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The Mutant Circus

The Mutant Circus


The Colby Circus is a sinister place, employing mutants and monsters that would be hunted or outcast anywhere else and exploiting their abilities...but things are about to change.

1,141 readers have visited The Mutant Circus since VitaminHeart created it.


The Colby Circus was rather a sight to behold, something that attracted plenty of audience members every night as it moved from town to town, showing off its unique brand of entertainment and performers. It was run by the Colby siblings, Diablo the fire-juggler and ring-master, Hammer the strong-man, and Muse, the hypnotist. At first glance they were a slightly peculiar trio, but hidden beneath their bright costumes was a terrible secret. Beneath their costumes they were deformed and disfigured mutants.

Their performers were hardly ordinary either. Most had been recruited as children and had grown up there. All had some sort of strange mutation, ability, or lineage that made them...not quite human. They used these to put on fantastic performances..things the audience always saw as spectacular illusions...but were all entirely real. People becoming wild beast,s humans that could make fire form their fingertips or disappear from was all real...but all of them had a far from brilliant or extraordinary life.

Life as a performer in the Colby Circus was not pleasant. The Colby siblings enforced their rule over the place ruthlessly, and performers that stepped out of line faced severe reprisals...that was if Muse hadn't used her hypnosis on them to make them a little better behaved.

Still, most stayed of their own accord...they were freaks after all, where else would they go?

However, things were about to get pushed off the edge.

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1) No godmoding/powerplaying / obnoxious stuff like that.
2) Be polite in the OOC, don't act all rude and bratty if you don't get your it over.
3) Try and interact, it's ever so important in RPs. Get your character out there.
4) Don't go crazy with powers. Powerful is fine...ridiculously overpowered just makes things dull.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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#, as written by Cooper
An all-white figure stepped over to the cages, where some of the younger, less controllable mutants, were kept.

Julian, the wolf boy, yapped and ran over to her, grinning.

"Hey there," she said. While the figure, Mimic, didn't technically have a gender, she was typically considered to be female due to her behavior. Even her voice was gender-ambiguous.

Mimic didn't really eat food, not having a mouth to do so, but she would take her food and give it to the others. Hence, why Julian liked her so much.

"Food?" Julian asked.

The corners of Mimic's mask went up, something akin to a smile, and she held out some food for Julian. Julian snatched it cheerfully.

"How are you?" Mimic asked.

"Food," Julian replied casually, taking off a piece of the food and eating it.

Mimic laughed. "I see," she said.

Julian was used to getting more food, because he had a fast metabolism, thanks to being a werewolf.

Mimic sat by Julian. She looked out, struggling to see through the film of white that permanently covered her eyes, which were located at the bottom of her head. Or so she estimated.

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Muse leaded back against the back of one of the discarded animal cages, holding an old hand-mirror up and she carefully applied some of the rather alarming facepaint she was expected to don for the performance. SHe tried to get it out of the way early as she knew she'd be spending most of her time trying to keep the performers in line long enough to actually...well....perform. Some of them were an unruly lot, and her brothers only got involved if they got too difficult.

Muse drew the dark diamond shapes around her eyes before replacing the mirror, beginning to absent-minded polish the watch. She guarded the pocket watch very carefully. While a hypnotist by trade, she was no good without a focus for it, and the watch provided that much-needed focus. She had no idea what she could do without access to it.

Muse began to wander along the old cages, deciding she should probably hunt down the rabble with plenty of time before the start of the night's show. The cages had been around since the last animal had died, and many were unused...although they were a handy threat at some time. A few also served as housing for performer,s with a few alterations. She stepped around the corner, adjusting her hair and sighing.

"Right,nearly show time..."

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#, as written by Cooper
Mimic spotted Muse. People clothed in bright colors, as Muse often was, got Mimic's attention the easiest. Mimic waved at Muse.

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Yawning sleepily Tio lumbered out of the large crate that served as his housing area.
Scratching himself he blinked the sleep away from his eyes and stared out into the morning air.

Picking up a pail of apples he marched along contentedly devouring each in one or two bites saving a few for his friend Julian.

Strolling over to the animal cages he spotted Muse bustling about getting ready for the show, well she always scared Tio with her spooky facepaint. Tio was content to give her a wide berth.

He spotted Mimic and Julian moments later and joyfully ran over(scattering only a few angry workers) to challenge him to a wrestling match and share his apples.

Roaring his hello through the crisp morning air he startled Mimic but excited Julian by presenting him with the apples.

"I brought you a-a-a-apples Juh-juh....JULIAN!!!"

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#, as written by Cooper
Julian jumped over to the edge of his cage. "Food!" he exclaimed. Julian liked anybody with food.

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Rolling around in the dirt for a few moments wrestling Julian, Tio didn't notice that Muse was glaring at them angrily until Mimic cleared her throat uncomfortably.

Standing up with the wolfboy hanging off the back of his shirt Tio crossed his arms and hung his head kicking at the dirt solemnly.

Sighing Tio stooped and gathered up the apples sticking them over his shoulder for Julian to grab. Lifting the boy down he patted him fondly and sat down to wait for the show.

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(Careful about controlling the other characters there, as I don't think Julian elected to do any wrestling.)

Muse approached the small assembled group, snapping the cage door open without much of a word to allow Julian out.
"Any messing around from you wolf-boy and you'll be straight back in there." she stated sternly.
"Actually that goes to any of you that act up today...I'm really not in the mood to have to deal with it. I'll cease rations until the end of the week for the lot of you if you misbehave..." she muttered. Muse was clearly not in a good mood...either that or she was feeling a little intimidated by the collection of them together.

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#, as written by Cooper
(And to be honest, I doubt Mimic has a throat to clear.)

Julian nodded with a whine. Julian took a few apples to give to the others.

"Is anyone sick, Muse?" Mimic asked. She wondered if she'd have to take anyone's place at the show tonight.

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OOC (Sorry about that, thats sorta what I was going for, Just basing dynamics off of what I'd do with my little brothers. Again I apologize I just ment it as a minor action.)

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#, as written by Cooper
ooc: Don't worry about it, but it still counts as controlling other characters. You can get away with it if you know the other characters better. I mean, it is true that at the sight of food Julian would be excited, and that your character's voice would startle Mimic. So that was somewhat ok.

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Charles sighed, sitting up from his prone position, his eyes still shut against the light. It was days like this, with the light balanced with the shadows, that he felt the most stable. Cracking his knuckles (though what knuckles he cracked are unknown), Charles rose to a standing position, trying to gauge how the day was going to proceed. Eyes still closed, he judged the day was going to proceed like any other; get up, get ready, eat, conjure shadows for paying fools, go back to bed. It was a dull schedule, but it was the only one he knew, and he was a creature of habit by nature. Shaking his head, Charles slipped into a long-sleeved shirt, a pair of ill-fitting jeans, and finally into the jacket and shoes he wore when he could. Stepping with an almost inaudible gait, he exited his little tent, intent on finding others before eating and preparing for another day of mediocre shadow-bending to amuse dull-minded paying customers. Catching a glimpse of bright cloth, Charles began moving towards Muse, Mimic, Julian, and Tio. "Ah, if it isn't a few of the most fascinating people under the employ of Miss Colby. And what's this? It's Miss Colby herself. I daresay that this would be the most fortunate grouping to occur today, as all of the people that I find the least abhorrent are in attendance. Not to say I like any of you, I just dislike you a little less than the others." Charles said with a sweeping arm flourish as he closed in on the group. He wasn't in full 'I don't care about how you feel about me' mode, and it was more than slightly obvious.

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#, as written by Cooper
Mimic chuckled. Or at least, that sound that came from her was meant to be a chuckle. "I'm glad you don't hate me as much as everyone else," Mimic said. "I try very hard to be among the least-hated."

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Tio made a guttural sound akin to a giggle and then stared intently at his hand contemplating hate, unable to come up with the concept he looked off into the distance while absentmindedly scratching his head.

"S-s-show startin so-sou-soon?"

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Sugar was always one of the last to join the crew. He ambled out of his tent and slunk soundlessly toward the group, his lanky arms at his side, hands in his pockets. His face was, as usual, hidden by the same mask he had worn day in and day out for the past ninety years.

The eyes were painted slits, arched to show jubilee. The smile it donned was too animated, turned up too far at the corners and showed razor sharp teeth. The cheeks were drastically pink, offsetting his hair which was a bright scarlet.
There were only a handful of people he had showed his real face to, and none of them belonged to this troupe.

Sugar always ate on his own. His diet was rather different than an average human diet (for he was not, in fact, human), consisting only of raw, bloody meat- any species would do.
He mumbled a "good morning" to everyone, taking a place among the troupe.

Sugar had traveled with many different circuses in his long lifetime, and honestly, this was the most colorful one. These people were more than just acts- getting up on the stage, they showed their real selves.
Hard to find in the modern day freak circus.
Even though Sugar rarely took opinions on people, or really shared bonds with them, he liked this troupe and was happy to be a part of it.

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Muse nodded.
"Yes, we'll be starting soon, so you should start getting your costumes on, and applying your make-up." she stated, setting out some make-up, cheap face paint really, but then they weren;t going to waste anything expensive on the rabble.
"Get yourselves ready....and where on earth has Edie gotten to? She's not supposed to be wandering around.."

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#, as written by Cooper
Julian started sniffing the ground, on the hunt for Edie. His nose actually wasn't much stronger than a human's, but he believed it was.

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Walking back to his hut and stepping out moments later in an old style mens wrestling leotard, this being one of many supplied for him as they were generally destroyed due to his act requiring him to be:
1) Shot by a cannon.
2) "Mauled" by bears.
3) Dropped onto a bed of spikes.
and last but not least
4) Acting as main support for various acrobatic acts requiring balance which usually entailed him holding up a various large platforms or multiple people.

Joining on the hunt for Edie, Tio wandered aimlessly until a simple solution came to his head.
Gingerly craning his neck Tio looked up searching the many ropes and contraptions that stood even higher than him.

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Up in the various bits of ropes and rigging making up the upper areas of the big top, Edie was fast asleep. Her hands and feet automatically fastened round one of the thicker ropes, the girl hung loosely, like a sloth, with her eyes closed. Edie, an oddity as she was, seemed to have no trouble with sleeping about fifty feet off the fact she far preferred it to the cages. She felt rathe rvulnerable on the ground. She was still wearing her training outfit, clearly getting tired in mid training session.

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#, as written by Cooper
"Edie!" Julian called, once he spotted her. He held up an apple, not quite understanding she was asleep. "Food, Edie. Food!"

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Muse Colby
Character Portrait: Malarkey & Maureen
Character Portrait: Edie
Character Portrait: Sugar


Character Portrait: Sugar

The strange man. The thin man. Shadow. Spider. Freak. Creep. Borderline psycho. Vampire? Sugar.

Character Portrait: Edie

"I prefer it on the ceiling...I'm harder to catch up here."

Character Portrait: Malarkey & Maureen
Malarkey & Maureen

One has chipped paint, a single bright glass eye, but a sickly smile. The other is in her middle-40s, graying hair with a vacant expression and fading voice. Who's the real puppet?

Character Portrait: Muse Colby
Muse Colby

"You are getting sleepy.."


Character Portrait: Malarkey & Maureen
Malarkey & Maureen

One has chipped paint, a single bright glass eye, but a sickly smile. The other is in her middle-40s, graying hair with a vacant expression and fading voice. Who's the real puppet?

Character Portrait: Muse Colby
Muse Colby

"You are getting sleepy.."

Character Portrait: Edie

"I prefer it on the ceiling...I'm harder to catch up here."

Character Portrait: Sugar

The strange man. The thin man. Shadow. Spider. Freak. Creep. Borderline psycho. Vampire? Sugar.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sugar

The strange man. The thin man. Shadow. Spider. Freak. Creep. Borderline psycho. Vampire? Sugar.

Character Portrait: Muse Colby
Muse Colby

"You are getting sleepy.."

Character Portrait: Edie

"I prefer it on the ceiling...I'm harder to catch up here."

Character Portrait: Malarkey & Maureen
Malarkey & Maureen

One has chipped paint, a single bright glass eye, but a sickly smile. The other is in her middle-40s, graying hair with a vacant expression and fading voice. Who's the real puppet?

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Re: [OOC] The Mutant Circus to say were dead here?

Re: [OOC] The Mutant Circus

Wow, I would have loved the notes that we were starting this RP! That would have been awesome.

I'll try to get a post up pretty soon, here.

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