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Evony Lucy Harrington

"The band is everything now. And I won't let anything ruin them."

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a character in “A bottle of tequilla and some music please!”, as played by LittleMissGeorgia



Theme Songs

Live To Tell Nobody’s Home


Full Name
Evony Lucy Harrington

Nick Names
Her parents used to call her Ev, but it’s been a long time since she was close enough to anyone to warrant a nickname.




† Her son, Harry
† Music
† Alcohol, particularly vodka, that way it’s harder to smell it on her breath
† The band


† Being alone or feeling lonely
† Ryan
† Planes, they always make her ever so slightly nervous when she flies
† Feeling out of control


- Alcohol, she likes to use it to forget
- Sex with strangers, anyone will do really


Manager of the band

Relationships with others

Legally, Evony is still married to Ryan (see history), and he still claims to love her, but the current state of their relationship leaves Evony lonely and in each new location the band visits, she will usually find someone to sleep with, just for the night.


- She is legally married to Ryan Nixon who runs the record label (see history)
- She has a three year old son named Harry (see history)
- She regularly has sex with complete strangers wherever the band happen to be for the evening, although she’s pretty sure most of the band members know this
- Although she won’t admit it and denies it even to herself, she is very dependent on alcohol, using it to forget the things she doesn’t want to remember.


She has long brunette hair that falls in natural curly waves down her back, although she will straighten it occasionally. Her eyes are a chocolate brown framed by thick, dark eyelashes. Her skin has a smooth, all-over tan, only blemished by small scars on her wrists where she was held down as she was raped. Her son’s initials and date of birth are tattooed in very small letters onto her wrist to try and cover the scars, although no one knows the meaning of the marking.

Evony is very secretive. After years of being conditioned not to trust anyone and not to fall into the trap of telling people things, only to be burnt, this is the only way she knows to be. She is convinced someone is out to get her and always very suspicious of people’s motives. No one’s intentions are pure, no one is doing something just because they want to or because that’s the kind of person they are. Everyone’s actions must be thought through to intentionally hurt her. She doesn’t like to be touched by anyone unless she touches them first. In fact, any advancement from a stranger towards Evony is likely to earn them a cold, cutting dismissal. But if it’s her choice to approach them, her manner is entirely different. If she wants something from someone, she has the ability to be very persuasive indeed. There are few lines she won’t cross to get what she wants.

She is very fond of the band. She feels as if she has helped build them up from nothing and they are almost like her own children, as she has watched them grow up and helped them along. This job was her dream all along and she would never do anything to intentionally jeopardise the band or her job. But despite her affection towards them, they also irritate her too; some with their annoying habits, others with their aggravating personality traits. But she is protective of them and wouldn’t let anything happen to them. Even though it does feel as if she spends most of her life clearing up their messes…

But Evony does have a much darker side, one she attempts to keep hidden from others with the façade of someone who drinks and parties with the band and sleeps around. She’s desperately lonely and deeply miserable. On the evenings she can’t find anyone to spend the night with, she will sit alone in her room drinking and crying; missing her little boy and the husband she once had but was long lost to his own mind. But she’d be mortified to think anyone had ever seen her like that and it’s a secret she keeps hidden from others at all costs.

Evony was born as the eldest of three daughters in a fairly middle-class family and grew up in New York. Growing up, she was always interested in music, and although she had no musical talent of her own, she had a certain talent for finding those who did. In high school, she played manager to a band her friends had created and they were soon scouted out by a large record label. Their first album was a raging success across America and then the world. And, although the band burnt out after their first album, Ryan Nixon, who ran the label, saw her talent. He quickly employed her to help get new bands off the ground.

While working there, Evony began a relationship with Ryan, head of the label and thirty years her senior. But the relationship remained a secret, covered up by Ryan who didn’t want the bad reputation that came with dating an employee. But it was alright to Evony that no one knew, because they loved each other and that was all that mattered.

When she was twenty-two, they got married on an island in the Maldives in complete secrecy. But that was where the sweetness ended. Ryan became more and more paranoid about security, certain that someone would discover their relationship and tarnish his good reputation. At first, Evony agreed with the cover-up, not wanting people to think she only got the job and subsequent promotions because she was ‘screwing the boss’, so to speak. But as the lengths Ryan was willing to go to for secrecy became more and more extreme, she was beginning to think this whole lie had been one big mistake from the beginning. But expressing her worries to Ryan didn’t change his mind. In fact, he became even more paranoid. Convinced she was turning against him, he became very controlling of Evony. At work he watched her constantly out of the corner of his eye and at home he raped her frequently as a method of control. By this time, his elaborate lie had become his whole world and he would protect it with everything he had.

A week after her twenty-fourth birthday, Evony had baby Harry. She’d hadn’t been allowed to leave the house by Ryan for sixth months preceding his birth and he wouldn’t even let her go to hospital to have him. Instead, he paid someone to deliver the baby at home and bribed them to keep Evony’s name off the birth certificate. Three days later, Ryan legally adopted Harry, passing the baby off as his adoptive son. But this was the end of it for Evony. This betrayal had finally shown her what Ryan was really capable of and she threatened to go to the police with the information. But Ryan told her she would never see her son again. He would be able to pay-off anyone who believed her and she’d be penniless and alone. Instead, he offered her a compromise. His talent scout had recently found a band at a Battle of the Bands event that they had signed and believed they were going to be huge. Evony was offered a position as their manager. She would tour with them and help make them successful while keeping his secret. In exchange, she could see her son whenever she returned to the city, keep a job and remain with access to Ryan’s sizeable fortune. Ryan still claimed to love her, despite what had happened, and continues to have sex against her will whenever she visits her son.

Evony signed the contract and became their manager. She’s been with them ever since.

So begins...

Evony Lucy Harrington's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evony Lucy Harrington Character Portrait: Sutton Michael Henderson
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Evony glanced down at her watch as she lifted her wrist to take a sip of her latte. They were late.

She'd flown in half an hour before on a different flight, giving her just enough time to collect her luggage, have it sent to the hotel and order herself a drink in Starbucks. While the band had stopped over in Miami, Evony had taken a direct flight from New York a few hours later so she could spend just a few more hours in the city with her little boy, Harry. But, despite what she tried to tell herself, another few hours never helped. She was always left feeling just as bereft when he was swept cruelly from her arms by her husband and record label owner, Ryan, than if she'd had him a few hours less. She'd boarded a plane in New York a short while later with an utterly dead, empty feeling in her chest, the only physical proof she'd been with her son were the bruises dappling her thin wrists that she'd received when she was held down by Ryan as he forced himself on her, the price she paid for spending any time in a house that used to be hers. On the flight over, she'd ordered as many vodka's as she could put away in a seven hour flight, putting the cost on expenses, which caused the world to blur pleasantly at the edges, dulling her pain slightly.

Evony lifted her white iPhone from her pocket, confirming the time to be as she thought. They were definitely late, and she'd checked the flight wasn't delayed so the hold up was in the airport. She prayed it wasn't customs they were held up at. She'd had managed a band once before that got themselves banned from travelling after multiple failed attempts to bring cocaine with them on tour into different countries, often hidden in the most inventive places... Needless to say, that was the end of their music career.

She glanced round to make sure no one was watching her, before cupping her iPhone with both hands and typing the code in quickly. Then she looked up again, certain no one had seen her pass code. She was paranoid about her own personal security, there was always someone out to get her. She opened up her contacts and quickly placed a call to Sutton, the stage hand. The boy was permanently attached to his phone. If he didn't answer, they were in serious trouble.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evony Lucy Harrington Character Portrait: Sutton Michael Henderson
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Before Dan had a chance to answer, Sutton felt his phone vibrating on his thigh, then he looked down and checked the caller I.D. Evony, the manager. "Shit," he cursed under his breath, then unlocked his phone and pressed the talk button, then pressed the phone up to his ear. "Hey, we're here," he communicated into the speaker.

Unlike with the members of the band, Sutton actually spoke more than a couple of words at a time with Evony. He found her trustworthy, hell, the woman was interesting. Interesting was an understatement, of course, but no other word came to mind when he thought of her. Maybe it was because of his gift for observation, but Sutton sometimes saw the pain in her eyes. At times when he was close enough, he heard the tired tone in her voice. "Before you say anything, some of the luggage got lost on the way here...everyone's freaking out over it, so they went to talk to the people at the front..." He tried to keep a smart ass smile off his lips, sometimes he felt as if Evony could sense the look on his face even from miles away. The thought itself was amusing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evony Lucy Harrington Character Portrait: Douma Allen Vacante Character Portrait: Indiana Scarlett Karver Character Portrait: Sutton Michael Henderson Character Portrait: James Locksley Character Portrait: Morgan "Mo" Monprofit
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Indiana Scarlett Karver

Indiana sighed and shook her head. "Our first gig is supposed to be tomorrow night but it's for a small venue. I'm sure Evony knows more about it than I do...Speaking of...where is she? I'm surprised we haven't heard from her yet..." Just as she spoke Sutton's phone rang and she could tell it was Evony on the other line. She chuckled softly under her breath and shook her head. 'Figures she'd call Sutton...none of the rest of us answer our phones religiously.' she thought.

Indiana headed back over to the help desk and described the luggage they were missing, filled out some paperwork and nodded in Mo's direction. "She seemed more pleasant after I gave her more information. She said they'd be sending us our stuff as soon as it came in. I told her it was urgent but i'm sure she hears that all the time." Her head automatically swiveled back in James' direction and she nodded. "A beer sounds mighty fine right now. I could certainly use one."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evony Lucy Harrington Character Portrait: Sutton Michael Henderson
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Sutton's smooth, slow Californian drawl filled her ear as he answered the phone. "Before you say anything, some of the luggage got lost on the way here...everyone's freaking out over it, so they went to talk to the people at the front..."

Evony hissed softly under her breath in irritation. These fucking airlines, she couldn't trust them to do anything right. She stood up, sweeping her handbag back over her should and picking up the latte. She was thankful, as always, for her annoying habit of taking everything to go, rooted in a deep urge to always be able to run away if she needed to. As she stood up, the world swayed slightly around her, and she smiled, comforted that the alcohol was in her system to make everything slightly less harsh. She quickly regained her balance. She could easily drink much more than this, and did so on a regular basis. This amount of alcohol wouldn't even prevent her from walking in a straight line, let alone seem to others as if she were drunk. Over the years, she'd become adept at hiding things she didn't want others to know; a skill she was constantly grateful for.

"Find the rest of the band and meet me in the Servisair Executive Lounge in Terminal One with whatever luggage you do have... Order yourselves something alcoholic and I'll meet you there once I've sorted out this mess..." she told him firmly. As she spoke she pictured the band and their entourage running riot through the airport. She cared for them deeply, but sometimes she simply couldn't trust them to be responsible for anything. Just as she was about to hang up, she remembered something. "Oh, and text me a list of what's missing." With that, she pressed the end call button on the phone.

She strode through the airport, her heels clicking against the hard floor as she walked. She felt a dull, sickening sinking feeling in the bottom of her stomach as she thought through what to do about this whole situation. She knew the protocol in these kind of situations. She was meant to call someone at the label to have it the problem escalated. Her, swanning round the airport demanding to speak to the manager would do little good. But a call from a big-shot record label owner to the airport would be sure to get her an audience with the highest up members management at the airport and their bags on the next flight out, more than likely each with its own personal armed guard to make sure it reached it's given destination. She knew who she had to call, and she knew who she would end up speaking to.

With a sigh, Evony dialled the record label. "Evony Harrington, manager of (*insert band name here*). I need to speak with Mr Nixon about an urgent issue regarding a problem we're having at Heathrow Airport."

"Miss Harrington, I'll put you through," Ryan's secretary told her. Evony flinched at the sound of her name, picturing her shiny gold wedding band, stitched into a tiny teddy belonging to Harry that she always kept in the bottom of her bag. The teddy had long since stopped smelling of her son, but it still reminded her of him. And, she hadn't seen the ring in years, but it comforted her, somehow, to know it was in there. By law, she should be Mrs Nixon. But, of course, Ryan would've never had it. And so, when anyone addressed her by her maiden name, she was just left feeling like her life had been one big worthless lie.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evony Lucy Harrington Character Portrait: Douma Allen Vacante Character Portrait: Sutton Michael Henderson
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Dan smiled at Sutton, then let him take Evony's call. He had a way with their manager and he respected that more than the way anyone else talked to her. He waited, listening to his voice before responding to his previous words. He comfortably relaxed back against the wall, trying to settle his breathing again. "I'm glad the flight was good for you, dude. I mostly just listened to Owl City and played games on my phone til it died. And then yknow, just pulled out the portable dvd player and marathoned Doctor Who. It was great. I've just got a headache and I kinda feel like I'm coming off my meds. God I really hope my bag shows up." He looked around, and gave his bandmates an obviously kidding scowl. "Sure, shove it in the face of the guy who still can't drink, even here." he said, sarcasm dripping friendly from his lips. He rummaged through his carryon one more time, and relaxed, finding his bottle of pills at the bottom. Good. That would keep him until at least whenever the rest of their luggage came in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evony Lucy Harrington Character Portrait: Douma Allen Vacante Character Portrait: Annie Roth Character Portrait: Sutton Michael Henderson
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0.00 INK

With a serious nod at Evony's words, Sutton hung up, then got to this feet again and looked around, dusting his hands off. Evony wanted a list of what everyone was missing, which meant that Sutton had to do what he almost never did and talk to the whole band at the same time. "YO, THAT WAS EVONY," he called out, then looked down at Dan. "Can you get all of em to get over here? Urgent message from the manager. She wants a list of everything we lost and told us to meet at the Servisair Executive Lounge in Terminal One with all the crap we DO have." He opened a new message addressed to Evony and began typing at lightning speed: "I have all of my stuff, Dan is missing some of his tech equipment, then I think everyone else is missing something. I will let you know in a couple."

Having typed that, he turned to look at Naomi, then quickly walked over to her. "What are ya missing again? Manager wants to know so we can get this problem solved as quickly as possible."

This was the good thing about Sutton. When it came to serious times in which action had to be taken, he knew exactly what to do. His leader mode kicked in, reguardless of who he was speaking to at that given time. And if anything, he did not want to let Evony down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evony Lucy Harrington Character Portrait: Douma Allen Vacante Character Portrait: Sutton Michael Henderson
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0.00 INK

Looking down at his phone in concentration, Sutton's thumbs worked over the screen as he typed a complete list of what everyone was missing, then sent it to Evony. He watched as the message sent, then looked up at everyone and grabbed his bags, once again shouldering his smallest one. His phone wasn't completely charged, he only got about 20%, and he hated more than anything to unplug it while it was desperately eating away energy from the outlet. This was one of his weird quirks, he treated his technology like it was his child, which meant protecting it.

Groaning, he had no choice but to unplug the phone, then he took out the converter and handed it back to Dan. "Thanks," he simply told him, then pocketed his phone and got ready to follow everyone else. He wasn't too keen on the idea of alcohol at the moment, but he sure as hell wasn't going to be a buzzkill and be the only one who didn't purchase a beer, at least other than Dan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evony Lucy Harrington
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Evony waited for a few seconds as the phone went dead. Then a familiar tone sounded, meaning she was being put through.

"Mr Nixon speaking. How can I help you, Miss Harrington?" The sound of Ryan's voice made Evony feel sick to her stomach and she dragged in a deep breath as she tried to force the memory of him, his heavy body pressing down against her as he raped her less than twelve hours ago. His formal tone made it all the more unnerving. But she should be use to it by now. He would never speak to her truthfully on the phone or by text or email, believing anyone could be looking in on them and may reveal his secret.

"Mr Nixon," Evony greeted him, ignoring her own thoughts to address the real reason she'd called. "My band have just landed in Heathrow Airport in London. Upon arrival, we discovered a number of items had been left behind when the plane stopped over in Miami. It's essential we get them quickly as they contain instruments needed for tomorrow night's gig. We can't afford for the airport's usual waiting times for lost luggage and I need you to ensure we receive it in a timely fashion," she said, her voice businesslike and polite.

"I will make a call to the airline personally to make certain your missing luggage will be leaving Miami straight away," he responded sharply.

"I appreciate that, Mr Nixon," Evony said blankly. There was nothing she wanted more than to ask after her son. She wanted desperately to hear that he was sleeping and he was happy. But she couldn't say a word. She knew it would be a long time before she got to hold him again. And even then, it wouldn't be for long.

"Goodbye, Miss Harrington. Send the band my best wishes for their European tour," Ryan told her before hanging up.

Evony replaced the phone in her pocket, staring straight ahead, dazed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evony Lucy Harrington Character Portrait: Indiana Scarlett Karver Character Portrait: Sutton Michael Henderson Character Portrait: James Locksley Character Portrait: Zachary Osier Character Portrait: Morgan "Mo" Monprofit
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0.00 INK

Looking back at Morgan, Sutton tried to remember the name of the place they were supposed to go to. Usually he had no problem with memory, but a fog was settling into his brain, and it was hard for him to even remember where they were right now. "Servisair Executive Lounge in Terminal One," he said, then nodded to himself. "Yeah, that's it," sighing, he shoved his hands in his pockets, then began walking a little ahead of them. Apperantly Naomi and Dan were not going to join in on the 'festivities', which meant Sutton was probably going to sit in the corner a little awkwardly with the band and listen to what Evony had to tell them. He had no problem with this, of course, but he didn't want to feel like he was intruding on the band talk. But he was good for some things, like taking notes on his iPhone of whatever Evony wanted the band to remember. It made him feel important, to say the least. Although he didn't show it, Sutton cared just as much about the band as anyone else in the group, and liked to watch them succeed.

Since he was ahead of the group, he reached the lounge first, then looked around. Fairly empty, except a couple of people with their laptops in the corner, sipping on their whiskeys. He supposed he was going to order himself one as well, something a tad stronger than beer. Alcohol kept him just as alert as a good energy drink did, after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evony Lucy Harrington Character Portrait: James Locksley Character Portrait: Zachary Osier Character Portrait: Morgan "Mo" Monprofit
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Morgan was dead tired. Dan and Naomi were already going to the hotel. Morgan guessed Evony still had the booking papers for the hotel since she was the 'baby sitter' or maybe someone else had them. She was too tired to ask. Her legs were moving on their own. Step...step...step...step. She wasn't even fully aware of the people around her. As they moved to the lounge she kept thinking about the tour to come. It was going to be awesome. As she reached the lounge she walked over to the bar and ordered twoo beers. One for her and the one she promised Zach. Here you go She gave him the drink. I hope Evony will arrive soon because I just want to go to the hotel and sleep!

Hey! Morgan! Can you get me one of those red bulls please? she heard james shout. She looked around and saw him lying in one of the couches. She turned around and ordered a Red Bull. Just this one time James.... You owe me!


James was just moving forward. As the group was entering the lounge the first thing he wanted to do was sit down. He walked over to a couple of benches that looked very comfortable and fell down face first on one of the big leather ones. I am so damn tired! he said into the couch, his words smothered by the leather. He turned his head and saw Morgan getting a drink. Would they also have energy drinks? He could use one of them. He tried to get up out of the sofa but found he was too lazy for this. Hey! Morgan! Can you get me one of those red bulls please?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evony Lucy Harrington Character Portrait: Indiana Scarlett Karver Character Portrait: Sutton Michael Henderson
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Sutton was the last to order after the band, settling with a simple Daniels on the rocks, and giving the bartender a small smile as he collected his drink. He was in that stage where he was exhausted yet alert at the same time, his mind couldn't seem to decide which one wanted to over-take the other. Despite this, he sat a little away from the band, wanting to give them their space, and chose to look down into his glass at the ice floating around. He was just about to take a sip of his Daniels when he saw Evony walk in, a determined look on her face. She looked fierce, ready to conquer the world.

"Where's Indiana? Sutton, go and find her for me." Looking up, Sutton nodded and stood at the command, placing his glass on the table once more.

"On it," he responded, then walked out of the lounge, determined not to let Evony down. At times, he surprised even himself at how much he wanted to help her, to be her right hand man. He had the urge to make her life easier, and doing small tasks like these was no problem to him. He found Indiana in no time, then walked over to her quickly and leaned down to look at her. "Hey, Evony's arrived, she wants everyone at the lounge. Free booze?" he offered, then smiled a small smile and offered his hand to her to lift her up.