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Mei-Lien Yun

"Wow.... If it has nothing to do with me then I don't care."

0 · 968 views · located in Yokai Academy

a character in “The Yokai Academy”, as played by C O S M I C



"Go on. Admire my appearance. It makes me very happy."
☆ Firefly || The Frail ☆
☆ Someday || Hanaeryca ☆

"What you have to say doesn't interest me.... Your boring."

|Name |
Mei-Lien Yun
"That's right. Go on. Try and say it correct and I'll reward you."

| Nickname(s) |
Mei-Mei , That One Girl , Princess

"Hehe. The jealous bunch sure know how to make a girl feel loved."

| Age |
"Don't let it fool you. Im quite the woman."

| Grade |
"It's a drag, I know."

| Gender |
"Can you not tell~?"

| Role |
The Attention-Whore
"If your not looking at me, then what's the point of looking at all?"

| Romantic Interest |

| Sexuality |
"Women were never my thing."


"Music is law and I am the judge."


| Hair Color/Length |
Her hair is a light purple color and when hit by light will appear pale purple. It is straight and tangle-less. She sees her hair as her "crown" and her crown should be proper and clean at all times. It travels down to her knees.
"Maybe if your good ill let you touch it."

| Eye Color |
Light Blue
"Ohhh~ so they interest you hm? Well my eyes are quite a marvel. Like the ocean. Go on keep staring."

| Height |
"Mmmm. Perfect size for hugging isn't it?"

| Weight |
"Quite a rude question... It's alright I don't eat much."

| Nationality |
"It's quite the beautiful place.〜"

| Ethnicity |
100% Chinese
"Lái ba, ràng wǒ gěi nǐ yīgè wěn〜"

| Scars |
She has a large gash across her left eye. This is mostly why she covers it with her hair.
"Im sorry... I don't like talking about my imperfections."

| Tattoos |
"I never found them interesting enough to get."

| Birthmarks |
She has a heart shaped one on the left side of her stomach.
"Don't be silly. Im not going to show you~."

| Piercings |
These on both her ears
"Isn't it beautiful~?"

| Oddities |
{What is different about them? 2-3 minimum}
"What makes me different? Well for one I enjoy animals. Especially cute stuffed ones. Their just the best thing to have on you. I also am a vegetarian. Why? Because. That should be a good enough reason."


"Oh~. So you wish to hear me sing do you? Well your in for quite a treat cutie."

| Likes |
☆Cute Pets
☆Bare Handed and Weapon Based Wushu
☆Video Games
☆Action Movies
☆Yummy Snacks
"Mmm. Just a few things that I enjoy."

| Dislikes |
☆Rudeness From Lesser Beings
☆Not Having All Eyes On Her
☆People Ruining Her Fun
☆People Touching Her Without Permission
☆Peanut Butter
☆Being Defeated
"I HATE these. Absolutely. 1000%. Understand!?"

| Fears |
☆Being Forgotten
☆Dying Friendless
☆Ending Up Becoming What Others Believe She Will Be
"What can I say? Even perfect glass has a few cracks."

| Skills/Talents |
☆Wushu Martial Arts
☆Playing Music
☆Skillful Video Game Player
"Quite a interesting mixture hm~?"

| Powers |
☆Vocal Temptation: All sirens possess a hypnotic voice that control the minds and well beings of others. Its never difficult to take over the body of another with the sweet sounds of their voices.

☆Super Sonic: Although their voices are quite tempting, they are also quite dangerous. Loud screeches created by them can create super sonic waves that can be trouble for people who may be near.

☆Sword Feathers: Sirens possess beautiful wings which, are beautiful as they appear, are quite deadly. The wings are sharp as swords and can be used as such.
"Hehe. Quite a small girl. But powerful at that ."

| Hobbies |
☆Playing Games
☆Listening To Music
☆Being Admired
"I have to stay fit somehow~."

| Weaknesses |
☆Quick Temper
☆Bad Talk About Her Mother
☆Injury To Her Voice
"Don't tell anyone...."

| Strengths |
☆Inner Confidence
☆Competitive Spirit
☆Secret Affection For Others
"How embarrassing......"

| Flaws |
☆Driven By Admiration
☆Trust Issues(Others and Herself)
☆Can Lose Control Of Herself When Angry
☆Attitude Causes Many Not To Like Her
"Ok! Enough questions now!"



"You.... Want to be my friend?.... Your messing with me aren't you!?"

| Race |
"And very proud of it~."

| Ranking |
S - Class Monster
"One of the best. How fitting for a princess like me."

| Personality |
{Elaborate on their personality.}
" My personality? Isn't it simple? It's a personality of a royal who deserves all admiration from everyone. Teehee~."

| Dominant Emotion |
"Hmmm~ I suppose im a bit prideful.... But.... Nevermind."

| Danger Level |
"As long as you don't get on my bad side, you should be fine cutie <3."

| Opinions |
Mei-Lien thinks that humans are quite interesting beings. They are quite easy to to stray away from the side of good though.
"That are quite interesting though....."

| Average grade |
2.3 GPA/ C+
"Pfft...... Whatever."


| Keepsakes |
She carries a watch necklace which belonged to her mother. Her mother had risked her life saving her 'little princess' and she owes it to her to keep it safe everyday of her life.
"Shes in a better place now.... Stop talking about her!"

| History |
{What have they lived through? Where were they born? Who were they born to?|
"Pfft. I suppose my life hasn't been that interesting. My mother died when I was young; however her dying saved my life. I had wondered off and encountered another monster. I could have been dead, but instead, she risked herself for me.... I never knew my father until he was forced to take me into his care when she was dead. Living with him was hell but.... It was no trouble. I knew she was always watching over me. She always was. She promised she would never leave her little princess.... She promised. Thats it. Im done talking....."

Gallery of Pics/Gifs {Optional}


So begins...

Mei-Lien Yun's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tresora Knighsing Character Portrait: Yuki Kasai Character Portrait: Kimiko Yama Character Portrait: Maiyu Rosengald Character Portrait: Akio Akagi Character Portrait: Mei-Lien Yun
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At times like these, you're supposed to begin with some sort of boring monologue about who you are, what your past is, and how you ended up where you are at. But I'm not one of the cliched, idiotic people who decide to narrate their own life, nor am I the weak little girl who feels the need to gossip about everything that happens to me.

Ahem ... I suppose that maybe just this once I will, because you're probably wondering who I am and how I got here ... But I'm not elaborating on my life. It isn't that I'm embarrassed about it - it merely isn't any of your business.

I suppose I'll be as positively cliche as possible.

Hello! My name is Tresora Knighsing! My grades are phenomenal and I'm probably the best technical engineer you'll ever meet - and not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm also a pretty good artist. For some reason - I doubt I'll ever understand why - my social worker decided to send me to this school, where I'll be staying both day and night for the next school year, and the only chances I'll have to get away are on holidays and breaks. Not that I really have anywhere to go. And God knows what kind of people attend school at an Academy so far out in no-where's-ville, so I'm pretty much screwed.

I'm currently on some slightly-battered-down old bus with a creepy old driver, and something really stinks. I think it's the guy in front of me.

Alright, that's enough of that. I'm done with this cheesiness ... So I bid you adieu!

Her hand wrung together in her lap. What exactly was she supposed to be doing right now? Her cell phone had lost service when they entered a long, dark tunnel that sent an eerie feeling through her body, and she had therefore lost her ability to access most of the games on it. Sora glared out the smudgy window of the transport bus, her teeth grinding together with annoyance. Every two seconds they would hit a bump, which would send her nearly a foot above her seat each time. When she'd land, it would jar her entire body and bruise her bottom.

When the clunker of a bus finally came to a stop outside of the surprisingly long tunnel, directly beside a cliff that met a red sea, her eyes fell on a scarecrow that was undeniably one of the creepiest things that she had ever seen in her entire life.

"Eh, you sure this is where you were headed, girly?"

Sora paused halfway down the steps and tossed a look back at the bus driver, who was seeming less of a creep every few minutes.

She turned her eyes to the sign beside the scarecrow, which clearly read 'Yokai Academy' on it, and was shaped into an arrow. It was pointing in the direction they had been driving in, and suggested that her route would take her through a dense forest and quite some time to reach the school. After a moment, she turned her gaze back to the driver.

"Yokai Academy?" she asked, slipping her hand into her duffle bag and removing a pamphlet that her worker had given her. In large letters across the top, it spelled 'YOKAI ACADEMY; SCHOOL FOR THE ESTRANGED'.

She glanced back up at him. "Well, it appears that that's where I'm headed. Why do you ask?"

He chuckled a bit, a slight glint in his eye, and the darkness of the laugh caused goosebumps to rise on her flesh. "Ah, no reason, girly. Hope you have fun. I'll be back next month ... In case you change your mind." With a slight shove, she went stumbling out of the bus, and rounded back to face it and give him the ass-chewing of his life - but the bus was already gone. Her hand lowered and her brows drew together, before she scowled and turned in the direction of the school.

"Strange driver ..." she mumbled, her brown shoes squishing slightly with each step. Her bag bounced against her thigh as she walked, and the path between the sign and the Academy was nearly as off as the bus driver.

Jeez, if this is what the path to the school is like, I can only imagine what the Academy itself is like ...

As she walked, her hand slipped into her bag. Her suitcases with her belongings, clothes, and necessities had already been delivered to the school and taken to her room ahead of time, due to her transfer being a month after school had begun. It would have been a waste of time for her to bring her suitcases with her. At least since they were delivered ahead of time, she only had to worry about putting away her clothes and other belongings. Her decorations had already been organized - her bed had been made with her blankets and pillows, her computers and technical equipment had been set up in a corner of her room (apparently the staff had been too afraid to fiddle with it, for fear of breaking something - at least, according to the secretary of the Headmaster, they were). Other random things had already been put up, also - such as her hanging beads that she had made for her closet to replace the door there, or her lamps that she had decorated.

Or so she had been told. With the way that things were looking, who was to say that she even had a decent room?

Sora huffed a sigh as she removed a small, portable computer from her bag. It was the size of an iPhone in the human world, but obviously was not of the same design. Flipping a button on the side, a hologram screen shot up above it, while a keypad glowed brightly on the actual screen of the computer. Despite her advanced technology, her computer refused to connect to any type of internet out at this 'school'.

It was like she had entered another universe.

Sighing, she moved her fingers quickly above the keypad, not actually coming into contact with it, but the letters entering despite so. The hologram suddenly snapped to six screens, and using her free hand, she began to quickly move the screens around, sliding her finger across each one and sending it flying to a new spot before her.

The next thing she knew she was hurling towards the ground.

Landing hard, Sora grimaced. Her new school uniform didn't really allow for her to attempt to catch herself - the skirt was far too short for her to do much else other than worry about her underwear flashing - and her one free hand clutched at it. She landed hard on the dirt, jarring her entire body and undoubtedly bruising her tailbone, and she hissed in pain. Her eyes immediately caught the culprit of her falling - an over-grown tree root that jutted up from the ground, directly in the middle of the path.

"Stupid tree," she muttered, flipping the small computer's switch and tucking it into her bag once more. Turning onto her side, she began to push herself up, before she collapsed gain, pain shooting through her ankle. Glancing down at it, she could see through the sock that it was already swelling, and she scowled once more.

"Just what I needed to top everything else off - a twisted ankle," she muttered dryly. She once again pushed herself to her feet - more slowly this time - and gingerly tested her weight on it. Pain immediately shot through her leg, and with a grimace, she began at a slow limp towards the school - which she had tripped directly in front of. The large gates were open and welcoming - which was odd. In fact, the entire school was odd. Several things contrasted with each other - the beautiful foliage inside of the gates battled with the Gothic design of the school's outside, while the bright sunlight warred against the darkness it emanated.

An overly-perky girl was the first person that she found herself across.

"Hi! Welcome to Yokai! My name is Oslin, and I'm a part of the Welcoming Committee!" she squealed, her hands grabbing Sora's and shaking them quickly up and down. Her entire arms were moving and her head nearly bobbed from the movement.

"I have to say, when I found out that we were getting a new student at this time of the year I was more than just surprised. But I was also excited!" she exclaimed.

Sora tore her hands back, taking a couple of steps away from the girl, grinding her teeth together due to the pain of her ankle.

"Two words: Don't. Touch." Her eyes were hard, her hand up in order to separate them. "I'll be perfectly fine on my own, thank you. I don't need an overly-perky, annoying little girl bothering me on my first day," she snapped. Adjusting her bag, she pushed around the girl, stalking - or as well as she could with her ankle - around a corner.

And directly into another body.

The force of the impact sent her stumbling backwards, and before she could catch herself on anything, she had landed on her bottom - again.

"Dammit ... Now the bruise is going to be even worse," she grimaced, rubbing at her bottom. She turned a glare up to the person who she had bumped into. "Hey! Watch where you're going, bub!" she seethed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tresora Knighsing Character Portrait: Yuki Kasai Character Portrait: Kimiko Yama Character Portrait: Maiyu Rosengald Character Portrait: Akio Akagi Character Portrait: Mei-Lien Yun
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Mei-Lien looked up from the book she read and smiled slightly as she saw her school before her. Yokai Academy. What a wonderful place to be. It was her second year here and the two months seemed to have been going well for her. She had made herself a bit of a trouble reputation among some, but to others, she was royalty. She couldn't ask for more really.

She recalled when she had left to come to the school not too long ago. Her father had wished her luck and nothing more. As expected. Who cared about him anyway? A little 'I love you Mei-Lien' or 'Do well in your studies Mei-Lien' couldn't have hurt him, could it? He never was the type of guy to show emotions anyway. Neither was Mei-Lien. So it was understandable that she and him clashed slightly with no conflict. They were almost too identical.

Mei-Lien recalled the many suitcases she had brought when school stared. Why did she bring it, who knew. It seems that everywhere she went, she needed a whole closet with her. After all, half the bags was clothes, another two bags was hair products. And the others? Well her sword collection of course. However, she had taken the swords for a bit to get cleaned. Thankfully she had brought the bag with her today.


She turned to see a group of four boys coming to greet her. It seems like everyday she was remembered and treated as she wanted. How beautiful!

"Well, good day to all of you. Hm. Would you all be a dear and help me with my collection? I just had them cleaned and it's a bit heavy. Not a problem for you strong boys hm?"

She could tell that the males were quite flattered by her words, which they should be. She had a way of words, appearance and even touch. She was sly but in a good way of course. She watched as the boys began to struggle to pick up the bag.

"Ahh! This things like a hundred pounds! Whats in this?"

She gasped as he dropped it making it up up. Inside, instead of clothes or shoes, was a small bundle of swords. Mei-Lien quickly went to the bag and placed them back inside.

"What are you doing!? Be careful with those! Their very important to me."

The boy pouted slightly while hearing her.

"I-Im so sorry princess. Ill do my best to be careful."

She sighed slightly. She was happy that none of them were injured. She was even more glad that they weren't dirty. She stood and dusted her uniform off before flipping her hair slightly.

"Lets just get these to my room, shall we?"

After using the males for labor of her benefit, she paused slightly while seeing a face she hadn't seen before. She had heard that a new face would be around school. Of course, Mei-Lien didn't worry about her steal any sort of spotlight. She couldn't help but giggle a bit while seeing her bump into someone. She was indeed a newbie. Mei-Lien could help but get a bit curious about her but she wasn't one to act on curiosity. She was more collected then that.

She found a nice bench to sit on and happily hummed while people watching. She would giggle hearing the usual greetings of the usual people and happy 'you look beautiful' phases. It was a normal for her and she loved it more then anything. There hadn't been a day in her life that she wasn't admired by someone. Even as a child, her mother felt special.

She slowly gripped at the watch around her neck. She had always wore her mother keepsake no matter where she went. It was something very important to her. Yet, she couldn't talk about her mother. Talking about how she existed not too long ago and soon died made her feel... well, feelings. She can't explain it but she hates having feelings. Feelings only get you hurt in the future. She sighed as she read her book quietly on the bench.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mei-Lien Yun Character Portrait: Hai Nyce
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Hai Nyce


As Hai rose from his bed a yawn slipped from his mouth. Hai turned his head to the side, so that he could glance at his clock. As he finally became aware of the time, Hai realized that he had time for a bath. Hai took of his clothes and leaned his head to either side cracking his neck, before he moved towards the exit. On his way out of the room Hai wrapped a towel around himself. As he shut the door to the room that the only pieces of evidence that someone was there, was a purple hair here and there as well as a few discarded garments.

Hai quickly arrived at a small secluded stream that very few people ever came to. As he climbed in, Hai tossed his towel into a nearby tree. The water flowed over his body going with the current to a place Hai had yet to investigate. His smile never once left his face, as Hai rinsed himself off. As Hai rinsed off he heard a loud crack, snapping his head around instantly. He noticed the branch that had held his tree had snapped, causing his towel to plummet towards the water. Without hesitation Hai lunged towards his towel scraping his chest on the bottom of the stream. His left hand attempted to break his fall, Hai's other catching the towel out of midair before it could touch the water. As Hai climbed out of the stream and began to dry himself off, he noticed a multitude of small cuts bleeding on his chest caused by the speed of when he lunged colliding with bottom.

His towel wrapped around his waist left his bleeding chest for the world to see. Completely unfazed Hai smiled with a large grin thinking about how wonderful his bath was. Abruptly Hai stopped his wet feet sinking into the muddy ground. With a quick glance of the area that surrounded him. He raised his hand to the back of his head and scratched it, before he continued with a shrug at the fact he had gotten lost again. Suddenly he realized a path was two steps over from him, "Ah, the school entrance maybe I can get some help here." Hai thought innocently to himself.

Nonchalantly, he strolled up to the pathway that led to the school. Hai saw one of his friends Mei-Mei, with no hesitation Hai walked up to her. "Hi Mei-Mei, Do you have any clothes I can wear? I lost mine!" Hai asked with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tresora Knighsing Character Portrait: Kimiko Yama Character Portrait: Maiyu Rosengald Character Portrait: Akio Akagi Character Portrait: Mei-Lien Yun Character Portrait: Hai Nyce
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Oh for Christ's sake - the girl was balling her eyes out! Was she seriously reacting so intensely to only a couple of words? The girl definitely didn't have very thick skin. At all.

Rolling her eyes, she shoved her pride down and swallowed her anger. Why waste it on a baby like this girl?

"Shut the Hell up, Oslin," she drawled out rudely. "You need to mind your own damn business and stay out of other's. You never know what you might find - and what you might find may scar you for life," she snapped. "So scram, Barbie," she added.

Oslin paled, tears appearing in her own eyes, before she turned and fled from the scene. Tresora bothered not to follow her with her eyes - she knew she wouldn't return.

Turning her eyes back to the balling, pink-haired girl before her, she let out a slightly-irritated breath. "Calm down. I'm really not that scary," she muttered with an eye roll. She adjusted her weight a bit, reaching forward to rub at her injured ankle. "You don't need to cry over it. I'm not going to yell, so stop being a baby. Besides, you don't even know me, so it really shouldn't matter so much to you. You need to grow thicker skin, caro," she nodded, pointing a finger in the girl's direction.

Her eyes fell on the boy who was approaching, and her reaction to his voice and his hand nearing her was immediate and intense - and completely uncontrollable.

Her muscles tensed and burned. A sheer sheen of sweat appeared on her skin, a nervous tingling began in her stomach, and her heart hammered in her chest. Her fingers clenched and curled inwards, her lips pressing together tightly in the same moment. Before she could stop herself, her hand had snapped out and slapped the boy's away, and she had scuttled backwards. For anyone who didn't realize that she did this in fear, they would undoubtedly laugh and find the movement to be hilarious and a joke.

Turning her face away as quickly as possible, she stumbled up to a standing position, most of her weight on the one side of her body so as to avoid collapsing to her knees.

"Thanks for the offer of help, but I'll pass. You can go ahead and comfort cotton-candy-rainstorm here," she waved her hand at the pink fluffball of a girl before her, "And I'm going to finish looking for my dorm and the head office so I can get my paperwork." With that, she hurried away, flipping out her holocomputer in an attempt to look busy and not nearly as frazzled as she felt.

She wasn't really paying attention to the computer, at least not as much so as she looked to be, and her fingers flew across the hologram screen as she limped.

It wasn't until she smelled food that she realized how hungry she was. After spending the past two and a half days hopping from plane to plane, bus to bus, and car to car, she hadn't eaten well nor much at all. Her stomach growled as the delicious smell of cinnamon rolls reach her nostrils, and she paused in her step, her head tilting back a bit to get better access at the yummy smell of cinnamon.

"I might as well grab some food before I finish looking for the office," she muttered, tucking the tiny computer into a small pocket on her bag.

Sora pushed through the doors to the cafeteria and strode inside. It didn't take long for several of the conversations to lull at the sight of a new student at this time of the year - especially one who held herself with the confidence of someone who cared naught for any type of judgement from her peers.

Acting as though she didn't notice the change of atmosphere at her entrance, she strode to the food area of the cafeteria, plucking up a small plate with a cinnamon roll, an apple, a bagel, and a bottle of orange juice, she quickly paid for the food. Immediately she made her way over to the nearest window and, tossing her bag onto the sill, she easily joined it, leaning back against the wall and removing a similar device to her holocomputer, but instead it projected from a far smaller electronic - it was her Black Hole Computer, and the projection above it was only one, yet far more visible and clear than the other projections. Taking a bite out of her cinnamon roll, she lounged backwards, slipping into a slightly relaxed mood, her free hand absently rubbing at her scarred neck, the frequent ache and burn that appeared in it slowly beginning to arise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mei-Lien Yun Character Portrait: Hai Nyce
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Mei-Lien continued to read her literature as usual. It was quite the lovely day to catch up on her readings. Most of her books were in Chinese; which she preferred to read in. Something about Chinese text just made it... easier for her to understand. English was fine too but nothing was better than her native language. Besides, Chinese was a language of tradition, perfection and affection. It seemed fitting that a being like her would know the language perfectly and grow up around it as well. Isn't destiny such a strange thing.

She paused hearing the all too familiar voice and phrase. She knew something was going to happen to change the atmosphere of her environment. But, instead of an annoying fan boy, it was her good friend Hai. He was a strange male indeed, but a friend non the less. He gave her a lot of attention and in exchange, she gave him friendship. The guy was far too nice NOT to like. His attitude was adorable and cheery. Besides, he was in the same grade as her. She had to look out for her fellow classmate.

She closed her book and sighed slightly seeing the toweled and unclothed male before her. These sort of things were almost the normal for him and by now, she was use to it. "For the love of Budha Hai, how many times do I have to tell you? If you go around showing off your male figure, then all the attention wont be on me." She said with a small smile. She then folds her arms and raises an eyebrow. "Oh? You forgot your clothes? How is... that even possible... You know what, don't even tell me. It's probably better that I don't know.... And care."

She placed her book on the bench and stood before dusting off her skirt. She quickly flipped her hair and sighed. "Well, I suppose I can assist you, but you owe me mister~." She said before removing her large jacket. She often wore large jackets because it felt more comfortable to her. She held her arms out holding her jacket. "Here... Eh... Cover something with this. This will help for the moment until we get you some real clothes." She then quickly took his hand and her book and began to pull him along. "I mean seriously Hai. Are you TRYING to take all the attention from me by doing this stunt? Geez. Not cool." She said with a laugh. "Anyway lets get you to some clothing quickly. First thing in the morning and your already undressed. That's so odd. Most importantly, you need to be more careful. Next time you might even forget your towel. Then what will you do? Not sure if i'd be able to save you from that Hai."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Yama Character Portrait: Mei-Lien Yun Character Portrait: Hai Nyce Character Portrait: Izayoi Akatsuya
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Hai Nyce

As Hai carefully took the jacket from his classmate, Mei-Lien, with a giant smile Hai says "Is it even possible to take attention away from you for more then a few seconds? I mean they look over here to see the half naked guy, then get enraptured by your beauty after noticing, o it's just Hai." With a small laugh Hai puts on the jacket, making sure not to let go of his towel as he slides one arm at a time through the sleeves. Finally Hai grabbed the top corners two corners of the towel, and tied them together in a small knot.

"Well to thank you how about a poem?."
Hai asks rhetorically.

A Orchid bright as no other
A light shining forever
A song of beauty and life
Without a thought of any strife.

"That's only the start I'm still working on the rest" Hai says with a happy and excited gleam in his eyes.

"Now where do you think the best place to get me some clothes would be?." Hai ask's never once letting his smile slip off his face. As he looked around Hai spotted Izayoi with Kimiko. Nodding his head in there direction Hai says "Maybe Izayoi has an extra uniform I can borrow." With his smile wide across his face Hai thinks to himself, "so far this day has been awsome."