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White Island Prophecies

White Island Prophecies


A roleplay set during the tumultuous last days of the Ethnoi, when a band of the most curious assortment of heroes, foretold as in prophecies of the old, ride to challenge the greatest and darkest power in the land.

1,934 readers have visited White Island Prophecies since Vasishta created it.


Ethnoi - the Continent


In the Old Tongue, ethnoi means the land of the family. Scholars believe that during the time of the Empire of the Sun, all landowners were essentially part of the Emperor's extended family and this could have resulted in them laying claim to all the land as ethnoi. Others believe that the term indicates the family of Man. Whatever be its origins, it has come to mean this continent that we live in.

To the east and south lies the Great Ocean, stretching beyond the Pearl Islands. Much of the land north of the Dagger Range are locked in permafrost and uninhabited. The glacial rivers originating from the Dagger are the lifelines of the Ethnoi. Alacra is the largest river, flowing from north to east. Then there is her sister, Tunga, flowing from north to south, ending in the Great Marsh. These two rivers along with their distributaries water the fertile Northern Plains.

To the south west lies the Gor Desert, the edge of our cartography. We do not know what lies beyond the land of the Gors, and even the Gors rarely venture beyond their tiny oases. The desert itself is vast and one of the most hostile places in the Ethnoi.

The Jerra Forest is the largest forest in the Ethnoi, bordering the Great Marsh in the west and extending all the way to the eastern coast. Considered by many scholars to be the place where we humans originally came from, it is home to fantastic plants and animals.

A Brief History

The Book of Faith tells us that humans were created in Sun's garden when He spread his seed of life out of compassion. The first seven humans - three men and four women - were called the Sendai, the Chosen. The Great Star then commanded the Sendai to spread the seed of life across the Ethnoi. Mithir, the first Sendai called Fire to his aid and spread the seeds with passion. Gaya, his sister, coaxed Earth to open up and receive them. Tumla, the second sister, brought Water to nourish them. Maaru, the Great Star's favourite son, watched over the growing population, protecting them with the powers of the Sun. Tamas, the precocious girl, used mischief and illusions to test the will of the humans. Vyan, the scholar among the siblings, created Wind and gave humans the power of speech. And lastly, Savan the youngest brother destroyed the bodies of humans, destroying to create anew.

Today, there exist among humans those chosen few who are born with the Spark - with the ability to channel the force of the elements around us like the Sendai of myth and lore. They too are called the Sendai. It is largely their presence that has led to so much bloodshed in our history.

It is long and about dead kings, as most histories are. So let me tell you about the most relevant periods. We currently live in the year 690 of the Emperor, though there has been no Emperor for the past three centuries. I am talking about the great Empire of the Sun, when a simple shepherd boy rode out and conquered the Ethnoi. It happened during a time of great famine and drought, when the peasants and labourers were dying everyday of hunger, during a period of great resentment against the rulers of the land, a humble shepherd boy named Altalan revolted. He was the strongest Sendai to have ever lived, and he called the rivers and the hurricanes to fight for him. He forced the tyrannical rulers of the land to bend knee to him and he united much of the Ethnoi, except for the Gors.

For a hundred years, Emperor Altalan ruled like the Great Star himself, passing justice from his Sun Throne. He established White Island - a land that he called forth from the depth of the sea with his power - as a center of learning for the other Sendai. He also realized the perils of the Spark in its ability to wreak havoc, so he placed a binding oath on the blood of the Sendai, forbidding them to use the Spark for violence.

With his death, the Empire of the Sun as it was called fell into a slow period of decadence. Within the Empire, White Island was becoming more powerful and influential than the nobles of the land. This caused a lot of bruised egos and suppressed hatred that boiled to the surface in the Civil War of year 580.

For decades, the War laid waste to the land as nobles sought to reclaim control over the land. White Island broke away from the Empire, declaring themselves to be free of any monarch. Soon, the nobles declared themselves independent, carving their personal kingdoms across the Ethnoi.

In the past century, these nations have been fighting each other over imaginary ancient borders, citing cultural differences and similarities. Today, the strongest nation is Menaria with its beautiful capital Elband located on the banks of the river Alacra. To their west lie their sworn enemies, the soft-spoken Balenians. The Kingdom of Gurg lies further west, bordering the Gor Desert, also eyeing the soft, fertile lands of Balenia. The smaller kingdoms of Hafur, Bagair and Dogor lie to the south and spend their time bickering at each other, each claiming a tiny stretch of no man's land.

On the Sendai and the White Island

"Sendai are born. Not made," the fifth Mahdi famously said and it is true. One out of every hundred humans born on an average has the Spark in them. But if this is not identified and nurtured by the 19th year, it will die out.

Those born with the Spark are called Shuna. The Shuna boys and girls are identified by the Sendai and are taken to the White Island for training. Every fully trained Sendai forges a lifelong bond with the White Island and is always answerable to its summons. The head of the White Island, and all of the Sendai, is called the Mahdi and it is an elected position.

A typical Sendai training takes about five to six years, during which the Shuna is taught to be aware of the forces of life around us. They are trained to touch the essence of the four elements - Earth, Wind, Water and Fire. On an average, the male Sendai are strong in Earth and Fire while the females are strong in Water and Wind. While a Sendai can touch all the elements, they are usually strong in just one. Emperor Altalan is the strongest Sendai known to us and sources hold that he was very weak in Water and Fire.

When a Shuna is fully trained, they undergo a secret testing ritual in the presence of the Mahdi. Should they pass the test, they will be raised to full Sendai and given a staff made of the accra tree - the symbol of life and compassion.

Once raised to full Sendai level, they are free to choose their path. Since the White Island had representatives in almost every ruler's court and constantly involve themselves in their politics, many of the Sendai choose the route of diplomacy - coaxing and forcing monarchs to quit their warring ways. The monarchs don't always see it as a peace keeping endeavour of course. But grumble as they might, no ruler will openly antagonize a Sendai.

On the whole, the common people respect and fear the Sendai, going to them only in dire emergencies - for curing dire illnesses or to solve their life's many problems. Sendai are looked upon as people with wisdom, as people who can guide them in troubled times. But there are those who would rather dice with Savan than shake the hand of a Sendai.

Due to Emperor Altalan's blood oath, the Sendai are unable to use their powers to harm unless personally threatened. Over and above this oath, the White Island has recently placed another binding oath - to speak no word that is a lie. Evidently, this move has been effected to make the rulers of the land trust them better in their dealings.

Within the White Island, the Sendai are split into four houses or Andirs. The Mithir Andir, the House of Fire; the Gaya Andir, House of Earth; Tumla Andir, House of Water and Vyan Andir, the House of Wind. Each Andir guards their secrets of working the elements and teaches only to the Shuna who have been admitted into their House, somewhere halfway during their training. Each Andir has a Head and the Four heads along with the senior most Sendai vote to decide who gets to be the Mahdi. Only the four Heads have the authority to question the Mahdi's actions.

The peoples of the Ethnoi

Menarians - The Menarians have their kingdom in the lush plains surrounding the river Alacra. Menaria is the largest producer of fish and iron. The Menarians are an uppity lot, assured of their supremacy in the world. The Queen of Menaria is very sympathetic towards White Island and has a Sendai advisor in her court. The Menarian capital, Elband, is the most beautiful city in the Ethnoi, designed by Altalan himself. The Menarians are known for their hard working nature, for their stubbornness and for their skill with the famed Menarian longbow.
Ruler: Queen Alisande Tarmalene
Capital: Elband
Climate in Menaria - Severe cold in the winters. Pleasant weather during the summers. Menaria has short summers. The first day of Summer is celebrated as New Year.

Balenians - The Balenians are a lot similar to the Manerians but neither will ever admit it. A strong aristocratic lot, the Balenians are firm believers in hierarchy and authority. The Balenian nobility lives a rarified, rich existence while the Balenian peasants eke out a living. Taxes are very high in Balenia and only the richest of the rich can even think of staying in the capital, Parna. It is said that what is worn by the nobles in Parna today is what will be worn elsewhere in ten years' time. It is also said that the nobles never wear the same clothes twice. The Balenian nobility is known for its extravagant clothes and customs.
Ruler: King Jerun al Marne
Capital: Parna
Climate in Balenia - Very similar to Menaria as they occupy the same latitude.

Gurgs - The Gurgs are a tough people living near the western edge. The land of the Gurgs is rich in mineral deposits and pasture lands for sheep. Throughout the Ethnoi, Gurg wool is priced very high. Owing to their rather dangerous border with the Gor tribes, the Gurgs have a history of warfare and heroism, making for a rich tradition of war and honour. Even a Gurg shepherd can face a Balenian knight in the battlefield and stand his ground, it is said. The Gurgs are also known for their superior horsemanship. On the flip side, they are fiercely patriarchal and consider women clearly as subordinate to men. They also consider it a sin to channel the elements and never allow the White Island to look for potential Shuna in Gurgan.
Ruler: High King Barlo Dios
Capital: Madero
Climate in Gurgan - Warm and dry climate though they receive snow fall in the winters.

Turmens - The Turmen people are the bronze-skinned, tall ones from the South. Nearly fifty years ago, Turma was a large nation in the south, with a military might to challenge even the Menarians. However, internecine rivalry among the Turmen nobility resulted in a devastating breakup of the nation into three smaller kingdoms: Hafur, Bagair and Dogor. To this day, there is no love lost among them and not a decade passes by without bloodshed. The land of the Three Kingdoms is fertile and suited for grain and spices. The Turmens are known to be a passionate lot, and it is said that a Turmen girl learns the art of seduction in her cradle.
Ruler: King Shubran min Sidik (Hafur), Queen Sana rin Alaf (Bagair), King Kazir min Sala (Dogor)
Capital: Abra (Hafur), Bagair (Bagair), Anath (Dogor) (Bagair was the capital of the fallen Kingdom of Turma)
Climate in the Three Kingdoms - Warm and humid throughout the year, with torrential rains during the winter. Many local Turmen peasants still believe that 'snow' is a myth.

Missenes - The Missenes live in the Pearl Islands, a chain of islands located off the eastern coast. The Missenes are relatively short people and are either traders or fishermen. The Missenes live in a republic set up, with a Council ruling at the top. Their watercraft is unmatched in all the Ethnoi and is only comparable to their shrewd business practices. To a Missene, everything is a deal and every person a customer waiting to be fleeced. They also conduct river trades in Alacra.
Ruler: The Council of Five is the highest authority
Capital: Shemma
Climate in the Pearl Islands - Warm and temperate. During the winter, they experience fierce storms.

The Gors - The Gors are a secretive people living in the western desert. Black haired and black eyed, the Gors are often used to scare little children into eating their food. So many misconceptions exist about the Gors, that they eat human babies and go to war covered in ritualistic blood. Of course, none of this is true. The Gors live as a number of tribes in the desert, going from one oasis to another with the changing seasons. They fight furiously with their spears and daggers and have very rigid notions of duty. Every member of the Gor tribe is a warrior immaterial of their profession and is expected to fight for the tribe. The Gors are also unique in that the women fight alongside the men. The Gors frequently raid the border villages of Gurgan for livestock and food. Despite their violent lifestyle, they have very strict rules about killing the Outsiders as they call anyone who is not a Gor. The Gors are polygamists/polyandrists and have no concept of ownership or marriage. They never let people from the same tribe sleep together, though.
Ruler: Chief Vyooma of the San tribe
Capital: No known capital
Climate in the Gor Desert - Extremely hot and dry, with absolutely no rainfall at any time. The nights are severely cold.

Religion in the Ethnoi

Religion in the lands of the former Empire is based on the Book of Faith compiled some two thousand years ago by a truly enlightened Sendai. The Book specifically forbids building institutions on religion. To them, Sun is the physical manifestation of their God. They refer to the god variously as Spirit, Great Star and Light. While this god has no gender, people tend to see it as a masculine god. An older name for this God - Elea - is used only by scholars and in the feminine form.

The Book of Faith is understood to be a philosophical discussion rather than an actual account of events, and the first Seven are considered to be archetypes and symbols standing for the passage of life.

In the land of the Gors, the people consider themselves to be the true Children of the Sun, put there in the desert to test them. They believe that they have been chosen by the Great Star to be His warriors, and their life in the desert is their proving ground. They believe life to be a dream which they will wake from one day to fight for the Sun.

A note on character naming conventions

  • The Balenian names are usually made of soft sounds. The nobles of Balenia have an 'al' prefix to their family name.
  • The Menarian names sound very much like regular Christian names, with a first name and a second name.
  • The Gurgs have a lot of rounded sounds like o and u in their names
  • The Gors only have single-word names. When introducing themselves, they always follow their name with the name of their tribe
  • The Turmen names have a lot of z's and r's. The males have a 'min' prefix in front of their father's name, while the women have a 'rin' prefix.

A note on technology and fashion

Since the Sendai are forbidden to reshape nature with their powers, the technology is largely pre-medieval to medieval. I would say around the First Crusades era. Much of the land is largely feudal or, as in the case of the Pearl Islands, Merchant republics. Peasants use wooden or iron ploughs and have domesticated the horse, ox, sheep, goat, dog, cat, buffalos (in the case of the southern kingdoms). There are no beasts of burden in the Gor Desert though recently there have been rumours of a humped animal in the western edge. The Gors raise goats, however.

With regards to military technology, outside the Gor Desert it is largely uniform. The Menarians have a strategic advantage in most battles due to their longbows. Armour is usually lamellar though the Balenians love to plate themselves heavily. The Turmen kingdoms wear a light armour and rely on horse archers and massed infantry. The Gurgs rely largely on their light cavalry and helberdiers while the Balenians focus on heavy cavalry and mounted knights. The three big kingdoms of the north use catapults during sieges, but the southern kingdoms don't have access to working models yet. It is only a matter of months, though, before they too catch up. Some very skilled craftsmen in Menaria are working on ways to make the bow fire faster but they are quite far from any breakthrough. There are rumours of ways to make fire breathing powder but the secrets are probably hidden away in the White Island library.

The Gors wear very little armour and that too made of leather. They are usually armed with a short bow or a spear or a dagger and carry a round shield of wood and leather.

And as for fashion,

Balenia - The Balenian nobles set the standard for fashion, dressing up in extravagant clothes and hairdos. On the other hand, the Balenian peasants often dress in loud colours and are considered uncouth when it comes to matters of fashion. They are considered even otherwise, but that's another matter.

Menaria - The average Menarian peasant is usually dressed in wool and cotton, the men often bearded, while the nobility wears silk in subdued tones.

Gurgan - They are usually dressed in the finest Gurg wool, mostly with a button shirt and a vest. Some Gurg men wear colored bandannas on their heads. The Gurg noble men usually sport beards without mustaches

Turmens - They wear flowing, loose-fitting clothes made of cotton or silk and the nobility also wears elaborate turbans. The latest fashion among the women is the thin transparent and scandalous shimina. The noble men usually have carefully trimmed pointy beards that they keep oiled and shiny.

Gors - The Gors outfit is usually purely functional, and it is made of a tough fiber called alsade found in the humid southern parts of the desert. It has the property of conserving moisture secreted by the body and keeping the skin cool. The Gors also wear a black head scarf when going into battle.

A note on titles and the right way of addressing the nobles

Menaria - Queen of Menaria, Ruler of the East Sea, Her Majesty Alisande of House Tarmalene.
Balenia - King of Balenia, Holder of the Imperial Seal, His Majesty Jerun al Marne
Gurgan - High King of Gurgan, Defender of the Realms, His Highness Barlo Dios
Bagair - Queen of Bagair, Panarch of Turma, Her Illustrious Highness Sana rin Alaf
Dogor - King of Dogor, Panarch of Turma, His Splendid Majesty Kazir min Sala
Hafur - King of Hafur, Panarch of Turma, His Royal Highness Shubran min Sidik
The White Island - Mahdi of White Island, Holder of the Sun Scepter, Mother Mariana Domios

Nobles throughout the land prefer 'My lord' or 'My lady'. When commoners talk to a Sendai, they always call them 'Soandso Sendai' or just 'Sendai'. The Balenian nobles love to hear the commoners heap honorific names on them. The Turmen nobles, the really traditional and uptight ones, insist on an adjective like Splendid or Illustrious or Grand. They insist, but don't always get.

The Mahdi is always addressed as 'Mother' or 'Father' depending on the Mahdi's gender. Even rulers are required to address the Mahdi so. The Mahdi calls everyone 'Child', while rulers and other Sendai are called 'Son' or 'Daughter'.

The Sendai refer to each other as Brother and Sister, though not the ones who have a relationship. The Shuna defer to the Sendai, but the Sendai can call each other by their names.

Toggle Rules

  • Please read the background carefully
  • Be imaginative
  • Stay true to the setting
  • If you want to start as a full-fledged Sendai, your character cannot be younger than 35
  • If you want to start as someone born with the Spark, your character cannot be older than 18
  • People born with the Spark are very rare, and that will be the case in this RP also. One in every three characters approved will be born with the Spark
  • Sendai magic will be regulated by me, the GM. Once a Sendai/Shuna character is approved, they will receive PMs about what they can and cannot do
  • Every character will 'level up' based on the quality of their roleplay. If you contribute to the development of the plot or the universe, you will find your character being able to do more things
  • Your main character sheet should have the following: Name, Age, Nation of origin, Physical appearance, Character traits (more like keywords: envious, proud, acrobatic etc) and Personal History. I expect to really feel your character in the History section.
  • If I don't see room for character development, or if the character is a flawless hero or something like that, I will reject it.
  • Post in the OOC if you have any doubts or questions. I will be only too happy to help

Browse All » 5 Settings to roleplay in

White Island

White Island by Vasishta

White Island. The realm of the Sendai. The seat of divine power.

The Ethnoi

The Ethnoi by Vasishta

The Continent


Menaria by Vasishta

Welcome to the Kingdom of Menaria, land of the brave!

The Gor Desert

The Gor Desert by Vasishta

A vast hostile desert in the western edge, where the days are searing hot and the nights are biting cold. If you are not a Gor, this is probably the last place you will ever visit.


Balenia by Vasishta

Welcome to Balenia, Kingdom of the Proud and the Noble!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Andrew Knight
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[wrong place]

The setting changes from The Ethnoi to Menaria


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Character Portrait: Andrew Knight
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Andrew had gotten lucky. The carriage driver who normally brought iron to the forge was in town, and he had happened to run into Andrew on the way out of the small town. With few questions asked, the two men were now ridding together, discussing where Andrew should go about his vision.

After a good amount of discussion, around a few hours, the two decided that the help Andrew needed would likely be found in Elband. Being the capital, and home of queen Alisande, it must house every type of doctor in existence. The question that Andrew was now asking was how could he find the specific person that he would need? Would he be able to go and ask the Queen, or would she be too busy ensuring the running of Menaria?

When the turn that the carriage driver needed to take to go to the mines came up, Andrew parted with his friend, now heading down the path to Elband, hauling what he had. As he walked, his sword smacked against his leg in its sheath, making a clinking noise as Andrew walked.

Finding a clearing along the path as the sun began to fall, Andrew prepared camp. Not but a few feet from the trail, Andrew was surrounded by the trees of the Menaria wilderness. He had to have only been a few miles from the coastline, not that he had ever seen it. It was not too long after Andrew had gotten the food in his pack hanging out of the reach of animals that a sound came echoing through the clearing.

Drawing his sword, this was a foe he had run into a few times before, wolves. They were a common problem in his home town, and he had been the one unlucky enough to have had to defend the herd while his brother did something else. Now, however, the wolves were after his food sack, and Andrew was in their way.


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Character Portrait: Zayed min Shemran
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"You should stop smoking," Uncle Tamuz said for the second time that day. Zayed looked at his Uncle pointedly.

He didn't know what had come into Tamuz lately. Everyday, he seemed to be getting older. Sure, he was fifty and old to begin with, but he had always been a younger man at heart. He had always had a joke for Zayed, or a new trick. These days, all he seemed to do was criticize Zayed's habits.

They were under a tree by the side of the road to Menaria, taking shade from the heat. Zayed had his hat pulled low over his eyes and was smoking a clay pipe, dozing in that half-conscious way with his back to the wide trunk. Tamuz had been scouting the area, setting traps for rabbits.

"I will stop smoking when you stop smoking," Zayed replied sleepily, puffing away. He chuckled to himself. Tamuz would sooner give up smoking than give up gambling. And he would sooner give up gambling than he would give up pinching barmaids. And he would sooner do that than die.

"If your parents were alive they would-" Tamuz began but Zayed cut him off.

"They would be shocked that I am still alive. Stop pestering me, Tamuz!" He had passed the stage when he called him Uncle. In fact, Tamuz had insisted on being called by his name. Perhaps he didn't want to be seen as a relative to a clearly poorly-raised boy.

The older man sighed and settled down, uncorking their last bottle of wine as he did so.

"You better go easy on that," Zayed warned. "We haven't got any till we reach Elband." Tamuz waved his hand airily.

"Some merchant train is bound to pass us by," he said, sipping appreciatively from the bottle. "Maybe I will show you my broke-merchant-ruse." He grinned looking at Zayed's face light up.

Suddenly, they heard a distant growl. Tamuz was up like a whip, a knife almost magically appearing in his hand. Zayed still hadn't perfected the move, but he too retrieved hidden knives from under his coat and stood up.

"Wolves," Tamuz breathed. "Not coming towards here, though."

"This close to the city?" Zayed asked.

"Things must be worse up in the mountains for them to come down here," Tamuz agreed, looking quite worried. "If it is a large pack, we better get away from here."

"We can climb a tree," Zayed muttered, looking in the direction of the sound. He could only see trees blocking his vision.


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Character Portrait: Andrew Knight
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It didn't take long for the first wolf to strike at Andrew, leaping at him with teeth bared. The muzzle of the wolf made a distinct sound as Andrew whacked it away with his shield. However, his stab was not as well timed, slicing into the flesh near the rear leg only enough to get it bleeding as the wolf re-positioned itself.

As two other wolves came out form the woods, Andrew took careful note of the fact that the one that attacked first was the largest of the three. Still, Andrew could not tell how many more where hidden among the tree line. The two then leaped, Andrew moved over to the side out of instinct, dodging the one. The other he used his shield to block before he hit it again with said shield and stabbed it clean through the neck. As the sound of a bark echoed in the clearing, Andrew spun on his heals, ending in the other small wolf being stabbed through the heart as it tried to attack with its dying breath. Now it was just Andrew and the bigger wolf and all the ones left in the treeline.

The setting changes from Menaria to The Ethnoi


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Character Portrait: Zayed min Shemran
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[Another wrong post]

The setting changes from The Ethnoi to Menaria


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"Over there!" pointed Tamuz. Zayed turned fast enough to see a grey tail swish through the foliage to his left. They were certainly heading away from them. He relaxed his grip on the knife.

"Let's hit the road, Tamuz," he said, beginning to turn.

"Listen, boy!" hissed Tamuz. Zayed stopped and cocked his ear. There were snarls and thunks. Sound of something hard hitting their bodies. They were attacking someone or something and it was fighting back.

"Stag?" Zayed asked.

"No stag ever grunted like a human," his uncle replied, moving towards the source of the sounds.

"All the more reason for us to be off," Zayed said in a loud whisper. "We are not here to socialize, Tamuz!"

"Burn you, boy! Someone's out there trying hard to fend off the wolves. There aren't that many. We can make a difference here."

Zayed hesitated. He wondered if he could live with walking away. Well, he could. But Tamuz wouldn't.

"Fine. But if you get us killed, I am going to be very angry."

They advanced through the forest and emerged into a clearing. Zayed saw a man cornered by a big grey wolf. No. Not cornered. He was using his sword like someone who knew what he was doing. Suddenly, two wolves leaped from the foliage, their teeth bared, snarling. Zayed saw a gleam of silver to his side and one of the wolves fell down with a whimper, Tamuz's knife sticking out of its breast. Zayed quickly let loose another knife and caught the other animal in its shoulder. But the big grey was getting ready to pounce on the man.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Knight Character Portrait: Zayed min Shemran
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The force of the wolf, no longer pouncing simply to intimidate, threw Andrew to the ground. His shield only stopped teeth, claws, and blades, but weight still had a distinctive power. This was proven as Andrew was now holding his shield barely above his chest, truly noting just how much heavier this wolf was compared to the rest. He only had enough control of his sword to cause the wolf to recoil every attempted bite.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Knight Character Portrait: Zayed min Shemran
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"Zayed! Finish it!" yelled Tamuz. Zayed obeyed instantly, letting loose his last dagger. It flew clear and true, and just as the wolf was getting ready to pounce again at the man, the knife struck it in its throat. The force of the impact sent the wolf reeling to the side, and it whimpered and gurgled blood quite pitifully.

He realized he had been breathing hard. Tamuz was leaning against the bark of a tree, looking quite winded. "I don't think there are more," he said.

Zayed turned to look at the man. The stranger had dark blonde hair and stood taller than Zayed. Zayed was always conscious of his height and never stood next to tall people if he could help it.

"You look alright," he said. "Glad we were in the vicinity, huh?"

"Are you hurt anywhere?" asked Tamuz with genuine concern in his voice.

The setting changes from Menaria to The Ethnoi


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Knight Character Portrait: Zayed min Shemran
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"I am glad you were near, or does vicanaty mean something else, and no I am not hurt." Andrew spoke, surprisingly calm for just being attacked. He looked around a bit more before putting his blade back into the sheath. He then scratched his head a little. Andrew was far from stupid, but he did not know everything either. You don't go into smithing to memorize the dictionary.

After a few moments of pause, Andrew continued with, "I am Andrew Knight, blacksmith in training. Who are you?" He then tilted his head, with a pair of curious eyes. The least he could do was thank these two with their names. Andrew, after some pause, asked, "Are you headed to Elband?" now tilting his head more, and in the opposite direction.

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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 5 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

White Island

White Island by Vasishta

White Island. The realm of the Sendai. The seat of divine power.

The Ethnoi

The Ethnoi by Vasishta

The Continent


Menaria by Vasishta

Welcome to the Kingdom of Menaria, land of the brave!

The Gor Desert

The Gor Desert by Vasishta

A vast hostile desert in the western edge, where the days are searing hot and the nights are biting cold. If you are not a Gor, this is probably the last place you will ever visit.


Balenia by Vasishta

Welcome to Balenia, Kingdom of the Proud and the Noble!

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in White Island Prophecies. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mariana Domios
Character Portrait: Ikram min Hasan
Character Portrait: Andrew Knight
Character Portrait: Tamourindha of the Sandstone Clan
Character Portrait: Zayed min Shemran


Character Portrait: Zayed min Shemran
Zayed min Shemran

A Turmen refugee and a practicing thief

Character Portrait: Tamourindha of the Sandstone Clan
Tamourindha of the Sandstone Clan

Gor warrior and explorer.

Character Portrait: Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight

Why do these plague me?

Character Portrait: Ikram min Hasan
Ikram min Hasan

Ambassador to Balenia

Character Portrait: Mariana Domios
Mariana Domios

Mahdi of the White Island


Character Portrait: Ikram min Hasan
Ikram min Hasan

Ambassador to Balenia

Character Portrait: Tamourindha of the Sandstone Clan
Tamourindha of the Sandstone Clan

Gor warrior and explorer.

Character Portrait: Zayed min Shemran
Zayed min Shemran

A Turmen refugee and a practicing thief

Character Portrait: Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight

Why do these plague me?

Character Portrait: Mariana Domios
Mariana Domios

Mahdi of the White Island

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight

Why do these plague me?

Character Portrait: Tamourindha of the Sandstone Clan
Tamourindha of the Sandstone Clan

Gor warrior and explorer.

Character Portrait: Ikram min Hasan
Ikram min Hasan

Ambassador to Balenia

Character Portrait: Zayed min Shemran
Zayed min Shemran

A Turmen refugee and a practicing thief

Character Portrait: Mariana Domios
Mariana Domios

Mahdi of the White Island

View All » Places

White Island

White Island by Vasishta

White Island. The realm of the Sendai. The seat of divine power.

The Ethnoi

The Ethnoi by Vasishta

The Continent


Menaria by Vasishta

Welcome to the Kingdom of Menaria, land of the brave!

The Gor Desert

The Gor Desert by Vasishta

A vast hostile desert in the western edge, where the days are searing hot and the nights are biting cold. If you are not a Gor, this is probably the last place you will ever visit.


Balenia by Vasishta

Welcome to Balenia, Kingdom of the Proud and the Noble!


Welcome to the Kingdom of Menaria, land of the brave!

White Island

White Island. The realm of the Sendai. The seat of divine power.

The Gor Desert

A vast hostile desert in the western edge, where the days are searing hot and the nights are biting cold. If you are not a Gor, this is probably the last place you will ever visit.


Welcome to Balenia, Kingdom of the Proud and the Noble!

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Most recent OOC posts in White Island Prophecies

Re: White Island Prophecies

You can start posting almost immediately as soon as your character is approved.

I am glad to see such interest and it will be great to have you. I will wait for your updated application.

Re: White Island Prophecies


I recently got inundated with a ton of assignments from work/school, but I will redo my character application this weekend.

When are we supposed to begin posting?

Thanks for hosting this RP; it looks awesome and I am excited to be a part.

Re: White Island Prophecies

UPDATE: The Introduction now has notes on religion, technology, fashion and titles

Re: White Island Prophecies

stormsoul19 - A fellow WoT fan! I thought we were a dying breed :)

It is heavily inspired/influenced by Wheel of Time, as you have rightly pointed out, but it is NOT Wheel of Time. All you need to know about the plot and RP will be found here - in the roleplay introduction, or through various posts in this OOC. I am only using the WoT world to help me create the universe. Not the plots or the characters.

I have an over-arching plot, as I have mentioned earlier, but it is merely a guideline to nudge us along. Beyond that, I want strong character motivations to move the story forward. So, if you are going to play your character authentically, that's all I am looking for.

You can have any number of characters you want. I noticed your character application. I understand that she is 17 and doesn't have much of a background, but can you write something about her? It also helps me understand your writing skills if I can see two or three paragraphs about the character and their history.

Re: White Island Prophecies


How many characters are we permitted to have in this story?

Furthermore, how similar do you plan to make this to the events of Wheel of Time? Many of your plot elements and factions seem very similar, which is fine, but how authentically should we RP it?

Re: White Island Prophecies

There is an over-arching plot, which is the prophesied everlasting Night that no one believes in except for the Mahdi. Many of the characters in the roleplay will be connected by the words of that prophecy and forced to come together for the Great Battle. But it all depends on how the Mahdi's plans work out. Plans, as we all know, are the best jokes.

Ideally, I would like characters who have a clear idea of what they want to do in the Ethnoi. You can take up a ruler character, forget about this prophecy nonsense, and focus on reforging the ancient Empire of the Sun, to unite all the lands once again.

Re: White Island Prophecies

Is there going to be a plot or is it a sandbox?

Re: White Island Prophecies

Totally alright, except that I am not sure if I am allowed to reply to PMs. I am pretty sure I am. If not, you can post them here. Or, if you have the chat bar, you can find me and chat

Re: White Island Prophecies

This is really interesting, and I'd love to join!. I'll try to make a character by tomorrow. Are you alright if I message you with some questions?

Re: White Island Prophecies

Thank you very much, bfb! And no, the positions aren't limited and we need all we can get. Looking forward to your character. Don't hesitate to ask me any questions you might have. Also, keep watching the section about the various peoples of the Ethnoi. I keep adding more things about the nature of the cultures.

Re: White Island Prophecies

Okay, this seems too freekin awesome to miss out on! Reserve me a spot! (if they are limited that is :P) expect my character by tomorrow evening or something like that :Du awesome RP Btw!

Re: White Island Prophecies

Now accepting character applications

Re: White Island Prophecies

Hey, pm me when you get enough done to make a character sheet(cs). Also, this link will give you a program, with instructions, that helps with creating CSs.

White Island Prophecies

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "White Island Prophecies"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.