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Wolf Paw: My Mate

Wolf Paw: My Mate


A wolf mates for life, but lycan's have no choice in their mates. The spirits of Artemis the goddess of the moon and the hunt choice who is best for who. It is their soulmate, their one and only, the person they were made for, that is what a mate is.

5,087 readers have visited Wolf Paw: My Mate since AuroraDawn created it.



Welcome to Wolf Paw: My Mate

The Shadow Moon Pack and the Winter River Pack have been enemies for as long as time. The Shadow Moon Pack ruling over all of Canada and half of the United States as there territory have made the Winter River Pack jealous for they think they should have that territory. But what happens when its time for mating season. The time of the year were Lycans ages 16-25 go to the mating grounds in between the two packs territory to look for their mate. What will happen?

What happens when you find your true mate?

First you will smell then. They will smell like the things you like most in the world.
Second you will look into their eyes and a connection will form, linking your emotions
Third, when you touch them pleasurable tingles will occur where ever they touch
Fourth, the marking. This is were a male will state his claim by biting the female (both in human form) at the junction between the neck and shoulder.
Fifth, is the mating which is tying the two together forever in every way possible. (mating aka making babies)

A new pack the Evergreen Forest Pack doesnt have much land. The mating ceremony occurs on their land, but they are peaceful and dont fight with any other packs. They are a neutral pack


Shadow Moon Pack:
    Alpha:Lucas Black
    Beta: Ember Morrow
    Gamma:Azalea Redwood
    Delta:Rebecca Night
    Warriors:Caleb Brown, Faye Marreen,(there are more then one)
    Hunters:(there are more then one)
    Guards:Mia Smith, Alice Smith(there are more then one)
    Healers:(there are more then one)
    Nutures:(there are more then one)
    Pups and parents:

Image Image

Full name:
Appearance: (pictures are fine but try to find more then one)
History: (this is optional)
fav color: this is NEEDED!!![/right]

Alpha: Peter Jones

Winter River Pack: [right]Characters Need:
    Alpha:Shaun Blackheart
    Beta: Johnny
    Gamma: Liam Evermore
    Warriors:(there are more then one)
    Hunters: Dylan Hunter, (there are more then one)
    Guards:(there are more then one)
    Healers:Dylan Hunter,(there are more then one)
    Nutures:(there are more then one)
    Pups and parents: Emmy brown, Michelle brown

    Evergreen Forest Pack
    Warriors:(there are more then one)
    Hunters: (there are more then one)
    Guards:Phoebe White,(there are more then one)
    Healers:Willow,(there are more then one)
    Nutures:(there are more then one)
    Pups and parents:


1. no killing off other players
2. Please decide on OOC who is going to be who's mate, also inform me and will need my permission on mates.
3. be respectful
4. Please create drama

Artwork by Authors:

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Shadow Moon Pack House

Shadow Moon Pack House by RolePlayGateway

Only Shadow Moon Pack members Allowed

Winter River Pack House

Winter River Pack House by RolePlayGateway

Only Winter River Pack members allowed

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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Shaun was getting ready to agree to the Alpha's remark when he was instantly taken off his feet. He laid there and whimpered. His vision was blurred for a moment, as he tried standing to his feet. He heard Dylan's voice in his head and let out a bark, Come on. He said inviting everyone to the den. He shot through the forests, and shifted immediately.

Stumbling into the den his eyes searched until he found Dylan and Michelle. "Mitchy." He said with a soft smile. Looking to Dylan he held out his arm, "Take it." He said sternly, he loved the pups, though he hadn't fathered them, he still loved them as if they were his own. He saw blood matted Dylan's hair. "Er.... what happened there? Michelles blood?" He asked cocking his head to one side.

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Dylan shook her head, her eyes still a bit blurry
"No i hit my head" she stoically stated

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Character Portrait: rebbeca night
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Looks into the woods. i wonder when the mating is gonna happen? am i even old enough to go yet? i should ask.

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Dylan quickly takes Shaun's wrist and bites into it not even asking permission. She needs to heal Michelle quickly or she could.....Dylan shuddered at the thought of what could happen to the pup. Dylan drags Shaun over to Michelle and put's his wrist to her mouth

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Character Portrait: rebbeca night
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runs when she hears comotion. "whats going on?!"

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(ooc: I don't mean to be rude saphiresyphira...but your character would have to have already been in the other pack's territory to know what was going on...right?)

Azalea smiled as much as she could in her wolf form as Shaun turned back and nuzzled her. She nuzzled back and just watched as the others did what they had to do. She gave a gentle look to the others before she turned, and despite wanting to stay and help, she knew that she had to return to her pack to go into damage control before the two higher ranking weres returned. The mottled Gamma scented her way back to the stream and crossed, stopping and deliberately blocking the path of the much younger Delta.

"A lot of things have happened today. Young Delta...a situation has been sorted out and for now, all you have to do is return to the pack house. They have enough of us over there already without putting more strain on relations." Azalea said, completely intending to keep the inexperienced Delta away from the goings on in the other territory. Her eyes flashed for a moment and she used her larger form....considering that the other female was shorter than her in human form it naturally equaled a smaller wolf form for the lower ranked wolf also.

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Character Portrait: rebbeca night
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( sorry i just joined so i am still trying to find out what really is going on.)

i should have known not to see i am sorry. smells her path back to the pack house. sigh. i wish i was smarter than that i knew i shouldn't have done that. goes to the living room and lays down by the fireplace.

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Hot liquid leaked down Michelle's throat. The taste was amazing and her small canine lengthened cutting into the skin of Shaun's wrist. She could feel her mangled body healing and the soft whimpers of her little sister.
Michelle's response to Shaun blood made Dylan relax.
"you are going to be OK Michelle" she cooed at the pup running her hand over her bloody forehead. The dizziness became stronger and Dylan's knees bucketed under her weight. She saw Michelle let go of Shaun's wrist, completely healed now and Dylan swiftly bite into his wrist. His hot blood flowed down her throat and she could feel the wound on her head stitching itself back together. The dizziness disappeared and Dylan let out a sigh of relief letting go of Shaun's now bloody and bitten wrist. She stood still naked and looked over at the oven clock.
"Shit the mating ceremony starts in 2 hours we all need to start getting ready Johnny would you please phone one of the older nurtures so they can watch the pups?" Dylan asked kindly, she knew the Beta didn't like being bossed around especially by a under dog but she also knew Johnny was kind.
Dylan lifted Michelle and Emmy into her arms and ran upstairs to her room and started getting ready.

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"Of course not. Just need to find that damn phone." Johnny said with a relieved sigh, moving over to the counter to search for the always-disappearing phone. It was like Harry Potter and his stupid invisibility cloak, always showing up in one place or another. After making the call to the nurtures, she headed back outside, feeling like a strange among all the others. It was her own pack and she still didn't know how to act around them, it was shameful really. She was still a wolf, only had she shifted back to make the call and she'd made sure no one could have seen her. Feeling..well upset she tried to think of someone she could talk to. Dylan was taking care of Michelle, who's problems were much worse than Johnny's. Shaun was the alpha, no way could she talk to him about it. Huffing loudly, she sat back on her haunches. "...Liam?"

Unbeknownst to Johnny, Ember still sat back at the river and waited for Caleb to return, tail thumping against the ground everytime she heard a noise. She made sure to stay on their side, her side of the river. The packs had said they could interact for the day, but the beta still felt uncomfortable going over there. Especially knowing how infatuated Luke seemed to be with one of their wolves. The alpha never acted like this, even this morning she remembered him getting so upset about her calling him Luke. And yet he was going to act all love-y with this other wolf? It completely frazzled her brain.

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Character Portrait: Azalea Redwood Character Portrait: Shaun Blackheart
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Azalea whimpered a little as she felt a slight stinging sensation which appeared to be originating from her forearm as she arrived back at the house, shifting into her human form. She looked at her arm in confusion and noticed a slight bruising appearing. That was very odd indeed, she hadn't knocked herself on why was there a bruise forming? She thought for a moment before rubbing at it gently and then she sat on the back steps.

The alpha of the other pack...Shaun. He made her heard beat just that tiny bit faster, and if she had spent more time around him in human form she would have been liable to start blushing and stumbling over her words. She wasn't good with emotions like that, she knew vaguely that this was what it was like to start falling for someone....but was she allowed to fall for Shaun?

She chased these thoughts around and around in her head like a pup would chase its tail, never getting anywhere in particular really. With a sigh she closed her eyes and searched for that tentative mind link in her head.
Shaun? This will sound silly...but I miss you, and I have no clue why. She whispered to him through the mind link, hoping that she wouldn't be distracting him too much with her words, in case he was still busy with the situation in his pack.

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"JOHNNY!!" Dylan, Michelle and Emmy screamed in unison. Dylan was currently chasing Emmy around her room, the little pup had jacked her curler and started jumping on Dylan's bed.
"Give that back Em, Dylan has to get ready" Michelle growled at her sister. Michelle wasn't allowed to move from the bed and Emmy jumping on it was annoying her.
Emmy pouted and jumped off the bed, ran out the door, down the stairs and out into the back yard. Dylan followed quickly after her only wearing a over sized t-shirt and under garments.
Emmy squealed as she ran in circles Dylan following behind her laughing. Dylan could easily caught the pup but she was having to much fun. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash of blue and grinned evilly. Johnny's back was turned away from her and she took the chance to pounce.
Landing on Johnny she quickly got back up and sat on the other she-wolf laughing. Emmy heard Dylan and rushed over taking a seat on the blue she-wolf's lower back.
Giggling she jumped up and down and just kept laughing.
'Johnny is going to kill me' she laughed at herself.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michelle Brown Character Portrait: Dylan Hunter Character Portrait: Caleb Brown Character Portrait: Emmy Brown Character Portrait: Johnny
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Maybe it was because it was the day of the ceremony. Or maybe it was because of the recent accident. But either way, for some reason Johnny allowed the pups to tackle her. Of course she had heard them running around behind her, and approaching her, but what fun would it be if she exposed their plan? None at all. So she sat quietly, and when they pounced she went down without a fight. Dylan and Emmy ended up on top of her, and a low rumble sounded in her throat. It was a laugh, or as close as a wolf could get to one probably. "You guys got me."

Shaking her head, she leaned up the most she could and nudged the wolf nearest to her head. Dylan, probably. "If you'd care to get off anytime soon, I'm not a couch. And you guys are heavy." Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, again an indication she was joking. Though she really did want them off, so she could go find Caleb.

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Dylan pouted pushing out her lower lip as far as possible.
"HEAVY!!! i am so sorry Johnny i will get my over sized ass off you!" Dylan dramatically shouted, swooning over herself. Dylan giggled as she hopped off of Johnny and grabbed Emmy.
"Come on Jo, shift we have to go make you look gorgeous for the mating ceremony and that is only in a few hours!" Dylan jumped up and down, she was so excited to find her mate but in the back of her mind it also made her feel sad.
'Why do i feel this way? there is no way i could be mates to Alpha Luke! so why does it make me feel so sad and has my wolf whimpering if he isn't?' Dylan questioned herself.
She quickly snapped out of her day dreaming, grabbed her curling iron that Emmy had dropped on the ground and waited for Johnny to shift.

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Character Portrait: Lucas Black
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Luke didn't stay around for long. He had to go get ready for the mating and also the sight of Dylan in pain then her biting Shaun was to much for him. Every instinct in him told him to stay by her side but he couldn't the raging jealousy and anger of her giving Shaun more attention almost made him go wild.
And the most dangerous thing you could ever do is to make an Alpha wolf go wild.

Luke quickly shifted once he reached the pack house. He ran up stairs to his room and hopped in the shower, quickly turning it on. The cold cascading water soothed his anger and relaxed his overly hot body. Werewolves were natural hot some people think its because when we shift back into humans our fur coats go inside us and coat our organs. He shivered in disgust at the human folklore.
He quickly washed his body and hair the exited the shower. The bathroom wasn't even steaming because he had a cold shower. He left the bathroom with a white fluffy towel wrapped around his waist and his stomach growled at him in hunger.

"Fuck that's right i haven't eaten since this morning" Luke cursed then stormed down stairs and straight to the kitchen. It wasn't good for male werewolves to not eat, if makes them angry and temperamental. He went into the fridge and grabbed so left over steaks and smashed potatoes (mashed potatoes with the skins still on). He got the frozen mixed vegetables from the freezer and a frying pan from the cupboard.

He quickly diced up the steak and threw it in the pan, along with the smashed potatoes and the mixed vegetables. Frying them all up together he stood there waiting for his meal to finish.

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Johnny frowned. "Don't call me Jo." If it hadn't been them she would have torn whomever s head off that dared to call her "Jo." They were lucky she was in a good mood. Or well, as good a mood as she could be in. This whole mating ceremony thing wasn't that appealing to her, and she was still debating sneaking away. But she didn't want to upset anyone, so she stayed quiet about her ideas. If she did go through with it, she would jump out at the last second. Then none of them would have time to peek in on her thoughts and stop her.

"I don't need to look gorgeous, I'm fine how I am." Johnny sat back on her haunches, huffing loudly as she watched the two girls. They had a bit of time before the ceremony, and it wasn't like she was going to "pretty herself" all up. Jeans and an old band tee would be just fine.

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Character Portrait: Lucas Black Character Portrait: Caleb Brown Character Portrait: Johnny
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Caleb had left the other packs land and made his way to his own pack house. The delicous smell of food made his mouth water and he enter the house completely naked. He saw Luke his Alpha standing there only with a towel on cooking in front of the stove.

Caleb grinned evilly "Honey I'm home!" he shouted at Luke and slapped a hand on his back. Luke growled and Caleb flinched. His Alpha was really powerful and Caleb knew when to stop fooling around with him. Caleb grinned sheepishly then ran up to his room and started getting ready for the mating ceremony.

A certain blueish haired she-wolf kept entering his mind


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Character Portrait: Dylan Hunter Character Portrait: Johnny
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Dylan pouted at Johnny and gave her Dylan's best puppy dog look.

"PLEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEE!!! Johnny we never get girl time anymore remember when we were pups we would always hang out but ever since you became Beta we haven't had anytime together remember were sisters from other misters" Dylan pleaded feelings of rejection coursed threw her knowing that Johnny didn't want to hang out.

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"Dylan. We never had 'girl time'." Johnny had never, ever been a girly girl. Sure, she hung out with Dylan, she had a soft spot for the pup, but she never actually participated in the girly activities. Maybe she let Dylan put make up on her, or play with her hair, but it was never really a..enjoyable thing. "I'm sorry that I have other duties to attend to now, but you have to deal with that." It wasn't that she didn't want to hang out..but her and Dylan were different now.

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Dylan stiffened, she hated to be rejected from anyone. No she wasn't spoiled, she knew the Beta had duties but she thought they could have least hung out. Dylan knew when they were little Johnny hated girly shit Dylan herself never real enjoyed it she just did it cause her mom said it would be fun.
Pain shot threw Dylan's heart at the thought of her mother, it had been years since her parents death but it still hurt.

'Oh Shut up Dylan you are just being a baby' Dylan thought to herself angrily.

"I understand Beta i am sorry for troubling you" Dylan said stoically and she turned around, the pup still in her arms and she made her way back up to her room, the excitement she once had now replaced by shy silence.

(occ: hey check out the pic's at the bottom of the introduction where it says Art by Authors)

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Character Portrait: rebbeca night
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i sigh and look into the fireplace. being new sucks! nobody knows you which means you are a practical loner. you know nothing so they make you feel small. why did i join in the first place?? this makes no sense! i look out the window. a whimper slips out. i miss having friends and fitting in. i can't do anything now. i slowly make my way out side and curl up under a tree. i tuck my nose under my tail. and close my eyes.

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Shadow Moon Pack House

Shadow Moon Pack House by RolePlayGateway

Only Shadow Moon Pack members Allowed

Winter River Pack House

Winter River Pack House by RolePlayGateway

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View All » Add Character » 21 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Dylan Hunter
Character Portrait: Ember
Character Portrait: Lucas Black
Character Portrait: Azalea Redwood
Character Portrait: Johnny
Character Portrait: Alice and Mia Smith
Character Portrait: Liam Evermore
Character Portrait: Caleb Brown
Character Portrait: Willow
Character Portrait: Phoebe White
Character Portrait: Peter Jones
Character Portrait: Emmy Brown
Character Portrait: Michelle Brown
Character Portrait: Keyria Manitea Lovi


Character Portrait: Keyria Manitea Lovi
Keyria Manitea Lovi

Keyria is sweet and a little quirky. She has an odd sense of humor and loves life itself. Loyal to those she is close to, she will fight to the end to keep them safe.

Character Portrait: Michelle Brown
Michelle Brown

"It wasn't me!!"

Character Portrait: Emmy Brown
Emmy Brown


Character Portrait: Peter Jones
Peter Jones

"A head here and few arms there, no big deal"

Character Portrait: Phoebe White
Phoebe White

"Hush, hush."

Character Portrait: Willow

Never Cry Wolf, Because I'll Be There To Eat You....

Character Portrait: Caleb Brown
Caleb Brown

"i can beat the shit out of anyone, want a demonstration?"

Character Portrait: Liam Evermore
Liam Evermore


Character Portrait: Alice and Mia Smith
Alice and Mia Smith

"she did it"

Character Portrait: Johnny

"Just, stop."


Character Portrait: Johnny

"Just, stop."

Character Portrait: Dylan Hunter
Dylan Hunter

"love is a myth, but just like us it exist somewhere"

Character Portrait: Peter Jones
Peter Jones

"A head here and few arms there, no big deal"

Character Portrait: Liam Evermore
Liam Evermore


Character Portrait: Willow

Never Cry Wolf, Because I'll Be There To Eat You....

Character Portrait: Caleb Brown
Caleb Brown

"i can beat the shit out of anyone, want a demonstration?"

Character Portrait: Ember

"She gave herself to the big, bad wolf and didn't scream when he took the first bite."

Character Portrait: Emmy Brown
Emmy Brown


Character Portrait: Azalea Redwood
Azalea Redwood

"All is not lost, you have just misplaced your hope today. I am sure you will find it again."

Character Portrait: Alice and Mia Smith
Alice and Mia Smith

"she did it"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Emmy Brown
Emmy Brown


Character Portrait: Caleb Brown
Caleb Brown

"i can beat the shit out of anyone, want a demonstration?"

Character Portrait: Lucas Black
Lucas Black

"Why fight for power when you already have it?"

Character Portrait: Keyria Manitea Lovi
Keyria Manitea Lovi

Keyria is sweet and a little quirky. She has an odd sense of humor and loves life itself. Loyal to those she is close to, she will fight to the end to keep them safe.

Character Portrait: Alice and Mia Smith
Alice and Mia Smith

"she did it"

Character Portrait: Johnny

"Just, stop."

Character Portrait: Willow

Never Cry Wolf, Because I'll Be There To Eat You....

Character Portrait: Azalea Redwood
Azalea Redwood

"All is not lost, you have just misplaced your hope today. I am sure you will find it again."

Character Portrait: Michelle Brown
Michelle Brown

"It wasn't me!!"

Character Portrait: Phoebe White
Phoebe White

"Hush, hush."

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Shadow Moon Pack House

Shadow Moon Pack House by RolePlayGateway

Only Shadow Moon Pack members Allowed

Winter River Pack House

Winter River Pack House by RolePlayGateway

Only Winter River Pack members allowed

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