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28 Months Later



a part of 28 Months Later, by Adig01.

Filled with the Infected, and still the few who live

Adig01 holds sovereignty over London, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

378 readers have been here.


Plenty of places to hide, restock.. and rebuild
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Filled with the Infected, and still the few who live


London is a part of 28 Months Later.

11 Characters Here

Maya Waters [0] On a large enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
Odd Enderson [0] "Don't panic"
Hazel [0] Pikey girl stopping in to London to loot
Katalina Baradah [0] An israeli commando, sent with a platoon of other to help the American Military. She's the sole survivor.
Jason Simmons [0] "Just have to survive..."
Lt. Col. Ian Novak [0] A young American soldier trying to stabilize London.
Daniel Kemp [0] "I don't think this will ever end.."
Felx Vict [0]
John Underdog [0] Insanity with a new face
Lee Telson [0] "Not again..."

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#, as written by Adig01
Danny sat alone on a bench in the middle of the street, his backpack by his side and a sandwich in his hand. The infected had been pretty quiet lately, and he was taking advantage of the situation, and eating his lunch outside in the warmth, complemented by a cool breeze. "Ahh.. what a lovely day, shame I didn't being any suncream out here with me" he chuckled and took another bite of his sandwich

Danny turned his head, looking up the desolate street. It was quiet, with the exception of the gentle breeze that rang through his ears now and again. It had been about a year since he had seen another Human, and he was quite suprised himself that he had lived, especially due to the fact he was only fourteen when we had started out being alone. But for now he was content and sat silently


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A car sped around the curve. Loud music resonated out of the vehicle as the driver slammed the brakes, turned sharply, and hit the gas again. (tokyo drift) It left the front of the car, and the RPK heavy machine gun bolted to the front, facing the bench. Someone leaned out from the driver's side and grabbed the end of the grip and placed a finger around the trigger. The gloved hand stopped, and slowly pulled away as the door slid up. A boot hit the floor with a crunch and out stepped Felx. His hair was a complete mess, but his trench coat and black pants were fine. He removed his sunglasses (that didn't have any lenses, so its kind of pointless) and stared at Danny, sitting alone on the bench.
A few seconds passed by before Felx stepped back into his car and pulled it away slowly so that the front didn't point at Danny and then emerged from the car again with a plastic bag. He walked up to the bench and took a seat, reached into his bag, and pulled out a can of spray cheese.
He pointed at Danny and sprayed the yellow contents on him. "Oh shit, your real!" He tossed the can away like food was no big deal and discarded the bag. "I thought I was the last one! Oh god oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god oh god oh god! But where are my manners? I'm..." He stopped and looked around. Something in his expression changed to that of someone that had lived their whole life angry at something.
Felx stood and started to walk away.


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#, as written by Adig01
"Wha..whats that?" Danny heard music blasting out from nearby, listning closely. " no no no!!" he started to say, watching the car fly around the corner and park infront of him. A man had just bombarded him with words and spray cheese, then just began to walk away. He stood up and walked after the man, calling out to him, "Do you have -any- idea what you've god damn done?!" His voice was now angry

Danny gripped his forehead and looked over his shoulder and to his sides, "You can't just drive around like that! Your gunna get us all killed! they follow sounds!" He was now furious, he'd spent so much time clearing this place, and it had just got quiet. He threw his sandwich on the floor and grunted, "Who the hell are you?! what the hell are you doing here?!" he paused for a moment, "Are you clinicly insane?!"


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::From a distance he approached, silently and without making much noise except for every step that hit the sand as he walked along it, taking in his surrondings carefully behind those sunglasses as he did. He didn't hum, he didn't sing, he didn't say one word to anyone or anything around him. And then he saw something unusual around these parts at this time of day without that many 'infected' they were called around them now; life. Actual life other then themselfs that seem to have survived throughout this whole thing without getting infected as well and becoming one of the blood-thristy savages that had begun to spread rage throughout the world itself it seemed. He stopped at this, going into his own thoughts at what to do then as he saw someone drawing attention towards them, and that's when it hit him; he was going to bring in a horde to make them have some fun.

Now he had to get some way to make sure that something was loud enough to draw attention towards the two and then just leave like he was never even there. Even though he seemingly was one of them now, he was at times mistaken from someone alive, and he made sure they payed the price for being so careless and idiotic as to attack him. But he had to first get the attention upon himself first before anything else. And so, with only wearing that jacket that was unzipped to show his pale skin, those sunglasses that hid his eyes from the rest of the world, those jeans that had been torn at the knees to reveal more of his pale skin out to the world, and then his bare feet which didn't even have socks on them, he made his way over to the man that had just spoken and then stopped only a distance away, hoping the man would make some kind of reaction as to his apperance or something at least to acknowledge his existance::


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"Felx." He turned around. "Insane?" He took a few steps towards his car, completely ignoring-input name of Teh's Character-and Danny's other questions. "Waste of a sandwich kid." He lifted the passenger door then went around the front into his seat. "Need a ride?" he clicked the music box off. (yes, I said music box) He placed his lenseless sunglasses back on and eyed the newcomer.
Felx twisted awkwardly in his seat to face the back and found a large black body bag. With one hand he unzipped it, and fished out his fire ax with the other. The engine of his car shuddered and came to life. With the hand that hadn't been occupied by the ax, Felx grabbed the handle of the RPK machine gun and pointed it just to the left (right?) of Danny. He pulled the trigger.
-click, click, click-
Nothing happened. Felx twisted around again to try and find a drum (box?) of ammo.


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#, as written by Volshi
Lee came running round the corner, notcing the two and the car. He was sprinting down the road owards them yelling. "RUN! FUCKING RUN!" He yelled, as he quickly approached the car. "QUICK!"
Lee dived into the backseat of the car, signalling the two too climb in, as a large swarm of the infected sprung round the corner, shouting and snarling.

"HURRY THE FUCK UP!" He panted as he hurdled around the back of the car.


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"I'll hurry the fuck up when I'm fucking ready to hurry the fuck up!" Felx roared at the newcomer. "You could at least say 'please'!"


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#, as written by Adig01
Danny looked up the street to see the man bolting down it with the infected chasing him, "Oh for Gods sake.. This is all your fault damnit!" He wasted no time arguing and got in the passenger seat, looking over at Felx, "Fucking PLEASE drive the damn car!" Danny yelled at him as the Infected drew ever closer. "Their going to be here in exactly 7.23 seconds! so moveeeeee!!!"


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The engine revved and the tires spun until gaining traction, at which point the car sped away. "How fast would you say those things could run?" The RPK HMG mounted on the front of the car easily slid over to the passenger window on the rail it was attached to. "Grab some ammo and get ready, they may get in front of us."
Felx, with out thinking, flipped the switch on the large music playing device that looked like something between a jukebox and an MP3 player.
"Tik Tok, don't stop..." Played loudly. (I hate that song...)
"Theres ammo and a fire ax in the back. Grab them, fast!" The car jerked sharply around a corner with a "thump." "Think he's dead?"


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"Hold." ::His voice called out, an arm raising as infected would slowly stop and line up it would seem, but slowly as he would look at them:: "Let them get some distance.... Then go after them. You." ::He pointed to one of the infected as he aimed his thumb towards where they went:: "Follow them, be my eyes on them, report back to me when they have stopped somewhere." ::The infected could only moan and nod, as it would give chase after them while he would look towards the others:: "Right... Get into positions, we're going." ::He would say, walking off then as the infected could only moan and groan and follow behind him. He could only sigh as another human ruined his plans yet again, yet he would make up for it by making sure they couldn't get another breath of air ever again by his hands::


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"You guys ever get the feeling your being followed?" Felx checked his mirrors but didn't see anything, most likely because they were all cracked. God... "Hand me some ammo. Now."


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#, as written by rosea
a camper van with various dark coloured scarves and pieces of clothing hanging on a line along the side of it turns out from a side street a few hundred meters ahead. Hazel taps her hand on the steering wheel and hums the tune to a folk song playing quietly on the tape player. she flicks her eyes to the rear view mirror seeing the car full on boys behind and the hoard. she lets out a small 'holy fock' of shock and taps the break before continuing down the road at the same pace, she rapidly waves her arm out the divers window and then grabs a crumpled white piece of paper on from the passengers seat and waves it out the window too.


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Jason frowned as he hid in the shadows of an alley. He could see people, uninfected people, which was good. What was bad, however, was all the noise they were making. Didn't they realized that will attract the infected? They should, after surviving for all this time. He was sure they were survivors. They definitely didn't look like soldiers.


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#, as written by Adig01
Felx stopped the car and climbed out, walking around the the other side and dragging his two passangers out also. As quick as that, he got back in, and drove off. Daniel stood looking baffled, an arm from a camper van, some random guy with guns, and now the crazy bastard who dragged him out here, left him here to potentially die. "What... the fuck.. just happened?!" He stood and rubbed his head in thought as he looked around, shaking his head angrily like he knew this was going to happen.

Daniel groaned and gritted his teeth, "I get absolutly perfect silence.. Something I worked for, for over a god damn year!" He paced, keeping his works sharp but quiet, "The some stupid asshole, screws up everything! I might as well serve myself with a side of garlic butter!" he sighed, almost wondering to himself who he was talking to. This day couldn't possibly get worse, so why did it feel like it could?


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#, as written by rosea
Hazel spots Daniel in her rear view mirror and reverses quickly down the road, past the ally jason hides in, though she does not see him. "hop en" she yells booting the campervan door open, and franticly looking over her shoulder at the hoard of zombies approaching. the inside of the campervan is riddled with cans of food, blankets, scarves, a banjo and notes on pieces of paper scattered about. 'jeepers, creepers' plays softly on the tape player.


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#, as written by Adig01
Daniel turned his head to Lee, who didn't move, but took out his gun and began mowing down the horde the best he could, but to no avail. "GOOO!!" Lee screamed at him and the girl who had just turned up. Having no other choice, he got into the camper van and looked in the mirror, watching the scene as Lee was overwhelmed, and then devoured by the infected horde. Danny looked over at the girl and shrugged, shaking his head franticly, "Go?!"


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#, as written by rosea
Hazel looks danny up and down quickly then slams on the accelerator


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Jason's eyes widened as he saw that the others were about to leave. He ran towards the car and shouted, "Hey! Wait for me!!! I'm a doctor!"

If he was lucky, they'd believe him and let him join them.


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#, as written by Adig01