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Tables Turned

Tables Turned


Twins, Alexander and Reilly, have had their lives flipped by two boys who have fallen for them.

2,317 readers have visited Tables Turned since Sonohra created it.


Alexander and Reilly are twins and have always been the best of friends. Alexander is flamboyant and mischievous all the time, known for having his share of bother boyfriends and girlfriends in his high school career. Reilly is a more calm and thoughtful person, which balances her brother's flirtatious tendencies. She is more particular of who she dates, and very quick to say no should a boy she does not deem worthy ask.

Their childhood friend, Damien, has always been the target for all of Alexander's flirting and jokes. Damien has just taken it in, knowing it's all a joke. Damien has a darker personality than the twins. His crude humor and mysterious air just pull girls in. Damien gets curious and begins to wonder if Alexander's flirting is his attempt at getting his attention, and so Damien turns the tables and begins to flirt with the ever flamboyant boy.

On the other side of the family, Reilly is being pursued by their new neighbor, Ryan. He's a good kid, but spontaneous and clumsy, especially around Reilly. He can't help it, but he is somewhat homophobic as a result of his family's extreme Catholicism, but he is trying to keep an open mind and become his own person. Ryan's sweet to her and she likes him, but she is not sure she is the right guy.

-Alexnader//18//FC://Taken by Sonohra
-Reilly//18//FC://Taken byBBSweetie
-Damien//19//FC://Taken byMerthur
-Ryan//18//FC://Taken byrumpumpum

-Be nice to each other
-Feel free to pick any face claim
-Just ask me if you would like to suggest a character not on the list
-Love Me!
-If I do make more characters, we need them to be even
-I'm not a mean person... unless your mean (or bluntly honest)

Character Sheet

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[b]Face Claim:[/b]

At least three.
At least three.
at least two.
        [b]Positive Traits[/b]:
At least six.
[b]Negative Traits[/b]:
At least six.
        [b]Theme Song[/b]:
((OPT)) [url=LINK TO SONG] What song do you think explains you?[/url]
Everyone has one[/center]

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington
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#, as written by Sonohra
The day was beautiful... Or for Alex it was. It was a little chilly and raining, but Alex loved that. He sat by the window just to stare at the rain fall onto the window. It made him smile. He turned to look at Damien, who was over to help set up their Halloween party this night. The house was pretty darn cool looking. Alex was drawing a blank on what his best friends was going to be for Halloween... Stupid, but unavoidable. "Dami. What are you going to be for Halloween again?" Alex looked over his shoulder to see his sister do some work on the house as well, then returned to making tiny spiders out of pipe leaners as he waited for Damien to reply. Alex was looking forward to get all dressed up as a maid. The thought was hysterical to be dressed in a skirt and all that. It would certainly attract a lot of attention.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks
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#, as written by merthur
Damien watched Alex out of the corner of his eye, trying very hard not to let the other boy know that he was watching him. It would be inappropriate, right? They were at different maturity levels, Alex was still in High School- albeit his senior year, but he was still childlike -, and Damien was out of school, planning on heading to college when the next year started. And he was sort of a lot more mature than Alex was, not that it was particularly a good thing. Damien wished sometimes that he could be as carefree and social and fun as Alex was, but that was his friends thing, not his. He was the more silent, mysterious type that hung out in the back and made random girls ovaries explode. He shrugged at the question, continuing to pretend to make things even though he was really just playing with the pipecleaners. A moment later he had something made, and threw a orange pipecleaner shaped like a dick at Alex without showing any amusement. "I'm not sure yet, was just planning on winging it, you know?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks
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#, as written by Sonohra
Alex watched the orange pipe cleaner hit his shoulder and fall to the floor, only to see it was shaped like a dick. He snickered as he picked the thing up and looked at Damien somewhat smugly. "Is this an accurate representation of your dick?" He asked before taping it to the wall for the party. Alex knew that Damien was not very crafty like he was, so this job for his was probably torture and boring. The fact that he made anything made Alex happy. "We'll the party is tonight, so you better wing it fast. Want to go to like... Party City or something later to make up some dumb costume?" Alex thought about dressing Damien in an old fashioned millionaire for Halloween, since he never wore one. Alex could only imagine how hot he would be. He bit his lip, pushing the thought of his mind.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

Reilly Harrington

ImageReilly sighed as she sat on the ground cross-legged, twisting little white tissues into ghosts and hanging them on a streamer across the desert table. She glanced towards her brother when she heard him ask Damien about his costume, and she smiled at the two of them. It was obvious, to her at least, that Damien was the object of Alexander's affections, and she loved her twin for embracing his true nature and not being ashamed to hide it. She only hoped that everything would go well for him in the end.

"Hey, Alex, are we inviting our new neighbor, Ryan? It seems like it would be a good idea, with him not knowing anybody at all." She asked her brother. Ryan had just moved in and while she hadn't had any long conversations with him, the small ones that they have had certaintly made room for more. She wanted to get to know him better as a friend and neighbor, not even thinking of the other possibilites.

While she waited for her brother to answer, she thought of her costume for the party. She was dressing as a bluebelle fairy, with a short blue dress that barely covered the essentials, long black stockings, and black pumps. Complete with the tiny blue wings, she was a sight to see. Tonight was going to be so much fun.

Reilly's Costume

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra
Alex smiled at his sister and nodded. "Yes. It was my intention to invite the guy. He's cute, right?" Hr wanted the kid to be gay, but new he was straight as a ruler. Even if that was the case, Alex could have his fantasies. He was a more hormonal than most boys his age, or it could be that he just gave into his whims. Ton Alex, their new neighbor seemed a little off some how... But he liked him. He was nice enough, and seemed to have a thing for his sister by just judging the look in his eyes. He hung up the last of his spiders on the lamp in the corner of the room and walked over to Damien. He plopped into the kid's lap, like he would his close friends, and smiled. "Wanna go get that costume of yours? You can seriously not be costume less tonight." He stood up quickly and headed into the kitchen to get his phone and keys before heading back into the room. "Come on. You want to come Reilly?" He asked invitingly.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

Reilly smiled and nodded at her brother's question. "Yeah, sure! But let's stop and get food first. I'm starving." She hung up the last ghost and stood, surveying her work with an approving eye. Halloween was definitely her favorite holiday, and she couldn't wait for more fun to come tonight at the party, especially because Ryan was coming and she would have someone to talk to. It was obvious that he had a crush on Reilly, but she pretended not to notice for sake of their newfound friendship. She hated relationships in the way that they sometimes ruined really great friendships, so if she was ever going to pursue a relationship with her neighbor, it had to be obvious to her that their friendship would not be compromised in the process.

Reilly rolled her eyes as Alex sat in Damien's lap. "Oh, just come on, will you?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

The heavy curtains seem to block out the sunโ€™s rays completely, leaving the room fairly dark minus the rays of light from the hallways and bathroom. Ryan laid sprawled out on his bed, his legs hanging down from the bed as his hand rested just outside of his boxerโ€™s band as his other hand laid on his naked chest, only rising as he inhaled air. His eyes slowly opened, his body stilling only for a second before his arms slowly went above his head, stretching upwards and sitting up, rustling his bed hair before standing up and walking to his bathroom. Ryan stripped down and hopped into a shower, feeling a bit dirty from his way too long sleep; after he got dressed and brushed his teeth, Ryan walked down the hallway, grabbing his keys and making his way out from the drive way, pausing for a slight moment.

The figure he was watching ended up being a dog; a stray to be more specific- his matted fur and visible bones made it apparent that the dog had years of wondering the streets on his shoulders. If he could afford it, Ryan wouldโ€™ve scooped the poor mangy mutt up and take him to the vet; but unfortunately, vet costs money- money he didnโ€™t have. Instead, Ryan walked inside and filled a bowl up with some lunch meats- a few that have been in his fridge for a bit too long. He walked outside, calling to the dog and crouching down, placing the bowl out in front of him, the dog hesitating to come near.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by merthur

Damien had long since given up on making decorations and was leaning back comfortably in his chair, legs stretched out in front of him, when Alex decided to come over and sit on him. He listened to Reilly and her brother's conversation without making any comments, but there was a smirk on his lips anyways. The new next door neighbor was attractive, but he definitely did not play on Alex's team, and seemed to have a quite obvious crush on one half of the twins. It was amusing sometimes, not because he couldn't see anyone liking Reilly, but because everyone liked Reilly. She may not have known it, but she had boys at school tripping over themselves to hold a door open for her, or carry her books. It was the [i]Oh, just come on," that pulled Damien back into reality, and he chuckled before slipping his arms around Alex and plucking the keys out of his hands, now holding his friend. "You're not allowed to drive." He informed his friend, starting towards the front door and gesturing for Rei to follow.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra
"Yeah food. Good idea, Reilly!" Alex said heading to the front door, but was stopped by Damien's arms around him. I was startling at first, but then he learned it was only to grab the keys. The keys were taken out of his hands and Alex was scolded for attempting to drive as it was not legal for him. "I am too!" He pouted as he stomped outside to see Ryan feeding the neighborhood dog. "I see you've met Lissie." He said making his way to the kid. "She's the neighborhood dog. Oh and we are having a halloween costume party and me and Reilly both wanted to invite you over tonight. If you don't have a costume we are going out now to get lunch and Damien's costume. Do you want to come?" Alex smiled at Ryan childishly. He was in a great mood. He really was just so excited about his little maid costume.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

Reilly Harrington

ImageReilly laughed as Damien took the keys from Alex. "Serves you right, twin! Last time you drove us anywhere you nearly got two speeding tickets in a row!" She walked outside with her brother and Damien but stopped as she saw Ryan, the neighbor, playing with Lissie. She heard Alex exchange a few words but she was almost mesmerized by Ryan's features. His soft hair, his toned skin, and the gentle way his hand stroked over Lissie's head. She found herself wanted to go over there with him, kneel down next to him, and just stay there for hours.

She shook her head as she heard Alex invite Ryan to come along, and she had to control her actions from nodding ferociously at the request. Instead she smiled kindly in Ryan's direction, careful to only produce platonic waves in her body language.
"Yeah, come with us, it'll be fun."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

"I am too!"
Ryanโ€™s head twisted over his shoulder, finding the boy stomp out with Damien behind him. He smiled nervously at the two. Donโ€™t get him, wrong, it wasnโ€™t that he disliked them, it was just that from where he was from, there just wasnโ€™t any homosexuals around; he was frightened not by the fact that the two where gay, but simply from the fact that he had no knowledge on how to react to such a queer or different sight of two men together like that.

"I see you've met Lissie."
Ryan smiled and stood, brushing his hands off together as he wiped them on the sides of his blue jeans. He had to admit though, despite his slight phobia, that both boys seemed nice, and he would act accordingly until they gave him a reason to dislike the two.
"She's the neighborhood dog. Oh and we are having a halloween costume party and me and Reilly both wanted to invite you over tonight. If you don't have a costume we are going out now to get lunch and Damien's costume. Do you want to come?"

Ryan stalled when Alex had said that Reilly wanted him to come over tonight- this whole sentence made his stomach jump and flip like a dolphin at a show. He couldnโ€™t help but to smirk at the two, revealing deep dimples and pearling teeth that flashed the two; his smile only widening when Reilly came out. At first, when he had met her, Ryan seemed awe-struck that she looked similar to Kei- besides the fact that Kei had a darker skin tone- and was instantly drawn to her for that reason only; although, after hanging out with her the very few times they did, Ryan seemed to like Reilly just for being Reilly.

"Yeah, come with us, it'll be fun."
If Ryan could and had the courage to, heโ€™d start doing a happy dance that even made his butt sway. Instead, Ryanโ€™s little internal dance was forced to cease as he cleared his throat, nodding slightly. โ€œSure.โ€ He said, his smile widening slightly more; if it was even possible. He walked near slightly, leaving Lissie behind as she solemnly ate the lunch meat in the bowl. โ€œI wouldnโ€™t mind searching for a Halloween costume- in fact; I donโ€™t think I have oneโ€ฆโ€ He bit his lip slightly, honestly pondering one whether he had one- originally he had plans to go hang out with Colby and Zach, his new friends whom invited him to a Halloween rave tonight; it was supposed to have alcohol, good music and hot girls- but since his neighbors invited him to a part, he couldnโ€™t refuse, thatโ€™d be โ€˜rudeโ€™โ€ฆ

โ€œHow about we take separate cars.โ€ He suddenly suggested, raising his head up. โ€œI need to go shopping and I didnโ€™t want to clutter your car with all of the food I get- of course I wonโ€™t go shopping until later, after we eat and go costume shopping.โ€ He smiled once more, revealing his dimples again. โ€œOf course, if thatโ€™s fine with you guys.โ€ He lightly jingled his keys as he looked at the trio, smiling slightly. โ€œBy the way,โ€ He began curiously. โ€œWhat are your guysโ€™ costumes?โ€

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra
Alex stepped back when Ryan stood up to speak. When he agreed to come along, Alex could hear his heart pound in his chest. It was always exciting to Alex when he would get closer a new friend. "Awesome! Okay. Come on." He said as he trotted off. He did not go very far as Ryan asked the group, โ€œHow about we take separate cars. I need to go shopping and I donโ€™t want to clutter your car with all of the food I get- of course I wonโ€™t go shopping until later, after we eat and go costume shopping. Of course, if thatโ€™s fine with you guys.โ€ Ryan jingled his keys, smiling.

Alex wanted to ride in the same car, but he wouldn't force him to do anything... not just yet. He really wanted to just push his sister and Ryan together. They clearly liked each other. It was obvious to both Damien, Alex, and everyone else. Alex just wished that Damien would look at him the same way as Ryan did to his sister... "Yeah. It's totally fine, man." Alex said, trying to be cool by using 'man'. "Take Reilly with you though so your aren't alone." He took his sister's hand and tugged on her arm.

โ€œWhat are your guysโ€™ costumes?โ€ Ryan pondered. Alex shut his mouth to let his sister speak. He was talking way too much for trying to be a matchmaker...

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

Reilly Harrington

ImageReilly smiles when Ryan says he'll come, and is a little dissappointed when he suggests seperate cars, but she tries not to frown too hard, just a quick turndown of the lips, nothing more.

"Take Reilly with you though so your aren't alone." Reilly's head perked up at this, shooting a grateful glance at her twin. She turned to Ryan and smiled shyly. "I mean, only if you're okay with it. I wouldn't want to infringe on your space or anything." She said, using the word 'infringe' without noticing the word had a high level of vocabularial content in it, and that it no doubt gave a tiny hint at to what her reading and IQ level was, something she tried not to brag about too often.

She looked over as Ryan asked the question of costume choice, and smirked when she thought of Alex's maid costume, which would surely knock the socks off of Ryan. She smiled with a hint of flirtiness, saying, "I'm a Bluebelle Fairy. Any idea on what you want to be?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by merthur

Damien smiled as he listened to Reilly, picking up the 'big girl' words that she used and mentally patting her on the back. That was one of the only levels that he really connected with Reilly on- intelligence, since they didn't really have much else in common other than they both adored little Alex. Even if he was Reilly's twin, she definitely acted like the older sister sometimes, and basically she and Damien took care of their little ball of hyper. It would almost be weird, if Reilly wasn't totally not attracted to him and he wasn't fairly sure he was gay. So they really only had in common Alex, and they were both incredibly smart. How many books had they exchanged over the years they had known one another? They both probably had IQ levels of geniuses too, but he rarely spoke about it- not even really to Reilly. It was just something about people knowing he was smart, it made him feel awkward so he just sort of didn't even mention it.

He had stayed in the background for most of the conversation, and now made his way towards the car and got in. Turning it on and laying on the horn for a moment, he stuck his head out the window and assessed the group, sure he had their attention now. "Whoever is riding with me better be in this car in the next five seconds or I'm leaving without you!" He yelled, smirking and mostly just hoping to finally move things along.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra
Ryan was not given a chance to answer Reilly's question, but stopped by Damien's impatience. Alex was startled when the honk blared. He whipped around to see Damien in the car, smirking. That's one of the reasons Alex loved him so much. He did what needed to be done, and most of the times, it was pretty effective. Alex ran to the car, and quickly hopped in, shouting as he went, "Bye you guys! Meet you at the burger place down town!" Alex nudged Damien to get going. He just wanted them to leave before his sister or Ryan had any disagreements on Alex's commands. "Let's go go go, Mr."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra
Ryan Livington
Ryan could just see Reilly in a little blue dress and wings. He stared at her, just imagining it on her. He had no idea what he was going to be, but knowing she would be a fairy, he wanted to match with her some how. Ideas ran through his head, but he just had no idea of what he wanted to be. He didn't even have a costume in mind to begin with. He guessed that at least his costume should be blue as well. He was yanked out of his own thoughts by a loud honk from Damien in his car. "Whoever is riding with me better be in this car in the next five seconds or I'm leaving without you!" Alex ran off and into Damien's car, as they left Reilly and Ryan behind. Was Alex going to leave the two of them behind on purpose? Did Alex know that he liked her? Was it obvious or was he just good. He gripped his keys in his hands tightly and looked at Reilly once again, pushing it out of his mind. "You going to ride with me?" He asked kindly as he nodded back to his car.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by merthur

Damien Marks
Damien grinned, shaking his head as he watched Alex make a run for the car. As soon as he was in though, Damien got a little caught up in that cute disheveled look he had and didn't pull away immediately. It took that nudge that Alex gave him to bring him back, and he turned the key before pulling away from the curb and starting for the costume place. "I don't know if I like that Ryan kid." Damien admitted, shrugging a bit as he stopped at a red light and was able to turn and look at Alex. "You notice how uncomfortable he gets around us?" Hearing someone honking behind him, he looked up to notice the light was now green, and sped away from the intersection.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra

Alex Harrington
Alex bounced in his chair, excited to finally have left the house. It took way too long to get out. Damien seemed a little preoccupied. When they stopped at a red light, Damien began to speak. He said about how he didn't like Ryan... Something about the way he looks at them... Alex saw hat as well, but was too caugh up in making his sister happy, that he didn't care what this kid thought of him, but it seemed to bother Damien. "What do you see when he looks at us? Anything specific? What is it that bothers you so much, Dami?" He asked, as they drove on ahead.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by merthur

Damien Marks
Damien sighed, trying to sort through his thoughts and regretting saying anything in the first place. His first reaction was to just snap and tell Alex to mind his own business, that the details didn't matter and he just didn't like the kid, but then there was the nickname and it was Alex, little Alex that he adored and protected. A few moments later he pulled into the costume store and manuevered the truck into a parking space, pulled the keys out and just turned and watched his friend for a moment. "You know I love you Alex, and I'm totally cool with you diggin' guys and stuff." He waited for his friend to give him some sort of indication that he did understand that before continuing. "But that little prick looks at us like we're boyfriends or something, and even more so than that, he looks like he doesn't like it. Fuckin' hate people like that..." The blonde grumbled, shaking his head as he turned back towards the door and got out.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

Reilly Harrington

Reilly smiled as she noticed Ryan looking her up and down, no doubt assessing what she would look like in her costume. Although Reilly wasn't overly conscious of her aura, she did know that she tended to cast a very flirtatious and sometimes even sexy air around her. Damien honked, Alex ran off, and soon it was just her and Ryan standing in his yard.

"You going to ride with me?" Ryan asked her and she smiled, nodding her head. "Sure! If you don't mind, that is." She inconspicuously batted her eyelashes at him, making sure to keep it subtle and not overdone. She began walking to his car, swaying her hips as she always did when she walked. It was kind of her signature gait.

She made it to his car and got into the passenger seat without waiting for an inviation. Reilly was used to just making herself comfortable, not really caring if she was being forward or not. Turning to Ryan as he started the car, she asked, "So, what books do you like?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington Character Portrait: Damien Marks Character Portrait: Reilly Harrington Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra
The rest of te ride was silent. Not a word was spoken, but then again, it felt like Damien had just spilled out his deep dark thoughts of Ryan. When he did finally speak, he began to say how much he liked and appreciated Alex, but that turned sour quickly. Out of everything Damien had just said, the boyfriends thing struck Alex down hard. "I... I...." Damien left the car before Alex could could even manage a sentence. Alex quickly gathered his emotions and bottled them up. He exited the car and followed Damien into the store. "Well, forget about him. He's not here right now, but I am. Your friend. And your friends says you need a costume. Like now. What do you want?" Alex asked with a smile, trying to hold down his upset feelings and brighten up the mood.


Ryan bit his lip, watching as Reilly walked to his car. He felt he was already dating her, but he knew otherwise. He followed her to the car and started the car. "Books? I don't read to many. It's a little hard to when you live a lone." Ryan replied with a shrug. It was either taking care of himself or hanging out with his friends, but books were not really on his to do list. At least not yet. They might be now... Just for this girl. "And you? You must read a lot." He only guessed that because of the way she speaks. He's met a couple of geniuses in his day, and her speech reminded him of theirs.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Tables Turned. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington
Character Portrait: Damien Marks
Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington


Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
Ryan Jacobs Livington

"Yeah... well, you know what sounds a bit more fun?"

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington
Alexander Harrington

"Whatever happens happens!"


Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
Ryan Jacobs Livington

"Yeah... well, you know what sounds a bit more fun?"

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington
Alexander Harrington

"Whatever happens happens!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ryan Jacobs Livington
Ryan Jacobs Livington

"Yeah... well, you know what sounds a bit more fun?"

Character Portrait: Alexander Harrington
Alexander Harrington

"Whatever happens happens!"

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