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Star City Chronicles

Star City Chronicles


Star City Chronicles or SCC for short is a futuristic rpg where the player can become their character.

1,837 readers have visited Star City Chronicles since DarkPhoenix created it.


Gm: DarkPhoenix, Co-Gm: Talisman

Tamer Wars is the sequel to SCC and reading the introduction may help you to understand a few things about SCC.

Tamer Wars

Theme song- The Longest Mile

The year is 2120, it has been 15 years since the behemoth gaming company known as Northern Wind came up with their popular game Tamer Wars. After the huge success that was Tamer Wars Northern Wind needed something new a fresh, they wanted something that could be popular like Tamer Wars, it needed to be innovative and fun. That was when the idea of using technology created for Tamer Wars in a new setting. From this idea Star City Chronicles or SCC was born, Northern wind's new game SCC, was a fantasy Rpg, however unlike most Rpgs that it was based off of SCC set itself apart by its none virtual setting. SCC was all real, the monsters, the heroes, the villains anything and everything about SCC was real. A lot of people were concerned about this fact, much like they were with Tamer wars. However, the mind of the people were put at ease when it was revealed the armor system that protected players in Tamer Wars was getting a complete overhaul. The armor was now going to be stronger and cybernetic allowing players to become stronger and faster.

It was then revealed that Star City was to become the setting of this new game, Star City was always the home of Northern Wind making it the perfect place for the game, however because of this Star City had to be evacuated, the citizens were moved to Neo-Star City, a city built just for residents of old Star City. Its layout matched old Star city exactly, the two cites were separated by a long bridge that crossed the lake. This bridge was where the express train would carry players from the train station in Neo-Star city to the battleground Star City.

When the game was finally completed and Old Star City had been remodeled to make the city into the perfect battleground. Northern Wind opened the city to players and it became an instant success, people from all over the world came to play this game. SCC, found a way to improve on the ideals of Tamer Wars something most thought couldn't be done. Critics praised Northern Wind's originality and players fell in love with the style and setting. It has now been six months since SCC began and a flux of new players are about to experience life within the world of SCC.


The main plot of the story revolves around the new players in this game, this will be a story where everyone is a main character. The way your character turns out is completely up to you, sure there will be some plot twists and characters I might throw at you to make things interesting, however you control the outcome, you get to become your character and you can shape their story however you wish.


Our main setting is old Star City, it has been remodeled to give it the feeling of being a true fantasy setting however it still retains some of its modern features such as electrical lighting. I will go into detail on the areas of Star City in another section. Another setting is Neo-Star City, it is where all the residents of the old Star City moved to. Neo-Star city. Star city was given its name because the advertisements and buildings that litter the city are so bright that you can not see the stars, so artificial stars have been created.

Information about Star City Chronicles

Star City Chronicles is a fantasy game, it places players in the role of their character meaning. If a player wants to be a knight they can become a knight and fight in wars. If they want to be a merchant they can travel through out Star City and set up shop. SCC is a game where players can do whatever they have dreamed of.

Life in Star City
SCC can become a second life for players, that is what the game was created for. Players can live in Star City, they can make money, and even fight each other in the middle of the street.

Battlegrounds are areas where monsters run free, some even make villages. In these areas players can battle monsters and grow stronger, every battleground is different and they go from being small patches of land to vast prairies and deserts. The monsters in each battleground are different and they grow stronger as players visit newer and larger battlegrounds.


within Star City there are dozens of towns and villages, players can become citizens of these places and buy homes and merchants can set up shops. Towns are also places where adventurers can find the mission boards, which is the place people put jobs and quests they want players to do for them.


Parties are a group of players who all have a common interest. Parties can be as small as two players or as large as sixteen players.

In SCC, classes are the most important thing. Classes define the character, depending on which Class a player chooses they may be doing something completely different than another player.

Melee type- Melee classes are characters that like to fight close range.

Samurai-Warriors, who have mastered the art of the sword fighting.

Spartan- Warriors, best known for their large shields and fighting prowess.

Viking- Best known for their brutal fighting style and deadly ax skills

Martial artist- fighters who use their arms and legs as weapons.

Berserker- A warrior who some say are in a class of their own, Berserkers have unmatched strength. However they lack the agility that would make them near unstoppable.

Range type- Range classes are those who would rather take their enemies out from afar.

Archer- Users of bows and crossbows, they are masters of ranged fighting

Scout- users of revolvers, they are agile rangers who can fight from mid and long range combat.

Sniper- users of single shot rifles, they are expert marksmen.

Magic type- magic classes use magic to devastate their enemies from mid/long range

Elementalist- users of the elements(water,fire,earth,air,lightning,dark, and light)

Shaman- users of spirits and charms.

Summoner- Users of monster and demons.

Vampire- Users of blood magic and curses

Support type – Support classes are those who help others in their own way

Priest- Healers, they heal the sick and injured and they can make others stronger(buffing)

Puppeteer- Users of dolls and controlling magic, they are tamers of monsters.

Necromancers- Dark versions of priests, they can raise the dead, control the dead, and weaken their enemies.

Stealth type- Users of agility and under handed tactics

Thief- Dagger users who can also poison their victims

Ninja- Users of a variety of weapons, best known for their smoke bombs.

Engineer type- Engineering class, use weapons they have created to defeat their enemies.

Mechanic- User of machines

Alchemist- Users of science

Hybrid type- Hybrid classes are those who use more than one type, but are considered weaker than a pure type of whatever they use.

Assassin- User of stealth and range type skills.

Death knight- User of melee and magic type skills.

Templar- User of melee and magic type skills.

Musketeer- User of melee and range type skills.

Monk- User of melee and support type skills.


The job system will be explained in further detail, right now this is just the basic info.

Merchant- Those who sell items to other players, some of the best Merchants are travelers.

Tailor – Those who make clothing for other players, most Tailors work closely with Merchants

Blacksmith- Those who create weapons and armor for other players.


Demons are pets created for Tamer Wars, they are allowed in SCC, however players are allowed to bring along only one demon. This rule does not apply to classes who use their demons to fight. Classes that do use demons are allowed only three demons at a time.

Skill level

As a player progresses through the world of SCC their skill level will grow, the ways in which players grow vary depending on which path they go down. growth will be explained in greater detail at a later time.



Guilds are groups where players with a common interest join together, much like parties. However in SCC most guilds have a bigger role, to keep things running smoothly some guilds have become Organizations, this means the guild has a set job that Northern Wind assigned to them.

Known Organizations

Merchants guild- They keep the trade market going, they send merchants to different villages to make sure players are well supplied and they keep gaining money.

Templar guild- They are the police of SCC, they are run by Northern Wind, however players are welcome to join the guild. The Templar guild is open to only Priest,Monk, and Templar classes.

King's knights- Knights of the king, they welcome anyone who wishes to be a member of the King's army.

King's Dogs- a elite group hand picked by the king himself, they are the hand of the king and do his bidding.

Adventurers Guild- A guild for those who are thrill seekers, if you are a player who loves to fight monsters, explore dungeons, and have a good time the adventurers guild is the place for you.


Skills are a list of Abilities each class has, like a mage's magic or a swordsman's attacks. Every player is unique meaning they each have a different set of attacks, however the base of their skills are all the same meaning an Elementalist will always use elemental attacks and a Spartan will always use their shield.

Welcome to Star City


Character Sheet

Skill level:
Equipment/inventory: (New players will get their items when the rp starts.)
Skills: (new players start off with one skill)

Demon- (only 1 if your class doesn't use demons.)
Battle level:

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Taking place in...

Star City our primary setting

Star City, a fictional city where advertisements and lights are so bright the stars can't be seen. The only Stars here are artificial.

Star City

Star City by DarkPhoenix

Star City, a fictional city where advertisements and lights are so bright the stars can't be seen. The only Stars here are artificial.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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#, as written by Byte
Enzo and Bracia. Plain and simple, Ceci could remember easy names like that. Though, they way the male had introduced his companion, made it sound as if the two did not get along too well. They did argue with each other frequently it seemed. Even now, they weren't completely agreeing with one another. Or maybe it was just random bickering. You know, that kind of bickering you do just for the entertainment it gives others around you.

Upon preparing for her turn to introduce herself, and her sister. Enzo had already started moving, looking around the fragile building. It wasn't anything too special. Wood and straw, and some random interior for any basic home. A goblin's home that is.

Out of curiosity, Ceci followed the man and the cat with her eyes. What were they up to? Perhaps they were hoping to find another exit? Or maybe a good viewpoint of the current situation outside? Whatever the reason, the Chimera had walked over to them once more. Though still keeping a fair bit of distance between her and Enzo.

After some observing, Ceci got herself distracted by the sound of gnawing. Bracia appeared to have found something of interest. A hatch leading to some sort of underground tunnel. The Chimera turned her head. Calling for her tamer as she to, made her way downwards.

Fera shook her head, her face showing no other emotion then a neutral, bored expression. What was it with Ceci and being less shy around strangers the usual? No matter how long the woman knew the Chimera, something always seemed to change with the beast. Whether that was good or bad, it was just damned annoying. Have some consistency, and stay the way you always were? That'd help a lot.

Without any delay, Fera stored the remaining vials back in their respective place. Closing the alchemy-kit as she clipped it back on her belt. So far, this partnership has been going fairly well. They teamed up, and no questions were asked. That was, anyway, until Ceci began to prod the other two for some information. Fera too, had heard their names. And stored them in her memory. Not that she was going to call them by name, or anything.

Having made her way down as well, Fera began to prod her PDA. Hoping to find some sort of compass, thing-ma-jiggy to help them on their way. Hey, you never know if these catacombs would turn out to be a large, underground labyrinth. Not long after having growled at the device, for not being able to do as it was told. It happened. What was just a silent partnership, was now turning into a question-round group.

Fera stared at Ceci with her cold, black eyes. Obviously noting that the Chimera could have the honour of introducing them. Why did something so simple, have to turn out complicated? They did not need their names to function correctly, right? Usefulness isn't determined by knowing someone's name, it is determined by knowing how to do your job.

The Chimera lowered her head slightly as she felt the cold stare of her tamer. “I-I'm Ceci. A-and the silent person behind me, i-is my sister, F-fera.” Fera just shrugged faintly, noting the torches that lit the place. If this tunnel would lead directly to their target, she'd have to remember bringing a torch with her. Could prove useful for a certain vial...

After a long moment of silence, Ceci began asking more questions. She knew Fera hated when she did that, but as curious as the Chimera was... “S-so, why are you in S-star City...?”, “Ceci!” Fera's voice cutting through the Chimera's question, as the creature lowered her head once more. Returning to walk beside her tamer. “Don't bother them with questions...” Was all the red-haired woman said, making Ceci lower on all four of her legs as she almost, literally tried to dig her head into the ground. “Sorry, Sis. I-I just wanted to know a few b-bits about them.”

Fera patted the Chimera's head, the beast gently turning her head closer to her tamer. Hey, Ceci can speak and act like a human. But she is still a mixture of multiple creatures. ”Just don't bother them, okay.” Fera whispered to her companion. The Chimera just nodding in agreement, just walking a few inches in front of Fera.


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- Mysterious gusts of wind danced about the landscape, ravaging the land surrounding the two, bringing up with it large plumes of dust and other debris, the thickness of the screen was so that neither Morien or Sir Pollywog could make out a clear visual path, the initial reaction from the two was to shield their eyes for the incomming whirlwinds, Morien managed to lend his back toward toward his demon partner, forming a back-to-back stance. However their efforts at mounting a defense mattered little, the two were soon whisked off by a strong passing wind, Morien and Pollywog losing consciousness soonafter, awakening from what felt like a brief lapse, Morien immediately commenting on the strange formation of shadows circling above, "What's with those shadows? It can't be... Sir Pollywog wake up before...Sir Pollywog? Morien mentioning his name in a questioning tone, glancing about, scanning around briefly before turning his gaze toward the direction of one of the scavenger birds that had en, nestled neat in its talon was no other than Sir Pollywog himself, he seemed unharmed ,though still unconscious.

"Don't worry, I'm coming buddy" There were four birds in all, although monstrous in size they were still relatively low off the ground. Morien raised his sword to the sky, calling forth a lightning enchantment, a bolt coursed from his blade, generating a lightning attribute, starting off in a trot toward the bird, build up momentum with each well timed bounce, he then launched himself directly into the carrion's path blade raised, bring his sword forth in a diagonal fashion, a crest of lightning colliding with the birds wingspan and underbelly, the bird instinctively releasing sir pollwog from its grip who fell into a dune patch below. Morien grabbing ahold of the bird's wingspan, pullling himself up onto its back, running along its spine he leaped from the falling bird sword raised to fell another bird which flew nearby, Morien dropping down to Sir Pollywog's level who managed to stir from slumber.

Young master, I hadth a rather pecuilar dream of ascending thine skies like a bird , can thou art believe? So I see it twas not a dream at all. Pollywog readied himself into a stance, sword raised, with one remarkable leap, he skewered cleanly through one of the birds, one bird remained. He then released his tongue at full length, extending it towards the direction of the last bird, it wrapped around the avian, he used the enhanced muscles of his tongue to bring down the bird from its flight path, Morien following up holding his sword in the direction of the bird, the lightning enchanced blade passing through the bird with ease, all four birds felled, followed by the usual victory fare and spoil allocation, this time the reward was 35 coins, 4 skill points. Combined with his other spoils combined for a total of 55 coins in all.

He checked his PDA realizing that they completed the parameters of his quest. "So, why don't we go back to the quest board, shall we?"
-Returning to the boards, he decided that he should sign up for the following quests "Goblin King, Kill the Pack Leader and Berserker" but which to choose first?


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-Being alerted by an digital sound effect, the source of the noise digital originating from his PDA, turning his attention to his PDA, he configured the message system to read, the following message read as an invitation to a quest featured in goblinville, the return from the message was left blank, he thought it strange that the identity of the sender was not released but he chalked it up to a private message function, enclosed in the message were map layouts that he soon download into his PDA. "It looks like we've received a personal invite from an anonymous source to meet up in a disclosed quest coordinate? Do you suppose it's a trap?"

"Tis definitely a possibility, however it could also be a geniune proposition to form a party, forming a group affiliation could serve to aid us" returned Sir Pollywog.

"Regardless if it's a trap or not I feel like it's worse investigating"-Morien nodding before selecting a nearby route which lead to the quest invite, passing through the quest gateway, he entered the new setting, a town modeled after late medieval role playing archetypes, as to be expected there was an armory, chathedral and pub, as well as inns and general shoppes. At the center of the town stood a privately owned manor, the type of associated with high nobility, it even came with two spear wielding guardsmen, err- guardswomen would be the more appropriate term-

Perhaps it was the city itself but Morien felt the underlying trepidation that comes from being watched unbeknownst , shifting his glance towards the upper echelon window affixed upon the manors facing, it was difficult to make out the figure but he was certain the form belonged to a female, as soon as his eyes drifted to that portion of the window, the figure was gone. The brief exchange left him with an overall unsettling feeling which probed deep inside his stomach. To best illustrate his unease, it was like a prey making eye contact with a predator before giving chase.


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#, as written by Arcanus
Naoki was through the city's front gate within seconds. He was excited to begin his first quest of the game, as well as to find out how the other two fought. Maybe he could pick up a few pointers, he was still new after all. He didn't have much fighting experience, but he knew he was best with fist-type weapons. Ebony and Ivory, as he decided to call his current glove and gauntlet, may not have been the best. He did get this one at the start of the game, so there was likely to be bigger fish. He would worry about that later, however.

When the others caught up, he decided to strike up a conversation to pass the time as they walked. He didn't know anything about them, and Casey did mention he wanted to make some friends. What better way than to find out more about each other? He was used to making friends. Travelling the world like he did gave a person hundreds of chances.

"So what brings you two to the game?" he asked curiously, looking back at the PDA's map screen to make sure he was going the right way. He turned slightly to the left and kept walking. It was such an interesting item! Sure, these days there were so many futuristic things that people before were certain would never exist, but he couldn't help but be intrigued by the PDA. He had an idea about most functions, but how it got an exact numerical value for Naoki's health was beyond him. He hid his excitement by adjusting his glasses again and returned his concentration to the other party members.

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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Star City

Star City by DarkPhoenix

Star City, a fictional city where advertisements and lights are so bright the stars can't be seen. The only Stars here are artificial.

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Character Portrait: Morien of Arundel
0 sightings Morien of Arundel played by ZeroTolerance
"With this sword, I will inscribe my legend"
Character Portrait: Kaira Rush
0 sightings Kaira Rush played by Talisman
"Let me sing you a song."

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Selena Porter
Character Portrait: Sylphia and Sylphiel Amishka
Character Portrait: Casey Montaque
Character Portrait: Enzo Ilario
Character Portrait: Naoki Kiyoshi


Character Portrait: Naoki Kiyoshi
Naoki Kiyoshi

"Piece of cake. I'll make first place in no time!"

Character Portrait: Enzo Ilario
Enzo Ilario

"En Garde!"

Character Portrait: Casey Montaque
Casey Montaque

"Let's dazzle the stage~!"

Character Portrait: Sylphia and Sylphiel Amishka
Sylphia and Sylphiel Amishka

"You really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover..."

Character Portrait: Selena Porter
Selena Porter

"When did games get this compicated!"


Character Portrait: Enzo Ilario
Enzo Ilario

"En Garde!"

Character Portrait: Selena Porter
Selena Porter

"When did games get this compicated!"

Character Portrait: Naoki Kiyoshi
Naoki Kiyoshi

"Piece of cake. I'll make first place in no time!"

Character Portrait: Casey Montaque
Casey Montaque

"Let's dazzle the stage~!"

Character Portrait: Sylphia and Sylphiel Amishka
Sylphia and Sylphiel Amishka

"You really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sylphia and Sylphiel Amishka
Sylphia and Sylphiel Amishka

"You really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover..."

Character Portrait: Enzo Ilario
Enzo Ilario

"En Garde!"

Character Portrait: Casey Montaque
Casey Montaque

"Let's dazzle the stage~!"

Character Portrait: Naoki Kiyoshi
Naoki Kiyoshi

"Piece of cake. I'll make first place in no time!"

Character Portrait: Selena Porter
Selena Porter

"When did games get this compicated!"

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Star City

Star City by DarkPhoenix

Star City, a fictional city where advertisements and lights are so bright the stars can't be seen. The only Stars here are artificial.

Star City

Star City, a fictional city where advertisements and lights are so bright the stars can't be seen. The only Stars here are artificial.

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