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In a backwards society where talent in the Arts is considered more important than intelligence in anything else, people are starting to get disturbed. They're planning, they're getting angry. And where's there's anger, there's revolution.

884 readers have visited Sculptured since Spectrum created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



You're sitting in a grand auditorium, way in the back rows because these were the best seats your family could afford. Your mother and father are to the left of you and your siblings are to the right. Your eyes are planted firmly on the stage that doesn't seem too far away, the soft, red curtains pulled across the front to hide the activity in the back. This is your very first time going to a concert and you're so excited. You've been begging your parents to take you for months now. You've been tracking the dates and you even did various odd jobs to come up with the money for your own ticket. You are so excited.

Finally--the curtains open up with a flourish and you can see a woman standing center stage. Her flowing white dress drops down around her as if it's trying to cover her entire being. Her gorgeous bleach blond curls bounce well below her shoulders and reach towards her middle back, each curl with a mind of its own. Her eyes--oh her gorgeous eyes--are no harder to see from your position in the back of the auditorium than they would be if you were sitting in the very front row. They are two stunning blue orbs of light and just seeing her, even from a distance, gives you a sense of calm and joy.

Her name is Teralisa.

She is the biggest star of her time. Her talent is unmatched. She is truly...gifted. Her voice has been known to soothe a crying baby to sleep and cure a soldier of his sicknesses. As the lights dim, her mouth opens and the sweet melody that passes by her lips sends a shiver down your spine. You sink into your seat and close your eyes, enjoying the lyrics and the slow, smooth rhythm that is the grand and gorgeous Teralisa's voice.

However, something is off. Your eyes open and you slowly and carefully study the expression of the miss on the stage. You look to your left and to your right and realize those around you have their eyes firmly shut as they relax to the sound of the sultry tune she is singing. The entire auditorium full of people are listening and not watching. Just you. Your eyes are opened and planted on the woman that sits on her stool in the center of the stage, the woman with the beautiful curls and the bright eyes.

You can tell that she is unhappy. She is stiff and her hands haven't moved once from her lap. Although her voice carries on flawlessly, her eyes dart across the room. At first, you wonder if she's making sure she's got the attention of the crowd, but then you realize it's because she's afraid of something. She is the only person in the room who can not be calmed, and suddenly you no longer find her melody relaxing. You find it sad and longing and nearly pleading.

When she finishes, the crowd gathers to their feet and applaud. You stand with them, but you are no longer excited, and while your parents and siblings are smiling and tearing up, you have a frown on your face. This woman, this beautiful woman with a beautiful gift, is not happy. You are the only one to understand her.

And suddenly, that was the last you ever saw of the darling Teralisa.


You understand why Teralisa is sad. You are in the same position as she is. You are stuck in a backwards society where the studies that matter are the ones in the Arts. Intelligence is weighed by talent, and those who go off and do other things, like math and science, are considered to be wasting their lives way. It's not enough to simply have talent, however. Sure, if you're good at something, that's nice and all, but nobody really cares. It just makes you as average as the next girl or guy.

The ones the world really cares about are the Gifted. Those who are just born with their talents. The things they can do are amazing, whether they're gifted in playing an instrument, or dancing, or writing, or in some other form of art. Unfortunately, to be a Gifted is not as grand as it may seem. Those who are labeled as Gifted, usually discovered from a young age, are taken from their families and forced to entertain not just the world, but more specifically, the rich. They are paid to put on private performances or to make something for them, whether they are willing to or not. They do not get to choose the amount they are paid and they do not get to choose their work hours.

When the Gifted are not performing, they're put under strict conditions. They are forced to practice their abilities for most of their free time. They get two small meals a day to keep their mental and physical state working and they are rarely allowed to wander as they please. It's nearly the same as being a prisoner. They all stay in a large facilities, much like a school or a prison, usually mixed up randomly by their talents. When eating in the cafeterias, they are allowed to make small talk until their food breaks are over and then they must return to their practices.

There is a dangerous rumor going around about the start of a rebellious group known as the Nobodies. The Nobodies are supposedly a mix between the Gifted on the inside who want out and the average-talented on the outside who want to help the Gifted achieve this goal. The Nobodies believe that your talent should be your love and your life, not something you grow to hate.

Unfortunately, the King is beginning to catch wind of these rumors...and things are no longer going as planned.


It's a pretty basic, typical plot. It's pretty open, so it's up to you, as the roleplayer, to make things interesting. Feel free to add your own ideas to the whole thing. If you're worried about it effecting the roleplay too much, go ahead and send me a PM and run it by me and I'll let you know! The only think I ask is nothing too away from the central idea. Don't add any random zombies and neko girls into the mix "just because." Other than that, I want everyone to have fun!


Code: Select all
[u]insert characters song here[/u]
INSERT PICTURE HERE (anime only please!)
[i]insert quote here[/i]
[i]insert quote here[/i]
[color=#HEX CODE]Description[/color]: You all know what this is. Gimme at least 4 good paragraphs. If you don’t know what this is, look at the GM’s characters. But you should know what this is. Seriously.
[color=#HEX CODE]Clothing Style:[/color] At least a paragraph with 5 sentences. Not too hard, right? Something simple and to the point. Give me the facts here, not that flowery language. (no give me that it's pretty)
[color=#HEX CODE]Height and Weight[/color]: What’s your baby's dimensions? This is crucial information. Think long and hard about it. This is set in stone.
[i]insert quote here[/i]
[color=#HEX CODE]Name[/color]: A young character stands in front of you. Please give it a name. They would love a name. Give it to them. A good thought out name. A meaningful name you spend at least 10 minutes looking for on some baby name website.
[color=#HEX CODE]Nicknames[/color]: Optional. If your character does have a nickname, explain where it came from. Was it given to them by a childhood friend? A bully's taunting word(s) that just stuck like glue? Does your character love it, hate it? Do they respond to it, ignore it? Is it recent, been around for a while? Creativity always earns bonus points!
[color=#HEX CODE]Gender[/color]: You should know this one!
[color=#HEX CODE]Age[/color]: No older than 25, no younger than 15.
[color=#HEX CODE]Sexual Preference[/color]: Homosexual? Pansexual? Demisexual? Straight? Go off the walls with this guys. Anything your character's heart desires.
[color=#HEX CODE]Role[/color]: Are you Gifted? Or Average? Are you in the rebellion, a Nobody?
[color=#HEX CODE]Occupation[/color]: If you are Gifted, what does this character do? Actor? Singer? Stand up comedian? Gimme something good. If you aren’t gifted, well tell me what you do too. Teacher? Sales worker? Engineer? I want diverse answers. Nothing like the character that came before you.
[i]insert quote here[/i]
[color=#HEX CODE]Personality[/color]: I can write a good 5 paragraphs for this. I expect no less from you. Be DESCRIPTIVE and creative. No mary sue, gary lou, shenanigans going on. Gimme a character who looks evil and actually fights crime, I don’t know, but something that makes me think ‘wow I want you for this roleplay’ (PS, it doesn't actually have to be 5 paragraphs. At least 2 or 3, but we're looking for detail, description, and, most importantly, creativity).
[color=#HEX CODE]Likes[/color]: Give me at least 5. And with a cute little description under each one. Nothing long, just a few sentences (a few means 3 or MORE. And I like that more. The more the better. Unless you give me like 2 paragraphs for each one. No way, not reading THAT)
[color=#HEX CODE]Dislikes[/color]: Gimme 5. With descriptions. At least 3 sentences long. Just like the ‘likes’
[color=#HEX CODE]Fears[/color]: Ya getting the hang of this now? Well. 3. With descriptions of at least 5 sentences long (I want a little background on WHY they fear this.)
[color=#HEX CODE]History[/color]: OH GOD THE HARDEST PART EVER. Seriously. It is. I hate it. But. Just like the personality, give me at least THREE good, kickass paragraphs. If you are a non-gifted person in the rebellion, tell me how you got into it, why you felt it was important to be in it, and your life BEFORE you entered (not in this order). If you are gifted, tell me what you remember from before you were taken. Of how much you miss your family. How BADLY you are treated. How you hate everything your society is and you want to stop it.[/center]


**You can make the character sheet look however you want, but it has to contain all the information asked for. You may add extra stuff if you want to.

**If you're interested in joining this roleplay, please send the GM, Spectrum, a PM with a bit of a sample of your writing. We want good roleplayers, so we're going to more extremes to get them. The sample definitely doesn't have to be a novel or a story! In fact, we really don't want that. We just want some short thing, maybe 500 words or so, about 3 paragraphs. It doesn't have to be anything related to the RP or the character you want to use for this RP. It can be anything, just as long as we can get an idea. My Co-GM and I will review the sample and we'll let you know ASAP if you can make a character. Once you're told you can make a character, just choose which position you want!

**If you want a Gifted character, please tell us in the OOC or in a PM to me, Spectrum, what their talent is going to be BEFORE you make the character so we can make sure there isn't going to be two people with the same talent. For the "Average" characters, you're a bit more free. You can have whatever talent/job/etc you want. If you're making an "Average" character, you don't need to ask unless you feel you want to.


1 - reserved by Spectrum [artist]
2 - reserved by freakofnature [model]
3 - reserved by Chiaki Hamano [writer]

1 - reserved by OurStars
2 -
3 -


1) No god-modding.
2) Absolutely NO one-liners. This is a semi-literate to a literate roleplay. I require at least 500 words per post. I understand having bad days, though, so it’s acceptable to have less on occasion, but not every time.
3) Please try to reply every day or every other day. If you're going to be gone for a bit, let me know so I can try to slow down the RP for you so you don't get too lost and drop out. *If you're gone for five days without warning, I'll kill off your character.*
4) I want literacy. Don’t type “lyk dis.”
5) I will judge you by your character sheet/writing sample. If it's set up sloppily, illiterate, and hard to read, I will reject your character. If it looks like there was an attempt made, I will ask you to tweak a few things, but we're really asking for literacy and someone willing to stay with us! Please and thank you. ^^
6) This is a mature RP. That means there will be cursing and likely mentions of blood. That said, romance is encouraged, but keep it PG-15 (totally)—any more and take it to the PMs. (Immature mentions are also allowed!!)
7) Please try to keep things organized. I really dislike confusion and I'm sure others do as well. I have the right to kick you from the RP and you need to oblige to these rules. Otherwise, if you do follow these rules, we'll always be good here. ^^
8) You MUST submit a writing sample for review before making a character. Do NOT just make a character and submit it. Please and thank you. Multiple reservations are allowed. If more than one person reserves a position, then I will allow both people to submit a sample and choose the winner.
9) By asking to be a part of this roleplay, you are stating that you’re willing to stay and see it through to the end. Do not join and drop out somewhere along the way (unless your character is killed--by your request only). If you join, you stay. Otherwise, please don’t bother as it will only hinder the rest of us. Why make the effort for something you’re not going to be part of?
10) Now have fun~ <3


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Vibrant by Spectrum


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Re: Sculptured


Same goes for me as far as the writing sample goes; I can't send one via PM. I'm pretty sure it's my low post count though that's causing me trouble.

Is there another way to send one because this roleplay looks pretty awesome. (:

OH, HEY, I can send PMs now. (:

Re: Sculptured

Hello! I was interested in joining this roleplay, but when I try to compose a PM to send a writing sample, it won't let me. Is there another way to contact you to send in the sample?


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You may edit this first post as you see fit.