is the best thing ever! Gore, of course it has to be in here...that is kinda a important part in the rp. Drama is allowed in character not OOC. Yes Swearing can be used, but please don't go overboard that includes "intimate" relationships.

5 Anime || Yes, Anime. I will not accept a character if it isn't anime. And please don't use different pictures for a character, I want it to look neat. If you have a problem finding a FC, just ask me for help. Speaking about anime, put down your favorite anime character if you have read the rules.

6 Must Read || I understand that there is a lot of information in this rp. But I expect you to know all of it. I worked hard on this rp, and I don't want you guys being lost because you didn't read. But if you do have questions that you just can't figure out, I'll help you.

7 Out of Rules || May add more later. So keep watch. Anyway if you had read the rules put down your favorite ice cream and show a pic of it. Have fun!

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jin Sarutobi
Character Portrait: Akari Tsitov


Character Portrait: Akari Tsitov
Akari Tsitov

"I get rid of any dead weight, so don't hate me if I leave you behind." Wip

Character Portrait: Jin Sarutobi
Jin Sarutobi

"The only look I want to see on your face is fear, and pain, of course." Wip


Character Portrait: Akari Tsitov
Akari Tsitov

"I get rid of any dead weight, so don't hate me if I leave you behind." Wip

Character Portrait: Jin Sarutobi
Jin Sarutobi

"The only look I want to see on your face is fear, and pain, of course." Wip

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jin Sarutobi
Jin Sarutobi

"The only look I want to see on your face is fear, and pain, of course." Wip

Character Portrait: Akari Tsitov
Akari Tsitov

"I get rid of any dead weight, so don't hate me if I leave you behind." Wip

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Re: Rhema Soul

Hello! Im new to this site, but not very new to roleplaying ^^ so please dont think of me of a "one-liner" roleplayer. Aka a "noob"
Anyways is there a way a new female character can be made? I can play male somewhat.. but not as well ><.. Please consider! thank you!

Favorite anime: um I love all anime.. er ugh sdkfds ouran host club atm.. or full metal.. nnggg.

Re: Rhema Soul

Rhema 5.

Favorite anime, Infinite Stratos: Charlotte Dunois, Laura Bodewig.

Don't have a picture of ice cream because I like all of them. Maybe not. Maybe so. I don't know either. I'm dumb.

Give me some time to write up the sheet, I'm rush-joining a few role-plays to steal roles (Like this one, yeeeeah.)

Also, a question for the Rhema Soul's personality. Since you gave us a brief description of our Rhema Souls, we should just use that one and make it longer or we can come up with new personalities for them? I'd guess it's impossible for the latter, but I'm just asking.

Re: Rhema Soul

Oh I see well alright^^ sadly to say I won't be making a character for this wonderful role play of yours. Mainly due to the fact that I'm busy in dealing with my own^^; any how I wish you the best of luck my dear>:3

Re: Rhema Soul

Sure Dream^^

Polaris, I am so sorry for this but Holder no.6 is already taken by Ever. I made a mistake when updating the roles, and put her as 5 instead of 6. I'm sorry.

Re: Rhema Soul

May i reserve Rhema soul #4?
My favorite anime is Fairy tail, though I love others like Tsubasa, SNK, Bleach, and Angel Beats :)

Edit: My favorite characters are Erza, Natsu, Grimmjow, Ulquiorra, Nelliel, and Levi :) There's plenty more of course ~

Re: Rhema Soul

Of course you can Polaris!^^ And thank you.

Re: Rhema Soul

Hello this seems pretty darn interesting^^ may I reserve the Rhema Soul #6.

If I read correctly and I apologize if I forgot something my favorite anime would be Solty Rei or Tsubasa reservoir ChroniclesXD mm I think that's all I needed to do^^;

Re: Rhema Soul

Pshhhhh, I submitted Jin so quickly its insane.

Re: Rhema Soul

Heheh .w. Why choose just one!? Its impossible! \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/

Thank you~~ I'll go work on her right now x3

Re: Rhema Soul

Hey Ever! Of course you can!

...I should have known you would put over a dozen of characters once again...I should have learnt from last time...sigh, oh well. To lateXD

Re: Rhema Soul

Hey Leej~ ^w^/ May I reserve my old role again??

And as for the ice cream.. you know my answer XDD


As for the favorites....
Vampire Knight:
1. Yuki Cross/Kuran
2. Kaname Kuran

Black Butler:
1. Ciel Phantomhive
2. Alois Trancy (sorry Sebastian XDD)

Mirai Nikki:
1. Yuno Gasai
2. Minene

Spice and Wolf:
1. Holo
2. Lawrence

Fairy Tail:
1. Erza
2. Natsu

Blue Exorcist:
1. Rin
2. Amaimon

Skip Beat:
1. Kyoko
2. Sho

Attack on Titan:
1. Levi
2. Levi again XD

Sword Art Online:
1. Kirito
2. Asuna

Inu x Boku SS:
1. Ririchiyo
2. Karuta

Rhema Soul

To understand we must start in the beginning when this all started. Years ago, before the beginning of the edo period of Japan lived a group of friends, seven of them to be exact. They were like siblings to each other, protecting and cherishing the time spent with one another as if it was a precious gemstone. They all lived in a rundown village, ruled by a greedy and cruel ruler. They were poor, and on some days couldn’t even eat. But they all were satisfied with just knowing that they would always be together. It wasn’t until the day when they stumbled into the ruins that changed them forever.

Haku and Shin, blood related brothers and the eldest of the group had stumbled across two closed doors. Quickly they ran to their friends to tell them of the news, than brought them to the doors. Once in front of it, Haku pushed it open releasing the light which was trapped inside. The seven where engulfed in a warm yet chilling light, filled with bright and dark colors. It was suffocating, but somewhat comforting. It created a clam heaviness, which made them fall into a sleep.

Haku opened his eyes to find that they were all outside and that the ruins had disappeared. But that wasn’t all that he found, what he found changed was Him, and everyone else. They looked… other worldly. Haku waited for his friends to awake from their slumber, before he did anything. It was then that the Ruler’s bandits were patrolling the grounds and spotted them. There were two of them, and they seemed to be quite drunk. About to attack the defenseless group, Haku blasted them with a suffocating darkness, killing them. The others had woken up and saw the unbelievable scene before them.

Discovering their new abilities and appearances they wished to help protect their families, their home from the cruel. But of course when peace is involved people tend to have different views. It seemed that Shin and Haku had contradicting views. Shino wished to stand against the ruler with their families and friends, but Haku desired to join the ruler. Gain his trust, than rule alongside him. With Haku’s views being different he and Shino could never agree so they separated. Haku went by himself while the others stayed with Shino and stood alongside their families.

Six months had passed and Haku had sent to word or sign of his survival. Of course Shino and the others tried their best to figure out what happened to him, but it seemed as if he disappeared from the face of the earth. This devastated Shin, causing him to regret his decision and wishing to have joined his brother. Well, that was until the battle started.

It came out of nowhere. Fire blazed, burning down house after house. Arrows shot out from the sky, and swords raised high. And leading that army was no one other than Haku. On a horse him and his army raced into the town cutting down man, woman, and children. Even his own parents couldn’t escape his grasp as he thrashed his sword into their hearts. Without a second thought he rode on paying no mind to the people he once called family, until one person stood in his way.

There in his path stood his brother Shin with sword in hand, and bloody tears rolling down his eyes. Haku jumped off his horse and readied himself. And without farther hesitation they attacked each other mercilessly. A full out battle was between the two brothers, not one taking it easy on the other. It was than when Shin was just a little faster than Haku, slashing his chest open, causing a bloody waterfall. Haku’s eyes started to turn dull as he fell into his pill of blood, Shin exhausted turned to see his friends racing toward him. They held smiles on their faces, yelling that they had defeated the army, and were know stopping the fires. About to walk toward them, Shin felt an acute pain pierce through his heart. He stared at his friends who held horrified expression on their faces. Turning slowly he faced Haku, who held a cruel smile on his face.

“I...will win!” A skin curling scream escaped from Shin’s mouth as he felt something pulling on him, on his heart, on his soul. He couldn’t see nor hear the voices of his friends as he started to lose grasp of reality. It was then that Shino knew what was happening. Looking around, through his blurred vision he saw his once beloved brother using his powers on him, sucking up his souls. Tears running down his eyes Shin smiled his friends, then at his brother happily. Reaching his hand over, he touched his brother, and that was when blazing red flames engulfed him, Haku, and the others, trapping Haku in a sealed box and everyone else, including himself, in the two black doors.

Information Concerning Rp

The beginning of this rp will start out with an attack by one of the possessed, and the Holders will all respond to it, and that is when they will meet. Basically this whole rp is to stop the Possessed from collecting enough souls to raise Haku. But a warning to all Holders, if you are defeated, you will lose the most precious person in your life, instead of you dying. For those who can't transform I will tell you when you can. And for warning this is meant to be a tragedy so it will cause tears.

Soul Colors
Humans have White souls, Rhemas souls have either one colored souls or two colored souls, Possessed Humans have black souls mixed with white {the white is only if you still hold on to a piece of your sanity if not you are completely black}, Other-selves have one or two colored souls, but if they have two, one have to be black. Combined souls have the same color soul as the Rhema {Red, Scarlet, Teal, etc}. Half-lings have two colors like white and red or white and yellow, but they always have a color with white. How you know you are a Half-ling is when you combine with your partner, your souls connect, and when connecting your souls you get to see their colors, and if you have a different color your Rhema should be able to explain that you are a Half-ling.

Every Holder and Other-self holds a mark which either ties them to their Rhema Soul or Haku. This Mark allows your Partner to control your body. It is like you and your Holder can switch bodies, just that you will still be in your own body, but they can enter it to and talk through you. This goes for Haku and the possessed Humans.

Possessed |Other-self | Minions
Possession is a very painful and mind twisting thing. It takes one who is in deep depression over life to be possessed. And once possessed you can become one of five things: A Neir, Puppeteer, Parasitic Butterfly, Alsted, or an Other-self. Of course you are able to change back if you become an Other-self, but the other ones are what you become forever. Being an Other-self you are able to control a Minion. {I will write a short description of each Minion so just look for it}

Haku’s spirit is connected with two humans, since his body is still trapped in the earth. Haku has a limited power due to the fact his spirit is still weak, he searched for Humans to help him. The way Haku looks for Humans is he finds those with “unusual” personalities. Those who have given up on the world or those who believe they can build a better one. Once found he makes a deal with them, offering them three wishes and in return the work for him. But what no one knows is that each time the Humans transform into their other-selves a piece of their sanity or soul is lost. Making each and every transformation into their other-self more painful and mind twisting then the last. Each Possessed Human is able to control a minion.

There are three things to the curse that Haku put on the Rhema Souls. One, you are transformed into a smaller version of yourself. Two, you are unable to use your abilities without connecting with a Human, with the same soul color. And lastly, this curse implies Holders, when defeated in battle (meaning you are defeated, and aren't able to fight ever again or “dead”) instead of you, your-self, dying. The person you hold most dear to you will die or disappear in your stand. But the only ones who know this is Haku and the Rhema Souls, everyone else is left in the dark and is just fighting as if nothing is wrong. Being a Half-ling the curse affects you faster then Human, also it is easier for you to be possessed than Humans.