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Tourney of the Aura

Tourney of the Aura


On a world where your entire being makes up your power, you have been forced to clash with other humans, aliens, and even angels and demons because of a very odd man, who will grant the deepest wish of the victor...

1,104 readers have visited Tourney of the Aura since Thundergod1020 created it.


In the early 1900's, there was man who appeared to select people around the universe, taking prime candidates from Heaven, Hell, and the rest of the universe. He told these few chosen that there is a competition of strength, skill, heart, and will. The winner gets whatever wish they want granted, no matter the magnitude. In order for everyone to fight, however, they must all have weapons, so he granted them each an Aura to fight with, and the knowledge of how to use it. He then wished them the best of luck, that victory goes to the nonlinear, and simply disappeared, teleporting them to a singular planet, where any could survive, regardless of needs(I.e., a methane breather needs no respirator, a sea being can float around at a fitting height(at most 4' for something sailfish sized, to scale), and anyone can eat or drink anything the planet provides. Your job is to use your aura to defeat your opponents and become the best of the best!

How auras work: An aura is the representation of your power. It is essentially a superpower based on who you are(Pyrokinesis for a hotheaded demon, the ability to heal for a kindhearted human, or the ability to create a shield for the protective angel.). This is your power, and your power alone, no one can take it or copy it.
There are three classes of beings: Demonic, human, and Celestial(Extraterrestrial beings classify as celestial.) There also exist three types of Auras: Mind, Body, and Spirit. Mind Auras work the way psychic powers would(Telekinesis, pyrokinesis, clairvoyance, etc.), but still have limits(a clairvoyant could only see a few seconds into the future, a telekinetic might only be able to move things so fast, etc.). Body Auras enhance or detract physical specifics about you or your opponent(but again, the limit will be set by agreement with me during creation.), from healing to strength drain to even temporary aging, and Spirit Auras allow for everything I didn't cover, due to there being so many different types of Celestial. Demons, to make this fun, decided to look like humans for this competition, albeit with very nonhuman traits such as horns.

-no whining about there being angels and demons, this is a game set in another universe. If you do take offense, please say nothing, as it makes everyone else exasperated.

Character Sheet
Age(In human years.):
Class(and Aura therefore wielded):
Aura (What it does.):
Weapon: (Well, you can't be expected to win with just an aura that makes a small fireworks display. Or can you?)

Good luck, have fun, and may you not get horribly beaten!

Toggle Rules

(As partly ripped from Shinobi Legacies. THANKS, VALIUM!)
0. Don't talk about Fight Club.

1. No Godmodding! In other words, not everyone is capable of dodging every single attack, so take a hit every once in a while. It will make your RP experience more enjoyable, trust me! You shouldn't be controlling others either, unless you have permission from said person.

2. No Autohits.Β 
ie) Bob: "Bob punched Sally in the face and she died."Β 
Sally: ...?Β 

You have to give people a chance to dodge at least!
ie) Bob: "Bob aimed his fist at Sally's face, throwing his weight into it for extra power."Β 
Sally: "Sally ducked just in time, barely missing Bob's fist, though the force of his weight caught her off guard. While lowered, Sally countered with a jab aimed at Bob's stomach."
Bob: "Not expecting Sally's attack, her jab made full contact and Bob was winded. He took a few steps back, holding his stomach in pain with a murderous look in his eyes." etc.Β 

3. Every alien and human has at least one weakness, and so does their power(Example: a Xenomorph may be the apex predator, but it is still a relatively mindless beast, and it's aura will reflect that mindlessness, making it easily tricked.) In other words, no perfect characters. Everyone has their flaws!

4. The closest you are allowed to get to a reference to any other piece of fiction is one that is public usage(Dracula, Faust, the Kraken, etc.). No Superman, Martian Manhunter, Skrull, or any other copyrighted character Expys. The whole point of this rp is to be original, not a ripoff. After all, OC stands for ORIGINAL character. /rants for hours until she passes out

5. Aliens can be any shape you want, but if you make yourself an indestructible, sexy, shoeless god of war, don't plan on getting accepted.

6. There will be no character limit. In other words, go crazy and make as many as you want. BUT PLEASE don't make them all part of the same clan and have them working together, unless they're an incredibly weak race by nature. Otherwise, that's just wrong.

7. If you are beaten, be it by death, surrender, or inability to fight, be cool about it.Β 

8. Please try to make unique characters. I don't want 50 people running around with telekinesis, super-strength/speed/whatever. Try to be original with your power!

9. Lalala 8D -fills in the rules because she doesn't want to change the number sequence-Β 

10. Rules may be added or changed over time.Β 

11. I normally put rule 10 as the very last one but I just thought of one and I don't want to change it. If you have any questions, you can ask me! :DΒ 

12. Oh, and stay active, or at least try to please. :)

13. Fighting anywhere is allowed, just remember that your location does impact your battle. (ie. If you have a big fire fight in a small office, you're obviously going to burn it down.)

14. All RolePlayGateway rules that don't contradict these rules apply!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

Faust walked through the forest, which, although quite like the ones back in his homeland, was very different in the fact that the leaves seemed to pull towards him, yet he'd seen them pull away from spirit users. Possibly a reaction to their auras? He would need to find out at a later date.

#, as written by Guest
Renegade walked on, awakening only a few minutes ago. When he did so, he found himself here, in a forest. He didn't know how he got here, but he liked it. The forest smelled like earth pine trees...his favorite scent. He loved the outdoors and he knew how to survive the outdoors. He would have to make camp sometime soon, but for now, he would explore. As he went on, something was different. Everything was more clear, more distinct, more...real. He liked this Aura power he'd been granted. It would help him track down people in so many ways. If he won, he could wish for freedom. But for now, he'd have these angels and demons tormenting him. His mind stopped with the ADD thoughts as he smelled fresh blood...

Faust wandered through the area, seeing the two people via their aura information, which basically let him know where they were based on the position of where he felt the sudden feeling of knowledge. He liked the feel of this power that the old man had given him. It suited him much more than anything Mephistopheles had ever had to offer, and he liked the "psy-push" that he had received from the old man as well, who wanted to "spice things up" for Faust, making him shudder at how many others may have received this gift of a small boost, weak as it was. He knew that strength more often than not came from thought, not muscle.
"Look, I already know you're there, do you mind just doing us both a favor and attacking me?" he said to the one with a more bloodthirsty feel, letting the other have time to escape. No use letting a weak one like her have to fight, he thought as he heard the ruffling of her wings signal her departure from the area. He swung Samael, his giant cleaver made with the bones of one of his deal-makers, a few times, and took a prepared stance.

#, as written by Guest
Renegade walked into the area that he smelled the blood...he kept stalking and stalking. Perfect position, he thought. He brought up his katana and slit the throat of the pig he was following. This will make great dinner tonight, he thought as he gathered up the corpse. He had to thank the old man for this power he recieved. It would definately come in handy. However, he did have a couple of questions that he needed to find the answer to: Who was this man and why is he doing this? Turning back into the forest, another precense entered his super sharp senses. A moment later, a voice was heard.

"Look, I already know you're there, do you mind just doing us both a favor and attacking me?"

He instantly located and tracked down the being that said that. He took off his socks and shoes and used his feet to see what this person was doing before he went up to him and just attacked. 100 meters away, he sensed ruffling wings in the air and a distinct smell, the smell of bone marrow. Using shock waves through the ground, he found out that it was a bone cleaver.

He sensed another precense as well, this one was the cause of the ruffling wings. Female, weaker, he thought, but who to go after first? The one with the bone cleaver was expecting him, but it seemed like that person's weapon could easily be smashed through, especially if it was bone going against his own katana. However, the other one was weaker and easier target. Or was it? There might be deceit in that one, he thought. She could turn on me in an instant. He decided to go after the one with the bone cleaver. Not an easier target, but a safer one, he thought, and better safe than sorry. He emerged in the clearing and there stood the man in a ready stance, bone cleaver poised.

"Nice cleaver you got there," he said,"It's a shame it's going to be smashed." With that, he drew his katana and held his own ready stance,"Ready when you are, bucko."

Faust stared at the katana, looked at Renegade, put two fingers to his mouth, and whistled shrilly, the sound making even his ears hurt, so he could only wonder how it was going to hurt the kid with amplified senses. He also noted the quality of the katana. Heaven diamond against a demonic bone cleaver? He knew someone was going to be sharpening something later, and demons with hard bones were so rare these days. But diamonds on his planet were just as rare.

#, as written by Guest
Renegade cried out and fell to one knee as a penetrating sound entered his ears. Dang, that hurt, he thought. Normally, a whistle like that wouldn't hurt so much, but as of right now, he might as well be inside a high-pitched bell while it was going off. Well, with every gift comes a curse, he thought as he got up again and walked up to Faust, confidence showing through him, and began to swing his katana, stroke after stroke, in unpredictable combinations, at nearly blinding speeds. He was a natural swordsman and very well trained in the katana as well s a few other weapons, mostly other types of swords.

Faust let a surge of force from his feet, sending him flying away from Renegade, only stopping by swinging the cleaver against a tree and burying the point on the side of the cleaver cross that wasn't bladed, but sharpened to a point, in the wood to act as a brake and using the momentum to swing onto a branch.
"You're fast, kid," Faust said, looking at Renegade, "but keep swinging like that and you're liable to hurt somebody!"
He panted from using that force push, he wasn't used to something actually draining him like that. But the mind and body are two separate things, connected by a spirit that exchanges the energies between them, so of course the transition from mental energy to kinetic was going to be stressful on him... He made a mental note not to use that push often.

#, as written by Guest
Renegade stopped as Faust launched himself backwards, using his cleaver to stop himself. Ah, so [/i]that[/i] was his Aura. Telekenetics. It surprisingly seemed to drain a lot out of Faust, for he was panting already and the fight had just begun. He should use that to his advantage, he decided.

"You're fast kid," Faust said, looking at Renegade,"but keep swinging like that and you're liable to hurt somebody!"

"Well, since that was my intention," Renegade said, smiling,"I'll bank that for wheneverit would matter." Now, his demon side of him was beginning to take over, the more inhumane side of him. It could be heard in the words he just uttered. If he didn't finish off opponents quickly, he loses his sense of mercy. Most likely, if Faust died, it would be a slow, painful death unless he could kill him within the next few minutes. And something told him that Renegade was up against a serious fighter, an experienced one. He charged quickly, swinging at the base of the branch Faust was on, watching as the Heavenly Diamond chopped through the wood in one effortless swing, then used his senses of the air to pinpoint the direction of Faust's fall and swung in a side swipe where he predicted Faust would be.

Faust swung his cleaver as soon as he saw Renegade swing his katana, the sword meeting what was probably the first thing in its existence to ever resist it's cut, and moreover, not be even scratched. As the blades screeched against each other, Faust looked at Renegade's maddened eyes, and grinned.
"I'm not going to kill you, kid. You'd get too much pleasure out of that. And you're not gonna kill me, either. You want to know why?" He said as he flicked his cleaver in a circle, using a small push of energy to send Renegade's katana in a circle with him, but not enough that Renegade would lose his grip, and brought his blade in a side swipe, aiming for Renegade's Achilles tendons.

#, as written by Guest
Renegade actually was surprised and impressed that bone could match up with his katana. "Ah, impressive cleaver you got there," Renegade smirked,"I'm honestly a little surprised...but no matter." He paused as he spoke then made his move. His sword reeled back and he brought it around just in time to block his stroke. That was close, he thought. He could feel the cleaver digging into his ankle a little bit, practically millimeters away from his Achilles tendon. He couldn't have timed it more perfectly. Any later and he would be feeling some serious pain. As the warm blood trickled down into his shoe, he stepped on the flat part of the cleaver and brought his sword up, getting ready for the final strike toward his head...and hesitated.
Somewhere inside himself, the good part of his soul took over his demonic side and gave himself his mercy back. "I can't do it..." he sighed"Not's too early in the games to do this...some other time perhaps." With that, he sheathed his katana, grabbed his pig, and took off into the forest, using the ground to keep an eye on the man at all times. He could still attack...

Faust had his psychic energy charged in the cleaver, ready to send it blasting upwards and into Renegade's stomach, and some in his hand to push the blade to the side, when all of a sudden Renegade stopped and sheathed his sword.
{Well, if he's going to call peace, so will I.} Faust thought, stepping back as Renegade walked off.
"Hey, kid!" He said, knowing Renegade could hear. "Watch yourself. I don't want to have to live with the fact I fought a weakling who had a nice sword. Prove to me you earned it." With that, he stepped back and leapt into the forest, this time using less powerful pushes to propel himself forward.

#, as written by Guest
"Hey, kid!" He said, knowing Renegade could hear. "Watch yourself. I don't want to have to live with the fact I fought a weakling who had a nice sword. Prove to me you earned it."

At that point, Renegade's demonic side was starting to take over again, but he managed to stop himself. Sticks and stones...sticks and stones...he told himself as he entered his side of the forest. A good opening match, he thought, I know the aura of one of the competitors. Faust knew what aura everyone else had. How else would he have known to whistle to attack my senses? He also had a minor telekenesis ability. His demonic side meant to kill, but his light side told himself to only fight to figure out his opponent. He was lucky. He normally didn't withdraw from the fight, but today he did. Score one for heaven.

He was back to where he originally started and he got to work, slicing through the trees and making a makeshift lean-to. Next, her got more wood and made a fire. Finally, he got another stick and skewered the pig, placing it over the fire. He had enough for maybe four meals. He would go hunting later, but for now, he had his trophy over the fire.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Faust
Character Portrait: Kiku
Character Portrait: Br'nard Even'star
Character Portrait: Cassandra Bordain


Character Portrait: Cassandra Bordain
Cassandra Bordain

You want my power? Try and take it from me.

Character Portrait: Br'nard Even'star
Br'nard Even'star

"Mine Is The Fury!!"

Character Portrait: Kiku

A man fighting for the sole purpose of survival.

Character Portrait: Faust

A man fighting to get his soul back.


Character Portrait: Kiku

A man fighting for the sole purpose of survival.

Character Portrait: Cassandra Bordain
Cassandra Bordain

You want my power? Try and take it from me.

Character Portrait: Br'nard Even'star
Br'nard Even'star

"Mine Is The Fury!!"

Character Portrait: Faust

A man fighting to get his soul back.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kiku

A man fighting for the sole purpose of survival.

Character Portrait: Faust

A man fighting to get his soul back.

Character Portrait: Cassandra Bordain
Cassandra Bordain

You want my power? Try and take it from me.

Character Portrait: Br'nard Even'star
Br'nard Even'star

"Mine Is The Fury!!"

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Re: Tourney of the Aura

Yo thundergod, you gonna post anytime soon, or is this a dud?

Re: Tourney of the Aura

heyo, darkness! :)

Thinking of doing this...seems interesting :)

Re: Tourney of the Aura

I hope my character is alright. If you need me to change anything, I'll do it right away. :D

Tourney of the Aura

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