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Number 12

Fucking really? I have to deal with this shit.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Marcus, as played by RolePlayGateway


Number 12

[url=Song link here]Character's Theme Song[/url]


Full Name: Scott A. Dark
Preferable Names: It depends on who is speaking to him.
Aliases: Dark.
Titles/Honorifics: Project Number 12 and Corrupter Agent
Gender: Male.
Main Species: Altered Terran/ Demonborn human.
Apparent Age: Looks to be 25
Actual Age: 25
Birth Date: October 31.
Birth Place: Mars Corp Laboratories.
Zodiac Sign: Who follows that crap anyways but if you gotta know I am a Scorpio, bet you cannot figure out what my sun sign is.
Sexual Orientation/Preferance: Bisexual/ If I can get away with it then whoever and whenever right?
Marital Status: Why in the hell would I want anything to do with that?
Skin Color/Shade: White but with a slight tan. Hell I get out enough right guys?
Markings/Scars: None except for that black ring around my neck guys. Come on I got to look my best even with this.
Tattoos/Piercings:Ears are pierced with one or two gauges in them but no tattoos guys.

Height: 6’5”
Weight: 195 pounds
Handedness: I have to say that I am right handed.
Eye Color: Red.
Eye Wear: None.
Hair Color: Blood Red.
Hair Style/Length: Short and wavy.
Hair Wear: None.

Education: The Council has provided all my education but the problem is I think I broke the charts.
Languages: English, French, German, and of course Chinese.
Main Occupation: Right now I am considered whatever. Is it sad to say that I do not have a job.
Side Occupation: Same as the first buddy. If I have to say it again then I will.
Current Residence: Living with Council Base C-21
Previous Residence: Council capital ship Citadel.
Current Affiliations: Council.
Former Affiliations: None.
Family/Relatives: None.
Religion(s)/Beliefs: I sometimes like to think of myself as God. Sad thing is no one is correcting me.

Equipment and Personal Belongings

Main/Usual Outfit: Just what he is wearing at the time.
Secondary Outfit: Same as before.

Armor: Just the cloths on my back but do not count me out just yet as things can get pretty hot and heavy but this is not always true as the Council has given me a suit to wear when in a heavy firefight or out in space. This armor is called Incarnium Forged Plate Power Armor , or for its shorter name you can just call it IF-Power Armor. The armor itself is a interesting creation as it is a lightweight set of armor controlled by the wearers own mind and taps into the users hidden potential for psychic abilities and amplifies them due to two or four strange metal 'fins' that have been placed upon the helmet of the suit giving the wearer the appearance of having rabbit ears. The material that the suit is made is considerably light weight and in total when the suit is worn only adds 35 pounds when fully outfitted with an Accelerator engine and manna rifle, though those two things are considerable optional depending on who is being forced to wear the armor. The suits accelerator boost the speed of the suit allowing it to travel at high speeds without putting the wearer in any kind of danger and increases the reflexes of its user. It has its own repair system due to the magical nature of the metal alloy it was forged from and when enough damage happens to the suit it is then programmed to send a specific shock of positive energy to initiate the minor repair process. Its manna rifle, optional as listed above, consists of a double barrel style were one sits on top of the other only to need a constant flip ever shot as to keep burn up to a minimal for the arcane crystal sitting within. Besides all of that the suit has an auto targeting function and can if need be go without someone wearing it as it will act as a unit without the user entering it.

Jewelry: None.
Accessories: None.

Primary Weapon: if I had to choose between that gun right there or the weird looking sword that seems to beckon me then maybe I would take the sword but the gun does look promising.
Secondary Weapon: Whatever he can get his hands on.

Side Weapons (Throwing knives, chains, and etc.): None.

Racial Traits and Abilities

Demonbound Soul- Scott was born with demon blood running through his veins in an attempt as the first experiment to see what exactly the effect of demons breeding with the local populace was. It was apparent when Scott came to the age of 5 years old that his abilities became prominent as he was able to conjure black hell fire and alter the space around him to a certain degree as if the actual flow of events before him could be altered in the smallest way. Along with the infernal bloodline that is a part of him Scott is considerable stronger than the average human and has a much stronger will.
Scent of the Incubis- Scott almost seems to attract all kinds of trouble his way as his scent lingers drawing in most people who look upon him. Scotts pheromones are so strong that he has even been able to bring down the most pious of people to temptation.
Firebound Seal- Scott has 4 magical seals that he can call upon if he ever gets into trouble, each one following a different set of rules than the other and each requiring a certain amount of time to cast. The Firebound Seal takes only half a second to cast but still requires the initial phrase to unlock the powers that are hidden within. When Activated the Firebound Seal surrounds Scott in the element of fire and engulfs him allowing him to become a very dangerous individual as the flames do not harm him as they are under his control. Besides all of this Scott can use this ability to feed off other flames to feed his own power but he must expel the energy he stored quickly otherwise the seal will begin to work against him.
Seal of a thousand weapons- This seal speaks more for itself than what is necessary. This seal is actually for the third seal that Scott can call upon as each of the weapons that Scott calls upon fall from the sky or appear all around him sticking in the ground and even some sitting upon shelves or anything that can hold their weight. While he is within this seal he can see everything that is around him as each of the weapons provides a mental link that shows him what is around them.
Seal of the true sword- Scott is able to call upon this seal only if he has activated the Seal of a thousand weapons. This seal draws each of the weapons lying about the battle right into Scotts hand creating a blade that glows with an unnatural aura. If the sword Scott creates is held high then if he attacks it brings as much force as a rather large meteorite hitting the earth sending all the energy in a cone in front of him sinking the ground in front of him and creating a sonic boom from the force. The only problem with calling on this Seal is that it would require a direct hit and that Scott must remain standing perfectly still when he makes the initial swing.
Tome Bound Seal- Scott has access to the most dangerous spells in magic so long as he can memorize the words written within the book.
System Restraints levels 1-4- Scott is a considerably powerful being and is restrained by Council seals that prevent him from doing any major damage. If he is given the command he able to remove one restraint at a time allowing him to use more and more power behind his attacks. At level 1 whatever he can manifest around him begins to envelop him and everything around him packing more power to his punches and blows. At level 2 Scott's true form suddenly becomes rather apparent as the black hellfire that he summons begins to outline to curved horns that sit upon his forehead moving back across his skull and a tail begins to make an appearance. at level 3 Scott's appearance does not change but his power increases. Finally at 4th level Scott changes his shape and appears to be 20 years older than what he already was along with a power boost and he is able to freely create items without a problem.

So begins...

Number 12's Story


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 just stopped drinking his beer only to look at Blood Hawk and smile as if he had found the answer he was looking for. At worst Blood would slowly fall for the scent that Scott had always carried on him. "Another new one."


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 just downed the rest of his beer behind the bars counter only to get yet another bottle and do as he had before. "I suppose we all cannot be that lucky." Scott commented as he popped the cap off from the second beer and downed it with great haste.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 smirked and grabbed another bottle only to pour another glass for Blood Hawk just to smirk and lean on the counter looking at the young man. "Sure thing. Enjoy the drinks as they are on the house."


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"How cute." Scott commented only to snicker a little bit as he took up another bottle of beer and popped it open. "Enjoy the drinks kid."


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 just smiled and poured Blood Hawk yet another drink and would simply nod. "And I am the king of the underworld but I am not going around telling people." Scott downed his beer he stole only to place the entire bottle of vodka from bellow the counter right in front of the young man. "I am sure you are going to be one of the strongest kids on the planet."


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 just pushed the bottle towards the youngBlood Hawkonly to smirk and grab himself yet another beer. "I am sure you are the youngest spawn of Satan." Scott just smirked and popped yet another bottles cap off and downed the booze that was inside. "Tell me what brings you into a bar so unprepared for the worst to come?"


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Another one approaches maybe?" Scott whispered as he took yet another bottle from behind the counter only to down the booze within.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Terra


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 just stopped to look and wonder what this was. "Well a mirror that speaks and has an image to it." Scott spoke as he took the sides of the mirror and lifted the glass up slightly as if all to willing to drop it and watch it shatter. "I get what your saying but I am afraid that you are going to make this more interesting to me. I get bored sometimes and playing with the life of another is just all to tempting so show me something that would put a smile upon my face and I think then we can negotiate our terms."


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"More like anything. I am not a picky person and I am also the kind of guy who enjoys watching others squirm at times so you figure it out." Scott responded as he just began to walk over to a wall and prop the mirror up as to look upon the man in the mirror and smirk. "You know I think if you cannot entertain me in some way I am just going to leave you at a bar I know of not to far from here were the guys like to drink shots off from one another and there is not a single lady in sight, maybe I could find someplace worse to leave you if I am not impressed."


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"You expect me to toss you a hose?" Scott asked as if he had been talked down to. "How is this helping you case as I have already lost interest." But besides what was said he did grab the hose and put it up against the glass only to smirk. "Now tell me how you expect to reach through this mirror?"

The setting changes from Terra to Gambit's Bar


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 did not even see it coming as he was nailed right in the face and could feel his nose break, a perfect face now ruined. All this just for a good time and the worst part is that he could not complain as he was not supposed to be released yet. "Engulf in Flame!" Scott shouted when he could activating the first seal and smiling as his body was now being surrounded by the black flame he had conjured.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 allowed the flames to die down for a second as he took his hands and placed them against his nose and cracked it forward feeling the bone heal up nicely, it hurt like hell but it would heal in time. "Your an ass! Who hits someone in the face?" Scott commented as he placed both of his hands forward and sent a wave of the black hellfire forward down the bars counter were the tender would stand burning everything in front of him. "You just need to relax a little and be a little warmer to guys like me who just want a drink!"


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 was drawn to the fact that someone was going to pay for what he did but as soon as the ice man raised his sword and summoned that thing it was evident that he crossed a line today that would put him in the medical bay back home or worse. The flames died down and Scott was just left in his usual black and red garb only to offer a weak smile as he began to frantically think of what to do. "Well shit."


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"I will tell you when I have had enough." Scott commented as he just grabbed yet another bottle of scotch only to throw it down as well. "Cant a guy just get his anger out with a good drink."


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#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 was very pleased to see the booze wasted but had a little confusion on his face. "Then what the hell are you doing in a bar?"


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 was smacked in the back of the head only to smirk and lean upon the counter only to grab yet another bottle of booze and down half of it before the little girl. "I have seen scarier shit than a little girl." Scott just began to snicker. "I might give you the benefit of the doubt however if you can scare me."


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 could only imagine the dexterity that this horse girl would have to have to step through a hole she made through the bar. "Oh my and what do we have here. A little girl with an attitude I think I have witnessed some progress tonight." It was the unbridled chaos that Scott was drawn to and all the fun in the world could not be spoiled for this man.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 would just let out a deep sigh and begin to whisper the phrase "Ignite now." and suddenly Scott was sarounded by the black hell fire he had created not to long ago.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Number 12 just turned to look at the horse girl only to shake his head. "Who said we were friends?" Scott said only to hop the counter once more and grab yet another bottle of booze.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Drinking drives me to peace." Scott said only to toss the empty bottle against the same wall of the bar only to reach for yet another bottle of booze. "I love this bar!" Scott would shout in pure joy only to down the entire bottle of booze just to then toss it against the wall only to grab yet another bottle of Vodka. "Vodka for everyone!"