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A world where Earth is protection globally by superheroes, a powerful threat emerges to destroy all that they have worked so hard to obtain. (Started!)

1,382 readers have visited WEAPON since The Protagonist created it.



The year is 2057 and much has happened in those 45 years that have passed. Magic has been discovered or rather 'revealed' to those who can use it, mutations in both natural and experimental, the planet's ecosystem has been found out to be near-perfect for most life across the galaxy and as such has become a beacon for alien life to co-exist and the advancement in technology has led to the development of powerful weapons and machinery. For the first time in history, people could become superheroes or even supervillains. For a time heroism was illegal and those who were stopped had faced punishment from the law but this would not last. Because of the non-stop chaos and vigilantism, most of the worlds governments join together to find an alternative, knowing that there won't be anyway to prevent it. The result was the founding of an organization called WEAPON. the acronym stands for:

Worldwide Effective Acts of justice and Protection Overseas and Nationally

(Yes, it's a bit of stretch but they wanted a name that was easy to pronounce and remember.)

With the creation of this organization, E-Beings from around the world could serve for the government to fight crime with various police forces should they sign a legal document that also states his/her information for them to keep track of. While joining WEAPON is optional, the laws enforce that any E-Being must sign the documentation for a possible draft in times of crisis when he/she turns 15. This law has turned out to be quite controversial with the public, especially with E-Beings who don't think they should have to take the risk of being drafted for a cause they don't believe in, which eventually led to the foundation of the terrorist organization known as Creed.

Creed generally consists of E-Beings who dodged/resisted signing the document, fallen heroes who turned to them for various reasons or those who felt that their cause was right. Creed's main purpose is to cause destruction and chaos in an effort to overthrow WEAPON and install their own government of their liking. The result is a war between the two factions but it hasn't escalated into a major crisis yet, but that may change in the future when an greater evil approaches...


-E-Being is a neutral term that was given to anyone who wasn't normal and was special enough that they could save life or kill it. This was given because there are so many ways that a person can have powers or special abilities: Born with it as a mutation or being an alien with that ability, powers granted from genetic experimentation or cybernetic enhancements, magic from either yourself or from an enchanted object, genius level intellect allowing him/her to create their own tools, etc. So this term was given as a generalization.

-Thanks to human improvement and with the cooperation of alien lifeforms, technology has vastly improved. Some of the things available include forcefields generators, gravity lifts, flying cars, hover cars, car submarines, vastly improved medical equipment and much more effecient energy sources. Weapons for the public however remain ballistic because while plasma-based weaponry has been made, they are kept by only the highest officials due to the fear of it falling into the wrong hands. Magic would be more prominent but it is much rarer.

-New York City has become the worldwide capital because WEAPON is based there and most news and scientific advancements occur in that area. It is also the place where aliens and otherworldly beings get approval to reside on Earth. This has resulted in the subsequent name change to New York Capital (NYC) which has also branched into an large underwater city below the bay called New York Zero (NYZ) and a large city built on top of a massive gravity lift that stands several thousand feet above NYC, it's named New York Sky-Center (NYSC). All three combined have a population of about 38,000,000.

-There are 3 kinds of identities that a hero can choose: Public Identity, Secret Identity and Zero Identity. Public Identity means that you're known to everyone whether you are in costume fighting crime or living your normal life. They are often idolized and treated as celebrities by citizens as a result. Secret Identity means that while your known by many for your powers, costume and alter ego, Your real identity is unknown to all but the high ranking WEAPON officials. Some may choose this if they want to live their own life when they are not fighting crime. Lastly, Zero Identity means that they are rarely-if ever-in their normal persona. In other words, this is his/her persona and they normal state is his/her alternate persona.

Character Sheet:

Code: Select all
[b]Real Name:[/b] (His/Her actual name)

[b]Code Name:[/b] (His/Her code name if he/she has one)

[b]Visual Age:[/b] (The age he/she looks but may be older and younger. Keep in mind that with magic and advanced medicine, your can look A LOT young than you actually are.)

[b]Factual Age:[/b] (His/Her real age.)

[b]Height:[/b] (Your height)

[b]Weight:[/b] (Your weight)

[b]Gender:[/b] (He or She?)

[b]Species:[/b] (Human? Alien? Robot? Something Else?)

[b]Place of Birth:[/b] (Where in or off the planet was your character born?)

[b]Regular Appearance:[/b] (What he/she looks like normally. I would like a picture and descripton of what is different in the picture.)

[b]Hero/Villain Appearance:[/b] (What he/she looks like when he/she is fighting or causing crime. Optional, not all heroes or villains wear costumes.)

[b]Identity:[/b] (Public, Secret or Zero?)

[b]Faction:[/b] (WEAPON, Creed or Neutral.)

[b]Powers:[/b] (What powers does he/she have? Note that you don't necessarily need powers if you have excellent gadgets.)

[b]Weapons/Equipment:[/b] (The gadgetry you might have to fight crime. Recommended if you don't have any actual powers.)

[b]Other Abilities:[/b] (Things like martial arts, good social skills etc. Not actual powers but things that help.)

[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (At least one.)

[b]Source of Powers[/b] (How can you do what you do exactly?)

[b]Vehicle:[/b] (Some people have a ride such a car, bike, ship etc. Optional)

[b]Home/Base:[/b] (Describe the place that your character lives. Doesn't need to be long, just a sentence.)

[b]Personality:[/b] (What is your character like?)

[b]History:[/b] (Your character's past.)

[b]Other Facts:[/b] (Some other things to know, optional.)

[b]Theme Song:[/b] (Optional.)


President-Alan Chastain
Leader-John Mirra
Kyle McCoy/Point Blank
Addyson "Addie" Richards
Aeon Vernazza/Chronus Reaper
Matt Simpson
Jackie Simpson

Thomas Rizzo
Jason Anderson/Architect
Sadisuto Kunshu
Garrett Williams / Pathosis

Kiba Jenkins/Fang Jenkins
Bridget Harling/Blaze
Subject X38C

Toggle Rules

As a semi-literate rp: At least 200 words minimum. I can understand if you have writers block and I'll make exceptions when characters are interacting.

You are free to let your imagination run loose with creativity (But I will tell you if you are going a little too far.)

No godmodding, this should be obvious.

No auto-hitting and no meta-gaming.

Don't make your character too powerful, this should be enjoyable for everyone.

If you are confused about anything, just ask me.

You can have as many characters as you want but try to make it clear who is saying what.

Have fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors

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Point Blank

Point Blank was riding his hovercycle around NYC, a combination of patrolling and thinking to himself. It isn't easy to be married and maintain a secret hero identity at the same time, it was like he had to be in two places at once. Sure WEAPON could produce convincing alibis for him should he be missing but that will only work for so long. I want to tell Alice so much, but if something happened to her... I would never forgive myself. Point Blank continued to ride alongside the road.


A group of thugs, twelve in total, all wearing tuxedos match with black gloves and ski-masks. They were armed with SMGs as they entered their multiple black sedans. "Okay, boys you know what the plan is. Stop the shipment, steal the 'ancient armor' for our client and retire in Italy." Their client, an anonymous man going by the name of Cerberus de Swain made contact with these thugs and provided them with the equipment necessary to stop the guarded shipment. They didn't know what this 'armor' was and why is was so valuable, but it didn't matter to them. If they succeed, they will make more money in a day than they have in their entire lives. The three black sedans drove out of an allyway and into the highway.

A shipment truck that was accompanied by multiple police cars that serve as guards, made its way through the highway. It was headed towards a museum, "Cunningham" as it was called. The three black sedans made their ways closer to the truck. A passenger in the first sedan rolled down the window and held an advanced looking rifle-shaped device. He shot it at the police car at the very back of the escorts. The car swerved out of control before falling off the highway and crashing down in a fiery explosion. An EMP type laucher, not very common for thugs. The rest of the thugs, except for the driver had pulled out their SMGs and began gunning the other poilce officers in hail of bullets.

Point Blank

Point Blank saw what was going on, switched his hoverbike to autopilot and pulled out his bow, arming himself with explosive arrows. Taking quick aim, he shot one of sedans and after a few seconds it exploded into pieces. The thugs saw this, "That motorcycle guy way in the back, he took out four of our guys!" "Four less associates means four less shares" another pointed out. "I'll down him." a passenger in the back took out a grenade and threw it out of the window. Point Blank could tell that it wasn't an ordinary grenade, he switched off the autopilot and made a jump to the road down below. An ear-piecing explosion was heard, the color it made was light blue. It destroyed part of the highway but thankfully, all the civilian cars stopped in time. Point Blank was on the road below and it would take a few minutes for him to get back to the main highway, which may be just enough time for these people to finish their heist. "Damn, I'm gonna have to call on the WEAPON's for this." he pulled out a special radio phone that was given to all WEAPON members. "Attention to any WEAPON members nearby, an attack on a delivery has been made on the main highway. I don't know if Creed has their backs or who is supplying them but their equipment is much more advanced than your average thug. They killed most of the police protecting the truck and destroyed a portion of the highway with a single grenade. Deadly force is the best option here." He then ended the transmission and sped up his bike in hopes of catching up with the thugs.

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Bridget Harling (Blaze)

Bridget was sitting on top of a smaller apartment building, surveying the city when she saw the chase. There were three black SUV's, following a set of police cars and a large shipment truck. "Wonder whats in their," she said to herself. It obviously must be something valuable, as the men in the vans started firing at the police. She then saw Point Blank tailing them, shooting them with an arrow as they threw a grenade at him. This just got interesting, she thought, pulling her two black bandanas out of her pocket and taking off her sweatshirt. She wrapped one around her face, hiding her mouth and part of ehr nose and the other around the back of ehr head, hiding her hair and any chance of knowing she was a girl. She took a few step back, and started running, leaping from the building she was on to the next, closer to the scene.

Bridget ran fast. She had hoped three buildings in only a few seconds, and had pulled out her compact hover motorcycle while she ran. She leaped off the building, falling towards the highway and pulled herself onto her motorcycle just as the grenade thrown at Point Blank exploded. She smirked to herself. Let's have some fun, she thought. Bridget kept her motorcycle about 30 feet from the ground, close enough to see what happened, but far enough to make a quick escape if necessary. She followed the truck chase from a distance, waiting for the moment that they would see her and she saw Point Blank seem to be talking. He's probably paging WEAPON, she thought. It made her smile more. WEAPON had tried to recruit her a few times, but she always said no and got away.

She reached into her pocked and brought out one of her small, disk shaped throwing knives. She had some that were triangle shaped, and about the size of three of her fingers, but she decided this type would be better. She through it like a frisbee, flicking her wrist and watched as it went towards one of the SUV's, break the back window, entering the car, hitting the back of one of the shooters, then cutting part of the arm off of a shooter facing her. It flew back into her arm and she smirked, watching as they looked around for her for a few seconds before seeing her, but by that time she had launched two more disks at them.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Mirra Character Portrait: Matt Simpson Character Portrait: Jackie Simpson Character Portrait: Point Blank
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#, as written by dig17
"John, you hear this?!"

Truth be told, I couldn't. In fact, I could barely hear Matt. He was trying to shout over the noise of the bar; there was a crappy punk cover of an Akon song playing 200 decibels too loud over the overpriced speakers.


"WEAPON call-up!"

I looked down at my phone. It was all scratched and scuffed from years of abuse as my Operator phone, but since I'd joined WEAPON, the government had special devices and shit installed so I could keep in track with other WEAPON members, just like I needed to now. Indeed, there was an alert out; I'd had a few pints of Guinness and wasn't all there. I thought tonight was gonna be quiet. Maybe I didn't hoped it would be more than Ithought, but either way, it wasn't. I put the phone up to my ear to try and catch any more reports; there was a lot of chatter trying to respond to whatever it was.

"What's going on?!"

"Something about a delivery! Point Blank's in pursuit!"

I looked back down at my phone and pulled up its tracking system; Point Blank was registered as 'checking in' a mile away on a curvy stretch of highway, and lo and behold, he was heading right toward us.

"You see this, Matt?!"

"Yeah! We've gotta boogie!"

We left the bar as fast as we could. The place was packed in; I probably shoved my way past at least ten fraternity kids who wanted to know what my problem was. There wasn't much I could say to them, so I didn't say anything, which I've always believed to be a wise tip in life. As soon as we were out, among the ambient sounds of cars speeding by on the asphalt, wettened by a busted water main down the street, and we began running.

"Where's Jackie?"

"En route, I plugged in a rendezvous point for her. You wanna use the RX Buster?"

"I don't know, man, if they've got something we need to protect, I don't wanna risk busting up their vehicle for it."

"Well, how are we gonna stop it? We can phaze them, but I don't know how easy that's gonna go on the highway."

"Yeah. You ready?"


I took a dead stop; we were in a park or something, I don't know what it was, but there was a bunch of grass, and I could see the highway on-ramp just on the next street. I slid my phone open and typed in my activation code, as did Matt, and closed it suddenly. That gave it the spark it needed to begin the transformation sequence.


We waved our phones around in a manner some might not see as completely practicable, but the suit was forming itself on us, and when we undergo the transformation process, or the henshin, we have to keep different parts of our body clear at different points to make sure our armor doesn't undergo an error and completely reject the process. So, we managed to do it successfully, as we have been doing for years, and went back to running. I could already hear gunfire; they were getting closer. I ran harder. I could feel the suit practically breathing as it kept up with the superhuman demands I was putting on it; I was definitely going faster than I would in my Nike sneakers, but feeling the Operator suit is truly a strange experience every time anybody gets in it. It doesn't even feel like a suit, it feels like your skin, it's so neurally bound to us that we can feel it exist. It's strange, but I figured I'd talk about it.

We wound up on the highway, dipping and dodging through oncoming traffic. NYC knew who we were, and our special night lights helped substantially to confirm who we were. Anytime a car would see the neon green cracks in my suit, they'd pull over like if a cop was flashing his lights and screaming down the road. The highway was filled with cars that had pulled over at our sight, opening up like the Red Sea for Moses, and we could get a clear view of the van coming right toward us.

"Well, what's the plan, John?"

"You wanna try Battle Thunder and wreck the ground beneath it?"

"I think we should avoid collateral damage, who knows how long that'll take to repair? And we might hurt one of the civilians."

"Yeah. Okay. You think he'll stop if I put up a holographic cop?"

"That doesn't work anymore, John, not in high-speed chases. New Yorkers are smarter than that."

From behind us, I could hear the pounding footsteps of another Operator suit. I turned and faced Jackie, fully transformed, who huffed at us.

"What?" Her brother quipped.

"You don't have a plan?"

"No. We were just gonna blast the thing with the Buster. What do you think?"

"So stupid. Always so stupid. Why am I the only one that comes up with intelligent ideas?"

"What's your plan, Jackie?"

Jackie sighed and stepped forward, observing the situation.

"We force field it all the way across this side of the highway. Transfer your power to me and I'll make it happen. I'll surge it at the last second to see if I can slow it any. Van hits the wall, bad guys either get detained or phazed, and you guys can go back to drinking and picking up bar trash."

"I've never picked up bar trash." I answered.

"Matt practically lives in the dumpster."

"Just because I bang ONE girl who I met at an Irish pub, you suddenly think I'm some kind of playboy. Little sister, you've got one or two things coming to you."

"Well, I'm the boss, so suck a hard one, Casanova."

Jackie assumed a stance to prepare herself for the vortex of phaze-matter energy she was about to put forth. Normally, we can handle individual, combat-sized force fields to get us out of sticky situations, but for big exports of power, an Operator needed to brace themselves. Me and Matt took positions behind her, placing our hands on her shoulders and laying our forearms down her back to help steady her. I raised my phone, conveniently located on my left wrist for commands in combat, to my other hand and typed in a code to open up a line of communication with Point Blank. My suit's internal mic took care of the rest.

"Point Blank, this is Green Knight, I've got two more Operators out here and we're preparing to put up a barrier for your van to crash into. Be aware; we won't activate it until the last second. Watch yourself, pard, we've got you covered. Any further WEAPON operatives, please report in with your current position and combat readiness. Prepare to assemble for a tactical response once we stop this van, please acknowledge!"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Point Blank Character Portrait: Bridget Harling Character Portrait: Astor
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Astor was enjoying his day off strolling through the park, using the shadows of the trees to hide himself from the public eye. He stopped under a tree and sat down, "Hmph, it's rather nice out today... that's a first." He looked up at the sky, watching as clouds drifted by. "If only..." He slowly drifted off into a little nap.

'Bzzz, Bzzzzz, Attention to any WEAPON members nearby... Bzzz, an attack, Bzzzzz, main highway, Bzzzz, much more advanced than your average thug, Bzzzz, Deadly force is the best option here, Bzzz.' Rang Astor's pocket watch transponder. "Goddamnit, Point Blank..." Astor stood up and proceeded to walk towards the 'main highway', feeling oh so lucky that he was nearby. "I was hoping for one day off..." He saw the caravan moving fast across the highway, noticing another vehicle... one that wasn't familiar to him. "Did PB get a new cycle? Ah who cares, no time to waste." He began freezing the water vapor, forming a smooth path to the high. He hopped on his pathway and created a blade for each shoe, so he could skate on his path.

As he traveled towards the SUV caravan, Astor had a slight flashback. 'Damnit Point Blank, I need some time off, or something!' He knew Point Blank wasn't his direct superior, that his troubles were on John Mirra, but still... He hated being a resource with virtually unlimited powers. Astor understood how he could be invaluable in some rare situations, but this was getting ridiculous. He liked Point Blank, to an extent; Astor treated him like a friend, just without the trust... He always had trust issues... Even now.

Astor focused, skating hastily so he could reach the caravan of SUVs. "Alright, time to stop this heist, now." Again his transponder watch was picking up a transmission. 'Bzzzzz, Any further WEAPON operatives, Bzzzz current position and combat readiness, Bzzzz, assemble for a tactical response, Bzzzzzz, please acknowledge!' Astor sighed, "This is Astor, confirming that I am in pursuit." Astor new he probably wouldn't be useful in this scenario.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrett Williams / Pathosis
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#, as written by RotAuge
Garrett heard a piercing scream coming from his son's room. He hastily entered, checking the cradle. Inside, his child was writhing in anguish. Garrett moved to pick the infant up, but just as his fingers brushed across his son's skin, the baby's arm crumbled into dust. soon his whole body collapsed into a fine gray powder leaving Garrett grasping at ashes.

Garrett woke with a start, his alarm clock blaring in his ear, he slapped a hand down to silence it.
With his other arm he brushed aside the beads of sweat accumulating on his brow.
For a long while he just lay there, breathing steadily before finally deciding to get up.
He rolled off the bed with a crash, as he had not noticed his legs were still entangled in his bedspread, after a few moments he rose, staggering in an 'eyes-half-closed' stupor, he eventually reached his sink cleansing his face and neck of perspiration.
Garrett grabbed a small bottle and shook a small circular yellow pill, with an engraved smiling face, from it. He grimaced but threw the pill into his mouth and swallowed it before cupping his hands under the faucet and gulping down a few mouthfuls of water.
< Good morning Garrett. Sleep well? >
Garrett replied out loud to the disembodied voice as he slipped off his current clothes and began dressing,
"Good morning to you too Pathosis." Not answering the question.
He slipped on a worn but clean pair of tan slacks.
<Oh, what an endearing name you've given me.> Pathosis giggled, the sensation was odd and very difficult to describe, for some reason it reminded Garrett of orange jell-o.
Garrett sighed as he pulled on a patched brown jacket and headed towards the door, "What do you want now?" he asked warily.
<Well, now that you mention it, I was wondering if I could go for a walk>
"No." Garrett said firmly, "I've got something extremely important to do today and I can't have us rampaging through town."
<Oh, right your 'super villain audition' is today isn't it, honestly, why does everything have to be so organized can't we just have fun? >
Garrett scowled "I thought you were the one who suggested I join them, 'Just think Garrett, you'll have a job again, yeah it involves thievery, dishonesty and maybe even murder...but a Job Garrett, one step closer to living a 'normal' life.'"
Garrett thought for a moment over whether or not to bring his gun with him. He slid it into his shoulder holster just in case.
< That's not how I sound!>
Garrett headed down the street to where he was to meet up with his evaluator, bickering silently now, it wouldn't do him much good to be thrown into some insane asylum.

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One thug in the second SUV was killed by a disk, the driver looked back and saw him bleeding to death and noticing the presences of other WEAPON members chasing them. The heist seemed to be falling apart, "Goddamnit! Cerberus told us that the technology that he supplied us with will cut through them like butter!" The man opened a briefcase, revealing a Plasma Incinerator and handed it over his passenger. He knew what he had to do, he incinerated the delivery truck's tires out and forcing it to come to a stop. The two SUVs stopped as well and parked right next to him, exiting out and holding the man hostage. The seven remaining thugs surrounded the truck and prepared to remove the armor. The man with the Incinerator Rifle had the driving hostage, "If any of you WEAPON filth come any closer, I'll fucking kill him! That armor is going to make us rich and none of you will stand in our ways!" The driver was crying, feeling like he had failed his job and is now just dead weight to everyone but the criminals.

Point Blank used his bike to hover up the slope that Astor created and went back into the pursuit. He stopped when he saw that the thugs were parked, emptying the truck of its contents and holding the driver hostage. The weapon he was using was way to high-tech for a normal criminal to get their hands on, whoever hired them had connections. Point Blank made sure that he would be out of sight and out of mind for him to make his shot. He took a poison arrow, aimed carefully to adjust for wind then in a heartbeat, shot the thug in the arm. The poison numbed him and knocked him unconscious. The driver then ran away in terror. Point Blank took out his radio phone, "I have put down the hostage holder, he is unconscious. You may all deal with the rest as they won't be able to escape quickly but I would like it if you kept the one man alive, he could provide valuable information to us."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Mirra Character Portrait: Matt Simpson Character Portrait: Jackie Simpson
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#, as written by dig17
There was a very sudden exchange between members inside the van and other WEAPON operatives who were in pursuit. The van careened to a halt and eventually crashed into a median after a tire blew out. There was a hostage situation afoot.

"I guess we're in the clear. Don't have to phaze up a force field; God, I hate work." Jackie said.

Soon, the hostage-taker was down. Point Break claimed the hit and I started running forward to the remainder of the bad guys.

"Pointy, secure that hostage! Don't let him hurt himself, he might run right into traffic somewhere if you let him go! Astor, see about freezing up one of these bad guys and securing him for detainment! Pointy's right, we should interrogate one!" I scanned the remaining goons, who seemed to be coming right toward us. They were firing their guns somewhat wildly, simply trying to cover their escape however they could. "Operators, let's wreck these punks! Green Knight, moving in!"

I heard the fuzzy chatter over the radio from other operatives and engineers trying to organize us with information as I darted off in the direction of the robbers, who were all busy reloading their weapons.

"Get your fields up!"

I turned on my force field and watched bullets disintegrate through the barrier of phaze matter. I could hear the harsh clicks of Matt and Jackie's fields coming up. The sound of the gunfire was deafening as we got closer, and I tried to time my attack just as the man I had in my sights ran out of ammunition. I deactivated the field and lay down a hefty smack to his weapon, watching it clatter to the ground with a large dent in the top of the receiver. I followed up with a crushing downward kick to his knee, but he managed to grab ahold of my chestplate and drag me around him 180 degrees. We scuffled for a bit before I regained my footing and stepped inside of his legs to give him a trip, but he managed to force it back on me and get ME on the ground instead.

I pulled him in after me; I used his momentum to roll myself backwards so HE wound up on his back instead of me, and I began the smackdown. Two punches in, he caught my blow in the angle of his arm and punched five holes into my armor with a concealed revolver. If he'd tried shooting me four years ago, I wouldn't have made it, but the government had supplied a very generous donation to the Operator Armor Foundation, and thus, the bullets simply lodged into the metal without much else going on in the realm of physics. I tore the revolver away from him and brought my helmet down against his face, probably smashing his nose, and then quickly stood myself up in a straddle on top of him before I pulled him up with me. He attempted to take a swing at me, probably dazed from my helmet-bash, and I ducked underneath his arm, shoving him up against the van he had previously occupied and pinning him as best I could. The fella managed to slip out of my grasp again, tried backhanding me, but again I ducked, and once he had spun around, I kicked him so hard in the balls that he spit up blood. It may have been the multiple face punches, I couldn't tell, but I DID follow it up with a nice metallic elbow to the throat.

He was done; he collapsed to the ground, trying to figure out which body part hurt the worst. Jackie stood over a thug who had his own knife stuck in him, and Matt, having already killed one man, was now working on another. From behind me, I heard a very familiar clack sound, and before I knew it, I was ducking for cover behind the van. Somebody had opened fire on me and, as I peered out, had apparently raked across the man I just downed, and he was now dead. I ducked my head back in; my armor was good, but I didn't usually like to take chances by walking directly into machine gun fire. I turned on the WEAPON frequency and started speaking.

"This is Green Knight, anybody have a visual on the shooter on the freeway, 5 yards east of the van?"

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Two men moved quickly through the tattered neighborhoods of Coney Island. They were moving fast, but both had their way of going on about it. One of them was dressed in a black using some sort of platforms to get over obstacles, why the other dressed like he had left a bachelor’s party hopped over fences and appeared to have incredible fitness. From a distance, they almost looked as if they were racing, but in reality they were chasing the same target. Unfortunately, these two men weren’t working together at all.

β€œCome on, you can do better than that, Architect! I’m gonna catch him first with your slow… Ah!” The man with the suit said with a laugh before he hit a transparent blue wall that appeared out of nowhere.

β€œHe’s mine Vamp! Go back to HQ! I won’t hesitate to kill you.” Architect said the last bit under his breath and he chased after his target that had just gotten in his sights. Whoever this was, they had to have a pretty big price on their heads if two Creed members were fighting to catch them. The criminal performed agile movements that resembled parkour, but that wasn’t going to be enough to get away. Architect had not only trained his powers, but his body over the years. His natural ability to mimic the body movements kept him just one step behind a man who had committed many hits on high positioned members of a company. The perpetrator had readied a getaway, but his plans had been screwed up with Vamp’s appearance. The Creed member had luckily drained the energy from the target’s vehicle, leaving him to go on the run. Now Architect was just several feet away from the target. This is when he’d make his move.

Opening his hands out toward the target, a wall of condensed energy appeared in front the target, causing the man to run straight into it. Mine! Architect thought, before a sword of energy appeared in his palm. The target was down on his back, and ready to flee, but the sword of energy stabbed into his shoulder.

β€œI don’t think so…” Architect would have said more, but he was interrupted.

β€œHa! You caught him for us!” Vamp said as he walked over with a smirk. His eyes centered down at blonde haired man on the sidewalk.

β€œI told you to stay out of this!”

β€œNah, fuck that! I don’t even want him. I want the top dog. Tell me who hired you, and I’ll take this guy out right now. You’ll go free.” Vamp offered the target who felt relief, especially as tension began to increase between the two men. Standing over him. β€œHurry up.”

β€œYou work with this guy though!”

β€œMe?! Ha! You’re a funny guy.” Vamp replied before putting his hand to the blade of the sword stabbed into shoulder. The sword seemed to get absorbed into his hand. Architect stepped back before forming a katana in his hands. β€œMmmm… That was pretty good.”

β€œShut the fuck up! You cross me and I’ll…” Architect’s threat was halted by the words of the assassin on the ground.

β€œHis name is Carl Watson! He… He works for… Wait! Where are you going?!” The assassin shouted at Vamp before looking to Architect who then looked down at him. Vamp just chuckled.

β€œYou thought I’d help you? Like I said before, you’re a funny guy.” Vamp said with a chuckle before throwing up the peace sign to Architect before jumping across the street and walking off into an alley. Architect just watched his fellow Creed member go on and then he looked back down at the target again.

β€œLooks like you got played… Now what to do with you?”

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Frederic-104 watched threw the window of his apartment building as the members of the militia-like WEAPON task force fought and killed the theives.

*They aren't trained like a team. They don't fight like a team. What I wouldn't give to have some Spartans around.* Thought the Spartan as people flew and ran this way and that, killing and maiming each other.

Frederic stopped his train of thought were it was, remembering how he was offered a job with WEAPON. They wanted to see his armor, to reverse-engineer it to understand what it was like. The information was top-secret, and ONI would court marshal him, regardless of his status as one of the few remaining Spartan-IIs.

As he was thinking, he noticed a glint off to his right, where he kept his 99C-S2 Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle. He had managed to get a company to reproduce the bullets, for a minor bodygauring detail in return. He picked up the sniper rifle, checked the scope, slotted in a magazine, and walked over to his window.

They seemed to be on the verge of finishing there work, and Frederic was almost ready to start his. He had a hit to pull on someone who seemed important, and he intended to keep his appointment.

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Character Portrait: Lithium Character Portrait: Sadisuto Kunshu
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Sadisuto Kunshu was not in a good mood. Not only because he hadn't seen blood all day long but also because he, somehow, got the feeling that everyone in Creed was doing something really cool now...everyone except him. He growled angrily and sat up on his bed, his blonde hair covered his eyes. He tsked several times before using a hand to uncover his eyes. Turning his head to one side, he pouted and studied his reflection in the mirror. He looked thinner than before...probably due to the fact that he hadn't eaten a decent meal since that stupid WEAPON member shot him in the chest. He gritted his teeth and touched the wound warily only to hiss in pain as the burning sensation coursed through his body. Even if he was injured, he was sure as hell that he wouldn't sit here all day long. It was killing him...very slowly. He grasped his knives and tucked them in his pocket. Putting his crown on his head, Sadisuto grinned maliciously as he looked at himself again. He looked much, much better now.

He walked to the nightstand and picked up the phone. He pouted again and pushed the called button'. He wanted a mission now and he would go around and kill everyone until he got what he wanted! He waited for the Leader of Creed answered the phone and he greeted cheerfully "Hello, Lady you have anything for me to do? I'm bored as hell and ready to go out and slaughter everyone on sight just to make my life less boring...and the chair refused to talk to me yesterday...can you believe it? Urg...But seriously, I'm so itchy right now, my Lady...Haven't seen blood all day long but you ordered me not to cut myself..."

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The red haired leader took up her usually position in her so called throne, which was basically just a black leather couch chair. Her legs dangled over the side of the left armrest as her hazel eyes focused on the two screens in front of her. The screen on the left displayed a figure that had its face blurred. While the right was a live feed of the fight that was taking place in New York Capital between WEAPON and a bunch of thugs. β€œSee the weapons work’s the men using them who are faulty,” her chuckled echoed through the room as she took a drag from the cigarette. Although the thugs were clearly losing she couldn’t help but feel amused by the whole scenario but her face became serious again hearing her potential client clear his/her throat.

β€œI am truly very impressed with what I have seen from the equipment. However, I fear that my own men will struggle to stay alive with these WEAPON agents around…” The figures voice had been altered in order to hide the true identity of the person. These days criminals and thugs had to go to extreme lengths in order to protect themselves from the government and other so called β€˜villains.’ A small crease appeared on Lithium’s forehead as she crushed her smoke in her hands before tossing it to the ground. Those bastards are ruining my business. She rose to her feet and walked towards the two screens. β€œThey only look strong right now because these thugs don’t know how to use our weapons properly…from what I hear you’re men are far more skilled than these low-lives and further more…” But before she could continue the figure interrupted her. β€œWe will think about it and get back to you.” Without another word beginning spoken the video call ended.

Lithium’s hands turned into fists by her side as the anger insider her began to boil. β€œFUCK!” She swore before picking up one of the metal chairs and throwing it into the large computer screen shattering it into pieces. β€œThey are ruining me!!!!” She then grabbed the closest Creed member around the neck and pinned him up against the wall. He was stunned by her sudden attack and flinched hitting the wall. β€œI want you to go out there…” but again before she could finish her phone began to ring. Lithium let go off the guy who quickly scrambled away as she pulled out her mobile seeing Sadisuto name. A cheeky smirk spread across her red lips as she accepted the call and waited for him to finish speaking.

β€œWell, hello my favourite minion…glad to hear you are still in one piece. Sorry about the chair, they just don’t know how to respect people who are more powerful than them.” Her eyes gazed towards the live feed seeing the man they called Point Blank. β€œI have a very special assignment for you…there is a little commotion going on in New York Capital that just cost me a deal. I would like you to get a little gang together and go clean up the mess. Retrieve any of our weapons and also make sure none of those WEAPON agents get hold of any a life thugs…if you catch my drift.” Her finger trailed around the outline of Point Blank. β€œAlso get me some information on this Pointy guy…he looks like his hiding a very big secret that we could use against him. If you got a few minutes to spare show these fake heroes how a real team works.” She shut her phone still smiling deviously, β€œIS SOMEONE GOING TO CLEAN UP THIS MESS OR DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE!” Lithium pulled out another cigarette and lit it as she made her way back to her seat.

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Character Portrait: Thomas Rizzo Character Portrait: Lithium Character Portrait: Sadisuto Kunshu Character Portrait: Garrett Williams / Pathosis
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Sadisuto's grin got wider and wider while he was listening to his newest mission. This was going to be fun. And he could certainly get some revenge toward the WEAPON to even the debt because, after all, a member of WEAPON had shot him, right? He nodded his head even though Lithium couldn't see it and said cheerfully, bloodlust dripped into his voice "Yes, my Lady...I'll get the job done as soon as possible...and get some information on the Pointy Thingy for you, too..." He smirked and pushed the end button. Tapping his cheek, Sadisuto mused to himself. 'Now, now...who can I call? The chairs? No, no, no...they will just get in my way...the, it's way too hard...ah! I know!' He clapped his hand excitedly and opened his phone again to send to several CREED Agents one same message 'Lady Lithium has a mission for us to guys want to take parts in it?...I have asked the TV but it doesn't want to go with me...must still be angry at me because I talked to the chair yesterday...'

He stretched his hands and pushed the send button then grasped his jacket and walked out of the room. He had a mission to fulfill and information on the Pointy Thingy to collect. He giggled insanely. Well, this would surely prove to be a fun mission, perhaps he could even take some of the WEAPON member's body parts as trophies. The spoon would have been very happy with it. He clapped his hands childishly again and hummed a small tune, completely ignored how others were looking at him right now. He was a prince. He had the rights to do what he wanted and to have fun. Touching his pocket slightly to make sure the knives were still there, he nodded and headed out.

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#, as written by Reianna
Addyson had been catching up on some reading when the request for any and all WEAPON members in the area to come assist Point Blank. It was a high speed chase with a lot of high tech weaponry involved, which meant her fighting skills probably wouldn't be needed. After all, she fought hand-to-hand and with blades. All that shooting and chasing wasn't really her thing. However, her healing abilities could be critical, which is one of the reasons she was sent on more missions than almost anyone. Her power had saved people, missions and the identity of WEAPON members many times. She'd even saved a few of the bad guys, so that they could later be interrogated.

Currently, she stood a little away from everyone else, watching the scene unfold. She wasn't big on costumes or masks, and was dressed in a pair of red jeans and a simple white shirt. The only thing looking out of the ordinary was the large, curved sword that was strapped across her back. Her fingers itched to pull it free from it's sheath and join the fight. But she would only get in the way.

But then the masked men forced the van to a halt and jumped from their car. They began firing wildly, bullets coming from every which way. Addie inched forward, ready to spring into action. The three guys in suits quickly had the situation under control, though. The driver of the van was safe, and all the thugs were...taken care of. Addyson walked towards them, checking to see if any healing was order. "Anyone hurt?" But her words were lost in the sound of gunfire. Before she could think, she dove behind the van, painfully landing on her knees.

The sound of a voice startled her, and she saw one of the WEAPON members, Green Knight, hiding behind the van as well. WEAPON was a large organization, and Addyson didn't have much time to talk to people, so she didn't know much about him. And now wasn't the time to start. She stood to her feet and leaned against the van, the whole time staying directly behind him.

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Bridget Harling (Blaze)

Bridget thought of the idea of her fighting along side WEAPON members and laughed slightly. She had been offered to join them multiple times, but never excepted. She didn't like the idea of risking your life for other people. It was their fault they couldn't defend themselves. But she also didn't like killing people on purpose like Creed. They hadn't done anything to you. So they called her neutral.
She fought who she wanted, when she wanted, if the bothered her, were in her way, or threatened her. In this case, the explosive they through had blown up a highway far too close to her house.

Bridget watched as the many WEAPON members hid behind a van as the pursuers shot at them. They hadn't been shooting at her, as she was still far above them and they probably didn't have very good aim. "idiots," she muttered to herself, outstretching her hand towards one of the shooters, fingers spread, palm stretched. She pulled her hand back, made and fist and pushed it out with force, fire erupting from her hand and shooting onto the mans shirt, lighting it on fire, making him drop his gun. She did the same to another one, then started moving, sure that the others would shoot at her. And one did, but she quickly evaded it on her hover motorcycle.

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Astor continued following the heist, watching as the other WEAPON members stopped the SUVs. He approached cautiously, noticing one thug holding a hostage, he especially didn't want any innocent bystanders to be harmed. "What the Fuck! You spineless Trash!" Astor was infuriated with the thugs. Luckily, Point Blank immediately took the hostage holder down, leaving the rest for dead. "Roger that John, give me one sec!"

Astor crafted his dual pistols, and charged the thugs. Astor noticed the foreigner had beaten him to battle, "You're fast, but this is our fight!" Astor took aim and froze three thugs in an instant, "I don't care who you are, but you're asking for a fight!" He took his eyes off the two remaining thugs and glared at the stranger on the cycle. His mind trailed off for a moment...

Astor hated strangers, but that was just his character. He always had trust issues, and never really got to the point of having any friends. The only thing he did have was loyalty, but it was a unless trait without someone to be loyal to. That was what made Astor's decision to join WEAPON final; he needed something to be loyal to. So he remains loyal, doing his job, disliking it in some cases but never betraying the organization. That's what he fought for these days, a lousy organization.

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Bridget Harling (Blaze)

Bridget smirked as one of them spoke to her. "You're fast, but this is our fight! I don't care who you are, but you're asking for a fight!" she heard him say. it made her chuckled. "I got here before you." She replied. She made sure to use a lower voice. Everyone always thought she was a boy when she was in hero form, and she would like to keep it that way. " And technically speaking, this is my territory." She said. It really wasn't even though she lived near, but he didn't know that. And many other heros who knew where she lived considered it her territory. Go near it and bother her, and you were bound to get burned.

She looked at the boy as she continued to circle over head. She could tell his power involved ice of some sort. Ew, she thought. She hated the cold, probably because her power involved fire. No wonder they were butting heads when they didn't even know each other. They were absolute opposites. Bridget pulled out another razor disk and tossed it at another shooter, knocking him out and causing his head to bleed. She didn't look at it. She didn't particularly like killing others, but it had to happen.

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Character Portrait: Architect Character Portrait: Vamp
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Bicycles and Televisions

Vamp had been gracefully hopping from rooftop to rooftop, searching for his precious bicycle. Though the predicament seemed to be a problem, the man smiled with glee. Perhaps it was because of what he was thinking about. Carl Watson… Hahahaha! I’m gonna… I’m gonna… I don’t even know what I’m gonna do to him! A chuckle escaped him as he dropped from a rooftop and landed on the sidewalk below. The impact crackled the ground beneath him, easily causing a scene in the area.

β€œFinally!” Vamp roared as he looked at his bicycle that currently being stolen. All the guy had to do was unravel the chain. Anyone would have beat the guy to an inch of his life… well any guy Vamp knew personally. β€œUm… Excuse me kid,I think you have the wrong bike.” Vamp queried. The guy that was at least in his late teens gave him a look of surprise before swinging at Vamp. The young man’s fist crashed into Vamp’s face, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. β€œOh… So you’re one of those guys?” Vamp asked with a curious face. You could say that he looked like someone who was oblivious of the situation. That front seemed to vanish though as a devilish smile formed on his lips. The guy just stared in awe, before he felt Vamp’s powerful grip around his throat.

β€œOkay! Okay! Sto-” The teenager’s body seemed to freeze in place. He couldn’t even move a single part of his body before his skin began to pale and his hair thin. Vamp just stared into the dying boy’s eyes before letting go and grabbing hold of his bicycle. The young man’s body just dropped to the ground as he wheezed desperately. Civilians were at a standstill from both fear and shock.

β€œYou need to get better with decision making. You steal from me, I steal from you. Thanks for the boost.” Vamp chuckled before getting onto his bike and pedaling off. For a E Being, Vamp had greatly enjoyed his form of transportation. He was ready to continue his thoughts on this Carl Watson guy, but he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate. He wondered who it could be. His mom? Lithium? Please don’t let it be either of them… Vamp slowly removed his phone from his pocket as he rolled onto the sidewalk and stopped. Surprisingly he saw it was a message from Sadisuto. Vamp couldn’t even pronounce the guy’s name right, but he did like the many friends the guy had made. Vamp read the message before replying. β€˜I’m in buddy!  Oh, and I’m sure the TV will come around.’ Michael sent the message and thought about Sadisuto’s problem. He never really liked any of Sadisuto’s friends besides the TV because it was the only one that seemed to talk back. Well, that’s what Vamp felt like it was trying to do. At least it tried, right?

Rush Hour

Architect was now in his Sedan, driving with the assassin sitting in the back. There was a barrier of tempered glass between them and the assassin was handcuffed, so Architect had little to worry about. All he had to do now is deliver him to the employer, get paid, and then report to Lithium. Things seemed easy and boring enough, until he received a text message. He looked at the sender’s name and put his phone back into his pocket.

β€œSome of these people belong in a ward.” Architect said out loud before hitting traffic. β€œFuck!”

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Point Blank

Point Blank continued onward toward the crashed delivery truck. It seemed that the rest finished the fight before anything valuable was taken. It was shame that they had to kill most of them, WEAPON prefers it if you can stop the crooks alive. That also meant a higher payment, but they were far too dangerous for that. At least he was able to put one in unconsciousness as he can provide information about his employer and how they got their technology because they couldn't be professionals, considering that they used such open and roundabout tactics. He proceeded to the truck and headed for Astor, "Well, now that we've stopped them, lets take this one asshole sleeping on the ground and the other with his lights punch out to jail and collect the Incinerator Rifle, EMP Laucher and Sound Grenades. The Chief of Police would love to hear this." He turned his head over to Blaze, "I appreciate the help you gave, I recommend that you reconsider joining WEAPON. You'll be a hero."

At that moment, a murder of crows appeared out of seemingly nowhere and headed for all the wreckage that was left behind. Point Blank readied his Bow as they swarmed in but to his surprise, they didn't attack any E-Beings present. They instead took away the technology before anyone had the time to react, this was followed by screams of agony by the two thugs left alive. The moment he turned they were eaten alive from the inside, dead. The murder of crows disappeared. "What the hell happened?! Dammit!" After a few moments, he gained his composure back and wondered what is it about that ancient suit of armor that was so valuable. Point Blank turned to the driver who had regained his line of thinking, "I supposed you wouldn't know why that so-called armor was so valuable to these crooks, would you?" The Driver looked nervous and cleared his throat. "Well... uh, I would first like to thank you for saving me life. Uh.. Anyway, this suit of armor had been discovered in Hungary about a month ago and they never saw anything like its design. It was also quite a bit older than most suits discovered, by about a thousand years. I guess because this armor would be worth a vast fortune, snakes like these people would be after it."

Point Blank nodded, "Is there any other information about it? What person or empire it belonged to? Anything?" The Driver thought for a moment, "Hmmm... Ah, yes. I remember now. I was told that they found an engraved text on a stone nearby it that roughly translates it to Cerberus of the Bloodshed. I'm afraid I ain't got anything else." Point Blank looked up for a second and then back to the Driver. "Thank you for the information, It'll help WEAPON get to the bottom of this, sooner or later." Point Blank turned his attention towards the rest of group. "Alright, as you can guys can tell, this man went through a lot of trouble to deliver this. So lets finsh the job."



Three people were in a dark, dimly lit room. One was across from the other two with his back facing them, while the two-one male, one female-were kneeling down to him. All were wearing black cloaks and the leader was wearing a mask that left only his eyes visable. The female spoke, "It seems that mobsters we sent had failed their mission but that wasn't a surprise. They were imbeciles." The man kneeling added, "Indeed, they were only there to see how well guarded the piece was. Shall we take further measures to obtain it?" the man asked. The masked man had paused for a moment and then answered. "Not yet... The attack for the piece is currently in their minds. Chances are, they will take further measures guarding it at the time being. The time is not right as it stands. We'll just let these two mewling factions have their pathetic war against each other. No matter, I will soon rise again..." He turned himself to his subordinates and faced their directions, "Cerberus of the Bloodshed!"

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Bridget Harling (Blaze)

Bridget laughed on the inside. A hero, she thought. Or I'd be killed for all the murders I've committed. But out loud, all she said was "Uh no thanks." She made sure to use the low voice. It sounded a little off compared to most boys voices, but it didn't sound like a girl, and that was all that mattered. There were barely any in the city that knew who she truly was. She wanted to keep it that way.

And joining WEAPON would ruin it. That was another one of her thoughts. The WEAPON officials would know, having her at their mercy because of her secret. Yes, with her power came secrets. She loved secrets. Everyone else's, that is. The time spent hiding them, the fear someone would find out, the terrified look when someone did and held it against you. As bad as it was, it added edges to life.

She wondered if they had any suspicion that she was a girl. it didn't seem it, as no one had ever followed her home or anything crazy like that, but there was always a possibility. That would be bad.

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Jack Hasing (Subject 16)

16 was at home tuning B.D when he heard the his radio (which he had altered to make a WEAPON frequency monitor) mention something about a hostage situation on one of the city rooftops saying that they demanded one hundred thousand dollars and until they got that money they would kill a hostage every hour. At first he simply kept working on B.D then he heard the name of the hostage they would kill next: Jessica Instar the woman that 16 had somehow fallen in love with over the past few weeks he dropped the welder he was using and ran to the basement to get into his suit.

Five Minutes Later

16 was in costume and ready to go he switched on B.D and said "Hero Mode, code:Light" B.D activated his hovercycle function and he blasted out after Jessica "dont worry Jess i wont be long!" he screamed kicking it up to 200 KPH.
It wasn't long before he arrived at the seen, he saw two corpses no one he knew, then he saw Jessica with a gun to her head. "Don't. You. Dare!" He screamed at the criminal holding the gun. "Too late hero!" He screamed back, he pulled the trigger and Jessica fell to the floor blood dripping out of the bullet wound in her head. At first 16 just stood there, almost crying, then he said to himself "What kind of a hero am i if i can't even save the ones i love?!" He dropped to his knees, Tears bursting from his eyes.

"You bastard!!!!" He screamed in anger running behind him so fast he was only a blur shortly before smashing his head into the concrete roof so hard he actually broke through the roof and fell to the floor under them. 16 jumped down laughing maniacally "Now do you feel my pain?" he grabbed the injured criminal by the leg throwing him out of the window and catching him just as he started to fall slamming him through the window into the floor under them "How about now? he asked laughing again the criminal was heavily wounded now, Gashes all over his body, he said shakily "P-p-please s-stop." "you want me to stop? Fine" he said grabbing the wounded criminal and going back to the roof, brutally murdering the other 'Crims', he put him on the back of his light cycle and they sped back down to the ground

16 and his 'friend' had landed and he was carrying him toward a fountain, 16 engulfed his prisoner in a giant water bubble freezing it and leaving him there for WEAPON to take back but not before saying to him "Count yourself lucky that i didn't completely insulate this bubble and let you suffocate" 16 sped off back home changing into his usual attire and came back waiting for weapon to pick up his 'frozen' prisoner, thinking about his now deceased girlfriend and his shattered heart

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For a few minutes she just watched her minions clean up the mess she had made. It’s truly great to be me. She smirked before her face dropped as she began to feel bored. Maybe, I should’ve joined Sadisuto and the others? Although she would never give up a chance to rub her strength into WEAPON’s face she wasn’t about to risk her freedom to do so. There were far too many of them currently at that location and she also didn’t want one of the thugs to recognise her. She took a long drag from her cigarette before beginning to flick through the channels. Thanks to one of her trusted followers and a click of a button, Creed was able to view various street views throughout the city. She clicked and clicked until finally something had caught her attention. Lithium changed her position on her throne; she was now sitting almost on the edge of the seat. Her eyes fixed on the screen as she watched four heavily armed masked figures jumping out of a white van and head inside Citibank. That’s what I’m talking about. Time to be a hero. She shook her head in disgust at that word as she leapt to her feet.

β€œSKRILLEX REGROUP…” Lithium called out as she threw her cigarette butt to the ground. Within a few seconds, four all geared up Creed members were neatly lined up in front of her. Her sinful smile appeared again as she strutted towards the men. β€œIt’s time to show WEAPON how we do business,” her hand reached out and touched one of the men on the chest as the other three made contact with other parts of his body. There was a quick flash and the five of them had disappeared.

A couple of seconds later the four Creed members and their leader were standing outside the Citibank were Lithium had seen the robbers enter. β€œYou two take the back…while we take the front…” She slipped on a sparkling black Zorro looking mask before she kicked the front door open. The door flung around and hit the wall with a loud thud. The four robbers and their hostages all stopped and stared at entrance. Lithium strutted through the door and pulled out her shotgun from its holster as she held it towards the ceiling firing off a shot. β€œThe heroes have arrived!” She chuckled as the other Creed members followed her inside taking up their positions.

β€œWhat the fuck?...Who’s this bitch?” The robber holding a gun to the bank manager called up. Lithium brushed her side fringe out of her eyes and then cleared her throat. β€œWow, what’s with the vulgar language? There is a lady in your presents…I’m guessing your parents were too busy to teach you some manners.” She chuckled to herself as she took a step closer. β€œStop right there or he gets it.” The robber’s hand shook a little nervously as he pulled the manager closer towards him. Lithium just shook his demand off, β€œMeh! Go right ahead see if I care. He doesn’t mean shit to me…excuse my language.” She smirked and gave him a flirtatious wink as she took two steps closer. β€œI’m being serious…GET THE FUCK BACK BITCH!.”

Lithium was in a playful mood, now seeing how nervous the robber was getting. Weak…weak….weak…and weak. Out of the corner of her eyes she noticed one of the robbers getting closer. That’s when a Creed member’s hands ignited into flames by his side. She gave him a quick signal to stand-down. β€œAgain what’s with the language and the yelling? I’m not deaf…since you clearly seem incapable of having a serious conversation I will just tell you my demands. I demand you four to stand down,” she gave him a mocking smile just as one of the other robbers fired a shot towards her. Time seemed to slow down for a moment as the Creed member with the flaming hands leapt in front of the bullet’s path and threw a fireball at it. The bullet melted instantly on impacted before falling to the ground. β€œBad idea,” Lithium mumbled as she motioned her hands out towards the other two robbers sending them flying into the walls before the rest of her Creed members took them down. It only took a few minutes and all three robbers found themselves with a barrel against their head. Now for the leader.

β€œI’M THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE MAKING DEMANDS YOU CRAZY BITCH!” The robber cried out noticing that he was the only one remaining. β€œIf you want to make demands go right ahead but just to let you know I won’t take them into consideration….so go ahead. What is it that your little heart desires?” As she distracted the leader, her minions tied the other three together and ducked taped their mouths. β€œI-I-I want the money…and….um…a helicopter so I can fly out of here.” Lithium casually took a step closer but then stopped suddenly as she spoke again. β€œThose demands don’t sound too bad to me. How about I let WEAPON know when they get here for you. DUCK!” β€œHuh?” The robber looked at her confused as she pulled the trigger of her shotgun.

The bank manager tried to dive for the floor but he was a little to slow and his arm gets grazed by the bullet as it flies passed him and pierces the robber in the heart. β€œFuck…” the robber curses as blood beginning to soak through his t-shirt before he collapses to the ground. β€œYou shot me.” The manager shrieked as his clutched his arm in pain. β€œStop being such a baby it’s just a graze…and anyway I told you to duck jeez. You people are so ungrateful, we don’t even get a thank you…..And this is why I didn’t want to be part of that silly organisation because NO ONE appreciates your hard work.” Lithium walked towards one of the video cameras that were hanging on the wall for security. She got right up close towards it, β€œI know you’re watching me so listen up….This is how REAL heroes get shit down. No casualties. No property damage. All done in less than half an hour. Now if you don’t mind I would like to accept your generous offer.” Lithium stuck up her rude finger at the camera before turning her back on it and strutting towards the duffle bags filled with money. β€œI will take these two…thank you very much and see you around,” she gave them a sinful smirk before disappearing out the door with her team. They had left the remaining robber tied up in the centre of the bank with a little noted attached to it saying, β€˜Merry Christmas WEAPON!’

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Czin Nox Character Portrait: Aeon Vernazza
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0.00 INK

Aeon looked from a distant rooftop as the murder of crows appeared. He reached for his sword, but as his hand was about to touch the metal he withdrew. "You hessitated, Aeon. Why? You easily could have saved all of them... Perhaps you are here not for WEAPON, but for your own." An bonechilling cold, dreadfull and downright demonic voice behind him said. It didn't take Aeon one second to realise who it was, afterall that voice could only have come from one. Aeon turned around. "Perhaps Czin, but what would I have to gain?" Aeon replied as he looked at Czin who calmly walked to the edge of the building and sat down, or something that substituted for that in his form. "We both know that that armor isn't just some nice piece of art, if it weren't for my 'situation' I probably would have gone after it for myself... It might be best for the world if you stole that armor, and brought it to the vortex to never be seen again." Czin said as Aeon took a seat next to him. "That might be true, but you know I can't do that." Aeon said as the crows left. After a short burst of laughter from Czins side he said: "Pathetic, you let the world burn, just so you don't have to deal with your own dark side. That is just pathetic, Reaper." Aeon looked surprised as he heard Czin called him by a name he hadn't heard him use for a long while. "It's been a while since you called me that, though I shouldn't be surprised with you using that name." He said as a quick reply. "Afterall we both are monsters, you were born like that though, I chose. It probably means I am the bigger monster." Czin said slowly as if he was reasoning as to how to formulate his thoughts. "I don't think so, true there is no way anyone could call you human in that dead body of yours. But whether you are a monster purely depends on how you use the powers you were granted, if it were for justice..." Czin interrupted Aeon. "You know I can't do that either, Aeon. Just like you can't allow the corruption of your heart. I can't allow myself to become justfull. I must be taken down by a just sword and be slain in reckoning, since my sins in the name of Death and Fate cannot be redeemed. Just like how time tied your existance to justice, I must always reside in the darkness of death and destruction." Hearing the word destruction Aeon quickly said: "Speaking about destruction, does Lithium know about us meeting like this?" Almost laughing Czin responded. "She probably does know it, and frankly I don't care. She might not like it, but her problem is whether she likes it or not, I am the best bet she has in keeping her puppets in line." Aeon laughed a bit and said: "The troubles of an crooked organisation, they always want to get a bigger piece for themselfs."

As the two spoke the interrogation of the driver had ended and Czin stood up. "I must go now, I need to collect their souls in name of Fate. My we ever meet as humans Aeon." He said with an almost sad voice. With one of his legs he shoved a box towards Aeon and said: "Here is a puzzle for you, solve it and it'll give you a time and place, meet me there." Aeon opened the box finding it to be filled to the brim with fortune cookies. "How surprisingly poetic of you." Aeon said with a grin. "They are edible, I am sure about it. But as for the taste, they could be car tires, I can't taste them myself and anyone who I could have asked would be too afraid to be honest." Czin said just before leaping from the building onto the streets below, where he slowly approached the dead crooks waiting for the heroes to leave so he could do his job.

Aeon laid down for a bit, with his feet still hanging over the edge, and looked at the sky. "Maybe Czin is right, but I can't keep protecting the world. It might be time for the world to realise what kind of dark powers hide below it's surface." He thought as he watched the passing clouds.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Mirra Character Portrait: Matt Simpson Character Portrait: Jackie Simpson Character Portrait: Point Blank Character Portrait: Addyson "Addie" Richards
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0.00 INK

#, as written by dig17
I saw old Addyson Richards park herself behind me. I was trying to charge my phazer to return fire, but as soon as the shooting stopped, I looked out and saw Matt give the shooter a hard, nicely executed kick to the face. He bounced off of the side of the van and, upon further inspection, it seemed that there was a lull in the fighting. WEAPON had taken control of the situation. I stood up, let the visor of my helmet slip back automatically so my face was shown encased in my helmet, and turned around to Addyson.

"You might wanna check on that fella my pard just standing-kicked. If his nosebone ain't in his brain pan, help him out and get him on his feet, we need to detain these guys." I began to walk off, but turned back at the last second. "By the way, I appreciate your response time; you're really quick on the draw. We get in a real melee, you'll do just fine. I'd like to see one of them swords rip open a bad guy sometime." I tapped her politely on the shoulder before running off toward Matt.

"How we looking, kemosabe?"

Matt took a quick sweep around the area before retracting his visor to look at me.

"All the suspects are down, Johnny. I think we picked up a couple of detainees, send them off for processing when the clean-up arrives."

"Jackie okay?"

"Yeah, she's off bossing somebody around."

In fact, Jackie was helping a little boy tie his shoe. There were some scared families scattered about the highway that had decided to hunker down in their vehicles once the fighting started, and she was assisting in encouraging them to go home, or in the cases of those hurt or that had endured some type of vehicular damage, to file a report with NYC.

"Where's Blankie?"

"Interviewing the driver. Apparently, he wasn't part of the heist, he was just some guy."

"Alright, go help your sister."

I walked in the direction of Point Blank, where the obviously nervous driver was trying to spit out every explanation that he knew.

"Pointy, what's happening with the driver? You find anything out?"

Meanwhile, static crashed over the radio waves. Matt would be the first to hear it with the wavelength-enhancing Operator technology in his suit, and he heard grumblings of a bank robbery in progress. He immediately opened up a comm with his sister.

"Jackie, you hearing what I'm hearing?"

"About what?"

"Something about a bank robbery. Shit," He switched his frequency, opening up lines with all members of WEAPON, both field agents and in-house. "Anybody have information on a bank robbery? I'm getting reports about shots fired, can anyone figure it out?"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Subject X38C
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0.00 INK

Jack Hasings (Subject 16)

Jack was walking through the park thinking about the so called 'war' between the faction going by the name of 'The Creed' and WEAPON. "The Creed, there are a bunch of criminals trying to... what are they trying to do anyway? At first I thought they were trying to stop the law that forced all 'heroes' to sign a document that forced them to fight in times of crisis, but now I think they just want to cause chaos and destroy the city as well as NYSC and NYZ " he half laughed and said to himself "Fallen angels" He then continued documenting the two warring faction in his head "WEAPON, the apparent heroes of NYC, they fight against the Creed and protect the city at the same time and that I applaud them for. I don’t see why they haven't fallen apart because of all the criminal activity. And their 'field leader' Point Blank whoever he really is I wish him good luck finding out what’s been happening these past few days" He paused for a moment "The peacekeepers will most likely be overrun at some point and the Creed will use that to their advantage, then and only then will I make my choice." just then a murder of crows flew over him, he noticed blood dripping from their talons, "That’s... highly unusual" he said to himself.

He walked over to the area the crows flew off from "Let’s see who... or what's blood was dripping from their talons." he spent around 20 minutes looking around for traces of the victims and that’s when he saw 'them' a group of skeletons with only tiny amounts of muscle left on their bones surrounded by a pool of blood Jack screamed alerting the crows to his presence. He tried to manipulate the blood as he does water to form a blade thrusting his hand out in front of him and at that moment something triggered an explosion slamming him back into a row of trees and incinerating a few of the crows forcing the others to retreat "What the fu-" He passed out before finishing his sentence.

He woke up shortly after feeling a throbbing pain in his left shoulder and noticed hand was covered in blood and his arm had a massive cut going from his elbow to his shoulder the latter having blood dripping onto his shoes he clenched his shoulder screaming out in pain "AH!! damn it!" he simply laid there for a few minutes then he got up passing tree after burned tree looking for a good water source that he could use to cleanse his wound he found a lake after about 3 minutes he used his powers to cover his left arm in a cool bubble of water before freezing the outside of it to form a cast like object around his arm trapping the water inside "next stop, home... To look at this wound" he said to himself shortly before walking (slowly) towards his home.

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#, as written by Reianna
"You might wanna check on that fella my pard just standing-kicked. If his nosebone ain't in his brain pan, help him out and get him on his feet, we need to detain these guys." He said, then began to walk off; but turned quickly around. "By the way, I appreciate your response time; you're really quick on the draw. We get in a real melee, you'll do just fine. I'd like to see one of them swords rip open a bad guy sometime." He tapped her on the shoulder, then went to speak other WEAPON operatives.

Addyson watched him walk away, running a hand through her medium-length, auburn hair. I'll do just fine? She thought to herself, but disregarded the comment. Instead, she focused on the man who was holding his face on the ground. Squatting next to him, she slowly pulled his hands from his face. "My, my, that's a nasty one." The man's eyes were locked on her face, fear and confusion evident in the small orbs.

"What...what're you doing?" He talked through clenched teeth, the pain obviously excruciating.

"I'm gonna fix you up as good as new." Addie said, all the while examining the shattered bone. "Can't have you interrogated like this, now can we?" Addyson slowly and gently placed her hand on the wound - the man flinching back as soon as she touched it. Forgetting everything else around her, she focused solely on the broken bone and damaged skin. In her mind's eye, she could see everything, and she focused on each, individual part. Slowly imagining the bone fragments being placed together, the blood being pulled back into his veins, and the skin placed back to where it had been. Addie could feel the energy leaving her as the things she thought actually happened. When it was finished, she fell back on her heels. Her whole body felt weak and useless and her head was spinning. Ignoring the side effects of her healing, she stood to her feet (very slowly) and helped the shocked criminal to his feet. "What do you want done with him?"

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Character Portrait: Subject X38C
2 sightings Subject X38C played by RPSavior
Do you really think this is normal?
Character Portrait: Astor
3 sightings Astor played by ZombieGil
Chillax! You're pretty Cool, but you should seriously Chill before you get too Cold.

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View All » Add Character » 20 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Point Blank
Character Portrait: Fang Jenkins
Character Portrait: Bridget Harling
Character Portrait: Lithium
Character Portrait: John Mirra
Character Portrait: Matt Simpson
Character Portrait: Jackie Simpson
Character Portrait: Thomas Rizzo
Character Portrait: Alan Chastain
Character Portrait: Sadisuto Kunshu
Character Portrait: Garrett Williams / Pathosis


Character Portrait: Garrett Williams / Pathosis
Garrett Williams / Pathosis

I just want another chance!

Character Portrait: Sadisuto Kunshu
Sadisuto Kunshu

"...I do this for have a problem with that? No?...thought so, too..."

Character Portrait: Alan Chastain
Alan Chastain

President- "WEAPON protects the innocence, those who cause harm shall face the punishment."

Character Portrait: Thomas Rizzo
Thomas Rizzo

"White Lion, Operator online!"

Character Portrait: Jackie Simpson
Jackie Simpson

"Black Thunder, Operator online!"

Character Portrait: Matt Simpson
Matt Simpson

"Red Star, Operator online!"

Character Portrait: John Mirra
John Mirra

WEAPON Leader - "Green Knight, Operator online!"

Character Portrait: Lithium

Creed Leader - I will crush you like ants

Character Portrait: Bridget Harling
Bridget Harling

"You'd be surprised at what you didn't know"

Character Portrait: Fang Jenkins
Fang Jenkins

"If you need someone to kill him, or him.. Or Him, Especially Him - Call me!"


Character Portrait: Garrett Williams / Pathosis
Garrett Williams / Pathosis

I just want another chance!

Character Portrait: Lithium

Creed Leader - I will crush you like ants

Character Portrait: Sadisuto Kunshu
Sadisuto Kunshu

"...I do this for have a problem with that? No?...thought so, too..."

Character Portrait: John Mirra
John Mirra

WEAPON Leader - "Green Knight, Operator online!"

Character Portrait: Fang Jenkins
Fang Jenkins

"If you need someone to kill him, or him.. Or Him, Especially Him - Call me!"

Character Portrait: Thomas Rizzo
Thomas Rizzo

"White Lion, Operator online!"

Character Portrait: Jackie Simpson
Jackie Simpson

"Black Thunder, Operator online!"

Character Portrait: Bridget Harling
Bridget Harling

"You'd be surprised at what you didn't know"

Character Portrait: Point Blank
Point Blank

"If you need someone to hit a precise target from a few hundred yards away, I'm your guy."

Character Portrait: Matt Simpson
Matt Simpson

"Red Star, Operator online!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Thomas Rizzo
Thomas Rizzo

"White Lion, Operator online!"

Character Portrait: John Mirra
John Mirra

WEAPON Leader - "Green Knight, Operator online!"

Character Portrait: Garrett Williams / Pathosis
Garrett Williams / Pathosis

I just want another chance!

Character Portrait: Bridget Harling
Bridget Harling

"You'd be surprised at what you didn't know"

Character Portrait: Matt Simpson
Matt Simpson

"Red Star, Operator online!"

Character Portrait: Point Blank
Point Blank

"If you need someone to hit a precise target from a few hundred yards away, I'm your guy."

Character Portrait: Alan Chastain
Alan Chastain

President- "WEAPON protects the innocence, those who cause harm shall face the punishment."

Character Portrait: Jackie Simpson
Jackie Simpson

"Black Thunder, Operator online!"

Character Portrait: Fang Jenkins
Fang Jenkins

"If you need someone to kill him, or him.. Or Him, Especially Him - Call me!"

Character Portrait: Sadisuto Kunshu
Sadisuto Kunshu

"...I do this for have a problem with that? No?...thought so, too..."

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Most recent OOC posts in WEAPON


Sure, doesn't look like theirs anything left to do here anyway


Sounds like a plan.


I have know says he/she hasnt been online since saturday (not that i was stalking or anything)

i dont think anyone is planning on posting any time soon :(

PS: my friend and i might be planning on making an rp (not sure about what yet (but will be awesome lol)) but only having a few people doing...small groups tend to work better ive noticed
PSS: so once we actually decided on going through with it i'll send you the link (if gm hasnt responded) and if your keen your welcome to join.


awesome lets hope they give us the green light

PS: how long do you think they'll take?
PPS: lol
PPPS: lol PP :)


PPPPS: the post section is still full of dust :(

Find an example of the action in the post section here


okay, i will pm gm and see what he says!

@rpsavior: maybe...or maybe i wasn't confused...haha maybe its angle because im not a angel O.o


I'm up for it too.


i'll take you up on that offer angle (whom i believe confused the words angle and angel)


i was waiting for others to post but it looks like everyone has given up (which seems be happening a lot lately)...if some pple are still interested we could always ask to take the rp of gms hands and get it up and running again????


I wanna join the weapon roleplay as well...


what happened to this roleplay? it hasn't seen any posts in almost a week!


oh and would it be ok if i made a second character? (i'm asking because the roleplay's started and I dont know if the infinite character rule still applies here)


i was waiting for a few other posts but since there haven't been any in the past day i guess i'll just have to post anyway


Okay, I'll be posting later today! As soon as I get home, I'll start on it.


Well, just keep in mind the a murder of crows had appeared out of seemingly no where, killed the two remaining thugs and took away their technology. That is a major point so make sure to remember that.


Sorry for my inactiveness, had some computer issues and to add a throatache was making my life miserable if I dare to sit upright(or stand) for more than 10 minutes.

So I'll be reading the posts and I'll post something rather soonish.


Sorry guys, I've been tied up all day with some important business. I'll get to work on a post right away.


You're totally right. I just didn't want to jump ahead of the other characters. But if need be, I will.


Well, if no one posts by tomorrow then I am going to send out PMs. Activeness is a must, as much as I hate having to bother people but they should stay dedicated if they are going to join.


I'm waiting for the Green Knight to do something. If he doesn't soon, I'll just say he didn't notice my character and move on.


What happened? Why hasn't anyone posted?