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Catherine Darenson

The Quiet One

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a character in “2024: Zombie Apocalypse”, as played by Cathy2014


Name - Catherine Darenson
Age - 23
Gender - Female

Height - 5-11
Weight -
Body type - Skinny
Eye color - green
Hair color - Blonde
Skin color - fair

General personality - Quiet, trusts no one, Will do almost anything to survive
Likes - books, guns
Dislikes - zombies
Ambitions - Living through the apocalypse

Career - U.S Army
Family - Mother = Dead, Father = Dead
General History - Catherine grew up in Chicago and as soon as she was 18 joined the military. Had one successful tour in Iraq and was on break in Chicago when the zombies struck. As zombies, looters, and other surviors destroyed the city Catherine fled into the woods surviving on whatever she could find or steal.

Strengths - Self Defense, Combat training, Snipers, Knives, stalking
Weaknesses - Lack of trust
Weapons - M700 suppresed (sniper), M1911, 2 U.S military bayonets and her Grandfather's WW2 Ka Bar (knife)
Suvival Knowlege - Extreme

So begins...

Catherine Darenson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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God why do you send people near me, haven't I killed enough Catherine thought. The two teens made it up the fire escape and just stood on the roof a moment. Do I stay here and watch them for a few days or should I move on to the next city Catherine checked her backpack and saw she was running low on water. Shit, I guess im staying here until I find more water....... I wonder if they have any She thought, still watching the teens on the roof. I need that water to survive, The sun was setting and Cathrine deicided to tell them that they were't alone. She took off the suppresor of her sniper, shot a waring shot above the teens head's and ran to a abanded building to plan her next move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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Dylan smiled a little bit when he heard Anastasia's reply about her and her father. He remember his mom giving him a talk, trying to persuade him from not joining the Los Angeles Police Department. The reason for that was she was worried her son was going to hurt or worse, when he walked his beat every shift. Dylan was brought out of his self reflection by Anastasia's question. "I'm from Los Angeles, born and raised there. Went through high school and then joined LAPD. How about you where are....Shit!" Dylan shouted as he heard the sound of the sniper rifle shot. "What the hell was that?" He looked at Anastasia.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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Why are they are still up there Cathy thought as she watched the man and girl talk for a bit.I could easily kill one of them right now maybe both she thought as she zoomed in with her sniper. The roof Catherine was hiding on was slightly taller than theirs giving her a clear view of everything they did. But if they looked closely they could probably see her too.Not worth it. If I miss or injure one instead of killing them they could hide and I would lose my chance at finding water. Cathy put away her sniper and just layed on the roof watching and waiting for them to move or fall asleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Skyler
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When she heard the snap Cathy immeditely ducked down thinking someone had shot at her. That wasnt a gun more like a branch or stick she thought. She peered over the edge of the building a saw a brown hair girl hiding in the alleyway. Who do we have hear Cathy pulled out her rifle got a bead on the girl and waited to see what she would do next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Skyler
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Rikki spotted Cathy, not sure what to do she put the machete between her backpack and her shirt where she hid a holder. Rikki smiled to try and show that she didn't want trouble. She then continued her path, her hands now in her pockets, keeping an eye out for walkers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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((I've skimmed over it an have a general idea of what's going on))
Eiko was being chased down by a zombie man( looks like he used to be a teacher). The zombie had a rusty pipe in hand and three bloody holes in his chest.
"Shit..." Eiko mumbled as she continued running. Blood was leaking from her forehead and her jeans had been ripped. She leaped on a rock and jumped, twisting her body around so she faced the zombie.
"Go to hell!!!" She shouted as she shot him in the head. The zombie falls to the ground dead. Eiko lands on the ground and breaths heavily. She turns her head and see' s a few people a few yards away from her talking.
"Survivors" she whispered, standing up slowly with gun in hand. She could make out one person's appearance, blond hair with a snipper.
"Maybe they have food." Places hand on growling stomach.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Where did all these people come from? Cathy thought when she noticed a small girl with pink hair running toward her. She pulled out her pistol aimed it at the ground near the girl's feet and fired. Stop she said. What is your name and what do you want


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Eiko gasped and stopped suddenly. "What name's Eiko! I've been looking for survivors." Her stomach then gave off a loud growl. Eiko blushed. "And food..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Cathy took out a bag of crackers and her last bottle of water and gave it to the pink haired girl. Thats my last bottle of water don't drink all of it. She said You destroyed that zombie following you, who taught you how to shoot?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Eats crackers and takes a small sip of water. "When I was little, my father tried to hurt my sister and I. I had to do something, so I guess it's kinda a sink or swim situation." Hands the water back and wipes mouth with sleeve. "Thank you, by the way" She clears her through as she runs a hand over her messy pink hair while looking up at the dull cloudy sky. "N-now if you don't mind my asking, can I get your name?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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No you can't get my name. Now please leave. There are two survivors on the building across from us and a brown haired girl roaming the streets if you want company. she said pointing her gun at the girl again. Dont make me shoot you.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Eiko blinks once while looking at the blond. Her red eyes then swirl into a bright blue baby color. "You don't trust people so you chose to be alone in the world with no one helping you." She chuckled a bit as the blue in her eyes became darker ocean-like color. "I used to be like you." She latched her gun into her belt loop. As she walked forward, past the blond, she stopped a few feet away from behind her. "Thanks again for the food."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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0.00 INK

No problem. Cathy said. Once the girl left she turned her head to the setting sun. Why did I give her that water. I need that. Idiot, feeling bad for others will get you killed. she thought sadly. There was a few zombies walking around on the streets below. She deicided to take her anger out on them. Quickly she pulled out her sniper attached the suppressor and killed two zombies, then she stopped. Great now im wasting ammo. She put away her sniper and sat on the edge of the roof watching the sun disapeer over the horizon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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0.00 INK

Cathy woke up around seven in the morning. What? I fell asleep, not good. She looked around and saw her backpack laying by the door. I didn't leave that there. She thought. That must mean........ CRAP She got up ran over to the backpack opened it and fount it empty. And her sniper was gone too. All she had left was her knife and an empty backpack Fricken looters everywhere. she thought. Then she heard footsteps. She looked at the opened door and froze. A small person had reached the top and was pointing a gun at her. He had a hockey mask on as well as a black hoodie. She backed up a little and put her hands up. He pointed at the backpack then to him. Give it to me. he said codly. She walked over to her backpack picked it up and threw it at the looter. He dropped his gun and caught the backpack. Cathy ran over to the gun pointed and shot the man in the chest. He fell back and a puddle of blood soon engulfed him. She went over to the man pulled the hockey mask off his face. Then she took off his hoodie and pulled it over her gray shirt. She picked up her backpack strapped it on and put on the hockey mask. Then she pulled up her hood and tried to hide all her blonde hair behind the mask. Once she was sure that none of her hair could be seen she quickly ran downstairs.

She looked over to the man and girl on the rooftop. They better have some food and water. Quietly she crossed the street and climbed the fire ladder up to the roof. They were both looking the other way. Cathy smiled behind her mask. She pulled out her knife and walked over to the girl and then knocked her out with the back of her knife. But before she could knock out the man he turned around and spotted her. Oh shit. Twirling her knife in her hand she took a defenseve postion and watched him waiting for him to attack.

((Ok i wanna move on. WITH OR WITHOUT mettallic girl))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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Dylan spun around the second he heard Anastasia fall to the ground, apparently knocked out. He then saw the attacker standing behind her fallen form. A looter, must of knocked out Anasatasia.. He reached over and grabbed his M4 and pointed it at the looter who had taken a defensive position while holding her knife. There was no easy way of getting out of this, that much Dylan was certain of, however he would have to try. He slowly walked forward while keeping the assault rifle trained on the looter.

"How about you take a step back and go back down to whatever hellhole that managed to spit your ass out of." Dylan ordered darkly to the looter, not lowering his aim for a second. "And perhaps maybe I won't turn you into a nice Swiss cheese snack for the undead."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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Cathy didn't see the gun earlier. She did now. Cathy dropped her knife but didn't move. She looked the man from head to toe. This is gonna get ugly. she thought biting her lip behind the mask. Then she rushed the man tackling him to the ground . The gun dropped useless to the ground, quickly she kicked it off the roof. Then she turned to the man who had recovered from the attack and had stood up. Smiling behind the mask she decided to throw the first punch, a mean left hook aimed at his jaw.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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0.00 INK

Dylan let out a small groan of pain as the looter had charged him and succeeded in tackling him to the ground, judging from the size he'd guess the looter was female. Son of a bitch! He cursed as he saw his M4 assault rifle was kicked off the roof out of the corner of his eye, the looters was going to get it now. Pulling himself back onto his feet, Dylan turned and saw the looter make the first move which was a left hook aimed for his face. Not this time. He brought himself to counter the punch, it was what he often did in taking down drunken perps who thought it'd be a good idea to hit a police officer. He caught the punch and grabbed the looter's left arm twisting it behind her body. He swung his leg forward to sweep her legs out so he'd be able to pin her to the ground.

To add pressure, Dylan applied pressure to the looter's back as he held her to the ground. Using one hand to hold her twisted arm, he grabbed his Glock from the holster and pressed against the back of her head. "Now are you ready to play nice?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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While the world ended, Dylan's instincts as an officer didn't. He did a pat down of the looter in case she had any hidden weapons or tools on her that could be used against him. Finding none on her, he stood up and took a step back. "Now stand up, slowly now. Try anything and you'll be the zombies' next dish." Dylan ordered as he kept his Glock training on her to she if the looter would try any funny business. Looking over he saw the knife that she dropped, and kicked it away farther from the looter. "Take off the mask, and maybe we can work this out."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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Slowly Cathy stood up. Looking the man in the eyes she pulled off the mask and lowered the hood, revealing long dirty blonde hair. What do you want she muttered looking at the ground waiting for an answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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He watched as she pulled off the mask, revealing her face and blonde hair. Dylan took a minute to observe her before getting to the matter at hand. "I want to know why you thought it was a good idea to attack my friend and try to do the same to me?" He inquired as he looked at her, noting that she was looking at the ground and not at him.