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The Balance of Life

The Balance of Life


Angels and demons, heaven and hell. Lots of untold stories left to tell.

5,284 readers have visited The Balance of Life since CrystalRose created it.

TheRose202, and Fairess are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.



"Angels and demons, heaven and hell.
Lots of untold stories left to tell."

Humans know not of those that protect them! We spend our eternity protecting, healing, aiding, and guiding; but without their love, respect, or even acknowledgment! Tell me the reason! For what!? What is our reward in the end?!

There is no end, my Son. This is your duty, to guard without recognition, for eternity, for what's right.

What's right!? We are the Guardians of 'What's Right.' Then I believe I will determine what Right is, for myself.


The Legend That Lives

In the beginning...

The Queen Mother created two types of immortal beings to protect the Balance Of Life on Earth. The first two created by her became known as the Prince of Darkness, and Daughter of Light. The Queen instructed her "children" to find worthy mates, to create for themselves family units, and live together for eternity in order to avoid the lonely existence she had been living before their creation. The Daughter's chosen became known as Daughters of Light, and the Prince's took to being called Sons of Night; or simply put, Angels and Vampires. The two groups coexisted very peacefully, in the beginning. The Angels guarding the Earth from destruction during the day, and the Vampires did so at night.

However, the Prince soon became jealous of the humans that they protected. They knew nothing of the Night and Day Guardians that inspired their good and evil wills. They had no clue that without Vampires and Angels, they would have already destroyed themselves. The Prince began to take his frustrations out on the humans; slaughtering their leaders and clergymen. His intent was to induce a fear of a greater power: HIS greater power.

The Angels, and the Queen herself, caught onto his actions quickly. They tried reasoning with the Prince and his Vampires, but they had already become the very evil that they had been created to protect against. The Queen knew she could not let the Prince continue; but even then, she couldn't bring herself to simply kill him; he was her son, after all. Instead, she put upon him a Force of Nature, or spell; one that opposed his spirit, to try and persuade him back to the Prince she had created. From that moment on, every Vampire would bear what was later known as, "The Reapers Curse."

To make sure The Vampires kept true to their purpose, they now had to hunt down and kill only the most evil of humans; taking their lives by drinking the blood that ran through their veins. This process was very emotional, as the Vampire would witness and feel the pain of every crime the human had ever committed. Never again could they set foot into the sunlight; as the night had been their original setting, it was to be their only. Unless, they opted to burn alive and remain as a pile of ashes for the rest of eternity.

No longer could they dwell or take pride in anything good or peaceful that took place amongst the humans. This angered the Prince even more, and caused him to rebel against the Queen, Daughter of Light, and their Angels. An ugly rivalry started between the two, one that the Queen knew could only be ended by her own hand. She called forth both of her children, and as punishment for their rebellion, petrified them into statues of stone; into examples of what would be to come of those that would threaten the Balance of Life for her beloved humans. However, the Queen was so overcome with grief, that she wept and wept, falling into a deep sleep, and never again waking.

This left the remaining Angels and Vampires to the outcome of their Earth. The Reapers Curse continued to haunt the vampires. This curse, and what it caused their opposing guardians to do, disgusted the Angels. They also blamed the Vampires for what happened to the Queen Mother and Daughter of Light. The rivalry ensued, but neither power was greater than the other. And so they reigned, down through the ages, separate but equal. Each avoiding the other, keeping safe the Balance of Life.

That is, until there came a powerful descendant of the Prince. His thirst for dominance drove him quickly to an authoritive position over the Vampires. The Angels didn't believe in one person reigning over the entire group, in honor of their Queen Mother and Daughter of Light. They felt since the taking of their presence, no one person should have the right to reign, but all serve together as a unit. The Prince's descendant felt differently, and as he was the type to remove all obstacles that would stand in his way, he then began to plan the extinction of the Angel population. His ultimate goal was to take over rule of the Earth, turning it into a dark and despairing place for Vampires to conquer and thrive.

The Angels were proving a difficult group to dominate, though. They held true and loyal to everything their Queen Mother and Daughter of Light taught them and passed down to be taught. The Vampire, who titled himself King Of The Night, took on a different demeanor, however. Because of the Angels' strong sense of integrity, he was as deceitful and conniving as ever there had been. His plan was to take the Angels and the world by storm, but not before creating the perfect calm: A uniting of the two races, as impossible as it seemed, he believed himself capable; and he was willing to sacrifice every being in order to prove it.

Taking a closer look...

In the beginning, the Queen Mother chose humans of the strongest suit to become guardians of light and darkness, sharing with them a part of her essence. When the Queen Mother would choose a human, they would bring to the Guardian Realm with them their memories from their human life. Because of this ability, they tend to stay within that time frame as far as personality and personal customs go. This is how their numbers grew for ages, up until the Prince fled and began to self-serve. Upon the Prince of Darkness leaving his Guardianship behind, he onset time. Instead of remaining in peaceful harmony, so came what was later known as the Dark Ages. The vampires were cursed to only be able to rectify the sins of the present world, while the angels were given somewhat of a different twist with time. They became able to travel both to the present and future of Modern Earth by using the Tymira orb to do so. This orb also shows the weight of balance being kept: a clock of sorts. The more sin that is put into the realms, the less weight Light has on their balance. If enough balance for Light is lost, the world continues its course straight into its sun and burns. All angels and vampires would go into an eternal sleep.

Shortly after the Prince's rebellion, confusion erupted within both sides of the guardians—some found the Prince’s cause just while others felt it was blasphemy. Tensions arose between the Dark Lords and Guardians of Light as they struggled to find a new balance, and for the first time, they began to clash within the very realm they guarded.

Eventually, the passion of the struggle brought together a guardian of light and one of darkness. They found the tumult of their struggle balanced within each other and in that balance found love. To conceive a child of both Lights, however, would be blasphemy. The child would struggle to find identity among either sides, becoming disturbingly unpredictable in its power. To the enraptured pair of guardians, however, that consequence was worth the risk. They did the unthinkable and gave up their existence in trying to conquer the odds, all in the name of Love.


::How A Vampire/Angel Partnership works:: Angels tend to have the upper hand when it comes to the divine partnership. They are able to call forth the specific vampire by using the Statera, as well as summoning forth a place in time that is unique to only the two of them (within Tymira). The Dark Lords cannot call upon their Angelic friend, but upon entering Tymira, their aura of darkness diminishes, leaving only their pure life essence.

::Rules of Vampire/Angel Engagement::

Angels cannot set foot into the Synagogue; Vampires cannot set foot into the Fane. Any other realm they can, but only upon invitation, prayer, or a sinful calling. They also cannot use scrying magic to see into the Synagogue (being an angel) or the Fane (being a vampire).

Prayers and requests are not randomly sent to the Guardians of Light or the Lords of Dark. Each guardian has a particular personality asset that draws them to certain mortal situations. The Queen Mother's essence, being of such pure magic, allows the angels and vampires to be drawn to the prayer/punishment that suits them best.

Neither angels or vampires can bring harm to an innocent child


::Race Description::

  • Usually a very sinister and dominate group; most of what brings joy to them means pain or ache for the other.
  • Darker in appearance, with darker (if any) colored attributes
  • Sneaky, vindictive, and just all around, untrustworthy
  • Very open, relationship wise. They often console, but rarely confide within in each other.

  • Very traditional, honest, and sanctified
  • Unique appearances with multi colored eyes and hair
  • Choose only one mate for all eternity

::Guardian Purposes::

To instigate and cause evil in the world. To do so, they appear to humans as a personal conscience, convincing them and baiting them to do the wrong thing. After successfully doing so enough times, to a point where the human chooses the evil thing on their own, the vampire then appears to them in true form and devours them however they see fit, sending them to an eternal burning hell. This is known as The Balance of Darkness

To protect and induce the goodness in the world. To do so, they appear to humans as a personal conscience, convincing and baiting them to do the right thing. Upon each right choice, the Angel is then allowed to reward the human however they see fit. Upon a long successful life of the human choosing to do the right thing, the Angel then appears before them in true form, and guides them to the shining lights of heaven. This is known as The Balance of Light

::Special Angel/Vampire Abilities::

  • They are able to take the shape of an animal, and roam the Earth wreaking havoc.
  • Very strong physically, especially in animal form
  • Superior mentally persuasive skills: can possess the bodies of only the most evil of humans

  • The chant simple spells of protection, in order to prevent unnecessary evil
  • Intensive healing powers
  • Limited mental persuasion: can plant a thought but not force an action

::Time Frame/Age Explanation::
Modern Earth: Medieval Times/ Dark Ages.

Castle Von Haren: Medieval/Dark Ages. This castle is a part of Modern Earth, however it is protected by the essence of the Prince of Darkness, and time stands still within its' wall.

Synagogue: Within it's own realm, cannot be accessed by Angels/Humans. Does not include the Metis, or Angel/Vampire mix. Time stands still within the Synagogue.

Fane: Within it's own realm, cannot be accessed by Vampires/Humans. Does not include the Metis. Time stands still within the Fane.

Tymira: This is the line of time that Guardians of Light travel through to the future, keeping their balance.

Lionsridge: Medieval/Dark Age/Human town. Time is passing within the town.

::Traveling within Tymira::
The Statera Orb. It can be found within Tymira, and takes the Guardian of Light to the innocent calling them. This can be to even the far future of what has yet to be seen.

::Character Application Information Preference::

Full name: -
Alias/Nicknames: -
Gender: -
Age: -

Height: -
Weight: -
Build: -
Eye Color: -
Hair Color: -
Skin Shade/Color: -
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: -

Explain what kinds of activity(good, or bad) that attracts you to the humans, specifics: -
Whatever else you would like to be known about your character:

Toggle Rules

This is not a close minded Rp. I'm open to anything you'd like to add as long as it stays within reason of what's originally been stated.

I'm a busy person, and although I do get online every day, some days I just don't have the mental capacity to create anything decent, so... with that said, I'm more about trying to make this successful, and well thought out, as opposed to fast paced, and sloppy.

I personally enjoy a "Good Read." Good can mean lots of things to different people. To me, a "Good Read" is something that is spell checked, grammatically correct, and considering this is Forum based, corresponds well with previous posts and other players.

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in

Essence of Tymira

Essence of Tymira by CrystalRose

The realm a Guardian of Light enters when Keeping the Balance.

Modern Earth

Modern Earth by CrystalRose

The world occupied by the 'precious' humans that our Guardians protect.

The Fane of Light

The Fane of Light by CrystalRose

The Residence of Angels

Synagogue of Solitude

Synagogue of Solitude by CrystalRose

Vampires choice of Residence


Lionsridge by CrystalRose

The city neighboring the Synagogue of Solitude

Castle Von Haren

Castle Von Haren by TheRose202

A castle originally run by Dark-worshipping humans of old, this old structure is now home to most of the vampire thralls and minor leadership, their previous home of the Synagogue now inhabited mostly by the Vampire's higher ranking leaders.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adya Character Portrait: Nakhti Character Portrait: Zuu Feran Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Celeste Oaken Character Portrait: Strife Bloodrose
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#, as written by duramon
Strife lingered behind solemnly for a moment, staring after both angels before taking some time to visit an empty old building far away from the sides of dark and light, here he could sit where he belonged, the lonely grey area that he alone seemed capable of arriving in. Zuu herself had already become an accepted member of the Dark and yet even in his time with Vampire kind, he sat in the brightening dawn of grey. He huffed and fiddled with his weapon fondly for a few minutes, running a slightly clawed finger across the various runes upon its surface as they breathed life into the weapons blade, creating glowing images and murals that he looked at with a sad smile. He wiped his hand slowly across one particular picture, closing his eyes and pressing a tight fist to the mural before letting it fade away, dusting himself off and leaping from the building to transport himself to the Fane. Finally deciding after as much delay as he possible, to go to the summit. The image of a young angel girl with long brown hair and kind eyes, and a brash young vampire smith with startling white hair, burning his vision to its usual unfulfilled grey.

He arrived quite awhile after the others, earning himself a few gazes and glances, he knew they weren't because he was late, but because he was here. So he made his way as best he could to find a familiar face, searching his way through to find Nakhti and settling in as close to her side as was appropriate, if he was going to stand in a hall of angels then he was at least going to look like he had a singular friend to accompany, and thus he took his place quietly and allowed himself to be lost in feverish dreams of the past, where he truly lived. As his eyes settled emptily upon those in charge of the summit.

The setting changes from The Fane of Light to Modern Earth


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adya Character Portrait: Nakhti Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Celeste Oaken Character Portrait: Strife Bloodrose
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Helig cleared he throat. "I'm sure you all are wondering why I've called you here, so let me just get on with it." Helig was the kind of soul that was always so chipper, and fun to be around. She didn't leave the Fane hardly at all, if ever, as it was her job to keep it in condition enough and tend to the comfortable needs of all the Guardians. One thing she enjoyed most, was the Ambrosian Feast. She hosted three annual feasts, based around the position of their own star that never left their sky.

Helig pulled her wrap tighter around her shoulders, "The Ambrosian Feast is has fallen upon us. I offer you, your feast." Within the Fane, there is no true sense of time. Helig chooses to put together small celebrations in honor of the Guardians and all of their efforts. Her hope was to give the Guardians opportunity to fellowship with each other.

With a clap of her hands, lines of robed angels floated out holding covered trays. Tables appeared around the edges of the courtyard, each dressed with off white colored table cloths, and vases of different sized and colored flowers. The dishes were of no less in comparison, in that they seemed to sparkle themselves. Each server sat a tray before a chair, followed by wine.

"Please, take your seats." A table had appeared for each Guardian, as more angels poured from within the Fane carrying different trays of fruits, vegetables, cakes, and puddings. Helig made it a point to know her Guardians well, so to serve them their ambrosian food that suited their tastes best made her happy.

Upon each gathering, the Guardian Council was expected to address their elite. "Perhaps first we should officially welcome Strife to his first Ambrosian Feast." She looked to Lezayen. Though she knew there were trying matters that needed to be discussed, Helig liked to start her gatherings out on lighter notes.

The setting changes from Modern Earth to Castle Von Haren

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ulfang Von Haren Character Portrait: Adrastos
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"Mm. Magic often has very unintended consequences. I felt a shift in time, my friend. It is concerning. But enough of that for now! Yes, you did hear something about a feast. A banquet in honour of our allies. Your kind will feast on the best of the harvested blood of well-fed prisoners. There is also...ehm...regular food, if you would be interested, but I do so doubt it. Oh, and we also have raw human flesh in reserve." says Ulfang, his gaze still not entirely reassured, but no longer is it so suspicious. He smiles and nods as he turns about and reignites the green flame in his hand, the torches all about them exploding into darkness as the energy returns to his palm. One might wonder how many souls he uses to light this flame.

He leads the two back out of the catacomb-like archives and through the halls, into the main hall, where there is a massive gathering of people and Guardians seated about two long, expertly-crafted Black Oak tables, the naturally diseased wood gleaming oddly, despite having no varnish or finish. Large goblets of crimson red and thick blood sits before vampires, while various meats and breads and wines and meads are placed before the rest. One or two vampires also feast on the human meat, but most keep to the blood. Most of the vampires conduct themselves with dignity, as usual. The Northerners, on the other hand, act with much merriment, violently clanging steel mugs together and generally making a mess and speaking in loud voices. Not surprising for the Northmen, really.

On the far wall there rests a fountain upon a raised dais, an angry-looking dragon spitting a gout of water from its mouth into a basin supported by the wall and two thin dog legs below, the water on a very high-tech and high-class pump system that is truly breaching the impossible by today's standards. Three chandeliers hang from the ceiling, beautiful red crystals casting a lovely crimson glow over the whole affair. To either side, the ceiling is supported by massive pillars sporting rectangular in-facing banners with the Von Haren house insignia: crossed bleeding broadswords upon a field of black and lined with sparkling gold filigree. Stained glass windows depicting awful acts of necromancy and famous battles of the Dreadhall forces line the walls, the gloomy light of the moon barely able to pierce them as it shines through the clouds. As most of the castle's interior, it appears to have been carved entirely from Black Onyx, the entire thing seeming to meld seamlessly, causing an odd, but beautiful sheen of the floors, pillars, and walls. The massive room is a testament to Von Haren power and patience, as this alone may have taken an entire human generation to construct fully.

"And here it is! Beautiful, is it not? Every noble, every vampire, every person of note from the Northlands has joined us here tonight to honour our alliance, my friend," states Ulfang grandly. "Enjoy yourself, of course. And don't forget to sample the highest quality Northern Mead. I had it imported from the beautiful little hamlet of Road's End." He grins and moves to the head of one of the tables, where a decadent-looking throne-like chair sits, another one mirrored on the other table, vacant and reserved for the King of the Night. He picks up the mug that waits for him and raises it into the air, calling out something in the harsh ancient Northern tongue, causing all of the men to fall silent. "We are gathered today," he begins, "to celebrate a long and bountiful alliance with our black brothers, the Guardians of the Night! They have taught us much, and through their alliance we have become more powerful than ever! We sit together now, as equals, ready to forge on into the future and fight the weakness of the Light and bring an era of power to this miserably over-kind world! Rejoice tonight, my followers, for we march for Lionsridge on the morrow! A bit of a sudden announcement, I know, but we are now able to deploy forces of a size unimaginable to any lesser man! For you see, we have gained the perfect fortification, thanks to our allies! We needn't leave but a single platoon to the castle. My soon-to-be general, Rittmeister Edvard, will command the vanguard, and I will lead the main force! Tomorrow, we take the world back from the light, and plunge the world into a new, glorious black age, where the strong prevail and the weak are culled. We humans will no longer be plagued by the weakness of Light!" He laughs a mad laugh and downs the massive mug in his hand in a matter of seconds, slamming it down upon the table.

The men all look quite startled at first, but as the news dawns on them, they begin to cheer one by one, raising their mugs to the air, and soon the noise is deafening, and the festivities continue with increased fervour, and a friendly fight or two might even break out. Ulfang grins at his people, knowing that tomorrow they will use this new zeal to crush his enemies. This was a wonderful day for the Darkness. Finally, the weakness of Light would be purged from this world. The dark would no longer have to hide. He had a special incantation held for just such a day, in fact. As the combined forces marched upon Lionsridge, he would chant, and a black cloud of pure darkness would envelop the sky, blocking out the sun, demoralising the enemy with a perceived bad omen, and shielding the vampires from the harmful effects of the sun. And tomorrow, he would break out his most powerful feat of engineering yet. The Light would forever fear the Von Haren name, and the crossed crimson blades would be the symbol of true strength for years to come.

The setting changes from Castle Von Haren to The Fane of Light

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adya Character Portrait: Nakhti Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Celeste Oaken Character Portrait: Strife Bloodrose
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(ooc: sorry for being gone so long guys things got super busy irl)

Adya sat down at the table and watched her sister as she spoke, she was glad to have such a sibling like Helig she was strong happy and always knew how to throw a party. Though something did not sit right with Adya, why would they be sitting down at a feast when they should be discussing important buisness, about Zuu terrorizing Earth below and unballancing life. She didnt feel like this was the time for a party. She let out a deep sigh and shook her head as the other angels brought out the food for them she thanked them graciously and nodded to them. She looked further down the table and saw Strife and gave him a warm loving smile. She cared for her siblings more than seemed possible and it was great to have a new one with them.

Meanwhile Aiyanna sat across from Strife with a huge smile on her face. She was so excited to be at a party all of her worries about Zuu Zuu melted away as the food was brought out. Aiyanna was like her sister Helig in disposition and in the fact that she rarely left the Fane. She enjoyed keeping hersister company in lots of the things that she did.

The setting changes from The Fane of Light to Modern Earth


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ulfang Von Haren Character Portrait: Adrastos
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Adrastos was still spinning from the unlocked memories that were dancing around his head. His senses were stronger then they had been in decades. His thirst for death was clenching at his throat. He followed Ulfang into the Great Hall barely paying attention to his words. He was drunk on power, and the rejoice in the alliance only fed into it.

Beneath half closed eyes, a smokey grey clouded the vampire's black eyes. Standing beside Ulfang as he made his dinner announcement regarding the alliance and plans for the future, he scanned the crowd. His own brethren stood around the outer edge of the room. They weren't exactly happy about dining with the humans, they thought the idea of dining on them to be more appealing. However, as per Adrastos' order, they obeyed, and let the humans to their tasks.

Just as to be expected, the humans felt the same about the presence of such strong and powerful Dark Guardians within their realm. Who and how could a person trust a soul that stands for the very definition of betrayal. However, Adrastos' faith in Ulfang was not wasted. The man was truly a motivational speaker, of sorts. Adrastos could sense the tension levels dropping. They trusted their leader, and the Guardians trusted Adrastos. As long as the two leaders could keep their alliance in tact, there was no reason why they couldn't succeed. There was, however, the threat of Nakhti. The Dark Angel who refused to embrace her darkness. This brought Zuu to mind. He was curious whether or not she had succeeded in confronting the Light Guardians. Even more curious, if she had failed, and why.

The cheering of the men and women before him brought him out of his trance. Reaching for a goblet that sat before him, he raised his glass to Ulfang, then to the audience.

The setting changes from Modern Earth to Castle Von Haren

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ulfang Von Haren Character Portrait: Adrastos
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Ulfang nods to his friend of many years and leans back in his throne-like chair at the head of the table, looking pleased with himself. He takes a long swig of his Northern ale and then speaks to his ally. "There's nothing like a big battle to bring two peoples together, eh?" he asks with a grin. "It's time to end this weakness of theirs and bring unity to the land, under the shroud of darkness. I am more than tired of hiding all of the time, aren't you?"

He watches over the jubilation of his subjects with interest. He must admit to being quite excited himself. Not once has he faced a bigger challenge with more at stake than he will tomorrow. It will not put an end to the war, but capturing Lionsridge would mean opening the gates into the land of Light, for his legions to march into and capture. And if he wins, he will be spoken of in history books for ages to come. Not to mention the achievements he'll make once he rules over the land. With the vampires beside him the whole way, of course...

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ulfang Von Haren Character Portrait: Adrastos
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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ulfang Von Haren Character Portrait: Adrastos
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(Obviously that was not meant to be a triple post >.>)

The setting changes from Castle Von Haren to Modern Earth


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aelius Marcellus
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(Wrong place >.>)

The setting changes from Modern Earth to Lionsridge


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Character Portrait: Aelius Marcellus
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Captain Marcellus sits in the captain's quarters, running a whetstone down the length of his spear tip, lost in thought as he makes the weapon sharp enough to shave with. He thinks back to his time as a mercenary. The dishonorable things he had to do in the name of survival, in the name of money. He wonders if he's the best man to lead the city's defence in times like this. He certainly didn't have the most spotless past, and certainly wasn't the exemplary good guy. But perhaps that's what the lands of light needed. Someone who could get their hands dirty.

As he finally finishes, he looks up, breaking out of his trance. The stains of blood still mark the walls where she who calls herself "the Red Death" left a grizzly reminder of the discontent of vampires. This uneasy peace would not last much longer. The new Captain's already resting grim expression gets grimmer, and he decides to leave in search of a slightly less cursed place. He opens the shoddily repaired door into the corridor, moving toward the part of the Lion's Guard spire that bridges into the uppermost walls. He steps out into the crisp morning air, his armour shining in the rising sunlight, rays of light glinting off the golden spear tip strapped across his back. He looks off toward the Synagogue's mountains, the perpetual dark cloud that looms on the horizon perhaps symbolic of the state of things. The inner city walls are hundreds of miles into the air due to its being built into a mountain, giving him a good look at the waking city below. The first ambitious merchants enter the market square and begin setting up stalls. The first wave of miners lumber off toward the iron mines built under the city. Farmers lead their sellable animals through the shining golden lion's head gates to the north. By all rights it's just another morning in Lionsridge. But something the Captain.

"You alright?" asks a feminine voice to his left, "You seem grim...moreso than usual, I mean."
As he looks over, he sees a red-headed freckled mousey face looking over at him, a grin upon her thin lips. It's his second in command, Deirdre MacBaran, a spunky girl from the northmost of the Western Isles provinces -- the only province still resisting the Empire of Roma's control, thought to be filled with barbarians -- and the only one in his former company who supported him in his betrayal and didn't die as a result. He gives a small smile -- the only type he seems to be capable of -- and nods. "Perceptive as always, Deirdre. All-out war will come to Lionsridge soon. I can feel it in the air. I hope I am simply being paranoid," he says, focusing his steely gaze upon the darkness looming on the horizon.

"Well, I cannae say for sure, but I'm inclined tae trust your instinct. Whatever happens, we'll be ready," says the woman, shrugging. Though she doesn't seem extremely worried on the surface, the Captain can sense her tensing up.
"We'll call a military council on the morrow to discuss it," he assures her, "and I will personally make sure the defenses are ready in case of an attack. In the meantime, make sure the men stay alert."

He could swear he heard war horns in the distance, but he shakes it off and dismisses it as paranoia. They couldn't attack so soon, of course...
(This gonna be a few days after the feast, by the way.)

The setting changes from Lionsridge to Castle Von Haren

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ulfang Von Haren Character Portrait: Adrastos
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The feast goes exactly as planned, and everyone involved is revitalised, energised for the battles to come. The next morning, Ulfang rises at first light and, after bathing in a viscous black substance and cleansed by his dark servants, puts on his Raven armour, strapping his massive greatsword across his back and fitting the bladed gauntlet he's known for upon his right hand. His eyes glow green momentarily as he takes a sort of inventory of his collected soul energy and smiles. He is madly powerful, having gone to the dungeons and drained half his prisoners of their lifeforce the night before. The newly zombified prisoners would make a good vanguard. Little more than cannon fodder really, but a meat shield was better than none at all, and they were often able to take at least the first line of the enemy down before being decimated. He walks to Adrastos' quarters, knocking politely upon the door with a mailed fist.

"Are you ready to go, my friend?" he asks, "My Dread Knights wait to begin the march. I have gathered the armies of the North here, and with our combined strength we make quite the sight." The King of the North grins. He had been waiting for this day for decades. Now it was finally time. His patience would finally pay off.

The setting changes from Castle Von Haren to Modern Earth


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Character Portrait: Adrian Harcourt
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Adrian rubbed his eyes groggily in a darkened room in a small hole-in-the-wall of an alleyway. Did I make this hole? Adrian looked around, it seemed night time, or at least cloudy enough to be obstructing the sun. He had hoped to find a way back to. . .Well he wasn't sure where. Maybe looking for assistance in the "locating where I belong" department would be a good start.

As Adrian stepped out of his niche in the cobblestone wall he felt a deep surge of pain course through him quickly, knocking the wind out of his lungs and causing him to kneel. Adrian remained there kneeling until he got his breath back once more. Standing carefully he pulled up a white hood that he had been wearing. Peculiar. . . How did I get here? Who gave me this cloak and more importantly why can I only recall my name? This is maddening! My head aches, my skin is crawling and now I'm stuck in this bright white hood that hurts my eyes! Adrian muttered angrily to himself as he walked down the roads of the small town he was in, he wanted to find someone, anyone that could help him.

After conversing with a few natives he discovered he was close by a town by the name of Lionsridge. Adrian decided if he could find good information anywhere it would probably be Lionsridge. Now all he needed was to get there.

Before Adrian could board the carriage he had hired a wave of nausea washed over him, his knees buckled, his stomach churned and twisted before everything went black.

A loud wailing of an infant reverberates around the small corridor of the little house in the woods. The sound grows in volume adding to the chaos around it. A smiling face looks down upon a babe, a woman's face. Porcelain skin, huge brown eyes, a warm smile that comforts, a round face, and reddish hair. . . The woman is cradling her new baby, her son. As she sighs happily, alone in this woodland cabin she whispers to the child. "You will do great things for me. . . For everyone someday, you have heroism in your soul . . . You will bring the world back into peace. My savior. . My Adrian. . ." With that the woman loosened her grip on the babe from her reclined pose on the bed as she smiles and closes her eyes. Drifting off into eternal sleep. . .

Adrian opened his eyes with a jolt, he was covered in a cold sweat, his heart was racing, but the driver had lifted him into the carriage.At least maybe now he might reach Lionsridge by dawn. Those images he was shown while he was unconscious . . . Was that his life? That woman. . . So familiar and yet. . . No matter Adrian had more important things to occupy his thoughts with. Mainly where he came from. Haunting memories wouldn't stop him from finding the truth no matter how disturbingly real they were.


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(Ahah! Finally, we have someone :D)


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Character Portrait: Adrian Harcourt
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(I'll do the carriage driver to help you along, if you don't mind. Btw sorry for being gone so long. I got into some financial trouble I had to dig myself out of >.<)
A few more hours pass as the splintered oaken carriage creaks and bumps and jolts over the road, its axels sounding to be barely held together. Certainly, it wasn't in the best condition, but the driver didn't ask as exorbitant a price as others, and so it was ideal for those who had little money and weren't in any hurry to get somewhere extremely fast. The seat that Adrian lays upon is soft enough, however, padded with linen stuffed with hay, and although it's not well-lit, Adrian will be able to see in this darkness better than the average human. A very dim lantern hangs on one wall, and some scant sunlight filters through the crack of the heavy crimson curtains upon the other side that serve as a shield to the world without, closing off the portal to the quickly-rising dawn.

The carriage driver, a gaunt, dark-haired dark-eyed man in his middle ages with a perpetually scowling, wrinkled face opens the carriage's curtain as they arrive at their destination, looking down at Adrian with a not-entirely-pleased expression as he holds the oil lamp he's lit over the nearly dead kid's face. By the light filtering in through the opening he's made, it would appear to be dawn, the sun just now rising slowly over the horizon "Ah, well, yer awake, then. Ye were jus' 'bout dead as a doornail when I lifted ye inta tha' thar seat. Yer lucky I don' charge ye extra, wut fer makin' me do all tha' 'eavy liftin'. I'm an old man, y'know!" he rants in a gravelly, gruff voice, although he doesn't seem to be particularly angry, as he doesn't, in fact, charge Adrian extra for the inconvenience. He beckons to the kid as he steps back down from the carriage, his walk hobbled slightly by a faint limp. "Aye, well, 'ere we are," he says, holding out his hand expectantly, "Tha'll be one gold denar, sir."


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Character Portrait: Adrian Harcourt
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Adrian was startled momentarily by the gruff driver, but he managed a slight smile as he searched his pocket, realizing he had no money he shrugged and laughed shakily at the now angry driver.
"Look, uh, I apologize but it seems I have been robbed. I imagine I had been out a long time before I hired your carriage. Would you like to, allow me to get back to you on that payment good sir?"

Adrian turned swiftly on his heel and walked briskly away from the carriage and it's pilot. As he walked he felt the cobbles beneath his feet, every step was heavy, hard to bear. It was as if his legs had decided to revolt against his will. He wished to get to a place where he could discover about himself, he couldn't seem to recall anything. Nothing. Just a name. His own name, and the fact that he was sore all over, his head and entire body felt as if he had been torn apart numerous times then put back together. Whenever he tried to remember his past his brain felt like it would split in two. He clutched at his head and leaned against a cool stone wall, above him was a single flickering lamp. The flickering lights were messing with his eyesight, on and off, stars and blackness crept into his vision.

Suddenly he saw images again.

Faces, there were twelve or so. . . They were glowing brightly, chanting quietly in some language unknown. . . A dagger was held above Adrian's sight. A single word.
Then once his eyes opened there was a sweet scent of decay and blood coagulating. He glanced down to see thousands of stitches covering his body, a single scream pierced the air. . . It was his own voice calling out in pain, although it was if he wasn't even there. It was if he was watching it all from afar. Then . . . Blackness. . . . Bla
ckness.. . Blackness.

Adrian's eyes flung open as he struggled to stand again.
Where am I? My head. . . It, it hurts. . .

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Essence of Tymira

Essence of Tymira by CrystalRose

The realm a Guardian of Light enters when Keeping the Balance.

Modern Earth

Modern Earth by CrystalRose

The world occupied by the 'precious' humans that our Guardians protect.

The Fane of Light

The Fane of Light by CrystalRose

The Residence of Angels

Synagogue of Solitude

Synagogue of Solitude by CrystalRose

Vampires choice of Residence


Lionsridge by CrystalRose

The city neighboring the Synagogue of Solitude

Castle Von Haren

Castle Von Haren by TheRose202

A castle originally run by Dark-worshipping humans of old, this old structure is now home to most of the vampire thralls and minor leadership, their previous home of the Synagogue now inhabited mostly by the Vampire's higher ranking leaders.


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View All » Add Character » 18 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Zuu Feran
Character Portrait: Agathangelos
Character Portrait: Adrastos
Character Portrait: Ulfang Von Haren
Character Portrait: Aiyanna
Character Portrait: Adya
Character Portrait: Nakhti
Character Portrait: Armelle Betrys
Character Portrait: Ardal BainBridge
Character Portrait: Captain Edvard
Character Portrait: Fenrik Gunndís Ehrensvärd
Character Portrait: Celeste Oaken
Character Portrait: Strife Bloodrose
Character Portrait: Aelius Marcellus


Character Portrait: Aelius Marcellus
Aelius Marcellus

Captain of the Lion's Guard in Lionsridge, this man acts with honour in all things.

Character Portrait: Strife Bloodrose
Strife Bloodrose

Ex-Vampire and Gritty Angel, unique in his transformation and various oddities.

Character Portrait: Celeste Oaken
Celeste Oaken

Freedom fighting, sword wielding angel of the Fane

Character Portrait: Fenrik Gunndís Ehrensvärd
Fenrik Gunndís Ehrensvärd

A strong woman with a deceptively young face, she's seen much battle in her days and it shows in her every movement.

Character Portrait: Ardal BainBridge
Ardal BainBridge

He is an ambitious young vampire, who thrives on manipulating people.

Character Portrait: Armelle Betrys
Armelle Betrys

A loyal vassal of Adrastos. Armelle is comparable to the black plague. She infects the battlefield with death and Decay.

Character Portrait: Nakhti

A strong tempered Angel of Light

Character Portrait: Adya

The eldest of the sisters.

Character Portrait: Aiyanna

Angel of Innocence


Character Portrait: Agathangelos

The Queen Mother

Character Portrait: Aelius Marcellus
Aelius Marcellus

Captain of the Lion's Guard in Lionsridge, this man acts with honour in all things.

Character Portrait: Fenrik Gunndís Ehrensvärd
Fenrik Gunndís Ehrensvärd

A strong woman with a deceptively young face, she's seen much battle in her days and it shows in her every movement.

Character Portrait: Nakhti

A strong tempered Angel of Light

Character Portrait: Adya

The eldest of the sisters.

Character Portrait: Celeste Oaken
Celeste Oaken

Freedom fighting, sword wielding angel of the Fane

Character Portrait: Aiyanna

Angel of Innocence

Character Portrait: Adrastos

Descendant of the Dark Prince, self entitlement of 'King of The Night'

Character Portrait: Armelle Betrys
Armelle Betrys

A loyal vassal of Adrastos. Armelle is comparable to the black plague. She infects the battlefield with death and Decay.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Celeste Oaken
Celeste Oaken

Freedom fighting, sword wielding angel of the Fane

Character Portrait: Ulfang Von Haren
Ulfang Von Haren

The current Lord of Castle Von Haren, this human's appearance has been warped over many years of using Black Magics.

Character Portrait: Aiyanna

Angel of Innocence

Character Portrait: Aelius Marcellus
Aelius Marcellus

Captain of the Lion's Guard in Lionsridge, this man acts with honour in all things.

Character Portrait: Agathangelos

The Queen Mother

Character Portrait: Adrastos

Descendant of the Dark Prince, self entitlement of 'King of The Night'

Character Portrait: Armelle Betrys
Armelle Betrys

A loyal vassal of Adrastos. Armelle is comparable to the black plague. She infects the battlefield with death and Decay.

Character Portrait: Adya

The eldest of the sisters.

Character Portrait: Nakhti

A strong tempered Angel of Light

View All » Places

Essence of Tymira

Essence of Tymira by CrystalRose

The realm a Guardian of Light enters when Keeping the Balance.

Modern Earth

Modern Earth by CrystalRose

The world occupied by the 'precious' humans that our Guardians protect.

The Fane of Light

The Fane of Light by CrystalRose

The Residence of Angels

Synagogue of Solitude

Synagogue of Solitude by CrystalRose

Vampires choice of Residence


Lionsridge by CrystalRose

The city neighboring the Synagogue of Solitude

Castle Von Haren

Castle Von Haren by TheRose202

A castle originally run by Dark-worshipping humans of old, this old structure is now home to most of the vampire thralls and minor leadership, their previous home of the Synagogue now inhabited mostly by the Vampire's higher ranking leaders.

Modern Earth

The world occupied by the 'precious' humans that our Guardians protect.

Castle Von Haren

A castle originally run by Dark-worshipping humans of old, this old structure is now home to most of the vampire thralls and minor leadership, their previous home of the Synagogue now inhabited mostly by the Vampire's higher ranking leaders.


The city neighboring the Synagogue of Solitude

Essence of Tymira

The realm a Guardian of Light enters when Keeping the Balance.

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Re: The Balance of Life

Alright, so I wrote a post for the conference starting and the keepers gathering to speak. The post is in our RPG Write just in case someone wants to edit some part of the keepers or what is going on. What would be most helpful is if we could coordinate Nak and Strife arriving and then, of course, what the keepers plan to do about the ill deeds of the Dark Lords.

Re: The Balance of Life

Yeah, dura! That's a wonderful idea! Beat ya to it, though. :P

I was absent yesterday to a toothache from hell. I'm pretty sure Adrastos cooked it up and sent it my way on purpose, actually.
All of the information that had been concluded and created over the weekend and also a link for the official Balance of Life RPGWrite can all be found on the Introduction page now.

Re: The Balance of Life

So I'ma just bloop down an idea here Owo

Why don't we open up an rpgwrite? So people can collaborate and put down ideas and questions, people can work on writing posts together (Battles become more epic and smoother, dramatic/important events are much more polished and integrated) and generally make it easier for everyone to work together and add to the RP.

It can also be used to generally communicate and even profile our characters further for those who are curious or wish to have easy access to current affairs. Sort of like an up to date journal on progression or a summary, we can do a hell of a lot just with a communal writing tool so...yeah that's my suggestion.

Blooping out now Owo.

Re: The Balance of Life

Hey again!

I've created two groups on the group page. One is for the Light Guardian Council. This is for a small group of the eldest angels to be a part of. So, as Celeste is in charge of the Tymira Orb, she'll be a Council member. Also, SAW's Adya I think would qualify for this group. Descriptions are yet to come, as collaboration is needed.

You'll also find the Dread Knights on there. This is Rose's faction. If anyone shows interest in being part of that, TheRose202 will be your go to girl. Also, description pending for that.

If anyone comes up with a group/faction that they feel would play importance to the rp and necessary to survive time, let me know and we can work it out!

Re: The Balance of Life

Mk. So this is how I've pieced this problem together, after much deliberation with both TheRose and Fairess.

::Time wise::

We have agreed to have different Time Realms within our rp. Here are the settings and explanations. If I miss something, if it doesn't make sense, or you want to add something, we can do that.

Modern Earth: TheRose has opted for Medieval Times. Also consider, Dark Ages.

Synagogue: Within it's own realm, cannot be accessed by Angels/Humans. (Does not include the Metis, or Angel/Vampire mix. This name has just now been given, you can opt to use it in your character's profile, or not. It's merely an IC term to refer to the group.)

Fane: Within it's own realm, cannot be accessed by Vampires/Humans. Does not include the Metis.

Tymira: This is the line of time that Guardians of Light travel through to the future keeping their balance.

Lionsridge: Medieval/Dark Age/Human town

::How does the Guardian of Light travel from Tymira to their innocent?:: An orb, The Delivering Orb. It can be found within Tymira, and takes the Guardian of Light to the innocent calling them. Remember, this can be to even the far future of what has yet to be seen. We've opted to include this option so as to be able to give the Angels opportunity for independent plot. And also, any Dark Lord would find knowing the future a handy piece of information, I feel; if he/she could figure out a way to see such a thing. >;)

Below is a small summary of what has been discovered this evening about our races history has been included within the Introduction, however, I'll also put here for you so that you can get all of this reading out of the way in one sitting.

"In the beginning, the Queen Mother chose humans of the strongest suit to become guardians of light and darkness, sharing with them a part of her essence. When the Queen Mother would choose a human, they would bring to the Guardian Realm with them their memories from their human life. Because of this ability, they tend to stay within that time frame as far as personality and personal customs go. This is how their numbers grew for ages, up until the Prince fled and began to self-serve. Upon the Prince of Darkness leaving his Guardianship behind, he onset time. Instead of remaining in peaceful harmony, so came what was later known as the Dark Ages. The vampires were cursed to only be able to rectify the sins of the present world, while the angels were given somewhat of a different twist with time. They became able to travel both to the present and future of Modern Earth by using the Tymira orb to do so. This orb also shows the weight of balance being kept: a clock of sorts. The more sin that is put into the realms, the less weight Light has on their balance. If enough balance for Light is lost, the world continues its course straight into its sun and burns. All angels and vampires would go into an eternal sleep.

Shortly after the Prince's rebellion, confusion erupted within both sides of the guardians—some found the Prince’s cause just while others felt it was blasphemy. Tensions arose between the Dark Lords and Guardians of Light as they struggled to find a new balance, and for the first time, they began to clash within the very realm they guarded.

Eventually, the passion of the struggle brought together a guardian of light and one of darkness. They found the tumult of their struggle balanced within each other and in that balance found love. To conceive a child of both Lights, however, would be blasphemy. The child would struggle to find identity among either sides, becoming disturbingly unpredictable in its power. To the enraptured pair of guardians, however, that consequence was worth the risk. They did the unthinkable and gave up their existence in trying to conquer the odds, all in the name of Love."

How A Vampire/Angel Partnership works: Angels tend to have the upper hand when it comes to the divine partnership. They are able to call forth the specific vampire by using the orb as well as summoning forth a place in time that is unique to only the two of them (within Tymira). The Dark Lords cannot call upon their Angelic friend, but upon entering Tymira, their aura of darkness diminishes, leaving only their pure life essence.

Rules of Engagement:

Angels cannot set foot into the Synagogue; Vampires cannot set foot into the Fane. Any other realm they can, but only upon invitation, prayer, or a sinful calling. They also cannot use scrying magic to see into the Synagogue (being an angel) or the Fane (being a vampire).

Prayers and requests are not randomly sent to the Guardians of Light or the Lords of Dark. Each guardian has a particular personality asset that draws them to certain mortal situations. The Queen Mother's essence, being of such pure magic, allows the angels and vampires to be drawn to the prayer/punishment that suits them best.

Neither angels or vampires can bring harm to an innocent child

Additional Info/Ongoing Plot: Some of Guardians of Light aren't truly aware of how a vampire keeps the balance of nature. The acts of vampires were intended to be trusted and just according to the sin of the humans. However, upon Zuu reverting to Dark, the angels have come to realize what horrors the Dark Lords are truly capable of by keeping tabs on her."

If ever a scene plays out where something stands out as "Ah Ha! So that's how it was/is done!" I'm going to fit it into the introduction, to keep our front page up to date story wise. This will allow new players browsing the active rps a chance to get a feel for the present plotting and play. We've got enough players now to truly get this rolling, but I imagine more will come if your brilliant minds continue down their roads.

Also, I'd like to point out that there are two other Game Masters: TheRose and Fairess. Obviously one represents one side, and the opposite the other. Having more than one GM will give everyone an opportunity to have their opinions/ideas addressed. My roll as a Game Master is to bring ideas, and make all the pieces of each plot fit together for the Yin and Yang of the scenario.

We should each make a habit of checking the OOC, myself included, before posting so that if a stick has appeared in the mud, it can be removed before a post is made, to avoid heavy editing which can be tiresome. I'm not perfect, and I don't expect anyone else to be. However, we've got some strong flippin' writers here. XD

All of you are very creative, and have forced me to put on my thinking cap! I'm inspired, genuinely surprised, and appreciative! I don't want anyone to feel excluded from making this rp a success, so that's why what was done tonight is super important.

Re: The Balance of Life

I would acquiesce to some simple gunnery, such as muskets, early rifles, and early cannons.

Re: The Balance of Life

I do believe you fail to realise that technology can evolve at a different pace in a different universe. For instance, in the Lord of the Rings series, the world was over three thousand years old. Plenty of intrigue and the downfall and uprising of nations can happen despite the lower technology level. And the throwback to an earlier time, the ability to sort of place yourself in the shoes of how a person from that time would feel, act, and struggle, is what makes fantasy fun. The same morals applied to folk thousands of years ago in the real world, just altered a bit. Justice was looser, honour was stricter, and righteousness was even more glorified, but humanity hasn't changed at all. Children faced many of the same struggles depending on their class, but the ideas of right and wrong haven't changed much either. I'm fairly certain it was still frowned upon for a married man to go to a brothel, or a child below the age of 16 to get dead drunk. Not to mention Lionsridge is meant to be in Central Europe, and I don't see how that could go without first-world tech influencing it quite heavily based on that geography.

Another thing. This point is more personal, but it's a point nonetheless. Ulfang would not hesitate to use any technology to his advantage. This would include tanks and guns and anything else he could get ahold of. Not to mention, the Northlands is supposed to be comprised of modern-day Finland, Sweden Norway, Western Russia, and a few other surrounding nations. Same problem applies. Kind of hard to keep that large of an area secret.

Also personal, but I always thought the whole "no tech" thing in Harry Potter was silly, since it was stated by the author that a muggle with a gun could take out a wizard with a wand fairly easily. Oh, and Batman is a superhero comic. Definitely gonna be some weird, weird stuff going on there.

So, I would be inclined to say no. I don't have the last word, but that's my take.

Re: The Balance of Life

Thoughts About the Time Schism

So there was a misunderstanding sort of dealio about the timeframe for our setting, and I thought we might be able to come up with a compromise for all parties. First, I’ll talk about why I personally would like to keep “Modern Earth” modern and then I will address how we can keep a modern set-up while preserving the beautiful tone and setting for Castle Von Haren and the Synagogue of Solitude. Here we go!

The main reason I’d like to keep a modern setting is due to the highly moral tone of the roleplay—it speaks of humanity, justice, righteousness, all those good things—and that is a theme easier to connect to when it speaks directly to our experiences. The human struggles of our time are very different from those four hundred or so years ago; people had very different ideas about what was right and wrong. Children faced very different struggles growing up and societies as a whole were very different. By utilizing a setting closer to us, we can more accurately and more easily write characters who have a profound understanding of human “sin.”

Keeping in the modern times also gives us a lot more history to play with. Because we all have characters who are obscenely old, it’s important to consider their past lives and experiences. Think of all the wars, the corruptions of government, all the evils vampires and angels have been keeping in check over the centuries. That would bring so much intrigue to the roleplay and even allow for an altered reality—perhaps fall from the All Mother by vampires altered or caused something we take for granted today. Large events could become connections for our characters to empathize with. Political factions between the two “secret” races could turn their war into one for domination of the world’s religion or governments.

We could keep these benefits while also keeping that mysterious gothic tone created by the vampires and dread knights. I know that, right off the bat, swords and armor seem outdated and unused in today’s world, but consider how much tradition exists in countries around the world. Do royals and royal guards still wear traditional dress for events? Yes. Do their manors and castles remain largely historic? There are many examples. Even if the current monarchy was in charge of a third-world, out of the way country, consider this: power to take over the world isn’t only possible through military strength (at least insofar as this RP is concerned).

I can think of more than a few movies, games, and books where a small group of elites ( Lord Voldemort’s “cult” from Harry Potter, The League of Shadows from Batman, the Knights of Aragon from Zorro) worked to overthrow entire nations and seize power by imposing fear. If they have connections to the right places, it isn’t hard at all for them to wreak havoc as the rest of the world simply stares on in oblivious shock. In fact, having them hold that duplicity—the ability to dabble in a secret, ancient identity while appearing to the rest of the world as a modern and respectable individual—adds a whole new layer of depth to play with.

And that’s before even adding magic. Technology doesn’t make sword and board swinging (and magically enhanced) characters useless. In fact, spellcasters have an advantage because they live in a world much less concerned about witchcraft. This is an age where the world seems much, much smaller. Our fears as a society aren’t at all the same. Because of this, no one’s going to be prepared for medieval looking armor that deflects bullets or creatures who can suck out the life energy of humans. And guards with swords and armor can be just as deadly (not to mention better armed than English police officers) to intruders of today’s world.

Thus, my suggestion is simply to assume that Castle Von Haren is in a secretive place in the world. If there’s an entire kingdom involved as well, it’s easy to alter reality and simply make any suitable country the domain of Ulfang’s holding. Due to the secrecy of vampires and likely Ulfang’s magic, is the world going to question his presence? No. If he and his guard wear traditional armaments, is it going to be out of place? No. There are many places in the world mostly untouched, and if Ulfang’s vampiric society is completely secret, the entire castle could be some hidden ruin guarded for the sake of avoiding human detection.

There’s also the fact that our angels and vampires aren’t going to be affected by changes in technology. Their magic is, by fair assumption, superior to what humans have developed. Angels can walk around unseen by humans, vampires can transform at will, and both are capable of magic that can destroy or heal with mere words. It honestly doesn’t matter what weapons they have so long as their magic is built to control the harm of human weapons. I think it’s safe to assume both immortal races are far, far from being discovered, much less threatened by the world’s current technology.

And that’s about all my thoughts. What do you guys think?

Re: The Balance of Life

Even though this was 10 odd days ago, I guess I'll continue with the intro's :P

Yo, I'm duramon. I'm playing the only male Angel thus far due to his ex-vamp status. I'll be hopefully fiddling with him and coming up with a really good character to kick around plot and interesting blood feuds with due to his status between the two groups.

Feel free to insult him or chuck around new insulting nicknames, or even come up with some back story as to when they met in the past and whatever happened their, good or bad. I'm very interested in things such as this and I'm happy to work on anything I need to with anyone whose interested.

I'm a big fan of Vampires and the like, having been part of The Detente in The Multiverse as a sireling of the main bloodline, until they tried to rub him out for causing an issue that is. He's alive and kicking and still one of my favourite characters, and aside from that I'm generally an all around fan of Vampires or interesting takes on Vampire-like races.

I've put up my first post very recently, and I figured I'd say yo, PM me for collaboration and I hope to be an interesting addition to this already interesting RP. Strife's gunna be bugging around the place probably for a little while, getting acquainted and meeting others, training and the like. Not 100% What I'll be doing with him, but for now as suggested by Crystal he'll be joining Zuu's and Nak's confrontation.

And...that's about it, Cya all in RP and out :P

Re: The Balance of Life

So, I will start. I'm Rose! ^.^ I'm a big fan of everything vampire, obviously! I've got several characters so far. I play the Vampire King Adrastos, who is fairly new to the throne. I'd like for him to form a small group of "security" if you will, we'll come up with a better term for it as it takes place. But a couple vampires that he can trust with his secrets >=)
I also have an Angel, who (if there was one, but there isn't.... yet) is more or less the General type. She's great at inspiring good within humans, but isn't afraid to lash out and defend her humans or sisters against any foreseen evil, meaning... "Draw your sword, and prepare to be cleansed!"
I have made a character for the Mother Queen as well, as I would imagine that she will be necessary through it at some point in time. She isn't on either side, and stands only to guide whatever/whomever would seek her guidance. She isn't easily approached though. She lives and stays in a limbo land, of sorts. Requests for an audience are sent to her via prayer, and only answered when she's ready.

Also, here's a trick about this tab system regarding the places. I'd ask that every post you make, you make within the specific area of which you're character is in. Don't worry though, you can then go to the posts or activity page and see all other posts made by every other player within the game. Again, do not just post right behind or after what you read in the Activity/Posts tabs, but go to the Places tab and select your specified area. This will help keep all character locations organized.

Let me know if I've forgotten anything.

The Balance of Life

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "The Balance of Life"

This thread will be for all Out of Character discussion regarding the roleplay. Here is where we will openly ask questions, discuss characters/plots, and even comment on what's going on within the roleplay. Please feel free to post and talk with others about all of your ideas that you'd like to include in the roleplay. What I've created does not have to solely be the base of it. I feel, that in order for a roleplay to succeed, all of it's members must operate as a team. If you have a problem with something, or whatever, discussing it here gives us all the freedom to be open and honest about it, respectively of course, but that openness with each other as team mates will make us stronger as players. Constructive criticism is encouraged, scheduling notices, even working together to co-align characters and plots. Finishing the roleplay would be nice; great in fact! But for everyone to enjoy themselves, and perhaps create a character that they take on with them outside of Balance of Life is the main goal and purpose.

Of course, communicating with a specific player via Private Message is also a good way to go about Out Of Character Discussion, if you'd like to keep your plot a surprise for the roleplay. Surprise reactions tend to make for longer play, and even can form sub plots of their own!