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The Xtra Experiment

The Xtra Experiment


“The Xtra Experiment”. It was too create super humans. Who had the blood type AB-. When they are kidnapped they call it "The Event" (Better inside to small)

2,095 readers have visited The Xtra Experiment since Lvdwilt2000 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



| Game Master |
| Idea |
Unfortunately the idea is not mine but a book I read on Wattpad. It is a bit different just so you know. Even though the book is not completed. I highly recommend it.
| Plot |
There are only so many people in the world with the blood type AB-. In that case it’s a real good thing for the human population. A scientist named Dr. Ameo came up with “The Xtra Experiment”. It was too create super humans. So many wars have been going on in Earth that these lucky eight people got to be picked for the amazing experiment. As super humans they can do almost anything that the doctor makes them have. She is a mad genius and wants to stop the wars and fighting. So she came up with this trial. The people picked with the blood type AB- are all in between the ages 15-18. To other people it is known as “The Event” you can hear the screams from wherever you are and it happens on the third Sunday of March in the year 2345. Will these kids survive? Escape? Let’s see what they can do with their powers infested in their bodies.
| OCC |
Hey guys!
You can call me Lisa, or Lvd people do that. Anyway I am thinking where we start is the night of the event. I will be the scientist. I do suggest that you can handle a bit of mature content but that will all be in the rules. Relationships between the characters would be cool. And I have many ideas and I welcome, I encourage ideas. Sent to me by PM and by OCC or even chat messaging let me know.
Name | 15-18 | FC: |OPEN, Reserved, Taken

Dr. Maria Ameo | 31 | FC: Torrey Devitto | Taken by GM

Name | 15-18 | FC: Avril Lavaigne | TAKEN by Mysterious Fox

Name | 15-18 | FC: Keegan Allen| TAKEN by Mysterious Fox

Name | 15-18 | FC: Drew Fuller | TAKEN by Sparky Salvatore

Name | 15-18 | FC: Andrew Garfield| TAKEN by nathanman4123

Name | 15-18 | FC: Arden Cho| TAKEN by crashmeback

Name | 15-18 | FC: Matthew McNulty | TAKEN by crashmeback

Emily Betaign | 15-18 | FC: Amanda Seyfried | Taken by GM

| OCC |
Hey, Me again. So this is what almost all the test subjects will receive. If there is a certain power you don’t want your subject to have let me know! Or write it in OCC, Also the doctors and guards have a way of blocking their powers on them.

| Powers |



Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Senses

Regenerative Healing Factor

Death Embodiment

Animal Possession


1. I am your game master. I am not here to condescend just think of me as your elder and wiser person protecting you. So what I say goes unfortunately
2. No God Modding I know it’s hard I even by accident do it sometimes, as long as you got permission from that person.
3. Reserving you can reserve as many as you want but try to keep ratio of one male and one female
4. First part of the password a picture of your face claim (gif)
5. Don’t bring OCC drama into IC but drama is allowed in character. It wouldn’t be an rp without some.
6. Respect each other. Its important think of it this way. If we work together we can make this rp fun
7. Can you tell me if you leave? It’s important if you’re going away for long periods of time or so on.
8. Second part of the password. If you could have a magic ability what would it be?
9. Have fun

You are allowed to use another CS just make sure the info is on there. And spoof it up if you want. Need help? Ask I will give my time to help.
Code: Select all
[center][img][]Creater Character Name Here[/img]
[img]GIF or IMAGE here[/img]
[font=times new roman][size=110][i]”Character Quote Here”[/i][/size][/font][/center][hr][/hr]

[right][img]GIF or IMAGE here[/img][/right][left][img]GIF or IMAGE here[/img][/left]

[center][font=centaur][size=110][b]|Full Name|[/b][/size]
[i]What is your character’s full name?[/i][/font][/center]

[i]What nicknames does your character go by? Do they even like nicknames?[/i][/font][/center]

[i]How old is your character? Stay within the age range I have given you or the age presented. Some ages can be modified depending on your reasonings.[/i][/font][/center]

[i]What is your character’s ethnic background?[/i][/font][/center]

[center][font=centaur][size=110][b]|ID Number (Imprinted on their skin)|[/b][/size]
[i]The number is a five digit code.[/i][/font][/center][hr][/hr]

[right][img]GIF or IMAGE here[/img][/right]
[i]What are your character’s powers? What can they do with them? REMINDER: No character is all-powerful. END OF STORY. Add what they have and what for powers they don’t.[/i][/font][/center]

[i]What are your character’s weaknesses? This can be related to their powers and their lives in general.[/i][/font][/center]

[i]Outside of their powers, what skills does your character possess?[/i][/font][/center][hr][/hr]

[left][img]GIF or IMAGE here[/img]
[img]GIF or IMAGE here[/img]
[img]GIF or IMAGE here[/img][/left]




[center][font=centaur][size=110][b]|Likes & Dislikes|[/b][/size]
[color=green]▲[/color][/left][right][color=red] ▼[/color]
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[color=red] ▼[/color][/right][/font][/center][hr][/hr]

[center][img] GIF or IMAGE here[/img][/center]

[i]If we were to take your character apart, what would we find? What are the good and bad parts of your characters? Need to be at least two detailed paragraphs. Really flesh your character out because I will tell you that you need to work on them more if you don’t.[/i][/font][/center][hr][/hr]

[center][img] GIF or IMAGE here[/img][/center]

[i]Again, two detailed paragraphs. Where is your character from? What is their family life? [/i]

[center][font=centaur][size=110][b]|Theme Song|[/b][/size][/font]

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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She sat down on her laptop. She was typing her message to the president. –Dear, President Abbey, Tonight will be the night we kidnap the first seven people for the testing. If all goes well with them then we can do more when we find more people with the blood AB-. Status report complete. Dr. Ameo - She closed her laptop shut and walked out of her office. The building was large and they planned on making sure this went right it was what she wanted to have happen. She had seven machines of everything she needed. She planned on working with them in two different styles one-on-one and together as a group.

She walked out of her office and smiled at her several guards she had collected. She had an accounted of two hundred guards most were staying but several were coming along. Her mission would begin and she couldn’t wait. She was so happy if she could turn these children into monsters and defeat the other countries in the war. She looked at her clipboard and at the guards around her. “Hello People. You are here today to collect some people for my project. I will be accompanying you all. We will be going in the helicopter to California, America, Mexico, California, and Down South.” She walked down the hallways that only had a few measly lights hanging. She didn’t spend money on electricity much because she would rather use the money towards getting her subjects finished.

She walked out to the helicopter on the roof. When she got in there she sat down. Yelling out with a smile. She looked at the guards. “First off we will take Ethan Teegarden, Wyatt Brooks, Joshua Franston all mainly in the same location and our three first male subjects. You will be taking another helicopter back then.” She said pointing towards the first three guards. She landed at the first house of Ethan. She knocked on the doors with the guards then busted through the person that opened the door. The guards began searching the house looking around for each. She found Ethan sitting in the living room. She walked over to him and the guards held onto him. “Just a little pinch.” She said stabbing a needle in his neck. It was a sleeping poision to keep him from seeing where they were going.

He passed out and the guards carried him to a plane instead of a helicopter where they could outstretch his body. They went to the next house of Wyatt. Doing the exact same they finally found him and struck him down with a needle making him to pass out also. He was brought once again also the plane and laid on two chairs. They went back into the helicopter going to the third house in America for a Joshua Franston. He was their third and last patient in America. They all had the blood of AB- for her it was a miracle but for them such a sad thing.

She busted into this house also finding him quicker than the others and stuck a needle in his neck making him pass out. The guards dragged him out of the house and took him to the plane. Now they would fly to California and get a girl named Clarissa Dontain. They flew there and went into her house sticking the needle in her neck and guards taking her out to the plane also. It was a very easy process. The family members of course trying to stop it but would not get anywhere. Of course she had to write letters explaining a lie to tell them for later knowledge.

She then had to go to Mexico to collect of a Will West. Which exactly what they did. Collecting him all the same as the other she was then to go to the south to collect of a Naimo Santigo and that was exactly what was happening as the night when on people were a bit sleeping when it happened. As it was getting late she had one last person to collect of who lived in Asia. She made the plane go there to collect of Charlotte Tanaka her last and final patient.

She struck her down with the needle also continuing her process now to go to Shaylin Mountain way hidden where no one would ever see them again unless of course on their death status. They flew down to the mountain and landed on the roof. They had a guard bring seven moving beds and hooked them all up to it tying them down. She pushed down them with the guards. The big laboratory room one was where they were all going. She finally got her bed there and the guards got theirs.

Next was too move them all into the chairs and tie them down. She got the guards to help them off the beds and into the chairs. She got them sitting down and tied them all down. She waited for them to wake up which they did slowly. “Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to a very important thing. The Xtra Experiment! You all were chosen for this to be tested on to be made into super humans.”

She grabbed a special rod she had with the numbers she had invested in. As she walked she spoke clearly while burning it in their skin. Clarissa Dontain your now #45678 , Naimo Santiago your now #65043, Ethan Teegarden your now #78450, Charlotte Tanaka your now #24601, Will West your now #41235 , Wyatt Brooks your now #12295 , Joshua Franston your now #09783.” She said after burning all the numbers in their right arm.
“So we should beginning soon shall we not?” She said looking at them all.

Clarissa had just gotten home from school she was busy in her room typing. She liked to write in her free time. At the moment she was typing a short story that was going to be published in the school newspaper she was in her last pieces when she heard screaming from her mother and father.

She was too busy listening to it when she was suddenly grabbed by two guards and then she saw a doctor come in. A female she grabbed her head and twisted it to the side making her have this pain in her neck. She let out a scream while a pain listed through her body.

That was all she remembered until she slowly began seeing stuff when small lights were passed above her head. She was then moved to a chair from what she felt. She then slowly was awoken and looked around she saw six more people sitting on chairs tied up. She slowly began talking and then came to each one her first and burned something into her arm. A pain of burn went through her and a scream passed her lips of pain. It hurt like hell. She looked down to see a number pressed in her skin.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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Will just finished school he was riding on his skateboard home when he got to the house he walked inside and he saw his mother and dad screaming on the table he ran to them"MOM DAD!" he ran to find a doctor in his room with some guards"what did you do my parents you monster" at that second a man came over and shot him with this weird stuff that made him fall asleep after awhile he woke he saw six more people on chairs stuck there he listened as the doctor talked he was being tested on he did not mind if someone took some blood but testes mean maybe death witch was one thing he did not like he tried to get out of there but it was not worth it was so tight on he could not even movie


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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Ethan was spending his Friday night just like every other night before, sitting in the living room, watching TV. Mainly because he hadn't had anything better to do. It's not like he had any friends to spend the evening with, to have fun. Just as he stood to go into the kitchen, he heard someone busting down his door and going after him. Ethan tried his best to fight them off, but clearly it was useless. He had a needle shoved into his skin, causing him to quickly pass out.

The next thing he knew, he was waking up in a dark room, tied to a chair with a woman standing in front of him. He glanced around, finding that there were six others in the same predicament. This couldn't be good, he thought. When the woman began speaking he sighed and began believing that this must have been some sort of nightmare. Though when he was stamped on his arm with an iron rod, that made everything seem real to him. Ethan was trapped in some strange building with people he had never met before in his life. He was going to be tortured for the rest of his life and he knew it without having to hear about anything else.

Ethan bit down on his lip one the iron hit his skin, but he couldn't hold in the screams anymore. The male screamed for dear life. He could smell his skin burning beneath the iron, it was a disgusting smell. But it happened to all of the others in the room as well. Honestly, he felt bad for them more than himself.


Naomi laid in her bed, asleep. She suddenly awoke when she heard her parents screaming at someone, she wasn't sure of what was going on. But she just sat there, fearing what was happening. Should she go out and help them or was it none of her business to get into? Naomi sighed as she brought her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. At that moment she watched as a couple men barged into her room, immediately going towards her. One of them held a needle in their hand. She screamed as one of them wrapped their arms around her as the other shoved the needle deep into her skin. Whatever was in that needle made her pass out immediately.

When Naomi woke up, she heard a female speaking to them. She bit her lip when she watched as a girl apparently named Clarissa was stamped with an iron rod. She could immediately smell burning skin. When the female turned towards her, she started crying, she had no idea what was going on, nor did she know who these people were or where she was. The second the iron hit her skin she let out a piercing scream, not holding anything back. "You bitch!" she cried out when the iron rod was pulled away from her skin.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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The phone rang on the kitchen counter. Wyatt saw the call was from his mom. He rolled his eyes. Normally he'd ignore it. She usually wanted him to "do her a favor" which included god knows what. The last time she wanted him to dye their dog purple to improve its aura. Somehow it was supposed to get rid of its fleas. She came home to a purple dog and began yelling at him. She had completely forgotten the request. If she kept up on her meds, there would be fewer favors. Yet the pills were exchanged for cash and his mother was still nuts.

He popped his cup of noodles in the microwave. He had a minute to kill so he answered it. "Yeah, Ma!" he said, irritation grating in his voice. "Slow down, I can't understand you," It was another manic episode. She began rattling off, feeling as if someone was watching her. "It's okay, mom... Just come home," Wyatt felt the panic in her voice and couldn't help but catch the paranoia. "Wyatt... baby... Wyatt," she said, "lock the door... they're coming for you... lock the door," He assured her he would. She finally hung up. The noodles were long cold.

Wyatt took a step to the door and suddenly, his whole world was pulled out from under him. Men burst into the door. "What are-" he started. Then there was blackness. So much blackness that he was swimming in it, drowning in it. When he came to, he felt waterlogged. He tried to move his arms but found them pinned. Blinkly dumbly, he saw several others sitting in a chair, tied in place. Suddenly he saw a woman speaking and began piecing together what she was saying.

"Super... what?" The burn of an ID number into his skin brought him back to life. "Wait, no! You have the wrong guy! I'm not special. I'm nothing. Let me go... take me home!" Was he going crazy? Was this real? All he could think of was his mother, coming home to an empty house. What would happen to her? What was happening to him?


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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Charlotte's parents moved to the states during college and fell in love with America. They married and decided to stay. Charlotte was born in Seattle and given an American name. She was raised with MTV, McDonald's and The Simpsons. She had no accent and spoke no Japanese. So when her parents changed their minds and decided to return to Japan, Charlotte was furious. What did Japan have that Seattle didn't? But she was dragged along anyway.

The moment she got off the plane, she felt her differences. She didn't understand anyone. She didn't dress like anyone. It didn't matter if she looked like them. Her parents moved in with her father's mother. She had grown ill and didn't have long. Charlotte's father was her only child. As much as Charlotte wanted to by sympathetic, she couldn't. Stuck in a uniform, stuck in a land full of strangers, stuck in a culture not her own, she just wanted out.

One afternoon, her parents were out. It was just Charlotte and her grandmother in the house. Charlotte was nestled in a bean bag chair, watching cartoons, eating a bowl of cereal. She had poured enough sugar to stop an elephant's heart to make it palatable. Cereal wasn't a big thing in Japan and normally used as an ice cream topping.

Her grandmother shouted at her in Japanese. Charlotte understood a few words but refused to respond. She shouted again. Charlotte shoved her knit hat over her ears and gritted her teeth. She wanted nothing to do with her. It was her fault she was here. Her door opened and Charlotte turned, "Jiji, leave me alone!" But it wasn't her grandmother. There were several men dressed in black. Before she could speak, they were on her.

She woke up tied to a chair in a room full of strangers. Oddly, she felt a sense of guilt. The last thing she did was yell at her grandmother. And now... now what? Was she dead? She saw a woman claiming to be a doctor with a rod. She was burning numbers into their arms. In her panic, she barely took in what the doctor had said. Instead she struggled against her bonds. As she came closer, her heart fluttered in mad hysteria. She began screaming as the numbers burned into her arms.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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He like so many others, he discovered, were ambushed. Or so he assumed given they were all tied firmly down and each looked as disorientated and emotional as the other. He could hardly remember the ambush. He was already having a bad day-by general standards and definition-ready to sleep off the stress of school on his couch and as he dozed, random people had invaded his home, pushing pass his parents for him to be...special? Had he heard that right?

The doctor moved down the line imprinting the other young strangers with a ID number, causing each to scream in pain and Josh shook his head rapidly, already tensing and straining for what was about to happen to him. "No. No. Please. No." He was cut off from his hopeless pleas as the rod made contact with his skin, burning into his arm causing his own scream in pain to be released through his gritted teeth. His fingers curled and flexed and he stirred in his seat, longing to tend to the burn with a burst of cool water or at least the other hand.

As the burn and sting continued, his head eventually slumped against the chair staring at his number on the verge of crying. "Joshua Frankston, you are now #09783" For how long was he a number and prisoner? Based on her burning it into each one of them, he knew the answer inside. For a terribly long time. And this was only the beginning of a tragic story as the Doctor was ready to move on.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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Dr. Maria Ameo was pleased with the people she had collected. They all looked like such strong advocates. Ready for a long, painful and bumpy journey. Filled with tests and painful ones at that. She looked at them and smiled big for she was proud. She planned on first getting the powers infested in their system together and work slowly with them one on one. Things were going good and she was happy that she had them all there in one piece. The building, Shaylin Moutain used to be an old insane assylum. And they luckily got the grant to have it there.

No one found this place when there were insane people. It was where crazy people went to be tested in also. It gave a bit of warmth to the place knowing that others were tested there also. It still looks exactly the same as the insane assylum they just spoofed it up with the technology needed to transform those kids into perfect wepons. Soldiers even. She smiled and them. “Well we should begin then.” She walked over to a button station on the table and clicked a button and all these masks fell down where each chair was.

She walked over to each person placing the mask on them tying the straps in the back. It covered the mouth and the nose. She strapped in each subject and walked in front of them all. Pointing to the two big silver cylindors in the corner she looked at them. Speaking she said, “Those machines will be a toxin to pump in your blood changing certain DNA for your special power that comes and more to come later. And screaming is allowed I know its working then. For the pain is simply unbearable.”

She went to the desk, hit another button and the pumps began making huge churning noise pumping the green serum into their bodies.

This doctor was crazy Clarissa was scared out of her mind. The pain still in her arm from the number printed on her skin. She was a lab rat now. Something she dispised. Hating people who hurt animals for this and now they were doing it to her. How terible. She was scared and a bit cold. But mainly she was really scared of that doctor.

Not that she wished this on anyone else but she was glad that there were others around. She was also happy they screamed making her not feel like a total wimp. But it really hurt. At least she wasn’t crying yet but she knew it would be there soon. Sometime very soon. She had clicked a button and these things fell out of the sky and landed in front of her face. She came around the chairs hooking it up towards them.

She was freaking out on what she was having be breathed in. She tried to squirm free but it was no use. She clicked another button after speaking. She looked at the machine she pointed at two big cylinders. She then slowly was breathing in a bad smell.

At first it smelt like burnt rubber, then a skunks spray and then when she completely breathed it in she felt like she was choking. Her throat burning. Her heart was racing pumping blood faster. She let out screams as she felt sharp pains go through her system. She noticed the doctor smiling out of the corner of her eye. She began moving her body back and forth, shaking in pain and horror. She felt so sore and knew now that this was going to be the death of her.

She felt tears streaming down her face from the pain. The green smog still being breathed in.


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he felt pains as the doctor burned the number into his arm it hurt like a getting hit by a car once the burning was done he was finally able to breach but that second the doctor came in for more he saw as the the others screamed in pain and he knew it would be the same with that green stuff the thing that crept going around Wills head was i wounder if it tastes like lime but he was a strange guy of course he was the one who would think of the most disgusting things like one time he at ketchup in oats any way one he tasted the green stuff he found out it was disgusting he thought he was a crazy guy but the doc was nuts like she just was planing this for years it was just then that jack felt a lot of pain like more bad then the medal it was like his entire body was going to go on fire like you go and hope into a fireplace and you burn to bone in a few minutes it would be one of the worse weeks in his entire life was just about to happen


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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0.00 INK


This woman clearly had some issues she needed to settle. If she truly believes that testing him and these other complete strangers the way she was was the right thing to do, she was clearly insane. He widened his eyes a bit as he noticed these strange looking masks drop down from the ceiling in front of their faces. He had no idea what was going on but no matter what it was it was clearly something that would end up bad in the end. Once the woman turned on the machine they were connected to, he immediately held his breath. Though it wasn't long until he needed air, he had to give in to breathing this horrible gas into his lungs. With the first breath he took, he could feel every inch of his body beginning to go through pain. His body began shaking and trembling as if he were going into a seizure of some sort.

After a while the pain began to turn into something that was terribly unbearable, not even the toughest person in the world would be able to go through this pain without screaming. He let loose, screaming in pain, wishing for the woman to turn the machines off and just let them all go home. Though he knew that was far from something that would ever happen. He was now stuck here for the rest of his life, he knew that. Honestly, he wished he would just die and not have to deal with everything that was going on. Besides, he was already practically dead to the world now, what would it matter if he were to actually die? At least then he'd be free.


Naomi couldn't believe anything she was hearing. Did this woman have something wrong with her head? That was something she knew she would never happen to find out. As the strange contraptions fell from the ceiling she felt her body begin to tremble in fear. She felt tears begin to swell up in her eyes as she felt the pain begin to surge throughout her body, she felt as if she was going to explode. Whatever this green goop stuff was, she definitely didn't agree with it. Everything about it was painful. She bit down on her lip as she found herself breathing in a gas substance as well. Naomi really didn't want to be here, though she knew she had no choice. If she were to ever get out, it most likely wouldn't be alive.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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Pain kept piling on top of him. He thought the burn were bad enough and wanted it to end there, holding out for a rescue-some special swat team to storm in and deal with this crazy demented doctor like they do in the movies but masks were placed on and amped up the pain. Initially it were a deep desire to throw up and reject the fumes invading his insides and that already made him feel bad but once the new sensation of burning and soreness kicked in he wanted it to be over. He wished he had higher pain tolerance if it would make a difference. But as he glanced around he saw everyone in the chair was struggling against the green toxins or whatever the crazy lady was convinced she had.
Josh clutched the chair tightly and screamed again unable to help it. Already it were evident she got a kick out of pain.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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She pulled against her restraints uselessly. Tears burned down her face. "Please let me go!" she shouted, "I won't tell anyone!" Charlotte screamed as the pain increased, burning through her veins. She continued to plead and scream in fits of sobbing until fits of darkness pulsed before her eyes. Finally her head hung slack as she lost consciousness.

In the darkness, she dreamt of her home in Japan. She saw her parents searching every room. She saw her grandmother weeping in Charlotte's empty room. And then the pain seered into her dreams, burning through her home, turning every room into ash and tragedy. She woke again to the pumping liquid ripping through her body. She stopped pleading. There was no point. And in the pain, she discovered a moment of clarity. She knew she would die and it was okay... it would be okay...


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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"And screaming is allowed I know its working then." the doctor said.

Wyatt was no follower, especially to those that were bent on sadism. He buckled down, clenching his fists as the liquid seared into his veins. The hot rush of chemicals flooded his body, electrifying his nerves. But he refused to scream. Even as the sweat poured from his face and his skin seemed to burn, he refused to give in. His breathing became frantic and his heart pounded in his ears. But he couldn't give the sick woman the satisfaction.

As the pain became unbearable, to keep himself from falling apart, he shouted at the doctor, "If I get any powers from this, you sick bitch, I'll use them to tear you apart!!" The act of screaming at the woman relieved a little pressure. But the pain was unrelenting. He looked up to the ceiling and recalled his mother. In her madness, she talked of the "man in the sky". Maybe it was God, maybe it was another delusion of a manic state... but he looked up there and closed his eyes. He prayed for the first time in his life that whatever was up there would give him the strength to endure this... and the strength to kill that doctor...


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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Posted Twice Ignore this one sorry peeps. Enjoy the rp look at the pictures I added in OCC


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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Maria was very happy. She smiled watching them the entire hour they had pain. Listening to their screams was like listening to angels singing. She smiled at them all. Finally the hour was up and the bell rung. She clicked the release button and they all popped open. The masks going back up into the air. She was so happy right at the moment. “You all are doing great. I believe you will all survive this as the best super humans ever.”

She said looking at them all. Listening to a few of their comments she smirked. “Yes, yes I am an evil wicked person. You are going to kill me when it’s all over. Do you not think I didn’t take precautions? I am ruler right now little ones.” She said with a cackle. She was so extremely happy with the way things were. She looked to the guards and smiled. One came over an she whispered in his ear… “Hook them up all to the examining tables. Please and thank you.” She watched as the guards untied them eventually tying them down to the tables.

She walked not much further than ten feet from each bed and smiled. “Now comes the wide-awake surgery. This may be painful due to the morphine not working in your system.” She walked over to Clarissa first. She was strong. She placed on her mask over her face and began. Each person was strapped down. One over their head arms and their legs. She grabbed the scalpel and cut into her brain. The area that controlled the senses was very powerful. She placed a white circle so tiny and injected it into the brain.

She finished Clarissa by wrapping her up and doing the same to each and every person that was there strapped down. Once this segment was finished she grabbed another form of a mask placing it again on each of their faces, then making a small hole on their hip. She injected a pipe there. She went to her desk. Typing in a few keys it was already she smiled at them.
“Okay the surgery was for enhancing your senses. The pumping of an orange metallic. Will be making you have super speed. The taste is terrible. But we know you will endure it.” She said holding up a bottle containing the color for them all to see. She then hit a few more buttons and she heard the machines making its noises. Soon they would be finished and she would be rolling in money and a safe world.

Clarissa was scared enduring the pain from the machine it finally ended. After she spoke again a guard came and began to unhook her from the machine. She tried to run but she didn’t get a chance before they pushed her down on the table tying her up.

She felt useless and worn. She was then cut into and heard the cutting. Making her go nuts. She was very sore and screamed a little in between through the pain. It was wrapped up and she did the others. Watching she was then cut a hole into her skin and another mask placed on her mouth.

The doctor spoke again giving her a lecture wasn’t going to help. She then felt the pain. As she clicked the button a orange gloop was going through her mouth. Swallowing it was swallowing a gold taste and a bit of puke wanted to come up. Making her sick to her stomach.

Screaming her only option now.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo Character Portrait: Naomi Santiago Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain Character Portrait: Will West Character Portrait: Joshua Frankston Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka Character Portrait: Ethan Teegarden
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Ethan immediately gasped for fresh air once the masks were released from their faces. He turned his head and looked at everyone else who was strapped down to the chairs. There were six others in the room with him. As he heard the doctor speaking to the guards again, to hook them up to the examination tables all he could do was clutch down onto the chair. "I know you don't have to hear this to know it's true, but you are a very sick woman." he stated to her with a death stare. All he wanted to do was jump out of that chair and attack that woman to doing this to him and these other people. He was sure none of them did anything to deserve this treatment.

Ethan sighed when he was hooked up to the examination table and to another mask. He bit down on his lip as he felt the doctor cut a hole into his hip, trying his best to keep his pain to himself. He didn't need to give this woman any more satisfaction than she already had.

Once she turned on the machine for the orange liquid, he could feel his senses beginning to get stronger as he breathed in the orange gas. He could feel and hear everything. He could see the molecules in the air, hear the heartbeats of the other teenagers in this lab. Everything was magnified.


Naomi screamed as she felt the orange gas taking over her system. Everything was magnified, especially the pain she was feeling. All she wanted to do was die right now and honestly that would be the best way out of all of this. She started crying, knowing that she was never going to get out of this place, never see her family again. Even though she didn't have the best life back at home, she was starting to miss it. "You bitch! I hope we all die before you're experiment works," she yelled out to her. Honestly she had a feeling all the others would be pissed at her for what she said, but in this moment, she didn't really care. It was the truth. She would rather die than this sick son of a bitch to have what she wanted.


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the pain was finally done once and for all but just as he thought that a guard came by and tied him down to a table"stop why are you doing this i wanted to have a normal life staying at home watching TV not this what i wanted" the mad women started picking at his big smart brain with her weird tools then she started putting this orange stuff in his mouth he was hoping it was like orange flavor he was wish hoping it was not more and more pain but of course this lady was mad so you could guess what happened it was discussing there was so much pain from his day it was one of the worse days in the entire big blue and green world he was one of the most unlucky person's in the whole world the thing that crept going thought his head was then was lunch and if the girl would just get hit by a bus

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Character Portrait: Dr. Maria Ameo
Character Portrait: Clarissa Dontain
Character Portrait: Charlotte Tanaka
Character Portrait: Will West
Character Portrait: Wyatt Brooks


Character Portrait: Will West
Will West

he does not know much about himself but he does know his name


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