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Fall of Kingdoms [OOC] (Accepting)

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Fall of Kingdoms [OOC] (Accepting)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ponats on Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:07 pm

The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds

NOTE: You do not have to read all the races/kingdoms. They are a guide.

IC: the-fall-kingdoms-the-rise-guilds-t11011.html

“If history tends to repeat itself and the smallest person can change the course of history, then history must be the laziest being in existence, I will not submit to natures Occam's razor.” - Ponats

This is a fantasy game that I have created. I will be acting as a game master as well as playing a character in the world. The game master means that I will create the scenarios that you experience, the NPCs you meet, and the villages you stumble upon. Because of this style, I am only a mortal, I will post as best as I can. So the pace of this game maybe slower than normal. Interaction with characters will not be handled by me, so if you talk and interact with another character, I will watch (unless an NPC is watching as well.)

I am being very restrictive on how powerful characters are in this game. I will be looking at peoples characters and accepting and rejecting things. If you do not wish people to know about your character, that is fine PM me. Think of characters that are level one people with powers. You will post some sort of shell here tho.

Da Rules: (Sept 8 )

1)Follow all rules of Roleplay Gateway, no exceptions.
2)This is a mature game, as mature as it is allowed to be as long as we follows the rules of #1.
3)If you think you may have a 'love' scene coming, take anything not allowed to the tells. I don't mind you saying “We slept together.” That is all I need to know. You can whisper me if you have a question on what is allowed.
4)I am the final word and what characters and traits are allow and not. If you go outside your powers I will not be afraid to smack you for them. If you start making up things that shouldn't, I will smack you.
5)If you disobey my warnings, I will kick you.
6)When you make a character I will PM you about it, expect me to.
7)You are not allowed to God mod or make Mary Sues.
8 )Warn me if your going away for a little while, it is perfectly fine. If you decide to leave, don't just kill your character! I hate that! You can send them off somewhere, just no cheesy deaths!
9)Player vs. Player will happen, you must have permission to 'hit' an opponent, this is their call and NOT yours. If I see some ridiculous stuff happening like players going matrix style on each other, I will start calling hits and refereeing. We don't want epeen wars here.
10)My character IS NOT the main character, the main character is not yours either. We all have characters on this world. If players start following yours, you are obviously popular. :)
11)No Meta Gaming! If your character doesn't know someones name, do not say it! Do not know their weaknesses just cause you read their Bio! The only meta gaming I allow is characters who want to get together and meet each other. I am fine with that, some people like to party.
12)OOC in the IC is allowed, but it is to be kept at a minor. Little messages are not bad.
13)We are friends here, take feuds somewhere else. Your characters can hate each other, doesn't mean you should hate the person.
14)The question about one liners, I don't want to see them. Even if all you want to do is respond to maybe a question someone said. You can tell us about the environment you are in, talk about your feelings, anything.
15)I allow players to make up areas as well, I am not a master mind here. I just don't expect you to find of Mace of Smiting in an inn's closet while vampires are overrunning the town. NO! I just don't people PMing me asking, is there a candle in the room? Or weird odd things like that. I allow some free movement.
16)Rules are dynamic, I can change them and add/remove them.

Character Sheet: (Sept 27)

Name: (Name and nicknames, I want the full one. You can tell me some are a mystery or unknown.)
Gender: (Male? Female? None? Both?)
Age: (Give me what your age that you look to humans and your real one. If a mystery, give me a rough estimate.)
Race: (What race? A lot of races are restricted.)
Alignment: (Are you lawful? Chaotic? Are you evil? Good? Neutral? What do you tend to do?)
Hair Length: (Cropped, bald, below the waist? How is it tied down?)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Element Type: (Even if you don't cast magic, you have an element. Strong like earth? Flowing like water? Chaotic like fire? Free like wind? *I do not expect to see aether or lightning in here, that must be cleared by me. Light and dark have exceptions that need to be followed.*)
Appearance:(What do you look like? What do people think of you when they see you? Do you look like a fighter, mage, archer, etc? What are you wearing? You must give me text about the appearance, you may also post a picture for visual aid. Anime, realistic, I don't mind.)
Personality: (How does the insides of your brain flow? What do you like to do? What makes you do the things you do?)
Background:(What happened to you? What is your history? What have you done before now?)
Spells: (What kind of spells do you like to have? I expect to know them, you will not just randomly cast magic in my game, rhyme to your reason if you will. Spells are based off your Element.)
Powers: (Do you have special powers? What do they do, literally. How many times can you do them per day? Per week? This includes character weaknesses. Racials go here as well.)
Equipment: (Post most of what you have with you, I do expect you to pull crap out of your butt and call it an item. Be smart, I will look at this. No magical items, don't do it.)
Numbers: (Give me 5 numbers, 1-100. They can be random or of your choosing. Do not post the same numbers twice. This is like a random generator for me, you get cool stuff for this, well you might. :) )

You can make up races, make up items, make up locations, make up almost anything! Just PM me so I can look at it, I am quite lenient when it comes to fun mechanics.

Feel free to ask questions.


List of Accepted Characters: (Sept 27)
Username - Character Name - Profile Page #

aethershunt - Atellus Vespilio - Page 1

aikiwarrior - Keltain Raesath - Page 1

AzricanRepublic - Roman Havok - Page 3

Deity - Deix Zdinre - Page 2

Kira Walker - Isabelle (Bella) Swanson - Page 4

Kohanna - Kohanna (Anna, Ko) Takahashi - Page 7

MrWarehouse - Arcadia Syren (Havok) - Page 4

papolatte - Priscille Eleniak - Page 2

Saphera - Anya Greenspan - Page 7

Saxious - Saxious Anderson - Page 4

Surreal - Gregory Harshvelt - Page 4

TheAlmightyForkNinja - Audrey Roberts - Page 3

Tobi - Watashika Moeru - Page 1

Vorpal Rapier - Tivona (Peggy) - Page 7 (Assistant GM)
Last edited by Ponats on Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:33 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ponats on Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:11 pm


All races will be given an adult height, weight, age, etc. These are averages and special cases can fall out of the boundaries. Male / Female for some cases. I will be giving some general information of some races that show up in the game.

Common Races:

The common races that show in the game, but is all relative to locations. You wouldn't normally see a Dhampire far from there homeland, well by themselves.

Humans – They are pretty much everywhere. They have mingled in almost every area. Humans are the jack of all races and tend to do anything and everything. Humans looks like normal humans. The Holy Roman Empire, Kingdom of Raken, Kingdom of Franks, and about all the chaos house majority human.

Lifespan: 70 yrs
Height: 5'9” / 5'4”
Weight: 175 lbs / 140 lbs

Elves – Are located in Britain but have been known to mingle outside there homelands. They are the second most common race to be dispersed around. Elves tend to be skinnier and shorter than humans. They have long pointed ears that point straight up. Elves have a unique look and are not really mistaken for human. Elves tend to have a more noble feel to them, as if they look down to other races. Elves can see in the dark a little bit better than humans.

Lifespan: 400 yrs
Height: 5'0” / 5'0”
Weight: 110 lbs / 105 lbs

Dwarfs – Located commonly in the Scotland, they only have been spreading around in Ireland. Rare to see them off those two locations, but they have been known to be in Scandinavia. Dwarfs are shorter than humans but wider. You can tell that a dwarf is not a small human by the huge beard, a stocky build, and the beer breath... and if from Scotland, the very unique accent. Dwarfs have a down to earth attitude, pun attended, who aren't afraid to get into people's faces.

Lifespan: 120 yrs
Height: 4'2” / 4'0”
Weight: 165 lbs / 135 lbs

Orcs – Located in the regions of Scandinavia, homeland of Norway. Orcs are much more aggressive than humans and tend to be stronger and bulkier. They do not typically harbor good looks, or hygiene, and are less intelligent. They have a huge duo of bottom teeth that stick out of their mouths. There skin darker and more green than humans. Orcs love do brawl and have an interesting sense of honor. If it was strong, it was honorable. Orcs tend to be a sailing savvy.

Lifespan: 60 yrs
Height: 6'0” / 5'7”
Weight: 250 lbs / 210 lbs

Dragon Bloods – Are the backbone of the Califates. They look like humans with a more tan complexion and tend to be tallier. The race has been none to have dragon's blood in there veins, making them a little more resistance to magics and sometimes take a feature of their ancient heritage. It is not uncommon for a dragon blood to have one, and only one, trait ability like claws, fangs, tail, dragon eyes or even wings. (The wings have to be trained to allow flight, so it is rare for them to be useful.) The race has a more serious attitude about life and are less comedian like. Outsiders may say they don't have a sense of humor.

Lifespan: 100 yrs
Height: 5'11” / 5'6”
Weight: 185 lbs / 150 lbs

Dhampires – Half Vampires is what it means, but they can range in how much vampire blood is in them. They are located in the Eastern Orthodox Empire and normally do not leave there homes. All dhampires have claws, fangs, and red eyes. (Rare case of purple eyes.) Dhampires tend to be half vampire and half human, but cases of other races have been sited. Some races cannot become a vampire so a half vampire is impossible. The lifespan is always 4x the normal lifespan, making 280 yrs for humans. Dhampires are living beings and are not much stronger than humans, if any. What they make up for it, is when they rage and there natural ability to use Blood magics. Dhampires do not require blood to live, but they can go into Blood Rages where they want to drink blood. Their bite does not turn people. They are weaker to holy damage than normal people, the sun is annoying at most, and holy water has no effect. Dhampires tend to be more loyal than most, especially to their nobles, who are full vampires. Dhamires can see a little bit better in the dark than humans.

Lifespan: 280 yrs
Height: 5'10” / 5'5”
Weight: 175 lbs / 140 lbs

Halfings – They have no countries and usually don't have a halfling only towns. They are the most accepting of others race and are usually quite nice. In society they are considered pick pockets and thieves but they can play a lot of very good roles in a town. They are known to work hard and are determined. The characteristics are different than a gnome or a dwarf, so mixing up the three would be an insult, not even human children quite look the same. Halfings are the third race to be spread and are even accepted in some of the most elitist of places.

Lifespan: 110 yrs
Height: 3'1” / 2'11”
Weight: 35 lbs / 30 lbs

Gnomes – The only minor race to hold a country, even if they are considered common. They live in the chaos of Bohem, the only non-human major chaos. Gnomes are known for magic and inventions and can be scary when they want people to 'help' them with something. Gnomes have an awkward look to there faces and bodies making them easy to notice which race. Even if it looks like gnomes are a bunch of absent minded crazies, they can be deadly in combat because of their magic.

Lifespan: 180 yrs
Height: 3'5” / 3'3”
Weight: 175 lbs / 140 lbs

Katze – A cat race located in Leons. Because of the isolation from the rest of the world, it is rare to see their race outside of the Leons. There homeland currently over run with Califate invaders, a lot goto war to defend their country. It is possible to see them in the Kingdom of the Franks, but even then war is still present. The race have a very interesting difference between men and women. Men tend to be bulky and strong as women tend to be small and agile. Males seem to be loyaler as females take the more sneakier side. Of course you wouldn't want to say that to their face. Claws, cat ears, feline tails, they look more half cat, half human. They can hear quite well and can see in the dark a little bit. There smell is also a little bit better.

Lifespan: 90 yrs
Height: 5'8” / 4'10”
Weight: 170 lbs / 90 lbs

Uncommon Races:

The uncommon races do not have any common areas or are not organized. Most half races show here cause breeding between races is a minimum and/or usually turns out without result. Most of the races will cause riots or mobs of villagers to attack them or just plain racism. Playing one of these races gain benefits but many weaknesses also apply.

Half Dragons – Huge hulking creatures, the half dragonkin are a deadly creature. They have scales, wings, claws, fangs, tails and horns. Honored by the Dragon bloods, these monsters of a creature are actually quite calm. They are considered wise and usually help run the dragon bloods' communities. They are the strongest of the humanoid races and one of the most resilient. Normal weapons have trouble going through their skin. They can also breath fire out of their mouths, not an easy feat. Any where else these creatures are considered demons and devils. The wings are not for show as they can fly with decent speeds.

Lifespan: 600 yrs
Height: 6'4” / 6'0”
Weight: 270 lbs / 220 lbs

Werewolves – Now understand that werewolves are a race, not a sickness. You are born a werewolf, not created. Werewolves are very secluded from the outside world, staying in the far ranges of the Mihferitas. People do not go into Mihferitas and werewolves typically don't go out. Only some go out for personal reasons or because they were choose to go out. Werewolves look like humans besides the wolf tail, claws, wolf ears, and extremely good scent. They see in the dark a bit and can hear well. They are able to turn into a werewolf form which completely covers them in fur and makes their senses and strength rise. Werewolves generally are not welcome in other settlements, but they have been seen in Chaos of Poland.

Lifespan: 500 yrs
Height: 5'11” / 5'7”
Weight: 185 lbs / 145 lbs

Vampires – Two types of vampires, the nobles and the wilds. A noble vampire is one that runs the Eastern Orthodox Empire. Highly respected by the Dhampires. They are generally cunning, smart, and, at times, ruthless. They are typically of noble blood, but some houses can be non noble. Wild vampires are simply vampires that have no boundaries. They can be found anywhere feeding on the living. Most races do not like this kind of vampire, not even the Dhampires. Wild vampires are vampires who feed for their lust of blood. Vampire disease is transferred thru biting or other fluid transferring methods. Even being undead, vampires can still breed with other races. (Only works if the other person isn't a vampire, however they become one afterwards. *Just cause you can, doesn't mean you should, take it to the tells.*) Vampires are the undead and cannot stand the sun light, burns them as they sit in it. Holy water effects them and burns their skin. They are very weak versus holy magic. They are naturally imbued with blood and dark magics. They are strong, senses high with full ability to see in the dark. They have a good scent and hearing. They require blood every once in a while, depending on how much they use their powers. They can feed off Dhamipres without turning them, but the taste of human is the best. Every new transformed vampire go into blood rages and attempt to feed abnormally as they burn their own blood in the conversion. The only way to officially kill a vampire is severing the head, even if their blood is drained they can live (just not move). Blood equals energy, no blood nothing moves. Vampires low on blood stop using magic and use brute force, to conserve blood.

Lifespan: Infinity
Height: Same as bitten.
Weight: Same as bitten.

Half Elves – It is no secret, half elves are called the Immortals. It is just simply that they stop aging near what looks like the human age of 16-22 years old. They may be immortal, but they can die like everyone else and they tend to die quickly. Not known for their luck, half elves are not welcomed in about any race. That is because of a lot of misconceptions and ignorance to the race of half elves. Some religions think they takes souls out of people or feed off mortals which is just not the case. Half elves look like humans with long elf ears. Half elves are one of the rarest races, because of the chances of a baby being born from elves and humans are rare. Discovered half elves start riots amongst the village.

Lifespan: Infinity
Height: 5'2” / 5'0”
Weight: 135 lbs / 120 lbs

Half Orcs – Often known as 'brutes' this race is extremely strong and smart. It is like taking orcs and humans and combining the two, taking all the strengths. They have the size of a Orc but the intelligence of a Human. They are very rare, as just like half elves, so only a few exist. They would look like oversize humans if they didn't share the teeth of an orc, making them look like human toned orcs. Because of land locations, half orcs are found in Scandinavia and are accepted among the people there. Half orcs can make some of the best warriors, so they fit in.

Lifespan: 65 yrs
Height: 6'0” / 5'7”
Weight: 250 lbs / 210 lbs

Pseutrols – A race of trolls, often called 'fake trolls' as they are nothing like their big berserker cousins. Rumor has it that they are some sort of half troll, but people don't really want to think how that happened. They look like green elves in size, as they share the same ears but have tusks like an orc. (Some people believe they are ancestors of the elves, as half troll seems more wild.) They have been called cannibals, but no fact shows to it. They regenerate from wounds much faster than others, but they have a weakness to fire, similar to trolls. They can be found in Mihferitas or the Chaos of Poland. They tend to be magic users and have an interesting look on life. They like meat and like to be lazy when they can.

Lifespan: 55 yrs
Height: 5'2” / 5'0”
Weight: 120 lbs / 110 lbs

Dhrows – The race that takes the Kingdom of Pamplona, the only hated race that has a kingdom. Dhrows are elves with a much darker complexion and usually have a bright colored hair and eyes. They call themselves elves and the others 'High Elves', so calling a Dhrow a Dhrow can be offensive to some. The general idea of the race is evil, but not all Dhrow are. Dhrow have that up to no good look to them, so villages tend to hate them. They mostly stay in their country, but have been known to help the Franks against the High elves. Other than some minor things, they look like elves.

Lifespan: 400 yrs
Height: 5'0” / 5'0”
Weight: 110 lbs / 105 lbs

Other Races:

There are other races, some can and cannot be played as PC. I also leave the door open for made up races, like my character, that falls into that category. (If you meet my character, maybe you can ask. :) ) If you make up a character, I need to know powers, if any, and how the race will effect my world. A lot of races can be placed in Mihferitas as it is a huge melting pot for unusual races.

Lifespan: # yrs
Height: #'#” / #'#”
Weight: ### lbs / ### lbs

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ponats on Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:16 pm

THIS IS THE MAP! It is too big for the forum, so click the link!


Areas that show up in my game. There are kingdoms in areas like Asia, Africa, Americas, and etc. These do not effect most of the game or do not show up. Please keep all characters relatively near Europe. In here I will give population estimates and general information on government, climate, and geography.

A kingdom is under some sort of ruling body, typically oligarchy or monarchy. A chaos has no ruling body or some sort of confederation. Usually they are associated to tribes and towns. An empire is a kingdom that is taking over countries and ruling with a multiple type of governments, with one head government.

All kingdoms populations are not effected by anyone warring there. It is who lives there. Heroes don't have to be good or bad, they are just legends.


Kingdom of England - Although England can be considered an empire, it is still called a kingdom just cause they claim they originally owned the places they attack. (Scotland, Ireland, and France.) They can be called the British Empire. If you asked the British about their territories, they would answer you it is very brutish. The British is run by a king and parliament, parliament elects the King and only noble blood is allowed into the parliament. The nobles of the area have a snotty reputation and believe that a lot of the rubbish below them are merely rubbish. They are elitist to a point, as long as other races know their place, there is no commotion. The cities, especially London, have major community or poor, middle class, and nobles. Because of how farm land works in England, most poor people are unable to farm, as a lot of middle class use the land for there needs. Because of this, the poor look for money making ways in the cities or become drafted by the army. This leads to high crime rates and low paying jobs. Even so, the nobles section is highly guarded and tight with security, the poor often steal from the middle classes or from themselves. The middle classes are composed mostly of merchants and specialist who can blacksmith, tailor and the alike.

England's standing army is not the best, for a very militaristic nation. They are currently dealing with two fronts. Scottish dwarfs who are rebelling under the leadership of William Wallace. And the Franks who are defending their homeland. To make up for this, the British are quite rich from trade with the Holy Roman Empire. They hire mercenaries from Ireland for most of their fighting. The British army is pretty weak when it comes to melee combat, but their archery is unmatched. There magic is random, where you have powerful mages to crappy ones. England has no restrictions on magic, so it is left in the open.

Scotland and Ireland have been under the rule of the British for a long time. For money the two countries trade food, but the deal goes to the British. Mercenaries from both Scotland and Ireland have been used to fight the on going war in France. But of recently, Scotland has began a revolt and have stopped trading and sending men to help Britain. And to make matters worse for Ireland, they are under raids from vikings, orcs and humans from Scandinavia.

Allies: Holy Roman Empire
Enemies: Kingdom of Franks, Kingdom of Pamplona
Neutral: Kingdom of Leons, Kingdom of Denmark

Known Heroes of Time: King Arthur, Merlin, Robin Hood, William Wallace

England Population %: 85% Elf, 9% Human, 4% Dwarf, 1% Halfling,1% Other
Scotland Population %: 70% Dwarf, 18% Human, 10% Elf, 1% Halfling, 1% Other
Ireland Population %: 36% Human, 30% Elf, 28% Dwarf, 3% Orc, 2% Halfling, 1% Other

Government – Oligarchy

Kingdom of Franks – The Franks have been at war for many years with England. And they are losing it. The war was started by a simple dispute of who ruled France, well I shouldn't say simple. The Franks have been in constant battle with England over the North territory of France. People born in upper France are effected by the war in one way or another. The Franks play constant tag with the England's military and mercenaries. North France is a battlefield, a lot of the land in ruin. South France is effected little by the war, other than men and women leaving to fight in it. Farmlands still litter south France that help feed the troops, but even so the food is abundant like power house England.

Frank's standing army is quite young, as most veterans have die here or there in the war. The Franks cannot stand up to the English's archery or the melee capabilities of the Irish. Instead they use magic and tactics to beat back the enemy. A hero has recently taken command of the Franks, name of Joan of Arc. She has turned the tides of battle and is actually pushing the British back. The first time ever during the war.

Talks with the Kingdom of Pamplona have been in play, but at the moment they are just debates. Some of the nobles are elven and so arguments between feuding races prevent any kind of alignment. The Franks are left alone by the Holy Roman Empire, they have a neutral standing, but the Germans have been known to trade with Franks.

Allies: None
Enemies: Kingdom of England
Neutral: Kingdom of Leons, Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Pamplona, Holy Roman Empire

Known Heroes of Time: Joan of Arc, Gilles de Rais

France Population %: 79% Human, 14% Elf, 3% Katze, 1% Dhrow, 1% Dwarf, 1% Halfling,1% Other

Government – Monarchy

Kingdom of Leons – Constant war, no end in the horizon. The Leons have been trying to hold up an evasion that has sweeping most of their country into ruin. The Califate Empire is sweeping thru North Africa and has pushed all the way thru Spain. The Leons army has not taken any major defeats, but instead has kept their distance from the mighty Califate. Now they made their stand in the top of the Kingdom and a stand still has been left. The Leons fight viciously to defend their homes, even when outnumbered they can change the flow of battle with a simple unexpected charge.

The military has run tired, but loses on the Leons side has been minimum compared to the Califate. The Califate has a huge supply of men who constantly pound up against the well fortified Leons. The women usually take the job of archers ad the men are the brute force melee. There military strength is not to be ignored. The military focuses on weaponry over magics, but no restrictions on magic are known of.

The Leons have begged for the Holy Roman Empire to help them out with the invaders, but only talks have ever gone thru. Leons have been known to be great sailors, but with the recent war, they are mostly stuck in one location. They do make trade routes with the Holy Roman Empire for food. They do not mess with the Dhrows.

Allies: None
Enemies: Califate Empire
Neutral: Kingdom of Franks, Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Pamplona, Holy Roman Empire, Kingdom of England

Known Heroes of Time: Charles “The Hammer” Martel

Spain Population %: 92% Katze, 5% Human, 1% Dhrow, 1% Elf, 1% Other

Government – Monarchy

Kingdom of Pamplona – It is a secret place where the area is completely woods. Only one city stands above ground and it is unknown how much is underground. The Kingdom stays a lot out of politics of outsiders but despises what they call 'High Elves'. They like to be called Elves and not Dhrows. The Kingdom has been at war with the English since the creation of its existence. The world of Pamplona is dark and the sun doesn't shine often there.

Little is known about the military power of Pamplona, but they have recently claimed islands south of them. People know they use some sort of magical powers, dark magics. They have their own religious sect who also fights. They are very religious and have a zealot feel to them. It is unknown who Pamplona's enemies really are.

Pamplona Population %: 95+% Dhrow, 5 or less % Other

Allies: None
Enemies: Kingdom of England
Neutral: Kingdom of Franks, Kingdom of Leons, Califate Empire

Known Heroes of Time: Magus

Government – Monarchy

Kingdom of Denmark – A recently established Kingdom that broke away from the Holy Roman Empire. The Empire didn't even try to get it back, they are scared of the powers that come from there. The kingdom is an extremely magic run area, they seem to be well versed in powerful magics that no other country can compete with. They remain neutral with all countries and really haven't made any enemies. Tribes in Norway and Sweden did try to attack them once, they never tried again.

Denmark is one of the best areas to live if you are fleeing from race persecution. They accept all races in their ranks and being racist is actually against the law for them. The society is very civilized with bustling of magic technology. Schools, colleges, universities, libraries, museums, have actually been built, and open to people to look and research. There is rumor of a secret library, but no one knows if it exists or not.

Denmark is not a warring country, but their military are their mages. Denmark is the only country that knows of the Kingdom of Hundjas existence. And Hundjas are Denmark's only official ally. Denmark is run by a mages council.

Denmarks Population %: 65% Human, 15% Elf, 10% Orc, 3% Gnome, 2% Halfling, 5% Other

Allies: Kingdom of Hundja
Enemies: None
Neutral: Everyone

Known Heroes of Time: Baron Setherus

Government – Oligarchy

Kingdom of Hundja – This kingdom is the only one in the heart of Mihferitas. There politics are run by ancient werewolves who are quite wise of the world. Very territorial of there land, they do not allow encroaching races. Humans, and another race left a mystery, have been the only creatures to be there without too much hostility. And those humans are only mages from the Kingdom of Denmark. Like the Kingdom of Denmark, schooling and libraries have been created, but there knowledge is to only people who are allowed to see it.

Every once in a while, a werewolf from Hundja is sent on a mission. This is very secretive what the objective is, but that is how Hundja and Denmark originally met. Hundja is mostly unknown to the outside world, only rumors of werewolves in the north of Mihferitas.

Hundja Population %: 99% Werewolf, 1% Other

Allies: Kingdom of Denmark
Enemies: None
Neutral: None

Known Heroes of Time: Chronos

Government – Oligarchy

Kingdom of Raken – Little is known of this nation. They are in the middle of the Plaguelands and the sea they are surrounded on is unsalable. There is one known thing about them, they know how to combat the undead and they have a very good way of keeping them out. A giant wall. They have erected some giant walls that are patrolled for miles. No undead can pass it, so the Kingdom is relatively safe. A little magic reverses the no sun light that the Plaguelands seems to have. How they keep the sun out from the dark magics of the Plaguelands is a mystery.

Raken are users of the dark magics, but it to fight the undead. Whatever they have been doing, has been working. As they can eliminate them quite easily. A lot is a mystery with them. Only the Eastern Orthodox Empire and Holy Roman Empire know about them, and that is very few.

Raken Population %: 90% Human, 9% Dhampire, 1% Other

Allies: None
Enemies: None
Neutral: Eastern Orthodox Empire

Known Heroes of Time: Grigori Rasputin

Government – Oligarchy


Holy Roman Empire – Xenophobic elitist bastards. Least that is what Germany thinks of them. That is because the ones who rule the kingdom are the religious, more specifically the Paladins. Paladins have been known to randomly attack creatures not human and the main city of Rome is a human only city, enforced by Paladins. The Paladins can only be nobles and because they tend to be ignorant of others and xenophobic. There are only two races that the Holy Roman Empire accept. Elves and halflings. Although both races are still not allowed in Rome without proper papers.

The Holy Roman Guards are also an interesting being, mostly fighters and warriors, they keep the peace of the Romans together. A lot of the times on the patrol, they inspect towns in the Germans, where more 'ruffians' are. Both the Guards and Paladins are well armored, making others look pathetic in armor. Full plates and huge shields and weapons finely made. The Holy Empire makes the best of equipment. Illegal in others hands, the armor and weapons looks quite unique.

The Holy Roman Empire has banned all forms of magic other than the Light. All element magics have been forgotten by the people of the Holy Roman Empire, so they tend to not be able to cast magic. It is against the law to practice or use magic in front of a Roman. Light magic is only for paladins and priests of the empire, anyone else using any form of Light magic, included mixed magics with Light, are considered heretics. The law tells people that id they see non-Holy people using Light magic, they are to report it immediately. There have even been witch runs, killing whole towns just to kill a heretic.

The ones with this authority are the Arbiters. They can ignore laws and rules to cleanse any 'foul' beings. They are sent after heretics and undead or demonic presences. But with the recent change in times, Arbiters are dying out and more Light users have been shown.

The military of the Empire is well trained and disciplined, there Paladins go thru very strict training. Paladins are the only known unit to use armor and magic at the same time, something almost impossible for element users. Most of the guards spend their time patrolling to country or sent to the lines of the Plaugelands.

Germany is under the control of the Holy Roman Empire and they do not like it. The Germans are split around and have a very diverse race selection. Because of this, the Empire is always smashing them down. The people of Germany are also known for being naturally born magic users, another trait Holy Roman Empire hates. Germany likes healers, who are a type of Light user, because of all the monsters that are around. The problem about the Empires healers, is that they rarely come by. So the only healers that show are mix healers, of people who know the Light by some natural means. They are considered heretics but the German people shelter them and even have been known to fight Guards to protect them. With the new arrival of the healers guild, interesting events are taking place.

The farther north you go, the more magic you get, east the more wild, south the more law and strict, and the south east in the corner near the Plaguelands, the sky becomes darker and undead start to show up more and more. The Romans are in fighting with the undead, to prevent the spread.

People who break the law are thrown to the arenas in Rome, the Colosseum

The war between the Holy Roman Empire and the Eastern Orthodox Empire have gone quiet, a new age is upon them all.

Roman Population %: 96% Human, 3% Elf, 1% Other
German Population %: 46% Human, 20% Elf, 10% Orc, 6% Dwarf, 4% Halfling, 4% Other

Allies: Kingdom of England
Enemies: Eastern Orthodox Empire
Neutral: Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Franks

Known Heroes of Time: Uther of the Light (shut up), Hercules, Marcus Attilius, Lucius Raecius Felix, Maximus Decimus Meridius

Government – Oligarchy

Eastern Orthodox Empire – The empire used to be in the Holy Roman Empire. One day, the nobles of the area became Vampires. Afterward is history. Wars raged against the two factions and death was the result. Now with the smoke clearing from the two empires, other priorities can ensue.

Kept away from society, the Eastern Empire keep to themselves for the most part. They are called an empire cause of the territory the fought over with the Holy Roman Empire. Some feuds with the Calfiate Empire have risen, but they as well has gone silent. The current priority of the Eastern Empire is taking care if the mindless undead problem.

The environment of the country is always cloudy, the sun never shines here, and the people like it. Some sort of magic keeps the clouds always here. Unlike the Plaugelands that is unnaturally dark, the Eastern Empire uses a special kind of cloud that prevent vampires from burning outside in the day. Little is known how the area is like this, just that it is.

The society of the Dhampires are not very different than others, they farm, eat, and do everything like humans. The mystery of the place is simply arrogance. The race does suck blood, but that is not often. The race has natural born Blood magic and it is rare seeing anyone casting anything but that.

The nobles of the Vampire race usually have selected few who they drink blood from, it is an honor to be chosen for the job among the Dhampire. For the nobles, the best blood is virgin of the opposite race to themselves. Why is unknown. The Vampires also have personal guards, called the Elite, that guard the nobles. They are extremely trust worthy and trained soldiers. And sometimes they are even the nobles blood donor.

Orthodox Empire Population %: 80% Human Dhampires, 10% Other Dhampires, 8% Vampire, 2% Other

Allies: None
Enemies: Holy Roman Empire
Neutral: Califate Empire, Kingdom of Raken

Known Heroes of Time: Vlad (The Impaler) Dracula, Alucard

Califate Empire – An empire in the east that has recently rose up with powers. The race is Dragonkins or Dragon Bloods. People who have a little tint of blood in them. Their government is run by half dragons and dragon bloods. The people are not racist to other kinds, they are just power hungry to gain more territory. So visiting the Dragon Bloods is not a suicidal options, although them visiting any other nation might be.

The nation has a serious attitude on life and have no sense of humor. They are insulted by humor, it is just they don't get it. A lot of bards that have visited just simply said to 'stick with the stories' when entertaining them. All tho they do seem rather strong, lack of humor, and power hungry, Dragon Bloods act pretty much just like humans.

The Califate attempted to attack the Eastern Orthodox Empire and failed. Instead their campaign lead them thru north Africa, near the wastelands of Durculta, and jumped into Spain. Even after catuping a lot of small tribe nations in Africa, they mostly let them do what they want for tribute. There campaign stopped when the Leons fought back and now they are in a tug or war with them.

Recently they have been having trouble with the undead closer to there homelands, as the Plaguelands have spread far east. They have dealt with undead before in Durculta, but it is nothing like the dead they have faced.

Califates armies rely on brute strength as they smash their opponents. Lightly armored because of the dangers of metal in the sun, they are rather used to dry heat weather. There march in Mihferitas has slowed because of all the unusual and dangerous monsters they have met there.

Califate Population %: 90% Dragon Bloods, 4% Human, 2% Half Dragons, 4% Other

Allies: None
Enemies: Kingdom of Leon
Neutral: Eastern Orthodox Empire, Kingdom of Pamplona

Known Heroes of Time: Aelia Garreth, Kain


Chaos of Poland – Neighboring Germany, they are not much different from from Germany other than the lack of Holy Roman Soldiers and the even more diverse population. The only nation to actually house a troll faction. The area is wild and full on monsters, tribes, and little what people would call 'civilized'. But the tribes here are relatively friendlier than anything you would find in Mihferitas.

Poland Population %: 40% Human, 22% Orc, 8% Pseutrol, 5% Gnome, 2% Halfling, 23% Other

Chaos of Hungary – Mihferitas influences while being slowly eaten by the Plaguelands, Hungary is literally in chaos. Undead attacking tribes and villages, many beings never seeing such an influence. The nights last longer and the sun shines less, the undead run wild. Many of the population has moved from the blight spreading, to try to avoid being attacked by undead.

Hungary Population %: 54% Human, 15% Orc, 5% Pseutrol, 3% Halfling, 2% Gnome, 1% Vampire, 20% Other

Known Heroes of Time: Elizabeth (Bloody Lady) Bathory

Chaos of Bohem – The only chaos that is some what organized. This is the land of the gnomes and they are very stingy to there land. Once attacked by the Holy Roman Empire, they protected their towns thru gorilla tactics and magics. For small folk, they are dangerous if provoked. Like Denmark, no one messes with Bohem. Also has the highest population of Halflings, where there is actually an official Halfling town.

Bohem Population %: 68% Gnome, 18% Human, 6% Halfling, 2% Orc, 6% Other

Known Heroes of Time: Ella Winterspoon

Chaos of Sweden – A country full of mostly humans and orcs. Many, like their neighbors Norway, go in raiding parties around Europe. A lot of people grow up this way, for the thrill of battle. Drinking, gambling, and raiding.

Sweden Population %: 65% Human, 30% Orc, 5% Other

Known Heroes of Time: Beowulf

Chaos of Norway – Much like Sweden, but more Orcs than humans.

Norway Population %: 50% Orc, 45% Human, 5% Other

Known Heroes of Time: Lief Ericson, Erik (The Red) Thorvaldsson


Mihferitas – Known as the wilderness or the wilds, this place has all sorts of unseen creatures and beings. Most people do not want to enter because of the unusual sights and monsters. The area is mostly forested, and in the north forest and ice.

Plaguelands – An undead festering area that has recently been introduced to the world. All people know is that when the Holy Roman Empire clashed with the Eastern Orthodox Empire, these came as the result. The undead spread and have been a big problem for the major countries. The area is always unnaturally dark, reasoning unknown.

Durculta – A wasteland for undead, because they are the only creatures that can survive the hot and humid area. The undead here are all skeletons, flesh long gone. People do not enter because there is nothing but sand and death.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ponats on Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:19 pm

Brief History: (Sept 28)

The age of the world is near 10,000 years old. No matter what religion you look at they all consist of some sort of story where the gods fought mortals. The Great War is what people call it now. A battle that claimed the world in chaos and death. The exact time when this happened and what literally happened is lost and only a few may know. In all of the stories, the gods won and cleansed the world. Then they recreated under their image of how the world should look.

Gods have been known to come and go from history. The gods also chose people they see fit to become gods as well, the question is who do they choose?

Every culture has their own two sense on who the gods are and who is really in charge of 'heaven'. The elves have a elf gods, dhrow have spider gods, Holy Roman and Eastern Orthodox have their own versions, and etc. Some people just believe that all the gods exist, maybe in some alternate plane of existence very much like their own. Everyone can agree on one thing. There are many gods and many types of gods, just who is in charge is always different.

Holidays: (Sept 28)

There are two major holidays that may come into effect. Ignoring the 'birth of the world' day, which every race seems to have their own.

Day of Healing: One day, a wars were waging across the lands. Battles of huge proportions, over a thousand of years ago. On one day, one single day... something happened. The battlefield that laid waste to dying soldiers and injured troops. And just suddenly, out of no where, all injuries were gone. Peoples' limbs returned, people wounds gone, everyone was healed. But not just at this battlefield, but around the world. Broken legs were fixed. People's diseases vanished. Even blindness, deafness, and other effects were cured. This is why the day is celebrated and it is the ONLY world holiday that everyone celebrates. No one fights on this holy day.

Day of the Cleanse: This is a holy roman holiday that is celebrated every year. An evil force swept the lands and was consuming the world in darkness. The god of the HRE, came from the heavens and gave Light magic to men. With these new paladins, they vanquished the evil from the world. The birth of the Holy Roman Empire.

Element Types Details: (Sept 28)

This is just a general reference to elements. They dictate general attitudes of people. They also determine the effects of how 'mana' is regenerated. Everyone has an element and even mix casters have a main element. No matter what, most of the mana restores after sleeping well. But mana can be recovered thru other means. (I am not keeping track of mana amount, just be realistic. If your not a cloth that uses a lot of magic, you won't have high mana.)

Fire - Fire is a chaotic force. People with the fire element tend to to hate laws and rules. Fire likes to be more wild and powerful. These people love to be near open flames and watching things burn. Mana returns from being near open flames. Fire hates water.

Wind - Another chaotic force. The wind doesn't like to be caged up and told not where to go, they are a little less chaotic then fire. Wind elements usually like to explore and can't stay on one spot for long. Mana returns from non closed areas and windy days. Wind hates earth.

Earth - A lawful form. Earth likes to be stationary and not willing to move to any change. This makes people of earth stubborn and traditional. Mana returns from being near rocks, being on mountains, exploring caves, etc. Earth hates wind.

Water - A lawful force, less lawful than earth. Water is a force that does not like to move from its path. It flows but, unlike earth, can be changed in direction. Usually tranquil and clam in attitude. Mana returns from streams, lakes, rivers, oceans and other open water sources. People of water love bathing.

Magic: (Sept 28)

Magic has played a key role in history. Women used to be the gender that was mistreated and men held dominance. (Just like in medieval times.) That is in till magic was discovered. Women, for some unknown reason, were more attuned to magic then the male counterparts. This created a shift of equality between men and women quite quickly. You wouldn't mess with a woman knowing she could possibly launch you thru a window with a fireball would you? The effect in history was revolutionary, women and men were set on perfectly equal grounds.

There are two types of known magics. Element magics and learned magics.

Element magic is composed of fire, wind, water, air, lightning and aether. Lightning is a very rare element as aether magic has only been written in history books.

The Learned magics or sometimes called the God magics are Light and Dark. The gods use a higher form called Holy and Unholy, Light and Dark are just watered down versions that mortals can handle.

All people have at least one element magic in them, even if they do not know how to cast. People are not typically born with Light or Dark magic and even they are, they still have an element.

Magic can be mixed into almost anything possible. Earth + water = plant, Light + fire = holy fire, water + dark = blood, fire and earth = metal, water + wind = weather and etc. If you can think of elements that can create an effect, the effect is possible. Mixing magic can go farther into mixing three or even four elements. Users who are known at mixing magics do not know the basic magics they have mixed. An example is a Life mage, someone who mixes earth + water + light. The mage can only cast Life spells and not cast earth spells, or water, or light.

Magical items are beyond rare in this game. All magic items are unique... or are they? You may find out.

Aether/Either Magic:

This magic creates an unusual effect. The magic uses pure energy for magic and can be extremely devastating. Aether magic has been known to mimic elements, even just one. So even if your a normal caster, you won't always know. Only one pure aether user can exist in the world at one time. If a dirty mage (someone mixing magics) has some aether in them, they have to be killed for the pure aether user to get full powers. Do not start asking me for aether, this is determined on those numbers you gave me.

Light magic is closely guarded by the Holy Roman Empire and Dark magic to the Eastern Orthodox Empire. To know the pure magics of these. (Like be an only Light mage.) You must be affiliated with them. All mages that break the classical magic of earth, fire, water, wind must be confirmed if okay thru me.

Guilds: (Sept 28)

Guilds are on the rise. Kingdoms on the fall. Guilds were unheard of in till a guild came out of no where. The healers guild. A group of healing pacifists who found some sort of strange power. Now they are popping up everywhere in Denmark and Germany. They are under the support of powerful people. Rumors has it that you should not attack a healer of the guild. As well as they will heal anyone, good or evil for a small price. The revolutionist who created this guild, an obvious smack in the face of the Holy Roman Empire, as they consider any healers who use the light (a must to heal) heretics. Her name is Eleanor Basil.

After this push, other guilds have showed their faces. The Mage's guild was right behind the healers. And then the Fighter's guild, Bard's guild, Rogue's guild, Assassin's guild (already existed, but are known as that now), and even a Paladin's guild of sorts.


There are three major guilds that have shown in the spot light. The fighter's guild, the mage's guild, and the now the famous healer's guild, that started the guild rush. There are other guilds as well, including the longest standing assassin's guild, but that is another matter. I will give you a quick history about these guilds.

Healer's Guild

A bunch of pacifists known around the world for their neutral healing. They would heal anyone for a certain price, always based on how much money the person asking for healing had. They are not racist, sexist, or stereotypical. Paladins usually do not like them, cause they heal anyone and do not harm people. They are becoming well known around the world. People do not mess with the healers, because if you harm a healer, you would be banned from getting heals, from the guild. People also do not anger the guild, healers were rare as it was, annoying them would just cause a more expensive bill and possible banning. Because of this, they tend to have some authority over others. Healers make the prices, if a person refuses to pay they can be banned or worse. A healer can only charge what a person has.

All priests carry a necklace that if the healer would be harmed, would mark the person who harmed them. A closely guarded secret among the guild. The necklaces power also had the ability to telepathically call for help if the healer was hurt. The radius went for a couple of miles and linked to anyone near by, telling the direction of the injured healer. The necklace would explode if a non-healer puts it on, no exceptions, and will explode if taken away for too long. The necklace allows healers to identify banned people, but the mark is open and obvious enough, it shines thru all clothing, like a hieroglyph. The necklaces have taken attention by people as they hold a deeper mystery than mere magical items. For so many magical items to be seen at once, in one group, is beyond rare. Even so, people have been unable to figure out the magic of these necklaces. The hieroglyph can only be removed by a high priest of the healer's order. No one has found a way to remove it magically.

The healer's guild has rules that all members must follow. Healers must heal all non banned, intelligent creatures. Evil, good, or odd. It doesn't matter. There are some ifs, like if the healer cannot get to them... or if the healer was threatened by the person. The amount of healing or payment required is up to the healer.

All healers are pacifists and must no inflict injury to any intelligent creature. Guild members cannot carry weapons meant for harming others, with the exception of healing weapons. (Weapons that help them heal.)

Healers must turn in 90% of the total funds earned healing others to the guild. Money earned by other means does not count.

Healers tend to have some authority over others, simply for the fact that you don't want to annoy them. (Abusive healers can be reported.) Any injured person can be put on the protection of a healer. If you attempt to attack someone under the protection, you can get banned.

The healer's guild has been spreading thru out Germany, they have became a problem for the holy roman empire to handle. The HRE is much more wary now, attacking the healer's guild could open into a revolt.

Healers that are normally accepted are people with the gift of healing. Any type of light user who can heal is generally welcome as long as they follow rules.

(For charges: They usually take a % of what the person has of worth, like if you have 5 gold, they will ask for 5 silver. If you have 5 copper, they will just take 1, do not try to juke them out. They search equipment and such. They will sedate you if you try anything stupid. The healers guilds are only in Denmark and north Germany at the moment. There is a few in west Poland. That is it.)

Mage's Guild

This is the 2ed major guild to pop up and they came right behind the healer's guild. Unlike the healer's guild, they have found no magical items for their members, but amongst the guilds, this is most popular one to join. Being headquartered in Denmark, like the Healer's guild, the mages have been branching out faster than the healer's guild. Unlike the healers, they don't need any buildings just made for them, they can just accept members where they want. The mages guild carry an insignia on there hand, a ring, that shows rank. With heavy support in Denmark and allies of other guilds and the people, HRE has not dared touch them either.

The rules of the guild are much different than the healers. Less restrictive. Mages must preform a test to get in, but that is about it. The guilds intention is to help the people with monsters an make hunting parties. To join, you must be able to cast magic (or some similar power). Good, evil, doesn't matter. You are not allowed to go into open killing sprees among the populace, as the guild has a good overtone. Doesn't mean you can't go to the local goblin cave and have a torching spree.

Some healer's who choose not to be pacifists, join but they have not had a good turn out. Most healers, heal and don't like others to be hurt. So it is rare to find a healer not from the healer's guild.

Fighter's Guild

Guild that actually formed in a city of the Holy Roman Empire. The fighter's guild has been spreading in the Germans and now even some of the Polands. Unlike the other guilds, they have more open door policy. As long as your good at swinging something, your in. They don't care if your sword is normal or bursting in flame.

The fighter's guild has been weak in the beginning but is now on a huge incline. The people of the Holy Roman Empire are either paladins or fighters, they lack the ability for element magic. So the popular thing is now, just join the fighter's guild, much easier than trying to become a paladin, a only noble job.


Note about the fighters and mages guild, both guilds have been trying to get the healer's guild to be open allies with them. Talks have happened but nothing has gone thru. The healers guild is on a tight rope, because all the members are technically considered heretics from the holy roman empire. But both guilds are very determined, they place there guilds next to the healer's guilds and will even follow them around as they create new ones. Mostly cause when training or when eliminating threats, having a healer with you is a very nice thing. The healer's guild does use this to there advantage, as they can travel more safely from monsters, wild animals, or even Romans soldiers. Most guilds have started figuring out ranks in the healer's guild by heart. This makes people high in the healer's guild get a lot of attention because of the ability they have to influence the guild to help the fighters and mages out.

There have been other minor guilds to show, bard's guild, paladin's guild, and a rogue's guild. But the guilds don't stand near the top three.

Natural healing: (Sept 28)

Be careful being injured! Think about it and do not ignore it. If your hurt, your hurt just like in real life. Do not take a hike with half your foot missing because you think yourself 'badass'. There is a couple of ways of healing. If your an apothecarist, you may be able to help yourself. If you find a healer or a healer's guild, good job! They can heal you for a price. If no healers guild around, a town will have an apothecary to help aid wounds. If nothing around, your healing the old fashion way.

Dying: (Sept 28)

If you believe your character should die in a situation, but don't really want them dead. Tell me. I have some sneaky things up my sleeves. Do not just jump off a cliff and expect something from me. Hell no. Nothing suicidal. I also watch to make sure characters aren't making godly moves getting them out of a death spot. You slap a king in the face and do not think you will be punished... heh.

Money: (Sept 28)

Per 100 coins ~= 1 pound

10 Copper (C) = 1 Tin
10 Tin (T) = 1 Silver
10 Silver (S) = 1 Gold
10 Gold (G) = 1 Plat (P)

Gems vary. Everyone uses the same coin system in the Western nations. (Eastern have there own.)

The thing about money is a lot of people live off just having a couple of tin, peasants would not have much more than a tin or two. Merchants are in the silvers. Nobles in the golds/plats.

Avg costs:
These are the general costs of things. Range is from poorest to best quality.

Inn + food (Dinner and Breakfast): 8C - 2T
Trail ration (3 meals per ration): 1T - 2T
Horse: 2G - 5P
Melee Weapons: 15S - 4G
Range Weapons (Bow): 10S - 2G
Specialized Weapons: (Crossbow, Custom built sword, etc): 2G - 2P
Normal Clothing: 3C - 1T

As you can see, how money is, it is very valuable per coin. Don't just spawn money, have a reason how you get money.

Combat: (Sept 28)

Not when fighting characters and I am VERY serious about this.

When you go up to NPC, example like guards, I do not expect ANY of the characters to take on more than three at one time and think they will win. You are not gods! You are not super heroes! You are recently born characters who are not super strong. Now that doesn't mean you can't use you intellect or your keen abilities with battle. Explain how you can maybe escape them? Like maybe your a wind mage and you blew them back and ran. That is fine. Use your mind, not your epeen.

Another action needs to be cleared. Player versus player interactions. I will give an example. Lets say that Azrican character, who is a PURE fighter in armor and weaponry, is fighting Surreal. Surreal uses some magic and melee combat with no armor. If Azrican and Surreal were in a pure melee fight with no background influences, Surreal would most likely lose. However, if Surreal was allowed his magic with his melee, the fight becomes a battle of the wits and is more of an even fight. This is because Surreal is not as trained in one thing specifically, so to stand toe and toe with Azrican, he needs to use all of his combat abilities. Now I choice Surreal as an example for a reason. If Surreal went into his Werewolf transformation, one of the strongest melee combatant moves, Azrican is in trouble. He will either need to find help or delay Surreal as long as possible before Surreal becomes human mode again and fatigued from his move.

When taking swings, think of well explained sneaky moves. I play the role of, if I didn't see something like that coming, it is a surprise. Also do not act like you know more than you do! Surreal is a werewolf and no one really has seen them before. Your experience with them would be absolutely zero. (Exception some characters.)

If a situation comes up that there is a two vs one situation. Say Nate and Azrican are facing off versus Surreal. Now Surreal is in trouble while in human form as he has to very seasoned warriors trying to bash him. In his werewolf form, he would be an even match for the two, as they could trade blows forcing Surreal to be defensive. Surreal may want to run, and in his werewolf form, he would be quite quick, easily outrunning Nate and Azrican. But if they have horses... looks like Surreal will need to hide.

I am just posting examples of situations, this is not an epeen war, you guys are NOT godly at everything you do. A swordsman and a caster is not as good as a pure swordsman and swords play. Think about it, NO MARY SUES.

The example gets different when, like say Ruhe (my NPC) heads off against Azrican and Nate. She has zero combat abilities and would not be able to outrun their characters. She would have to use protection spells and a little diplomacy to stop them from attacking her. She would not even stand a chance attempting to fight back.

Languages (Sept 28)

There are a couple of them. Everyone in Europe knows the language called Western for the sake of sanity. Characters who fall into two languages get them both. Language is based on region, more than race.

Western - Spoken in Europe. Known to Europeans.

Eastern - Spoken in Asia. Known to Asians.

Dragon Speech - Dragon Bloods, Half Dragons, Dragons, Dragonkin

Elven - Elves, Dhrows (Maybe Half elves, depending on birth location.)

Light - Never spoken as a language, used for light spells.

Dark - Same as light but for dark.

Orcish - Orcs and humans in the Scandinavia and trolls.

Wolven - Werewolf only language. (Werewolves learn Western/Eastern as well.)

Spells + Powers: (Sept 28)

Lets not go crazy here, spells are based on your element. Powers are based on your race of special abilities. They shouldn't mix. Lets keep up to a max of two spells. I will have to smack my character as well. Learned and racial spells do not count, aka dark and light magic. They can be learned. You can only learn them if you have some sort of HRE, EOE, or a guild association. I leave magic freely open so you guys can play with it. Zero had the right idea, he used two elements and made a new one. That is fine, you get the mixed element. However he placed them in powers (don't do that) and the spells were powerful and didn't make sense too much. (Sorry using you as an example.)

Hair/Eye/Skin Colors: (Sept 28)

To the exception of white with color tints, all hair colors are real life based. Eye colors are not based on anything other then some rules. Purple eyes mean you character has been effected by some sort of unnatural magic. Red eyes are reserved to special eyes like vampires or a dragon taking eyes as their trait. (There eye color can be different tho.) No other races can pull off red or purple eyes. Skin color as a human floats anywhere, but some races have a preset skin color. (Like Elves don't get dark skin and Dhrows don't get light skin.)

Also the genes of the colors for hair/eye/skin color is not based off your parents. Two black parents can birth a white child and vice versa. Because of this, racism based on skin/hair/eye color does not really exist.
Last edited by Ponats on Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ponats on Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:02 am

Name: Ruhe Mythe Fenix (She changes her name every once in a while.)

Gender: Female

Age: Couple of millennium, she forgot the exact. (Appears to be younger than 12 in human.)

Race: Immortal, her race died out a couple of thousands of years ago. They have been called the "Soul Drinkers" and were greatly feared.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Height: 4' 0"

Weight: 80 lbs

Hair Length: Lower back.

Hair Color: White with blue tint. Her hair changes colors with her mood.

Eye Color: Heterochromia (Left eye: Unnatural Purple, Right eye: Green)

Element: Water + Earth + Light = Life Mage. Her major is Water.



Appears like this if not wearing her brown full cloak, that covers her full body and face. She is almost always wearing it. Underneath she wears a healers robes and a custom made beret on her head, her hair tied by a bandanna wielding the healers mark. She hides her pointed ears under the hat, as her ears are very unusual. Instead of pointed ears that go up like an elf, they go straight back and are quite long.

She is quite young looking, making her appear young to races that don't live as long. To humans she looks like a 10-12 year old girl. The only problem is her ears and her hands. Her ears are pointed long and her hand wields four natural fingers. She was born like this, it is just apart of the race. She wears white gloves over the hands.

The clothing under her cloak are white in color with blue emblems. The robes and the hat are inscribed with them. The emblems are the mark of the healer's guild. The marks identify her as a high ranking official.


She is a very nice person who's attitude and mood changes quite quickly as if she was bipolar. In general, she likes to help people and protect them, even if they wouldn't do the same.

Her hair changes color with her mood. Making people stare at her awkwardly when she has an unnatural hair color.

In her spare time she likes to drink wine and play the ocarina. (Even tho she is too young looking for alcohol.)


Her birth... she doesn't remember. All she remembers is waking in a forest and being alive. She bared a curse of sorts, a wound that never heals or can be healed. A scar gouges her chest from the top of the shoulder to the upper area of her stomach. A slash across her body, from left to right. She sometimes will suddenly get weak, spit-up blood, extreme pain in the chest or even feint because of the wound. This makes her very frail and weak to attacks.

To try and recover from her curse, she has taken up the magic of healing and has trained in the arts. She is trying to find a way to heal herself, but can't stand others in pain. She now studies magic for herself and others.

She has little to no combat skills and couldn't stand toe to toe with any kind of warriors. Her method of avoiding combat is running, the only physical thing she is good at.

She is a drifter who goes from town to town making money thru her ability to heal others. Joining travelers or helping out a town, just to make ends meat. (And get some wine.) She is neutral to traveling alone or with others.

Not long ago she joined a healers guild. A bunch of pacifists known around the world for their neutral healing. They would heal anyone for a certain price, always based on how much money the person asking for healing had. They are not racist, sexist, or stereotypical. Paladins usually do not like them, cause they heal anyone and do not harm people. They are becoming well known around the world. People do not mess with the healers, because if you harm a healer, you would be banned from getting heals, from the guild. People also do not anger the guild, healers were rare as it was, annoying them would just cause a more expensive bill and possible banning. Because of this, they tend to have some authority over others. Healers make the prices, if a person refuses to pay they can be banned or worse. A healer can only charge what a person has.

All priests carry a necklace that if the healer would be harmed, would mark the person who harmed them. A closely guarded secret among the guild. The necklaces power also had the ability to telepathically call for help if the healer was hurt. The radius went for a couple of miles and linked to anyone near by, telling the direction of the injured healer. The necklace would explode if a non-healer puts it on, no exceptions. The necklace allows healers to identify banned people, but the mark is open and obvious enough, it shines thru all clothing, like a hieroglyph.

The healer's guild has rules that all members must follow. Healers must heal all non banned, intelligent creatures. Evil, good, or odd. It doesn't matter. There are some ifs, like if the healer cannot get to them... or if the healer was threatened by the person. The amount of healing or payment required is up to the healer.

All healers are pacifists and must no inflict injury to any intelligent creature. Guild members cannot carry weapons meant for harming others, with the exception of healing weapons. (Weapons that help them heal.)

Healers must turn in 90% of the total funds earned healing others to the guild. Money earned by other means does not count.

The healers guild tends to have people of age 18+ in the guild, so it is rare seeing someone so young. (Most little ones would be apprentices.) Some of the leaders know about her, so they let her join and heal. She is the usually stared at in villages when they know she is a healer (having a healer visit a town makes people overjoyed) but her being so young makes her an odd sight. Even more odd would be her ears, two eye colors, hands... she tends to make xenophobes crazy around her. They want to get her out of towns... but they can't harm her cause she is a healer.

Ruhe is the strongest healer in the guild with sure magic power. Because of this, she is constantly asked to do very odd and hard operations.

The Aashitars (Soul Drinkers) were known as an evil race that would eat people's souls to keep them immortality. Ruhe was 'born' near their extinction many many years ago. She was born a little different, she didn't have to suck souls. Instead she had a crystal that her soul was attached to. She wears it on her neck, near the healer's necklace. If the necklace is taken away from her, she becomes weak and cannot recover wounds. When the necklace touches her, her regeneration is accelerated to amazing speeds. She technically can be hunted for the necklace, as it would give the user who took it immortal life... but she is the only creature in existence who has this kind of soul bind. Not like when people touch they notice any changes to there person. Anyone who holds the necklace do not get any special regeneration bonuses or inability to die, they merely stop aging. People who stay near Ruhe tend to live longer and younger than others, just from the crystals effects.

The soul drinkers are now just fairy tales and the crystal is not really known about.


Healing (Life spell) - From basic healing spells to some of the complex ones, Ruhe has an assortment of heals. The two basic type of healings are fast healing and full healing. Fast healing allows the user to patch up the victim quickly so that they are ready to fight again or to stop them from bleeding death. The body still needs to recover after the effect. Full healing allows the victim to heal properly and will accelerate the recovery of the bodies natural healing, but more efficiently. Full healing takes much longer than fast. Full healing can even regrow limbs. Unlike fast healing, which just feels small stings of pain when healing, a full heal is very painful. When using a full heal, patients tend to be sedated.

Dispel (Life spell) - Dispel poisons and diseases. Only things that are natural can be removed The problem is that spells, like full healing, take time.

Sedates: (Light spell - Learned) - Ruhes only offensive move. This spell is a guarded secret among the healers guild, literally no one knows of it outside the guild. The spell simply knocks out the person being sedated. It works on all kinds of creatures, beings and such. The problem about the spell is that the victim has pretty much has a choice to attempt to resist it. Those with weak will power might just fall to it's effects, but people with a strong will could prevent it. It is not a wise thing to do, ignoring a healers sedate. People who ignore the effects become more naturally immune to it and eventually cannot be effected. Because the healers guild is the most common healing guild around, if you are ever hurt badly and need a sedate... it is wise to not be immune to the effect. Else the pain will be overwhelming when being healed. The guild warns that if being caught by a sedate... just take it. The healer will not harm them.


Immortality - She can live thru damaging attacks that can normally kill someone. Her body will slowly piece back together or regenerate. Cause of her immorality, her age stays the same. She also radiates energy out that help people longer than they should. The necklace holds the power and if stolen she becomes weak. The necklace grants the wearer eternal life, not immortality.

Cursed Left Eye: Her eye has the ability to see auras. Because of this, her left eye is blind to all but auras. Auras allow to see change in personalities and moods, amount of magical energy, and type of creature. The eye requires direct sight to work, but she can see aura remnants of very powerful beings.

Heritage Drains: Her race have the ability to drain souls, health, and mana from targets. She never uses these. They require touch and the will to use it.

Equipment: Full cloak, healers robes, healers hat, healer's necklace, gloves, rations, water in a waterskin, wine and some money.

Most of the stuff is carried in a furoshiki style wrap on her back, she invented her own style. It is not literally furoshiki as she has not been to Japan.

Located: Germany of the Holy Roman Empire. Her location of birth is unknown to her the countries have been changed in name over the years.

THIS IS MY CHARACTER! She is quite powerful for a character just so that you know. Even tho she doesn't fight, doesn't mean shes considered not powerful. I am showing you have you can play around with rules get fun results. :D

This is an example character, not literally what Ruhe is however. A lot of it is secret. :D
Last edited by Ponats on Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:25 am

-Ill post my epic Profile here tommorow-

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Maestro on Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:48 am

Last edited by Maestro on Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:59 am, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:47 am

Name: Jordan Isaih Alpha (Isaih meaning "Saved" and Alpha meaning "Begining"
Gender: Male
Age: (Give me what your age that you look to humans and your real one. If a mystery, give me a rough estimate.)
Race: Dragon Blood
Alignment: He ranges. He does what he think is right which can be good or bad. Alot of the time bad considering he is the leader of the assasins guild.
Height: 6'7
Weight: 1440
Hair Length: His hair is all over his head Its also slick and for some reason wet most of the time
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: He has Crimson eyes, that show a sense of Bloodlust in a fellow.
Element Type: Fire+Lightning= Fast like lightning and strong like fire= Crimson Lightning
Appearance: Image
He is Normaly wearing what he has on now and a large black Overcoat with a hoodie attached to it. He walks up the street and gets many looks for this very reason. He is always wearing the mask unless around somone he has known since he was a child, and will continue to do that until he trusts the person he knows. He carries a sword on his back known as Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar that is truly heavy and hard to wield unless expirienced with 2h blades such as himself. This makes him look dangerous though he doesent have much expirience in battle
Personality: He is a very quite and very non-talkative person. He dosent talk unless he feels he should or needs to talk. He always analyzes the situation like sometype of machine before he handles it. He thinks carefully and quitely and never tells anyone the conclusion of his thinking. He has the odd tendcy to tell someone something at the last minte and more than likely piss them right off.
Background: His historyis one of serious preportions that a normal man would normally not even be able to do in 1 life span, and thats the case considering he is a Dragon Blood.
His Childhood was ruined when they were raided by the Leons as a retaliation to a minor attack from the Califate Empire. His father was the leader of the Assasins guild at the time and decided it was time for them to leave once agian, for it was not safe for them to stay in such a battle deprived place. Though Jordan apposed this his father Raumph mearly ignored him as they fled to the Roman Empire, the soul capital of the Assasins guild. Upon Arriving Jordan was told to stay within the Empire border and down and quite. he didnt want to risk anything happening to them and he wanted to keep it on the down low. Jordan was hurt by this but he decided that their had to be some type of adventure to be hailed in his life.
That said Jordan accepted the fact he would never be able to go back and decided to join his father in training for becoming a Assasin. His Father opposed but he had no say and it was not his life, he would be able to do nothing for Jordan. He assigned him a Mentor whose name went by Nao, The Broken Sword. They adventured inside of the Roman Empire until Raumph's death was brought to life. At that point Jordan couldnt take it anymore so him and Nao traveled out of the Roman Empire to go meet with Tonelcius the Sage. Though they failed they simply returned to find out that he was the new leader of the Assasins Guild, and he was expected to lead it through anything that came its way. He took the oath and said.
"Look at me Father..."
Spells: editing
Powers: Crimson Flame: Dash at a break neck pace slashing at the target with Crimson Flame engulfing him./ can use it 4 times a day.
Crimson Slash- He can slash using the power of Crimson in it/ can use it 15 times.
Crimson Charge- Charges his power up so that he isnt as tired and his Crimson is stronger than ever/ cannot use yet
Crimson Justice- He performs a series of combo's in Aerial Combat reslulting in cutting you or attempting to cut you in half/ cannot use yet
Blood Reaver- He uses his claws that dont come out until he is angry to emit a wave of spiritual energy to the oponent cripling them and doing allitle damage/ can use infinitley but only when angered.
Equipment: Ame-no-nuboko- His 2h blade which he uses for all of his battles. He also has a set of dual blades that he espically likes to use first before he is forced to use Ame-no. Its strange that he is a assasin who uses such a big and large weapon like Ame-no, but he makes it work and people learn to admire him for his dedication to wanting to use Ame-no despite the fact that that weapon is not that of an Assasins, but with some strength coming in from being a Dragon Blood, to support that he is perfect to use it, and has no problems wielding the blade, thouhg he is not yet Ultimately skilled in the use of it.
Numbers:48 79 64 33 27

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ponats on Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:01 pm

Hey guys, I will read thru your posts after my classes have ended, I am gonna give some clarifications that I was probably not clear on. Also to note, I am going to smack my character as well, looks like I broke some of my rules. (Hits head.) So the first smack is to myself. (OW!)

Clarification of magic:

When you have multiple magic types like Earth and Fire as your magic, I need the combination of what magic your trying to pull off. An example of the above to could be magic with metal. Magic with heating the earth, etc. people who do not cast magic still need one element.

To be a pure Light, or a pure Dark, you have to be a Paladin or a Elder's Bodyguard (Dhampire protecting a noble vampire).

Magics will cancel each other, so having a magic that is Water and Fire, could not work. Earth hates wind, dark and light hate each other. So don't mix hated magics.

Half dragons and Dragon Bloods: The resilience of magic works both ways, they are harder to cast against, but they also don't normally know magic. Half dragons is pretty much impossible, dragon bloods it is rare for magic. If they have a magic, it will most likely be one element.

Voids and Nulls: There are some that don't have magic, and there are sum that absorb magic. Nulls and voids suck in magic. It doesn't matter if the magic is to be helpful or harmful. Voids kill magic in an area. Nulls kill magic associated only to them. (So if a fireball is thrown at a null, when it hits the magic dies. For a void, the magic slowly fades as it approaches.)

Both null and voids are very rare, if you want one, I need a good reason.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:23 pm

So what do I need to change?

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby aethershunt on Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:37 pm

Name: Atellus Vespilio

Gender: Male

Due to the slower aging factor of Dhampires, while he looks like a 26 year old, his real age is 104.


Lawful Neutral. Atellus follows a specific code of honor. He plays by the rules and is loyal to his Vampire Masters. Although he is neutral, he does not lack the commitment to his masters to do good or bad things if they so command. He means nobody harm unless they mean it to him first. He is very hardened on an emotional level and rarely has any remorse for what he does.


160 lbs.

Hair Length:
Atellus keeps his hair short, but prefers it unkempt in the front. He has long bangs that don't seem to follow the laws of physics, rather staying up out of his face, giving clear view of his red dhampire eyes.

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Element Type: Atellus' element is Water. He is sly and very cunning, preferring to use wit to force if he can help it. He has a cold calculating nature, and he typically finds that through superior brainpower, he can find a way to adapt to any situation he's put in.

Atellus appears as a young man with dark red eyes the color of blood. He has elegant features while maintaining his masculinity, and skin just short of being pale. He frequently wears dark clothing accented with a blood red decor, preferring a black leather coat as the outermost layer, covering up the black and red priest garments of his homelands.

Atellus is a very cold individual. He comes off at first with a stare that seems as though he is chilling your very bone. Very few ever get a smile out of him, and when they do, it isn't because they have said something funny. He is also very calculative and often weighs the various outcomes of decisions that he makes, thinking carefully of the outcome, trying to be sure that he has an advantage over anybody that may be challenging him in a mental or physical way.

Background: Being born a half-vampire in the Eastern Orthodox Empire, Atellus grew up with a strong connection to darkness, vampires, and the occult. He was fascinated by vampires, and like most others in the Empire, he grew to worship them above all else. It was about halfway through his life that he decided to take up ties with Vampiric Worship, becoming a preacher and a priest of sorts, if that is what they could be called. He quickly gained rank and favor with the Nobles, becoming a one of the honored that was fed upon.

It was not long before he started practicing the inherent powers in his own lineage and learned how to use the powerful blood magic of his race. Seeking to become a paragon of his race, he began mastering Blood Magic and using it for his own purposes. Now he was truly ready for the next step in his grasp for power in the Eastern Orthodox Empire.

As time progressed, Atellus was found by a particular Vampire Noble female who had developed a particular taste for his blood. He soon became one of her dedicated blood feasts. Not long after that, he dedicated his life to her will. He spent years with her as her willing servant while maintaining his job as a dark priest of Vampiric Worship.

Over time, Atellus began to feel unfulfilled. He was past adulthood and he already dedicated his life to servitude. He pleaded to his lady to let him quest for enlightenment and insight, as well as doing the bidding of her and the country to which he had so willingly given his freedom to. She agreed, but under one condition. He would have to return with an item of great value not only to her, but to the Empire. He agreed, and set out on his quest.

Knowing he cannot return to the empire until he finds this mysterious item, Atellus wanders the world searching for any items he hears about in lore at the local inns or from traveling minstrels. While he hasn't made it far from his home in the empire, he has taken up to a few years of his life searching one area, knowing that he has a much longer lifespan than other mortals.

Now on his 104th year in this world, he is currently in the Chaos of Hungary after a long and horrific travel through the Plaguelands, searching that land and contemplating if he should even bother trying to gain entry into the Holy Roman Empire.


Blood Manipulation (Blood Magic): Atellus may use his power of blood magic to actually control blood. While he can't necessarily control the blood of a person while it's inside their body and flowing through their veins, any blood outside that person's body is fair game, including his own. The only real difference between this ability used on him and other people is that he can control his blood even while it is inside his body. Among the things he can control are its density, viscosity, state of matter (Solid, Liquid, Vapor), and physical control over the blood. (For example, letting blood out of his arm, Atellus could form the blood from his body into a small yet solid blade.) This ability can be very stressful on Atellus' body, seeing as more complex uses of this ability can drain his blood, potentially killing him.

Blood Regeneration:
(Blood Magic): Through conscious effort and magical manipulation, Atellus can use the power of his blood to minimize bodily injury. With this ability, Atellus can close bleeding injuries with his blood magic, causing it to seal and stop bleeding. By sealing an injury, it begins to heal at an average human rate. This ability is very unnatural and can be very painful, but sometimes, the ability to close a wound can supersede the pain that it causes. Regardless, he only uses it on grievous injuries, such as internal injuries or deep injury caused by weapons or otherwise deadly instruments. After using this ability, Atellus notes that he feels more tired than usually, and tends to involuntarily cause him to sleep up to two or three hours longer than a normal.


Blood Rage (Racial): A dhampire, however human they may be, all possess a certain urge to feed like any other vampire would. When they drain too much energy, a dhampire may fly into an uncontrollable blood rage, in which he/she must feed on blood until they are filled or are snapped out of it in some way.

Holy Vulnerability (Racial): While holy water is nothing more than a trickle or a drop of water on a dhampire's skin, due to their vampiric heritage, they take more damage from spells than a normal human would if they were stricken with a spell that inflicts holy damage. While they are not true vampires, darkness still holds ties in a dhampire's blood.

Youth of the Dhampire (Racial): A vampire is immortal. While Dhampires don't share the same privilege, their vampiric blood increases their lifespan by four times that of a normal human.

Eyes of the Dhampire (Racial): A dhampire can see in dark environments better than a regular human using their characteristic crimson colored eyes. While pitch black darkness is just that, this ability allows them to see better in low light from sources such as the moon, stars, candle light and so forth.

Claw and Fang (Racial): While not as fierce and deadly as their vampire predecessors, they still maintain a certain degree of lethality due to the fact that they have claws and fangs characteristic to their race.

Being bled for so long for his blood has given way to a dullness in what he feels. He now considers any feeling exquisite. Atellus finds that the slice of a blade or the piercing of tooth or dagger in his flesh gives him not a sense of pain, but a sense of pleasure as though he were enjoying ever second of torture he may receive.

Swordplay: While Atellus does not normally resort to using it, he carries with him a longsword that he knows all too well how to use. While he is not nearly as skilled as most warriors in the art, he still knows how to parry and attack more effectively than others that have no training whatsoever.


Atellus wears a very ornate priest garb, colored black with red accent and gold trimming. While not really formal dress, it would be very unorthodox to wear such fancy clothes. Over this garb is a leather jacket created from an animal of questionable species and dyed an ebon black.

Beneath his leather jacket, Atellus keeps a longsword tucked away. It is slightly visible to those that pay good attention, but for the most part it is somewhat difficult to spot. As well as a sword, he also carries a elegant and decorated combat and ritual dagger. In his coat is a small bag of 26 gold coins, all the money left of what he originally received as a good will gift from his lady. In large silken sack he keeps various items such as a sleeping bag, flint and steel, tinder, rope, sewing thread and needles, parchment and ink, a small assortment of knives, a canteen or water, and some dried food such as jerky.

24, 19, 72, 47, 60
Last edited by aethershunt on Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:27 pm, edited 20 times in total.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ponats on Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:14 pm

Okay PMing people. Pro, Elemental is rejected. I don't know where your going with it. Come up with a story if you can't think of a race, then we can work with it.


Kingdom of Leons

The Leons had control of all of Spain before the Califate attacked. Leons have been playing a defensive game they have never attacked anyone. The Leons are mostly a Katze race, that is a half cat like race. People keep confusing me by asking about how the Leons attacked the Califate's country and such. They didn't.


Big no-no. Characters have not been to Japan unless they explain to me that they have. If they did, they can take weapons if they like. Don't just go to Japan cause you like the weapon there! Have a good reason! The only known adventuring party that went there was Marco Polo. (Yes he exists.) Seriously, next ninja/samurai sword gets serious eyes. ಠ_ಠ


I need locations of where you were born and to what Kingdom controlled area you were born in. This can be explained thru the background. I also need to know where you are currently.

Spells + Powers

Lets not go crazy here, spells are based on your element. Powers are based on your race of special abilities. They shouldn't mix. Lets keep up to a max of two spells. I will have to smack my character as well. Learned and racial spells do not count, aka dark and light magic. They can be learned. You can only learn them if you have some sort of HRE, EOE, or a guild association. I leave magic freely open so you guys can play with it. Zero had the right idea, he used two elements and made a new one. That is fine, you get the mixed element. However he placed them in powers (don't do that) and the spells were powerful and didn't make sense too much. (Sorry using you as an example.)

Hair and Eye colors

To the exception of white with color tints, all hair colors are real life based. Eye colors are not based on anything other then some rules. Purple eyes mean you character has been effected by some sort of unnatural magic. Red eyes are reserved to special eyes like vampires or a dragon taking eyes as their trait. (There eye color can be different tho.) No other races can pull off red or purple eyes.

Note I am gonna write up more about guilds soon, I will edit the above post about it.
Last edited by Ponats on Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:40 pm

Wtf? Jp anyways ill edit afterwhile weve flown through PMs. Also sadily im not the leader of the Assasins guild XD but of the OlacionOrder if approved which will be explained in my char sheet. Oh Ponats I dont like being a Example XD.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:43 pm

Wtf? Jp anyways ill edit afterwhile weve flown through PMs. Also sadily im not the leader of the Assasins guild XD but of the OlacionOrder if approved which will be explained in my char sheet. Oh Ponats I dont like being a Example XD. Oh and my wep is not Chinnese...its name was derived from a previous weapon found in the Ancient CHINNESE days. And its not a katana.... ill rename it if its a big deal...

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ponats on Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:00 pm

Zero, when I looked up the name of the weapons I got some sort of Japanese ceremony. Maybe a picture would be good? None of the weapons people get are anyway magical, so please keep that in mind. Olacion guild? I'll need more info about them. PM me.

Aether, not seeing many problems, looks good atm. When the TBA's fly off I will look at your powers. If you want to look 26 in human, dhampires are 4x older in ratio. So that would be 104 years old, not 40. A 40 year old dhampire looks 10. :) Water + dark = blood for dhampires. More on this soon.

Vampires and Dhampires The race does not have to be evil, they ratio of evil vs good is the same as humans. Just cause they are a race that drink blood, doesn't make them evil. :P There is only one 'evil' race and that is Dhrows.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby aikiwarrior on Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:06 am

Name: Keltain Raesath

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Race: Dragon Blood

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Height: 5'9

Weight: 169 lbs

Hair Length: Short, with slightly longer than eyebrow length bangs.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Orange

Element Type: Fire

Keltain has an athletic, muscular, lean body type and wears a green long sleeved tunic and dark brown pants. He wears on his hands black plate gloves and black plate boots, and on his left shoulder he wears a black plate shoulder pad that holds his grayish white cape in place. The cape is tattered and torn at the bottom from surviving many a battle.

He has boyish good looks and strong arms, arms that are used to swinging around heavy weapons, more toned than large. His wrists are thick from swordplay and spear play, as are his fingers thick and strong. He has the hands of a warrior, slightly calloused and strong. His legs are strong and toned, like the rest of his body.

He is a dragon blood, and earned from his heritage the piercing orange eyes of a dragon, and slightly tanned skin. When e is using the power of his eyes they change slightly in a unique way. The pupils dilate and the Iris changes slightly to match a shape more akin to his reptilian heritage, giving his eyes a snake like appearance. This is a somewhat subtle change, and is hard to notice unless you are looking at him using his powers and looking for a change.

Keltain Raesath was born a son of the Kingdom of Leons in the province of Kaishen. His mother was a fair human woman, and his father a Katza of noble stature. Unfortunately he was not born true to his noble ancestry, and was in stead the outcome of an affair his mother had with a Califate Dragon Blood male. He appeared mostly human, save for his eyes and tanned complexion, but it was imminently clear that he was not the product of his father, a noble in the Leons kingdom. His father, enraged at the discovery of his wife's affair, kept it secret, and refused his wife the freedom to leave the estate. Luckily, the secret was kept well enough for Keltain to be born a secret, and after an expedition his father claimed to have captured him as a slave.

The purpose of Keltain's slavery was to be that of a military combatant, used to fight in wars and battles in the name of the Raesath family. Keltain's father intended to use Keltain to increase his families military power and political influence.

Keltain's mother ensured Keltain was trained well in the combat arts, considering he was a military slave, and because Keltain's father intended to use Keltain to bloister his families military power in an attempt to further his own status, he approved of, and in rare cases, aided the training. In Keltain's training, he particularly blossomed in swordsmanship and spearmanship, showing much combat potential. His mother would hire some of the best to train him and ensure he was able to skillfully defend himself. The fact that he was looked down upon by his teachers only furthered his learning of combat, for his teachers would intentionally try to hurt him and push him too hard in an attempt to injure him, which in turn ironically ended up teaching him more.

Because of his race he was always disliked by most of his countrymen, finding only a few good friends who were unaffected by prejudices and bias, and because of this he always had a hard time climbing the social ladder, and was labeled as a social outcast by his peers and kinsmen. He would tend to get into many fights as a kid because of this fact, which was another factor in determining the fate of Keltain's combat skills. Because he was not liked, he was always pinned for starting the fights, and he would tend to get into a lot of trouble as a kid, sometimes just punishment, but more often than not unjust punishment's based off of prejudices.

At the young age of 14 his father had him put in battles to defend the kingdom, hoping he would drop dead and die in combat, but this proved to only better his combat skills. Being laced into the ranks of war at a young age taught him well how to fight when your life is on the line, and he proved to be a highly skilled adversary in melee combat, though he know next to nothing about magic, and was only barely able to use a bow and arrow. His spear and sword skills more than made up for this lack of versatility.

He started earning a strong battle reputation at the age of 17, being placed in many battles against the might of the Califate Empire, and he proved his loyalty to the kingdom, though he was still primarily disliked by most people, he was accepted by the provincial duke as an asset.

After his duke accepted him, in order to further prove his vows of fealty to the Kingdom of Leons, he was instructed to go on a diplomatic mission to the land of Germany, a mission to establish a political relationship with the warrior's guild, forged in Germany. The object of the mission was to act as a vassal and join the guild. Keltain was given a scroll with the list of names of all under the dukes command that wish to join the guild, which was a number of over fifty reputable warriors including the duke himself. The ultimate goal of the mission is to get the guild top send re-enforcements to the country in an effort to combat the might of the Calafite Empire, and upon completion of the mission Keltain would earn his due freedom.

He is currently in Germany aiming to make contact with the guild.

Personality: Keltain is a rather serious individual, as is expected of someone of his heritage, and cares little for humour. He is however very excitable when it comes to combat. He greatly enjoys fighting in hand to hand combat.

He is not very dominent in terms of personality, but does not hesitate in leading when its needed. His growing up a slave prevented him from acquiring any alpha male attributes, but because he was a war orientated slave he has no problems taking decisive action when its called for.

He is slow to prevoke, being the subject to prejiduce all his life made him somewhat resiliant to name calling, and so it is hard to anger him. He has a generally nonchalant attitude, not really caring about much, and so he is hard to approach or befriend, though once he is a friend he is a friend to the death.

Spells: None.

Powers: Keltain's elemental affinity for fire give him the unique ability to absorb the element when it is used against him. Anyone that uses fire magic on him will end up baffled by its sudden disappearance, as he is completely resistant to it. His Dragon Blood heritage also make him resistant to all other forms of magic, but because of his strength at fire, he was cursed with a weakness to water. Normally his kin is supposed to be resistant to water magic no matter their affinity, but he is sadly lacking in water resistance.

His eyes also hold a certain benefit to them. Because of his dragon blood heritage, his eyes are capable of seeing farther and in more detail than those of a normal human beings. This is particularly useful in terms of battle and single combat, as he is able to notice concealed enemies and slight weaknesses in armour and such. This power derives from the great dragons need to be able to spot prey from high areas of the sky during flight, needing sometimes to see prey concealed within brush and/or water. Keltain's eyesight does not compare to that of a dragons by any means, but it is far superior to that of a normal human being. If perfect eyesight for a human is 20/20, then Keltain's would range somewhere from 15/15 to 10/10.

His primary weapon's are a bastard sword of well craft, and a spear he always carries with him that was given to him by his mother. The spear has a long blade about a foot long,and is well crafted. While he is on his journey he is carried by female horse named Lamina, and carries with him a deerskin sack of water, and a bag of provisions he tries to refill when he stops in villages. Mounted on the back of his horse are a set of blankets he uses when he sleeps. He also carries a lance that he uses proficiently, for he doesn't like using his spear on mount for fear he will break it in a mounted pass of combat.

Numbers: 5, 3, 16, 78, 92

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby aethershunt on Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:06 pm

okey dokey...I think I am done with my character. Ready for your careful consideration, Ponats.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:23 pm

Name: Watashika Moeru (first names Moeru)
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Race: Human
Alignment: He is not really described as any. He is instead lead by Bushido, and a strong sence of loyalty and honor. But since he would both save lives and take them, he would be neutral.
Height: 5"7
Weight: 9 stone
Hair Length: Half a metre
Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black.
Eye Color: dark brown

Element Type: Moeru doesn't use magic, but his element is water. Like many of his brethren. They are peacefull and bueatifull like the water, but when honor and battle calls the softest stream quickly turns into a violent storm or flood, gushing away the enemies of his emperor.

Appearance: Moeru has a young mans face that looks very much untouched by war and violence. People would look at him and not think for a second that he was a warrior based on his face. Really it is his armor and sword that gives it away. His build is mostly of muscle, and he wears Samurai battle armor wich is dark in colour, and covers his whole body. Built mainly of chain mail with Shin, leg, arm, sholder and body gaurds made of metal capable of stopping a few arrows but then weakening quickly after. His helmet is the base samurai shape, fitting on his head and widening at the bottom around the back, helped to keep on his head by a chin guard with an elasticy substance string so it fits him properly. On top of the helmet are two battle horns. Underneath his armor he wears simple kimonos made out of comfortable material so he can move at ease whilst wearing. Most of the time he wears a large pack on his back strapped around his arms, wich startes at the top of his head and ends at his lower back, holding all the armor when he is not wearing it (The helmet is tied on top of the pack, as it is to dangerous to go inside it). However it weighs him down while he has it on. In these instances he wears a simple underlayer Kimono and a darker overtop on that. He usually wears hakima to cover his legs. And sandle like things with white socks on his feet.

Personality: Bushido, or the way of the Samurai is the main thing he follows. Like a religion he honors it and follows its guidlines. Bringing discipline, honor and loyalty into his life. Although slightly uncomfortable with the peoples outside his homeland, and not coping well with the customs he is not accustomed to, he will always smile and bow to people. Never trying to appear rude or start a fight. As his loyalty to the emperor would be destroyed if he started a war.

Background: Moeru was born and grew up near Kyoto in a village called Seyonai. He grew strong and skilled as he progressed through his childhood and became a Samurai at the age of 15, pledging his blade to his lord, the shogun and the emperor. He fought two battles before he was at the age of 20. Both for clan reasons and an attempt and hope for the people to expand there farming land. In both battles he distinguished himself as a skilled warrior, helping to bring victory in one and guiding his fellows to safety after retreating from the next battle, and the war between clans was settles after both had matched military power. During wich time word has spread that the Shogun and Emperor were searching for a skilled young warrior to go and explore the lands beyond theyre own. Moeru came forward almost instantly, and would be honored to accept such an important job for his people. As it turned out, Moeru passed all trials thrown at him and he was given the job.

He left almost instantly, given a sum of 100,000 yen (Devide by ten for exact emount in other countries currency) in paper notes, he got passage to china. After arriving to china he roamed the land searching for passage west. And as luck would have it he ran into the famous explorer Marco Polo. He travelled with him and his sister Kaff Polo, although he would tell they werent human. And something was definately wrong about them.But still he was treated with an unnerving kindess and wisdom, made to feel comfortable. Maybe perhaps TOO comfortable. After a while he travelled through the Nif into Poland, where he took his leave from the two and continued on foot on his own.

As he travelled he encountered many strange sights and peoples, but even though he travelled mostly in armor and held weapons, he wasnt attacked. Wich was even stranger but made him stop worrying. Perhaps they were peacefull people? But when he came across great forts and armed soldiers, he knew something was afoot. And his first suspicions were Marco Polo. And now in the present day, he is travelling, searching for trade and exploring for his land,people and emperor.

Spells: N/A. He and his Samurai brethren do not use magic, even though many other citizens do.

Powers: Apart from his skill and strengh in battle, non.

Equipment: His armor in his pack is prety much explained in appearance. Aswell as his money, except he keeps that in a bag on his person at all times. Apart from that he has a belt like rope wich goes around his waste, no-matter what uniform or clothing he wears. It is used to hold a Katana and Wakizashi, both bueatifully made and kept in scabards on his left side. Criss crossing each other.

Numbers: 5, 71, 84, 36, 59

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ToiletWater13 on Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:26 pm

Name: Lamyra Tillian Deux. Often called "Mira" or "Tilli".

Gender: Female.

Age: 25. Real age is an estimate of 105.

Race: Dhampire.

Alignment: Lawful,Neutral. Her loyalty to her master outweighs any weight she would have towards good or evil.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 152 LBS.

Hair Length: Neck-length, so a bit short. She normally wears it straight, but if it's hot she puts it up in a pony tale
or a fishtale braid.

Hair Color: Deep blue, to the point of looking black.

Eye Color: Red.

Element Type: Earth.
Appearance: Lamyra's body is small in frame, and she also has small breasts. Her eyes resemble the eyes of snakes or rats, giving her an over-all deceptive look. Her skin is pale in comparison to humans', and she grows her nails out long so that she can paint them black- as when she does this, they look like talons. Lamyra typically wears a brown cloak that covers all of her body, but when she fights she takes it off. Underneathe the cloak she wears a red linnen robe with a gold, rope-like sash. She also has a bit of small muscle on her arms from all the fighting and things like that that she does.

Personality: Lamyra is logical, but has a hot temper. She does not like to be gender stereotyped in the least, and if she feels that she has been, out! She also seems to have a taste for fighting, and not just for the blood content of winning a battle. This increases exponentially when she goes on blood rampages. When she fights, she is viscious and seems to fight to kill. She is also very strong physically, even by Dhampire standards, and uses this to the best of her ability. Other than that, Lamyra is good in subjects like math but does not always do well in reading- the book must be enough to entertain her or she will refuse to read it. Strangely enough, she knows a lot about medicine and herbs- probably because medicine is a hidden hobby of hers. She loves bugs and even has a "pet" spider she calls "Tyra" in her bedroom. Lamyra also likes dark places and she likes to be seperated from those around her- she is not very social, but is not anti-social. If she is alone or bored, she will draw or talk to Tyra- who she considers to be her best friend aside from her vampire noble. She gives good advice but often does not let her emotions get into the mix- she is best as the person to be leant on, rather than the person doing the leaning, and likes to be and feel independent.

Background: Lamyra lost her memory of her first 20 years due to amnesia, which she got while on a train that crashed in the most miserable way. Her half-vampire blood confused the doctors and left them unable to treat her, so she had to wait for her body to heal itself. Since then, all she knows is what she's heard from a few other people- which is that she's "made a drastic personality change", or that "she's like a whole other person". Due to the personality switch, her family casted her out, disowning her. She often wonders what type of person she was before the crash for the change to have been so drastic that they would hate her so much. It was then that she officially moved in with her vampire noble, who she only knew because s/he was in the hospital when she woke up. S/he has not spoken with Lamyra about her past, however, she is beginning to recover bits and pieces of her memory very slowly- mostly things that she had known that she forgot with the other strands of her memory (for example, how you do CPR) Strangely, it doesn't seem as though those who know want her to recover the memory.

Dominant Blood (Racial) : While in a fight or in an extremely serious situation, Lamyra can cause her blood to become fully vampiric for a short amount of time (longest running time is 2 minutes, 15 seconds). During this, she will blank out and normally forget what she did unless she is reminded. It makes her stronger and allows her to move faster than normal, and also gives her more of a taste for blood.

Reverse : This spell is extremely taxing on her being, but can be beneficial if used correctly. When issued a blow that would normally be fatal, she can "reverse" the damage onto her counterpart. However, this only works if the blow is fatal to her, and she will become temporarily parylized within 12 hours if she ever uses it. Each time she uses it, the paralysis lasts longer. If she uses it too much, she could become permanently paralyzed.

Shelter : This one definitely needs some work on her part. She can turn places in nature into a home easily- for example, she can open up a cave in a mountain by using this spell. It can be slightly altered as well, to use objects as a shield in battle. However, she needs to fully learn the spell correctly before she can alter it.

Psychic : Mother Nature knows every thing- the future, the past, and the present. When presented with a mirror, any ordinary mirror will do, Lamyra is- in a sense- able to communicate with "Mother Nature"- that is, if you believe in Mother Nature. And it's not your average sort of communication- Lamyra can be shown the past, the present, and the future. It is not a very difficult power to use, but it does require an intense amount of concentration. It's also nearly impossible to know what you're getting a 'reading' on- past, present, or future, and if she's alone, who she is getting it for. However, if some one else is with her when she does this, it will show her their past, present, or future. She can not use this ability on herself. When this power is perfected, she will be able to read people's next moves with out the use of a mirror and control whether or not she sees past, present, and future. However, it can not be perfected until she knows her own past.

Communication: This ability allows her to contact and speak with any and most creatures that she desires (this is how she is able to communicate with Tyra). There isn't much to say on this ability. It is not taxing, but also not beneficial in standards of fighting. It can be fun, but that is the extent. Lamyra considers it "almost useless", but because of Tyra she would not want to lose it.

Merging: This is extremely taxing on her being. If in the middle of a losing fight, she can merge her entire body into any animal within a 200 mile range. It gets her well out of the fight and hides her until things have a chance to cool down. However, when she unmerges,she loses a part of herself to what ever animal she merges with- often temporarily, but a few things are permanent or must be done again. For example, she may lose one of her spells. If that is the case, she must relearn the spell and will not get it back automatically.

Equipment: When she travels, Lamyra carries a small Tomohawk with her. It's small so it is easy to manuever. In order that she would know it if she saw it, there is a white bat carved onto it. She also carries her spare cloak, and a small pocket-like object that she attatches to her wrist with a string that has coins/money in it. She also often carries along a small mirror with her, and- of course- her pet spider Tyra. Any thing else she carries depends on exactly where she's going and whether or not her noble vampire gave her some thing else to carry.

Numbers: 13, 45, 63, 8, 99

*I didn't know if this goes under powers or not, but because she is half vampire, she only needs half the amount of sleep that humans need. For example, she only needs 4 - 6 hours a day, rather than 8 - 12.

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Re: The Fall of Kingdoms, The Rise of Guilds [OOC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ponats on Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:12 pm

Okay time to start accepting and declining things. :: Pulls out his 2x4 :: :lol: I am not trying to be an ass here, I am really glad I have some many people posting for the game. :D But you know, I am trying to keep powers low.

Aether - Thank you for killing that spell earlier.

Blood Manipulation accepted with a note, do not try to take blood out of other people. The only blood you can take from others is blood that has left the body and is bleeding. This requires a touch.

Blood Regeneration changed. To cast spells, Dhampires and Vampires burn blood as a fuel source. So having a spell that burns blood to get blood is kinda, meh. The change I propose is that instead you can close wounds and very dangerous injuries by burning blood. Blood magic has a unique 'healing' property, where you make a sacrifice to heal. I will even expand this for you. Your allowed to use your blood to heals others as well. The process requires you to share your blood and break it to repair tissue. The issue is that the amount blood needed is almost x2 the repaired tissue amount. This spell's process is slow and painful, even for yourself. It is an unnatural way to heal. Tell me if you like the idea.

Dhampire's Feast note, Dhampires regenerating powers is that of a humans. They will actually heal wounds and regain blood. A vampire cannot, and require blood from others. If you drink the blood of another you can use that blood for your own powers. When you do, the healing comes from the ability to regen faster (all Dhampires get this). And because of this ability, if a Dhampire (or Vampire) gets low on blood they go into a rage. So Blood Rage and Dhampire's Feast are one in the same.

The rest of the powers you wrote are perfectly written, I will use this for other Dhampires to use.

aikiwarrior - After some PMs later we have a good character. Everything is good, your accepted.

tobi - Granted, "Weight: 9 stone" Please give it to me in pounds or some real weight, even if the character wouldn't know what that weight is. :P

Tobi has met a hero of time by the name of Marco Polo. This was granted and allowed by me. The character is Japanese because they came from Japan over, this is acceptable for story reasons and makes a fun character to play with. (Note that the eastern countries use a different version of languages that the west uses, this will make communication interesting.)

toiletwater - Came out of no where! :D Welcome. However the 2x4 needs to fly. >:3

Background: I probably wasn't clear here, this is a fantasy medieval setting. No trains, hospitals, or CPR (well it isn't called that).

Dominant Blood (Racial) - I will make this an ability of your character over a vampire spell, move it to Powers. But it is fine, accepted. Note, don't go overboard here. Your not godly in this, your just a bit stronger and faster. I like the negative tho. (Blood Lust.)

Reverse - Now I really like that you threw a huge negative to it. I wouldn't call this a spell, cause spells fall for elements and earth can't do this. I am having a problem trying to find how you would know this ability. We can work this out in tells, but as it stands atm no.

Shelter - Here is an earth looking spell, Earth Manipulation if you will. The problem is carving out a cave in a mountain is a huge feat, that isn't easy and it is time killer. So no instant carving out mountains. Other than that, looks okay.

Psychic - No. I have problems with abilities that require other players to play by them. (By seeing in the future and such.) However, we can dull this down to a less powerful tool, where I can give you insight as the GM to important events. So no psychic scrying around. But I need a reason to give you this, what reason would a Dhampire have a third eye? You can PM ideas if you like.

Communication - Not a Dhampire ability. But I can play with this. Instead with any creature, you have a link with your pet Tyra. Maybe Tyra can be your familiar? PM me on it. I don't want you walking around talking to every caterpillar you see. :P

Merging - I like that you added a weakness again, but this is a teleporting escape move. I do not like teleporting moves and instant escape moves. I can't really see this one working.

Sleep - We can go with 6 hour sleep, that is fine.

Hope I haven't hit you too hard Toilet. :( I will be posting the racials that aether had for Dhampires, they were pretty much on the money.


Thank you aether for this.

Dhampires regenerating powers is that of a humans. They will actually heal wounds and regain blood. A vampire cannot, and thus requires blood from others. If you drink the blood of another you can use that blood for your own powers. When you do, the healing comes from the ability to regen faster (all Dhampires get this). And because of this ability, if a Dhampire (or Vampire) gets low on blood they go into a rage. So Blood Rage and Dhampire's Feast are one in the same.

Blood Rage (Racial): A dhampire, however human they may be, all possess a certain urge to feed like any other vampire would. When they drain too much energy, a dhampire may fly into an uncontrollable blood rage, in which he/she must feed on blood until they are filled or are snapped out of it in some way.

Holy Vulnerability (Racial): While holy water is nothing more than a trickle or a drop of water on a dhampire's skin, due to their vampiric heritage, they take more damage from spells than a normal human would if they were stricken with a spell that inflicts holy damage. While they are not true vampires, darkness still holds ties in a dhampire's blood.

Youth of the Dhampire (Racial): A vampire is immortal. While Dhampires don't share the same privilege, their vampiric blood increases their lifespan by four times that of a normal human.

Eyes of the Dhampire (Racial): A dhampire can see in dark environments better than a regular human using their characteristic crimson colored eyes. While pitch black darkness is just that, this ability allows them to see better in low light from sources such as the moon, stars, candle light and so forth.

Claw and Fang (Racial): While not as fierce and deadly as their vampire predecessors, they still maintain a certain degree of lethality due to the fact that they have claws and fangs characteristic to their race.



There are three major guilds that have shown in the spot light. The fighter's guild, the mage's guild, and the now the famous healer's guild, that started the guild rush. There are other guilds as well, including the longest standing assassin's guild, but that is another matter. I will give you a quick history about these guilds.

Healer's Guild (A lot of this taken from my character)

A bunch of pacifists known around the world for their neutral healing. They would heal anyone for a certain price, always based on how much money the person asking for healing had. They are not racist, sexist, or stereotypical. Paladins usually do not like them, cause they heal anyone and do not harm people. They are becoming well known around the world. People do not mess with the healers, because if you harm a healer, you would be banned from getting heals, from the guild. People also do not anger the guild, healers were rare as it was, annoying them would just cause a more expensive bill and possible banning. Because of this, they tend to have some authority over others. Healers make the prices, if a person refuses to pay they can be banned or worse. A healer can only charge what a person has.

All priests carry a necklace that if the healer would be harmed, would mark the person who harmed them. A closely guarded secret among the guild. The necklaces power also had the ability to telepathically call for help if the healer was hurt. The radius went for a couple of miles and linked to anyone near by, telling the direction of the injured healer. The necklace would explode if a non-healer puts it on, no exceptions, and will explode if taken away for too long. The necklace allows healers to identify banned people, but the mark is open and obvious enough, it shines thru all clothing, like a hieroglyph. The necklaces have taken attention by people as they hold a deeper mystery than mere magical items. For so many magical items to be seen at once, in one group, is beyond rare. Even so, people have been unable to figure out the magic of these necklaces. The hieroglyph can only be removed by a high priest of the healer's order. No one has found a way to remove it magically.

The healer's guild has rules that all members must follow. Healers must heal all non banned, intelligent creatures. Evil, good, or odd. It doesn't matter. There are some ifs, like if the healer cannot get to them... or if the healer was threatened by the person. The amount of healing or payment required is up to the healer.

All healers are pacifists and must no inflict injury to any intelligent creature. Guild members cannot carry weapons meant for harming others, with the exception of healing weapons. (Weapons that help them heal.)

Healers must turn in 90% of the total funds earned healing others to the guild. Money earned by other means does not count.

Healers tend to have some authority over others, simply for the fact that you don't want to annoy them. (Abusive healers can be reported.) Any injured person can be put on the protection of a healer. If you attempt to attack someone under the protection, you can get banned.

The healer's guild has been spreading thru out Germany, they have became a problem for the holy roman empire to handle. The HRE is much more wary now, attacking the healer's guild could open into a revolt.

Healers that are normally accepted are people with the gift of healing. Any type of light user who can heal is generally welcome as long as they follow rules.

Mage's Guild

This is the 2ed major guild to pop up and they came right behind the healer's guild. Unlike the healer's guild, they have found no magical items for their members, but amongst the guilds, this is most popular one to join. Being headquartered in Denmark, like the Healer's guild, the mages have been branching out faster than the healer's guild. Unlike the healers, they don't need any buildings just made for them, they can just accept members where they want. The mages guild carry an insignia on there hand, a ring, that shows rank. With heavy support in Denmark and allies of other guilds and the people, HRE has not dared touch them either.

The rules of the guild are much different than the healers. Less restrictive. Mages must preform a test to get in, but that is about it. The guilds intention is to help the people with monsters an make hunting parties. To join, you must be able to cast magic (or some similar power). Good, evil, doesn't matter. You are not allowed to go into open killing sprees among the populace, as the guild has a good overtone. Doesn't mean you can't go to the local goblin cave and have a torching spree.

Some healer's who choose not to be pacifists, join but they have not had a good turn out. Most healers, heal and don't like others to be hurt. So it is rare to find a healer not from the healer's guild.

Fighter's Guild

Guild that actually formed in a city of the Holy Roman Empire. The fighter's guild has been spreading in the Germans and now even some of the Polands. Unlike the other guilds, they have more open door policy. As long as your good at swinging something, your in. They don't care if your sword is normal or bursting in flame.

The fighter's guild has been weak in the beginning but is now on a huge incline. The people of the Holy Roman Empire are either paladins or fighters, they lack the ability for element magic. So the popular thing is now, just join the fighter's guild, much easier than trying to become a paladin, a only noble job.


Note about the fighters and mages guild, both guilds have been trying to get the healer's guild to be open allies with them. Talks have happened but nothing has gone thru. The healers guild is on a tight rope, because all the members are technically considered heretics from the holy roman empire. But both guilds are very determined, they place there guilds next to the healer's guilds and will even follow them around as they create new ones. Mostly cause when training or when eliminating threats, having a healer with you is a very nice thing. The healer's guild does use this to there advantage, as they can travel more safely from monsters, wild animals, or even Romans soldiers. Most guilds have started figuring out ranks in the healer's guild by heart. This makes people high in the healer's guild get a lot of attention because of the ability they have to influence the guild to help the fighters and mages out.

There have been other minor guilds to show, bard's guild, paladin's guild, and a rogue's guild. But the guilds don't stand near the top three.

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