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Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless


Humans, Witches, Werewolves, and Vampires all surviving in a medieval-esque world thousands of years after a human war tore the world apart. Stories of their interactions and feats.

1,351 readers have visited Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless since leviathanIllustrator created it.


Thousands of years have passed since humanity nearly wiped itself out. Time seems to have been set back to simpler ages, before the time of even guns and canons. Dark creatures have risen from the ashes of the old world, among them Vampires, who have seized power as dominant predators, Werewolves, who are matched only by the Vampires in power, and Witches who have come out of the woodworks to both help and hinder the other races, as well as the Humans who struggle to survive in this new world of darkness.

Vampires are elegant, powerful, and dangerous. They are an ancient race that grew into power after the Human War ripped the earth apart, and are now the dominant predatory race. They are susceptible to things such as Holy Water, which will burn their skin and take some time to heal, Garlic, which can make them sick and/or naucious, fire, which will also burn them(duh), and can be harmed by weapons, but have a high healing rate, inhuman strength and speed(which varies depending on the specific Vampire and Vampire Family) and must drink Human Blood to survive. The best way to kill them is to harm them to the point that they are regenerating very slowly, sever their limbs and head from their bodies, and burn the pieces. Vampires are made when a Vampire drinks a Human's blood, and that Human, before dying or bleeding out, ingests in some way shape or form, the Vampire's blood. This can be accidental or on purpose. Vampires often suffer memory loss when they have just been turned, becaues by draining them of blood their Master has taken in their life force and memories. This is reversed when the Newborn drinks a small portion of it's master's blood. A Vampire master has little control beyond overall power over their offspring. They cannot reproduce sexually, and are also incapable of getting STDs. Vampires do retain souls when turned.

The Council of Vampire Elders(NPCs) - These are ancients who have been around since before the human war, who rose up to make sense and bring order to the new world. They do not tend to interfere with the other races, and tend only to make laws and handle severe emergencies within the Vampire community.
The Elder Noble Families(Playable) - These are Vampire familes that have been around for millenia, some since the founding of the new world order. They strive to keep order within their race and prevent them from wreking havoc.
Nobility(Playable) - These families think tend to develop God Complexes, they are old enough to be powerful, but young enough to be reckless and believe that they are better than all others, regardless of rank or race. They tend to rebel against the rules laid out by the Elders.
Craftsmen(Playable) - These are the Blacksmiths, the Carpenters, the Tailors, etcetera of the Vampire race. They are generally found in Vampire towns or traveling families or sometimes large family residences.
Commonfolk(Playable) - These are the average Vampires that make up towns and/or can be commonly found traveling.
Newborns(Playable) - These are the Vampires who have just been turned from Humans to Vampires. They are reckless, overly bloodthirsty, and extremely strong. Memory loss is common among Newborns, and these memories are often recovered through drinking a small portion of their "Master"'s blood.
Lost Ones(Playable) - These Vampires wander aimlessly, always seeming to be looking for something. They were left or abandoned by their Masters after being turned, and thus generally suffer permenant, or near permenant memory loss. They are rarely seen, as they often die without proper training as to how to survive.
The Forlorn(NPCs) - These are barely Vampires, as they have given in to their bloodlust, and become mindless beasts that attack anything with a heartbeat. They often used to be Lost Ones who could not learn to survive subtly and go mad from starvation.

Werewolves are tough, and filled with explosive amounts of power, whether in humanoid or wolf form. Their fur is thick, skin tough, and they are almost entirely made of muscle. They generally operate on four legs, but are capable of maneuvering in a bipedal manner, though they will always be faster on four legs. Fur patterns are allways natural and can be of any kind of wolf. Their humanoid forms are strong as well, though not quite as strong as the wolf form, with tough skin, and once again, they are mostly muscle, ranging from lean to beefy. They often travel in packs, and are highly susceptible to Silver, and less so to other materials, regardless of what form they take. Werewolves also have regenerative powers and extensive lifespans.One is turned into a Werewolf if they are bitten and survive. Werewolves are capable of sexual reproduction, but only with other werewolves, and are impervious to STDs.

Werewolf Elders(NPCs) - Ancient Werewolves with full mastry of their abilities. They are often found as Pack leaders. Though more numerous than the Vampire Elders, they are usually not nearly as old, or youthful. They do not always transform at the full moon. These werewolves are also capable of mental communication when in wolf form.
Mature(Playable) - These are Werewolves that have good control, they can chose to shift forms, and to shift back when they've shifted intentionally. However they are still forced to transform during the full moon, though they remain concious throughout the transformation. They are sometimes found as leaders of newly formed Packs.
Adolescents(Playable) - These Werewolves are starting to get the hang of using their powers. They can sometimes choose to transform or transform back, but are often not concious during transformations and still lose control on occasion. They are forced to transform by the full moon and often are not concious during these transformations.
Young Werewolves(Playable) - These are the Werewolves who survived being turned, and are now beginning to try to sort out their new powers. They have little to no control over when they transform or their actions while transformed.
Newborns(Playable) - These are the Werewolves that have just been turned. They transform often and with no control, and when transformed think of nothing but killing and devouring. Many werewolves don't make it past this stage.

Witches are mysterious folk, living either alone, on the outskirts of society and/or in small, tightly knit Covens. Most of their kind are female, though male Warloks exist. Witches work mostly through herbs and potions made from nature, rather than working magic, though they are capable of the latter, ranging anywhere from simple protective spells to full out dark magic and wicked power, depending on the specific witch. Witch's power is a gift from nature to a chosen few, seemingly at random, though their offspring will always be gifted with such power. Some Witches go power-mad, however, and are swiftly dealt with by other Witches and Covens. The exact nature of a Witch's power is always mysterious and varies per individual and coven. Witches are capable of sexual reproduction, and are impervious to STDs. It is said, though, that they sometimes create offspring with magic, or are gifted children from nature's power.

Coven Leaders(NPCs) - Witches and Warloks in charge of Covens. They are usually old and very powerful, and have a strong connection with nature.
Witches/Warloks(Playable) - Found in Covens or alone, all Witches and Warloks are raised to respect their kin.
Witches/Warloks Children(Playable) - The sons and daughters of Witches and Warloks. They will inherent their parents magical talents without a doubt, but it is up to them whether to use those powers, or return them to nature. Once magic is returned to nature it cannot be recovered, save by a gift from nature in a time of great need.

Humans are the same as they always have been, stubborn, greedy, cowardly, and brave. They are trying now, to survive in a world or beings much stronger than they are.

Nobility(Playable) - The wealthy and leading citizens of Human society. They range anywhere from arrogant lords to kind Mayors and anywere in between. The only real certianity with Human Nobility is that they are Wealthy and hold Leadership positions.
Wealthy Members of Society(Playable) - They may not be nobility, but they tend to act like it and pretend they are. These are the wealthy families who are often seen with the Nobility.
Craftsmen(Playable) - These are the Blacksmiths, the Carpenters, the Tailors, etcetera, for humans.
Commonfolk(Playable) - Commoners found living in towns or traveling.
Peasants(Playable) - The poor and homeless of society. They are often preyed upon by traveling Vampires and mistreated by many of their fellow humans.
Vampire's Servants(Playable) - Some humans find it better to form agreements with the Vampires. They give their blood and serve the Vampire's whims, and in return the Vampires don't kill them and provide protection.

These are all races that are non-playable and also rarely seen, with the exception of the rather common Spirits.

These are souls of the dead who remain behind for various reasons. Some are vengeful, some have unfinished business, and some simply do not wish to leave.
Nymphs are playful forest and water spirits who often help or hinder travelers, depending on how they are treated. Sometimes in foresters one will find shrines where Nymphs live, and can leave offerings, to appease the creatures and make them more likely to help.
Hellhounds are vicious creatures who devour souls. Hellhounds prey both on living people and spirits. Seeing a Hellhound is a surefire that someone will die soon.
Screaming spirits of women, Banshees are said to scare the life out of humans. Banshees are said to bring bad luck if you see them, and death to you or a loved one if heard.
Merfolk are mysterious amphibious creatures that live in the lakes and rivers of the new world. Whether they only came into being after the war or were there all along is unknown. They live in palace-like underwater communities and have their own sequence of nobility and ranking. (If you speak to the moderator there is a chance that a Merfolk playable character is possible but this is very seldom and being a Merfolk will not make you a special snowflake, it is not an excuse to make a Mary Sue.)

These are creatures whose existence is not guaranteed. Humans believe in them, though, and often attempt to appease them by leaving out milk or tossing coins over bridges.

Fae are mysterious creatures known for mischief. Humans often leave dishes of milk out to please the Fae and gain their favor. Witches are said to commune with Fae when speaking to nature, and revere them.
Goblins are said to live in forests and under rocks, making the forest more dangerous than it already is.
Trolls are said to live under bridges. Humans will often pay a “toll” by tossing a few coins over the side of a bridge so as not to anger the Troll for use of its home.

Toggle Rules


2. No god-modding

3. Characters are not allowed to be hybrid species. Cannot stress this enough.

4. Characters must have time-period appropriate names.

5. Please no Eastern/Asian themed characters. They are great, but out of place(this is in Canada afterall).

6. There will be blood and violence in this RP, and possibly sexual content. However Please keep it non-explicit.

7. No Lolita's. Seriously. No Lolis. That is not to say that young female characters aren't allowed, but absolutely do not describe your character as a Lolita or as having Lolita-style clothing.

8. You can use drawings/cartoons for your image as long as they're somewhat realistic and it isn't overly obvious that they're in an anime style. Like, no eyes half the size of the head type deal. The more realistic the better.

9. You must start with one character, but can later move up to a maximum of three over time.


Seriously Please read these.

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in

Lilion Forest

Lilion Forest by leviathanIllustrator

A mysterious forest believed by humans to be haunted. It is covered in strange white roses that never wilt or decay, and bloom even in the winter. These roses are believed to drain the life force of anyone foolish enough to go near them.

Lilion Mansion

Lilion Mansion by leviathanIllustrator

The Lilion mansion in the heart of the forest, is the residence of Labelle Lilion, and many of the vampires and servants under her care. It is covered in the same deadly white flowers as her forest, though those that live there know that they are dormant.

Albany Forest

Albany Forest by leviathanIllustrator

A large forest surrounding New Fort Albany, that, like all forests in this world, grows dangerous at nighttime. Home to many nessecary plants and animals for the humans who live there.

New Fort Albany

New Fort Albany by leviathanIllustrator

A small, sturdy town, with thick walls made to keep out vampires and werewolves. One of the few safe havens for humans for miles.

Fort Albany Library

Fort Albany Library by leviathanIllustrator

A quiet place of knowledge in a small busy town. Full of books of all kinds.

The Far North

The Far North by leviathanIllustrator

The frozen places near the arctic circle.

Decibal's Cave

Decibal's Cave by leviathanIllustrator

The small, humble cave that the werewolf Decibal has made his home in.

Bathory Estate

Bathory Estate by leviathanIllustrator

A dark and foreboding estate, home to the Bathory Vampire Family.

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Lilion Forest

Lilion Forest by leviathanIllustrator

A mysterious forest believed by humans to be haunted. It is covered in strange white roses that never wilt or decay, and bloom even in the winter. These roses are believed to drain the life force of anyone foolish enough to go near them.

Lilion Mansion

Lilion Mansion by leviathanIllustrator

The Lilion mansion in the heart of the forest, is the residence of Labelle Lilion, and many of the vampires and servants under her care. It is covered in the same deadly white flowers as her forest, though those that live there know that they are dormant.

Albany Forest

Albany Forest by leviathanIllustrator

A large forest surrounding New Fort Albany, that, like all forests in this world, grows dangerous at nighttime. Home to many nessecary plants and animals for the humans who live there.

New Fort Albany

New Fort Albany by leviathanIllustrator

A small, sturdy town, with thick walls made to keep out vampires and werewolves. One of the few safe havens for humans for miles.

Fort Albany Library

Fort Albany Library by leviathanIllustrator

A quiet place of knowledge in a small busy town. Full of books of all kinds.

The Far North

The Far North by leviathanIllustrator

The frozen places near the arctic circle.

Decibal's Cave

Decibal's Cave by leviathanIllustrator

The small, humble cave that the werewolf Decibal has made his home in.

Bathory Estate

Bathory Estate by leviathanIllustrator

A dark and foreboding estate, home to the Bathory Vampire Family.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Anastasie Romaneus
Character Portrait: MA Le Devou
Character Portrait: Labelle A. Lilion
Character Portrait: Decibal Agnarson
Character Portrait: Oliver Lorence
Character Portrait: Cerberus Merlo
Character Portrait: Dagon Bathory
Character Portrait: Adahy Algonquian


Character Portrait: Adahy Algonquian
Adahy Algonquian

Adahy is a native american traveler. She is a werewolf. She used to be in a pack but after a series of unfortunate events she was told to leave. She now travels looking for someone to accept her as a person and not as a curse.

Character Portrait: Dagon Bathory
Dagon Bathory

A once famous general now a notorious vampyre

Character Portrait: Cerberus Merlo
Cerberus Merlo

Warlok whose first grap for air drew the heated breath of a hellhound into his lungs. Not good in any direct combat. Resents vampires but lives under their protection, loyal to his coven.

Character Portrait: Oliver Lorence
Oliver Lorence

Oliver is a rather unlucky human born in a harsh world that takes more than it gives. While he is only a human, his knowledge of otherworldly beings gives him a very slight yet helpful advantage some of the time.

Character Portrait: Decibal Agnarson
Decibal Agnarson

Decibal is a blind werewolf with a sweet temperment trying to atone for his past mistakes. He is searching for a family that will accept him.

Character Portrait: Labelle A. Lilion
Labelle A. Lilion

Lebelle is the present leader of the elder Lilion noble family. She is 800 years old. She is from France but left there to come to Canada to help and protect her fellow Vampires. Is kind and polite. She is known by others as the Lady of the White Rose.

Character Portrait: MA Le Devou
MA Le Devou

A witch who was separated from her Coven/Bloodline at a young age and was then raised partially by a vampire before the world collapsed. She is neutral to all races and remains solitary at the moment.

Character Portrait: Anastasie Romaneus
Anastasie Romaneus

Anastasie is only trying to survive in her somewhat miserable existence, but will do nearly anything for the chance of recovering her memories, and finding the Vampire who turned her.


Character Portrait: Dagon Bathory
Dagon Bathory

A once famous general now a notorious vampyre

Character Portrait: Cerberus Merlo
Cerberus Merlo

Warlok whose first grap for air drew the heated breath of a hellhound into his lungs. Not good in any direct combat. Resents vampires but lives under their protection, loyal to his coven.

Character Portrait: MA Le Devou
MA Le Devou

A witch who was separated from her Coven/Bloodline at a young age and was then raised partially by a vampire before the world collapsed. She is neutral to all races and remains solitary at the moment.

Character Portrait: Adahy Algonquian
Adahy Algonquian

Adahy is a native american traveler. She is a werewolf. She used to be in a pack but after a series of unfortunate events she was told to leave. She now travels looking for someone to accept her as a person and not as a curse.

Character Portrait: Oliver Lorence
Oliver Lorence

Oliver is a rather unlucky human born in a harsh world that takes more than it gives. While he is only a human, his knowledge of otherworldly beings gives him a very slight yet helpful advantage some of the time.

Character Portrait: Labelle A. Lilion
Labelle A. Lilion

Lebelle is the present leader of the elder Lilion noble family. She is 800 years old. She is from France but left there to come to Canada to help and protect her fellow Vampires. Is kind and polite. She is known by others as the Lady of the White Rose.

Character Portrait: Anastasie Romaneus
Anastasie Romaneus

Anastasie is only trying to survive in her somewhat miserable existence, but will do nearly anything for the chance of recovering her memories, and finding the Vampire who turned her.

Character Portrait: Decibal Agnarson
Decibal Agnarson

Decibal is a blind werewolf with a sweet temperment trying to atone for his past mistakes. He is searching for a family that will accept him.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Labelle A. Lilion
Labelle A. Lilion

Lebelle is the present leader of the elder Lilion noble family. She is 800 years old. She is from France but left there to come to Canada to help and protect her fellow Vampires. Is kind and polite. She is known by others as the Lady of the White Rose.

Character Portrait: Anastasie Romaneus
Anastasie Romaneus

Anastasie is only trying to survive in her somewhat miserable existence, but will do nearly anything for the chance of recovering her memories, and finding the Vampire who turned her.

Character Portrait: Oliver Lorence
Oliver Lorence

Oliver is a rather unlucky human born in a harsh world that takes more than it gives. While he is only a human, his knowledge of otherworldly beings gives him a very slight yet helpful advantage some of the time.

Character Portrait: Dagon Bathory
Dagon Bathory

A once famous general now a notorious vampyre

Character Portrait: MA Le Devou
MA Le Devou

A witch who was separated from her Coven/Bloodline at a young age and was then raised partially by a vampire before the world collapsed. She is neutral to all races and remains solitary at the moment.

Character Portrait: Decibal Agnarson
Decibal Agnarson

Decibal is a blind werewolf with a sweet temperment trying to atone for his past mistakes. He is searching for a family that will accept him.

Character Portrait: Cerberus Merlo
Cerberus Merlo

Warlok whose first grap for air drew the heated breath of a hellhound into his lungs. Not good in any direct combat. Resents vampires but lives under their protection, loyal to his coven.

Character Portrait: Adahy Algonquian
Adahy Algonquian

Adahy is a native american traveler. She is a werewolf. She used to be in a pack but after a series of unfortunate events she was told to leave. She now travels looking for someone to accept her as a person and not as a curse.

View All » Places

Lilion Forest

Lilion Forest by leviathanIllustrator

A mysterious forest believed by humans to be haunted. It is covered in strange white roses that never wilt or decay, and bloom even in the winter. These roses are believed to drain the life force of anyone foolish enough to go near them.

Lilion Mansion

Lilion Mansion by leviathanIllustrator

The Lilion mansion in the heart of the forest, is the residence of Labelle Lilion, and many of the vampires and servants under her care. It is covered in the same deadly white flowers as her forest, though those that live there know that they are dormant.

Albany Forest

Albany Forest by leviathanIllustrator

A large forest surrounding New Fort Albany, that, like all forests in this world, grows dangerous at nighttime. Home to many nessecary plants and animals for the humans who live there.

New Fort Albany

New Fort Albany by leviathanIllustrator

A small, sturdy town, with thick walls made to keep out vampires and werewolves. One of the few safe havens for humans for miles.

Fort Albany Library

Fort Albany Library by leviathanIllustrator

A quiet place of knowledge in a small busy town. Full of books of all kinds.

The Far North

The Far North by leviathanIllustrator

The frozen places near the arctic circle.

Decibal's Cave

Decibal's Cave by leviathanIllustrator

The small, humble cave that the werewolf Decibal has made his home in.

Bathory Estate

Bathory Estate by leviathanIllustrator

A dark and foreboding estate, home to the Bathory Vampire Family.

Decibal's Cave

The small, humble cave that the werewolf Decibal has made his home in.

Bathory Estate

A dark and foreboding estate, home to the Bathory Vampire Family.

Fort Albany Library

A quiet place of knowledge in a small busy town. Full of books of all kinds.

New Fort Albany

A small, sturdy town, with thick walls made to keep out vampires and werewolves. One of the few safe havens for humans for miles.

Lilion Forest

A mysterious forest believed by humans to be haunted. It is covered in strange white roses that never wilt or decay, and bloom even in the winter. These roses are believed to drain the life force of anyone foolish enough to go near them.

Lilion Mansion

The Lilion mansion in the heart of the forest, is the residence of Labelle Lilion, and many of the vampires and servants under her care. It is covered in the same deadly white flowers as her forest, though those that live there know that they are dormant.

Albany Forest

A large forest surrounding New Fort Albany, that, like all forests in this world, grows dangerous at nighttime. Home to many nessecary plants and animals for the humans who live there.

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Re: Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

Cabin in the woods it definitely enough, And I wanted to really leave it open ended as to what each character's goal is, so that everyone can really decide what they want to do themselves, and it gives a lot of freedom. The goal was to allow for a lot of character development and whatnot. ^_^;

Re: Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

Its no problem at all :)
I am working on a character sheet right now, but I was curious as to the locations. From my understanding (from what I read in the Intro) the setting is somewhat medieval in Canada correct? Is there a specific place there or if we live in a cabin in the woods can we simply put that?
Also, what are the main goals of our characters? I was re-reading the intro and noticed you have everything except what our characters should be working towards. Is it simply survival?

Re: Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

Okay, cool! Thanks so much for being interested too! Can't wait to RP with you!

Re: Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

Thank you so much and its ok no problem at all. I was just worried about asking too many questions. I think you are doing a great job so don't worry :)
I should have a character up sometime tonight or possibly sometime tomorrow. It kinda depends on how fussy my daughter is going to be today lol

Re: Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

I just posted a character sheet under the first post, here it is:
Social standing/Rank:
Family/Pack/Coven(If non-human):
Location of Origin:
Languages Spoken/written:

(I figured I'd make a post so it would be easy to find. ^_^;)
A solitary witch would have the potential to be anywhere between 13 and 300, I'd say, because they age a a very slowed rate compared to humans.

As far as witches seeing Fae... That isn't something I'd considered, but a very valid idea, so I'm going to go with yes, most witches can see/commune with the Fae because the Fae are technically spirits of nature!
Thanks for being so patient with me, I'm pretty new at this. ^_^;

Re: Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

Alright thank you so much. I do have a few more questions.
1. Age range- how do witches age in this and what age range that you are wanting for a Solitary Witch?
2. Do you have a character sheet you want us to use?
3. In the Mythical Creators section under Fey, it has that humans believe in them and thats it. I was wondering about witches. Being creatures of the elements, like the Fey are, it would be interesting if some Witches could see or interact with the Fey. Just a thought :)

Re: Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

I'm really glad you asked so many questions! It tells me what I need to work on! As far as images go I actually just answered a question on this with "You can use drawings/cartoons as long as they're somewhat realistic and it isn't overly obvious that they're in an anime style. Like, no eyes half the size of the head type deal. The more realistic the better." And as far as witches are concerned, some of them stick with just basic herbs and healing and whatnot, many range into protective magics, and some do go into dark magic. It really all depends on the specific character. There is something of an unspoken treaty/truce between the races, though the witches are completely neutral, vampires are technically the dominant race, and tend to look down on werewolves and humans. Humans fear the other three races, but will sometimes interact in a friendly manner with the witches in order to garner their favor and/or protection from vampires and werewolves. Werewolves tend to keep entirely to themselves, save for a few grudge matches with various vampire families with specific packs.

Re: Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

You can use drawings/cartoons as long as they're somewhat realistic and it isn't overly obvious that they're in an anime style. Like, no eyes half the size of the head type deal. The more realistic the better. Thanks for asking!

Re: Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

Would you like us to use real images or anime?

Re: Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

I would love to join this!! I was wondering if you had a little more information about the Witches though. I was wondering the extent of their power and if they are limited ONLY to potions created from herbs (which would be basic healing, prosperity, etc. potions) or are they capable of doing protective or even dark magic with sigils and such.
Another question, how to the Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches interact? Do they generally get along? Are they generally at war? Does any race try to help humans out?
Last question I was wondering is do you have a certain character sheet you would like us to use. Images? What are your preferences, if you even allow us to use them.
Sorry for all the questions, but I thought I would ask so I know.

Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless

Character Sheet for "Sonata of Eons: Age of the Ageless"

I'd really appreciate it if the following character sheet could be filled out for all character applications, that way any important details are covered! If you have any questions or concerns with the character sheet then feel free to ask the mod either in the OoC area or via private message. If your character starts a human and then is later turned to another race then please update the character sheet so people can keep updated on your character too! If you have any more questions please feel free to ask!

Social standing/Rank:
Family/Pack/Coven(If non-human):
Location of Origin:
Languages Spoken/written: