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War of Kodai

War of Kodai


The ancient, magical world of Kodai is in a large civil war, and both the Original Side and Rebel Side are recruiting everyday humans to combine their knowledge of technology with magic in hopes of defeating the other side.

1,772 readers have visited War of Kodai since DoomsdayTamako created it.


There is a world, not to distant from our own. This world is shrouded in mystery, and few people know of it. The most we've managed to find out about it is that this enigma happens to spawn a massive amount of disappearances within our own. How do normal people seemingly fade away? Do they wake up inside this odd world? If so, were they taken to it for a reason? This questions have not yet been answered...

My name is Sarah. I am a normal person who fell victim to one of these disappearances. I have the answers to these questions, but just a bland singular-word statement won't be a satisfying answer. You'll have to learn the long one. This world is known as Kodai by its residents. It is a nearly-desolate land, ridden with a large war between two halves on separate sides. The purpose behind the war, that too is a secret that must be kept. But I have been brought here along with several others to fight. Those who came, some went one way, some went another, a few have even formed their own alliance. But in the end...Nobody won.

Kodai can be considered the opposite of Earth. While Earth is split into many smaller nations and excels scientifically, Kodai has two large warring nations and has given up the chance at science to use magic. The war itself is essentially a large civil war, when one group of people (the Rebel side) opposed the world-wide rulers (the Original side) because of the way they were mistreated as slaves. Some people joined the Rebels, agreeing with their purposes, whilst others stayed with the Original, feeling they are too weak to last independently.

Why are regular people being brought in? Reinforcements, for both sides. The rivaling nations have brought us in, hoping our scientific knowledge can be combined with their magical knowledge, making them stronger and thus winning the war. Some people choose to stay on the side they were original recruited too, some decide to switch to the other side if it suits them better, some form their own alliances, either to find a way to get back or to not take a side altogether.

I suppose the roleplay takes place in Earth, where all of the characters will join. By the time we all wake up in Kodai, that will be the point where new players can't join, but existing ones can make more characters. The entire roleplay is essentially one large flashback from Sarah, the main character, but since the introduction doesn't imply much, things can go however it will, as long as Sarah makes it out alive.

Toggle Rules

- No godmodding. The player will decide whether or not the character gets hit. Likewise...
- No dodging EVERY SINGLE TIME. Your character isn't Bruce Lee; They have to take hits some time.
- Once we get at least seven confirmed players, we will begin transitioning the RP into Kodai, at which point NO NEW PLAYERS will be able to join.
- Both before and after the Kodai transition, however, existing players can add new characters, as long as you remember...
- No more than three characters per player.
- No characters can be major antagonists that cause plot changes WITHOUT MY PERMISSION FIRST.
- No major plot changes in general without my permission.
- Forgive me if I do something wrong; I'm new to roleplaying this way.

Browse All » 7 Settings to roleplay in


Kodai by DoomsdayTamako

All battles outside of one faction (between either the Original, the Rebels, or an attack launched against the Neutral) are posted here. Individual faction activities and civil battles take place within the faction place.


Earth by RolePlayGateway

The regular place.

Cherrysnow City

Cherrysnow City by RolePlayGateway

Cherrysnow City, the peaceful faction of Kodai. Those neutral to the war reside here.


Rebellion by RolePlayGateway

Rebellion, the city of the Rebels. It has taken quite a bit of a damage, but still stands tall and strong.

Shiragi Kingdom

Shiragi Kingdom by RolePlayGateway

The faction belonging to the Original rulers and those who support them.

The Desert

The Desert by RolePlayGateway

The Desert, a desolate wasteland near the town of Rebellion. Battles may take place here between characters.

Void, The World Between Worlds

Void, The World Between Worlds by RolePlayGateway

The empty void that people enter on their voyage from Earth to Kodai. It resembles a city that the person is familiar with, but is actually an empty black void. AFTER ENTERING HERE, YOU CAN NOT GO BACK

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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0.00 INK

I sat alone at my desk, my homebuilt computer purring quietly as its screen glared at me. The desk was cluttered with books on everything from C++ to Python to Java. I was writing a program in LOLcode, something someone came up with as a joke, but for some reason I challenged myself to make something useful out of it. I was making A little program to automatically organize my Documents, I have a terrible time with organization, in case you couldn't tell from my room. My foot hit a little shoebox full of old Floppy Diskettes that I use. I don't know why I keep them, considering a few CD's or a Flash Drive could hold all the data on them... I saved my work so far, and shut the computer down. The quiet "Huuuummmmmmm-" from the cooling fan stopped, and the computer powered off.
My eyes were getting strained from all this reading, so I decided to call it a night. I pulled my glasses off and threw them on my nightstand. I got into my bed, "One of the springs has poked through.." I said to myself. My hand reached out for the warm, soft blanket I always sleep under during these chilly nights and faded off to sleep.


I was suddenly jarred from my sleep, I heard a tapping at the window, like someone was throwing a pebble at it..


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It was 10:27 PM, and it was raining outside. Sarah sat in the living room of her parents' mansion, watching TV and sipping a Coke. She was always relatively bored, despite having an upper-class family and plenty of things that others would die for, even a Lamborghini. I guess I might as well go to sleep..., she thought to herself when she heard a strange noise on the window behind her. Was it someone tapping? Couldn't be, the guards would have caught them. It was probably just a bug, or imaginary altogether...

Sarah switched off the TV and climbed up the stairs, immediately falling into the soft mattress of her bed. She kept thinking about the strange noise, even though it was an insignificant thought anyone else would dismiss. She couldn't help but wonder until she fell into the bliss of sleep.

The setting changes from Earth to Kodai


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"It was just an animal" Matthew thought to himself... "It was just.." Suddenly, a strange feeling washed over him, enveloping his body in waves of pulsating pressure. "T-This isn't happening! Ive read too many Manga or something!" But the feeling persisted for several more minutes. The tapping on the window was happening again, but, the feeling of pressure waves subsided.. He felt relaxed.. But.. something wasn't right.. "I ought to check whats making that tapping" he said as he got up from his bed. He walked over to the window, carefully avoiding the books and CD's strewn over the floor. He caught a few Atari Jaguar games out of the corner of his eye. "I dont own a Jaguar... Whats going on here?" As he went to the window, he parted the curtains, and gasped, for what he saw was absolutely impossible.. He was in a completely different city, but.. the cars on the streets were not moving, no lights were on, and no living thing was visible to him. He felt nauseous.. "I..I.. Someone must have slipped LSD into my Tea or something..."

Suddenly, the TV roared to life, and he suddenly felt....


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In orbit around earth, Jared was on his ship's bridge doing a course correction after a solar flare had nudged him out of orbit slightly. ~There everything is right rain.~ He had completed his corrections and got up.

After short time, He was in his room on his bed when his holographic display turned on with white noise on it "What the background radiation shouldn't appear on that screen." Jared was freaked out now. Suddenly heard a walking in the ship's hallwy and rushed out to see no one ~This is jsut freak.~ He made a face.

Then suddenly the footsteps started up again and sounded like they coming closer until it disappear and Jared felt like something passed through him. If he hadn't went to the bathroom before the weird stuff happened he would have shitted hsi pants.

The setting changes from Kodai to Void, The World Between Worlds

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The screen.. had several DNA strands on it.. the twisted ladder shape was not mistakable. He saw this go by incredibly fast, and there were dozens on the screen. Was the TV.. Analyzing it somehow? No.. He know better than that.. TVs cant work two ways.. well.. unless you modified it.. He simply stood in awe at the screen, watching the strands fly by, eventually morph into a single Chromosome. He felt slightly nauseous.. and laid down. He got up just as quickly as he sat down, and ran to a bookshelf. He fumbled through, and picked out "Modern Biology". He got absorbed in the book, learning all he could about Genetics. If only... His thought was interrupted by the mechanical clunking of a switchboard. Somehow, his ancient mechanical calculator was moving on its own. It wasn't even plugged in! It added thousands of sums in seconds, moving the switches so fast the metal began to glow a dull red.

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0.00 INK

Sarah's eyes slowly peeled themselves open. She had only managed to sleep for maybe 30 minutes, but something had woken her up. "I just need a glass of water..." she mumbled to herself, getting out of bed and walking downstairs. Everything seemed a bit darker and grayer than usual, but Sarah dismissed it as her eyes being unadjusted. After she had gotten what she came for, she curious peeked out the window...The town looked different. I'm just a little tired and dizzy... she though, but she noticed that even the streetlights were emitting gray auras. The one thing that stuck out was the colored flashes of a TV through a window in a building parallel to her own. She could slightly see a silhouette...

Shouting out wouldn't be a good idea. Sarah tried to reach for the door, but accidentally tripped. An expensive, floridly decorated vase fell and made a loud crash that rang throughout the house. "Great," she though out loud, "That will definitely get his attention..." Cleaning up the shards, she peeked gingerly out the window to see if her remark was true.

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A loud, crash sound resonated through the room. Matthew thought that something had crashed through the window.. But nothing was broken. "I better call 911" he thought.. He picked up the phone.. and it was ringing? He didnt even dial anything... "I wonder whats going on here.. Everything is so strange.." He said out loud, but, someone picked up right before he said that!

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Jared suddenly felt that something was wrong. He ran to the bridge and said "Computer run a life signs scan."

After a minutes, his ship had scanned earth "Two homo sapiens to detect." Jared frowned "That can't be right there is suppose be 5 billion humans"

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The phone nearby began to ring. "I'll get it," Sarah called out to her parents, unaware she was somewhere completely different. She ran to the phone and picked up. "Hey, this is Sarah Caldwell. Who is it?" she asked nonchalantly. She kept her eyes fixed on the TV across the street and realized that the silhouette was holding up a phone.

The setting changes from Void, The World Between Worlds to Kodai


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Matt heard a voice on the other end of the phone. "Hey, this is Sarah Caldwell. Who is it?" He stammered for a moment, then said "This is Matthew Martin.. Do I know you?" They had an interesting conversation about how the strange things were going on. "Oh, so that noise was from your house.." He said. "Oh, so your the person with the flashing lights?" "Yes, its my Television" Replied Matthew. They were talking, when suddenly, the both heard a dull roar noise, and looked out there window. Above in the sky, Matthew saw a giant Spaceship.

OOC- The Location is VOID, not Kodai

The setting changes from Kodai to Void, The World Between Worlds

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Jared tapped into the humans telecommunications lines and was listening in. "I bet this is the first time they have seen an alien starship." He laughed forgetting to make sure the mike wasn't on. He without knowing sat down and listened in realizing this link was two way instead of one way.

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"...Who are you?" Sarah asked nervously. "If that's your ship...are you an alien or something?" She was still awestruck by the large ship, but she wasn't sure if it was real or if this was all one big nightmare. If the answer she were to hear was a yes, she would hang up immediately and try to run for help. She then looked back at Matthew to see how he reacted.

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"...This cant be happening.. Y-Y.. What galaxy are you from, then? How far behind is our Technology" Matthew said to Jared. Before he could answer Matt said "Sarah, quick, get binoculars or something, we should examine that to see if its an illusion or really a.. Spaceship" As he said the word "Spaceship", a cold jolt went through him, making him fall silent, unable to even breathe.

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Jared bang his hand on his monitor accidentally going through forgetting it was holographic. "Yes I am but we have bigger problems. Were not on earth I repeat this world isn't Earth. Also don't ask I don't where we are either." Jared started running multidimensional scan.

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"No...This is all just a dream, stuff like this just...doesn't happen," Sarah muttered into the phone. "It feels real and it looks real can't be..." She had to lie down on the couch, her head was starting to hurt. A few minutes of silence later, she asked the question, " what are we supposed to do? Any ideas, anyone?"

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"I..I dont know, Sarah.." Matthew thought to himself during an awkward pause. They all seemed to be safe, and in Matts house, things were happening.. Weird things.. "Well.. Jared, do you have any ideas? Do you know where we are?" Matt dashed from the phone, dropping it, as his television was on fire, scorching the wall a burnt brown.

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"I don't know where we are." Jared sighed. "It might be good to meet up. I'll be landing my ship. Head to it." He started to descended into the void earth atmosphere.

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Add Setting » 7 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Kodai by DoomsdayTamako

All battles outside of one faction (between either the Original, the Rebels, or an attack launched against the Neutral) are posted here. Individual faction activities and civil battles take place within the faction place.


Earth by RolePlayGateway

The regular place.

Cherrysnow City

Cherrysnow City by RolePlayGateway

Cherrysnow City, the peaceful faction of Kodai. Those neutral to the war reside here.


Rebellion by RolePlayGateway

Rebellion, the city of the Rebels. It has taken quite a bit of a damage, but still stands tall and strong.

Shiragi Kingdom

Shiragi Kingdom by RolePlayGateway

The faction belonging to the Original rulers and those who support them.

The Desert

The Desert by RolePlayGateway

The Desert, a desolate wasteland near the town of Rebellion. Battles may take place here between characters.

Void, The World Between Worlds

Void, The World Between Worlds by RolePlayGateway

The empty void that people enter on their voyage from Earth to Kodai. It resembles a city that the person is familiar with, but is actually an empty black void. AFTER ENTERING HERE, YOU CAN NOT GO BACK

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Sarah Rebecca Caldwell
Character Portrait: Matthew Martin
Character Portrait: Miles Conner


Character Portrait: Miles Conner
Miles Conner

im here to acomplish the mission not much more to say

Character Portrait: Matthew Martin
Matthew Martin

Im a technophile and a bookworm, who is Neutral, and works for both Factions

Character Portrait: Sarah Rebecca Caldwell
Sarah Rebecca Caldwell

A regular teenage girl brought into Kodai, fighting on the Rebel's side.


Character Portrait: Miles Conner
Miles Conner

im here to acomplish the mission not much more to say

Character Portrait: Matthew Martin
Matthew Martin

Im a technophile and a bookworm, who is Neutral, and works for both Factions

Character Portrait: Sarah Rebecca Caldwell
Sarah Rebecca Caldwell

A regular teenage girl brought into Kodai, fighting on the Rebel's side.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Matthew Martin
Matthew Martin

Im a technophile and a bookworm, who is Neutral, and works for both Factions

Character Portrait: Miles Conner
Miles Conner

im here to acomplish the mission not much more to say

Character Portrait: Sarah Rebecca Caldwell
Sarah Rebecca Caldwell

A regular teenage girl brought into Kodai, fighting on the Rebel's side.

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Kodai by DoomsdayTamako

All battles outside of one faction (between either the Original, the Rebels, or an attack launched against the Neutral) are posted here. Individual faction activities and civil battles take place within the faction place.


Earth by RolePlayGateway

The regular place.

Cherrysnow City

Cherrysnow City by RolePlayGateway

Cherrysnow City, the peaceful faction of Kodai. Those neutral to the war reside here.


Rebellion by RolePlayGateway

Rebellion, the city of the Rebels. It has taken quite a bit of a damage, but still stands tall and strong.

Shiragi Kingdom

Shiragi Kingdom by RolePlayGateway

The faction belonging to the Original rulers and those who support them.

The Desert

The Desert by RolePlayGateway

The Desert, a desolate wasteland near the town of Rebellion. Battles may take place here between characters.

Void, The World Between Worlds

Void, The World Between Worlds by RolePlayGateway

The empty void that people enter on their voyage from Earth to Kodai. It resembles a city that the person is familiar with, but is actually an empty black void. AFTER ENTERING HERE, YOU CAN NOT GO BACK

Void, The World Between Worlds

The empty void that people enter on their voyage from Earth to Kodai. It resembles a city that the person is familiar with, but is actually an empty black void. AFTER ENTERING HERE, YOU CAN NOT GO BACK


All battles outside of one faction (between either the Original, the Rebels, or an attack launched against the Neutral) are posted here. Individual faction activities and civil battles take place within the faction place.


Earth Owner: RolePlayGateway

The regular place.

The Desert

Rebellion The Desert Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Desert, a desolate wasteland near the town of Rebellion. Battles may take place here between characters.


Kodai Rebellion Owner: RolePlayGateway

Rebellion, the city of the Rebels. It has taken quite a bit of a damage, but still stands tall and strong.

Cherrysnow City

Kodai Cherrysnow City Owner: RolePlayGateway

Cherrysnow City, the peaceful faction of Kodai. Those neutral to the war reside here.

Shiragi Kingdom

Kodai Shiragi Kingdom Owner: RolePlayGateway

The faction belonging to the Original rulers and those who support them.

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