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White Picket Fences and Apple Pie

White Picket Fences and Apple Pie


Come one, come all to the delightful town of Bluffington, Minnesota. Filled with all your small town, painfully-normal desires.

3,525 readers have visited White Picket Fences and Apple Pie since cass-isnt-here created it.

Cayleen are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.



Welcome to the all American town, Bluffington. Where mermaids infest the water, animals turn into people, inanimate objects grow faces and sometimes organs, people vanish, people reappear, gods can be found stocking the grocery store. This tiny, tight-knit town in the middle of Minnesota is the perfect image of normalcy. Start a family, join a cult, have blood orgies in the local national forest, go to the annual barbeque; Bluffton has it all.


This is obviously a free-for-all roleplay, so do what you want within the boundaries of this site's rules. No godmoding or powerplays cuz that's stupid and not cool. Have fun, this is causal. Make a character that lives under the town for all I care. You should probably look up Bluffington, MN and get a feel for that area and shit. Also it'd be nice if you post a comment or something in the ooc tab so I know how many people are into this roleplay cuz it helps my self esteem. Also, feel free to add all the NPCs your little heart desires, because they give depth or something to the plot of this lovely roleplay.

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Browse All » 7 Settings to roleplay in

Bluffington, Minnesota

Bluffington, Minnesota by cass-isnt-here

A delightful and wonderful town with a caring, dedicated community.


Forest by cass-isnt-here

Ooo spooky. The town's surrounded by it.

The Lake

The Lake by cass-isnt-here

Welp, if you want to swim in body of water with nymphs, sea monsters, mermaids, and other creatures. This is the place to be

Community College

Community College by cass-isnt-here

Party central. Woo. Yeah.

High School

High School by cass-isnt-here

Just because you have powers doesn't mean education is thrown out of the window.

World Outside of Bluffington

World Outside of Bluffington by cass-isnt-here

Woaaah there's a world outside of Bluffington. Who knew!!


Downtown by cass-isnt-here

Where all the cool people go.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leopold Pratt Character Portrait: Lendri Character Portrait: Sal
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If there was anything that annoyed the hell out of Lendri the most that didn't end in her breaking faces, it was those that thought they were better then everyone else. Usually, she had fairly good relations with the local satyrs. She was often invited to bonfire parties and such and given food every now and again. Or maybe they were fauns....either way they never treated her with the respect she gave them.

She huffed, an obvious raise of her brow. "Excuse me for going a kindness. Maybe I should find an ice nymph to freeze you next time. Jerk." She said in a matter-of-fact tone before heading toward downtown. For her, being downtown was always something of a mixed bag. Depending on the people here, it was either looks of fear or a simple greeting like old neighbors. This time was the lucky one, no one ran from her in fear , though small children ran up to her wanting to pet her. "Momma! Momma! Can we keep it?" One child said as he pulled at the end of her tail, she looked back, smiling to herself as she lifted the child and plopped him on her back. "Kayle! Don't be rude, she's not a pet!" The mother scolded as she lifted the child into her arms. "I'm so sorry Lendri. I thought I taught him some manners." Lendri smiled and waved her hand in casual dismal. "It's fine. I don't mind really. He can ride on my back any time he wants, he just caught me off guard is all." The mother smiled and child waved at her as they went on with their day. It was spring break for the younger students this time of year after all. More situations would arise like this.

She made her way toward Crabapple's. A bookstore she adored since arriving to town and the couple there always welcomed her and she sated Mr.Crabapple's inquaries with questions about her kind. Harmless questions and it always started a conversation with them. She had a decent relationship with them, so wandering inside the bookstore and reading in place wasn't something that was out of the ordinary. But running into an angry satyr again that she had tried to help was something that...wasn't intended. She muttered something under her breath before heading over toward the mythology section, satifiying her need for knowledge. "Afternoon Sal. Hope your morning was decent." She greeted as she peered over the shelves, crouching on her hind legs for the books on the upper shelves.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leopold Pratt Character Portrait: Lendri Character Portrait: Asmodeus Character Portrait: Sal
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0.00 INK


As i struggle to control my blood flow, i feel like my cover is blown. I back away behind the shelves and stuff the sticky book regarding lizardfolk erotica back to the shelf. Maybe i can get at close range some other time. That butt won't stop haunting me. Some people would say that i should get my mind out of the gutter. I feel like my mind is the gutter.

I spot a strange metal creature pulsating with heat amongst the shelf. My mind fills me with confusion as i try to comprehend the creature before me. Man, the creatures of this world are a gift that keeps on giving. Like that Ettin back in Norway, he was a blast. After some observation of it's shiny forms, i decide to back away.

A shout catches my magical demon ears, a young voice. I peek behind a shelf to see an angry faun shouting at a scared faun. Psh, creatures of the woods are always fighting aren't they. The angry one has a nice frame though, not to mention rather long horns..

The setting changes from Downtown to Bluffington, Minnesota

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leopold Pratt Character Portrait: Willow Grumman Character Portrait: Cassius Krause Character Portrait: Sal
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0.00 INK

C a s s i u s

I didn't pay much attention to the population growth within the musty store until I heard the sweet shrills coming from the front of the store. I whirled around and grinned broadly at Willow, hair flopping into my face to obscure my perfect vision. β€œWelp, I hear the delightful screeching of my arch nemesis so I'm off to go piss him off some more!” I bid my goodbyes to the fellow teenager witch, completely dismissing the chilling sensation experienced moments ago into the β€œrandom things that don't make sense but are probably due to adolescent magic being haywire” pile.

Spinning on my worn heels, I snatched the cheap but interest-quipping novel (not that cheap isn't also a wonderful quality for a book to have, but I digress) from the shelf it resettled itself upon when my momentary romp with the wooden, scuffed floorboards. The torn cover seduced me with it's block font and blindingly yellow everything. So, logically, I stopped walking, leaned against a conveniently placed bookcase, and flipped through the pages. Quickly stumbling over the words that were in English but seemed like a different version of English only spoken on Jupiter, my face contoured into a mixed look of horror, amusement, and confusion. My eyes, which were a lovely shade of dark brown if you wanted to know, narrowed in sudden determination to finish this potentially convoluted novel and cause other people suffering along the way.

Rubbing my closed eyes because rubbing open eyes would hurt obviously, I meandered my way over to the cash register, which was maned by the lovely Sal, a calm, shy faun who was all frazzled up by the shouting of my favorite person in the world. The last time I encountered my favorite person in the world, he ended up slapping me with the strength of a butterfly until I started rolling around on the forest floor laughing my guts out. Which, in turn, caused him to stomp away in a huff.

β€œSal! How's my favorite cashier doing and my lovely friend Leo?” I smiled my dazzling dimpled smile that made me look more goofy than usual while slinging an arm over Leo's damp T-shirt giving him a friendly squeeze.

β€œWent for a quick swim, huh? Welp now you've ruined your lovely shirt. Hope it wasn't expensive,” I smirked at the short goat-man, who on closer inspection was flushed with fury. Eh, self-preservation is for losers and those who get more than three hours of sleep but that's besides the point.

β€œAl-alright, well other than running into that pole....oh! Did you want to purchase something? Or do you need help looking for a book?” the faun inquired before adjusting his over-sized glasses.

I handed him the book, Naked Lunch, and replied β€œNah I got this place mapped out on the back of my hand, just wanted to procure this book.”

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Haven finally made her way to town and found herself wondering in a somewhat crowded bookstore.

The little bell chimed alerting the patrons and the employees of her entry.

She looked about the store and all of its supernatural customers and smiled lightly to herself.

She would never seen such a thing in OtherWorld, She'd never see any of these people.

She'd be stuck wondering, starving her wanderlusting spirit of it's cultural cravings.

She passed the customer,service desk, eying the faun at the desk.

She could feel her full red lips widening at the so very common conversation with the not so common species.

Catching herself staring, she looked away, but not before her foot decided to kick something...or someone and sent her sailing into the carpeted floor with a loud crash, as she tried to stop the descent by grabbing on to the table full of expertly displayed bestsellers beside her, only to have it crash down with her.

Haven's chin hit the floor and she saw stars for a moment.

Some Fae Princess she was...

She got to her knees and rubbed her chin.

"Owwww." She moaned/whined, eyes watering from the impact.

"Way to make an entrance, Haven..." she groaned inwardly. "Sorry," She told the store, sheepishly before she felt a bit of moisture on her chin and sighed as she gazed at the shimmery red liquid on her fingers.

Haven sighed. "Perfect." She said and began gathering the books.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malik Fahrad Character Portrait: Hadeem
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0.00 INK

Hadeem thought over everything that Malik said before responding. "Well Malik, I must say that it is nice to meet you. I am Hadeem, Ifrit lord, or should I say ex-lord. As for where we should start, I wish for a golden, ruby encrusted goblet. Rubies have always been my favorite jewel." he said. He grabbed Malik's lamp and stuffed it into a bag, as he planned to still keep the lamp after he freed Malik.

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"Well, Malik, I must say that it is nice to meet you. I am Hadeem, Ifrit lord, or should I say ex-lord. As for where we should start, I wish for a golden, ruby encrusted goblet. Rubies habe always been my favorite jewel." Hadeem said and Malik nodded. "Alright then." He said and he closed his hands together as if in prayer and closed his eyes.

Behind his eyes, played a scene. He watched it unfold and opened his eyes.

"Alright. We have to find a Faery." He said. "And start from there. Don't worry, she's cute. A bit klutzy though." He commented. "So How do you like Teleporting?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven De La Luz Character Portrait: Lendri Character Portrait: Malik Fahrad Character Portrait: Hadeem
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0.00 INK


If it wasn't for the fact that the sound of falling books catching her attention, the forge-walker probably would have continued to read about the firey underworld that her kind were from. A visible brow raise on her metalic helm of a face cropped up as she wandered over to the site of the crash. "You alright there?" she said as she started picking up and stacking the books back where they were. "I don't think it's wise to bleed over all the books if you're looking to make an impression." Her heat lessened as she stacked the books and lifted the fae up on her feet.

She stood back on her four feet, standing about as tall as the woman she helped up. "What brings you to this place anyway?" She asked, looking around the shop to update herself on her surroundings. It seemed that it was starting to get a bit crowded in her favorite bookstore. She sighed to herself, remembering why she sometimes disliked spring break.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven De La Luz Character Portrait: Lendri
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0.00 INK

"You alright there?"
Haven looked up to see a strange being towering before her. Haven's eyes were wide with a thin smile. "I don't think it's wise to bleed over all the books if you're looking to make an impression." The being said, heat radiating from her body, but the temperature dropped as the creature helped her restack the books. " Sorry, I'm a bit of a klutz in this realm." She said, she felt safe enough to speak of her heritage to this creature, clearly she wasn't a human. Although the metal, it wore made her a bit weak but not enough to notice. It then helped her to her feet and Haven smiled. "What brings you to this place anyway?"

"I just entered this realm a few days ago and I just wanted to look around." Haven said with a shrug. It wasn't a complete lie, she was escaping to this realm so she wouldn't have to deal with any of the responsibilities she had in OtherWorld, She knew eventually, someone, Probably the Lady would find her, but until this.

"I'm Haven, by the way." She said and extended her hand, a custom she saw humans do a lot, when meeting someone

The setting changes from Bluffington, Minnesota to Downtown


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven De La Luz Character Portrait: Lendri
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0.00 INK


Another brow raise from the Forge-Walker. "This realm?" She mused as she tilted her head to the side. "You're one of those Fae I've read about every now and again huh?" She shrugged, hiking herself up on her hind legs into a sitting position. She was a lot bigger like this, her head nearly touching the ceiling, she was so large. "Lendri. Local Forge-Walker." She said, reaching for Haven's extended hand and giving it a quick shake.

"You've entered this realm in a fine place, I must say. A good number of the residents here are of the supernautural type. From ghosts, to treants to faries of all kinds and much more." Lendri's voice was slightly monotone, though with a hint of thoughtfulness, like that of a kind grandmother in old age, but not as old sounding. She plopped back on all fours, shifting her bag on her back as she made her way to the door. "If you'd like, I can show you around downtown and help you at least get your bearings."

The setting changes from Downtown to Bluffington, Minnesota

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malik Fahrad Character Portrait: Hadeem
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0.00 INK

"Hmmm, cool. Haven't seen one in a while, well lets go then. I'm perfectly fine with teleporting, though some peoples methods of doing so can feel horrible. I'm going to trust that yours doesn't." Hadeem said with a smile.

The setting changes from Bluffington, Minnesota to Downtown


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven De La Luz Character Portrait: Lendri Character Portrait: Malik Fahrad Character Portrait: Hadeem
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0.00 INK

"This realm?" Said the creature. Haven smiled a bit. "You're one of those Fae I've read about every now and again huh?" Haven had to look up when as the creature lifted up, she nodded to her statement. "Lendri. Local Forge-Walker." She said and took her hand. Haven smiled good naturedly.

"You've entered this realm in a fine place, I must say. A good number of the residents here are of the supernautural type. From ghosts, to treants to faeries of all kinds and much more." Haven was exicted and her smile widened. "Cool." She commented. "If you'd like, I can show you around downtown and help you at least get your bearings."

Haven jumped a bit and clapped. "That would be great! Thanks!" She said happily. " Where should we start?"

Just then, a plump of smoke appeared before her. Haven stepped back, thinking the worse, but only found that it were two men, one had dark hair and olive skin, the other was large, with darker skin.

~Moments ago~

"Hmmm, cool. Haven't seen one in a while, well lets go then. I'm perfectly fine with teleporting, though some peoples methods of doing so can feel horrible. I'm going to trust that yours doesn't."

Malik grinned. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Master." He said with a smirk. He walked over to Hadeem and placed a hand on his shoulder and in a cloud of smoke, they disappeared.


"Here we are, Master." Malik said and waved to the pretty dark skinned girl with standing beside a large metallic creature. " Here is the Fae I was telling you about."

The girl backed behind the creature. "Oh no, Don't fret, little fae, We aren't here to hurt you." He said. "In fact, quite the opposite." He said with a handsome grin, Malik was one helluva flirt. The girl barely stood a chance. "What's your name?" He asked her. " H-haven." She said, a bit nervous. "Well Haven, I am Djinn Malik. This," He gestured to Hadeem. "Is my Master, Hadeem and he is going to save your life." He said and the girl looked from him to Hadeem. "And you will reward him, with your father's sword." Haven's eyes widened. " W-what?"

"You'll see. Master, just stick around her for a bit, You'll get your wish." Malik said, a bit cockily. Haven looked at the two of them, and smiled nervously. "My Father's sword...That's not...I mean....Wait, What?" Haven said, very confused. "You'll understand it all in due time." He said and patted her head before turning to Hadeem.
"Told you she was cute." He whispered, low enough that only Hadeem could hear. He then turned back to the girls. " So, just go on about your business. You needn't be worried. You're perfectly safe, with him around." He said and Haven swallowed and extended her hand. " Well, I suppose it's very nice to meet you, Hadeem." She said forcing a smile.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asmodeus
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Crabapple's is getting increasingly crowded, and i decide i need to get back to my house anyway. Cleaning bodies overdosed guests is not fun explaining to the cops if i get caught again. A change of pants would not be bad either. I skedaddle out of the store, bumping into the angry faun by the counter on the way out. Dude's got a really good musk on him.

A few hours in, while changing in my apartment, i get a phonecall:

"Who's this?"

-"Hey sexy."

From all the people who would call me, it has to be him.

"Goddamnit Bel, didn't i tell you to not call me during my alone time?"

-"What are you wearing?"

"Shouldn't you be in R&D right now?"

-"Day off. You didn't anwser my question."

He works for a research department somewhere in Europe, from what i heard. He has a unique mind, capable of inventing all sorts of cool stuff. After a brief silence, i decide to dignify his question with an anwser.

"Lingerie, happy?"

-"Absolutely. How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine, i need to clean my house right about now. And myself."

-"Orgies, huh? You haven't changed a bit."

"Not orgies, Bel, just a small shindig, you know?"

-"Casualties, again? You need to stop serving them something their body cannot handle."

"I need to get them into a right state of mind, you know? Shut up, scrub. Not my fault they decide to hang out with me"

-"I need to hang up now. Oh, almost forgot. Morningstar said to contact him."

Morningstar, a long time since i heard about him. He probably has some great visions again. Last time he was all nuts and bolts about world domination. He probably has Belphegor making secret projects for him again. Who knows what for..

I need a smoke, so i go to the balcony for a few minutes of relaxation.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Bluffington, Minnesota

Bluffington, Minnesota by cass-isnt-here

A delightful and wonderful town with a caring, dedicated community.


Forest by cass-isnt-here

Ooo spooky. The town's surrounded by it.

The Lake

The Lake by cass-isnt-here

Welp, if you want to swim in body of water with nymphs, sea monsters, mermaids, and other creatures. This is the place to be

Community College

Community College by cass-isnt-here

Party central. Woo. Yeah.

High School

High School by cass-isnt-here

Just because you have powers doesn't mean education is thrown out of the window.

World Outside of Bluffington

World Outside of Bluffington by cass-isnt-here

Woaaah there's a world outside of Bluffington. Who knew!!


Downtown by cass-isnt-here

Where all the cool people go.

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View All » Add Character » 26 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lendri
Character Portrait: Haven De La Luz
Character Portrait: Willow Grumman
Character Portrait: Granny Grumman
Character Portrait: Asmodeus
Character Portrait: Stephen Haish
Character Portrait: Robin Haish
Character Portrait: Alice Creekson
Character Portrait: Felix the Fabullama
Character Portrait: Malik Fahrad
Character Portrait: Oswald "Waly" Fox
Character Portrait: Demeter
Character Portrait: Nerissa
Character Portrait: Hadeem
Character Portrait: Cycil Alopony


Character Portrait: Cycil Alopony
Cycil Alopony

Cycil Alopony is a female Fellen, a race of Feline creatures.

Character Portrait: Hadeem

Ancient Ifrit lord, until I was cast out anyway.

Character Portrait: Demeter

[NPC]I control your crops.

Character Portrait: Oswald "Waly" Fox
Oswald "Waly" Fox

"Just because you find that life's not fair, it doesn't mean that you just have to grin and bear it."

Character Portrait: Malik Fahrad
Malik Fahrad

"This is going to end badly, it always does...Don't say I didn't warn you."

Character Portrait: Felix the Fabullama
Felix the Fabullama

"Baaaaaa..... Ha fooled yah dip shit! Thought I couldn't talk didn't yah!"

Character Portrait: Alice Creekson
Alice Creekson

A 14 year old Necromancer, who tends to like dresses.


Character Portrait: Malik Fahrad
Malik Fahrad

"This is going to end badly, it always does...Don't say I didn't warn you."

Character Portrait: Lendri

Yes I look like a furance, and yes I feel like one. No I will not eat you alive.

Character Portrait: Demeter

[NPC]I control your crops.

Character Portrait: Alice Creekson
Alice Creekson

A 14 year old Necromancer, who tends to like dresses.

Character Portrait: Oswald "Waly" Fox
Oswald "Waly" Fox

"Just because you find that life's not fair, it doesn't mean that you just have to grin and bear it."

Character Portrait: Felix the Fabullama
Felix the Fabullama

"Baaaaaa..... Ha fooled yah dip shit! Thought I couldn't talk didn't yah!"

Character Portrait: Hadeem

Ancient Ifrit lord, until I was cast out anyway.

Character Portrait: Cycil Alopony
Cycil Alopony

Cycil Alopony is a female Fellen, a race of Feline creatures.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Asmodeus

Handsome individual. Well-mannered gentleman. Malevolent demon.

Character Portrait: Alice Creekson
Alice Creekson

A 14 year old Necromancer, who tends to like dresses.

Character Portrait: Willow Grumman
Willow Grumman

"It's a flying vacuum powered by unicorn farts, what more could you want?"

Character Portrait: Malik Fahrad
Malik Fahrad

"This is going to end badly, it always does...Don't say I didn't warn you."

Character Portrait: Felix the Fabullama
Felix the Fabullama

"Baaaaaa..... Ha fooled yah dip shit! Thought I couldn't talk didn't yah!"

Character Portrait: Lendri

Yes I look like a furance, and yes I feel like one. No I will not eat you alive.

Character Portrait: Cycil Alopony
Cycil Alopony

Cycil Alopony is a female Fellen, a race of Feline creatures.

Character Portrait: Oswald "Waly" Fox
Oswald "Waly" Fox

"Just because you find that life's not fair, it doesn't mean that you just have to grin and bear it."

Character Portrait: Granny Grumman
Granny Grumman

[NPC] Delightful old witch, and cat connoisseur (aka. crazy cat lady)

View All » Places

Bluffington, Minnesota

Bluffington, Minnesota by cass-isnt-here

A delightful and wonderful town with a caring, dedicated community.


Forest by cass-isnt-here

Ooo spooky. The town's surrounded by it.

The Lake

The Lake by cass-isnt-here

Welp, if you want to swim in body of water with nymphs, sea monsters, mermaids, and other creatures. This is the place to be

Community College

Community College by cass-isnt-here

Party central. Woo. Yeah.

High School

High School by cass-isnt-here

Just because you have powers doesn't mean education is thrown out of the window.

World Outside of Bluffington

World Outside of Bluffington by cass-isnt-here

Woaaah there's a world outside of Bluffington. Who knew!!


Downtown by cass-isnt-here

Where all the cool people go.

Bluffington, Minnesota

A delightful and wonderful town with a caring, dedicated community.

The Lake

Welp, if you want to swim in body of water with nymphs, sea monsters, mermaids, and other creatures. This is the place to be

World Outside of Bluffington

Woaaah there's a world outside of Bluffington. Who knew!!

High School

Just because you have powers doesn't mean education is thrown out of the window.

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