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Save the world, but first, save yourselves

Save the world, but first, save yourselves


All you've ever known is the College, but now, its time to get out. Escape, and if you can, survive. Escape the prison school and use your powers to save the world.
NEEDS PEOPLE! And antagonists

873 readers have visited Save the world, but first, save yourselves since PrincetheRipper created it.


All you have ever known is the College. The College is part of a secret Organization. The College trains young supernaturals to be the ultimate battle weapons for the Organization. Your story starts here.


1) escape alive
2) dont die
3) dont get hunted down by the Organization
4) Will you save the world? or destroy it?

Boy:Locked PrincetheRipper
Boy: Locked Seraph
Girl:Locked gezzygezzy
Girl: Locked Fredalice
Girl: Locked BlackBeauty



Character build:
Age(preferrably 16-19)
Blood Type:
Special Ability:
Heightened Abilities:
Physical Description/picture: Hair color eye color height, build, breast size(optional),
Sexual preferences: what type of girl/guy they like, etc
Weaknesses: make plenty of these, some can be gotten rid of as storyline progresses.

Toggle Rules

Proper grammar and spelling, NOT OPTIONAL
Character slots are reserved first come first serve, Private message me to reserve, dont use the OOC.
Do not be rude to your fellow roleplayers in the OOC, characters being rude is part of their character, however

Sexual Content: Accidentally brushing a girl's breast is acceptable (do not abuse this, this is only for storyline purposes) or undressing a character to treat wounds, but otherwise no sexual content

Romantic Content: to be confined to 2 back and forth posts EX: i post, she posts, i post, she posts, end of romantic posting for now

Only join if you can post at least once every 2 days.
Only join if you are willing to commit to this roleplay.
We will wait until everyone makes a first post to get the roleplay started before making further posts.
All posts are on the same timeline, two people cant be eating lunch while others are at a midnight rave (an example)

No godmoding, no "Sure-hits" instead of, he cuts off her legs, it should be, "He attempted to cut off her legs with a low horizontal swing"

Protagonists-4 girls, 4 boys.
Antagonists- 2-3 any gender (within reason)
Antagonists can be unhuman (aliens or something)
Antagonists are roleplayed by someone who is also roleplaying a Protagonist.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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Gypsy smiled, "Would love to, but they know where I am," she moved her leg slightly to show off her new piece of jewelry, "Of course, that's never stopped me before," she flipped up and walked to the door, "But you do know that that door does open, just jiggle the handle a little bit." She skipped up behind him to where the boy with the tiara was.

"Hey I'm Gypsy," she said holding out her hand to shake his. She was curious as to what she was going to do about her door now and no doubt the guards would go inside search her room and find the food, and even the fortune telling gizmos. So there would be five things she would be punished for today, the stolen food, the broken door, running from the guards and jumping out the window (this counts as one), seen spying on the master guy as he was brought down, and just being herself. She sighed, her punishments were getting more elaborate and harsher it seemed like with every time even if what she did was a little minor thing compared to what she did before.

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#, as written by Seraph
(Apparently my first post never saved)

Blake stood there amongst the barred window, top less and all but pants-less. His physique was both limber and lean, it was built not for outright power like heavier, beefier men were--but for quicker reflexive movements. Which, decidedly put him more in the role of defensive rather than offensive. His pale, not pasty, but fair flesh was marred many times over some bu bullets and blades, others by powers. There were patches of frozen skin and skin seared not by simply fire but by long arcing bands of electricity as was evidenced by the long and engaged searing brand that colored his white skin from his lower obliques to his thigh and coiled around his leg like a serpent.

He was glistening with sweat and his long silver hair had begun to cling to the areas of the most perspiration. The moisture was from him decidedly using his power despite the the room's reverse electromagnetic field. It had pushed him to the brink to escaped and his bloody hands, this time from himself and not another students, to show for it. He looked at at Nick, a petite male teen with a silver tiara and pale blond hair unlike his own silver-white. He then looked over at Gypsy. A cordial faced girl with dark chocolatey brown locks layers of skirts and jewelry--presumably scavenged.

" There will be enough to talk about later. We must head to the far north-end of the compound's quadrant. I will draw their fire to the southern most end. Do not stop for anything--they see that you are out of detention, they don't ask questions, they will fire on sight. Hide deep in the forest, where a waterfall flows. I will find you there. As for me, I'm going to go get my sword back. " He stopped and looked at them both before enunciating a small prayer. " Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. " He prayed for them, before running out into the court yard.

The light caught onto him faster than he had anticipated and as he said--they began firing after and audible "Freeze!" over a megaphone. Blake zig-zagged, weaving in and out of a host of machine-gun fire. The bullets burned white hot across the night sky, the phosphorus in the tracer rounds burned as the charge fired off the shell. They pellets fell like rain, crashing like comets into the earth by his feet throwing up dirt all around him as he ran for the stairs to get to the room on the twenty-third floor. He knew they had taken his belongings there, his entire ensemble--his sword.

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Chelsey wasn't quite sure what to think of what just happened, except that it was a chance for her. She heard everyhting being said and truthfully could care less about if she was a danger. She wanted out, and she actually could control others. Of course barely anybody knew that part. All of the students or newer members of this college thought she could only read minds. For all she knew though, Blake knew and was directing his words to her. She followed Nick and Blake though, even though she didn't have the best feeling about all of this. Why were they here? Looking at Nick she tried to figure out on her own but her tries just pinged right off of him. She didn't know why until he adjusted his tiara. Darn, would he take that off soon? It would make life so much easier if silver didn't exist. Then she could get out of here and do anything she wanted. Nobody could stop her and....

She came back to reality. When she thought about no silver she thought about control and royalty and of course, herself with it all. She could do it too, if she had the right people to help her. Maybe these were the right people. Maybe she could do more than escape. She wasn't doing this for herself. Well she was, but she also had a bigger idea than just leaving. She would hunt down the gifted out there in the world like the college, but she would get there first. Reading thoughts made it easier, but so would files. The college had files. She needed them. When she found the people she would simply "convince" them to stick with her and from then on get enough to do whatever. The only problem she had with all of this was stupid Gypsy. She could read the future right? Well then she might read this. Pretty girls aren't stupid, and they aren't all innocent either. Chelsey got what she wanted, and she wanted this.

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#, as written by Seraph

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Nick shook the hand that the girl in front of him offered him. “I’m Nick, Lets go.” Nick cast out with his mind, his contracting powers were unlike the powers of other students. By nature the holding area’s power canceling devices left him unaffected. His power came from others, with his contracting power binding it to him. Once the contract was made, its power followed him everywhere. But he didn't mention this to Blake. He was honestly incredibly scared. Things were happening too fast and he had no idea what was going on. Blake scared him because he knew blake's power and nothing could protect him from that. Nick had no combat ability except the gorilla's strength. Well, there was that thing, but he never let himself think of it for fear it would take him, when it came upon him, nothing stood in his way, no matter how damaged he was.

Nick ran towards the forest as Blake went the other way. "Hey Blake!" he shouted. "While you're getting your blade, see if you can find some thin silver alloy throwing knives! There's about thirty in a case, with tiny holes in the bottom of the handles. And at least one hundred feet of super thin silver alloy wire. Those are my tools i use them with my powers!" Nick really did, the pentagram stregthened contracts, and blood did too. but with the throwing knives with the holes he could thread the silver wire through and make a stronger pentagram, which had more protective power too.

Nick ran towards the forest, occasionally looking back to check that Chelsey was following. He kept running until he heard water, and ran towards that. He noticed the waterfall, and sighed with relief. He'd made it. Nick took off his high white boots with the black laces and stuck his toes in the water. This felt good. He felt himself relax. Now they just had to wait.

"Hey Chelsey, Isn't this nice to be out for a change?"

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Gypsy ran with the others, but suddenly stopped, her face going completely blank. She was inside the warden's office, Blake and he were standing by the desk having an argument, and a bad one. Then out of nowhere Blake wielded his sword and stabbed him in the gut. A piercing pain was suddenly shot in her stomach, but she stood her ground and watched as the warden went down, dieing.

She fell to the ground, seeing the others running into the distance, grabbing at her gut, when she looked down at her hand, it was covered blood. It seemed that this vision was stronger, she had sustained the same injury as the warden. She didn't know what stronger visions meant, only that often times whatever happened in the vision would happen to her. Then the next thought came to her, Blake. Blake was planning on killing the warden. Instead of running off towards the forest where the others were headed, she pushed off the ground and ran after Blake. Wearing no shoes she could easily run in the shadows without making a sound. When she saw him, he was on the other side of a what looked like a bomb field and there was no way she could get through without being seen. She took a deep breath and charged forward, ignoring the bullets as they whizzed by and the screams of "Freeze!"

Gypsy nearly ran into Blake as she got to him, and the temporary safe zone. "What are you thinking killing the warden?" she yelled at him over the sounds of guns. "Are you crazy?" though at this last comment she sounded as if she laughed a little and a smile spread across her face, she loved adventure especially crazy adventure.

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#, as written by Seraph
Blake, out of the corner of his eye spotted Nick and Chelsey fleeing for the northern quadrant--Gypsy on the other hand, was trying to out run the gunfire. She was doing a fair job til they stopped firing with small arms and went directly to light machine guns. Blake stepped out from hiding and held up his hands dispelling the electromagnetic field. The pellets went awry; spiraling out of control and changing various directions--striking walls and in some instances--people as well. They were misguided missiles striking randomly; biting into every surface.

"Are you crazy?" though at this last comment she sounded as if she laughed a little and a smile spread across her face, she loved adventure especially crazy adventure.

He was completely dumbfounded at this girl. "Are you crazy?!" He shouted over the gunfire. " Do you even have combat experience?" He questioned her, panting from the expenditure of his powers. He didn't have time to get an answer before he rushed around to the front of the set of stone stairs--grabbed the first of the Grenadiers. The man had fixed bayonets but also a full compliment of bullets to expend. However, despite this Blake reached out unexpectedly sooner than the soldier. Blake's movements were fluid, almost natural to watch like a panther striking but vicious. He held no restraint when he delivered a blow plainly across the man's sternum using the horizontal upbringing of his full forelimb to disastrous result for the soldier.

Blake didn't strike with just blood and bone, but with the electromagnetic field of the planet's pull--behind him. How flimsy the body was in comparison was something that could be seen as awe inspiring as the bones in the man's chest plate stiffened momentarily as though to brace for impact which made the result that much more brutal; recoiling the man's chest deflated, compressed by the compounding elements against him and lurched forwards momentarily releasing his hold on the weapon. Blake took full advantage, like a wolf bringing down a stag there was no mercy just cold, hard and calculated decisions. Blake swept the initial striking arm under the butt stock of the rifle--hand slamming the stock upwards busting the man's face; nasal cavity shattered and lips torn as the rifle suddenly pivoted landing upside down--Blake immediately lurched forwards himself piercing the Kevlar with the serrated six-inch combat knife.

He pried the rifle, leaving the knife still impaled. Tossing the firearm aside, Blake gripped the knife and disemboweled the guard by twisted the serrated back edge. Carmine fluid dripped in an endless cadence down the step as he tore the man from belly to gullet to retrieve the knife. Gripping the man's shoulder holster he pivoted the nearly dead corporeal silhouette to his right as a hail of gunfire erupted, using him as a meat shield. Despite despising firearms, Blake had no choice--he grabbed the side arm holstered along his ribcage and began to fire awkwardly towards the second suspect at the top of the balcony where he stood on the first landing of two sets of stairs forming an "L". One bullet grazed his thighs causing the man to buckle. This gave Blake just the opportunity that he needed.

Blake arched his arm back, tip of the blade pinched between his fingers. With a flick of his wrist the blade flung faster than a bullet driving the blade both through his clavicle The man recoiled and clenched his shoulder dropped his weapon and frantically grasped at the blade but his right arm had a severed tendon. Stalking his victim now, bright emerald green eyes cloistered from the shouts of pain, sheathed from his human compassion he ambled slowly towards his enemy. This was his job, what he had been taught all his life to do. he didn't know about compassion, nor love. All he knew was the hunt. Slowly Blake's fingers curled around the jagged bayonet, causing the man to scream in obvious pain before Blake's foot met with the knelt man's face kicking him backwards and retrieving his knife in one painfully efficient move. Looking around he kicked in the first door in and then ran down and would grab Gypsy and tug her forcibly along--reluctantly.

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Chelsey smiled but said,
"I get out more than you would think. It's actually pretty easy to sneak out."
She didn't mention that it was impossible for anybody BUT her, but he didn't need to know that. It was a need to know basis kind of thing. Don't tell to much personal things. The less people know the better. She knew about everyone else and they knew nothing about her, it was perfect. Kicking at some rocks she was about to ask him why he was with Blake but then heard gunshots and realized that Blake was in a hail of gunfire and Gypsy started running after him, right after what seemed like a vision. She was bleeding right after her little space out. Maybe she got hurt anytime people did in her visions.
She said to herself. No doing what she wanted without Blake, and possibly Gypsy too, as long as she didn't have a little vision. Could she use that injured thing against her? She would find a way.

Looking at one of the shooting men she sent a simple thought into his head, "Shoot your own," and he did. Then she grabbed Nick's hand and gave it a tug so he would look over at the scene, "Gypsy and Blake ran for the building!" She wondered what Nick's power was and suddenly just wanted him to take off his tiara. She had to many questions he might not answer or get suspicious when she asked. Giving a 'what do we do?' look she took another glance at the two to make sure they were ok.

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Blake kicked open a door at random and pulled Gypsy through. "Depends on your definition of combat," she said as she noticed that they had busted into a security room and two guards were inside. She unraveled her whip from around her hips and slashed it out at the two. There was a loud crack from it and the two guards were clutching their faces as there was now large gashed on their cheek. She whipped it again, coiling it's end around one of the guards necks and pulling him down so his head smacked against one of the panels, knocking him out instantly. The other seeing his partner on the ground, pulled his gun on them.

Gypsy whispered a small, "Oh no you don't," before throwing her whip at the gun. What happened next she didn't intend, the whip wrapped around the end of the gun that was closest to the man and when she yanked he pulled the trigger, ultimately shooting himself in the face. When all was silent, Gypsy wrapped the whip around her waist, once more disguising it as a belt.

"You see," she said closing the door, "I can take care of myself." She looked around at the aftermath, her face grim, a glint of guilt in her eyes. But it was gone when she looked back up at Blake, "So since I'm here and there really isn't anything you can do about it. Anything I can do to help, get your blade for example." At the mention of getting his blade she looked up at a vent then back at him.

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"Don't worry, Blake is strong, he'll be fine, once he has his blade, no one will stop him." Nick looked over the pool of water at the foot of the waterfall. "They won't think to look here, especially not with Blake clearly heading for the compound." Nick was dirty and tired and felt like crap. He wanted a shower. "Hey Chelsey do me a favor, and don't look over here for a while. I'm going to bathe." Nick didn't want her looking over. Nick tried to hide it, but he was incredibly self conscious and easily hurt, as a male, he did a really good job of being un-masculine. He ALSO didn't want her to see his "Devil's" wings.

Quickly he took off his clothes and jumped in the pool, rubbing out the dirt and grime from the previous activity. His hair wet, he checked that his tiara was still there as it should be, and then took it off his head to clean it.

Just as he was rinsing it in the water, a fish brushed by his leg and he flinched, dropping the tiara in the pool. Nick panicked and hurredly bent over to find it in the bottom of the pool.

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Chelsey did as he asked but when seh heard a clink of something like metal landing in water she glanced around. The tiara sunk to the bottom. But he went to find it under the water and she wondered if she could control a fishes thoughts. What did they even think? She tried to read it's mind and onnly heard glub glub glubs. She couldn't plant a human spoken thought into a fishes mind. It would work better on a dog. You can actually teach them English. While she had her chance she infiltrated his head and read as much as she could. Team, leader, escape, contracts, devil wings, it all came to her mind. But it was hard to read through all the, "Where's my tiara?" thoughts that made her start to get a headache from their intensity. All that for a tiara. What was a contract? She read farther in and managed to get what seemed like a migrane, but she could push through it. After all, this was better than pain at the college. Don't comply, you get hurt. When she found most of what she wanted and finally got to the point if she stayed in his mind she would either be noticed or started gasping in pain. She broke the connection and held in her breathe of relief. She was really tired now though and felt like she could use a good bath. Looking away she felt light headed. This was pushing her power, she hadly ever used it more than once a day and never pushed herself during tests to make it seem like she was utterly weak. How much did they really know about her powers and abilities? Maybe even Blake underestimated it. Man she was worn out. Slowly she sank to her knees, feeling that if she could just rest a little,

Chelsey fell asleep.

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Nick found his tiara after two minutes of searching frantically. "Thank goodness." He got out, shook himself dry, and put his clothes on. He looked over at Chelsey.

She was asleep. Nick frowned, "she could've picked a better place to sleep, perhaps with soft grass or something." Nick walked around until he found some softer ground, then picked her up and moved her there. "You're pretty." Nick said. Nick lay down next to her and closed his eyes. Nothing better to do until Blake got back.

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#, as written by Seraph
"You see," she said closing the door, "I can take care of myself." She looked around at the aftermath, her face grim, a glint of guilt in her eyes. But it was gone when she looked back up at Blake, "So since I'm here and there really isn't anything you can do about it. Anything I can do to help, get your blade for example." At the mention of getting his blade she looked up at a vent then back at him.

Blake had watched her mishap with a noted stare; eyes inching towards the teen as he slowly turned his head. His face, unlike her own was truly void of emotion. He would say something noting her obvious 'fluke' as it were and her evident reaction therefor. However, they had no time a third guard spun around the corner toting an LMG in hand. In a moments notice, Blake had shifted the gravity both around himself, his opponent, and Alessandra herself. They became feather-weighted while the man carrying the gun became lead. Dashing down the hall towards the man; one foot lifting to plant on the man's knee before vaulting Blake ever higher before his other foot stepped on the man's shoulder as though to scale him as though he were a wall.

Blake outstretched his arms before contorting back along his own ribs while one leg had lifted and summarily had burrowed his knee joint into the face of most certain death. The man's entire being rumple backwards, splitting the hard wood as his head was driven through the floorboards. This all would have happened in slow motion, and the final blow would have made reality come spiraling back very fast and ended with Blake knelt over another human carcass. It would appear he had no qualms about taking lives--especially if it were to protect something or someone.

Yet a glimmer of a fault in him, his hand had fractured the floor. Sheer weight perhaps? A portion of the splintered wood had pierced his palm in slivers. Yet, little blood had pooled where his furled fist was placed. Instead a shimmer,like metal shone to her eyes. He wouldn't have noticed it, as he didn't feel or recognize the pain from the adrenaline coursing in its totality. He looked back.

"Come," he said plainly a scowl on his countenance. " and bring that whip with you, we may need it to get my weapon--oh and that boys toy trinkets." He added as he started walking off looking both ways.

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Gypsy rolled her eyes, still a little shaken by the man's death. She knew three things right now, one was that she knew the vents better than anyone, two, she would get herself killed out there with or without Blane's help, and three, she didn't fully trust Blane even if she did see him kill the warden.

She watched as Blane left the room before throwing her whip up towards the vent and letting the caged lid crash to the ground. She threw her whip up again, climbing up it like a rope. Once in the vents she smiled and began to crawl. She knew where the room that they kept dangerous weapons in, and she knew how to get there through her secret crawling space. During one of her first attempts at escaping she had used her whip and caused severe pain to several guards so they had taken it away and put it with where she was going now. It took her two days to find the right combination of turns to find the room, but she made sure she never forgot.

It took her only a few minutes to get to the enclosed triple locked room and with no worries about being caught or bullets flying at her. It was simple and effective. She quietly pulled the caged lid out and set it on the side before dropping down. Once inside there was a sudden shift in the air, it seemed heavier. She walked over to the boxes that sat on some shelves, searching for Nick's knives. She opened box after box, not really knowing what she was looking for, but she had an idea. Once she opened one of the last boxes she knew almost immediately they were his. She closed the box and took it down, the box was heavier than she thought. She then looked around for Blake's sword. She found it right away standing out in the open and on display as if it were some work of art. She walked forward ready to grab it, but with every step the air seemed to get heavier. When she was right next to it, Gypsy found it was suddenly harder to just stand.

This freaked her out and so she backed away, back to Nick's knives. She knew she could climb back up with the box, but she suddenly got an idea. She set the box down and went over to the metal shelves that held the rest of the boxes. She worked her fingers in the small crack between the wall and began to pull it away. It was heavy and it wasn't easy at all, but eventually she got it to where she could squeeze in behind it. She leaned her back against the shelves, lifting her legs so that they were scrunched and began to push as hard as she could with her legs to try and knock the shelves over to use them like a ladder. But they must have been nailed to the ground because they wouldn't budge.

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"Can she tell what you're thinking?"
"I don't know I can't feel anything"
"What is he thinking Chelsey?"
She didn't say a word. She wouldn't say a word. Right now he was starting to think she was just being stubborn and knew, but it was starting to fade into the thought she couldn't read him. Of course she could read him, there was nothing she couldn't read or control for that matter. She would make them let her out of here if it wasn't for the fact that they were behind the one way glass and the man was behind her. They had her in a metal, uncomfortable chair that was attached to the floor and had her hands bound to it because of her recent tests. He thought he couldn't read her, he thought she was useless. He thought she was nothing. He was intolerant and stupid. He didn't know how to think right. He should let her see him so she could teach him these things.

A shock came in. She flexed her fingers a litle at the unexpected pain but did nothing more. The college was stupid everyone here was stupid. She had just gotten here and she hated it already. A man walked in right in front of her from behind the glass. She bet he shocked her. Trying to make him feel something much worse than a shock she tried to push pain into his mind, make him feel all they had done to her combined. But nothing happened. What? What was so different with him than the other man? She tried to read his thoughts, nothing. A panic rose in her because this had only happened a few times when the rich kids of her school would come around and occasionally she couldn't read them. But no all the time. He smiled and lifted his hand up to show the silver bracelet on his hand. She tried to enter again, this time looking at the bracelet and nothing happened. Why couldn't she read through silver? He pulled the shocking remote out of his hand and she watched him press the button and the pain set in.

Jolting up from the ground Chelsey woke up and looked at her wrists, they were free and she was on the ground outside. It was just a dream. Just a dream of the past. She remembered what was going on and wondered how she had fallen asleep in one of the best parts of her time here. Looking to the side of her she saw Nick and almost screamed since she didn't know he was there. Standing up she backed away from where she had been and where Nick was then looked out to where Gypsy and Seraph had went. The gaurds had all moved inside. She hoped they killed all of them. They should all die for this whole place. They deserved to and she wanted them to all experience what she had to go through when she went to her tests. The only thing she wondered about was Blake. He had tortured kids, her friends and all of a sudden was helping them escape, fully knowing what he was taking with him. It didn't make sense, but then again lots of things don't make sense.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nicky Rammsteiner
Character Portrait: Jasmine Smith


Character Portrait: Jasmine Smith
Jasmine Smith

You should really learn how to watch your back

Character Portrait: Nicky Rammsteiner
Nicky Rammsteiner

Wait, What's going on?


Character Portrait: Jasmine Smith
Jasmine Smith

You should really learn how to watch your back

Character Portrait: Nicky Rammsteiner
Nicky Rammsteiner

Wait, What's going on?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Nicky Rammsteiner
Nicky Rammsteiner

Wait, What's going on?

Character Portrait: Jasmine Smith
Jasmine Smith

You should really learn how to watch your back

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Save the world, but first, save yourselves: Out of Character


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Re: [OOC] Save the world, but first, save yourselves

So I am to play both--Gypsy and Blake then? To be clear.

Prince, you should notify mw if you want me to continue, I don't like using OOC boards. They mess up a lot with me and get chaotic on-top of that. lol

Re: [OOC] Save the world, but first, save yourselves

Okay i guess if Seraph could make the posts for Gypsy that would work

Re: [OOC] Save the world, but first, save yourselves

So finals are coming up and I just wanted to let you guys know I probably won't be on the computer all that much for the next two weeks. So if you need to I give you guys permission to just drag Gypsy along to help the story continue.

Re: [OOC] Save the world, but first, save yourselves

Fredalice and I have decided to have a Blake & Alessandra relationship. Nothing smutty, but rather cute and meaningful.

Re: [OOC] Save the world, but first, save yourselves

its like weapon of well as survival equipment etc. but not too heavy and not too bulky

Re: [OOC] Save the world, but first, save yourselves

Also what do you want us to put down for the "Equipment" part in our character profiles?

Re: [OOC] Save the world, but first, save yourselves

yes to both girl requests (Black beauty, brigitteanncastro)

Re: [OOC] Save the world, but first, save yourselves

Can I reserve a girl? I'll have her up by later XD

[OOC] Save the world, but first, save yourselves

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Save the world, but first, save yourselves"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.